コード例 #1
ファイル: categoryparent.php プロジェクト: joebushi/joomla
  * Method to get a list of options for a list input.
  * @return	array		An array of JHtml options.
 protected function _getOptions()
     $db =& JFactory::getDbo();
     $query = new JQuery();
     $query->select('a.id AS value, a.title AS text, a.level');
     $query->from('#__categories AS a');
     $query->join('LEFT', '`#__categories` AS b ON a.lft > b.lft AND a.rgt < b.rgt');
     // Filter by the type
     if ($extension = $this->_form->getValue('extension')) {
         $query->where('(a.extension = ' . $db->quote($extension) . ' OR a.parent_id = 0)');
     // Prevent parenting to children of this item.
     if ($id = $this->_form->getValue('id')) {
         $query->join('LEFT', '`#__categories` AS p ON p.id = ' . (int) $id);
         $query->where('NOT(a.lft >= p.lft AND a.rgt <= p.rgt)');
     $query->order('a.lft ASC');
     // Get the options.
     $options = $db->loadObjectList();
     // Check for a database error.
     if ($db->getErrorNum()) {
         JError::raiseWarning(500, $db->getErrorMsg());
     // Pad the option text with spaces using depth level as a multiplier.
     for ($i = 0, $n = count($options); $i < $n; $i++) {
         $options[$i]->text = str_repeat('- ', $options[$i]->level) . $options[$i]->text;
     $options = array_merge(parent::_getOptions(), $options);
     return $options;
コード例 #2
ファイル: groups.php プロジェクト: joebushi/joomla
  * Build an SQL query to load the list data.
  * @return	JQuery
 protected function _getListQuery()
     // Create a new query object.
     $query = new JQuery();
     // Select the required fields from the table.
     $query->select($this->getState('list.select', 'a.*'));
     $query->from('`#__usergroups` AS a');
     // Add the level in the tree.
     $query->select('COUNT(DISTINCT c2.id) AS level');
     $query->join('LEFT OUTER', '`#__usergroups` AS c2 ON a.lft > c2.lft AND a.rgt < c2.rgt');
     // Count the objects in the user group.
     $query->select('COUNT(DISTINCT map.user_id) AS user_count');
     $query->join('LEFT', '`#__user_usergroup_map` AS map ON map.group_id = a.id');
     // Filter the comments over the search string if set.
     $search = $this->getState('filter.search');
     if (!empty($search)) {
         if (stripos($search, 'id:') === 0) {
             $query->where('a.id = ' . (int) substr($search, 3));
         } else {
             $search = $this->_db->Quote('%' . $this->_db->getEscaped($search, true) . '%');
             $query->where('a.title LIKE ' . $search);
     // Add the list ordering clause.
     $query->order($this->_db->getEscaped($this->getState('list.ordering', 'a.lft')) . ' ' . $this->_db->getEscaped($this->getState('list.direction', 'ASC')));
     //echo nl2br(str_replace('#__','jos_',$query));
     return $query;
コード例 #3
ファイル: banners.php プロジェクト: joebushi/joomla
  * Gets a list of banners
  * @return array An array of banner objects
 function _getListQuery()
     static $query;
     if (!isset($query)) {
         $query = new JQuery();
         $ordering = $this->getState('filter.ordering');
         $tagSearch = $this->getState('filter.tag_search');
         $cid = $this->getState('filter.client_id');
         $catid = $this->getState('filter.category_id');
         $keywords = $this->getState('filter.keywords');
         $randomise = $ordering == 'random';
         $query->select('a.id as id,' . 'a.type as type,' . 'a.name as name,' . 'a.clickurl as clickurl,' . 'a.cid as cid,' . 'a.params as params,' . 'a.track_impressions as track_impressions');
         $query->from('#__banners as a');
         $query->where("(NOW() >= a.publish_up OR a.publish_up='0000-00-00 00:00:00')");
         $query->where("(NOW() <= a.publish_down OR a.publish_down='0000-00-00 00:00:00')");
         $query->where('(a.imptotal = 0 OR a.impmade = a.imptotal)');
         if ($cid) {
             $query->where('a.cid = ' . (int) $cid);
             $query->join('LEFT', '#__banner_clients AS cl ON cl.id = a.cid');
             $query->select('cl.track_impressions as client_track_impressions');
             $query->where('cl.state = 1');
         if ($catid) {
             $query->where('a.catid = ' . (int) $catid);
             $query->join('LEFT', '#__categories AS cat ON cat.id = a.catid');
             $query->where('cat.published = 1');
         if ($tagSearch) {
             if (count($keywords) == 0) {
             } else {
                 $temp = array();
                 $config =& JComponentHelper::getParams('com_banners');
                 $prefix = $config->get('metakey_prefix');
                 foreach ($keywords as $keyword) {
                     $keyword = trim($keyword);
                     $condition1 = "a.own_prefix=1 AND  a.metakey_prefix=SUBSTRING('" . $keyword . "',1,LENGTH( a.metakey_prefix)) OR a.own_prefix=0 AND cl.own_prefix=1 AND cl.metakey_prefix=SUBSTRING('" . $keyword . "',1,LENGTH(cl.metakey_prefix)) OR a.own_prefix=0 AND cl.own_prefix=0 AND " . ($prefix == substr($keyword, 0, strlen($prefix)) ? '1' : '0');
                     $condition2 = "a.metakey REGEXP '[[:<:]]" . $this->_db->getEscaped($keyword) . "[[:>:]]'";
                     if ($cid) {
                         $condition2 .= " OR cl.metakey REGEXP '[[:<:]]" . $this->_db->getEscaped($keyword) . "[[:>:]]'";
                     if ($catid) {
                         $condition2 .= " OR cat.metakey REGEXP '[[:<:]]" . $this->_db->getEscaped($keyword) . "[[:>:]]'";
                     $temp[] = "({$condition1}) AND ({$condition2})";
                 $query->where('(' . implode(' OR ', $temp) . ')');
         $query->order('a.sticky DESC,' . ($randomise ? 'RAND()' : 'a.ordering'));
     return $query;
コード例 #4
ファイル: contacts.php プロジェクト: joebushi/joomla
  * @param	boolean	True to join selected foreign information
  * @return	string
 function _getListQuery($resolveFKs = true)
     // Create a new query object.
     $query = new JQuery();
     // Select the required fields from the table.
     $query->select($this->getState('list.select', 'a.id, a.name, a.alias, a.checked_out, a.checked_out_time, a.published, a.access, a.ordering, a.catid'));
     $query->from('#__contact_details AS a');
     // Join over the users for the checked out user.
     $query->select('uc.name AS editor');
     $query->join('LEFT', '#__users AS uc ON uc.id=a.checked_out');
     // Join over the asset groups.
     $query->select('ag.title AS access_level');
     $query->join('LEFT', '#__viewlevels AS ag ON ag.id = a.access');
     // Join over the categories.
