コード例 #1
ファイル: finder.php プロジェクト: Ruud68/Kunena-Forum
  * Filter by time, either on registration or last visit date.
  * @param   JDate $starting  Starting date or null if older than ending date.
  * @param   JDate $ending    Ending date or null if newer than starting date.
  * @param   bool  $register  True = registration date, False = last visit date.
  * @return $this
 public function filterByTime(JDate $starting = null, JDate $ending = null, $register = true)
     $name = $register ? 'registerDate' : 'lastvisitDate';
     if ($starting && $ending) {
         $this->query->where("a.{$name} BETWEEN {$this->db->quote($starting->toUnix())} AND {$this->db->quote($ending->toUnix())}");
     } elseif ($starting) {
         $this->query->where("a.{$name} > {$this->db->quote($starting->toUnix())}");
     } elseif ($ending) {
         $this->query->where("a.{$name} <= {$this->db->quote($ending->toUnix())}");
     return $this;
コード例 #2
ファイル: XmapNav.php プロジェクト: rkern21/videoeditor
	function XmapNav(&$config, &$sitemap) {
		global $mainframe;


		$user =& JFactory::getUser();

		$access = new stdClass();
		$access->canEdit	= $user->authorize('com_content', 'edit', 'content', 'all');
		$access->canEditOwn     = $user->authorize('com_content', 'edit', 'content', 'own');
		$access->canPublish     = $user->authorize('com_content', 'publish', 'content', 'all');
		$this->access = &$access;

		$date = new JDate();

		$this->noauth 	= $mainframe->getCfg( 'shownoauth' );
		$this->gid	= $user->get('gid');
		$this->now	= $date->toUnix();
		$this->config = &$config;
		$this->sitemap = &$sitemap;
		$this->isNews	= false;
		$this->_isAdmin = ($this->gid == "25");

コード例 #3
ファイル: dateutils.php プロジェクト: pguilford/vcomcc
  * Returns date/time in short format. i.e. 6m, 6h, 6d, 6w, 6m, 6y etc
  * @param unknown $date
  * @return Ambigous <string, string, mixed, multitype:>|Ambigous <string, string, mixed>
 public static function getShortDate($date)
     if (empty($date) || $date == '0000-00-00 00:00:00') {
         return JText::_('LBL_NA');
     $user = JFactory::getUser();
     // Given time
     $date = new JDate(JHtml::date($date, 'Y-m-d H:i:s'));
     $compareTo = new JDate(JHtml::date('now', 'Y-m-d H:i:s'));
     $diff = $compareTo->toUnix() - $date->toUnix();
     $diff = abs($diff);
     $dayDiff = floor($diff / 86400);
     if ($dayDiff == 0) {
         if ($diff < 120) {
             return '1m';
         } elseif ($diff < 3600) {
             return floor($diff / 60) . 'm';
         } else {
             return floor($diff / 3600) . 'h';
     } elseif ($dayDiff < 7) {
         return $dayDiff . 'd';
     } elseif ($dayDiff < 7 * 6) {
         return ceil($dayDiff / 7) . 'w';
     } elseif ($dayDiff < 365) {
         return ceil($dayDiff / (365 / 12)) . 'm';
     } else {
         return round($dayDiff / 365) . 'y';
コード例 #4
ファイル: invoices.php プロジェクト: jonatasmm/akeebasubs
  * Called whenever a subscription is modified. Namely, when its enabled status,
  * payment status or valid from/to dates are changed.
 public function onAKSubscriptionChange($row, $info)
     if (is_null($info['modified']) || empty($info['modified'])) {
     //if(!array_key_exists('enabled', (array)$info['modified'])) return;
     // Load the plugin's language files
     $lang = JFactory::getLanguage();
     $lang->load('plg_akeebasubs_invoices', JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR, 'en-GB', true);
     $lang->load('plg_akeebasubs_invoices', JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR, null, true);
     // Akeeba Subscriptions language files
     $lang->load('com_akeebasubs', JPATH_SITE, 'en-GB', true);
     $lang->load('com_akeebasubs', JPATH_SITE, $lang->getDefault(), true);
     $lang->load('com_akeebasubs', JPATH_SITE, null, true);
     $lang->load('com_akeebasubs', JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR, 'en-GB', true);
     $lang->load('com_akeebasubs', JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR, $lang->getDefault(), true);
     $lang->load('com_akeebasubs', JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR, null, true);
     // Do not issue invoices for free subscriptions
     if ($row->gross_amount < 0.01) {
     // Should we handle this subscription?
