function eventOnDate($testDate, $multidayTreatment = 0) { if (!isset($this->_startday)) { $this->_startday = JevDate::mktime(0, 0, 0, $this->mup(), $this->dup(), $this->yup()); $this->_endday = JevDate::mktime(0, 0, 0, $this->mdn(), $this->ddn(), $this->ydn()); // if ends on midnight then testing day should ignore the second day since no one wants this event to show if ($this->hdn() + $this->mindn() + $this->sdn() == 0 && $this->_startday != $this->_endday) { $this->_endday -= 86400; } } if ($this->_startday <= $testDate && $this->_endday >= $testDate) { // if only show on first day if ($multidayTreatment == 2 && $testDate >= $this->_startday + 86400) { return false; } // don't show multiday suppressed events after the first day if multiday is not true if ($multidayTreatment == 0) { if (!$this->_multiday && $testDate >= $this->_startday + 86400) { return false; } } return true; } else { return false; } }
function DefaultdateFormattedDateRange($view) { $params = JComponentHelper::getParams(JEV_COM_COMPONENT); if ($params->get("daterangeformat", "") == "") { $return = JEventsHTML::getDateFormat($view->startyear, $view->startmonth, $view->startday, 1) . " - " . JEventsHTML::getDateFormat($view->endyear, $view->endmonth, $view->endday, 1); } else { $return = $params->get("daterangeformat", ""); $startmatches = array(); preg_match_all('|{START(.*?)}|', $return, $startmatches); if (count($startmatches) == 2 && count($startmatches[1]) == 1) { $replace = str_replace(array("(", ")"), "", $startmatches[1][0]); $datestp = JevDate::mktime(0, 0, 0, $view->startmonth, $view->startday, $view->startyear); $replace = JEV_CommonFunctions::jev_strftime($replace, $datestp); $return = str_replace($startmatches[0][0], $replace, $return); } $endmatches = array(); preg_match_all('|{END(.*?)}|', $return, $endmatches); if (count($endmatches) == 2 && count($endmatches[1]) == 1) { $replace = str_replace(array("(", ")"), "", $endmatches[1][0]); $datestp = JevDate::mktime(0, 0, 0, $view->endmonth, $view->endday, $view->endyear); $replace = JEV_CommonFunctions::jev_strftime($replace, $datestp); $return = str_replace($endmatches[0][0], $replace, $return); } //$return = $params->get("daterangeformat", ""); } return $return; }
function getAdjacentYear($year, $month, $day, $direction = 1) { $d1 = JevDate::mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, $day, $year + $direction); $day = JevDate::strftime("%d", $d1); $year = JevDate::strftime("%Y", $d1); $params = JComponentHelper::getParams(JEV_COM_COMPONENT); $cfg = JEVConfig::getInstance(); if (method_exists("JEVHelper", "getMinYear")) { $earliestyear = JEVHelper::getMinYear(); $latestyear = JEVHelper::getMaxYear(); } else { $earliestyear = $params->get("com_earliestyear", 1970); $latestyear = $params->get("com_latestyear", 2150); } if ($year > $latestyear || $year < $earliestyear) { return false; } $month = JevDate::strftime("%m", $d1); $task = JRequest::getString('jevtask'); $Itemid = JEVHelper::getItemid(); if (isset($Itemid)) { $item = "&Itemid={$Itemid}"; } else { $item = ""; } return JRoute::_("index.php?option=" . JEV_COM_COMPONENT . "&task={$task}{$item}&year={$year}&month={$month}&day={$day}"); }
function editICalendar($icsid, $catid, $access = 0, $state = 1, $label = "") { $db =& JFactory::getDBO(); $temp = new iCalICSFile($db); $temp->_setup($icsid, $catid, $access, $state); $temp->filename = "_from_scratch_"; $temp->icaltype = 2; $temp->label = empty($label) ? 'Scratch-' . md5(JevDate::mktime()) : $label; $temp->srcURL = ""; $rawText = <<<RAWTEXT BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//JEvents Project//JEvents Calendar 1.5.0//EN VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN METHOD:PUBLISH X-WR-CALNAME:{$label} X-WR-TIMEZONE:Europe/London BEGIN:VTIMEZONE TZID:Europe/London X-LIC-LOCATION:Europe/London BEGIN:DAYLIGHT TZOFFSETFROM:+0000 TZOFFSETTO:+0100 TZNAME:BST DTSTART:19700329T010000 RRULE:FREQ=YEARLY;BYMONTH=3;BYDAY=-1SU END:DAYLIGHT BEGIN:STANDARD TZOFFSETFROM:+0100 TZOFFSETTO:+0000 TZNAME:GMT DTSTART:19701025T020000 RRULE:FREQ=YEARLY;BYMONTH=10;BYDAY=-1SU END:STANDARD END:VTIMEZONE END:VCALENDAR \t\t RAWTEXT; $temp->_icalInfo =& JEVHelper::iCalInstance("", $rawText); return $temp; }
function getAdjacentYear($year, $month, $day, $direction = 1) { $d1 = JevDate::mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, $day, $year + $direction); $day = JevDate::strftime("%d", $d1); $year = JevDate::strftime("%Y", $d1); $cfg =& JEVConfig::getInstance(); $earliestyear = $cfg->get('com_earliestyear'); $latestyear = $cfg->get('com_latestyear'); if ($year > $latestyear || $year < $earliestyear) { return false; } $month = JevDate::strftime("%m", $d1); $task = JRequest::getString('jevtask'); $Itemid = JEVHelper::getItemid(); if (isset($Itemid)) { $item = "&Itemid={$Itemid}"; } else { $item = ""; } return JRoute::_("index.php?option=" . JEV_COM_COMPONENT . "&task={$task}{$item}&year={$year}&month={$month}&day={$day}"); }
/** * Function that overwrites meta-tags in mainframe!! * * @static * @param string $name - metatag name * @param string $content - metatag value */ public static function checkRobotsMetaTag($name = "robots", $content = "index,follow") { // force robots metatag $cfg = JEVConfig::getInstance(); $document = JFactory::getDocument(); // constrained in some way if ($cfg->get('com_blockRobots', 0) >= 1) { // Allow on detail pages - block otherwise unless crawler! if ($cfg->get('com_blockRobots', 0) == 3) { if (strpos(JRequest::getString("jevtask", ""), ".detail") > 0) { $document->setMetaData($name, "index,nofollow"); return; } if (strpos(JRequest::getString("jevtask", ""), "crawler") !== false || $content != "index,follow") { $document->setMetaData($name, $content); } else { $document->setMetaData($name, "noindex,nofollow"); } return; } // Always block Robots if ($cfg->get('com_blockRobots', 0) == 1) { $document->setMetaData($name, "noindex,nofollow"); return; } // conditional on date list($cyear, $cmonth, $cday) = JEVHelper::getYMD(); $cdate = JevDate::mktime(0, 0, 0, $cmonth, $cday, $cyear); $prior = JevDate::strtotime($cfg->get('robotprior', "-1 day")); if ($cdate < $prior && $cfg->get('com_blockRobots', 0)) { $document->setMetaData($name, "noindex,nofollow"); return; } $post = JevDate::strtotime($cfg->get('robotpost', "-1 day")); if ($cdate > $post && $cfg->get('com_blockRobots', 0)) { $document->setMetaData($name, "noindex,nofollow"); return; } //If JEvents is not blocking robots we use menu item configuration $document->setMetaData($name, $cfg->get('robots', $content)); } else { $document->setMetaData($name, $cfg->get('robots', $content)); } }
function calendarCell(&$currentDay, $year, $month, $i, $slot = "") { $cfg = JEVConfig::getInstance(); $event = $currentDay["events"][$i]; // Event publication infomation $event_up = new JEventDate($event->startDate()); $event_down = new JEventDate($event->endDate()); // BAR COLOR GENERATION $bgeventcolor = JEV_CommonFunctions::setColor($event); $start_publish = JevDate::mktime(0, 0, 0, $event->mup(), $event->dup(), $event->yup()); $stop_publish = JevDate::mktime(0, 0, 0, $event->mdn(), $event->ddn(), $event->ydn()); // this file controls the events component month calendar display cell output. It is separated from the // showCalendar function in the events.php file to allow users to customize this portion of the code easier. // The event information to be displayed within a month day on the calendar can be modified, as well as any // overlay window information printed with a javascript mouseover event. Each event prints as a separate table // row with a single column, within the month table's cell. // On mouse over date formats // Note that the date formats for the events can be easily changed by modifying the sprintf formatting // string below. These are used for the default overlay window. As well, the JevDate::strftime() function could // also be used instead to provide more powerful date formatting which supports locales if php function // set_locale() is being used. // define start and end $cellStart = '<div class="eventfull"><div class="eventstyle" '; $cellStyle = ''; $cellEnd = '</div></div>' . "\n"; // add the event color as the column background color include_once JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . "/components/" . JEV_COM_COMPONENT . "/libraries/colorMap.php"; //$colStyle .= $bgeventcolor ? ' background-color:' . $bgeventcolor . ';' : ''; //$colStyle .= $bgeventcolor ? 'color:'.JevMapColor($bgeventcolor) . ';' : ''; // MSIE ignores "inherit" color for links - stupid Microsoft!!! //$linkStyle = $bgeventcolor ? 'style="color:'.JevMapColor($bgeventcolor) . ';"' : ''; $linkStyle = ""; // The title is printed as a link to the event's detail page $link = $this->event->viewDetailLink($year, $month, $currentDay['d0'], false); $link = JRoute::_($link . $this->_datamodel->getCatidsOutLink()); $title = $event->title(); // [mic] if title is too long, cut 'em for display $tmpTitle = $title; // set truncated title if (!isset($this->event->truncatedtitle)) { if (JString::strlen($title) >= $cfg->get('com_calCutTitle', 50)) { $tmpTitle = JString::substr($title, 0, $cfg->get('com_calCutTitle', 50)) . ' ...'; } $tmpTitle = JEventsHTML::special($tmpTitle); $this->event->truncatedtitle = $tmpTitle; } else { $tmpTitle = $this->event->truncatedtitle; } // [new mic] if amount of displaing events greater than defined, show only a scmall coloured icon // instead of full text - the image could also be "recurring dependig", which means // for each kind of event (one day, multi day, last day) another icon // in this case the dfinition must moved down to be more flexible! // [tstahl] add a graphic symbol for all day events? $tmp_start_time = $this->start_time == $this->stop_time && !$this->event->noendtime() || $this->event->alldayevent() ? '' : $this->start_time; $templatedcell = false; if ($currentDay['countDisplay'] < $cfg->get('com_calMaxDisplay', 5)) { ob_start(); $templatedcell = $this->loadedFromTemplate('month.calendar_cell', $this->event, 0); $res = ob_get_clean(); if ($templatedcell) { $templatedcell = $res; } else { if ($this->_view) { $this->_view->assignRef("link", $link); $this->_view->assignRef("linkStyle", $linkStyle); $this->_view->assignRef("tmp_start_time", $tmp_start_time); $this->_view->assignRef("tmpTitle", $tmpTitle); } $title_event_link = $this->loadOverride("cellcontent"); // allow fallback to old method if ($title_event_link == "") { $title_event_link = "\n" . '<a class="cal_titlelink" href="' . $link . '" ' . $linkStyle . '>' . ($cfg->get('com_calDisplayStarttime') ? $tmp_start_time : '') . ' ' . $tmpTitle . '</a>' . "\n"; } $cellStyle .= "border-width:0px 0px 1px 8px;border-color:{$bgeventcolor};padding:0px 0px 1px 2px;"; } } else { $eventIMG = '<img align="left" src="' . JURI::root() . 'components/' . JEV_COM_COMPONENT . '/images/event.png" alt="" style="height:12px;width:8px;border:1px solid white;background-color:' . $bgeventcolor . '" />'; $title_event_link = "\n" . '<a class="cal_titlelink" href="' . $link . '">' . $eventIMG . '</a>' . "\n"; $cellStyle .= ' float:left;width:10px;'; } $cellString = ''; // allow template overrides for cell popups // only try override if we have a view reference if ($this->_view) { $this->_view->assignRef("ecc", $this); $this->_view->assignRef("cellDate", $currentDay["cellDate"]); } if ($cfg->get("com_enableToolTip", 1)) { if ($cfg->get("tooltiptype", 'joomla') == 'overlib') { $tooltip = $this->loadOverride("overlib"); // allow fallback to old method if ($tooltip == "") { $tooltip = $this->calendarCell_popup($currentDay["cellDate"]); } $cellString .= $tooltip; } else { // TT background if ($cfg->get('com_calTTBackground', 1) == '1') { $bground = $this->event->bgcolor(); $fground = $this->event->fgcolor(); } else { $bground = "#000000"; $fground = "#ffffff"; } JevHtmlBootstrap::popover('.hasjevtip', array("trigger" => "hover focus", "placement" => "top", "container" => "#jevents_body", "delay" => array("hide" => 150))); //$toolTipArray = array('className'=>'jevtip'); //JHTML::_('behavior.tooltip', '.hasjevtip', $toolTipArray); $tooltip = $this->loadOverride("tooltip"); // allow fallback to old method if ($tooltip == "") { $tooltip = $this->calendarCell_tooltip($currentDay["cellDate"]); } if (strpos($tooltip, "templated") === 0) { $title = JString::substr($tooltip, 9); $cellString = ""; } else { $cellString .= '<div class="jevtt_text" >' . $tooltip . '</div>'; $title = '<div class="jevtt_title" style = "color:' . $fground . ';background-color:' . $bground . '">' . $this->title . '</div>'; } if ($templatedcell) { $templatedcell = str_replace("[[TOOLTIP]]", htmlspecialchars($title . $cellString, ENT_QUOTES), $templatedcell); $templatedcell = str_replace("[[TOOLTIPTITLE]]", htmlspecialchars($title, ENT_QUOTES), $templatedcell); $templatedcell = str_replace("[[TOOLTIPCONTENT]]", htmlspecialchars($cellString, ENT_QUOTES), $templatedcell); $time = $cfg->get('com_calDisplayStarttime') ? $tmp_start_time : ""; $templatedcell = str_replace("[[EVTTIME]]", $time, $templatedcell); return $templatedcell; } $html = $cellStart . ' style="' . $cellStyle . '">' . $this->tooltip($title, $cellString, $title_event_link) . $cellEnd; return $html; } } if ($templatedcell) { $templatedcell = str_replace("[[TOOLTIP]]", htmlspecialchars($title . $cellString, ENT_QUOTES), $templatedcell); $templatedcell = str_replace("[[TOOLTIPTITLE]]", htmlspecialchars($title, ENT_QUOTES), $templatedcell); $templatedcell = str_replace("[[TOOLTIPCONTENT]]", htmlspecialchars($cellString, ENT_QUOTES), $templatedcell); $time = $cfg->get('com_calDisplayStarttime') ? $tmp_start_time : ""; $templatedcell = str_replace("[[EVTTIME]]", $time, $templatedcell); return $templatedcell; } // return the whole thing return $cellStart . ' style="' . $cellStyle . '" ' . $cellString . ">\n" . $title_event_link . $cellEnd; }
function __construct($view, $today_date, $view_date, $dates, $alts, $option, $task, $Itemid) { global $catidsOut; if (JRequest::getInt('pop', 0)) { return; } $cfg = JEVConfig::getInstance(); $compname = JEV_COM_COMPONENT; //Lets check if we should show the nav on event details if ($task == "icalrepeat.detail" && $cfg->get('shownavbar_detail', 1) == 0) { return; } $this->iconstoshow = $cfg->get('iconstoshow', array('byyear', 'bymonth', 'byweek', 'byday', 'search')); $viewimages = JURI::root() . "components/" . JEV_COM_COMPONENT . "/views/" . $view->getViewName() . "/assets/images"; $cat = ""; $hiddencat = ""; if ($catidsOut != 0) { $cat = '&catids=' . $catidsOut; $hiddencat = '<input type="hidden" name="catids" value="' . $catidsOut . '"/>'; } $link = 'index.php?option=' . $option . '&task=' . $task . $cat . '&Itemid=' . $Itemid . '&'; $month_date = JevDate::mktime(0, 0, 0, $view_date->month, $view_date->day, $view_date->year); ?> <?php if ($task == "month.calendar") { echo "<div class='month_date'><div class='month_title'>" . JEV_CommonFunctions::jev_strftime("%B", $month_date) . ", </div><div class='month_title_year'> " . JEV_CommonFunctions::jev_strftime("%Y", $month_date) . "</div></div>"; } ?> <div class="new-navigation"> <div class="nav-items"> <?php if (in_array("byyear", $this->iconstoshow)) { ?> <div id="nav-year"<?php if ($task == "year.listevents") { echo ' class="active"'; } ?> > <a href="<?php echo JRoute::_('index.php?option=' . $option . $cat . '&task=year.listevents&' . $view_date->toDateURL() . '&Itemid=' . $Itemid); ?> " title="<?php echo JText::_('JEV_VIEWBYYEAR'); ?> " > <?php echo JText::_('JEV_VIEWBYYEAR'); ?> </a> </div> <?php } ?> <?php if (in_array("bymonth", $this->iconstoshow)) { ?> <div id="nav-month"<?php if ($task == "month.calendar") { echo ' class="active"'; } ?> > <a href="<?php echo JRoute::_('index.php?option=' . $option . $cat . '&task=month.calendar&' . $view_date->toDateURL() . '&Itemid=' . $Itemid); ?> " title="<?php echo JText::_('JEV_VIEWBYMONTH'); ?> " > <?php echo JText::_('JEV_VIEWBYMONTH'); ?> </a> </div> <?php } ?> <?php if (in_array("byweek", $this->iconstoshow)) { ?> <div id="nav-week"<?php if ($task == "week.listevents") { echo ' class="active"'; } ?> > <a href="<?php echo JRoute::_('index.php?option=' . $option . $cat . '&task=week.listevents&' . $view_date->toDateURL() . '&Itemid=' . $Itemid); ?> " title="<?php echo JText::_('JEV_VIEWBYWEEK'); ?> " > <?php echo JText::_('JEV_VIEWBYWEEK'); ?> </a> </div> <?php } ?> <?php if (in_array("byday", $this->iconstoshow)) { ?> <div id="nav-today"<?php if ($task == "day.listevents") { echo ' class="active"'; } ?> > <a href="<?php echo JRoute::_('index.php?option=' . $option . $cat . '&task=day.listevents&' . $today_date->toDateURL() . '&Itemid=' . $Itemid); ?> " title="<?php echo JText::_('JEV_VIEWTODAY'); ?> " > <?php echo JText::_('JEV_VIEWTODAY'); ?> </a> </div> <?php } ?> <?php if (in_array("bymonth", $this->iconstoshow)) { ?> <?php echo $this->_viewJumptoIcon($view_date, $viewimages); ?> <?php } ?> <?php if ($cfg->get('com_hideshowbycats', 0) == '0') { ?> <?php if (in_array("bycat", $this->iconstoshow)) { ?> <div id="nav-cat"<?php if ($task == "cat.listevents") { echo ' class="active"'; } ?> > <a href="<?php echo JRoute::_('index.php?option=' . $option . $cat . '&task=cat.listevents&' . $view_date->toDateURL() . '&Itemid=' . $Itemid); ?> " title="<?php echo JText::_('JEV_VIEWBYCAT'); ?> " > <?php echo JText::_('JEV_VIEWBYCAT'); ?> </a> </div> <?php } ?> <?php } ?> </div> <?php if (in_array("search", $this->iconstoshow)) { ?> <div id="nav-search"> <a href="<?php echo JRoute::_('index.php?option=' . $option . $cat . '&task=search.form&' . $view_date->toDateURL() . '&Itemid=' . $Itemid); ?> " title="<?php echo JText::_('JEV_SEARCH_TITLE'); ?> " > <img src="<?php echo $viewimages; ?> /icon-search.gif" alt="Search" /></a> </div> <?php } ?> <?php if (in_array("bymonth", $this->iconstoshow)) { echo $this->_viewHiddenJumpto($view_date, $view, $Itemid); } ?> </div> <?php }
<div class="jev_toprow"> <div class="jev_header2"> <div class="previousmonth"> <?php if ($precedingWeek) { echo "<a href='" . $precedingWeek . "' title='" . JText::_("PRECEEDING_Week") . "' >" . JText::_("PRECEEDING_Week") . "</a>"; } ?> </div> <div class="currentmonth"> <?php $week_start = $data['days']['0']; $week_end = $data['days']['6']; $starttime = JevDate::mktime(0, 0, 0, $week_start['week_month'], $week_start['week_day'], $week_start['week_year']); $endtime = JevDate::mktime(0, 0, 0, $week_end['week_month'], $week_end['week_day'], $week_end['week_year']); if ($week_start['week_month'] == $week_end['week_month']) { $startformat = "%d"; $endformat = "%d %B, %Y"; } else { if ($week_start['week_year'] == $week_end['week_year']) { $startformat = "%d %B"; $endformat = "%d %B, %Y"; } else { $startformat = "%d. %B %Y"; $endformat = "%d. %B %Y"; } } echo JEV_CommonFunctions::jev_strftime($startformat, $starttime) . ' - ' . JEV_CommonFunctions::jev_strftime($endformat, $endtime); ?> </div>