     $query->select('c.title AS category_title');
     $query->join('LEFT', '#__categories AS c ON c.id = a.catid');
     // Filter by access level.
     if ($access = $this->getState('filter.access')) {
         $query->where('a.access = ' . (int) $access);
     // Filter by published state
     $published = $this->getState('filter.published');
     if (is_numeric($published)) {
         $query->where('a.published = ' . (int) $published);
     } else {
         if ($published === '') {
             $query->where('(a.published = 0 OR a.published = 1)');
     // Filter by category.
     $categoryId = $this->getState('filter.category_id');
     if (is_numeric($categoryId)) {
         $query->where('a.catid = ' . (int) $categoryId);
     // Filter by search in  name
     $search = $this->getState('filter.search');
     if (!empty($search)) {
         if (stripos($search, 'id:') === 0) {
             $query->where('a.id = ' . (int) substr($search, 3));
         } else {
             if (stripos($search, 'author:') === 0) {
                 $search = $this->_db->Quote('%' . $this->_db->getEscaped(substr($search, 7), true) . '%');
                 $query->where('ua.name LIKE ' . $search . ' OR ua.username LIKE ' . $search);
             } else {
                 $search = $this->_db->Quote('%' . $this->_db->getEscaped($search, true) . '%');
                 $query->where('a.name LIKE ' . $search . ' OR a.alias LIKE ' . $search);
     // Add the list ordering clause.
     $query->order($this->_db->getEscaped($this->getState('list.ordering', 'a.name')) . ' ' . $this->_db->getEscaped($this->getState('list.direction', 'ASC')));
     //echo nl2br(str_replace('#__','jos_',$query));
     return $query;
コード例 #5
ファイル: users.php プロジェクト: joebushi/joomla
  * Build an SQL query to load the list data.
  * @return	JQuery
 protected function _getListQuery()
     // Create a new query object.
     $query = new JQuery();
     // Select the required fields from the table.
     $query->select($this->getState('list.select', 'a.*'));
     $query->from('`#__users` AS a');
     // Join over the group mapping table.
     $query->select('COUNT(map.group_id) AS group_count');
     $query->join('LEFT', '#__user_usergroup_map AS map ON map.user_id = a.id');
     // Join over the user groups table.
     $query->select('GROUP_CONCAT(g2.title SEPARATOR ' . $this->_db->Quote("\n") . ') AS group_names');
     $query->join('LEFT', '#__usergroups AS g2 ON g2.id = map.group_id');
     // If the model is set to check item state, add to the query.
     $state = $this->getState('filter.state');
     if (is_numeric($state)) {
         $query->where('a.block = ' . (int) $state);
     // If the model is set to check the activated state, add to the query.
     $active = $this->getState('filter.active');
     if (is_numeric($active)) {
         if ($active == '0') {
             $query->where('a.activation = ""');
         } else {
             if ($active == '1') {
                 $query->where('LENGTH(a.activation) = 32');
     // Filter the items over the group id if set.
     if ($groupId = $this->getState('filter.group_id')) {
         $query->join('LEFT', '#__user_usergroup_map AS map2 ON map2.user_id = a.id');
         $query->where('map2.group_id = ' . (int) $groupId);
     // Filter the items over the search string if set.
     if ($this->getState('filter.search') !== '') {
         // Escape the search token.
         $token = $this->_db->Quote('%' . $this->_db->getEscaped($this->getState('filter.search')) . '%');
         // Compile the different search clauses.
         $searches = array();
         $searches[] = 'a.name LIKE ' . $token;
         $searches[] = 'a.username LIKE ' . $token;
         $searches[] = 'a.email LIKE ' . $token;
         // Add the clauses to the query.
         $query->where('(' . implode(' OR ', $searches) . ')');
     // Add the list ordering clause.
     $query->order($this->_db->getEscaped($this->getState('list.ordering', 'a.name')) . ' ' . $this->_db->getEscaped($this->getState('list.direction', 'ASC')));
     //echo nl2br(str_replace('#__','jos_',$query));
     return $query;
コード例 #6
ファイル: tracks.php プロジェクト: joebushi/joomla
  * Build an SQL query to load the list data.
  * @return	JQuery
 protected function _getListQuery()
     // Get the application object
     $app =& JFactory::getApplication();
     require_once JPATH_COMPONENT . '/helpers/banners.php';
     // Create a new query object.
     $query = new JQuery();
     // Select the required fields from the table.
     $query->select('a.track_date as track_date,' . 'a.track_type as track_type,' . 'a.`count` as `count`');
     $query->from('`#__banner_tracks` AS a');
     // Join with the banners
     $query->join('LEFT', '`#__banners` as b ON b.id=a.banner_id');
     $query->select('b.name as name');
     // Join with the client
     $query->join('LEFT', '`#__banner_clients` as cl ON cl.id=b.cid');
     $query->select('cl.name as client_name');
     // Join with the category
     $query->join('LEFT', '`#__categories` as cat ON cat.id=b.catid');
     $query->select('cat.title as category_title');
     // Filter by type
     $type = $this->getState('filter.type');
     if (!empty($type)) {
         $query->where('a.track_type = ' . (int) $type);
     // Filter by client
     $clientId = $this->getState('filter.client_id');
     if (is_numeric($clientId)) {
         $query->where('b.cid = ' . (int) $clientId);
     // Filter by category
     $catedoryId = $this->getState('filter.category_id');
     if (is_numeric($catedoryId)) {
         $query->where('b.catid = ' . (int) $catedoryId);
     // Filter by begin date
     $begin = $this->getState('filter.begin');
     if (!empty($begin)) {
         $query->where('a.track_date >= ' . $this->_db->Quote($begin));
     // Filter by end date
     $end = $this->getState('filter.end');
     if (!empty($end)) {
         $query->where('a.track_date <= ' . $this->_db->Quote($end));
     // Add the list ordering clause.
     $orderCol = $this->getState('list.ordering', 'name');
     $query->order($this->_db->getEscaped($orderCol) . ' ' . $this->_db->getEscaped($this->getState('list.direction', 'ASC')));
     return $query;
コード例 #7
ファイル: author.php プロジェクト: joebushi/joomla
 function fetchElement($name, $value, &$node, $control_name)
     $access = JFactory::getACL();
     // Include user in groups that have access to edit their articles, other articles, or manage content.
     $action = array('com_content.article.edit_own', 'com_content.article.edit_article', 'com_content.manage');
     $groups = $access->getAuthorisedUsergroups($action, true);
     // Check the results of the access check.
     if (!$groups) {
         return false;
     // Clean up and serialize.
     $groups = implode(',', $groups);
     // Build the query to get the users.
     $query = new JQuery();
     $query->select('u.id AS value');
     $query->select('u.name AS text');
     $query->from('#__users AS u');
     $query->join('INNER', '#__user_usergroup_map AS m ON m.user_id = u.id');
     $query->where('u.block = 0');
     $query->where('m.group_id IN (' . $groups . ')');
     // Get the users.
     $db = JFactory::getDbo();
     $db->setQuery((string) $query);
     $users = $db->loadObjectList();
     // Check for a database error.
     if ($db->getErrorNum()) {
         JError::raiseNotice(500, $db->getErrorMsg());
         return false;
     return JHtml::_('select.genericlist', $users, $name, 'class="inputbox" size="1"', 'value', 'text', $value);
コード例 #8
ファイル: category.php プロジェクト: joebushi/joomla
  * Method to build an SQL query to load the list data.