     $generateAnInvoice = $row->state == "C";
     $whenToGenerate = $this->params->get('generatewhen', '0');
     if ($whenToGenerate == 1) {
         // Handle new subscription, even if they are not yet enabled
         $specialCasePending = in_array($row->state, array('P', 'C')) && !$row->enabled;
         $generateAnInvoice = $generateAnInvoice || $specialCasePending;
     // If the payment is over a week old do not generate an invoice. This
     // prevents accidentally creating an invoice for pas subscriptions not
     // handled by ccInvoices
     $jCreated = new JDate($row->created_on);
     $jNow = new JDate();
     $dateDiff = $jNow->toUnix() - $jCreated->toUnix();
     if ($dateDiff > 604800) {
     // Only handle not expired subscriptions
     if ($generateAnInvoice && !defined('AKEEBA_INVOICE_GENERATED')) {
         define('AKEEBA_INVOICE_GENERATED', 1);
         $db = JFactory::getDBO();
         // Check if there is an invoice for this subscription already
         $query = $db->getQuery(true)->select('*')->from('#__akeebasubs_invoices')->where($db->qn('akeebasubs_subscription_id') . ' = ' . $db->q($row->akeebasubs_subscription_id));
         $oldInvoices = $db->loadObjectList('akeebasubs_subscription_id');
         if (count($oldInvoices) > 0) {
         // Create (and, optionally, send) a new invoice
         F0FModel::getAnInstance('Invoices', 'AkeebasubsModel')->createInvoice($row);
コード例 #5
ファイル: jed.php プロジェクト: richardje/je
 public function onAfterParseData($params)
     $db = JFactory::getDbo();
     $table = new JTableJed($db);
     $table->load(array('md5url' => md5($params->get('url'))));
     $lastUpdate = new JDate($params->get('data.last_update'));
     $dateAdded = new JDate($params->get('data.date_added'));
     $today = new JDate();
     $table->url = $params->get('url');
     $table->md5url = md5($table->url);
     $table->title = $params->get('data.title', '');
     $table->alias = JApplication::stringURLSafe($table->title);
     $table->fulltext = $params->get('data.description', '');
     $table->introtext = $this->getIntrotext($table->fulltext);
     $table->catid = $this->getCategory($params);
     $table->avatar = $this->getAvatar($params);
     $table->gallery = $this->getGallery($params);
     $table->featured = $params->get('data.feature', '') == '' ? false : true;
     $table->popular = $params->get('data.popular', '') == '' ? false : true;
     $table->component = $params->get('data.component', '') == '' ? false : true;
     $table->module = $params->get('data.module', '') == '' ? false : true;
     $table->plugin = $params->get('data.plugin', '') == '' ? false : true;
     $table->language = $params->get('data.language', '') == '' ? false : true;
     $table->specific = $params->get('data.specific', '') == '' ? false : true;
     $table->compat_15 = $params->get('data.compat_15', '') == '' ? false : true;
     $table->compat_25 = $params->get('data.compat_25', '') == '' ? false : true;
     $table->compat_30 = $params->get('data.compat_30', '') == '' ? false : true;
     $table->version = $params->get('data.version', '');
     $table->date_added = $dateAdded->toSql();
     $table->last_update = $lastUpdate->toSql();
     $table->rating = $params->get('data.rating', 0);
     $table->rating_count = $params->get('data.rating_user', 0);
     $table->rating_sum = round($table->rating * $table->rating_count);
     $table->favorite = $params->get('data.favorite', 0);
     $table->license = $params->get('data.license', '');
     $table->view = $params->get('data.view', 0);
     $table->developer = $params->get('data.developer', '');
     $table->website = $this->getRedirectUrl($params->get('data.website'));
     $table->download_url = $params->get('data.download_link');
     $table->demo_url = $params->get('data.demo_link');
     $table->support_url = $params->get('data.support_link');
     $table->document_url = $params->get('data.document_link');
     $time = $today->toUnix() - $dateAdded->toUnix();
     $days = $time / (60 * 60 * 24) + 1;
     $table->ordering = floor($table->view / $days);
     if (!$table->id) {
         $table->state = 1;
     if ($table->store()) {
         $params->set('success', true);
コード例 #6
ファイル: dashboard.php プロジェクト: Gskflute/joomla25
 function loadChartData()
     $db = $this->getDBO();
     $type = JRequest::getCmd('type');
     switch ($type) {
         case 'sales':
             $date = JFactory::getDate();
             $interval = JRequest::getInt('interval', '14');
             $today = $date->toFormat('%Y-%m-%d');
             $startDate = strtotime('-' . $interval . ' day', strtotime($today));
             $startDate = new JDate($startDate);
             $query = "SELECT COUNT(virtuemart_order_id) AS sales, DATE(created_on) as `date` FROM #__virtuemart_orders WHERE created_on > " . $db->Quote($startDate->toMySQL()) . " GROUP BY `date` ORDER BY `date`";
             $rows = $db->loadObjectList();
             $data = array();
             foreach ($rows as $row) {
                 $data[$row->date] = (int) $row->sales;
             $today = $date->toUnix();
             for ($time = $startDate->toUnix(); $time <= $today; $time += 86400) {
                 $date = date('Y', $time) . '-' . date('m', $time) . '-' . date('d', $time);
                 if (!array_key_exists($date, $data)) {
                     $data[$date] = 0;
             $startYear = $startDate->toFormat('%Y');
             $startMonth = $startDate->toFormat('%m') - 1;
             $startDay = $startDate->toFormat('%d');
             $script = "\r\n                k2martSalesChartOptions.title.text = '" . JText::_('K2MART_TOTAL_SALES', true) . "';\r\n                k2martSalesChartOptions.subtitle.text = '* " . JText::_('K2MART_CLICK_AND_DRAG_IN_THE_PLOT_AREA_TO_ZOOM_IN', true) . "';\r\n                k2martSalesChartOptions.yAxis.title.text = '" . JText::_('K2MART_SALES', true) . "';\r\n                k2martSalesChartOptions.series[0].pointStart=Date.UTC(" . $startYear . ", " . $startMonth . ", " . $startDay . "); \r\n                k2martSalesChartOptions.series[0].data=[" . implode(',', $data) . "];\r\n                ";