/** * iCal spec represents date in ISO 8601 format followed by "T" then the time * a "Z at the end means the time is UTC and not local time zone * * TODO make sure if time is UTC we take account of system time offset properly * */ function unixTime($ical_date, $tz = false) { jimport(""); static $offset = null; if (is_null($offset)) { $config =& JFactory::getConfig(); $offset = $config->getValue('config.offset', 0); } if (!is_numeric($ical_date)) { $t = JevDate::strtotime($ical_date); if (JString::strpos($ical_date, "Z") > 0) { if (is_callable("date_default_timezone_set")) { $timezone = date_default_timezone_get(); // See $params = JComponentHelper::getParams(JEV_COM_COMPONENT); // server offset tiemzone if ($params->get("icaltimezone", "") != "") { date_default_timezone_set($params->get("icaltimezone", "")); } // server offset PARAMS $serveroffset1 = (JevDate::strtotime(JevDate::strftime('%Y%m%dT%H%M%S', $t)) - JevDate::strtotime(JevDate::strftime('%Y%m%dT%H%M%SZ', $t))) / 3600; // server offset SERVER date_default_timezone_set($timezone); $serveroffset2 = (JevDate::strtotime(JevDate::strftime('%Y%m%dT%H%M%S', $t)) - JevDate::strtotime(JevDate::strftime('%Y%m%dT%H%M%SZ', $t))) / 3600; $t = new JevDate($ical_date, $serveroffset1 - $serveroffset2); //$t = new JevDate($ical_date ); date_default_timezone_set($timezone); echo "icaldate = " . $ical_date . " imported date=" . $t->toMySQL() . "<br/>"; } else { // Summer Time adjustment list($y, $m, $d, $h, $min, $s) = explode(":", JevDate::strftime('%Y:%m:%d:%H:%M:%S', $t)); $dst = (JevDate::mktime($h, $min, $s, $m, $d, $y, 0) - JevDate::mktime($h, $min, $s, $m, $d, $y, -1)) / 3600; // server offset including DST $serveroffset = (JevDate::strtotime(JevDate::strftime('%Y%m%dT%H%M%S', $t)) - JevDate::strtotime(JevDate::strftime('%Y%m%dT%H%M%SZ', $t))) / 3600; $serveroffset += $dst; $t = new JevDate($ical_date, -($serveroffset + $offset)); } /* echo "<h3>SET TIMEZONE</h3>"; $timezone= date_default_timezone_get(); date_default_timezone_set('America/New_York'); $tempIcal = "20091020T163000Z"; echo $tempIcal."<br/>"; $temp = JevDate::strtotime($tempIcal); list($y,$m,$d,$h,$min,$s) = explode(":", JevDate::strftime('%Y:%m:%d:%H:%M:%S',$temp)); echo "$y,$m,$d,$h,$min,$s<br/>"; $dst = (JevDate::mktime($h,$min,$s,$m,$d,$y,0)-JevDate::mktime($h,$min,$s,$m,$d,$y,-1))/3600; $so = (JevDate::strtotime(JevDate::strftime('%Y%m%dT%H%M%S',$temp))-JevDate::strtotime(JevDate::strftime('%Y%m%dT%H%M%SZ',$temp)))/3600; echo " dst=".$dst." serverforoffset=".$so."<br/>"; $so += $dst; $t = new JevDate($tempIcal); echo $t->toMySQL()."<br><br/>"; $tempIcal = "20091029T163000Z"; echo $tempIcal."<br/>"; $temp = JevDate::strtotime($tempIcal); list($y,$m,$d,$h,$min,$s) = explode(":", JevDate::strftime('%Y:%m:%d:%H:%M:%S',$temp)); echo "$y,$m,$d,$h,$min,$s<br/>"; $dst = (JevDate::mktime($h,$min,$s,$m,$d,$y,0)-JevDate::mktime($h,$min,$s,$m,$d,$y,-1))/3600; $so = (JevDate::strtotime(JevDate::strftime('%Y%m%dT%H%M%S',$temp))-JevDate::strtotime(JevDate::strftime('%Y%m%dT%H%M%SZ',$temp)))/3600; echo " dst=".$dst." serverforoffset=".$so."<br/>"; $so += $dst; $t = new JevDate($tempIcal ); echo $t->toMySQL()."<br><br/>"; $tempIcal = "20091103T163000Z"; echo $tempIcal."<br/>"; $temp = JevDate::strtotime($tempIcal); list($y,$m,$d,$h,$min,$s) = explode(":", JevDate::strftime('%Y:%m:%d:%H:%M:%S',$temp)); echo "$y,$m,$d,$h,$min,$s<br/>"; $dst = (JevDate::mktime($h,$min,$s,$m,$d,$y,0)-JevDate::mktime($h,$min,$s,$m,$d,$y,-1))/3600; $so = (JevDate::strtotime(JevDate::strftime('%Y%m%dT%H%M%S',$temp))-JevDate::strtotime(JevDate::strftime('%Y%m%dT%H%M%SZ',$temp)))/3600; echo " dst=".$dst." serverforoffset=".$so."<br/>"; $so += $dst; $t = new JevDate($tempIcal); echo $t->toMySQL()."<br>"; */ } else { if ($tz != false && $tz != "") { // really should use the timezone of the inputted date $tz = new DateTimeZone($tz); $t = new JevDate($ical_date, $tz); echo "icaldate = " . $ical_date . " imported date=" . $t->toMySQL() . "<br/>"; } else { $compparams = JComponentHelper::getParams(JEV_COM_COMPONENT); $jtz = $compparams->get("icaltimezonelive", ""); if ($jtz) { $t = new JevDate($ical_date, $jtz); } else { $t = new JevDate($ical_date); } } } //$result = $t->toMySQL(); $result = $t->toUnix(); return $result; } $isUTC = false; if (JString::strpos($ical_date, "Z") !== false) { $isUTC = true; } // strip "T" and "Z" from the string $ical_date = str_replace('T', '', $ical_date); $ical_date = str_replace('Z', '', $ical_date); // split it out intyo YYYY MM DD HH MM SS preg_match("#([0-9]{4})([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})([0-9]{0,2})([0-9]{0,2})([0-9]{0,2})#", $ical_date, $date); list($temp, $y, $m, $d, $h, $min, $s) = $date; if (!$min) { $min = 0; } if (!$h) { $h = 0; } if (!$d) { $d = 0; } if (!$s) { $s = 0; } // Trap unix dated beofre 1970 $y = max($y, 1970); if ($isUTC) { $t = gmJevDate::mktime($h, $min, $s, $m, $d, $y) + 3600 * $offset; $result = JevDate::strtotime(gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s', $t)); } else { $result = JevDate::mktime($h, $min, $s, $m, $d, $y); } // double check!! //list($y1,$m1,$d1,$h1,$min1,$s1)=explode(":",JevDate::strftime('%Y:%m:%d:%H:%M:%S',$result)); return $result; }
function getAjaxCal($modid = 0, $month, $year) { // capture module id so that we can use it for ajax type navigation if ($modid != 0) { $this->_modid = $modid; } $user =& JFactory::getUser(); $db =& JFactory::getDBO(); static $isloaded_css = false; // this will get the viewname based on which classes have been implemented $cfg =& JEVConfig::getInstance(); $viewname = ucfirst($cfg->get('com_calViewName', "default")); $cfg =& JEVConfig::getInstance(); // get array $day_name = JEVHelper::getWeekdayLetter(null, 1); $day_name[0] = '<span class="sunday">' . $day_name[0] . '</span>'; $day_name[6] = '<span class="saturday">' . $day_name[6] . '</span>'; $content = ""; $mod = ""; if (isset($this->_modid) && $this->_modid > 0) { $mod = 'id="modid_' . $this->_modid . '" '; $content .= "<span id='testspan" . $this->_modid . "' style='display:none'></span>\n"; } $temptime = JevDate::mktime(12, 0, 0, $month, 15, $year); //$content .= $this->_displayCalendarMod($temptime,$this->com_starday, JText::_('JEV_THIS_MONTH'),$day_name, false); $thisDayOfMonth = date("j", $temptime); $daysLeftInMonth = date("t", $temptime) - date("j", $temptime) + 1; // calculate month offset from first of month $first_of_current_month = JevDate::strtotime(date('Y-m-01', $temptime)); $base_year = date("Y", $temptime); $base_month = date("m", $temptime); $basefirst_of_month = JevDate::mktime(0, 0, 0, $base_month, 1, $base_year); if ($this->disp_lastMonth && (!$this->disp_lastMonthDays || $thisDayOfMonth <= $this->disp_lastMonthDays)) { $content .= $this->_displayCalendarMod(JevDate::strtotime("-1 month", $first_of_current_month), $this->com_starday, JText::_('JEV_LAST_MONTH'), $day_name, $this->disp_lastMonth == 2, $first_of_current_month); } $content .= $this->_displayCalendarMod($temptime, $this->com_starday, JText::_('JEV_THIS_MONTH'), $day_name, false, $first_of_current_month); if ($this->disp_nextMonth && (!$this->disp_nextMonthDays || $daysLeftInMonth <= $this->disp_nextMonthDays)) { $content .= $this->_displayCalendarMod(JevDate::strtotime("+1 month", $first_of_current_month), $this->com_starday, JText::_('JEV_NEXT_MONTH'), $day_name, $this->disp_nextMonth == 2, $first_of_current_month); } return $content; }
function edit() { // get the view $this->view =& $this->getView("icalevent", "html"); $cid = JRequest::getVar('cid', array(0)); JArrayHelper::toInteger($cid); if (is_array($cid) && count($cid) > 0) { $id = $cid[0]; } else { $id = 0; } // front end passes the id as evid if ($id == 0) { $id = JRequest::getInt("evid", 0); } if (!JEVHelper::isEventCreator()) { JError::raiseError(403, JText::_('ALERTNOTAUTH')); } $repeatId = 0; $db = JFactory::getDBO(); // iCal agid uses GUID or UUID as identifier if ($id > 0) { if ($repeatId == 0) { // this version gives us a repeat not an event so //$row = $this->queryModel->getEventById($id, true, "icaldb"); $vevent = $this->dataModel->queryModel->getVEventById($id); if (!$vevent) { $Itemid = JRequest::getInt("Itemid"); JFactory::getApplication()->redirect(JRoute::_("index.php?option=" . JEV_COM_COMPONENT . "&Itemid={$Itemid}", false), JText::_("JEV_SORRY_UPDATED")); } $row = new jIcalEventDB($vevent); $row->fixDtstart(); } else { $row = $this->queryModel->listEventsById($repeatId, true, "icaldb"); } if (!JEVHelper::canEditEvent($row)) { JError::raiseError(403, JText::_('ALERTNOTAUTH')); } } else { $vevent = new iCalEvent($db); $vevent->set("freq", "DAILY"); $vevent->set("description", ""); $vevent->set("summary", ""); list($year, $month, $day) = JEVHelper::getYMD(); $params = JComponentHelper::getParams(JEV_COM_COMPONENT); $defaultstarttime = $params->get("defaultstarttime", "08:00"); $defaultendtime = $params->get("defaultendtime", "17:00"); list($starthour, $startmin) = explode(":", $defaultstarttime); list($endhour, $endmin) = explode(":", $defaultendtime); $vevent->set("dtstart", JevDate::mktime($starthour, $startmin, 0, $month, $day, $year)); $vevent->set("dtend", JevDate::mktime($endhour, $endmin, 0, $month, $day, $year)); $row = new jIcalEventDB($vevent); // TODO - move this to class!! // populate with meaningful initial values $row->starttime($defaultstarttime); $row->endtime($defaultendtime); } /* $db =& JFactory::getDBO(); // get list of groups $query = "SELECT id AS value, name AS text" . "\n FROM #__groups" . "\n ORDER BY id" ; $db->setQuery( $query ); $groups = $db->loadObjectList(); // build the html select list $glist = JHTML::_('select.genericlist', $groups, 'access', 'class="inputbox" size="1"', 'value', 'text', intval( $row->access() ) ); */ $glist = JEventsHTML::buildAccessSelect(intval($row->access()), 'class="inputbox" size="1"'); // get all the raw native calendars $nativeCals = $this->dataModel->queryModel->getNativeIcalendars(); // Strip this list down based on user permissions $jevuser =& JEVHelper::getAuthorisedUser(); if ($jevuser && $jevuser->calendars != "" && $jevuser->calendars != "all") { $cals = array_keys($nativeCals); $allowedcals = explode("|", $jevuser->calendars); foreach ($cals as $calid) { if (!in_array($calid, $allowedcals)) { unset($nativeCals[$calid]); } } } // Are we allowed to edit events within a URL based iCal $params = JComponentHelper::getParams(JEV_COM_COMPONENT); if ($params->get("allowedit", 0) && $row->icsid() > 0) { $calsql = 'SELECT * FROM #__jevents_icsfile WHERE ics_id=' . intval($row->icsid()); $db->setQuery($calsql); $cal = $db->loadObject(); if ($cal && $cal->icaltype == 0) { $nativeCals[$cal->ics_id] = $cal; $this->view->assign("offerlock", 1); } } $excats = "0"; if ($jevuser && $jevuser->categories != "" && $jevuser->categories != "all") { // Find which categories to exclude if (JVersion::isCompatible("1.6.0")) { $catsql = 'SELECT id FROM #__categories WHERE id NOT IN (' . str_replace("|", ",", $jevuser->categories) . ') AND extension="com_jevents"'; } else { $catsql = 'SELECT id FROM #__categories WHERE id NOT IN (' . str_replace("|", ",", $jevuser->categories) . ') AND section="com_jevents"'; } $db->setQuery($catsql); $excats = implode(",", $db->loadResultArray()); } // only offer a choice of native calendars if it exists! if (count($nativeCals) > 1) { $icalList = array(); $icalList[] = JHTML::_('select.option', '0', JText::_('JEV_EVENT_CHOOSE_ICAL'), 'ics_id', 'label'); $icalList = array_merge($icalList, $nativeCals); $clist = JHTML::_('select.genericlist', $icalList, 'ics_id', " onchange='preselectCategory(this);'", 'ics_id', 'label', $row->icsid()); $this->view->assign('clistChoice', true); $this->view->assign('defaultCat', 0); } else { if (count($nativeCals) == 0 || !is_array($nativeCals)) { JError::raiseWarning(870, JText::_('INVALID_CALENDAR_STRUCTURE')); } $icsid = $row->icsid() > 0 ? $row->icsid() : current($nativeCals)->ics_id; $clist = '<input type="hidden" name="ics_id" value="' . $icsid . '" />'; $this->view->assign('clistChoice', false); $params = JComponentHelper::getParams(JEV_COM_COMPONENT); if ($params->get("defaultcat", false)) { $this->view->assign('defaultCat', current($nativeCals)->catid); } else { $this->view->assign('defaultCat', 0); } } // Set the layout $this->view->setLayout('edit'); $this->view->assign('editCopy', $this->editCopy); $this->view->assign('id', $id); $this->view->assign('row', $row); $this->view->assign('excats', $excats); $this->view->assign('nativeCals', $nativeCals); $this->view->assign('clist', $clist); $this->view->assign('repeatId', $repeatId); $this->view->assign('glist', $glist); // only those who can publish globally can set priority field if (JEVHelper::isEventPublisher(true)) { $list = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++) { $list[] = JHTML::_('select.option', $i, $i, 'val', 'text'); } $priorities = JHTML::_('select.genericlist', $list, 'priority', "", 'val', 'text', $row->priority()); $this->view->assign('setPriority', true); $this->view->assign('priority', $priorities); } else { $this->view->assign('setPriority', false); } $this->view->assignRef('dataModel', $this->dataModel); // for Admin interface only $this->view->assign('with_unpublished_cat', JFactory::getApplication()->isAdmin()); $this->view->display(); }
protected function processMatch(&$content, $match, $dayEvent, $dateParm, $relDay) { $datenow = JEVHelper::getNow(); $dispatcher = JDispatcher::getInstance(); // get the title and start time $startDate = JevDate::strtotime($dayEvent->publish_up()); if ($relDay > 0) { $eventDate = JevDate::strtotime($datenow->toFormat('%Y-%m-%d ') . JevDate::strftime('%H:%M', $startDate) . " +{$relDay} days"); } else { $eventDate = JevDate::strtotime($datenow->toFormat('%Y-%m-%d ') . JevDate::strftime('%H:%M', $startDate) . " {$relDay} days"); } $endDate = JevDate::strtotime($dayEvent->publish_down()); list($st_year, $st_month, $st_day) = explode('-', JevDate::strftime('%Y-%m-%d', $startDate)); list($ev_year, $ev_month, $ev_day) = explode('-', JevDate::strftime('%Y-%m-%d', $startDate)); $task_events = 'icalrepeat.detail'; switch ($match) { case 'endDate': case 'startDate': case 'eventDate': // Note we need to examine the date specifiers used to determine if language translation will be // necessary. Do this later when script is debugged. if (!$this->disableDateStyle) { $content .= '<span class="mod_events_latest_date">'; } if (!$dayEvent->alldayevent() && $match == "endDate" && ($dayEvent->noendtime() && $dayEvent->getUnixStartDate() == $dayEvent->getUnixEndDate() || $dayEvent->getUnixStartTime() == $dayEvent->getUnixEndTime())) { $time_fmt = ""; } else { if (!isset($dateParm) || $dateParm == '') { if ($this->com_calUseStdTime) { $time_fmt = $dayEvent->alldayevent() ? '' : IS_WIN ? ' @%I:%M%p' : ' @%l:%M%p'; } else { $time_fmt = $dayEvent->alldayevent() ? '' : ' @%H:%M'; } $dateFormat = $this->displayYear ? '%a %b %d, %Y' . $time_fmt : '%a %b %d' . $time_fmt; $jmatch = new JevDate(${$match}); $content .= $jmatch->toFormat($dateFormat); //$content .= JEV_CommonFunctions::jev_strftime($dateFormat, $$match); } else { // format endDate when midnight to show midnight! if ($match == "endDate" && $dayEvent->sdn() == 59) { $tempEndDate = $endDate + 1; if ($dayEvent->alldayevent()) { // if an all day event then we don't want to roll to the next day $tempEndDate -= 86400; } $match = "tempEndDate"; } // if a '%' sign detected in date format string, we assume JevDate::strftime() is to be used, if (preg_match("/\\%/", $dateParm)) { $jmatch = new JevDate(${$match}); $content .= $jmatch->toFormat($dateParm); } else { $content .= date($dateParm, ${$match}); } if ($match == "tempDndDate") { $match = "endDate"; } } } if (!$this->disableDateStyle) { $content .= "</span>"; } break; case 'title': $title = $dayEvent->title(); if (!empty($dateParm)) { $parts = explode("|", $dateParm); if (count($parts) > 0 && strlen($title) > intval($parts[0])) { $title = substr($title, 0, intval($parts[0])); if (count($parts) > 1) { $title .= $parts[1]; } } } if (!$this->disableTitleStyle) { $content .= '<span class="mod_events_latest_content">'; } if ($this->displayLinks) { $link = $dayEvent->viewDetailLink($ev_year, $ev_month, $ev_day, false, $this->myItemid); if ($this->modparams->get("ignorefiltermodule", 0)) { $link = JRoute::_($link . $this->datamodel->getCatidsOutLink() . "&filter_reset=1"); } else { $link = JRoute::_($link . $this->datamodel->getCatidsOutLink()); } $content .= $this->_htmlLinkCloaking($link, JEventsHTML::special($title)); } else { $content .= JEventsHTML::special($title); } if (!$this->disableTitleStyle) { $content .= '</span>'; } break; case 'category': $catobj = $dayEvent->getCategoryName(); $content .= JEventsHTML::special($catobj); break; case 'categoryimage': $catobj = $dayEvent->getCategoryImage(); $content .= $catobj; break; case 'calendar': $catobj = $dayEvent->getCalendarName(); $content .= JEventsHTML::special($catobj); break; case 'contact': // Also want to cloak contact details so $this->modparams->set("image", 1); $dayEvent->text = $dayEvent->contact_info(); $dispatcher->trigger('onContentPrepare', array('com_jevents', &$dayEvent, &$this->modparams, 0)); $dayEvent->contact_info($dayEvent->text); $content .= $dayEvent->contact_info(); break; case 'content': // Added by Kaz McCoy 1-10-2004 $this->modparams->set("image", 1); $dayEvent->data->text = $dayEvent->content(); $dispatcher->trigger('onContentPrepare', array('com_jevents', &$dayEvent->data, &$this->modparams, 0)); if (!empty($dateParm)) { $parts = explode("|", $dateParm); if (count($parts) > 0 && strlen(strip_tags($dayEvent->data->text)) > intval($parts[0])) { $dayEvent->data->text = substr(strip_tags($dayEvent->data->text), 0, intval($parts[0])); if (count($parts) > 1) { $dayEvent->data->text .= $parts[1]; } } } $dayEvent->content($dayEvent->data->text); //$content .= substr($dayEvent->content, 0, 150); $content .