コード例 #1
  * Do some output manipulation.
  * Auto-inject <b>jsn-master tmpl-nameOfDefaultTemplate</b> into the class
  * attribute of <b>&lt;body&gt;</b> tag if not already exists. This
  * automation only affects backend page.
  * @return  void
 public static function onAfterRender()
     // Make sure the remaining process is executed in last order
     if (!defined('JSN_EXTFW_LAST_EXECUTION')) {
     // Get active component
     $option = self::$_app->input->getCmd('option');
     // Get the rendered HTML code
     $html = JResponse::getBody();
     if (self::$_app->input->getVar('poweradmin')) {
         preg_match_all('#<a[^\\>]*href\\s*=\\s*[\'"]([^"]*[^"]+)[\'"]#i', $html, $ms, PREG_SET_ORDER);
         if (count($ms)) {
             foreach ($ms as $m) {
                 $html = str_replace($m[0], str_replace($m[1], 'javascript:void(0)', $m[0]), $html);
     // Do some fixes if this is admin page
     if (self::$_app->isAdmin()) {
         // Fix asset links for Joomla 2.5
         if (JSNVersion::isJoomlaCompatible('2.5') and !JSNVersion::isJoomlaCompatible('3.0') and strpos($html, JSN_URL_ASSETS) !== false) {
             // Get asset link
             if (preg_match_all('#<(link|script)([^\\>]*)(href|src)="([^"]*' . JSN_URL_ASSETS . '[^"]+)"#i', $html, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER)) {
                 foreach ($matches as $match) {
                     // Do replace
                     $html = str_replace($match[0], '<' . $match[1] . $match[2] . $match[3] . '="' . dirname(dirname($match[4])) . '/' . str_replace('.', '-', basename(dirname($match[4]))) . '/' . basename($match[4]) . '"', $html);
         // Remove our extensions from the Joomla 3.0's global config page
         if ($option == 'com_config' and JSNVersion::isJoomlaCompatible('3.0')) {
             $html = preg_replace('#[\\s\\t]*<li[^\\r\\n]*>[\\r\\n\\s\\t]*<a[^\\r\\n]+index.php\\?option=com_config&view=component&component=(' . implode('|', JSNVersion::$products) . ')[^\\r\\n]+</a>[\\r\\n\\s\\t]*</li>[\\r\\n]#', '', $html);
         // Alter body tag
         if (preg_match('/<body[^>]*>/i', $html, $match) and strpos($match[0], 'jsn-master tmpl-' . self::$_app->getTemplate()) === false) {
             if (strpos($match[0], 'class=') === false) {
                 $match[1] = substr($match[0], 0, -1) . ' class=" jsn-master tmpl-' . self::$_app->getTemplate() . ' ">';
             } else {
                 $match[1] = str_replace('class="', 'class=" jsn-master tmpl-' . self::$_app->getTemplate() . ' ', $match[0]);
             $html = str_replace($match[0], $match[1], $html);
         if (JSNVersion::isJoomlaCompatible('3.2')) {
             // Clean-up HTML5 fall-back script if running on Joomla 3.2
             if (in_array($option, JSNVersion::$products) and preg_match('#[\\r\\n][\\s\\t]+<script src="[^"]*/media/system/js/html5fallback(-uncompressed)?\\.js"[^>]+></script>#', $html, $match)) {
                 $html = str_replace($match[0], '', $html);
             // Temporary fix jQuery version conflict on Joomla 3.2
             $pos = strpos($html, JSN_URL_ASSETS . '/3rd-party/jquery/jquery.min.js');
             if ($pos !== false and preg_match('#<script[^>]+src="' . JSN_URL_ASSETS . '/3rd-party/jquery/jquery.min.js"[^>]*></script>#', $html, $match)) {
                 $html = explode($match[0], $html);
                 // Do some tricks on multiple jQuery instances
                 $script = '<script type="text/javascript">' . "\n\t\t" . '(JoomlaShine = window.JoomlaShine || {});' . "\n\t\t" . '(!window.jQuery || (JoomlaShine.jQueryBackup = jQuery));' . "\n\t" . '</script>' . "\n\t" . $match[0];
                 // Update document header
                 $html[0] .= $script;
                 // Truncate content
                 $html[2] = substr($html[1], strpos($html[1], '</head>'));