         case 'products':
             $limit = JRequest::getInt('limit', '20');
             $query = "SELECT product.product_sales, productData.product_name FROM #__virtuemart_products AS product \r\n                LEFT JOIN #__virtuemart_products_" . VMLANG . " AS productData ON product.virtuemart_product_id = productData.virtuemart_product_id\r\n                WHERE  product.product_sales > 0 ORDER BY product.product_sales DESC LIMIT 0, {$limit}";
             $rows = $db->loadObjectList();
             $data = array();
             $categories = array();
             foreach ($rows as $row) {
                 $data[] = (int) $row->product_sales;
                 $categories[] = "'" . $row->product_name . "'";
             $script = "\r\n                k2martProductsChartOptions.title.text = '" . JText::_('K2MART_TOP_SELLING_PRODUCTS', true) . "';\r\n                k2martProductsChartOptions.yAxis.title.text = '" . JText::_('K2MART_SALES', true) . "';\r\n                k2martProductsChartOptions.xAxis.categories =[" . implode(',', $categories) . "]; \r\n                k2martProductsChartOptions.series[0].data=[" . implode(',', $data) . "];\r\n                ";
     $script .= "k2martChartType = '{$type}';";
     echo $script;
コード例 #7
  * Run the session cleaner (garbage collector) on a schedule
 public function onAfterInitialise()
     $minutes = (int) $this->params->get('ses_freq', 0);
     if ($minutes <= 0) {
     $lastJob = $this->getTimestamp('session_clean');
     $nextJob = $lastJob + $minutes * 60;
     $now = new JDate();
     if ($now->toUnix() >= $nextJob) {
コード例 #8
ファイル: time.php プロジェクト: bizanto/Hooked
  * @param JDate $date
 public static function timeLapse($date)
     $now = new JDate();
     $dateDiff = CTimeHelper::timeDifference($date->toUnix(), $now->toUnix());
     if ($dateDiff['days'] > 0) {
         $lapse = JText::sprintf(CStringHelper::isPlural($dateDiff['days']) ? 'CC LAPSED DAY MANY' : 'CC LAPSED DAY', $dateDiff['days']);
     } elseif ($dateDiff['hours'] > 0) {
         $lapse = JText::sprintf(CStringHelper::isPlural($dateDiff['hours']) ? 'CC LAPSED HOUR MANY' : 'CC LAPSED HOUR', $dateDiff['hours']);
     } elseif ($dateDiff['minutes'] > 0) {
         $lapse = JText::sprintf(CStringHelper::isPlural($dateDiff['minutes']) ? 'CC LAPSED MINUTE MANY' : 'CC LAPSED MINUTE', $dateDiff['minutes']);
     } else {
         $lapse = JText::sprintf(CStringHelper::isPlural($dateDiff['seconds']) ? 'CC LAPSED SECOND MANY' : 'CC LAPSED SECOND', $dateDiff['seconds']);
     return $lapse;
コード例 #9
ファイル: cleantemp.php プロジェクト: knigherrant/decopatio
 public function onAfterInitialise()
     $minutes = (int) $this->params->get('cleantemp_freq', 0);
     if ($minutes <= 0) {
     $lastJob = $this->getTimestamp('clean_temp');
     $nextJob = $lastJob + $minutes * 60;
     $now = new JDate();
     if ($now->toUnix() >= $nextJob) {
コード例 #10
ファイル: rewards.php プロジェクト: pashakiz/crowdf
 public function validate($data)
     if (empty($data) or !is_array($data)) {
         throw new InvalidArgumentException(JText::_("COM_CROWDFUNDING_ERROR_INVALID_REWARDS"));
     $filter = JFilterInput::getInstance();
     $params = JComponentHelper::getParams("com_crowdfunding");
     /** @var  $params Joomla\Registry\Registry */
     // Create a currency object.
     $currency = Crowdfunding\Currency::getInstance(JFactory::getDbo(), $params->get("project_currency"));
     // Create the object "amount".
     $amount = new Crowdfunding\Amount($params);
     foreach ($data as $key => $item) {
         $item["amount"] = $amount->setValue($item["amount"])->parse();
         // Filter data
         if (!is_numeric($item["amount"])) {
             $item["amount"] = 0;
         $item["title"] = $filter->clean($item["title"], "string");
         $item["title"] = Joomla\String\String::trim($item["title"]);
         $item["title"] = Joomla\String\String::substr($item["title"], 0, 128);
         $item["description"] = $filter->clean($item["description"], "string");
         $item["description"] = Joomla\String\String::trim($item["description"]);
         $item["description"] = Joomla\String\String::substr($item["description"], 0, 500);
         $item["number"] = (int) $item["number"];
         $item["delivery"] = Joomla\String\String::trim($item["delivery"]);
         $item["delivery"] = $filter->clean($item["delivery"], "string");
         if (!empty($item["delivery"])) {
             $date = new JDate($item["delivery"]);
             $unixTime = $date->toUnix();
             if ($unixTime < 0) {
                 $item["delivery"] = "";
         if (!$item["title"]) {
             throw new RuntimeException(JText::_("COM_CROWDFUNDING_ERROR_INVALID_TITLE"));
         if (!$item["description"]) {
             throw new RuntimeException(JText::_("COM_CROWDFUNDING_ERROR_INVALID_DESCRIPTION"));
         if (!$item["amount"]) {
             throw new RuntimeException(JText::_("COM_CROWDFUNDING_ERROR_INVALID_AMOUNT"));
         $data[$key] = $item;
     return $data;
コード例 #11
ファイル: rewards.php プロジェクト: bellodox/CrowdFunding
 public function validate($data)
     if (!is_array($data) or count($data) === 0) {
         throw new InvalidArgumentException(JText::_('COM_CROWDFUNDING_ERROR_INVALID_REWARDS'));
     $filter = JFilterInput::getInstance();
     $params = JComponentHelper::getParams('com_crowdfunding');
     /** @var  $params Joomla\Registry\Registry */
     // Create a currency object.
     $currency = Crowdfunding\Currency::getInstance(JFactory::getDbo(), $params->get('project_currency'));
     // Create the object 'amount'.