= $dayEvent->content(); break; case 'addressInfo': case 'location': $this->modparams->set("image", 0); $dayEvent->data->text = $dayEvent->location(); $dispatcher->trigger('onContentPrepare', array('com_jevents', &$dayEvent->data, &$this->modparams, 0)); $dayEvent->location($dayEvent->data->text); $content .= $dayEvent->location(); break; case 'duration': $timedelta = $dayEvent->noendtime() || $dayEvent->alldayevent() ? "" : $dayEvent->getUnixEndTime() - $dayEvent->getUnixStartTime(); if ($timedelta == "") { break; } $fieldval = isset($dateParm) && $dateParm != '' ? $dateParm : JText::_("JEV_DURATION_FORMAT"); $shownsign = false; // whole days! if (stripos($fieldval, "%wd") !== false) { $days = intval($timedelta / (60 * 60 * 24)); $timedelta -= $days * 60 * 60 * 24; if ($timedelta > 3610) { //if more than 1 hour and 10 seconds over a day then round up the day output $days += 1; } $fieldval = str_ireplace("%wd", $days, $fieldval); $shownsign = true; } if (stripos($fieldval, "%d") !== false) { $days = intval($timedelta / (60 * 60 * 24)); $timedelta -= $days * 60 * 60 * 24; /* if ($timedelta>3610){ //if more than 1 hour and 10 seconds over a day then round up the day output $days +=1; } */ $fieldval = str_ireplace("%d", $days, $fieldval); $shownsign = true; } if (stripos($fieldval, "%h") !== false) { $hours = intval($timedelta / (60 * 60)); $timedelta -= $hours * 60 * 60; if ($shownsign) { $hours = abs($hours); } $hours = sprintf("%02d", $hours); $fieldval = str_ireplace("%h", $hours, $fieldval); $shownsign = true; } if (stripos($fieldval, "%m") !== false) { $mins = intval($timedelta / 60); $timedelta -= $hours * 60; if ($mins) { $mins = abs($mins); } $mins = sprintf("%02d", $mins); $fieldval = str_ireplace("%m", $mins, $fieldval); } $content .= $fieldval; break; case 'extraInfo': $this->modparams->set("image", 0); $dayEvent->data->text = $dayEvent->extra_info(); $dispatcher->trigger('onContentPrepare', array('com_jevents', &$dayEvent->data, &$this->modparams, 0)); $dayEvent->extra_info($dayEvent->data->text); $content .= $dayEvent->extra_info(); break; case 'countdown': $timedelta = $dayEvent->getUnixStartTime() - JevDate::mktime(); $eventPassed = !($timedelta >= 0); $fieldval = $dateParm; $shownsign = false; if (stripos($fieldval, "%nopast") !== false) { if (!$eventPassed) { $fieldval = str_ireplace("%nopast", "", $fieldval); } else { $fieldval = JText::_('JEV_EVENT_FINISHED'); } } if (stripos($fieldval, "%d") !== false) { $days = intval($timedelta / (60 * 60 * 24)); $timedelta -= $days * 60 * 60 * 24; $fieldval = str_ireplace("%d", $days, $fieldval); $shownsign = true; } if (stripos($fieldval, "%h") !== false) { $hours = intval($timedelta / (60 * 60)); $timedelta -= $hours * 60 * 60; if ($shownsign) { $hours = abs($hours); } $hours = sprintf("%02d", $hours); $fieldval = str_ireplace("%h", $hours, $fieldval); $shownsign = true; } if (stripos($fieldval, "%m") !== false) { $mins = intval($timedelta / 60); $timedelta -= $hours * 60; if ($mins) { $mins = abs($mins); } $mins = sprintf("%02d", $mins); $fieldval = str_ireplace("%m", $mins, $fieldval); } $content .= $fieldval; break; case 'createdByAlias': $content .= $dayEvent->created_by_alias(); break; case 'createdByUserName': $catobj = JEVHelper::getUser($dayEvent->created_by()); $content .= isset($catobj->username) ? $catobj->username : ""; break; case 'createdByUserEmail': // Note that users email address will NOT be available if they don't want to receive email $catobj = JEVHelper::getUser($dayEvent->created_by()); $content .= $catobj->sendEmail ? $catobj->email : ''; break; case 'createdByUserEmailLink': // Note that users email address will NOT be available if they don't want to receive email $content .= JRoute::_("index.php?option=" . $compname . "&task=" . $task_events . "&agid=" . $dayEvent->id() . "&year=" . $st_year . "&month=" . $st_month . "&day=" . $st_day . "&Itemid=" . $this->myItemid . $this->catout); break; case 'color': $content .= $dayEvent->bgcolor(); break; case 'eventDetailLink': $link = $dayEvent->viewDetailLink($st_year, $st_month, $st_day, false, $this->myItemid); $link = JRoute::_($link . $this->datamodel->getCatidsOutLink()); $content .= $link; /* $content .= JRoute::_("index.php?option=" . $compname . "&task=".$task_events . "&agid=".$dayEvent->id() . "&year=".$st_year . "&month=".$st_month . "&day=".$st_day . "&Itemid=".$this->myItemid . $this->catout); */ break; default: try { if (strpos($match, '${') !== false) { $parts = explode('${', $match); $tempstr = ""; foreach ($parts as $part) { if (strpos($part, "}") !== false) { // limit to 2 because we may be using joomla content plugins $subparts = explode("}", $part, 2); if (strpos($subparts[0], "#") > 0) { $formattedparts = explode("#", $subparts[0]); $subparts[0] = $formattedparts[0]; } else { $formattedparts = array($subparts[0], "%s", ""); } $subpart = "_" . $subparts[0]; if (isset($dayEvent->{$subpart})) { $temp = $dayEvent->{$subpart}; if ($temp != "") { $tempstr .= str_replace("%s", $temp, $formattedparts[1]); } else { if (isset($formattedparts[2])) { $tempstr .= str_replace("%s", $temp, $formattedparts[2]); } } } else { if (isset($dayEvent->customfields[$subparts[0]]['value'])) { $temp = $dayEvent->customfields[$subparts[0]]['value']; if ($temp != "") { $tempstr .= str_replace("%s", $temp, $formattedparts[1]); } else { if (isset($formattedparts[2])) { $tempstr .= str_replace("%s", $temp, $formattedparts[2]); } } } else { $matchedByPlugin = false; $layout = "list"; static $fieldNameArrays = array(); $jevplugins = JPluginHelper::getPlugin("jevents"); foreach ($jevplugins as $jevplugin) { $classname = "plgJevents" . ucfirst($jevplugin->name); if (is_callable(array($classname, "substitutefield"))) { if (!isset($fieldNameArrays[$classname])) { $fieldNameArrays[$classname] = call_user_func(array($classname, "fieldNameArray"), $layout); } if (isset($fieldNameArrays[$classname]["values"])) { if (in_array($subparts[0], $fieldNameArrays[$classname]["values"])) { $matchedByPlugin = true; // is the event detail hidden - if so then hide any custom fields too! if (!isset($event->_privateevent) || $event->_privateevent != 3) { $temp = call_user_func(array($classname, "substitutefield"), $dayEvent, $subparts[0]); if ($temp != "") { $tempstr .= str_replace("%s", $temp, $formattedparts[1]); } else { if (isset($formattedparts[2])) { $tempstr .= str_replace("%s", $temp, $formattedparts[2]); } } } } } } } if (!$matchedByPlugin) { // Layout editor code include_once JEV_PATH . "/views/default/helpers/defaultloadedfromtemplate.php"; ob_start(); // false at the end to stop it running through the plugins $part = "{{Dummy Label:" . implode("#", $formattedparts) . "}}"; DefaultLoadedFromTemplate(false, false, $dayEvent, 0, $part, false); $newpart = ob_get_clean(); if ($newpart != $part) { $tempstr .= $newpart; $matchedByPlugin = true; } } // none of the plugins has replaced the output so we now replace the blank formatted part! if (!$matchedByPlugin && isset($formattedparts[2])) { $tempstr .= str_replace("%s", "", $formattedparts[2]); } //$dispatcher->trigger( 'onLatestEventsField', array( &$dayEvent, $subparts[0], &$tempstr)); } } $tempstr .= $subparts[1]; } else { $tempstr .= $part; } } $content .= $tempstr; } else { if ($match) { $content .= $match; } } } catch (Exception $e) { if ($match) { $content .= $match; } } break; } // end of switch }
function _displayCalendarMod($time, $startday, $linkString, &$day_name, $monthMustHaveEvent = false, $basedate = false) { $db = JFactory::getDBO(); $cfg = JEVConfig::getInstance(); $compname = JEV_COM_COMPONENT; $cal_day = date("d", $time); //$cal_year=date("Y",$time); //$cal_month=date("m",$time); //list($cal_year,$cal_month,$cal_day) = JEVHelper::getYMD(); if (!$basedate) { $basedate = $time; } $base_year = date("Y", $basedate); $base_month = date("m", $basedate); $basefirst_of_month = JevDate::mktime(0, 0, 0, $base_month, 1, $base_year); $requestYear = JRequest::getInt("year", 0); $requestMonth = JRequest::getInt("month", 0); // special case when site link set the dates for the mini-calendar in the URL but not in the ajax request if ($requestMonth && $requestYear && JRequest::getString("task", "") != "modcal.ajax" && $this->modparams->get("minical_usedate", 0)) { $requestDay = JRequest::getInt("day", 1); $requestTime = JevDate::mktime(0, 0, 0, $requestMonth, $requestDay, $requestYear); if ($time - $basedate > 100000) { $requestTime = JevDate::strtotime("+1 month", $requestTime); } else { if ($time - $basedate < -100000) { $requestTime = JevDate::strtotime("-1 month", $requestTime); } } $cal_year = date("Y", $requestTime); $cal_month = date("m", $requestTime); $base_year = $requestYear; $base_month = $requestMonth; $basefirst_of_month = JevDate::mktime(0, 0, 0, $requestMonth, $requestDay, $requestYear); } else { $cal_year = date("Y", $time); $cal_month = date("m", $time); } $base_prev_month = $base_month - 1; $base_next_month = $base_month + 1; $base_next_month_year = $base_year; $base_prev_month_year = $base_year; if ($base_prev_month == 0) { $base_prev_month = 12; $base_prev_month_year -= 1; } if ($base_next_month == 13) { $base_next_month = 1; $base_next_month_year += 1; } $reg = JFactory::getConfig(); $reg->set("jev.modparams", $this->modparams); if ($this->modparams->get("showtooltips", 0)) { $data = $this->datamodel->getCalendarData($cal_year, $cal_month, 1, false, false); $this->hasTooltips = true; } else { $data = $this->datamodel->getCalendarData($cal_year, $cal_month, 1, true, $this->modparams->get("noeventcheck", 0)); } $reg->set("jev.modparams", false); $width = $this->modparams->get("mod_cal_width", "135px"); $height = $this->modparams->get("mod_cal_height", "auto"); $rowheight = $this->modparams->get("mod_cal_rowheight", "auto"); $month_name = JEVHelper::getMonthName($cal_month); $to_day = date("Y-m-d", $this->timeWithOffset); $today = JevDate::mktime(0, 0, 0, $cal_month, $cal_day, $cal_year); $cal_prev_month = $cal_month - 1; $cal_next_month = $cal_month + 1; $cal_next_month_year = $cal_year; $cal_prev_month_year = $cal_year; // additional EBS if ($cal_prev_month == 0) { $cal_prev_month = 12; $cal_prev_month_year -= 1; } if ($cal_next_month == 13) { $cal_next_month = 1; $cal_next_month_year += 1; } $viewname = $this->getTheme(); $viewpath = JURI::root(true) . "/components/{$compname}/views/" . $viewname . "/assets"; $viewimages = $viewpath . "/images"; $linkpref = "index.php?option={$compname}&Itemid=" . $this->myItemid . $this->cat . "&task="; /* $linkprevious = $linkpref."month.calendar&day=$cal_day&month=$cal_prev_month&year=$cal_prev_month_year"; $linkprevious = JRoute::_($linkprevious); $linkprevious = $this->htmlLinkCloaking($linkprevious, '<img border="0" title="' . JText::_("JEV_PREVIOUSMONTH") . '" alt="' . JText::_("JEV_PREVIOUSMONTH") . '" src="'.$viewimages.'/mini_arrowleft.gif"/>' ); */ $jev_component_name = JEV_COM_COMPONENT; $this->_navigationJS($this->_modid); $scriptlinks = ""; if ($this->minical_prevmonth) { $linkprevious = htmlentities(JURI::base() . "index.php?option={$jev_component_name}&task=modcal.ajax&day=1&month={$base_prev_month}&year={$base_prev_month_year}&modid={$this->_modid}&tmpl=component" . $this->cat); $scriptlinks .= "linkprevious = '" . $linkprevious . "';\n"; $linkprevious = '<img border="0" title="' . JText::_("JEV_PREVIOUSMONTH") . '" alt="' . JText::_("JEV_LAST_MONTH") . '" class="mod_events_link" src="' . $viewimages . '/mini_arrowleft.gif" onmousedown="callNavigation(\'' . $linkprevious . '\');" />'; } else { $linkprevious = ""; } if ($this->minical_actmonth == 1) { $linkcurrent = $linkpref . "month.calendar&day={$cal_day}&month={$cal_month}&year={$cal_year}"; $linkcurrent = JRoute::_($linkcurrent); $linkcurrent = $this->htmlLinkCloaking($linkcurrent, $month_name . " " . $cal_year, array("style" => "text-decoration:none;color:inherit;")); } elseif ($this->minical_actmonth == 2) { $linkcurrent = $month_name . " " . $cal_year; } else { $linkcurrent = ""; } /* $linknext = $linkpref."month.calendar&day=$cal_day&month=$cal_next_month&year=$cal_next_month_year"; $linknext = JRoute::_($linknext); $linknext = $this->htmlLinkCloaking($linknext, '<img border="0" title="' . JText::_("JEV_NEXT_MONTH") . '" alt="' . JText::_("JEV_NEXT_MONTH") . '" src="'.$viewimages.'/mini_arrowright.gif"/>' ); */ $this->_navigationJS($this->_modid); if ($this->minical_nextmonth) { $linknext = htmlentities(JURI::base() . "index.php?option={$jev_component_name}&task=modcal.ajax&day=1&month={$base_next_month}&year={$base_next_month_year}&modid={$this->_modid}&tmpl=component" . $this->cat); $scriptlinks .= "linknext = '" . $linknext . "';\n"; $linknext = '<img border="0" title="' . JText::_("JEV_NEXT_MONTH") . '" alt="' . JText::_("JEV_NEXT_MONTH") . '" class="mod_events_link" src="' . $viewimages . '/mini_arrowright.gif" onmousedown="callNavigation(\'' . $linknext . '\');" />'; } else { $linknext = ""; } $content = <<<START <div id="extcal_minical"> \t<table cellspacing="1" cellpadding="0" style="width:{$width}; text-align:center;border: 1px solid rgb(190, 194, 195); background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);"> \t\t<tr> \t\t\t<td style="vertical-align: top;"> START; if ($this->minical_showlink) { $content .= <<<START \t\t\t\t<table style="width:{$width};" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" border="0" class="extcal_navbar"> \t\t\t\t\t<tr> \t\t\t\t\t\t<td valign="middle" height="18" align="center"> \t\t\t\t\t\t\t{$linkprevious} \t\t</td> \t\t <td width="98%" valign="middle" nowrap="nowrap" height="18" align="center" class="extcal_month_label"> \t\t\t\t\t\t\t{$linkcurrent} \t\t </td> \t\t\t\t\t\t<td valign="middle" height="18" align="center" style="margin: 0 auto; min-width: 4px;"> \t\t {$linknext} \t\t</td> \t\t\t\t\t</tr> \t\t\t\t</table> START; } $content .= <<<START \t\t\t\t<table style="width:{$width};height:{$height}; " class="extcal_weekdays"> START; $lf = "\n"; // Days name rows - with blank week no. $content .= "<tr>\n<td/>\n"; for ($i = 0; $i < 7; $i++) { $content .= "<td class='extcal_weekdays'>" . $day_name[($i + $startday) % 7] . "</td>" . $lf; } $content .= "</tr>\n"; $datacount = count($data["dates"]); $dn = 0; for ($w = 0; $w < 6 && $dn < $datacount; $w++) { $content .= "<tr style='height:{$rowheight};'>\n"; // the week column list($week, $link) = each($data['weeks']); $content .= '<td class="extcal_weekcell">'; $content .= $this->htmlLinkCloaking($link, "<img width='5' height='20' border='0' alt='week " . $week . "' src='" . $viewimages . "/icon-mini-week.gif'/>"); $content .= "</td>\n"; for ($d = 0; $d < 7 && $dn < $datacount; $d++) { $currentDay = $data["dates"][$dn]; switch ($currentDay["monthType"]) { case "prior": case "following": $content .= "<td class='extcal_othermonth'/>\n"; break; case "current": $dayOfWeek = JevDate::strftime("%w", $currentDay["cellDate"]); $class = $currentDay["today"] ? "extcal_todaycell" : "extcal_daycell"; $linkclass = "extcal_daylink"; if ($dayOfWeek == 0 && !$currentDay["today"]) { $class = "extcal_sundaycell"; $linkclass = "extcal_sundaylink"; } if ($currentDay["events"] || $this->modparams->get("noeventcheck", 0)) { $linkclass = "extcal_busylink"; } $content .= "<td class='" . $class . "'>\n"; $tooltip = $this->getTooltip($currentDay, array('class' => $linkclass)); if ($tooltip) { $content .= $tooltip; } else { if ($this->modparams->get("emptydaylinks", 1) || $currentDay["events"] || $this->modparams->get("noeventcheck", 0)) { $content .= $this->htmlLinkCloaking($currentDay["link"], $currentDay['d'], array('class' => $linkclass, 'title' => JText::_('JEV_CLICK_TOSWITCH_DAY'))); } else { $content .= $currentDay['d']; } } $content .= "</td>\n"; break; } $dn++; } $content .= "</tr>\n"; } $content .= "</table>\n"; $content .= "</td></tr></table></div>\n"; if ($scriptlinks != "") { $content .= "<script style='text/javascript'>xyz=1;" . $scriptlinks . "zyx=1;</script>"; } // Now check to see if this month needs to have at least 1 event in order to display // if (!$monthMustHaveEvent || $monthHasEvent) return $content; // else return ''; return $content; }
function getAdjacentDay($year, $month, $day, $direction = 1) { $d1 = JevDate::mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, $day + $direction, $year); $day = JevDate::strftime("%d", $d1); $year = JevDate::strftime("%Y", $d1); $cfg = JEVConfig::getInstance(); $earliestyear = JEVHelper::getMinYear(); $latestyear = JEVHelper::getMaxYear(); if ($year > $latestyear || $year < $earliestyear) { return false; } $month = JevDate::strftime("%m", $d1); $task = JRequest::getString('jevtask'); $Itemid = JEVHelper::getItemid(); if (isset($Itemid)) { $item = "&Itemid={$Itemid}"; } else { $item = ""; } // URL suffix to preserver catids! $cat = $this->getCatidsOutLink(); return JRoute::_("index.php?option=" . JEV_COM_COMPONENT . "&task={$task}{$item}&year={$year}&month={$month}&day={$day}" . $cat); }
/** * Function that overwrites meta-tags in mainframe!! * * @static * @param string $name - metatag name * @param string $content - metatag value */ function checkRobotsMetaTag($name = "robots", $content = "noindex, nofollow") { // force robots metatag $cfg =& JEVConfig::getInstance(); if ($cfg->get('com_blockRobots', 0) >= 1) { $document =& JFactory::getDocument(); // Allow on content pages if ($cfg->get('com_blockRobots', 0) == 3) { if (strpos(JRequest::getString("jevtask", ""), ".detail") > 0) { $document->setMetaData($name, "nofollow"); return; } $document->setMetaData($name, $content); return; } if ($cfg->get('com_blockRobots', 0) == 1) { $document->setMetaData($name, $content); return; } list($cyear, $cmonth, $cday) = JEVHelper::getYMD(); $cdate = JevDate::mktime(0, 0, 0, $cmonth, $cday, $cyear); $prior = JevDate::strtotime($cfg->get('robotprior', "-1 day")); if ($cdate < $prior) { $document->setMetaData($name, $content); return; } $post = JevDate::strtotime($cfg->get('robotpost', "-1 day")); if ($cdate > $post) { $document->setMetaData($name, $content); return; } } }