                 $html[1] = substr($html[1], 0, strpos($html[1], '</head>'));
                 if (preg_match('#<script[^>]+src="[^"]*/media/jui/js/jquery(\\.min)?\\.js"[^>]*></script>#', $html[1], $match)) {
                     $script = '<script type="text/javascript">' . "\n\t\t" . '(JoomlaShine = window.JoomlaShine || {});' . "\n\t\t" . '(!window.jQuery || (JoomlaShine.jQuery = jQuery));' . "\n\t" . '</script>' . "\n\t" . $match[0];
                     // Update document header
                     $html[1] = str_replace($match[0], $script, $html[1]);
                 } elseif (preg_match('#<script[^>]+src="[^"]*/js/template\\.js[^"]*"[^>]*></script>#', $html[1], $match)) {
                     $script = '<script type="text/javascript">' . "\n\t\t" . '(JoomlaShine = window.JoomlaShine || {});' . "\n\t\t" . '(!window.jQuery || (JoomlaShine.jQuery = jQuery));' . "\n\t\t" . '(!JoomlaShine.jQueryBackup || (jQuery = JoomlaShine.jQueryBackup));' . "\n\t" . '</script>' . "\n\t" . $match[0];
                     // Update document header
                     $html[1] = str_replace($match[0], $script, $html[1]);
                 } elseif (preg_match('#<script type="text/javascript">#', $html[1], $match)) {
                     $script = '<script type="text/javascript">' . "\n\t\t" . '(JoomlaShine = window.JoomlaShine || {});' . "\n\t\t" . '(!window.jQuery || (JoomlaShine.jQuery = jQuery));' . "\n\t\t" . '(!JoomlaShine.jQueryBackup || (jQuery = JoomlaShine.jQueryBackup));';
                     // Update document header
                     $html[1] = str_replace($match[0], $script, $html[1]);
                 $html = implode($html);
                 // Fix for (function($) { ... })(jQuery);
                 $tmp = preg_split('/\\}[\\s\\t\\r\\n]*\\)*\\([^\\r\\n]*jQuery[^\\r\\n]*\\)\\s*;?/', $html);
                 $html = '';
                 $i = 0;
                 foreach ($tmp as $part) {
                     if ($i == count($tmp)) {
                         $html .= $part;
                     } else {
                         $parts = preg_split('/\\(\\s*function\\s*\\(\\s*\\$\\s*\\)\\s*\\{/', $part, 2);
                         if (count($parts) < 2) {
                             $html .= $part;
                         } elseif (stripos($parts[1], 'jsn') !== false) {
                             $html .= "{$parts[0]}(function(\$) {{$parts[1]}})((window.JoomlaShine && JoomlaShine.jQuery) ? JoomlaShine.jQuery : jQuery);";
                         } else {
                             $html .= "{$parts[0]}(function(\$) {{$parts[1]}})(jQuery);";
                 // Remove JSN ImageShow's buggy fix for jQuery conflict
                 if (strpos($html, 'administrator/components/com_imageshow/assets/js/joomlashine/jquery.safe.element.js') !== false) {
                     $html = preg_replace('#[\\r\\n][\\s\\t]*<script[^>]+src="[^"]*/joomlashine/jquery.safe.element.js[^"]*"[^>]*></script>#', '', $html);
     // Attach JS declaration
     $html = str_replace('</head>', JSNHtmlAsset::buildHeader() . '</head>', $html);
     // Optimize script tags position
     // Fix compatibility problem between require.js and RokPad editor
     if (strpos($html, '/plugins/editors/rokpad/')) {
         if (preg_match_all('#[\\r\\n][\\s\\t]*<script[^>]+src="[^"]*/plugins/editors/rokpad/[^"]+"[^>]*></script>#', $html, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER)) {
             foreach ($matches as $match) {
                 // Clean the script tag from its original position
                 $html = str_replace($match[0], '', $html);
                 // Inject the removed script tag into the end of head section
                 $html = str_replace('</head>', $match[0] . '</head>', $html);
     // Set new response body
     // Execute update checker
     if (!JSNVersion::isJoomlaCompatible('3.1')) {
         !isset($this) or $this->checkUpdate();