     $amount = new Crowdfunding\Amount($params);
     foreach ($data as $key => &$item) {
         $item['amount'] = $amount->setValue($item['amount'])->parse();
         // Filter data
         if (!is_numeric($item['amount'])) {
             $item['amount'] = 0;
         $item['title'] = $filter->clean($item['title'], 'string');
         $item['title'] = JString::trim($item['title']);
         $item['title'] = JString::substr($item['title'], 0, 128);
         $item['description'] = $filter->clean($item['description'], 'string');
         $item['description'] = JString::trim($item['description']);
         $item['description'] = JString::substr($item['description'], 0, 500);
         $item['number'] = (int) $item['number'];
         $item['delivery'] = JString::trim($item['delivery']);
         $item['delivery'] = $filter->clean($item['delivery'], 'string');
         if (!empty($item['delivery'])) {
             $date = new JDate($item['delivery']);
             $unixTime = $date->toUnix();
             if ($unixTime < 0) {
                 $item['delivery'] = '';
         if (!$item['title']) {
             throw new RuntimeException(JText::_('COM_CROWDFUNDING_ERROR_INVALID_TITLE'));
         if (!$item['description']) {
             throw new RuntimeException(JText::_('COM_CROWDFUNDING_ERROR_INVALID_DESCRIPTION'));
         if (!$item['amount']) {
             throw new RuntimeException(JText::_('COM_CROWDFUNDING_ERROR_INVALID_AMOUNT'));
     return $data;
コード例 #12
ファイル: coupons.php プロジェクト: jonatasmm/akeebasubs
 public function onProcessList(&$resultArray)
     // Implement the coupon automatic expiration
     if (empty($resultArray)) {
     if ($this->getState('skipOnProcessList', 0)) {
     $jNow = new JDate();
     $uNow = $jNow->toUnix();
     $table = $this->getTable($this->table);
     $k = $table->getKeyName();
     foreach ($resultArray as $index => &$row) {
         $triggered = false;
         if (!property_exists($row, 'publish_down')) {
         if (!property_exists($row, 'publish_up')) {
         if ($row->publish_down && $row->publish_down != '0000-00-00 00:00:00') {
             $regex = '/^\\d{1,4}(\\/|-)\\d{1,2}(\\/|-)\\d{2,4}[[:space:]]{0,}(\\d{1,2}:\\d{1,2}(:\\d{1,2}){0,1}){0,1}$/';
             if (!preg_match($regex, $row->publish_down)) {
                 $row->publish_down = '2037-01-01';
             if (!preg_match($regex, $row->publish_up)) {
                 $row->publish_up = '2001-01-01';
             $jDown = new JDate($row->publish_down);
             $jUp = new JDate($row->publish_up);
             if ($uNow >= $jDown->toUnix() && $row->enabled) {
                 $row->enabled = 0;
                 $triggered = true;
             } elseif ($uNow >= $jUp->toUnix() && !$row->enabled && $uNow < $jDown->toUnix()) {
                 $row->enabled = 1;
                 $triggered = true;
         if ($triggered) {
コード例 #13
ファイル: comment.php プロジェクト: Simarpreet05/joomla
  * Append the given comment to the particular content.
  * @return, full-text of the content	 	 
 public function add($actor, $comment, $content)
     $commentJson = '';
     $json = new Services_JSON();
     $comments = $this->getCommentsData($content);
     // Once we retrive the comment, we can remove them
     $content = preg_replace('/\\<comment\\>(.*?)\\<\\/comment\\>/i', '', $content);
     $newComment = new stdClass();
     $date = new JDate();
     $newComment->creator = $actor;
     $newComment->text = $comment;
     $newComment->date = $date->toUnix();
     $comments[] = $newComment;
     $commentJson = $json->encode($comments);
     $content .= '<comment>' . $commentJson . '</comment>';
     return $content;
コード例 #14
 function __construct($config, $sitemap)
     $user = JFactory::getUser();
     $groups = array_keys(JUserHelper::getUserGroups($user->get('id')));
     $date = new JDate();
     $this->userLevels = (array) $user->getAuthorisedViewLevels();
     // Deprecated: should use userLevels from now on
     // $this->gid	= $user->gid;
     $this->now = $date->toUnix();
     $this->config = $config;
     $this->sitemap = $sitemap;
     $this->isNews = false;
     $this->count = 0;
     $this->canEdit = false;
コード例 #15
ファイル: duedate.php プロジェクト: mybo/com_lts
  * Get the rendering of this field type for static display, e.g. in a single
  * item view (typically a "read" task).
  * @since 2.0
 public function getStatic()
     // Initialize some field attributes.
     $format = $this->element['format'] ? (string) $this->element['format'] : '%Y-%m-%d';
     $class = $this->element['class'] ? ' class="' . (string) $this->element['class'] . '"' : '';
     // Get some system objects.
     $config = JFactory::getConfig();
     $user = JFactory::getUser();
     // If a known filter is given use it.
     switch (strtoupper((string) $this->element['filter'])) {
         case 'SERVER_UTC':
             // Convert a date to UTC based on the server timezone.
             if ((int) $this->value) {
                 // Get a date object based on the correct timezone.
                 $date = JFactory::getDate($this->value, 'UTC');
                 $date->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone($config->get('offset')));
                 // Transform the date string.
                 $this->value = $date->format('Y-m-d H:i:s', true, false);
         case 'USER_UTC':
             // Convert a date to UTC based on the user timezone.
             if ((int) $this->value) {
                 // Get a date object based on the correct timezone.
                 $date = JFactory::getDate($this->value, 'UTC');
                 $date->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone($user->getParam('timezone', $config->get('offset'))));
                 // Transform the date string.