protected function processMatch(&$content, $match, $dayEvent, $dateParm, $relDay) { $datenow = JEVHelper::getNow(); $dispatcher =& JDispatcher::getInstance(); // get the title and start time $startDate = JevDate::strtotime($dayEvent->publish_up()); if ($relDay > 0) { $eventDate = JevDate::strtotime($datenow->toFormat('%Y-%m-%d ') . JevDate::strftime('%H:%M', $startDate) . " +{$relDay} days"); } else { $eventDate = JevDate::strtotime($datenow->toFormat('%Y-%m-%d ') . JevDate::strftime('%H:%M', $startDate) . " {$relDay} days"); } $endDate = JevDate::strtotime($dayEvent->publish_down()); list($st_year, $st_month, $st_day) = explode('-', JevDate::strftime('%Y-%m-%d', $startDate)); list($ev_year, $ev_month, $ev_day) = explode('-', JevDate::strftime('%Y-%m-%d', $startDate)); $task_events = 'icalrepeat.detail'; switch ($match) { case 'endDate': case 'startDate': case 'eventDate': // Note we need to examine the date specifiers used to determine if language translation will be // necessary. Do this later when script is debugged. if (!$this->disableDateStyle) { $content .= '<span class="mod_events_latest_date">'; } if (!$dayEvent->alldayevent() && $match == "endDate" && ($dayEvent->noendtime() || $dayEvent->getUnixStartTime() == $dayEvent->getUnixEndTime())) { $time_fmt = ""; } else { if (!isset($dateParm) || $dateParm == '') { if ($this->com_calUseStdTime) { $time_fmt = $dayEvent->alldayevent() ? '' : ' @%l:%M%p'; } else { $time_fmt = $dayEvent->alldayevent() ? '' : ' @%H:%M'; } $dateFormat = $this->displayYear ? '%a %b %d, %Y' . $time_fmt : '<span class="eventDay">%a</span> <span class="eventDate">%d<span class="eventMonth">%b</span></span>'; $jmatch = new JevDate(${$match}); $content .= $jmatch->toFormat($dateFormat); //$content .= JEV_CommonFunctions::jev_strftime($dateFormat, $$match); } else { // format endDate when midnight to show midnight! if ($match == "endDate" && $dayEvent->sdn() == 59) { $tempEndDate = $endDate + 1; if ($dayEvent->alldayevent()) { // if an all day event then we don't want to roll to the next day $tempEndDate -= 86400; } $match = "tempEndDate"; } // if a '%' sign detected in date format string, we assume JevDate::strftime() is to be used, if (preg_match("/\\%/", $dateParm)) { $jmatch = new JevDate(${$match}); $content .= $jmatch->toFormat($dateParm); } else { $content .= date($dateParm, ${$match}); } if ($match == "tempDndDate") { $match = "endDate"; } } } if (!$this->disableDateStyle) { $content .= "</span>"; } break; case 'title': $title = $dayEvent->title(); if (!empty($dateParm)) { $parts = explode("|", $dateParm); if (count($parts) > 0 && strlen($title) > intval($parts[0])) { $title = substr($title, 0, intval($parts[0])); if (count($parts) > 1) { $title .= $parts[1]; } } } if (!$this->disableTitleStyle) { $content .= '<span class="mod_events_latest_content">'; } if ($this->displayLinks) { $link = $dayEvent->viewDetailLink($ev_year, $ev_month, $ev_day, false, $this->myItemid); $link = JRoute::_($link . $this->datamodel->getCatidsOutLink()); $content .= $this->_htmlLinkCloaking($link, JEventsHTML::special($title)); } else { $content .= JEventsHTML::special($title); } if (!$this->disableTitleStyle) { $content .= '</span>'; } break; case 'category': $catobj = $dayEvent->getCategoryName(); $content .= JEventsHTML::special($catobj); break; case 'calendar': $catobj = $dayEvent->getCalendarName(); $content .= JEventsHTML::special($catobj); break; case 'contact': // Also want to cloak contact details so $this->modparams->set("image", 1); $dayEvent->text = $dayEvent->contact_info(); if (JVersion::isCompatible("1.6.0")) { $dispatcher->trigger('onContentPrepare', array('com_jevents', &$dayEvent, &$this->modparams, 0)); } else { $dispatcher->trigger('onPrepareContent', array(&$dayEvent, &$this->modparams, 0), true); } $dayEvent->contact_info($dayEvent->text); $content .= $dayEvent->contact_info(); break; case 'content': // Added by Kaz McCoy 1-10-2004 $this->modparams->set("image", 1); $dayEvent->data->text = $dayEvent->content(); if (JVersion::isCompatible("1.6.0")) { $dispatcher->trigger('onContentPrepare', array('com_jevents', &$dayEvent->data, &$this->modparams, 0)); } else { $results = $dispatcher->trigger('onPrepareContent', array(&$dayEvent->data, &$this->modparams, 0), true); } if (!empty($dateParm)) { $parts = explode("|", $dateParm); if (count($parts) > 0 && strlen(strip_tags($dayEvent->data->text)) > intval($parts[0])) { $dayEvent->data->text = substr(strip_tags($dayEvent->data->text), 0, intval($parts[0])); if (count($parts) > 1) { $dayEvent->data->text .= $parts[1]; } } } $dayEvent->content($dayEvent->data->text); //$content .= substr($dayEvent->content, 0, 150); $content .= $dayEvent->content(); break; case 'addressInfo': case 'location': $this->modparams->set("image", 0); $dayEvent->data->text = $dayEvent->location(); if (JVersion::isCompatible("1.6.0")) { $dispatcher->trigger('onContentPrepare', array('com_jevents', &$dayEvent->data, &$this->modparams, 0)); } else { $results = $dispatcher->trigger('onPrepareContent', array(&$dayEvent->data, &$this->modparams, 0), true); } $dayEvent->location($dayEvent->data->text); $content .= $dayEvent->location(); break; case 'extraInfo': $this->modparams->set("image", 0); $dayEvent->data->text = $dayEvent->extra_info(); if (JVersion::isCompatible("1.6.0")) { $dispatcher->trigger('onContentPrepare', array('com_jevents', &$dayEvent->data, &$this->modparams, 0)); } else { $results = $dispatcher->trigger('onPrepareContent', array(&$dayEvent->data, &$this->modparams, 0), true); } $dayEvent->extra_info($dayEvent->data->text); $content .= $dayEvent->extra_info(); break; case 'countdown': $timedelta = $dayEvent->getUnixStartTime() - JevDate::mktime(); $fieldval = $dateParm; $shownsign = false; if (stripos($fieldval, "%d") !== false) { $days = intval($timedelta / (60 * 60 * 24)); $timedelta -= $days * 60 * 60 * 24; $fieldval = str_ireplace("%d", $days, $fieldval); $shownsign = true; } if (stripos($fieldval, "%h") !== false) { $hours = intval($timedelta / (60 * 60)); $timedelta -= $hours * 60 * 60; if ($shownsign) { $hours = abs($hours); } $hours = sprintf("%02d", $hours); $fieldval = str_ireplace("%h", $hours, $fieldval); $shownsign = true; } if (stripos($fieldval, "%m") !== false) { $mins = intval($timedelta / 60); $timedelta -= $hours * 60; if ($mins) { $mins = abs($mins); } $mins = sprintf("%02d", $mins); $fieldval = str_ireplace("%m", $mins, $fieldval); } $content .= $fieldval; break; case 'createdByAlias': $content .= $dayEvent->created_by_alias(); break; case 'createdByUserName': $catobj = JEVHelper::getUser($dayEvent->created_by()); $content .= isset($catobj->username) ? $catobj->username : ""; break; case 'createdByUserEmail': // Note that users email address will NOT be available if they don't want to receive email $catobj = JEVHelper::getUser($dayEvent->created_by()); $content .= $catobj->sendEmail ? $catobj->email : ''; break; case 'createdByUserEmailLink': // Note that users email address will NOT be available if they don't want to receive email $content .= JRoute::_("index.php?option=" . $compname . "&task=" . $task_events . "&agid=" . $dayEvent->id() . "&year=" . $st_year . "&month=" . $st_month . "&day=" . $st_day . "&Itemid=" . $this->myItemid . $this->catout); break; case 'color': $content .= $dayEvent->bgcolor(); break; case 'eventDetailLink': $link = $dayEvent->viewDetailLink($st_year, $st_month, $st_day, false, $this->myItemid); $link = JRoute::_($link . $this->datamodel->getCatidsOutLink()); $content .= $link; /* $content .= JRoute::_("index.php?option=" . $compname . "&task=".$task_events . "&agid=".$dayEvent->id() . "&year=".$st_year . "&month=".$st_month . "&day=".$st_day . "&Itemid=".$this->myItemid . $this->catout); */ break; default: try { if (strpos($match, '${') !== false) { $parts = explode('${', $match); $tempstr = ""; foreach ($parts as $part) { if (strpos($part, "}") !== false) { $subparts = explode("}", $part); //$part = str_replace("}","",$part); $subpart = "_" . $subparts[0]; if (isset($dayEvent->{$subpart})) { $temp = $dayEvent->{$subpart}; $tempstr .= $temp; } else { if (isset($dayEvent->customfields[$subparts[0]]['value'])) { $temp = $dayEvent->customfields[$subparts[0]]['value']; $tempstr .= $temp; } else { $layout = "list"; $jevplugins = JPluginHelper::getPlugin("jevents"); foreach ($jevplugins as $jevplugin) { $classname = "plgJevents" . ucfirst($jevplugin->name); if (is_callable(array($classname, "substitutefield"))) { $fieldNameArray = call_user_func(array($classname, "fieldNameArray"), $layout); if (isset($fieldNameArray["values"])) { if (in_array($subparts[0], $fieldNameArray["values"])) { // is the event detail hidden - if so then hide any custom fields too! if (!isset($event->_privateevent) || $event->_privateevent != 3) { $tempstr .= call_user_func(array($classname, "substitutefield"), $dayEvent, $subparts[0]); } } } } } //$dispatcher->trigger( 'onLatestEventsField', array( &$dayEvent, $subparts[0], &$tempstr)); } } $tempstr .= $subparts[1]; } else { $tempstr .= $part; } } $content .= $tempstr; } else { if ($match) { $content .= $match; } } } catch (Exception $e) { if ($match) { $content .= $match; } } break; } // end of switch }
function DefaultLoadedFromTemplate($view, $template_name, $event, $mask, $template_value = false, $runplugins = true) { $db = JFactory::getDBO(); // find published template static $templates; static $fieldNameArray; if (!isset($templates)) { $templates = array(); $fieldNameArray = array(); $rawtemplates = array(); } $specialmodules = false; static $allcat_catids; $loadedFromFile = false; if (!$template_value) { if (!array_key_exists($template_name, $templates)) { $db->setQuery("SELECT * FROM #__jev_defaults WHERE state=1 AND name= " . $db->Quote($template_name) . " AND " . 'language in (' . $db->quote(JFactory::getLanguage()->getTag()) . ',' . $db->quote('*') . ')'); $rawtemplates = $db->loadObjectList(); $templates[$template_name] = array(); if ($rawtemplates) { foreach ($rawtemplates as $rt) { if (!isset($templates[$template_name][$rt->language])) { $templates[$template_name][$rt->language] = array(); } $templates[$template_name][$rt->language][$rt->catid] = $rt; } } if (!isset($templates[$template_name]['*'][0])) { try { $viewname = $view->getViewName(); } catch (Exception $e) { $viewname = "default"; } $templatefile = JPATH_BASE . '/' . 'templates' . '/' . JFactory::getApplication()->getTemplate() . '/' . 'html' . '/' . JEV_COM_COMPONENT . "/{$viewname}/defaults/{$template_name}.html"; if (!JFile::exists($templatefile)) { $templatefile = JPATH_BASE . '/' . 'templates' . '/' . JFactory::getApplication()->getTemplate() . '/' . 'html' . '/' . JEV_COM_COMPONENT . "/defaults/{$template_name}.html"; } if (!JFile::exists($templatefile)) { $templatefile = JEV_VIEWS . "/{$viewname}/defaults/{$template_name}.html"; } if (!JFile::exists($templatefile)) { $templatefile = JEV_ADMINPATH . "views/defaults/tmpl/{$template_name}.html"; } // Fall back to html version if (JFile::exists($templatefile)) { $loadedFromFile = true; $templates[$template_name]['*'] = array(); $templates[$template_name]['*'][0] = new stdClass(); $templates[$template_name]['*'][0]->value = file_get_contents($templatefile); $templates[$template_name]['*'][0]->params = null; $templates[$template_name]['*'][0]->fromfile = true; } else { return false; } } if (isset($templates[$template_name][JFactory::getLanguage()->getTag()])) { $templateArray = $templates[$template_name][JFactory::getLanguage()->getTag()]; // We have the most specific by language now fill in the gaps if (isset($templates[$template_name]["*"])) { foreach ($templates[$template_name]["*"] as $cat => $cattemplates) { if (!isset($templateArray[$cat])) { $templateArray[$cat] = $cattemplates; } } } $templates[$template_name] = $templateArray; } else { if (isset($templates[$template_name]["*"])) { $templates[$template_name] = $templates[$template_name]["*"]; } else { if (is_array($templates[$template_name]) && count($templates[$template_name]) == 0) { $templates[$template_name] = null; } else { if (is_array($templates[$template_name]) && count($templates[$template_name]) > 0) { $templates[$template_name] = current($templates[$template_name]); } else { $templates[$template_name] = null; } } } } $matched = false; foreach (array_keys($templates[$template_name]) as $catid) { if ($templates[$template_name][$catid]->value != "") { if (isset($templates[$template_name][$catid]->params)) { $templates[$template_name][$catid]->params = new JRegistry($templates[$template_name][$catid]->params); $specialmodules = $templates[$template_name][$catid]->params; } // Adjust template_value to include dynamic module output then strip it out afterwards if ($specialmodules) { $modids = $specialmodules->get("modid", array()); if (count($modids) > 0) { $modvals = $specialmodules->get("modval", array()); // not sure how this can arise :( if (is_object($modvals)) { $modvals = get_object_vars($modvals); } $modids = array_values($modids); $modvals = array_values($modvals); for ($count = 0; $count < count($modids) && $count < count($modvals) && trim($modids[$count]) != ""; $count++) { $templates[$template_name][$catid]->value .= "{{module start:MODULESTART#" . $modids[$count] . "}}"; // cleaned later! //$templates[$template_name][$catid]->value .= preg_replace_callback('|{{.*?}}|', 'cleanLabels', $modvals[$count]); $templates[$template_name][$catid]->value .= $modvals[$count]; $templates[$template_name][$catid]->value .= "{{module end:MODULEEND}}"; } } } // strip carriage returns other wise the preg replace doesn;y work - needed because wysiwyg editor may add the carriage return in the template field $templates[$template_name][$catid]->value = str_replace("\r", '', $templates[$template_name][$catid]->value); $templates[$template_name][$catid]->value = str_replace("\n", '', $templates[$template_name][$catid]->value); // non greedy replacement - because of the ? $templates[$template_name][$catid]->value = preg_replace_callback('|{{.*?}}|', 'cleanLabels', $templates[$template_name][$catid]->value); $matchesarray = array(); preg_match_all('|{{.*?}}|', $templates[$template_name][$catid]->value, $matchesarray); $templates[$template_name][$catid]->matchesarray = $matchesarray; } } } if (is_null($templates[$template_name])) { return false; } $catids = $event->catids() && count($event->catids()) ? $event->catids() : array($event->catid()); $catids[] = 0; // find the overlap $catids = array_intersect($catids, array_keys($templates[$template_name])); // At present must be an EXACT category match - no inheriting allowed! if (count($catids) == 0) { if (!isset($templates[$template_name][0]) || $templates[$template_name][0]->value == "") { return false; } } $template = false; foreach ($catids as $catid) { // use the first matching non-empty layout if ($templates[$template_name][$catid]->value != "") { $template = $templates[$template_name][$catid]; break; } } if (!$template) { return false; } $template_value = $template->value; $specialmodules = $template->params; $matchesarray = $template->matchesarray; $loadedFromFile = isset($template->fromfile); } else { if ($runplugins && JRequest::getString("option") != "com_jevents") { // This is a special scenario where we call this function externally e.g. from RSVP Pro messages // In this scenario we have not gone through the displaycustomfields plugin static $pluginscalled = array(); if (!isset($pluginscalled[$event->rp_id()])) { $dispatcher = JEventDispatcher::getInstance(); JPluginHelper::importPlugin("jevents"); $customresults = $dispatcher->trigger('onDisplayCustomFields', array(&$event)); $pluginscalled[$event->rp_id()] = $event; } else { $event = $pluginscalled[$event->rp_id()]; } } // Adjust template_value to include dynamic module output then strip it out afterwards if ($specialmodules) { $modids = $specialmodules->get("modid", array()); if (count($modids) > 0) { $modvals = $specialmodules->get("modval", array()); // not sure how this can arise :( if (is_object($modvals)) { $modvals = get_object_vars($modvals); } $modids = array_values($modids); $modvals = array_values($modvals); for ($count = 0; $count < count($modids) && $count < count($modvals) && trim($modids[$count]) != ""; $count++) { $template_value .= "{{module start:MODULESTART#" . $modids[$count] . "}}"; // cleaned later! //$template_value .= preg_replace_callback('|{{.*?}}|', 'cleanLabels', $modvals[$count]); $template_value .= $modvals[$count]; $template_value .= "{{module end:MODULEEND}}"; } } } // strip carriage returns other wise the preg replace doesn;y work - needed because wysiwyg editor may add the carriage return in the template field $template_value = str_replace("\r", '', $template_value); $template_value = str_replace("\n", '', $template_value); // non greedy replacement - because of the ? $template_value = preg_replace_callback('|{{.*?}}|', 'cleanLabels', $template_value); $matchesarray = array(); preg_match_all('|{{.*?}}|', $template_value, $matchesarray); } if ($template_value == "") { return; } if (count($matchesarray) == 0) { return; } // now replace the fields $search = array(); $replace = array(); $blank = array(); $rawreplace = array(); $jevparams = JComponentHelper::getParams(JEV_COM_COMPONENT); for ($i = 0; $i < count($matchesarray[0]); $i++) { $strippedmatch = preg_replace('/(#|:|;)+[^}]*/', '', $matchesarray[0][$i]); if (in_array($strippedmatch, $search)) { continue; } // translation string if (JString::strpos($strippedmatch, "{{_") === 0 && JString::strpos($strippedmatch, " ") === false) { $search[] = $strippedmatch; $strippedmatch = JString::substr($strippedmatch, 3, JString::strlen($strippedmatch) - 5); $replace[] = JText::_($strippedmatch); $blank[] = ""; continue; } // Built in fields switch ($strippedmatch) { case "{{TITLE}}": $search[] = "{{TITLE}}"; $replace[] = $event->title(); $blank[] = ""; break; case "{{TRUNCATED_TITLE}}": $search[] = "{{TRUNCATED_TITLE:.*?}}"; $replace[] = $event->title(); $blank[] = ""; break; case "{{PRIORITY}}": $search[] = "{{PRIORITY}}"; $replace[] = $event->priority(); $blank[] = ""; break; case "{{LINK}}": case "{{LINKSTART}}": case "{{LINKEND}}": case "{{TITLE_LINK}}": // no need to repeat this for each of the matching 'case's if (!in_array("{{LINK}}", $search)) { // Title link $rowlink = $event->viewDetailLink($event->yup(), $event->mup(), $event->dup(), false); if ($view) { $rowlink = JRoute::_($rowlink . $view->datamodel->getCatidsOutLink()); } ob_start(); ?> <a class="ev_link_row" href="<?php echo $rowlink; ?> " title="<?php echo JEventsHTML::special($event->title()); ?> "> <?php $linkstart = ob_get_clean(); $search[] = "{{LINK}}"; $replace[] = $rowlink; $blank[] = ""; $search[] = "{{LINKSTART}}"; $replace[] = $linkstart; $blank[] = ""; $search[] = "{{LINKEND}}"; $replace[] = "</a>"; $blank[] = ""; $fulllink = $linkstart . $event->title() . '</a>'; $search[] = "{{TITLE_LINK}}"; $replace[] = $fulllink; $blank[] = ""; } break; case "{{TRUNCTITLE}}": // for month calendar cell only if (isset($event->truncatedtitle)) { $search[] = "{{TRUNCTITLE}}"; $replace[] = $event->truncatedtitle; $blank[] = ""; } else { $search[] = "{{TRUNCTITLE}}"; $replace[] = $event->title(); $blank[] = ""; } break; case "{{URL}}": $search[] = "{{URL}}"; $replace[] = $event->url(); $blank[] = ""; break; case "{{TRUNCATED_DESC}}": $search[] = "{{TRUNCATED_DESC:.