コード例 #1
//You can specify that the javascript is sent into a placeholder for those that have jquery scripts just before body close. If jquery scripts are in the head, no need for this.
//After creating all your form elements add them
$o_form->addElements(array($o_fe_name, $o_fe_email, $o_fe_notes, $o_fe_buttSubmit));
//Load our custom package. This could be done well befoer even running your form snippet.
//As long as the package is loaded prior to using your custom database you will be fine.
$packageName = 'testpackage';
$path = MODX_CORE_PATH . 'components/' . $packageName . '/';
$packageLoadResult = $modx->addPackage($packageName, $path . 'model/', $packageName . '_');
if ($packageLoadResult === false) {
    //log or throw an error in some way.
    echo 'Failed to load package "' . $packageName . '"';
//must force form to run validate check prior to checking if submitted
if ($o_form->isSubmitted() === true && count($o_form->getInvalidElements()) === 0) {
    //form was submitted and is valid. Now we can record the data to the databse table
    //Of course you may want to secure some of the post variables before they enter your database as well.
    $o = $modx->newObject('Contactlog');
    $o->set('name_full', $o_form->postVal('name_full'));
    $o->set('email_address', $o_form->postVal('email_address'));
    $o->set('comments', $o_form->postVal('comments'));
    $o->set('email_html_content', $o_form->getEmailContent());
    $o->set('time_submitted', time());
//The form HTML will now be available via teh output call
//This can be returned in a snippet or passed to any other script to handle in any way.