  * @return	string	An SQL query
  * @since	1.6
 protected function _getListQuery()
     $user =& JFactory::getUser();
     $groups = implode(',', $user->authorisedLevels());
     // Create a new query object.
     $query = new JQuery();
     // Select required fields from the categories.
     $query->select($this->getState('list.select', 'a.*'));
     $query->from('`#__weblinks` AS a');
     $query->where('a.access IN (' . $groups . ')');
     // Filter by category.
     if ($categoryId = $this->getState('category.id')) {
         $query->where('a.catid = ' . (int) $categoryId);
         $query->join('LEFT', '#__categories AS c ON c.id = a.catid');
         $query->where('c.access IN (' . $groups . ')');
     // Filter by state
     $state = $this->getState('filter.state');
     if (is_numeric($state)) {
         $query->where('a.state = ' . (int) $state);
     // Add the list ordering clause.
     $query->order($this->_db->getEscaped($this->getState('list.ordering', 'a.ordering')) . ' ' . $this->_db->getEscaped($this->getState('list.direction', 'ASC')));
     return $query;
コード例 #9
ファイル: messages.php プロジェクト: joebushi/joomla
  * Build an SQL query to load the list data.
  * @return	JQuery
 protected function _getListQuery()
     // Create a new query object.
     $query = new JQuery();
     $user = JFactory::getUser();
     // Select the required fields from the table.
     $query->select($this->getState('list.select', 'a.*, ' . 'u.name AS user_from'));
     $query->from('#__messages AS a');
     // Join over the users for message owner.
     $query->join('INNER', '#__users AS u ON u.id = a.user_id_from');
     $query->where('a.user_id_to = ' . (int) $user->get('id'));
     // Filter by published state.
     $state = $this->getState('filter.state');
     if (is_numeric($state)) {
         $query->where('a.state = ' . (int) $state);
     } else {
         if ($state === '') {
             $query->where('(a.state IN (0, 1))');
     // Filter by search in subject or message.
     $search = $this->getState('filter.search');
     if (!empty($search)) {
         $search = $this->_db->Quote('%' . $this->_db->getEscaped($search, true) . '%', false);
         $query->where('a.subject LIKE ' . $search . ' OR a.message LIKE ' . $search . ')');
     // Add the list ordering clause.
     $query->order($this->_db->getEscaped($this->getState('list.ordering', 'a.date_time')) . ' ' . $this->_db->getEscaped($this->getState('list.direction', 'DESC')));
     //echo nl2br(str_replace('#__','jos_',$query));
     return $query;
コード例 #10
ファイル: menus.php プロジェクト: joebushi/joomla
  * Method to build an SQL query to load the list data.
  * @return	string	An SQL query
 protected function _getListQuery()
     // Create a new query object.
     $query = new JQuery();
     // Select all fields from the table.
     $query->select($this->getState('list.select', 'a.*'));
     $query->from('`#__menu_types` AS a');
     // Self join to find the number of published menu items in the menu.
     $query->select('COUNT(DISTINCT m1.id) AS count_published');
     $query->join('LEFT', '`#__menu` AS m1 ON m1.menutype = a.menutype AND m1.published = 1');
     // Self join to find the number of unpublished menu items in the menu.
     $query->select('COUNT(DISTINCT m2.id) AS count_unpublished');
     $query->join('LEFT', '`#__menu` AS m2 ON m2.menutype = a.menutype AND m2.published = 0');
     // Self join to find the number of trashed menu items in the menu.
     $query->select('COUNT(DISTINCT m3.id) AS count_trashed');
     $query->join('LEFT', '`#__menu` AS m3 ON m3.menutype = a.menutype AND m3.published = -2');
     // Add the list ordering clause.
     $query->order($this->_db->getEscaped($this->getState('list.ordering', 'a.id')) . ' ' . $this->_db->getEscaped($this->getState('list.direction', 'ASC')));
     //echo nl2br(str_replace('#__','jos_',$query->toString())).'<hr/>';
     return $query;
コード例 #11
ファイル: clients.php プロジェクト: joebushi/joomla
  * Build an SQL query to load the list data.
  * @return	JQuery
 protected function _getListQuery()
     // Create a new query object.
     $query = new JQuery();
     // Select the required fields from the table.
     $query->select($this->getState('list.select', 'a.id AS id,' . 'a.name AS name,' . 'a.contact AS contact,' . 'a.checked_out AS checked_out,' . 'a.checked_out_time AS checked_out_time, ' . 'a.state AS state,' . 'a.metakey AS metakey,' . 'a.purchase_type as purchase_type'));
     $query->from('`#__banner_clients` AS a');
     // Join over the banners for counting
     $query->select('COUNT(b.id) as nbanners');
     $query->join('LEFT', '#__banners AS b ON a.id = b.cid');
     // Join over the users for the checked out user.
     $query->select('uc.name AS editor');
     $query->join('LEFT', '#__users AS uc ON uc.id=a.checked_out');
     // Filter by published state
     $published = $this->getState('filter.state');
     if (is_numeric($published)) {
         $query->where('a.state = ' . (int) $published);
     } else {
         if ($published === '') {
             $query->where('(a.state IN (0, 1))');
     // Filter by search in title
     $search = $this->getState('filter.search');
     if (!empty($search)) {
         if (stripos($search, 'id:') === 0) {
             $query->where('a.id = ' . (int) substr($search, 3));
         } else {
             $search = $this->_db->Quote('%' . $this->_db->getEscaped($search, true) . '%');
             $query->where('a.name LIKE ' . $search);
     // Add the list ordering clause.
     $query->order($this->_db->getEscaped($this->getState('list.ordering', 'ordering')) . ' ' . $this->_db->getEscaped($this->getState('list.direction', 'ASC')));
     //echo nl2br(str_replace('#__','jos_',$query));
     return $query;
コード例 #12
ファイル: plugins.php プロジェクト: joebushi/joomla
  * Build an SQL query to load the list data.
  * @return	JQuery
 protected function _getListQuery()
     // Create a new query object.
     $query = new JQuery();
     // Select the required fields from the table.
     $query->select($this->getState('list.select', 'a.extension_id, a.name, a.element, a.folder, a.checked_out, a.checked_out_time,' . ' a.enabled, a.access, a.ordering'));
     $query->from('`#__extensions` AS a');
     $query->where('`type` = ' . $this->_db->quote('plugin'));
     // Join over the users for the checked out user.
     $query->select('uc.name AS editor');
     $query->join('LEFT', '#__users AS uc ON uc.id=a.checked_out');
     // Join over the asset groups.