*?}}"; $replace[] = $event->content(); $blank[] = ""; // $search[]="|{{TRUNCATED_DESC:(.*)}}|";$replace[]=$event->content(); break; case "{{DESCRIPTION}}": $search[] = "{{DESCRIPTION}}"; $replace[] = $event->content(); $blank[] = ""; break; case "{{MANAGEMENT}}": $search[] = "{{MANAGEMENT}}"; if ($view) { ob_start(); $view->_viewNavAdminPanel(); $replace[] = ob_get_clean(); } else { $replace[] = ""; } $blank[] = ""; break; case "{{CATEGORY}}": $search[] = "{{CATEGORY}}"; $replace[] = $event->catname(); $blank[] = ""; break; case "{{ALLCATEGORIES}}": $search[] = "{{ALLCATEGORIES}}"; if (!isset($allcat_catids)) { $db = JFactory::getDBO(); $arr_catids = array(); $catsql = "SELECT, cat.title as name FROM #__categories as cat WHERE cat.extension='com_jevents' "; $db->setQuery($catsql); $allcat_catids = $db->loadObjectList('id'); } $db = JFactory::getDbo(); $db->setQuery("Select catid from #__jevents_catmap WHERE evid = " . $event->ev_id()); $allcat_eventcats = $db->loadColumn(); $allcats = array(); foreach ($allcat_eventcats as $catid) { if (isset($allcat_catids[$catid])) { $allcats[] = $allcat_catids[$catid]->name; } } $replace[] = implode(", ", $allcats); $blank[] = ""; break; case "{{CALENDAR}}": $search[] = "{{CALENDAR}}"; $replace[] = $event->getCalendarName(); $blank[] = ""; break; case "{{COLOUR}}": case "{{colour}}": $bgcolor = $event->bgcolor(); $search[] = $strippedmatch; $replace[] = $bgcolor == "" ? "#ffffff" : $bgcolor; $blank[] = ""; break; case "{{FGCOLOUR}}": $search[] = "{{FGCOLOUR}}"; $replace[] = $event->fgcolor(); $blank[] = ""; break; case "{{TTTIME}}": $search[] = "{{TTTIME}}"; $replace[] = "[[TTTIME]]"; $blank[] = ""; break; case "{{EVTTIME}}": $search[] = "{{EVTTIME}}"; $replace[] = "[[EVTTIME]]"; $blank[] = ""; break; // deprecated // deprecated case "{{TOOLTIP}}": $search[] = "{{TOOLTIP}}"; $replace[] = "[[TOOLTIP]]"; $blank[] = ""; break; // new version for bootstrap // new version for bootstrap case "{{TOOLTIPTITLE}}": $search[] = "{{TOOLTIPTITLE}}"; $replace[] = "[[TOOLTIPTITLE]]"; $blank[] = ""; break; case "{{TOOLTIPCONTENT}}": $search[] = "{{TOOLTIPCONTENT}}"; $replace[] = "[[TOOLTIPCONTENT]]"; $blank[] = ""; break; case "{{CATEGORYLNK}}": $router = JRouter::getInstance("site"); $catlinks = array(); if ($jevparams->get("multicategory", 0)) { $catids = $event->catids(); $catdata = $event->getCategoryData(); } else { $catids = array($event->catid()); $catdata = array($event->getCategoryData()); } $vars = $router->getVars(); foreach ($catids as $cat) { $vars["catids"] = $cat; $catname = "xxx"; foreach ($catdata as $cg) { if ($cat == $cg->id) { $catname = $cg->name; break; } } $eventlink = "index.php?"; foreach ($vars as $key => $val) { // this is only used in the latest events module so do not perpetuate it here if ($key == "filter_reset") { continue; } if ($key == "task" && ($val == "icalrepeat.detail" || $val == "icalevent.detail")) { $val = "week.listevents"; } $eventlink .= $key . "=" . $val . "&"; } $eventlink = JString::substr($eventlink, 0, JString::strlen($eventlink) - 1); $eventlink = JRoute::_($eventlink); $catlinks[] = '<a class="ev_link_cat" href="' . $eventlink . '" title="' . JEventsHTML::special($catname) . '">' . $catname . '</a>'; } $search[] = "{{CATEGORYLNK}}"; $replace[] = implode(", ", $catlinks); $blank[] = ""; break; case "{{CATEGORYIMG}}": $search[] = "{{CATEGORYIMG}}"; $replace[] = $event->getCategoryImage(); $blank[] = ""; break; case "{{CATEGORYIMGS}}": $search[] = "{{CATEGORYIMGS}}"; $replace[] = $event->getCategoryImage(true); $blank[] = ""; break; case "{{ALLCATEGORYIMGS}}": $search[] = "{{ALLCATEGORYIMGS}}"; if (!isset($allcat_catids)) { $db = JFactory::getDBO(); $arr_catids = array(); $catsql = "SELECT, cat.title as name FROM #__categories as cat WHERE cat.extension='com_jevents' "; $db->setQuery($catsql); $allcat_catids = $db->loadObjectList('id'); } $db = JFactory::getDbo(); $db->setQuery("Select params from #__jevents_catmap WHERE evid = " . $event->ev_id()); $data = $db->loadColumn(); $output = ""; if (is_array($data)) { foreach ($data as $cat) { $params = json_decode($cat->params); if (isset($params->image) && $params->image != "") { $output .= "<img src = '" . JURI::root() . $params->image . "' class='catimage' alt='categoryimage' />"; } } } $replace[] = $output; $blank[] = ""; break; case "{{CATDESC}}": $search[] = "{{CATDESC}}"; $replace[] = $event->getCategoryDescription(); $blank[] = ""; break; case "{{CATID}}": $search[] = "{{CATID}}"; $replace[] = $event->catid(); $blank[] = ""; break; case "{{PARENT_CATEGORY}}": $search[] = "{{PARENT_CATEGORY}}"; $replace[] = $event->getParentCategory(); $blank[] = ""; break; case "{{ICALDIALOG}}": case "{{ICALBUTTON}}": case "{{EDITDIALOG}}": case "{{EDITBUTTON}}": // no need to repeat this for each of the matching 'case's if (!in_array("{{EDITBUTTON}}", $search)) { if ($jevparams->get("showicalicon", 0) && !$jevparams->get("disableicalexport", 0)) { $cssloaded = true; ob_start(); $view->eventIcalButton($event); ?> <div class="jevdialogs" style="position:relative;"> <?php $search[] = "{{ICALDIALOG}}"; if ($view) { ob_start(); $view->eventIcalDialog($event, $mask, true); $dialog = ob_get_clean(); $replace[] = $dialog; } else { $replace[] = ""; } $blank[] = ""; echo $dialog; ?> </div> <?php $search[] = "{{ICALBUTTON}}"; $replace[] = ob_get_clean(); $blank[] = ""; } else { $search[] = "{{ICALBUTTON}}"; $replace[] = ""; $blank[] = ""; $search[] = "{{ICALDIALOG}}"; $replace[] = ""; $blank[] = ""; } if (JEVHelper::canEditEvent($event) || JEVHelper::canPublishEvent($event) || JEVHelper::canDeleteEvent($event)) { ob_start(); $view->eventManagementButton($event); ?> <div class="jevdialogs"> <?php $search[] = "{{EDITDIALOG}}"; if ($view) { ob_start(); $view->eventManagementDialog($event, $mask, true); $dialog = ob_get_clean(); $replace[] = $dialog; } else { $replace[] = ""; } $blank[] = ""; echo $dialog; ?> </div> <?php $search[] = "{{EDITBUTTON}}"; $replace[] = ob_get_clean(); $blank[] = ""; } else { $search[] = "{{EDITBUTTON}}"; $replace[] = ""; $blank[] = ""; $search[] = "{{EDITDIALOG}}"; $replace[] = ""; $blank[] = ""; } } break; case "{{CREATED}}": $compparams = JComponentHelper::getParams(JEV_COM_COMPONENT); $jtz = $compparams->get("icaltimezonelive", ""); if ($jtz == "") { $jtz = null; } $created = JevDate::getDate($event->created(), $jtz); $search[] = "{{CREATED}}"; $replace[] = $created->toFormat(JText::_("DATE_FORMAT_CREATED")); $blank[] = ""; break; case "{{ACCESS}}": $search[] = "{{ACCESS}}"; $replace[] = $event->getAccessName(); $blank[] = ""; break; case "{{JEVSTARTED}}": case "{{JEVENDED}}": // no need to repeat this for each of the matching 'case's if (!in_array("{{JEVSTARTED}}", $search)) { $search[] = "{{JEVSTARTED}}"; $now = new JevDate("+0 seconds"); $now = $now->toFormat("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"); $replace[] = $event->publish_up() < $now ? JText::_("JEV_EVENT_STARTED") : ""; $blank[] = ""; $search[] = "{{JEVENDED}}"; $replace[] = $event->publish_down() < $now ? JText::_("JEV_EVENT_ENDED") : ""; $blank[] = ""; } break; case "{{REPEATSUMMARY}}": case "{{STARTDATE}}": case "{{ENDDATE}}": case "{{STARTTIME}}": case "{{ENDTIME}}": case "{{STARTTZ}}": case "{{ENDTZ}}": case "{{ISOSTART}}": case "{{ISOEND}}": case "{{DURATION}}": case "{{COUNTDOWN}}": case "{{MULTIENDDATE}}": // no need to repeat this for each of the matching 'case's if (!in_array("{{COUNTDOWN}}", $search)) { if ($template_name == "icalevent.detail_body") { $search[] = "{{REPEATSUMMARY}}"; $repeatsummary = $view->repeatSummary($event); if (!$repeatsummary) { $repeatsummary = $event->repeatSummary(); } if ($jevparams->get("com_repeatview", 1)) { $replace[] = $repeatsummary; } else { $replace[] = ""; } //$replace[] = $event->repeatSummary(); $blank[] = ""; $row = $event; $start_date = JEventsHTML::getDateFormat($row->yup(), $row->mup(), $row->dup(), 0); $start_time = JEVHelper::getTime($row->getUnixStartTime(), $row->hup(), $row->minup()); $stop_date = JEventsHTML::getDateFormat($row->ydn(), $row->mdn(), $row->ddn(), 0); $stop_time = JEVHelper::getTime($row->getUnixEndTime(), $row->hdn(), $row->mindn()); $stop_time_midnightFix = $stop_time; $stop_date_midnightFix = $stop_date; if ($row->sdn() == 59 && $row->mindn() == 59) { $stop_time_midnightFix = JEVHelper::getTime($row->getUnixEndTime() + 1, 0, 0); $stop_date_midnightFix = JEventsHTML::getDateFormat($row->ydn(), $row->mdn(), $row->ddn() + 1, 0); } $search[] = "{{STARTDATE}}"; $replace[] = $start_date; $blank[] = ""; $search[] = "{{ENDDATE}}"; $replace[] = $stop_date; $blank[] = ""; $search[] = "{{STARTTIME}}"; $replace[] = $row->alldayevent() ? "" : $start_time; $blank[] = ""; $search[] = "{{ENDTIME}}"; $replace[] = $row->noendtime() || $row->alldayevent() ? "" : $stop_time_midnightFix; $blank[] = ""; $search[] = "{{MULTIENDDATE}}"; $replace[] = $row->endDate() > $row->startDate() ? $stop_date : ""; $blank[] = ""; $search[] = "{{STARTTZ}}"; $replace[] = $row->alldayevent() ? "" : $start_time; $blank[] = ""; $search[] = "{{ENDTZ}}"; $replace[] = $row->noendtime() || $row->alldayevent() ? "" : $stop_time_midnightFix; $blank[] = ""; $rawreplace["{{STARTDATE}}"] = $row->getUnixStartDate(); $rawreplace["{{ENDDATE}}"] = $row->getUnixEndDate(); $rawreplace["{{STARTTIME}}"] = $row->alldayevent() ? "" : $row->getUnixStartTime(); $rawreplace["{{ENDTIME}}"] = $row->noendtime() || $row->alldayevent() ? "" : $row->getUnixEndTime(); $rawreplace["{{STARTTZ}}"] = $row->yup() . "-" . $row->mup() . "-" . $row->dup() . " " . $row->hup() . ":" . $row->minup() . ":" . $row->sup(); $rawreplace["{{ENDTZ}}"] = $row->ydn() . "-" . $row->mdn() . "-" . $row->ddn() . " " . $row->hdn() . ":" . $row->mindn() . ":" . $row->sdn(); $rawreplace["{{MULTIENDDATE}}"] = $row->endDate() > $row->startDate() ? $row->getUnixEndDate() : ""; if (JString::strpos($template_value, "{{ISOSTART}}") !== false || JString::strpos($template_value, "{{ISOEND}}") !== false) { $search[] = "{{ISOSTART}}"; $replace[] = JEventsHTML::getDateFormat($row->yup(), $row->mup(), $row->dup(), "%Y-%m-%d") . "T" . sprintf('%02d:%02d:00', $row->hup(), $row->minup()); $blank[] = ""; $search[] = "{{ISOEND}}"; $replace[] = JEventsHTML::getDateFormat($row->ydn(), $row->mdn(), $row->ddn(), "%Y-%m-%d") . "T" . sprintf('%02d:%02d:00', $row->hdn(), $row->mindn()); $blank[] = ""; } } else { $row = $event; $start_date = JEventsHTML::getDateFormat($row->yup(), $row->mup(), $row->dup(), 0); $start_time = JEVHelper::getTime($row->getUnixStartTime(), $row->hup(), $row->minup()); $stop_date = JEventsHTML::getDateFormat($row->ydn(), $row->mdn(), $row->ddn(), 0); $stop_time = JEVHelper::getTime($row->getUnixEndTime(), $row->hdn(), $row->mindn()); $stop_time_midnightFix = $stop_time; $stop_date_midnightFix = $stop_date; if ($row->sdn() == 59 && $row->mindn() == 59) { $stop_time_midnightFix = JEVHelper::getTime($row->getUnixEndTime() + 1, 0, 0); $stop_date_midnightFix = JEventsHTML::getDateFormat($row->ydn(), $row->mdn(), $row->ddn() + 1, 0); } $search[] = "{{STARTDATE}}"; $replace[] = $start_date; $blank[] = ""; $search[] = "{{ENDDATE}}"; $replace[] = $stop_date; $blank[] = ""; $search[] = "{{STARTTIME}}"; $replace[] = $row->alldayevent() ? "" : $start_time; $blank[] = ""; $search[] = "{{ENDTIME}}"; $replace[] = $row->noendtime() || $row->alldayevent() ? "" : $stop_time_midnightFix; $blank[] = ""; $search[] = "{{MULTIENDDATE}}"; $replace[] = $row->endDate() > $row->startDate() ? $stop_date : ""; $blank[] = ""; $search[] = "{{STARTTZ}}"; $replace[] = $row->alldayevent() ? "" : $start_time; $blank[] = ""; $search[] = "{{ENDTZ}}"; $replace[] = $row->noendtime() || $row->alldayevent() ? "" : $stop_time_midnightFix; $blank[] = ""; $rawreplace["{{STARTDATE}}"] = $row->getUnixStartDate(); $rawreplace["{{ENDDATE}}"] = $row->getUnixEndDate(); $rawreplace["{{STARTTIME}}"] = $row->alldayevent() ? "" : $row->getUnixStartTime(); $rawreplace["{{ENDTIME}}"] = $row->noendtime() || $row->alldayevent() ? "" : $row->getUnixEndTime(); $rawreplace["{{STARTTZ}}"] = $row->yup() . "-" . $row->mup() . "-" . $row->dup() . " " . $row->hup() . ":" . $row->minup() . ":" . $row->sup(); $rawreplace["{{ENDTZ}}"] = $row->ydn() . "-" . $row->mdn() . "-" . $row->ddn() . " " . $row->hdn() . ":" . $row->mindn() . ":" . $row->sdn(); $rawreplace["{{MULTIENDDATE}}"] = $row->endDate() > $row->startDate() ? $row->getUnixEndDate() : ""; if (JString::strpos($template_value, "{{ISOSTART}}") !== false || JString::strpos($template_value, "{{ISOEND}}") !== false) { $search[] = "{{ISOSTART}}"; $replace[] = JEventsHTML::getDateFormat($row->yup(), $row->mup(), $row->dup(), "%Y-%m-%d") . "T" . sprintf('%02d:%02d:00', $row->hup(), $row->minup()); $blank[] = ""; $search[] = "{{ISOEND}}"; $replace[] = JEventsHTML::getDateFormat($row->ydn(), $row->mdn(), $row->ddn(), "%Y-%m-%d") . "T" . sprintf('%02d:%02d:00', $row->hdn(), $row->mindn()); $blank[] = ""; } // these would slow things down if not needed in the list $dorepeatsummary = JString::strpos($template_value, "{{REPEATSUMMARY}}") !== false; if ($dorepeatsummary) { $cfg = JEVConfig::getInstance(); $jevtask = JRequest::getString("jevtask"); $jevtask = str_replace(".listevents", "", $jevtask); $showyeardate = $cfg->get("showyeardate", 0); $row = $event; $times = ""; if ($showyeardate && $jevtask == "year" || $jevtask == "search.results" || $jevtask == "month.calendar" || $jevtask == "cat" || $jevtask == "range") { $start_publish = $row->getUnixStartDate(); $stop_publish = $row->getUnixEndDate(); if ($stop_publish == $start_publish) { if ($row->noendtime()) { $times = $start_time; } else { if ($row->alldayevent()) { $times = ""; } else { if ($start_time != $stop_time) { $times = $start_time . ' - ' . $stop_time_midnightFix; } else { $times = $start_time; } } } $times = $start_date . " " . $times . "<br/>"; } else { if ($row->noendtime()) { $times = $start_time; } else { if ($row->alldayevent()) { $times = ""; } else { if ($start_time != $stop_time && !$row->alldayevent()) { $times = $start_time . ' - ' . $stop_time_midnightFix; } } } $times = $start_date . ' - ' . $stop_date . " " . $times . "<br/>"; } } else { if (($jevtask == "day" || $jevtask == "week") && $row->starttime() != $row->endtime() && !$row->alldayevent()) { if ($row->noendtime()) { if ($showyeardate && $jevtask == "year") { $times = $start_time . ' - ' . $stop_time_midnightFix . ' '; } else { $times = $start_time . ' '; } } else { if ($row->alldayevent()) { $times = ""; } else { $times = $start_time . ' - ' . $stop_time_midnightFix . ' '; } } } } $search[] = "{{REPEATSUMMARY}}"; $replace[] = $times; $blank[] = ""; } } $search[] = "{{COUNTDOWN}}"; $timedelta = $row->getUnixStartTime() - JevDate::mktime(); $eventPassed = !($timedelta >= 0); $fieldval = JText::_("JEV_COUNTDOWN_FORMAT"); $shownsign = false; if (stripos($fieldval, "%nopast") !== false) { if (!$eventPassed) { $fieldval = str_ireplace("%nopast", "", $fieldval); } else { $fieldval = JText::_('JEV_EVENT_ALREADY_STARTED'); } } if (stripos($fieldval, "%d") !== false) { $days = intval($timedelta / (60 * 60 * 24)); $timedelta -= $days * 60 * 60 * 24; $fieldval = str_ireplace("%d", $days, $fieldval); $shownsign = true; } if (stripos($fieldval, "%h") !== false) { $hours = intval($timedelta / (60 * 60)); $timedelta -= $hours * 60 * 60; if ($shownsign) { $hours = abs($hours); } $hours = sprintf("%02d", $hours); $fieldval = str_ireplace("%h", $hours, $fieldval); $shownsign = true; } if (stripos($fieldval, "%m") !== false) { $mins = intval($timedelta / 60); $timedelta -= $hours * 60; if ($mins) { $mins = abs($mins); } $mins = sprintf("%02d", $mins); $fieldval = str_ireplace("%m", $mins, $fieldval); } $replace[] = $fieldval; $blank[] = ""; $search[] = "{{DURATION}}"; $timedelta = $row->noendtime() ? "" : $row->getUnixEndTime() - $row->getUnixStartTime(); if ($row->alldayevent()) { $timedelta = $row->getUnixEndDate() - $row->getUnixStartDate() + 60 * 60 * 24; } $fieldval = JText::_("JEV_DURATION_FORMAT"); $shownsign = false; // whole days! if (stripos($fieldval, "%wd") !== false) { $days = intval($timedelta / (60 * 60 * 24)); $timedelta -= $days * 60 * 60 * 24; if ($timedelta > 3610) { //if more than 1 hour and 10 seconds over a day then round up the day output $days += 1; } $fieldval = str_ireplace("%d", $days, $fieldval); $shownsign = true; } if (stripos($fieldval, "%d") !== false) { $days = intval($timedelta / (60 * 60 * 24)); $timedelta -= $days * 60 * 60 * 24; /* if ($timedelta>3610){ //if more than 1 hour and 10 seconds over a day then round up the day output $days +=1; } */ $fieldval = str_ireplace("%d", $days, $fieldval); $shownsign = true; } if (stripos($fieldval, "%h") !== false) { $hours = intval($timedelta / (60 * 60)); $timedelta -= $hours * 60 * 60; if ($shownsign) { $hours = abs($hours); } $hours = sprintf("%02d", $hours); $fieldval = str_ireplace("%h", $hours, $fieldval); $shownsign = true; } if (stripos($fieldval, "%m") !== false) { $mins = intval($timedelta / 60); $timedelta -= $hours * 60; if ($mins) { $mins = abs($mins); } $mins = sprintf("%02d", $mins); $fieldval = str_ireplace("%m", $mins, $fieldval); } $replace[] = $fieldval; $blank[] = ""; } break; case "{{PREVIOUSNEXT}}": static $doprevnext; if (!isset($doprevnext)) { $doprevnext = JString::strpos($template_value, "{{PREVIOUSNEXT}}") !== false; } if ($doprevnext) { $search[] = "{{PREVIOUSNEXT}}"; $replace[] = $event->previousnextLinks(); $blank[] = ""; } break; case "{{PREVIOUSNEXTEVENT}}": static $doprevnextevent; if (!isset($doprevnextevent)) { $doprevnextevent = JString::strpos($template_value, "{{PREVIOUSNEXTEVENT}}") !== false; } if ($doprevnextevent) { $search[] = "{{PREVIOUSNEXTEVENT}}"; $replace[] = $event->previousnextEventLinks(); $blank[] = ""; } break; case "{{FIRSTREPEAT}}": case "{{FIRSTREPEATSTART}}": case "{{JEVAGE}}": // no need to repeat this for each of the matching 'case's if (!in_array("{{FIRSTREPEAT}}", $search)) { static $dofirstrepeat; if (!isset($dofirstrepeat)) { $dofirstrepeat = JString::strpos($template_value, "{{FIRSTREPEAT") !== false || JString::strpos($template_value, "{{FIRSTREPEATSTART") !