function Header() { $str = $this->manga->Tipo == 16 ? _("Resultados") : _("Round scores"); $this->print_commonHeader($str); $this->print_identificacionManga($this->manga, $this->getModeString(intval($this->mode))); // Si es la primera hoja pintamos datos tecnicos de la manga if ($this->PageNo() != 1) { return; } $this->SetFont($this->getFontName(), 'B', 9); // bold 9px $jobj = new Jueces("print_resultadosByManga"); $juez1 = $jobj->selectByID($this->manga->Juez1); $juez2 = $jobj->selectByID($this->manga->Juez2); $this->Cell(20, 7, _('Judge') . " 1:", "LT", 0, 'L', false); $str = $juez1['Nombre'] === "-- Sin asignar --" ? "" : $juez1['Nombre']; $this->Cell(70, 7, $str, "T", 0, 'L', false); $this->Cell(20, 7, _('Judge') . " 2:", "T", 0, 'L', false); $str = $juez2['Nombre'] === "-- Sin asignar --" ? "" : $juez2['Nombre']; $this->Cell(78, 7, $str, "TR", 0, 'L', false); $this->Ln(7); $this->Cell(20, 7, _('Distance') . ":", "LB", 0, 'L', false); $this->Cell(25, 7, "{$this->resultados['trs']['dist']} mts", "B", 0, 'L', false); $this->Cell(20, 7, _('Obstacles') . ":", "B", 0, 'L', false); $this->Cell(25, 7, $this->resultados['trs']['obst'], "B", 0, 'L', false); $this->Cell(10, 7, _('SCT') . ":", "B", 0, 'L', false); $this->Cell(20, 7, "{$this->resultados['trs']['trs']} " . _('Secs'), "B", 0, 'L', false); $this->Cell(10, 7, _('MCT') . ":", "B", 0, 'L', false); $this->Cell(20, 7, "{$this->resultados['trs']['trm']} " . _('Secs'), "B", 0, 'L', false); $this->Cell(20, 7, _('Speed') . ":", "B", 0, 'L', false); $this->Cell(18, 7, "{$this->resultados['trs']['vel']} m/s", "BR", 0, 'L', false); $this->Ln(14); // en total tres lineas extras en la primera hoja }
function print_datosMangas() { $this->setXY(10, 40); $this->SetFont($this->getFontName(), 'B', 9); // bold 9px $jobj = new Jueces("print_Clasificaciones"); $juez1 = $jobj->selectByID($this->manga1->Juez1); $juez2 = $jobj->selectByID($this->manga1->Juez2); // asume mismos jueces en dos mangas $tm1 = Mangas::$tipo_manga[$this->manga1->Tipo][3] . " - " . $this->categoria; $tm2 = null; if ($this->manga2 != null) { $tm2 = Mangas::$tipo_manga[$this->manga2->Tipo][3] . " - " . $this->categoria; } $this->SetFont($this->getFontName(), 'B', 11); // bold 9px $this->Cell(80, 7, _('Journey') . ": {$this->jornada->Nombre}", 0, 0, '', false); $this->SetFont($this->getFontName(), 'B', 9); // bold 9px $this->Cell(20, 7, _('Judge') . " 1:", "LT", 0, 'L', false); $n = $juez1['Nombre']; $this->Cell(75, 7, $n === "-- Sin asignar --" ? "" : $n, "T", 0, 'L', false); $this->Cell(20, 7, _('Judge') . " 2:", "T", 0, 'L', false); $n = $juez2['Nombre']; $this->Cell(80, 7, $n === "-- Sin asignar --" ? "" : $n, "TR", 0, 'L', false); $this->Ln(); $trs = $this->trs1; $this->SetFont($this->getFontName(), 'B', 11); // bold 9px $this->Cell(80, 7, _('Date') . ": {$this->jornada->Fecha}", 0, 0, '', false); $this->SetFont($this->getFontName(), 'B', 9); // bold 9px $this->Cell(70, 7, $tm1, "LTB", 0, 'L', false); $this->Cell(25, 7, _('Dist') . ".: {$trs['dist']}m", "LTB", 0, 'L', false); $this->Cell(25, 7, _('Obst') . ".: {$trs['obst']}", "LTB", 0, 'L', false); $this->Cell(25, 7, _('SCT') . ": {$trs['trs']}s", "LTB", 0, 'L', false); $this->Cell(25, 7, _('MCT') . ": {$trs['trm']}s", "LTB", 0, 'L', false); $this->Cell(25, 7, _('Vel') . ".: {$trs['vel']}m/s", "LTRB", 0, 'L', false); $this->Ln(); if ($this->trs2 == null) { $this->Ln(); return; } $trs = $this->trs2; //$ronda=Mangas::$tipo_manga[$this->manga1->Tipo][4]; // la misma que la manga 2 $ronda = $this->getGradoString(intval($this->manga1->Tipo)); $this->SetFont($this->getFontName(), 'B', 11); // bold 9px $this->Cell(80, 7, _('Round') . ": {$ronda} - {$this->categoria}", 0, 0, '', false); $this->SetFont($this->getFontName(), 'B', 9); // bold 9px $this->Cell(70, 7, $tm2, "LTB", 0, 'L', false); $this->Cell(25, 7, _('Dist') . ".: {$trs['dist']}m", "LTB", 0, 'L', false); $this->Cell(25, 7, _('Obst') . ".: {$trs['obst']}", "LTB", 0, 'L', false); $this->Cell(25, 7, _('SCT') . ": {$trs['trs']}s", "LTB", 0, 'L', false); $this->Cell(25, 7, _('MCT') . ": {$trs['trm']}s", "LTB", 0, 'L', false); $this->Cell(25, 7, _('Vel') . ".: {$trs['vel']}m/s", "LTBR", 0, 'L', false); $this->Ln(); }