     $query->select('ag.title AS access_level');
     $query->join('LEFT', '#__viewlevels AS ag ON ag.id = a.access');
     // Filter by access level.
     if ($access = $this->getState('filter.access')) {
         $query->where('a.access = ' . (int) $access);
     // Filter by published state
     $published = $this->getState('filter.state');
     if (is_numeric($published)) {
         $query->where('a.enabled = ' . (int) $published);
     } else {
         if ($published === '') {
             $query->where('(a.enabled IN (0, 1))');
     // Filter by folder.
     if ($folder = $this->getState('filter.folder')) {
         $query->where('a.folder = ' . $this->_db->quote($folder));
     // Filter by search in title
     $search = $this->getState('filter.search');
     if (!empty($search)) {
         if (stripos($search, 'id:') === 0) {
             $query->where('a.id = ' . (int) substr($search, 3));
         } else {
             $search = $this->_db->Quote('%' . $this->_db->getEscaped($search, true) . '%');
             $query->where('a.name LIKE ' . $search);
     // Add the list ordering clause.
     $query->order($this->_db->getEscaped($this->getState('list.ordering', 'a.name')) . ' ' . $this->_db->getEscaped($this->getState('list.direction', 'ASC')));
     //echo nl2br(str_replace('#__','jos_',$query));
     return $query;
コード例 #13
ファイル: comments.php プロジェクト: joebushi/joomla
  * Build an SQL query to load the list data.
  * @return	JQuery
 protected function _getListQuery()
     // Create a new query object.
     $query = new JQuery();
     // Select the required fields from the table.
     $query->select($this->getState('list.select', 'a.*'));
     $query->from('`#__social_comments` AS a');
     // Resolve foriegn keys.
     $query->select('b.page_route, b.page_url, b.page_title');
     $query->join('LEFT', '`#__social_threads` AS b ON b.id=a.thread_id');
     // Filter by published state.
     $published = $this->getState('filter.state');
     if (is_numeric($published)) {
         $query->where('a.published = ' . (int) $published);
     } else {
         if ($published === '') {
             $query->where('(a.published IN (0, 1))');
     // Filter the items over the thread id if set.
     $thread_id = $this->getState('filter.thread_id');
     if ($thread_id !== null && $thread_id > 0) {
         $query->where('a.thread_id = ' . (int) $thread_id);
     // Filter the items over the context if set.
     $context = $this->getState('filter.context');
     if (!empty($context)) {
         $query->where('b.context = ' . $this->_db->Quote($context));
     // Filter over the search string if set.
     $search = $this->getState('filter.search');
     if (!empty($search)) {
         if (stripos($search, 'id:') === 0) {
             $query->where('a.id = ' . (int) substr($search, 3));
         } else {
             $search = $this->_db->Quote('%' . $this->_db->getEscaped($search, true) . '%');
             $query->where('a.name LIKE ' . $search);
     // Add the list ordering clause.
     $query->order($this->_db->getEscaped($this->getState('list.ordering') . ' ' . $this->getState('list.direction')));
     //echo nl2br(str_replace('#__','jos_',$query));
     return $query;
コード例 #14
ファイル: contact.php プロジェクト: joebushi/joomla
  * Builds the query to select contact items
  * @param array
  * @return string
  * @access protected
 function _getContactQuery($pk = null)
     // TODO: Cache on the fingerprint of the arguments
     $db =& JFactory::getDbo();
     $user =& JFactory::getUser();
     $pk = !empty($pk) ? $pk : (int) $this->getState('contact.id');
     $query = new JQuery();
     if ($pk) {
         $query->select('a.*, cc.access as category_access, cc.title as category_name, ' . ' CASE WHEN CHAR_LENGTH(a.alias) THEN CONCAT_WS(\':\', a.id, a.alias) ELSE a.id END as slug, ' . ' CASE WHEN CHAR_LENGTH(cc.alias) THEN CONCAT_WS(\':\', cc.id, cc.alias) ELSE cc.id END AS catslug ');
         $query->from('#__contact_details AS a');
         $query->join('INNER', '#__categories AS cc on cc.id = a.catid');
         $query->where('a.id = ' . (int) $pk);
         $query->where('a.published = 1');
         $query->where('cc.published = 1');
         $groups = implode(',', $user->authorisedLevels());
         $query->where('a.access IN (' . implode(',', $user->authorisedLevels()) . ')');
     return $query;
コード例 #15
ファイル: helper.php プロジェクト: joebushi/joomla
  * Get a list of the most popular articles
  * @param	JObject		The module parameters.
  * @return	array
 public static function getList($params)
     $db = JFactory::getDbo();
     $limit = $params->get('limit', 10);
     $result = null;
     $query = new JQuery();
     $query->select('a.hits, a.id, a.sectionid, a.title, a.created, u.name');
     $query->from('#__content AS a');
     $query->join('LEFT', '#__users AS u ON u.id=a.created_by');
     $query->where('a.state <> -2');
     $db->setQuery($query, 0, $limit);
     $rows = $db->loadObjectList();
     if ($error = $db->getErrorMsg()) {
         JError::raiseWarning(500, $error);
         return false;
     return $rows;
コード例 #16
ファイル: helper.php プロジェクト: joebushi/joomla
  * Get a list of the menu items.
 static function getList(&$params)
     // Initialise variables.
     $list = array();
     $db = JFactory::getDbo();
     $user = JFactory::getUser();
     $menu = JSite::getMenu();
     // If no active menu, use default
     $active = $menu->getActive() ? $menu->getActive() : $menu->getDefault();
     $rlu = array();
     $start = (int) $params->get('startLevel');
     $end = (int) $params->get('endLevel');
     $showAll = $params->get('showAllChildren');
     // Deal with start level.
     if ($start) {
         // Need a second query to backtrace.
         $query = new JQuery();
         $query->from('#__menu AS m');
         $query->join('LEFT', '#__menu AS p ON p.id = ' . (int) $active->id);
         $query->where('m.level = ' . $start);
         $query->where('m.lft <= p.lft');
         $query->where('m.rgt >= p.rgt');
         $startId = $db->loadResult();
         // Check for a database error.
         if ($db->getErrorNum()) {
             return $list;
         if (empty($startId)) {
             return $list;
     // Get the menu items as a tree.
     $query = new JQuery();
     $query->select('n.id, n.parent_id, n.title, n.alias, n.path, n.level, n.link, n.type, n.browserNav, n.params, n.home');
     $query->from('#__menu AS n');
     // Deal with start level.
     if ($start) {
         $query->join('INNER', '#__menu AS p ON p.id = ' . (int) $startId);
     } else {
         $query->join('INNER', '#__menu AS p ON p.lft = 0');
     // Deal with end level.
     if ($end) {
         $query->where('n.level <= ' . $end);
     $query->where('n.lft > p.lft');
     $query->where('n.lft < p.rgt');
     // Filter over the appropriate menu.
     $query->where('n.menutype = ' . $db->quote($params->get('menutype', 'mainmenu')));
     // Filter over authorized access levels and publishing state.
     $query->where('n.published = 1');
     $query->where('n.access IN (' . implode(',', (array) $user->authorisedLevels()) . ')');
     // Get the list of menu items.
     $list = $db->loadObjectList();
     // Check for a database error.
     if ($db->getErrorNum()) {
         return array();
     // Set some values to make nested HTML rendering easier.
     foreach ($list as $i => &$item) {
         $rlu[$item->id] = $i;
         // Compute tree step information.