== false || JString::strpos($template_value, "{{JEVAGE") !== false; } if ($dofirstrepeat) { $search[] = "{{FIRSTREPEAT}}"; $firstrepeat = $event->getFirstRepeat(); if ($firstrepeat->rp_id() == $event->rp_id()) { $replace[] = ""; } else { $replace[] = "<a class='ev_firstrepeat' href='" . $firstrepeat->viewDetailLink($firstrepeat->yup(), $firstrepeat->mup(), $firstrepeat->dup(), true) . "' title='" . JText::_('JEV_FIRSTREPEAT') . "' >" . JText::_('JEV_FIRSTREPEAT') . "</a>"; } $blank[] = ""; $search[] = "{{FIRSTREPEATSTART}}"; if ($firstrepeat->rp_id() == $event->rp_id()) { $replace[] = ""; } else { $replace[] = JEventsHTML::getDateFormat($firstrepeat->yup(), $firstrepeat->mup(), $firstrepeat->dup(), 0); $rawreplace["{{FIRSTREPEATSTART}}"] = $firstrepeat->yup() . "-" . $firstrepeat->mup() . "-" . $firstrepeat->dup() . " " . $firstrepeat->hup() . ":" . $firstrepeat->minup() . ":" . $firstrepeat->sup(); } $blank[] = ""; $search[] = "{{JEVAGE}}"; if ($firstrepeat->rp_id() == $event->rp_id()) { $replace[] = ""; } else { $replace[] = $event->yup() > $firstrepeat->yup() && $event->mup() == $firstrepeat->mup() && $event->dup() == $firstrepeat->dup() ? $event->yup() - $firstrepeat->yup() : ""; } $blank[] = ""; } } break; case "{{LASTREPEAT}}": case "{{LASTREPEATEND}}": // no need to repeat this for each of the matching 'case's if (!in_array("{{LASTREPEAT}}", $search)) { static $dolastrepeat; if (!isset($dolastrepeat)) { $dolastrepeat = JString::strpos($template_value, "{{LASTREPEAT}}") !== false || JString::strpos($template_value, "{{LASTREPEATEND}}") !== false; } if ($dolastrepeat) { $search[] = "{{LASTREPEAT}}"; $lastrepeat = $event->getLastRepeat(); if ($lastrepeat->rp_id() == $event->rp_id()) { $replace[] = ""; } else { $replace[] = "<a class='ev_lastrepeat' href='" . $lastrepeat->viewDetailLink($lastrepeat->yup(), $lastrepeat->mup(), $lastrepeat->dup(), true) . "' title='" . JText::_('JEV_LASTREPEAT') . "' >" . JText::_('JEV_LASTREPEAT') . "</a>"; } $blank[] = ""; $search[] = "{{LASTREPEATEND}}"; if ($lastrepeat->rp_id() != $event->rp_id()) { $replace[] = JEventsHTML::getDateFormat($lastrepeat->ydn(), $lastrepeat->mdn(), $lastrepeat->ddn(), 0); $rawreplace["{{LASTREPEATEND}}"] = $lastrepeat->ydn() . "-" . $lastrepeat->mdn() . "-" . $lastrepeat->ddn() . " " . $lastrepeat->hdn() . ":" . $lastrepeat->mindn() . ":" . $lastrepeat->sdn(); } else { $replace[] = ""; } $blank[] = ""; } } break; case "{{CREATOR_LABEL}}": $search[] = "{{CREATOR_LABEL}}"; if ($jevparams->get("com_byview", 1) || $template_name != "icalevent.detail_body") { $replace[] = JText::_('JEV_BY'); } else { $replace[] = ""; } $blank[] = ""; break; case "{{CREATOR}}": $search[] = "{{CREATOR}}"; if ($jevparams->get("com_byview", 1) || $template_name != "icalevent.detail_body") { $replace[] = $event->contactlink(); } else { $replace[] = ""; } $blank[] = ""; break; case "{{HITS}}": $search[] = "{{HITS}}"; if ($jevparams->get("com_hitsview", 1) || $template_name != "icalevent.detail_body") { $replace[] = "<span class='hitslabel'>" . JText::_('JEV_EVENT_HITS') . '</span> : ' . $event->hits(); } else { $replace[] = ""; } $blank[] = ""; break; case "{{LOCATION_LABEL}}": case "{{LOCATION}}": // no need to repeat this for each of the matching 'case's if (!in_array("{{LOCATION}}", $search)) { if ($event->hasLocation()) { $search[] = "{{LOCATION_LABEL}}"; $replace[] = JText::_('JEV_EVENT_ADRESSE') . " "; $blank[] = ""; $search[] = "{{LOCATION}}"; $replace[] = $event->location(); $blank[] = ""; } else { $search[] = "{{LOCATION_LABEL}}"; $replace[] = ""; $blank[] = ""; $search[] = "{{LOCATION}}"; $replace[] = ""; $blank[] = ""; } } break; case "{{CONTACT_LABEL}}": case "{{CONTACT}}": // no need to repeat this for each of the matching 'case's if (!in_array("{{CONTACT}}", $search)) { if ($event->hasContactInfo()) { if (JString::strpos($event->contact_info(), '<script') === false) { $dispatcher = JEventDispatcher::getInstance(); JPluginHelper::importPlugin('content'); //Contact $pattern = '[a-zA-Z0-9&?_.,=%\\-\\/]'; if (JString::strpos($event->contact_info(), '<a href=') === false && $event->contact_info() != "") { $event->contact_info(preg_replace('@(https?://)(' . $pattern . '*)@i', '<a href="\\1\\2">\\1\\2</a>', $event->contact_info())); } // NO need to call conContentPrepate since its called on the template value below here } $search[] = "{{CONTACT_LABEL}}"; $replace[] = JText::_('JEV_EVENT_CONTACT') . " "; $blank[] = ""; $search[] = "{{CONTACT}}"; $replace[] = $event->contact_info(); $blank[] = ""; } else { $search[] = "{{CONTACT_LABEL}}"; $replace[] = ""; $blank[] = ""; $search[] = "{{CONTACT}}"; $replace[] = ""; $blank[] = ""; } } break; case "{{EXTRAINFO}}": //Extra if (JString::strpos($event->extra_info(), '<script') === false && $event->extra_info() != "") { $dispatcher = JEventDispatcher::getInstance(); JPluginHelper::importPlugin('content'); $pattern = '[a-zA-Z0-9&?_.,=%\\-\\/#]'; if (JString::strpos($event->extra_info(), '<a href=') === false) { $event->extra_info(preg_replace('@(https?://)(' . $pattern . '*)@i', '<a href="\\1\\2">\\1\\2</a>', $event->extra_info())); } //$row->extra_info(eregi_replace('[^(href=|href="|href=\')](((f|ht){1}tp://)[-a-zA-Z0-9@:%_\+.~#?&//=]+)','\\1', $row->extra_info())); // NO need to call conContentPrepate since its called on the template value below here } $search[] = "{{EXTRAINFO}}"; $replace[] = $event->extra_info(); $blank[] = ""; break; case "{{RPID}}": $search[] = "{{RPID}}"; $replace[] = $event->rp_id(); $blank[] = ""; break; default: $strippedmatch = str_replace(array("{", "}"), "", $strippedmatch); if (is_callable(array($event, $strippedmatch))) { $search[] = "{{" . $strippedmatch . "}}"; $replace[] = $event->{$strippedmatch}(); $blank[] = ""; } break; } } // Now do the plugins // get list of enabled plugins $layout = $template_name == "icalevent.list_row" || $template_name == "month.calendar_cell" || $template_name == "month.calendar_tip" ? "list" : "detail"; if ($runplugins) { $jevplugins = JPluginHelper::getPlugin("jevents"); foreach ($jevplugins as $jevplugin) { $classname = "plgJevents" . ucfirst($jevplugin->name); if (is_callable(array($classname, "substitutefield"))) { if (!isset($fieldNameArray[$classname])) { $fieldNameArray[$classname] = array(); } if (!isset($fieldNameArray[$classname][$layout])) { //list($usec, $sec) = explode(" ", microtime()); //$starttime = (float) $usec + (float) $sec; $fieldNameArray[$classname][$layout] = call_user_func(array($classname, "fieldNameArray"), $layout); //list ($usec, $sec) = explode(" ", microtime()); //$time_end = (float) $usec + (float) $sec; //echo "$classname::fieldNameArray = ".round($time_end - $starttime, 4)."<br/>"; } if (isset($fieldNameArray[$classname][$layout]["values"])) { foreach ($fieldNameArray[$classname][$layout]["values"] as $fieldname) { if (!JString::strpos($template_value, $fieldname) !== false) { continue; } $search[] = "{{" . $fieldname . "}}"; // is the event detail hidden - if so then hide any custom fields too! if (!isset($event->_privateevent) || $event->_privateevent != 3) { $replace[] = call_user_func(array($classname, "substitutefield"), $event, $fieldname); if (is_callable(array($classname, "blankfield"))) { $blank[] = call_user_func(array($classname, "blankfield"), $event, $fieldname); } else { $blank[] = ""; } } else { $blank[] = ""; $replace[] = ""; } } } } } } // word counts etc. for ($s = 0; $s < count($search); $s++) { if (JString::strpos($search[$s], "TRUNCATED_DESC:") > 0 || JString::strpos($search[$s], "TRUNCATED_TITLE:") > 0) { global $tempreplace, $tempevent, $tempsearch; $tempreplace = $replace[$s]; $tempsearch = $search[$s]; $tempevent = $event; $template_value = preg_replace_callback("|{$tempsearch}|", 'jevSpecialHandling', $template_value); } } // Date/time formats etc. for ($s = 0; $s < count($search); $s++) { if (JString::strpos($search[$s], "STARTDATE") > 0 || JString::strpos($search[$s], "STARTTIME") > 0 || JString::strpos($search[$s], "ENDDATE") > 0 || JString::strpos($search[$s], "ENDTIME") > 0 || JString::strpos($search[$s], "ENDTZ") > 0 || JString::strpos($search[$s], "STARTTZ") > 0 || JString::strpos($search[$s], "MULTIENDDATE") > 0 || JString::strpos($search[$s], "FIRSTREPEATSTART") > 0 || JString::strpos($search[$s], "LASTREPEATEND") > 0) { if (!isset($rawreplace[$search[$s]]) || !$rawreplace[$search[$s]]) { continue; } global $tempreplace, $tempevent, $tempsearch, $tempblank; $tempreplace = $rawreplace[$search[$s]]; $tempblank = $blank[$s]; $tempsearch = str_replace("}}", ";.*?}}", $search[$s]); $tempevent = $event; $template_value = preg_replace_callback("~{$tempsearch}~", 'jevSpecialDateFormatting', $template_value); } } for ($s = 0; $s < count($search); $s++) { global $tempreplace, $tempevent, $tempsearch, $tempblank; $tempreplace = $replace[$s]; $tempblank = $blank[$s]; $tempsearch = str_replace("}}", "#", $search[$s]); $tempevent = $event; $template_value = preg_replace_callback("|{$tempsearch}(.+?)}}|", 'jevSpecialHandling2', $template_value); } // The universal search and replace to finish $template_value = str_replace($search, $replace, $template_value); if ($specialmodules) { $reg = JRegistry::getInstance("com_jevents"); $parts = explode("{{MODULESTART#", $template_value); $dynamicmodules = array(); foreach ($parts as $part) { $currentdynamicmodules = $reg->get("dynamicmodules", false); if (JString::strpos($part, "{{MODULEEND}}") === false) { // strip out BAD HTML tags left by WYSIWYG editors if (JString::substr($part, JString::strlen($part) - 3) == "<p>") { $template_value = JString::substr($part, 0, JString::strlen($part) - 3); } else { $template_value = $part; } continue; } // start with module name $modname = JString::substr($part, 0, JString::strpos($part, "}}")); $modulecontent = JString::substr($part, JString::strpos($part, "}}") + 2); $modulecontent = JString::substr($modulecontent, 0, JString::strpos($modulecontent, "{{MODULEEND}}")); // strip out BAD HTML tags left by WYSIWYG editors if (JString::strpos($modulecontent, "</p>") === 0) { $modulecontent = "<p>x@#" . $modulecontent; } if (JString::substr($modulecontent, JString::strlen($modulecontent) - 3) == "<p>") { $modulecontent .= "x@#</p>"; } $modulecontent = str_replace("<p>x@#</p>", "", $modulecontent); if (isset($currentdynamicmodules[$modname])) { if (!is_array($currentdynamicmodules[$modname])) { $currentdynamicmodules[$modname] = array($currentdynamicmodules[$modname]); } $currentdynamicmodules[$modname][] = $modulecontent; $dynamicmodules[$modname] = $currentdynamicmodules[$modname]; } else { $dynamicmodules[$modname] = $modulecontent; } } $reg->set("dynamicmodules", $dynamicmodules); } // non greedy replacement - because of the ? $template_value = preg_replace_callback('|{{.*?}}|', 'cleanUnpublished', $template_value); // replace [[ with { to that other content plugins can work ok - but not for calendar cell or tooltip since we use [[ there already! if ($template_name != "month.calendar_cell" && $template_name != "month.calendar_tip") { $template_value = str_replace(array("[[", "]]"), array("{", "}"), $template_value); } //We add new line characters again to avoid being marked as SPAM when using tempalte in emails // do this before calling content plugins in case these add javascript etc. to layout $template_value = preg_replace("@(<\\s*(br)*\\s*\\/\\s*(p|td|tr|table|div|ul|li|ol|dd|dl|dt)*\\s*>)+?@i", "\$1\n", $template_value); // Call content plugins - BUT because emailcloak doesn't identify emails in input fields to a text substitution $template_value = str_replace("@", "@£@", $template_value); $params = new JRegistry(null); $tmprow = new stdClass(); $tmprow->text = $template_value; $tmprow->event = $event; $dispatcher = JEventDispatcher::getInstance(); JPluginHelper::importPlugin('content'); $dispatcher->trigger('onContentPrepare', array('com_jevents', &$tmprow, &$params, 0)); $template_value = $tmprow->text; $template_value = str_replace("@£@", "@", $template_value); echo $template_value; return !$loadedFromFile; }
function addDays($n = 0) { $this->date = JevDate::mktime($this->hour, $this->minute, $this->second, $this->month, $this->day + $n, $this->year); $parts = explode(":", date("Y:m:j:G:i:s:t", $this->date)); $this->year = intval($parts[0]); $this->month = intval($parts[1]); $this->day = intval($parts[2]); $this->dim = intval($parts[6]); }
public static function getDateFormat($year, $month, $day, $type) { // Transform to translation strings if (empty($year)) { $year = 0; } if (empty($month)) { $month = 0; } if (empty($day)) { $day = 1; } static $format_type; if (!isset($format_type)) { $cfg = JEVConfig::getInstance(); $format_type = $cfg->get('com_dateformat'); } $datestp = JevDate::mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, $day, $year); // if date format is from langauge file then do this first if ($format_type == 3 && is_numeric($type)) { return JEV_CommonFunctions::jev_strftime(JText::_("DATE_FORMAT_" . $type), $datestp); } switch ($type) { case '0': if ($format_type == 0) { return JEV_CommonFunctions::jev_strftime("%A %d %B %Y", $datestp); // Fr style : Monday 03 Juillet 2003 } elseif ($format_type == 1) { return JEV_CommonFunctions::jev_strftime("%A, %B %d, %Y", $datestp); // Us style : Monday, July 03, 2003 } else { //return JevDate::strftime("%A, %e. %B %Y",$datestp); // %e not supported by windows return sprintf(JEV_CommonFunctions::jev_strftime("%A, %%s. %B %Y", $datestp), intval(JEV_CommonFunctions::jev_strftime('%d', $datestp))); // De style : Montag, 3. Juli 2003 } break; case '1': if ($format_type == 0) { return JEV_CommonFunctions::jev_strftime("%d %B %Y", $datestp); // Fr style : 23 Juillet 2003 } elseif ($format_type == 1) { return JEV_CommonFunctions::jev_strftime("%B %d, %Y", $datestp); // Us style : July 23, 2003 } else { return JEV_CommonFunctions::jev_strftime("%d. %B %Y", $datestp); // De style : 23. Juli 2003 } break; case '2': if ($format_type == 0) { return JEV_CommonFunctions::jev_strftime("%d %B", $datestp); // Fr style : 23 Juillet } elseif ($format_type == 1) { return JEV_CommonFunctions::jev_strftime("%B %d", $datestp); // Us style : Juillet 23 } else { return JEV_CommonFunctions::jev_strftime("%d. %B", $datestp); // De style : 23. Juli } break; case '3': if ($format_type == 0) { return JEV_CommonFunctions::jev_strftime("%B %Y", $datestp); // Fr style : Juillet 2003 } elseif ($format_type == 1) { return JEV_CommonFunctions::jev_strftime("%B, %Y", $datestp); // Us style : Juillet, 2003 } else { return JEV_CommonFunctions::jev_strftime("%B %Y", $datestp); // De style : Juli 2003 } break; case '4': if ($format_type == 0) { return JEV_CommonFunctions::jev_strftime("%d/%m/%Y", $datestp); // Fr style : 23/07/2003 } elseif ($format_type == 1) { return JEV_CommonFunctions::jev_strftime("%m/%d/%Y", $datestp); // Us style : 07/23/2003 } else { return JEV_CommonFunctions::jev_strftime("%d.%m.%Y", $datestp); // De style : 23.07.2003 } break; case '5': if ($format_type == 0) { return JEV_CommonFunctions::jev_strftime("%d/%m", $datestp); // Fr style : 23/07 } elseif ($format_type == 1) { return JEV_CommonFunctions::jev_strftime("%m/%d", $datestp); // Us style : 07/23 } else { return JEV_CommonFunctions::jev_strftime("%d.%m.", $datestp); // De style : 23.07. } break; case '6': if ($format_type == 0) { return JEV_CommonFunctions::jev_strftime("%m/%Y", $datestp); // Fr style : 07/2003 } elseif ($format_type == 1) { return JEV_CommonFunctions::jev_strftime("%m/%Y", $datestp); // Us style : 07/2003 } else { return JEV_CommonFunctions::jev_strftime("%m/%Y", $datestp); // De style : 07/2003 } break; case '7': if ($format_type == 0) { return JEV_CommonFunctions::jev_strftime("%A, %d", $datestp); // Fr style : Monday 23 } elseif ($format_type == 1) { return JEV_CommonFunctions::jev_strftime("%A, %d", $datestp); // Us style : Monday, 23 } else { return JEV_CommonFunctions::jev_strftime("%A, %d.", $datestp); // De style : Montag, 23. } break; default: // in this case $type is a format! return JEV_CommonFunctions::jev_strftime($type, $datestp); break; } return $newdate; }
function countIcalEventsByCat($catids, $showrepeats = false) { $db =& JFactory::getDBO(); $user = JFactory::getUser(); // Use catid in accessibleCategoryList to pick up offsping too! $aid = null; $catidlist = implode(",", $catids); // process the new plugins // get extra data and conditionality from plugins $extrafields = ""; // must have comma prefix $extratables = ""; // must have comma prefix $extrawhere = array(); $extrajoin = array(); $needsgroup = false; if (!$this->cfg->getValue("showyearpast", 1)) { list($year, $month, $day) = JEVHelper::getYMD(); $startdate = JevDate::mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, $day, $year); $startdate = JevDate::strftime('%Y-%m-%d 00:00:00', $startdate); $extrawhere[] = "rpt.endrepeat >= '{$startdate}'"; } $filters = jevFilterProcessing::getInstance(array("published", "justmine", "category", "search")); $filters->setWhereJoin($extrawhere, $extrajoin); $needsgroup = $filters->needsGroupBy(); $extrafields = ""; // must have comma prefix $extratables = ""; // must have comma prefix $dispatcher =& JDispatcher::getInstance(); $dispatcher->trigger('onListIcalEvents', array(&$extrafields, &$extratables, &$extrawhere, &$extrajoin, &$needsgroup)); $catwhere = "\n WHERE ev.catid IN(" . $this->accessibleCategoryList() . ")"; $params = JComponentHelper::getParams("com_jevents"); if ($params->get("multicategory", 0)) { $extrajoin[] = "\n #__jevents_catmap as catmap ON catmap.evid = rpt.eventid"; $extrajoin[] = "\n #__categories AS catmapcat ON catmap.catid ="; $extrafields .= ", GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT catmap.catid SEPARATOR ',') as catids"; $extrawhere[] = " catmapcat.access " . (version_compare(JVERSION, '1.6.0', '>=') ? ' IN (' . JEVHelper::getAid($user) . ')' : ' <= ' . JEVHelper::getAid($user)); $extrawhere[] = " catmap.catid IN(" . $this->accessibleCategoryList() . ")"; $needsgroup = true; $catwhere = "\n WHERE 1 "; } $extrajoin = count($extrajoin) ? " \n LEFT JOIN " . implode(" \n LEFT JOIN ", $extrajoin) : ''; $extrawhere = count($extrawhere) ? ' AND ' . implode(' AND ', $extrawhere) : ''; // Get the count if ($showrepeats) { $query = "SELECT count(DISTINCT rpt.rp_id) as cnt" . "\n FROM #__jevents_vevent as ev " . "\n LEFT JOIN #__jevents_icsfile as icsf ON icsf.ics_id=ev.icsid" . "\n LEFT JOIN #__jevents_repetition as rpt ON rpt.eventid = ev.ev_id" . "\n LEFT JOIN #__jevents_rrule as rr ON rr.eventid = ev.ev_id" . "\n LEFT JOIN #__jevents_vevdetail as det ON det.evdet_id = rpt.eventdetail_id" . $extrajoin . $catwhere . "\n AND icsf.state=1" . $extrawhere; } else { // TODO fine a single query way of doing this !!! $query = "SELECT MIN(rpt.rp_id) as rp_id FROM #__jevents_repetition as rpt " . "\n LEFT JOIN #__jevents_vevent as ev ON rpt.eventid = ev.ev_id" . "\n LEFT JOIN #__jevents_rrule as rr ON rr.eventid = ev.ev_id" . "\n LEFT JOIN #__jevents_vevdetail as det ON det.evdet_id = rpt.eventdetail_id" . "\n LEFT JOIN #__jevents_icsfile as icsf ON icsf.ics_id=ev.icsid " . $extrajoin . $catwhere . $extrawhere . "\n AND icsf.state=1" . "\n GROUP BY ev.ev_id"; $db->setQuery($query); $rplist = $db->loadResultArray(); $rplist = implode(',', array_merge(array(-1), $rplist)); $query = "SELECT count(DISTINCT det.evdet_id) as cnt" . "\n FROM #__jevents_vevent as ev " . "\n LEFT JOIN #__jevents_icsfile as icsf ON icsf.ics_id=ev.icsid" . "\n LEFT JOIN #__jevents_repetition as rpt ON rpt.eventid = ev.ev_id" . "\n AND rpt.rp_id IN({$rplist})" . "\n LEFT JOIN #__jevents_rrule as rr ON rr.eventid = ev.ev_id" . "\n LEFT JOIN #__jevents_vevdetail as det ON det.evdet_id = rpt.eventdetail_id" . $extrajoin . $catwhere . "\n AND icsf.state=1" . $extrawhere; } $db->setQuery($query); //echo $db->_sql; //echo $db->explain(); $total = intval($db->loadResult()); return $total; }