                 $this->value = $date->format('Y-m-d H:i:s', true, false);
     $jDue = new JDate($this->value);
     $jNow = new JDate();
     $daysLeft = $jDue->toUnix() - $jNow->toUnix();
     if ($daysLeft < 0) {
         $class = 'todo-due-overdue';
     } elseif ($daysLeft < 7) {
         $class = 'todo-due-closing';
     } else {
         $class = 'todo-due-enoughtime';
     $html = '<span class="' . $class . '">' . $jDue->format(JText::_('DATE_FORMAT_LC'), true, true) . '</span>';
     return $html;
コード例 #16
ファイル: milestones.php プロジェクト: ErickLopez76/offiria
 public static function getSelectList($group_id = null, $selected = '')
     $streamModel = StreamFactory::getModel('stream');
     $milestones = $streamModel->getStream(array('type' => 'milestone', 'group_id' => $group_id));
     $html = ' <select name="milestone"><option value="">None</option>';
     $now = new JDate();
     foreach ($milestones as $mstone) {
         // Don't list overdue milestones
         $startDate = new JDate($mstone->start_date);
         $dateDiff = JXDate::timeDifference($startDate->toUnix(), $now->toUnix());
         if (!empty($dateDiff['days']) && $dateDiff['days'] > 0) {
         $html .= '<option value="' . $mstone->id . '">' . $mstone->message . '</option>';
     $html .= '</select>';
     return $html;
コード例 #17
ファイル: time.php プロジェクト: Simarpreet05/joomla
  * @param JDate $date
 public static function timeLapse($date)
     $now = new JDate();
     $dateDiff = CTimeHelper::timeDifference($date->toUnix(), $now->toUnix());
     if ($dateDiff['days'] > 0) {
         $lapse = JText::sprintf(CStringHelper::isPlural($dateDiff['days']) ? 'COM_COMMUNITY_LAPSED_DAY_MANY' : 'COM_COMMUNITY_LAPSED_DAY', $dateDiff['days']);
     } elseif ($dateDiff['hours'] > 0) {
         $lapse = JText::sprintf(CStringHelper::isPlural($dateDiff['hours']) ? 'COM_COMMUNITY_LAPSED_HOUR_MANY' : 'COM_COMMUNITY_LAPSED_HOUR', $dateDiff['hours']);
     } elseif ($dateDiff['minutes'] > 0) {
         $lapse = JText::sprintf(CStringHelper::isPlural($dateDiff['minutes']) ? 'COM_COMMUNITY_LAPSED_MINUTE_MANY' : 'COM_COMMUNITY_LAPSED_MINUTE', $dateDiff['minutes']);
     } else {
         if ($dateDiff['seconds'] == 0) {
             $lapse = JText::_("COM_COMMUNITY_ACTIVITIES_MOMENT_AGO");
         } else {
             $lapse = JText::sprintf(CStringHelper::isPlural($dateDiff['seconds']) ? 'COM_COMMUNITY_LAPSED_SECOND_MANY' : 'COM_COMMUNITY_LAPSED_SECOND', $dateDiff['seconds']);
     return $lapse;
コード例 #18
ファイル: comment.php プロジェクト: ErickLopez76/offiria
  *  Add message
 public function add()
     $user = JXFactory::getUser();
     // Store stream
     $comment = JTable::getInstance('Comment', 'StreamTable');
     $message = JTable::getInstance('Stream', 'StreamTable');
     $user_id = JRequest::getVar('anon', false) ? JUserHelper::getUserId('anon') : $user->id;
     // People need to be able to read the message to add comment
     if (!$user->authorise('stream.message.read', $message)) {
         // No reason this code would ever get here!
     $comment->bind(JRequest::get('POST', JREQUEST_ALLOWRAW));
     $comment->raw = json_encode(JRequest::get('POST', JREQUEST_ALLOWRAW));
     $comment->user_id = $user_id;
     $comment->group_id = $message->group_id;
     // Update group stats, if it is a group message
     if (!empty($comment->group_id)) {
         $group = JTable::getInstance('Group', 'StreamTable');
         $group->setParam('last_comment', $comment->id);
     // Trigger Notification
     StreamNotification::trigger('profile_post_comment', $comment);
     // If the updated date is set further than the current date, it is a pinned stream item and shouldn't be updated
     $now = new JDate();
     $updated = new JDate($message->updated);
     $preventUpdate = $updated->toUnix() > $now->toUnix();
     // Check pinned item status too? For now... naa
     // Update stream stats. Recalculate the count
     $this->_recalculateCommentCount($comment->stream_id, $preventUpdate);
     // Get the HTML code to append
     $tmpl = new StreamTemplate();
     header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8');
     echo $tmpl->set('comment', $comment)->fetch('comment.item');
コード例 #19
ファイル: rewards.php プロジェクト: phpsource/CrowdFunding
 public function validate($data)
     if (empty($data) or !is_array($data)) {
         throw new InvalidArgumentException(JText::_("COM_CROWDFUNDING_ERROR_INVALID_REWARDS"));
     $filter = JFilterInput::getInstance();
     foreach ($data as $key => $item) {
         // Filter data
         if (!is_numeric($item["amount"])) {
             $item["amount"] = 0;
         $item["title"] = $filter->clean($item["title"], "string");
         $item["title"] = JString::trim($item["title"]);
         $item["title"] = JString::substr($item["title"], 0, 128);
         $item["description"] = $filter->clean($item["description"], "string");
         $item["description"] = JString::trim($item["description"]);
         $item["description"] = JString::substr($item["description"], 0, 500);
         $item["number"] = (int) $item["number"];
         $item["delivery"] = JString::trim($item["delivery"]);
         $item["delivery"] = $filter->clean($item["delivery"], "string");
         if (!empty($item["delivery"])) {
             $date = new JDate($item["delivery"]);
             $unixTime = $date->toUnix();
             if ($unixTime < 0) {
                 $item["delivery"] = "";
         if (!$item["title"]) {
             throw new RuntimeException(JText::_("COM_CROWDFUNDING_ERROR_INVALID_TITLE"));
         if (!$item["description"]) {
             throw new RuntimeException(JText::_("COM_CROWDFUNDING_ERROR_INVALID_DESCRIPTION"));
         if (!$item["amount"]) {
             throw new RuntimeException(JText::_("COM_CROWDFUNDING_ERROR_INVALID_AMOUNT"));
         $data[$key] = $item;
     return $data;
コード例 #20
 function showTimeSince($older_date, $newer_date = false)
     $chunks = array(array(60 * 60 * 24 * 365, JText::_('COM_KUNENA_DATE_YEAR'), JText::_('COM_KUNENA_DATE_YEARS')), array(60 * 60 * 24 * 30, JText::_('COM_KUNENA_DATE_MONTH'), JText::_('COM_KUNENA_DATE_MONTHS')), array(60 * 60 * 24 * 7, JText::_('COM_KUNENA_DATE_WEEK'), JText::_('COM_KUNENA_DATE_WEEKS')), array(60 * 60 * 24, JText::_('COM_KUNENA_DATE_DAY'), JText::_('COM_KUNENA_DATE_DAYS')), array(60 * 60, JText::_('COM_KUNENA_DATE_HOUR'), JText::_('COM_KUNENA_DATE_HOURS')), array(60, JText::_('COM_KUNENA_DATE_MINUTE'), JText::_('COM_KUNENA_DATE_MINUTES')));
     $now = new JDate();
     $newer_date = $newer_date === false ? $now->toUnix() : $newer_date;
     $since = $newer_date - $older_date;
     // no negatives!