         $item->deeper = isset($list[$i + 1]) && $item->level < $list[$i + 1]->level;
         $item->shallower = isset($list[$i + 1]) && $item->level > $list[$i + 1]->level;
         $item->level_diff = isset($list[$i + 1]) ? $item->level - $list[$i + 1]->level : 0;
         $item->active = false;
         $item->params = new JObject(json_decode($item->params));
         switch ($item->type) {
             case 'separator':
                 // No further action needed.
             case 'url':
                 if (strpos($item->link, 'index.php?') === 0 && strpos($item->link, 'Itemid=') === false) {
                     // If this is an internal Joomla link, ensure the Itemid is set.
                     $item->link = $tmp->link . '&amp;Itemid=' . $item->id;
             case 'alias':
                 // If this is an alias use the item id stored in the parameters to make the link.
                 $item->link = 'index.php?Itemid=' . $item->params->aliasoptions;
                 $router = JSite::getRouter();
                 if ($router->getMode() == JROUTER_MODE_SEF) {
                     $item->link = 'index.php?Itemid=' . $item->id;
                 } else {
                     $item->link .= '&Itemid=' . $item->id;
         if ($item->home == 1) {
             // Correct the URL for the home page.
             $item->link = JURI::base();
         } elseif (strcasecmp(substr($item->link, 0, 4), 'http') && strpos($item->link, 'index.php?') !== false) {
             // This is an internal Joomla web site link.
             $item->link = JRoute::_($item->link, true, $item->params->get('secure'));
         } else {
             // Correct the & in the link.
             $item->link = str_replace('&', '&amp;', $item->link);
     // Set the active state of items from active to the tree root.
     $itemId = $active->id;
     $runaway = count($list);
     while ($itemId && $runaway--) {
         if (@$list[$rlu[$itemId]]) {
             $list[$rlu[$itemId]]->active = true;
             $itemId = $list[$rlu[$itemId]]->parent_id;
         } else {
             $itemId = 0;
     return $list;
コード例 #17
ファイル: modules.php プロジェクト: joebushi/joomla
  * Build an SQL query to load the list data.
  * @return	JQuery
 protected function _getListQuery()
     // Create a new query object.
     $query = new JQuery();
     // Select the required fields from the table.
     $query->select($this->getState('list.select', 'a.id, a.title, a.position, a.module, ' . 'a.checked_out, a.checked_out_time, a.published, a.access, a.ordering, a.language'));
     $query->from('`#__modules` AS a');
     // Join over the users for the checked out user.
     $query->select('uc.name AS editor');
     $query->join('LEFT', '#__users AS uc ON uc.id=a.checked_out');
     // Join over the asset groups.
     $query->select('ag.title AS access_level');
     $query->join('LEFT', '#__viewlevels AS ag ON ag.id = a.access');
     // Join over the module menus
     $query->select('MIN(mm.menuid) AS pages');
     $query->join('LEFT', '#__modules_menu AS mm ON mm.moduleid = a.id');
     // Filter by access level.
     if ($access = $this->getState('filter.access')) {
         $query->where('a.access = ' . (int) $access);
     // Filter by published state
     $state = $this->getState('filter.state');
     if (is_numeric($state)) {
         $query->where('a.published = ' . (int) $state);
     } else {
         if ($state === '') {
             $query->where('(a.published IN (0, 1))');
     // Filter by position
     $position = $this->getState('filter.position');
     if ($position) {
         $query->where('a.position = ' . $this->_db->Quote($position));
     // Filter by module
     $module = $this->getState('filter.module');
     if ($module) {
         $query->where('a.module = ' . $this->_db->Quote($module));
     // Filter by client.
     $clientId = $this->getState('filter.client_id');
     if (is_numeric($clientId)) {
         $query->where('a.client_id = ' . (int) $clientId);
     // Filter by search in title
     $search = $this->getState('filter.search');
     if (!empty($search)) {
         if (stripos($search, 'id:') === 0) {
             $query->where('a.id = ' . (int) substr($search, 3));
         } else {
             $search = $this->_db->Quote('%' . $this->_db->getEscaped($search, true) . '%');
             $query->where('a.title LIKE ' . $search);
     // Add the list ordering clause.
     $query->order($this->_db->getEscaped($this->getState('list.ordering', 'a.ordering')) . ' ' . $this->_db->getEscaped($this->getState('list.direction', 'ASC')));
     //echo nl2br(str_replace('#__','jos_',$query));
     return $query;
コード例 #18
ファイル: articles.php プロジェクト: joebushi/joomla
  * @param	boolean	True to join selected foreign information
  * @return	string
 function _getListQuery()
     // Create a new query object.
     $query = new JQuery();
     // Select the required fields from the table.
     $query->select($this->getState('list.select', 'a.id, a.title, a.alias, a.title_alias, a.introtext, a.state, a.catid, a.created, a.created_by, a.created_by_alias,' . ' a.modified, a.modified_by,a.publish_up, a.publish_down, a.attribs, a.metadata, a.metakey, a.metadesc, a.access,' . ' a.hits,' . ' LENGTH(a.fulltext) AS readmore'));
     $query->from('#__content AS a');
     // Join over the categories.
     $query->select('c.title AS category_title, c.path AS category_route, c.access AS category_access, c.alias AS category_alias');
     $query->join('LEFT', '#__categories AS c ON c.id = a.catid');
     // Join over the users for the author.
     $query->select("CASE WHEN a.created_by_alias > ' ' THEN a.created_by_alias ELSE ua.name END AS author_name");
     $query->join('LEFT', '#__users AS ua ON ua.id = a.created_by');
     // Filter by access level.
     if ($access = $this->getState('filter.access')) {
         $user =& JFactory::getUser();
         $groups = implode(',', $user->authorisedLevels());
         $query->where('a.access IN (' . $groups . ')');
     // Filter by published state
     $published = $this->getState('filter.published');
     if (is_numeric($published)) {
         $query->where('a.state = ' . (int) $published);
     } else {
         if (is_array($published)) {
             $published = implode(',', $published);
             $query->where('a.state IN (' . $published . ')');
     // Filter by a single or group of categories.
     $categoryId = $this->getState('filter.category_id');
     if (is_numeric($categoryId)) {
         $type = $this->getState('filter.category_id.include', true) ? '= ' : '<>';
         $query->where('a.catid ' . $type . (int) $categoryId);
     } else {
         if (is_array($categoryId)) {
             $categoryId = implode(',', $categoryId);
             $type = $this->getState('filter.category_id.include', true) ? 'IN' : 'NOT IN';
             $query->where('a.catid ' . $type . ' (' . $categoryId . ')');
     $authorId = $this->getState('filter.author_id');
     if (is_numeric($authorId)) {
         $type = $this->getState('filter.author_id.include', true) ? '= ' : '<>';
         $query->where('a.created_by ' . $type . (int) $authorId);
     } else {
         if (is_array($authorId)) {
             $authorId = implode(',', $authorId);
             $type = $this->getState('filter.author_id.include', true) ? 'IN' : 'NOT IN';
             $query->where('a.created ' . $type . ' (' . $authorId . ')');
     // Filter by start and end dates.
