function paf_print_option_type_select($option_def) { $option_id = key($option_def); $option = $option_def[$option_id]; if ('~' === K::get_var('description', $option)) { $option['description'] = paf_option_return_dump($option_id); } $is_radio = 'radio' === $option['type']; $is_checkbox = 'checkbox' === $option['type']; $is_select = 'select' === $option['type']; $is_multiple = $is_checkbox || K::get_var('multiple', $option); // Enqueue select 2 if (!$is_checkbox && !$is_radio) { $protocol = is_ssl() ? 'https' : 'http'; wp_enqueue_script('select2', $protocol . '://'); wp_enqueue_style('select2', $protocol . '://'); } $options = array(); switch (K::get_var('options', $option, array())) { case 'posts': $posts = query_posts(K::get_var('args', $option, '')); foreach ($posts as $post) { $options[$post->ID] = $post->post_title; } if ($is_select && !$is_multiple) { $options = array('') + $options; } break; case 'terms': $taxonomies = K::get_var('taxonomies', $option, 'category,post_tag,link_category,post_format'); if (!is_array($taxonomies)) { $taxonomies = explode(',', $taxonomies); } $args = K::get_var('args', $option, array()); $terms = get_terms($taxonomies, $args); foreach ($terms as $term) { $options[$term->term_id] = $term->name; } if ($is_select && !$is_multiple) { $options = array('') + $options; } break; default: $options = K::get_var('options', $option, array()); break; } // Add an empty option to prevent auto-selecting the first radio if ($is_radio) { $options = array('__none__' => '') + $options; } // Escape HTML foreach ($options as $k => $v) { $options[$k] = htmlspecialchars($v); } K::select('paf[' . $option_id . ']', array('class' => 'paf-option-type-' . $option['type'], 'data-paf-separator' => K::get_var('separator', $option, '<br />'), 'multiple' => $is_multiple, 'style' => 'min-width: 25em;', 'data-paf-conditions' => K::get_var('conditions', $option) ? urlencode(json_encode(K::get_var('conditions', $option), JSON_FORCE_OBJECT)) : null, 'data-paf-default' => K::get_var('default', $option) ? urlencode(json_encode(K::get_var('default', $option), JSON_FORCE_OBJECT)) : null), array('options' => $options, 'selected' => isset($option['selected']) ? $option['selected'] : paf($option_id), 'format' => sprintf(paf_option_return_format('select'), paf_option_return_title($option_def), K::get_var('description', $option, '')))); }