     if ($since < 0) {
         return '???';
     // we only want to output two chunks of time here, eg:
     // x years, xx months
     // x days, xx hours
     // so there's only two bits of calculation below:
     // step one: the first chunk
     for ($i = 0, $j = count($chunks); $i < $j; $i++) {
         $seconds = $chunks[$i][0];
         $name = $chunks[$i][1];
         $names = $chunks[$i][2];
         // finding the biggest chunk (if the chunk fits, break)
         if (($count = floor($since / $seconds)) != 0) {
     // set output var
     $output = $count == 1 ? '1 ' . $name : $count . ' ' . $names;
     // step two: the second chunk
     if ($i + 1 < $j) {
         $seconds2 = $chunks[$i + 1][0];
         $name2 = $chunks[$i + 1][1];
         $names2 = $chunks[$i + 1][2];
         if (($count2 = floor(($since - $seconds * $count) / $seconds2)) != 0) {
             // add to output var
             $output .= $count2 == 1 ? ', 1 ' . $name2 : ', ' . $count2 . ' ' . $names2;
     return str_replace('%time%', $output, JText::_('COM_KUNENA_TIME_SINCE'));
コード例 #21
ファイル: xdate.php プロジェクト: ErickLopez76/offiria
 public static function formatLapse($date)
     $now = new JDate();
     $dateDiff = JXDate::timeDifference($date->toUnix(), $now->toUnix());
     if ($dateDiff['days'] > 0) {
         if ($dateDiff['days'] < 30) {
             $lapse = JText::sprintf(JXString::isPlural($dateDiff['days']) ? 'JXLIB_LAPSED_DAY_MANY' : 'JXLIB_LAPSED_DAY', $dateDiff['days']);
         } else {
             $lapse = self::formatDate($date, false);
     } elseif ($dateDiff['hours'] > 0) {
         $lapse = JText::sprintf(JXString::isPlural($dateDiff['hours']) ? 'JXLIB_LAPSED_HOUR_MANY' : 'JXLIB_LAPSED_HOUR', $dateDiff['hours']);
     } elseif ($dateDiff['minutes'] > 0) {
         $lapse = JText::sprintf(JXString::isPlural($dateDiff['minutes']) ? 'JXLIB_LAPSED_MINUTE_MANY' : 'JXLIB_LAPSED_MINUTE', $dateDiff['minutes']);
     } else {
         if ($dateDiff['seconds'] == 0) {
             $lapse = JText::_("JXLIB_LAPSED_MOMENT_AGO");
         } else {
             $lapse = JText::sprintf(JXString::isPlural($dateDiff['seconds']) ? 'JXLIB_LAPSED_SECOND_MANY' : 'JXLIB_LAPSED_SECOND', $dateDiff['seconds']);
     return $lapse;
コード例 #22
ファイル: sampledata.php プロジェクト: vuchannguyen/hoctap
function installSampleData()
    $db = JFactory::getDBO();
    $posttime = new JDate();
    $my = JFactory::getUser();
    $queries = array();
    $query = "INSERT INTO `#__kunena_ranks`\n\t(`rank_id`, `rank_title`, `rank_min`, `rank_special`, `rank_image`) VALUES\n\t(1, {$db->quote(KText::_('COM_KUNENA_SAMPLEDATA_RANK1'))}, 0, 0, 'rank1.gif'),\n\t(2, {$db->quote(KText::_('COM_KUNENA_SAMPLEDATA_RANK2'))}, 20, 0, 'rank2.gif'),\n\t(3, {$db->quote(KText::_('COM_KUNENA_SAMPLEDATA_RANK3'))}, 40, 0, 'rank3.gif'),\n\t(4, {$db->quote(KText::_('COM_KUNENA_SAMPLEDATA_RANK4'))}, 80, 0, 'rank4.gif'),\n\t(5, {$db->quote(KText::_('COM_KUNENA_SAMPLEDATA_RANK5'))}, 160, 0, 'rank5.gif'),\n\t(6, {$db->quote(KText::_('COM_KUNENA_SAMPLEDATA_RANK6'))}, 320, 0, 'rank6.gif'),\n\t(7, {$db->quote(KText::_('COM_KUNENA_SAMPLEDATA_RANK_ADMIN'))}, 0, 1, 'rankadmin.gif'),\n\t(8, {$db->quote(KText::_('COM_KUNENA_SAMPLEDATA_RANK_MODERATOR'))}, 0, 1, 'rankmod.gif'),\n\t(9, {$db->quote(KText::_('COM_KUNENA_SAMPLEDATA_RANK_SPAMMER'))}, 0, 1, 'rankspammer.gif'),\n\t(10, {$db->quote(KText::_('COM_KUNENA_SAMPLEDATA_RANK_BANNED'))}, 0, 1, 'rankbanned.gif');";
    $queries[] = array('kunena_ranks', $query);