     $nullDate = $this->_db->Quote($this->_db->getNullDate());
     $nowDate = $this->_db->Quote(JFactory::getDate()->toMySQL());
     $query->where('(a.publish_up = ' . $nullDate . ' OR a.publish_up <= ' . $nowDate . ')');
     $query->where('(a.publish_down = ' . $nullDate . ' OR a.publish_down >= ' . $nowDate . ')');
     // process the filter for list views with user-entered filters
     $params = $this->getState('params');
     if (is_object($params) && $params->get('filter_field') != 'hide' && ($filter = $this->getState('list.filter'))) {
         // clean filter variable
         $filter = JString::strtolower($filter);
         $hitsFilter = intval($filter);
         $filter = $this->_db->Quote('%' . $this->_db->getEscaped($filter, true) . '%', false);
         switch ($params->get('filter_field')) {
             case 'author':
                 $query->where('LOWER( CASE WHEN a.created_by_alias > " " THEN a.created_by_alias ELSE ua.name END ) LIKE ' . $filter . ' ');
             case 'hits':
                 $query->where('a.hits >= ' . $hitsFilter . ' ');
             case 'title':
                 // default to 'title' if parameter is not valid
                 $query->where('LOWER( a.title ) LIKE ' . $filter);
     // Add the list ordering clause.
     $query->order($this->_db->getEscaped($this->getState('list.ordering', 'a.ordering')));
     //echo nl2br(str_replace('#__','jos_',$query));
     return $query;
コード例 #19
ファイル: articles.php プロジェクト: joebushi/joomla
  * Build an SQL query to load the list data.
  * @return	JQuery
 protected function _getListQuery()
     // Create a new query object.
     $query = new JQuery();
     // Select the required fields from the table.
     $query->select($this->getState('list.select', 'a.id, a.title, a.alias, a.checked_out, a.checked_out_time, a.catid,' . ' a.state, a.access, a.created, a.hits, a.ordering, a.featured'));
     $query->from('#__content AS a');
     // Join over the users for the checked out user.
     $query->select('uc.name AS editor');
     $query->join('LEFT', '#__users AS uc ON uc.id=a.checked_out');
     // Join over the asset groups.
     $query->select('ag.title AS access_level');
     $query->join('LEFT', '#__viewlevels AS ag ON ag.id = a.access');
     // Join over the categories.
     $query->select('c.title AS category_title');
     $query->join('LEFT', '#__categories AS c ON c.id = a.catid');
     // Join over the users for the author.
     $query->select('ua.name AS author_name');
     $query->join('LEFT', '#__users AS ua ON ua.id = a.created_by');
     // Filter by access level.
     if ($access = $this->getState('filter.access')) {
         $query->where('a.access = ' . (int) $access);
     // Filter by published state
     $published = $this->getState('filter.published');
     if (is_numeric($published)) {
         $query->where('a.state = ' . (int) $published);
     } else {
         if ($published === '') {
             $query->where('(a.state = 0 OR a.state = 1)');
     // Filter by a single or group of categories.
     $categoryId = $this->getState('filter.category_id');
     if (is_numeric($categoryId)) {
         $query->where('a.catid = ' . (int) $categoryId);
     } else {
         if (is_array($categoryId)) {
             $categoryId = implode(',', $categoryId);
             $query->where('a.catid IN (' . $categoryId . ')');
     // Filter by author
     $authorId = $this->getState('filter.author_id');
     if (is_numeric($authorId)) {
         $type = $this->getState('filter.author_id.include', true) ? '= ' : '<>';
         $query->where('a.created_by ' . $type . (int) $authorId);
     // Filter by search in title
     $search = $this->getState('filter.search');
     if (!empty($search)) {
         if (stripos($search, 'id:') === 0) {
             $query->where('a.id = ' . (int) substr($search, 3));
         } else {
             if (stripos($search, 'author:') === 0) {
                 $search = $this->_db->Quote('%' . $this->_db->getEscaped(substr($search, 7), true) . '%');
                 $query->where('ua.name LIKE ' . $search . ' OR ua.username LIKE ' . $search);
             } else {
                 $search = $this->_db->Quote('%' . $this->_db->getEscaped($search, true) . '%');
                 $query->where('a.title LIKE ' . $search . ' OR a.alias LIKE ' . $search);
     // Add the list ordering clause.
     $query->order($this->_db->getEscaped($this->getState('list.ordering', 'a.title')) . ' ' . $this->_db->getEscaped($this->getState('list.direction', 'ASC')));
     //echo nl2br(str_replace('#__','jos_',$query));
     return $query;
コード例 #20
ファイル: banner.php プロジェクト: joebushi/joomla
  * Get the data for a banner
 function &getItem()
     if (!isset($this->_item)) {
         $id = $this->getState('banner.id');
         // redirect to banner url
         $query = new JQuery();
         $query->select('a.clickurl as clickurl,' . 'a.cid as cid,' . 'a.track_clicks as track_clicks');
         $query->from('#__banners as a');
         $query->where('a.id = ' . (int) $id);
         $query->join('LEFT', '#__banner_clients AS cl ON cl.id = a.cid');
         $query->select('cl.track_clicks as client_track_clicks');
         $this->_db->setQuery((string) $query);
         if (!$this->_db->query()) {
             JError::raiseError(500, $this->_db->getErrorMsg());
         $this->_item = $this->_db->loadObject();
     return $this->_item;
コード例 #21
ファイル: menus.php プロジェクト: joebushi/joomla
  * Get a list of menu links for one or all menus.
  * @param	string	An option menu to filter the list on, otherwise all menu links are returned as a grouped array.
  * @param	int		An optional parent ID to pivot results around.
  * @param	int		An optional mode. If parent ID is set and mode=2, the parent and children are excluded from the list.
  * @param	array	An optional array of states
 public static function getMenuLinks($menuType = null, $parentId = 0, $mode = 0, $published = array())
     $db = JFactory::getDbo();
     $query = new JQuery();
     $query->select('a.id AS value, a.title AS text, a.level, a.menutype, a.type');
     $query->from('#__menu AS a');
     $query->join('LEFT', '`#__menu` AS b ON a.lft > b.lft AND a.rgt < b.rgt');
     // Filter by the type
     if ($menuType) {
         $query->where('(a.menutype = ' . $db->quote($menuType) . ' OR a.parent_id = 0)');
     if ($parentId) {
         if ($mode == 2) {
             // Prevent the parent and children from showing.
             $query->join('LEFT', '`#__menu` AS p ON p.id = ' . (int) $parentId);
             $query->where('(a.lft <= p.lft OR a.rgt >= p.rgt)');
     if (!empty($published)) {
         if (is_array($published)) {
             $published = '(' . implode(',', $published) . ')';
         $query->where('a.published IN ' . $published);
     $query->order('a.lft ASC');
     // Get the options.
     $links = $db->loadObjectList();
     // Check for a database error.
     if ($error = $db->getErrorMsg()) {
         JError::raiseWarning(500, $error);
         return false;
     // Pad the option text with spaces using depth level as a multiplier.
     foreach ($links as &$link) {
         $link->text = str_repeat('- ', $link->level) . $link->text;
     if (empty($menuType)) {
         // If the menutype is empty, group the items by menutype.