$hasevents = false; echo '<fieldset><legend class="ev_fieldset">' . JText::_('JEV_EVENTSFOR') . ' ' . JText::_('JEV_WEEK') . ' : </legend><br />' . "\n"; echo '<table align="center" width="90%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" class="ev_table">' . "\n"; ?> <tr valign="top"> <td colspan="2" align="center" class="cal_td_daysnames"> <!-- <div class="cal_daysnames"> --> <?php echo $data['startdate'] . ' - ' . $data['enddate']; ?> <!-- </div> --> </td> </tr> <?php for ($d = 0; $d < 7; $d++) { $day_link = '<a class="ev_link_weekday" href="' . $data['days'][$d]['link'] . '" title="' . JText::_('JEV_CLICK_TOSWITCH_DAY') . '">' . JEV_CommonFunctions::jev_strftime("%A", JevDate::mktime(3, 0, 0, $data['days'][$d]['week_month'], $data['days'][$d]['week_day'], $data['days'][$d]['week_year'])) . "<br/>" . JEventsHTML::getDateFormat($data['days'][$d]['week_year'], $data['days'][$d]['week_month'], $data['days'][$d]['week_day'], 2) . '</a>' . "\n"; if ($data['days'][$d]['today']) { $bg = 'class="ev_td_today"'; } else { $bg = 'class="ev_td_left"'; } echo '<tr><td ' . $bg . '>' . $day_link . '</td>' . "\n"; echo '<td class="ev_td_right">' . "\n"; $num_events = count($data['days'][$d]['rows']); if ($num_events > 0) { $hasevents = true; echo "<ul class='ev_ul'>\n"; for ($r = 0; $r < $num_events; $r++) { $row = $data['days'][$d]['rows'][$r]; $listyle = 'style="border-color:' . $row->bgcolor() . ';"'; echo "<li class='ev_td_li' {$listyle}>\n";
function eventInPeriod($startDate, $endDate) { if (!isset($this->_start)) { $this->_start = JevDate::mktime(0, 0, 0, $this->mup, $this->dup, $this->yup); $this->_end = JevDate::mktime(0, 0, 0, $this->mdn, $this->ddn, $this->ydn); } if (!isset($this->rrule)) { if ($this->_start <= $endDate && $this->_end >= $startDate) { return true; } else { return false; } } else { if (isset($this->rrule)) { return $this->rrule->eventInPeriod($startDate, $endDate, $this->_start, $this->_end); } } return false; }
function mosEventRepeatArrayFlex($row = null, $flexStart = null, $flexEnd = null) { // builds and returns array if (is_null($row) || is_null($flexStart) || is_null($flexEnd)) { $eventDays = array(); return $eventDays; } list($dayStart, $monthStart, $yearStart) = explode(":", date("d:m:Y", $flexStart)); list($dayEnd, $monthEnd, $yearEnd) = explode(":", date("d:m:Y", $flexEnd)); if ($monthStart == $monthEnd && $yearStart == $yearEnd) { $flexEndSecond = JevDate::mktime(23, 59, 59, $monthEnd, $dayEnd, $yearEnd); return mosEventRepeatArrayPeriod($row, $flexStart, $flexEnd, $flexEndSecond); } else { $eventDays = array(); for ($y = $yearStart; $y <= $yearEnd; $y++) { $startMonth = 1; if ($y == $yearStart) { $startMonth = $monthStart; } $endMonth = 12; if ($y == $yearEnd) { $endMonth = $monthEnd; } for ($m = $startMonth; $m <= $endMonth; $m++) { $dateStart = JevDate::mktime(0, 0, 0, $m, 1, $y); $daysInMonth = intval(date("t", $dateStart)); $dateEnd = JevDate::mktime(0, 0, 0, $m, $daysInMonth, $y); $dateEndSecond = JevDate::mktime(23, 59, 59, $m, $daysInMonth, $y); $part = mosEventRepeatArrayPeriod($row, $dateStart, $dateEnd, $dateEndSecond); foreach ($part as $key => $val) { $eventDays[$key] = $val; } } } return $eventDays; } }
/** * Generates repetition from vevent & rrule data from scratch * The result can then be saved to the database */ function getRepetitions($dtstart, $dtend, $duration, $recreate = false, $exdate = array()) { // put exdate into somewhere that I can get from _makerepeat $this->_exdate = $exdate; // TODO "getRepetitions doesnt yet deal with Short months and 31st or leap years/week 53<br/>"; if ($dtend == 0 && $duration > 0) { $dtend = $dtstart + $duration; } if (!$recreate && isset($this->_repetitions)) { return $this->_repetitions; } $this->_repetitions = array(); if (!isset($this->eventid)) { echo "no eventid set in generateRepetitions<br/>"; return $this->_repetitions; } if ($this->count == 1 && $this->freq != "IRREGULAR") { //echo "count=1 returing<br/>"; $this->_makeRepeat($dtstart, $dtend); return $this->_repetitions; } //list ($h,$min,$s,$d,$m,$y) = explode(":",JevDate::strftime("%H:%M:%S:%d:%m:%Y",$end)); list($startHour, $startMin, $startSecond, $startDay, $startMonth, $startYear, $startWD) = explode(":", JevDate::strftime("0%H:0%M:0%S:%d:%m:%Y:%w", $dtstart)); //echo "$startHour,$startMin,$startSecond,$startDay,$startMonth,$startYear,$startWD,$dtstart<br/>"; $dtstartMidnight = JevDate::mktime(0, 0, 0, $startMonth, $startDay, $startYear); list($endDay, $endMonth, $endYear, $endWD) = explode(":", JevDate::strftime("%d:%m:%Y:%w", $dtend)); $duration = $dtend - $dtstart; static $weekdayMap = array("SU" => 0, "MO" => 1, "TU" => 2, "WE" => 3, "TH" => 4, "FR" => 5, "SA" => 6); static $weekdayReverseMap = array("SU", "MO", "TU", "WE", "TH", "FR", "SA"); static $dailySecs = 86400; static $weeklySecs = 604800; // TODO implement byyearday // TODO do full leap year audit e.g. YEARLY repeats //echo "freq = ".$this->freq."<br/>"; switch ($this->freq) { case "YEARLY": // TODO the code doesn't yet deal with multiple bymonths if ($this->bymonth == "") { $this->bymonth = $startMonth; } //if ($this->byday=="") $this->byday=$weekdayReverseMap[$startWD]; // If I have byday and bymonthday then the two considions must be met $weekdays = array(); if ($this->byday != "") { foreach (explode(",", $this->byday) as $bday) { if (array_key_exists($bday, $weekdayMap)) { $weekdays[] = $weekdayMap[$bday]; } } } if ($this->byyearday != "") { echo "byyearday <br/>"; $days = explode(",", $this->byyearday); $start = $dtstart; $end = $dtend; $countRepeats = 0; $currentYearStart = JevDate::mktime(0, 0, 0, 1, 1, $startYear); // do the current month first while ($countRepeats < $this->count && !$this->_afterUntil($currentYearStart)) { $currentYear = JevDate::strftime("%Y", $currentYearStart); $currentYearDays = date("L", $currentYearStart) ? 366 : 365; foreach ($days as $day) { if ($countRepeats >= $this->count || $this->_afterUntil($start)) { return $this->_repetitions; } // TODO I am assuming all + or all -ve $details = array(); preg_match("/(\\+|-?)(\\d*)/", $day, $details); list($temp, $plusminus, $daynumber) = $details; if (JString::strlen($plusminus) == 0) { $plusminus = "+"; } // do not go over year end if ($daynumber > $currentYearDays) { continue; } if ($plusminus == "+") { $targetStart = JevDate::mktime($startHour, $startMin, $startSecond, 12, 31, $currentYear - 1); $targetStart = JevDate::strtotime("+{$daynumber} days", $targetStart); } else { $targetStart = JevDate::mktime($startHour, $startMin, $startSecond, 1, 1, $currentYear + 1); $targetStart = JevDate::strtotime("-{$daynumber} days", $targetStart); } $targetEnd = $targetStart + $duration; if ($countRepeats >= $this->count) { return $this->_repetitions; } if ($targetStart >= $dtstartMidnight && !$this->_afterUntil($targetStart)) { // double check for byday constraints if ($this->byday != "") { if (!in_array(JevDate::strftime("%w", $targetStart), $weekdays)) { continue; } } $countRepeats += $this->_makeRepeat($targetStart, $targetEnd); } } // now ago to the start of next year if ($currentYear + $this->rinterval > 2099) { return $this->_repetitions; } $currentYearStart = JevDate::mktime(0, 0, 0, 1, 1, $currentYear + $this->rinterval); } } else { if ($this->bymonthday != "") { echo "bymonthday" . $this->bymonthday . " <br/>"; $days = explode(",", $this->bymonthday); $start = $dtstart; $end = $dtend; $countRepeats = 0; $currentMonthStart = JevDate::mktime(0, 0, 0, $startMonth, 1, $startYear); // do the current month first while ($countRepeats < $this->count && !$this->_afterUntil($currentMonthStart)) { list($currentMonth, $currentYear) = explode(":", JevDate::strftime("%m:%Y", $currentMonthStart)); $currentMonthDays = date("t", $currentMonthStart); foreach ($days as $day) { if ($countRepeats >= $this->count || $this->_afterUntil($start)) { return $this->_repetitions; } // Assume no negative bymonthday values // TODO relax this assumption // do not go over month end if ($day > $currentMonthDays) { continue; } $targetStart = JevDate::mktime($startHour, $startMin, $startSecond, $currentMonth, $day, $currentYear); $targetEnd = $targetStart + $duration; if ($countRepeats >= $this->count) { return $this->_repetitions; } if ($targetStart >= $dtstartMidnight && !$this->_afterUntil($targetStart)) { // double check for byday constraints if ($this->byday != "") { if (!in_array(JevDate::strftime("%w", $targetStart), $weekdays)) { continue; } } $countRepeats += $this->_makeRepeat($targetStart, $targetEnd); } } // now ago to the start of next month if ($currentYear + $this->rinterval > 2099) { return $this->_repetitions; } $currentMonthStart = JevDate::mktime(0, 0, 0, $currentMonth, 1, $currentYear + $this->rinterval); } } else { if ($this->byday == "") { $start = $dtstart; $end = $dtend; $countRepeats = 0; while ($countRepeats < $this->count && !$this->_afterUntil($start)) { $countRepeats += $this->_makeRepeat($start, $end); $currentYear = JevDate::strftime("%Y", $start); list($h, $min, $s, $d, $m, $y) = explode(":", JevDate::strftime("%H:%M:%S:%d:%m:%Y", $start)); $maxyear = PHP_INT_SIZE === 8 ? 2999 : 2037; if ($currentYear + $this->rinterval >= $maxyear) { break; } $start = JevDate::strtotime("+" . $this->rinterval . " years", $start); $end = JevDate::strtotime("+" . $this->rinterval . " years", $end); } } else { $days = explode(",", $this->byday); // duplicate where necessary $extradays = array(); foreach ($days as $day) { if (strpos($day, "+") === false && strpos($day, "-") === false) { for ($i = 2; $i <= 52; $i++) { $extradays[] = "+" . $i . $day; } } } $days = array_merge($days, $extradays); $start = $dtstart; $end = $dtend; $countRepeats = 0; // do the current month first while ($countRepeats < $this->count && !$this->_afterUntil($start)) { $currentMonth = JevDate::strftime("%m", $start); foreach ($days as $day) { if ($countRepeats >= $this->count || $this->_afterUntil($start)) { return $this->_repetitions; } $details = array(); if (strpos($day, "+") === false && strpos($day, "-") === false) { $day = "+1" . $day; } preg_match("/(\\+|-?)(\\d+)(.{2})/", $day, $details); if (count($details) != 4) { echo "<br/><br/><b>PROBLEMS with {$day}</b><br/><br/>"; return $this->_repetitions; } else { list($temp, $plusminus, $weeknumber, $dayname) = $details; if (JString::strlen($plusminus) == 0) { $plusminus = "+"; } if (JString::strlen($weeknumber) == 0) { $weeknumber = 1; } // always check for dtstart (nothing is allowed earlier) if ($plusminus == "-") { //echo "count back $weeknumber weeks on $dayname<br/>"; list($startDay, $startMonth, $startYear, $startWD) = explode(":", JevDate::strftime("%d:%m:%Y:%w", $start)); $startLast = date("t", $start); $monthEnd = JevDate::mktime(0, 0, 0, $startMonth, $startLast, $startYear); $meWD = JevDate::strftime("%w", $monthEnd); $adjustment = $startLast - (7 + $meWD - $weekdayMap[$dayname]) % 7; $targetstartDay = $adjustment - ($weeknumber - 1) * 7; $targetendDay = $targetstartDay + $endDay - $startDay; list($h, $min, $s, $d, $m, $y) = explode(":", JevDate::strftime("%H:%M:%S:%d:%m:%Y", $start)); $testStart = JevDate::mktime($h, $min, $s, $m, $targetstartDay, $y); if ($currentMonth == JevDate::strftime("%m", $testStart)) { $targetStart = $testStart; $targetEnd = $targetStart + $duration; if ($countRepeats >= $this->count) { return $this->_repetitions; } if ($targetStart >= $dtstartMidnight && !$this->_afterUntil($targetStart)) { $countRepeats += $this->_makeRepeat($targetStart, $targetEnd); } } } else { //echo "count forward $weeknumber weeks on $dayname<br/>"; list($startDay, $startMonth, $startYear, $startWD) = explode(":", JevDate::strftime("%d:%m:%Y:%w", $start)); $monthStart = JevDate::mktime(0, 0, 0, $startMonth, 1, $startYear); $msWD = JevDate::strftime("%w", $monthStart); if (!isset($weekdayMap[$dayname])) { $x = 1; } $adjustment = 1 + (7 + $weekdayMap[$dayname] - $msWD) % 7; $targetstartDay = $adjustment + ($weeknumber - 1) * 7; $targetendDay = $targetstartDay + $endDay - $startDay; list($h, $min, $s, $d, $m, $y) = explode(":", JevDate::strftime("%H:%M:%S:%d:%m:%Y", $start)); $testStart = JevDate::mktime($h, $min, $s, $m, $targetstartDay, $y); if ($currentMonth == JevDate::strftime("%m", $testStart)) { $targetStart = $testStart; $targetEnd = $targetStart + $duration; if ($countRepeats >= $this->count) { return $this->_repetitions; } if ($targetStart >= $dtstartMidnight && !$this->_afterUntil($targetStart)) { $countRepeats += $this->_makeRepeat($targetStart, $targetEnd); } } } } } // now ago to the start of the next month $start = $targetStart; $end = $targetEnd; list($h, $min, $s, $d, $m, $y) = explode(":", JevDate::strftime("%H:%M:%S:%d:%m:%Y", $start)); if ($y + $this->rinterval + $m / 12 > 2099) { return $this->_repetitions; } $start = JevDate::mktime($h, $min, $s, $m, 1, $y + $this->rinterval); $end = $start + $duration; } } } } return $this->_repetitions; break; case "MONTHLY": if ($this->bymonthday == "" && $this->byday == "") { $this->bymonthday = $startDay; } if ($this->bymonthday != "") { echo "bymonthday" . $this->bymonthday . " <br/>"; // if not byday then by monthday $days = explode(",", $this->bymonthday); // If I have byday and bymonthday then the two considions must be met $weekdays = array(); if ($this->byday != "") { foreach (explode(",", $this->byday) as $bday) { $weekdays[] = $weekdayMap[$bday]; } } $start = $dtstart; $end = $dtend; $countRepeats = 0; $currentMonthStart = JevDate::mktime(0, 0, 0, $startMonth, 1, $startYear); // do the current month first while ($countRepeats < $this->count && !$this->_afterUntil($currentMonthStart)) { //echo $countRepeats ." ".$this->count." ".$currentMonthStart."<br/>"; list($currentMonth, $currentYear) = explode(":", JevDate::strftime("%m:%Y", $currentMonthStart)); $currentMonthDays = date("t", $currentMonthStart); foreach ($days as $day) { if ($countRepeats >= $this->count || $this->_afterUntil($start)) { return $this->_repetitions; } $details = array(); preg_match("/(\\+|-?)(\\d+)/", $day, $details); if (count($details) != 3) { echo "<br/><br/><b>PROBLEMS with {$day}</b><br/><br/>"; return $this->_repetitions; } else { list($temp, $plusminus, $daynumber) = $details; if (JString::strlen($plusminus) == 0) { $plusminus = "+"; } if (JString::strlen($daynumber) == 0) { $daynumber = $startDay; } // always check for dtstart (nothing is allowed earlier) if ($plusminus == "-") { // must not go before start of month etc. if ($daynumber > $currentMonthDays) { continue; } echo "I need to check negative bymonth days <br/>"; $targetStart = JevDate::mktime($startHour, $startMin, $startSecond, $currentMonth, $currentMonthDays + 1 - $daynumber, $currentYear); $targetEnd = $targetStart + $duration; if ($countRepeats >= $this->count) { return $this->_repetitions; } if ($targetStart >= $dtstartMidnight && !$this->_afterUntil($targetStart)) { $countRepeats += $this->_makeRepeat($targetStart, $targetEnd); } } else { //echo "$daynumber $currentMonthDays bd=".$this->byday." <br/>"; // must not go over end month etc. if ($daynumber > $currentMonthDays) { continue; } //echo "$startHour,$startMin,$startSecond,$currentMonth,$daynumber,$currentYear<br/>"; $targetStart = JevDate::mktime($startHour, $startMin, $startSecond, $currentMonth, $daynumber, $currentYear); $targetEnd = $targetStart + $duration; //echo "$targetStart $targetEnd $dtstartMidnight<br/>"; if ($countRepeats >= $this->count) { return $this->_repetitions; } if ($targetStart >= $dtstartMidnight && !$this->_afterUntil($targetStart)) { // double check for byday constraints if ($this->byday != "") { if (!in_array(JevDate::strftime("%w", $targetStart), $weekdays)) { continue; } } $countRepeats += $this->_makeRepeat($targetStart, $targetEnd); //echo "countrepeats = $countRepeats<br/>"; } } } } // now ago to the start of next month if ($currentYear + ($currentMonth + $this->rinterval) / 12 > 2099) { return $this->_repetitions; } $currentMonthStart = JevDate::mktime(0, 0, 0, $currentMonth + $this->rinterval, 1, $currentYear); } } else { $days = explode(",", $this->byday); // TODO I should also iterate over week number if this is used //$weeknumbers = explode(",",$this->byweekno); if ($this->bysetpos != "") { $newdays = array(); $setpositions = explode(",", $this->bysetpos); foreach ($setpositions as $setposition) { foreach ($days as $day) { if (strpos($setposition, "+") === false && strpos($setposition, "-") === false) { $setposition = "+" . $setposition; } $newdays[] = $setposition . $day; } } $days = $newdays; $this->byday = implode(",", $days); } $start = $dtstart; $end = $dtend; $countRepeats = 0; $currentMonthStart = JevDate::mktime(0, 0, 0, $startMonth, 1, $startYear); // do the current month first while ($countRepeats < $this->count && !$this->_afterUntil($currentMonthStart)) { list($currentMonth, $currentYear, $currentMonthStartWD) = explode(":", JevDate::strftime("%m:%Y:%w", $currentMonthStart)); $currentMonthDays = date("t", $currentMonthStart); $this->sortByDays($days, $currentMonthStart, $dtstart); foreach ($days as $day) { if ($countRepeats >= $this->count || $this->_afterUntil($start)) { return $this->_repetitions; } $details = array(); preg_match("/(\\+|-?)