    $query = "INSERT INTO `#__kunena_smileys`\n\t(`id`,`code`,`location`,`greylocation`,`emoticonbar`) VALUES\n\t(1, 'B)', 'cool.png', 'cool-grey.png', 1),\n\t(2, '8)', 'cool.png', 'cool-grey.png', 0),\n\t(3, '8-)', 'cool.png', 'cool-grey.png', 0),\n\t(4, ':-(', 'sad.png', 'sad-grey.png', 0),\n\t(5, ':(', 'sad.png', 'sad-grey.png', 1),\n\t(6, ':sad:', 'sad.png', 'sad-grey.png', 0),\n\t(7, ':cry:', 'sad.png', 'sad-grey.png', 0),\n\t(8, ':)', 'smile.png', 'smile-grey.png', 1),\n\t(9, ':-)', 'smile.png', 'smile-grey.png', 0),\n\t(10, ':cheer:', 'cheerful.png', 'cheerful-grey.png', 1),\n\t(11, ';)', 'wink.png', 'wink-grey.png', 1),\n\t(12, ';-)', 'wink.png', 'wink-grey.png', 0),\n\t(13, ':wink:', 'wink.png', 'wink-grey.png', 0),\n\t(14, ';-)', 'wink.png', 'wink-grey.png', 0),\n\t(15, ':P', 'tongue.png', 'tongue-grey.png', 1),\n\t(16, ':p', 'tongue.png', 'tongue-grey.png', 0),\n\t(17, ':-p', 'tongue.png', 'tongue-grey.png', 0),\n\t(18, ':-P', 'tongue.png', 'tongue-grey.png', 0),\n\t(19, ':razz:', 'tongue.png', 'tongue-grey.png', 0),\n\t(20, ':angry:', 'angry.png', 'angry-grey.png', 1),\n\t(21, ':mad:', 'angry.png', 'angry-grey.png', 0),\n\t(22, ':unsure:', 'unsure.png', 'unsure-grey.png', 1),\n\t(23, ':o', 'shocked.png', 'shocked-grey.png', 0),\n\t(24, ':-o', 'shocked.png', 'shocked-grey.png', 0),\n\t(25, ':O', 'shocked.png', 'shocked-grey.png', 0),\n\t(26, ':-O', 'shocked.png', 'shocked-grey.png', 0),\n\t(27, ':eek:', 'shocked.png', 'shocked-grey.png', 0),\n\t(28, ':ohmy:', 'shocked.png', 'shocked-grey.png', 1),\n\t(29, ':huh:', 'wassat.png', 'wassat-grey.png', 1),\n\t(30, ':?', 'confused.png', 'confused-grey.png', 0),\n\t(31, ':-?', 'confused.png', 'confused-grey.png', 0),\n\t(32, ':???', 'confused.png', 'confused-grey.png', 0),\n\t(33, ':dry:', 'ermm.png', 'ermm-grey.png', 1),\n\t(34, ':ermm:', 'ermm.png', 'ermm-grey.png', 0),\n\t(35, ':lol:', 'grin.png', 'grin-grey.png', 1),\n\t(36, ':X', 'sick.png', 'sick-grey.png', 0),\n\t(37, ':x', 'sick.png', 'sick-grey.png', 0),\n\t(38, ':sick:', 'sick.png', 'sick-grey.png', 1),\n\t(39, ':silly:', 'silly.png', 'silly-grey.png', 1),\n\t(40, ':y32b4:', 'silly.png', 'silly-grey.png', 0),\n\t(41, ':blink:', 'blink.png', 'blink-grey.png', 1),\n\t(42, ':blush:', 'blush.png', 'blush-grey.png', 1),\n\t(43, ':oops:', 'blush.png', 'blush-grey.png', 1),\n\t(44, ':kiss:', 'kissing.png', 'kissing-grey.png', 1),\n\t(45, ':rolleyes:', 'blink.png', 'blink-grey.png', 0),\n\t(46, ':roll:', 'blink.png', 'blink-grey.png', 0),\n\t(47, ':woohoo:', 'w00t.png', 'w00t-grey.png', 1),\n\t(48, ':side:', 'sideways.png', 'sideways-grey.png', 1),\n\t(49, ':S', 'dizzy.png', 'dizzy-grey.png', 1),\n\t(50, ':s', 'dizzy.png', 'dizzy-grey.png', 0),\n\t(51, ':evil:', 'devil.png', 'devil-grey.png', 1),\n\t(52, ':twisted:', 'devil.png', 'devil-grey.png', 0),\n\t(53, ':whistle:', 'whistling.png', 'whistling-grey.png', 1),\n\t(54, ':pinch:', 'pinch.png', 'pinch-grey.png', 1),\n\t(55, ':D', 'laughing.png', 'laughing-grey.png', 0),\n\t(56, ':-D', 'laughing.png', 'laughing-grey.png', 0),\n\t(57, ':grin:', 'laughing.png', 'laughing-grey.png', 0),\n\t(58, ':laugh:', 'laughing.png', 'laughing-grey.png', 0),\n\t(59, ':|', 'neutral.png', 'neutral-grey.png', 0),\n\t(60, ':-|', 'neutral.png', 'neutral-grey.png', 0),\n\t(61, ':neutral:', 'neutral.png', 'neutral-grey.png', 0),\n\t(62, ':mrgreen:', 'mrgreen.png', 'mrgreen-grey.png', 0),\n\t(63, ':?:', 'question.png', 'question-grey.png', 0),\n\t(64, ':!:', 'exclamation.png', 'exclamation-grey.png', 0),\n\t(65, ':arrow:', 'arrow.png', 'arrow-grey.png', 0),\n\t(66, ':idea:', 'idea.png', 'idea-grey.png', 0)";
    $queries[] = array('kunena_smileys', $query);
    if (KUNENA_JOOMLA_COMPAT == '1.5') {