         $query = new JQuery();
         $query->where('menutype <> ' . $db->quote(''));
         $query->order('title, menutype');
         $menuTypes = $db->loadObjectList();
         // Check for a database error.
         if ($error = $db->getErrorMsg()) {
             JError::raiseWarning(500, $error);
             return false;
         // Create a reverse lookup and aggregate the links.
         $rlu = array();
         foreach ($menuTypes as &$type) {
             $rlu[$type->menutype] =& $type;
             $type->links = array();
         // Loop through the list of menu links.
         foreach ($links as &$link) {
             if (isset($rlu[$link->menutype])) {
                 $rlu[$link->menutype]->links[] =& $link;
                 // Cleanup garbage.
         return $menuTypes;
     } else {
         return $links;
コード例 #22
ファイル: article.php プロジェクト: joebushi/joomla
  * Method to get article data.
  * @param	integer	The id of the article.
  * @return	mixed	Menu item data object on success, false on failure.
 public function &getItem($pk = null)
     // Initialise variables.
     $pk = !empty($pk) ? $pk : (int) $this->getState('article.id');
     if ($this->_item === null) {
         $this->_item = array();
     if (!isset($this->_item[$pk])) {
         try {
             $query = new JQuery();
             $query->select($this->getState('item.select', 'a.*'));
             $query->from('#__content AS a');
             // Join on category table.
             $query->select('c.title AS category_title, c.alias AS category_alias, c.access AS category_access');
             $query->join('LEFT', '#__categories AS c on c.id = a.catid');
             // Join on user table.
             $query->select('u.name AS author');
             $query->join('LEFT', '#__users AS u on u.id = a.created_by');
             $query->where('a.id = ' . (int) $pk);
             // Filter by published state.
             $published = $this->getState('filter.published');
             $archived = $this->getState('filter.archived');
             if (is_numeric($published)) {
                 $query->where('(a.state = ' . (int) $published . ' OR a.state =' . (int) $archived . ')');
             // Filter by access level.
             if ($access = $this->getState('filter.access')) {
                 $user =& JFactory::getUser();
                 $groups = implode(',', $user->authorisedLevels());
                 $query->where('a.access IN (' . $groups . ')');
                 $query->where('(c.access IS NULL OR c.access IN (' . $groups . '))');
             $data = $this->_db->loadObject();
             if ($error = $this->_db->getErrorMsg()) {
                 throw new Exception($error);
             if (empty($data)) {
                 throw new Exception(JText::_('Content_Error_Article_not_found'), 404);
             // Check for published state if filter set.
             if ((is_numeric($published) || is_numeric($archived)) && ($data->state != $published && $data->state != $archived)) {
                 throw new Exception(JText::_('Content_Error_Article_not_found'), 404);
             // Convert parameter fields to objects.
             $registry = new JRegistry();
             $data->params = clone $this->getState('params');
             $registry = new JRegistry();
             $data->metadata = $registry;
             // Compute access permissions.
             if ($access) {
                 // If the access filter has been set, we already know this user can view.
                 $data->params->set('access-view', true);
             } else {
                 // If no access filter is set, the layout takes some responsibility for display of limited information.
                 $user =& JFactory::getUser();
                 $groups = $user->authorisedLevels();
                 if ($data->catid == 0 || $data->category_access === null) {
                     $data->params->set('access-view', in_array($data->access, $groups));
                 } else {
                     $data->params->set('access-view', in_array($data->access, $groups) && in_array($data->category_access, $groups));
             // TODO: Type 2 permission checks?
             $this->_item[$pk] = $data;
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             $this->_item[$pk] = false;
     return $this->_item[$pk];
コード例 #23
ファイル: access.php プロジェクト: joebushi/joomla
  * Method to return a list of user Ids contained in a Group
  * @param	int		The group Id
  * @param	boolean	Recursively include all child groups (optional)
  * @return	array
  * @todo	This method should move somewhere else.
 public function getUsersByGroup($groupId, $recursive = false)
     // Get a database object.
     $db =& JFactory::getDbo();
     $test = $recursive ? '>=' : '=';
     // First find the users contained in the group
     $query = new JQuery();
     $query->from('#__usergroups as ug1');
     $query->join('INNER', '#__usergroups AS ug2 ON ug2.lft' . $test . 'ug1.lft AND ug1.rgt' . $test . 'ug2.rgt');
     $query->join('INNER', '#__user_usergroup_map AS m ON ug2.id=m.group_id');
     $query->where('ug1.id=' . $db->Quote($groupId));
     $result = $db->loadResultArray();
     // Clean up any NULL values, just in case
     return $result;
コード例 #24
ファイル: items.php プロジェクト: joebushi/joomla
  * Builds an SQL query to load the list data.
  * @return	JQuery	A query object.
 protected function _getListQuery()
     // Create a new query object.
     $query = new JQuery();
     // Select all fields from the table.
     $query->select($this->getState('list.select', 'a.*'));
     $query->from('`#__menu` AS a');
     // Join over the users.
     $query->select('u.name AS editor');
     $query->join('LEFT', '`#__users` AS u ON u.id = a.checked_out');
     //Join over components
     $query->select('c.name AS componentname');
     $query->join('LEFT', '`#__extensions` AS c ON c.extension_id = a.component_id');
     // Join over the asset groups.
     $query->select('ag.title AS access_level');
     $query->join('LEFT', '#__viewlevels AS ag ON ag.id = a.access');
     // Exclude the root category.
     $query->where('a.id > 1');
     // Filter on the published state.
     $published = $this->getState('filter.published');
     if (is_numeric($published)) {
         $query->where('a.published = ' . (int) $published);
     } else {
         if ($published === '') {
             $query->where('(a.published IN (0, 1))');
     // Filter by search in title, alias or id
     if ($search = trim($this->getState('filter.search'))) {
         if (stripos($search, 'id:') === 0) {
             $query->where('a.id = ' . (int) substr($search, 3));
         } else {
             if (stripos($search, 'link:') === 0) {
                 if ($search = substr($search, 5)) {
                     $search = $this->_db->Quote('%' . $this->_db->getEscaped($search, true) . '%');
                     $query->where('a.link LIKE ' . $search);
             } else {
                 $search = $this->_db->Quote('%' . $this->_db->getEscaped($search, true) . '%');
                 $query->where('a.title LIKE ' . $search . ' OR a.alias LIKE ' . $search);
     // Filter the items over the parent id if set.
     $parentId = $this->getState('filter.parent_id');
     if (!empty($parentId)) {
         $query->where('p.id = ' . (int) $parentId);
     // Filter the items over the menu id if set.
     $menuId = $this->getState('filter.menu_id');
     if (!empty($menuId)) {
         $query->where('a.menu_id = ' . (int) $menuId);
     // Filter the items over the menu id if set.