function Header() { $this->print_commonHeader(_("Round scores") . " (" . _("Teams") . ")"); $this->print_identificacionManga($this->manga, $this->getModeString(intval($this->mode))); // Si es la primera hoja pintamos datos tecnicos de la manga if ($this->PageNo() != 1) { return; } $this->SetFont($this->getFontName(), 'B', 9); // bold 9px $jobj = new Jueces("print_resultadosEquipos3"); $juez1 = $jobj->selectByID($this->manga->Juez1); $juez2 = $jobj->selectByID($this->manga->Juez2); $this->Cell(20, 5, _("Judge") . " 1:", "LT", 0, 'L', false); $str = $juez1['Nombre'] === "-- Sin asignar --" ? "" : $juez1['Nombre']; $this->Cell(70, 5, $str, "T", 0, 'L', false); $this->Cell(20, 5, _("Judge") . " 2:", "T", 0, 'L', false); $str = $juez2['Nombre'] === "-- Sin asignar --" ? "" : $juez2['Nombre']; $this->Cell(78, 5, $str, "TR", 0, 'L', false); $this->Ln(5); $this->Cell(20, 5, _("Distance") . ":", "LB", 0, 'L', false); $this->Cell(25, 5, "{$this->resultados['trs']['dist']} mts", "B", 0, 'L', false); $this->Cell(20, 5, _("Obstacles") . ":", "B", 0, 'L', false); $this->Cell(25, 5, $this->resultados['trs']['obst'], "B", 0, 'L', false); $this->Cell(10, 5, _("SCT") . ":", "B", 0, 'L', false); $this->Cell(20, 5, "{$this->resultados['trs']['trs']} seg.", "B", 0, 'L', false); $this->Cell(10, 5, _("MCT") . ":", "B", 0, 'L', false); $this->Cell(20, 5, "{$this->resultados['trs']['trm']} seg.", "B", 0, 'L', false); $this->Cell(20, 5, _("Speed") . ":", "B", 0, 'L', false); $this->Cell(18, 5, "{$this->resultados['trs']['vel']} m/s", "BR", 0, 'L', false); $this->Ln(5); }
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ require_once __DIR__ . "/../logging.php"; require_once __DIR__ . "/../tools.php"; require_once __DIR__ . "/../auth/AuthManager.php"; require_once __DIR__ . "/../i18n/Country.php"; require_once __DIR__ . "/classes/Jueces.php"; try { $result = null; $am = new AuthManager("juezFunctions"); $operation = http_request("Operation", "s", null); $federation = http_request("Federation", "i", -1); // -1 defaults to all federations $idjuez = http_request("ID", "i", 0); $jueces = new Jueces("juezFunctions", $federation); if ($operation === null) { throw new Exception("Call to juezFunctions without 'Operation' requested"); } switch ($operation) { case "insert": $am->access(PERMS_OPERATOR); $result = $jueces->insert(); break; case "update": $am->access(PERMS_OPERATOR); $result = $jueces->update($idjuez); break; case "delete": $am->access(PERMS_OPERATOR); $result = $jueces->delete($idjuez);
function write_datosMangas($result, $row, $mode) { $jobj = new Jueces("print_Clasificaciones"); $juez1 = $jobj->selectByID($this->manga1->Juez1); $juez2 = $jobj->selectByID($this->manga1->Juez2); $j1 = $juez1['Nombre']; $j2 = $juez2['Nombre']; $categoria = Mangas::$manga_modes[$mode][0]; $tm1 = Mangas::$tipo_manga[$this->manga1->Tipo][3] . " - " . $categoria; $tm2 = Mangas::$tipo_manga[$this->manga2->Tipo][3] . " - " . $categoria; $this->xlsLabel($row, 0, _("Judge") . " 1"); $this->xlsLabel($row, 1, iconv("UTF-8", "ISO-8859-1", $j1 === "-- Sin asignar --" ? "" : $j1)); $this->xlsLabel($row + 1, 0, _("Judge") . " 2"); $this->xlsLabel($row + 1, 1, iconv("UTF-8", "ISO-8859-1", $j2 === "-- Sin asignar --" ? "" : $j2)); $this->xlsLabel($row + 2, 0, _("Round") . " 1"); $trs = $result['trs1']; $this->xlsLabel($row + 2, 1, $tm1); $this->xlsLabel($row + 2, 2, _("Dist") . ".: {$trs['dist']}m"); $this->xlsLabel($row + 2, 3, _("Obst") . ".: {$trs['obst']}"); $this->xlsLabel($row + 2, 4, _("SCT") . ": {$trs['trs']}s"); $this->xlsLabel($row + 2, 5, _("MCT") . ": {$trs['trm']}s"); $vel = str_replace("≈", utf8_decode('± '), $trs['vel']); $this->xlsLabel($row + 2, 6, _("Vel") . ".: {$vel}m/s"); $this->xlsLabel($row + 3, 0, _("Round") . " 2"); $trs = $result['trs2']; $this->xlsLabel($row + 3, 1, $tm2); $this->xlsLabel($row + 3, 2, _("Dist") . ".: {$trs['dist']}m"); $this->xlsLabel($row + 3, 3, _("Obst") . ".: {$trs['obst']}"); $this->xlsLabel($row + 3, 4, _("SCT") . ": {$trs['trs']}s"); $this->xlsLabel($row + 3, 5, _("MCT") . ": {$trs['trm']}s"); $vel = str_replace("≈", utf8_decode('± '), $trs['vel']); $this->xlsLabel($row + 3, 6, _("Vel") . ".: {$vel}m/s"); return $row + 4; }