(\\d?)(.+)/", $day, $details); if (count($details) != 4) { echo "<br/><br/><b>PROBLEMS with {$day}</b><br/><br/>"; return $this->_repetitions; } else { list($temp, $plusminus, $weeknumber, $dayname) = $details; if (JString::strlen($plusminus) == 0) { $plusminus = "+"; } if (JString::strlen($weeknumber) == 0) { $weeknumber = 1; } $multiplier = $plusminus == "+" ? 1 : -1; // always check for dtstart (nothing is allowed earlier) if ($plusminus == "-") { //echo "count back $weeknumber weeks on $dayname<br/>"; $startLast = date("t", $currentMonthStart); $currentMonthEndWD = ($startLast - 1 + $currentMonthStartWD) % 7; $adjustment = $startLast - (7 + $currentMonthEndWD - $weekdayMap[$dayname]) % 7; $targetstartDay = $adjustment - ($weeknumber - 1) * 7; } else { //echo "count forward $weeknumber weeks on $dayname<br/>"; $adjustment = 1 + (7 + $weekdayMap[$dayname] - $currentMonthStartWD) % 7; $targetstartDay = $adjustment + ($weeknumber - 1) * 7; } $targetStart = JevDate::mktime($startHour, $startMin, $startSecond, $currentMonth, $targetstartDay, $currentYear); if ($currentMonth == JevDate::strftime("%m", $targetStart)) { $targetEnd = $targetStart + $duration; if ($countRepeats >= $this->count) { return $this->_repetitions; } if ($targetStart >= $dtstartMidnight && !$this->_afterUntil($targetStart)) { $countRepeats += $this->_makeRepeat($targetStart, $targetEnd); } } } } // now go to the start of next month if ($currentYear + ($currentMonth + $this->rinterval) / 12 > 2099) { return $this->_repetitions; } $currentMonthStart = JevDate::mktime(0, 0, 0, $currentMonth + $this->rinterval, 1, $currentYear); } } return $this->_repetitions; break; case "WEEKLY": $days = explode(",", $this->byday); $start = $dtstart; $end = $dtend; $countRepeats = 0; $currentWeekDay = JevDate::strftime("%w", $start); // Go to the zero day of the first week (even if this is in the past) // this will be the base from which we count the weeks and weekdays $currentWeekStart = JevDate::strtotime("-{$currentWeekDay} days", $start); // no BYDAY specified if ($this->byday == "") { $daynames = array("SU", "MO", "TU", "WE", "TH", "FR", "SA", "SU"); $this->byday = "+" . $daynames[$currentWeekDay]; $days = array($this->byday); } while ($countRepeats < $this->count && !$this->_afterUntil($currentWeekStart)) { list($currentDay, $currentMonth, $currentYear) = explode(":", JevDate::strftime("%d:%m:%Y", $currentWeekStart)); foreach ($days as $day) { if ($countRepeats >= $this->count || $this->_afterUntil($start)) { return $this->_repetitions; } $details = array(); preg_match("/(\\+|-?)(\\d?)(.+)/", $day, $details); if (count($details) != 4) { continue; echo "<br/><br/><b>PROBLEMS with {$day}</b><br/><br/>"; return $this->_repetitions; } else { list($temp, $plusminus, $daynumber, $dayname) = $details; if (JString::strlen($plusminus) == 0) { $plusminus = "+"; } // this is not relevant for weekly recurrence ?!?!? //if (JString::strlen($daynumber)==0) $daynumber=1; $multiplier = $plusminus == "+" ? 1 : -1; if ($plusminus == "-") { // TODO find out if I ever have this situation? // It would seem meaningless } else { //echo "count forward $daynumber days on $dayname<br/>"; $targetstartDay = $currentDay + $weekdayMap[$dayname]; } $targetStart = JevDate::mktime($startHour, $startMin, $startSecond, $currentMonth, $targetstartDay, $currentYear); $targetEnd = $targetStart + $duration; if ($countRepeats >= $this->count) { return $this->_repetitions; } if ($targetStart >= $dtstartMidnight && !$this->_afterUntil($targetStart)) { $countRepeats += $this->_makeRepeat($targetStart, $targetEnd); } } } // now go to the start of next week if ($currentYear + $currentMonth / 12 > 2099) { return $this->_repetitions; } $currentWeekStart = JevDate::strtotime("+" . $this->rinterval . " weeks", $currentWeekStart); } return $this->_repetitions; break; case "DAILY": $start = $dtstart; $end = $dtend; $countRepeats = 0; $startYear = JevDate::strftime("%Y", $start); while ($startYear < 2027 && $countRepeats < $this->count && !$this->_afterUntil($start)) { //while ($startYear<5027 && $countRepeats < $this->count && !$this->_afterUntil($start)) { $countRepeats += $this->_makeRepeat($start, $end); $start = JevDate::strtotime("+" . $this->rinterval . " days", $start); $end = JevDate::strtotime("+" . $this->rinterval . " days", $end); $startYear = JevDate::strftime("%Y", $start); } return $this->_repetitions; break; case "IRREGULAR": $processedDates = array(); // current date is ALWAYS a repeat $processedDates[] = $dtstart; $this->_makeRepeat($dtstart, $dtend); if (is_string($this->irregulardates) && $this->irregulardates != "") { $this->irregulardates = @json_decode($this->irregulardates); } if (!is_array($this->irregulardates)) { $this->irregulardates = array(); } sort($this->irregulardates); foreach ($this->irregulardates as $irregulardate) { // avoid duplicate values if (in_array($irregulardate, $processedDates)) { continue; } $processedDates[] = $irregulardate; // find the start and end times of the initial event $irregulardate += $dtstart - $dtstartMidnight; $this->_makeRepeat($irregulardate, $irregulardate + $duration); } return $this->_repetitions; break; default: echo "UNKNOWN TYPE<br/>"; return $this->_repetitions; break; } }
</div> </div> <div class="jev_clear"></div> <div id='jev_maincal' class='jev_listview'> <?php $num_events = count($data['rows']); $chdate = ""; if ($num_events > 0) { $hasevents = true; for ($r = 0; $r < $num_events; $r++) { $row = $data['rows'][$r]; $event_day_month_year = $row->dup() . $row->mup() . $row->yup(); // Ensure we reflect multiday setting if (!$row->eventOnDate(JevDate::mktime(0, 0, 0, $row->mup(), $row->dup(), $row->yup()))) { continue; } $date = JEventsHTML::getDateFormat($row->yup(), $row->mup(), $row->dup(), 1); ?> <div class="jev_listrow"> <ul class='ev_ul'> <?php $listyle = 'style="border-color:' . $row->bgcolor() . ';"'; echo "<li class='ev_td_li' {$listyle}>\n"; if (!$this->loadedFromTemplate('icalevent.list_row', $row, 0)) { $this->viewEventRowNEW($row); echo " :: "; $this->viewEventCatRowNEW($row); }
} else { $cellclass = 'jev_dayoutofmonth' . ($d == 6 ? ' jev_lastday' : ''); } if (array_key_exists($slot, $currentDay["slots"])) { $event = $currentDay["slots"][$slot][0]; $blocks = $currentDay["slots"][$slot][1]; $key = $currentDay["slots"][$slot][2]; // reset class to include block count if ($currentDay["monthType"] == "current") { $cellclass = $currentDay["today"] ? 'jev_today jevblocks1' : 'jev_daynoevents jevblocks1'; } else { $cellclass = 'jev_dayoutofmonth jevblocks1' . ($d == 6 ? ' jev_lastday' : ''); } if ($blocks > 0) { echo '<div class="' . $cellclass . ' jevstart_' . $event->getUnixStartTime() . '" >'; $datestp = JevDate::mktime(0, 0, 0, $event->mup(), $event->dup(), $event->yup()); $day_link = "<a href='" . $currentDay['link'] . "'>" . substr($event->_startrepeat, 11, 5) . "</a>"; echo "<span class='hiddentime'>{$day_link}</span>"; if ($cfg->get("flatscalabledayname", 1) && !in_array($datestp, $hiddendatearray) && (!isset($lastdatestp) || $datestp != $lastdatestp)) { $lastdatestp = $datestp; $hiddendatearray[] = $datestp; ?> <div class="hiddendayname jev_daysnames" style="display:none"> <span> <?php $weekday = JevDate::strftime("%w", $currentDay["cellDate"]); // adjust day of week to reflect start day in config $weekday -= $weekstartday; if ($weekday < 0) { $weekday += 7; }
function getRepeatArray($startPeriod, $endPeriod, $periodEndSecond) { // NEED TO CHECK MONTH and week overlapping month end // builds and returns array $eventDays = array(); // double check the SQL has given us valid events $event_start_date = JevDate::mktime(0, 0, 0, $this->_mup, $this->_dup, $this->_yup); $event_end_date = JevDate::mktime(0, 0, 0, $this->_mdn, $this->_ddn, $this->_ydn); if ($event_end_date < $startPeriod || $event_start_date > $periodEndSecond) { return $eventDays; } $daysInMonth = intval(date("t", $startPeriod)); list($periodStartDay, $month, $year) = explode(":", date("d:m:Y", $startPeriod)); $repeatingEvent = false; if ($this->_reccurtype != 0 || $this->_reccurday != "" || $this->_reccurweekdays != "" || $this->_reccurweeks != "") { $repeatingEvent = true; } // treat midnight as a special case $endsMidnight = false; if ($this->_hdn == 0 && $this->_mindn == 0 && $this->_sdn == 0) { $endsMidnight = true; } $multiDayEvent = false; if ($this->_dup != $this->_ddn || $this->_mup != $this->_mdn || $this->_yup != $this->_ydn) { // should test month/year too! $multiDayEvent = true; } if (!$repeatingEvent) { if (!$multiDayEvent) { // single day so populate the array and get on with things! $eventDays[$event_start_date] = true; return $eventDays; } else { // otherwise a multiday event // Find the first and last relevant days if ($startPeriod > $event_start_date) { $firstDay = 1; } else { $firstDay = intval(date("j", $event_start_date)); } if ($event_end_date > $endPeriod) { $lastDay = $daysInMonth; } else { $lastDay = intval(date("j", $event_end_date)); } for ($d = $firstDay; $d <= $lastDay; $d++) { $eventDate = JevDate::mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, $d, $year); // treat midnight as a special case - we don't mark following day as having the event if ($d == $lastDay && $endsMidnight) { continue; } $eventDays[$eventDate] = true; } return $eventDays; } } // All I'm left with are the repeated events //echo "row->reccurtype = $this->_reccurtype $this->_id<br/><br/>CHECK IT OUT - type 2 needs more work!!!<br/><hr/>"; switch ($this->_reccurtype) { case 0: // All days $this->viewable = true; return $this->viewable; break; case 1: // By week - 1* by week // By week - 1* by week case 2: // By week - n* by week // This is multi-days per week if ($this->_reccurweekdays != "") { $reccurweekdays = explode('|', $this->_reccurweekdays); $countdays = count($reccurweekdays); } else { if ($this->_reccurday != "") { $reccurweekdays = array(); $tmp_weekday = intval($this->_reccurday); if ($tmp_weekday == -1) { $tmp_weekday = intval(date('w', $event_start_date)); } $reccurweekdays[] = $tmp_weekday; $countdays = count($reccurweekdays); } else { echo "Should not really be here <br/>"; } } if (strpos($this->_reccurweeks, "pair") === false) { $repeatweeks = explode('|', $this->_reccurweeks); } else { $repeatweeks = array(); } for ($i = 0; $i < $countdays; $i++) { // This is first, second week etc of the months if (count($repeatweeks) > 0) { $daynum_of_first_in_month = intval(date('w', JevDate::mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, 1, $year))); $adjustment = 1 + (7 + $reccurweekdays[$i] - $daynum_of_first_in_month) % 7; // Now find repeat weeks for the month foreach ($repeatweeks as $weeknum) { // first $reccurweekdays[$i] in the month is therefore $next_recurweekday = $adjustment + ($weeknum - 1) * 7; $nextDate = JevDate::mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, $next_recurweekday, $year); if ($nextDate >= $event_start_date && $nextDate <= $event_end_date) { $eventDays[$nextDate] = true; } } } else { // find corrected start date $weekday_of_startdate = date('w', $event_start_date); if ($reccurweekdays[$i] >= 0) { $true_start_day_of_week_for_sequence = $reccurweekdays[$i]; } else { $true_start_day_of_week_for_sequence = $weekday_of_startdate; } list($event_start_day, $event_start_month, $event_start_year) = explode(":", date("d:m:Y", $event_start_date)); $adjustedStartDay = $event_start_day + (7 + $true_start_day_of_week_for_sequence - $weekday_of_startdate) % 7; $sequence_start_date = JevDate::mktime(0, 0, 0, $event_start_month, $adjustedStartDay, $event_start_year); //echo "event start data : ".date("d:m:Y",$event_start_date)."<br/>"; //echo "adj sequence_start_date: ".date("d:m:Y",$sequence_start_date)."<br/>"; //echo "month start data : ".date("d:m:Y",$startPeriod)."<br/>"; if ($this->_reccurweeks == "pair") { // every 2 weeks // first of month day difference // 60*60*24 = 86400 // 86400*14 = 1209600 $delta = (1209600 + $sequence_start_date - $startPeriod) % 1209600; $deltadays = round($delta / 86400, 0); for ($weeks = 0; $weeks < 6; $weeks++) { $nextDate = JevDate::mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, $periodStartDay + $deltadays + 14 * $weeks, $year); if ($nextDate <= $endPeriod) { if ($nextDate >= $event_start_date && $nextDate <= $event_end_date) { $eventDays[$nextDate] = true; } } else { break; } } } else { if ($this->_reccurweeks == "impair") { // every 3 weeks // every 2 weeks // first of month day difference // 60*60*24 = 86400 // 86400*21 = 1814400 $delta = (1814400 + $sequence_start_date - $startPeriod) % 1814400; $deltadays = round($delta / 86400, 0); for ($weeks = 0; $weeks < 6; $weeks++) { $nextDate = JevDate::mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, $periodStartDay + $deltadays + 21 * $weeks, $year); if ($nextDate <= $endPeriod) { if ($nextDate >= $event_start_date && $nextDate <= $event_end_date) { $eventDays[$nextDate] = true; } } else { break; } } } } } } return $eventDays; break; case 3: // By month - 1* by month if ($this->_reccurday == -1) { //by day number list($event_start_day, $event_start_month, $event_start_year) = explode(":", date("d:m:Y", $event_start_date)); $nextDate = JevDate::mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, $event_start_day, $year); if ($nextDate >= $event_start_date && $nextDate <= $event_end_date) { $eventDays[$nextDate] = true; } } else { //by day name following the day number list($event_start_day, $event_start_month, $event_start_year) = explode(":", date("d:m:Y", $event_start_date)); $equiv_day_of_month = JevDate::mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, $event_start_day, $year); $weekday_of_equivalent = date('w', $equiv_day_of_month); $temp = $event_start_day + (7 + $this->_reccurday - $weekday_of_equivalent) % 7; $nextDate = JevDate::mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, $temp, $year); if ($nextDate >= $event_start_date && $nextDate <= $event_end_date) { $eventDays[$nextDate] = true; } } return $eventDays; break; case 4: // By month - end of the month // get month end list($lastday, $month, $year) = explode(":", date("t:m:Y", $endPeriod)); $monthEnd = JevDate::mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, $lastday, $year); if ($monthEnd >= $event_start_date && $monthEnd <= $event_end_date) { $eventDays[$monthEnd] = true; } return $eventDays; break; case 5: // By year - 1* by year list($event_start_day, $event_start_month, $event_start_year) = explode(":", date("d:m:Y", $event_start_date)); if ($month == $event_start_month) { if ($this->_reccurday == -1) { //by day number $nextDate = JevDate::mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, $event_start_day, $year); if ($nextDate >= $event_start_date && $nextDate <= $event_end_date) { $eventDays[$nextDate] = true; } } else { //by day name following the day number list($event_start_day, $event_start_month, $event_start_year) = explode(":", date("d:m:Y", $event_start_date)); $equiv_day_of_month = JevDate::mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, $event_start_day, $year); $weekday_of_equivalent = date('w', $equiv_day_of_month); $temp = $event_start_day + (7 + $this->_reccurday - $weekday_of_equivalent) % 7; $nextDate = JevDate::mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, $temp, $year); if ($nextDate >= $event_start_date && $nextDate <= $event_end_date) { $eventDays[$nextDate] = true; } } } return $eventDays; break; default: return $eventDays; break; } }
function fixDtstart() { // must only ever do this once! if (isset($this->dtfixed) && $this->dtfixed) { return; } $this->dtfixed = 1; $db =& JFactory::getDBO(); // Now get the first repeat since dtstart may have been set in a different timezeone and since it is a unixdate it would then be wrong if (strtolower($this->freq()) == "none") { $repeat = $this->getFirstRepeat(); $this->dtstart($repeat->getUnixStartTime()); $this->dtend($repeat->getUnixEndTime()); } else { $repeat = $this->getFirstRepeat(); // Is this repeat an exception? $db->setQuery("SELECT * FROM #__jevents_exception WHERE rp_id=" . intval($repeat->rp_id())); $exception = $db->loadObject(); if (!$exception) { $this->dtstart($repeat->getUnixStartTime()); $this->dtend($repeat->getUnixEndTime()); } else { // This is the scenario where the first repeat is an exception so check to see if we need to be worried $jregistry =& JRegistry::getInstance("jevents"); // This is the server default timezone $jtimezone = $jregistry->getValue("jevents.timezone", false); if ($jtimezone) { // This is the JEvents set timezone $timezone = date_default_timezone_get(); // Only worry if the JEvents set timezone is different to the server timezone if ($timezone != $jtimezone) { // look for repeats that are not exceptions $repeat2 = $this->getFirstRepeat(false); // if we have none then use the first repeat and give a warning if (!$repeat2) { $this->dtstart($repeat->getUnixStartTime()); $this->dtend($repeat->getUnixEndTime()); JFactory::getApplication()->enqueueMessage(JText::_('JEV_PLEASE_CHECK_START_AND_END_TIMES_FOR_THIS_EVENT')); } else { // Calculate the time adjustment (if any) then check against the non-exceptional repeat // Convert dtstart using system timezone to date date_default_timezone_set($jtimezone); $truestarttime = JevDate::strftime("%H:%M:%S", $this->dtstart()); // if the system timezone version of dtstart is the same time as the first non-exceptional repeat // then we are safe to use this adjustment mechanism to dtstart. We use the real "date" and convert // back into unix time using the Jevents timezone if ($truestarttime == JevDate::strftime("%H:%M:%S", JevDate::mktime($repeat2->hup(), $repeat2->minup(), $repeat2->sup(), 0, 0, 0))) { $truedtstart = JevDate::strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", $this->dtstart()); $truedtend = JevDate::strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", $this->dtend()); // switch timezone back to Jevents timezone date_default_timezone_set($timezone); $this->dtstart(JevDate::strtotime($truedtstart)); $this->dtend(JevDate::strtotime($truedtend)); } else { // In this scenario we have no idea what the time should be unfortunately JFactory::getApplication()->enqueueMessage(JText::_('JEV_PLEASE_CHECK_START_AND_END_TIMES_FOR_THIS_EVENT')); // switch timezone back date_default_timezone_set($timezone); } } } } } } }