     $menuType = $this->getState('filter.menutype');
     if (!empty($menuType)) {
         $query->where('a.menutype = ' . $this->_db->quote($menuType));
     // Filter on the access level.
     if ($access = $this->getState('filter.access')) {
         $query->where('a.access = ' . (int) $access);
     // Filter on the level.
     if ($level = $this->getState('filter.level')) {
         $query->where('a.level <= ' . (int) $level);
     // Add the list ordering clause.
     $query->order($this->_db->getEscaped($this->getState('list.ordering', 'a.lft')) . ' ' . $this->_db->getEscaped($this->getState('list.direction', 'ASC')));
     //echo nl2br(str_replace('#__','jos_',$query->toString())).'<hr/>';
     return $query;
コード例 #25
ファイル: item.php プロジェクト: joebushi/joomla
  * Get the list of modules not in trash.
  * @return	mixed	An array of module records (id, title, position), or false on error.
 public function getModules()
     $query = new JQuery();
     $query->select('a.id, a.title, a.position, a.published');
     $query->from('#__modules AS a');
     // Join on the module-to-menu mapping table.
     // We are only interested if the module is displayed on ALL or THIS menu item (or the inverse ID number).
     $query->join('LEFT', '#__modules_menu AS map ON map.moduleid = a.id AND (map.menuid = 0 OR ABS(map.menuid) = ' . (int) $this->getState('item.id') . ')');
     // Join on the asset groups table.
     $query->select('ag.title AS access_title');
     $query->join('LEFT', '#__viewlevels AS ag ON ag.id = a.access');
     $query->where('a.published >= 0');
     $query->where('a.client_id = 0');
     $query->order('a.position, a.ordering');
     $result = $this->_db->loadObjectList();
     if ($error = $this->_db->getError()) {
         return false;
     return $result;
コード例 #26
ファイル: banners.php プロジェクト: joebushi/joomla
  * Build an SQL query to load the list data.
  * @return	JQuery
 protected function _getListQuery()
     // Get the application object
     $app =& JFactory::getApplication();
     // Create a new query object.
     $query = new JQuery();
     // Select the required fields from the table.
     $query->select($this->getState('list.select', 'a.id AS id, a.name AS name, a.alias AS alias,' . 'a.checked_out AS checked_out,' . 'a.checked_out_time AS checked_out_time, a.catid AS catid,' . 'a.clicks AS clicks, a.metakey AS metakey, a.sticky AS sticky,' . 'a.impmade AS impmade, a.imptotal AS imptotal,' . 'a.state AS state, a.ordering AS ordering,' . 'a.purchase_type as purchase_type'));
     $query->from('`#__banners` AS a');
     // Join over the users for the checked out user.
     $query->select('uc.name AS editor');
     $query->join('LEFT', '#__users AS uc ON uc.id=a.checked_out');
     // Join over the categories.
     $query->select('c.title AS category_title');
     $query->join('LEFT', '#__categories AS c ON c.id = a.catid');
     // Join over the clients.
     $query->select('cl.name AS client_name,cl.purchase_type as client_purchase_type');
     $query->join('LEFT', '#__banner_clients AS cl ON cl.id = a.cid');
     // Filter by published state
     $published = $this->getState('filter.state');
     if (is_numeric($published)) {
         $query->where('a.state = ' . (int) $published);
     } else {
         if ($published === '') {
             $query->where('(a.state IN (0, 1))');
     // Filter by category.
     $categoryId = $this->getState('filter.category_id');
     if (is_numeric($categoryId)) {
         $query->where('a.catid = ' . (int) $categoryId);
     // Filter by client.
     $clientId = $this->getState('filter.client_id');
     if (is_numeric($clientId)) {
         $query->where('a.cid = ' . (int) $clientId);
     // Filter by search in title
     $search = $this->getState('filter.search');
     if (!empty($search)) {
         if (stripos($search, 'id:') === 0) {
             $query->where('a.id = ' . (int) substr($search, 3));
         } else {
             $search = $this->_db->Quote('%' . $this->_db->getEscaped($search, true) . '%');
             $query->where('(a.name LIKE ' . $search . ' OR a.alias LIKE ' . $search . ')');
     // Add the list ordering clause.
     $orderCol = $this->getState('list.ordering', 'ordering');
     $app->setUserState($this->_context . '.' . $orderCol . '.orderdirn', $this->getState('list.direction', 'ASC'));
     if ($orderCol == 'ordering') {
         $query->order($this->_db->getEscaped('category_title') . ' ' . $this->_db->getEscaped($app->getUserState($this->_context . '.category_title.orderdirn', 'ASC')));
     $query->order($this->_db->getEscaped($orderCol) . ' ' . $this->_db->getEscaped($this->getState('list.direction', 'ASC')));
     if ($orderCol == 'category_title') {
         $query->order($this->_db->getEscaped('ordering') . ' ' . $this->_db->getEscaped($app->getUserState($this->_context . '.ordering.orderdirn', 'ASC')));
     $query->order($this->_db->getEscaped('state') . ' ' . $this->_db->getEscaped($app->getUserState($this->_context . '.state.orderdirn', 'ASC')));
     //echo nl2br(str_replace('#__','jos_',$query));
     return $query;
コード例 #27
ファイル: table.php プロジェクト: joebushi/joomla
  * Generic check for whether dependancies exist for this object in the database schema
  * Can be overloaded/supplemented by the child class
  * @deprecated
  * @param	mixed	An optional primary key value check the row for.  If not
  * 					set the instance property value is used.
  * @param	array	An optional array to compiles standard joins formatted like:
  * 					[label => 'Label', name => 'table name' , idfield => 'field', joinfield => 'field']
  * @return	boolean	True on success.
  * @since	1.0
  * @link	http://docs.joomla.org/JTable/canDelete
 public function canDelete($pk = null, $joins = null)
     // Initialise variables.
     $k = $this->_tbl_key;
     $pk = is_null($pk) ? $this->{$k} : $pk;
     // If no primary key is given, return false.
     if ($pk === null) {
         return false;
     if (is_array($joins)) {
         // Get a query object.
         $query = new JQuery();
         // Setup the basic query.
         $query->select('`' . $this->_tbl_key . '`');
         $query->from('`' . $this->_tbl . '`');
         $query->where('`' . $this->_tbl_key . '` = ' . $this->_db->quote($this->{$k}));
         $query->group('`' . $this->_tbl_key . '`');
         // For each join add the select and join clauses to the query object.
         foreach ($joins as $table) {
             $query->select('COUNT(DISTINCT ' . $table['idfield'] . ') AS ' . $table['idfield']);
             $query->join('LEFT', $table['name'] . ' ON ' . $table['joinfield'] . ' = ' . $k);
         // Get the row object from the query.
         $this->_db->setQuery((string) $query, 0, 1);
         $row = $this->_db->loadObject();
         // Check for a database error.
         if ($this->_db->getErrorNum()) {
             return false;
         $msg = array();
         $i = 0;
         foreach ($joins as $table) {
             $k = $table['idfield'] . $i;
             if ($obj->{$k}) {
                 $msg[] = JText::_($table['label']);
         if (count($msg)) {
             $this->setError("noDeleteRecord" . ": " . implode(', ', $msg));
             return false;
         } else {
             return true;
     return true;