        $query = "INSERT INTO `#__kunena_categories`\n\t\t(`id`, `parent`, `name`, `pub_access`, `ordering`, `published`, `description`, `headerdesc`, `numTopics`, `numPosts`, `allow_polls`) VALUES\n\t\t(1, 0, " . $db->quote(KText::_('COM_KUNENA_SAMPLEDATA_SECTION_TITLE')) . ", 0, 1, 1, " . $db->quote(KText::_('COM_KUNENA_SAMPLEDATA_SECTION_DESC')) . ", " . $db->quote(KText::_('COM_KUNENA_SAMPLEDATA_SECTION_HEADER')) . ", 0, 0, 0),\n\t\t(2, 1, " . $db->quote(KText::_('COM_KUNENA_SAMPLEDATA_CATEGORY1_TITLE')) . ", 0, 1, 1, " . $db->quote(KText::_('COM_KUNENA_SAMPLEDATA_CATEGORY1_DESC')) . ", " . $db->quote(KText::_('COM_KUNENA_SAMPLEDATA_CATEGORY1_HEADER')) . ",1 ,1, 0),\n\t\t(3, 1, " . $db->quote(KText::_('COM_KUNENA_SAMPLEDATA_CATEGORY2_TITLE')) . ", 0, 2, 1, " . $db->quote(KText::_('COM_KUNENA_SAMPLEDATA_CATEGORY2_DESC')) . ", " . $db->quote(KText::_('COM_KUNENA_SAMPLEDATA_CATEGORY2_HEADER')) . ",0 ,0, 1);";
    } else {
        $query = "INSERT INTO `#__kunena_categories`\n\t\t(`id`, `parent`, `name`, `pub_access`, `ordering`, `published`, `description`, `headerdesc`, `numTopics`, `numPosts`, `allow_polls`) VALUES\n\t\t(1, 0, " . $db->quote(KText::_('COM_KUNENA_SAMPLEDATA_SECTION_TITLE')) . ", 1, 1, 1, " . $db->quote(KText::_('COM_KUNENA_SAMPLEDATA_SECTION_DESC')) . ", " . $db->quote(KText::_('COM_KUNENA_SAMPLEDATA_SECTION_HEADER')) . ", 0, 0, 0),\n\t\t(2, 1, " . $db->quote(KText::_('COM_KUNENA_SAMPLEDATA_CATEGORY1_TITLE')) . ", 1, 1, 1, " . $db->quote(KText::_('COM_KUNENA_SAMPLEDATA_CATEGORY1_DESC')) . ", " . $db->quote(KText::_('COM_KUNENA_SAMPLEDATA_CATEGORY1_HEADER')) . ",1 ,1, 0),\n\t\t(3, 1, " . $db->quote(KText::_('COM_KUNENA_SAMPLEDATA_CATEGORY2_TITLE')) . ", 1, 2, 1, " . $db->quote(KText::_('COM_KUNENA_SAMPLEDATA_CATEGORY2_DESC')) . ", " . $db->quote(KText::_('COM_KUNENA_SAMPLEDATA_CATEGORY2_HEADER')) . ",0 ,0, 1);";
    $queries[] = array('kunena_categories', $query);
    $query = "INSERT INTO `#__kunena_messages`\n\t(`id`, `parent`, `thread`, `catid`, `userid`, `name`, `subject`, `time`, `ip`) VALUES\n\t(1, 0, 1, 2, " . $db->quote($my->id) . ", 'Kunena', " . $db->quote(KText::_('COM_KUNENA_SAMPLEDATA_POST1_SUBJECT')) . ", " . $posttime->toUnix() . ", '');";
    $queries[] = array('kunena_messages', $query);
    $query = "INSERT INTO `#__kunena_messages_text`\n\t(`mesid`, `message`) VALUES\n\t(1, " . $db->quote(KText::_('COM_KUNENA_SAMPLEDATA_POST1_TEXT')) . ");";
    $queries[] = array('kunena_messages_text', $query);
    $counter = 0;
    foreach ($queries as $query) {
        // Only insert sample/default data if table is empty
        $db->setQuery("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . $db->nameQuote($db->getPrefix() . $query[0]));
        $count = $db->loadResult();
        if (!$count) {
            if ($db->getErrorNum()) {
                throw new KunenaInstallerException($db->getErrorMsg(), $db->getErrorNum());
    return $counter;
コード例 #23
ファイル: time.php プロジェクト: Jougito/DynWeb
  * @param JDate $date
 public static function timeLapse($date, $showFull = true)
     $now = JFactory::getDate();
     $html = '';
     $diff = CTimeHelper::timeDifference($date->toUnix(), $now->toUnix());
     if (!empty($diff['days'])) {
         $days = $diff['days'];
         $months = ceil($days / 30);
         switch ($days) {
             case $days == 1:
                 // @rule: Something that happened yesterday
                 $html .= JText::_('COM_COMMUNITY_LAPSED_YESTERDAY');
             case $days > 1 && $days <= 7 && $days < 30:
                 // @rule: Something that happened within the past 7 days
                 $html .= JText::sprintf('COM_COMMUNITY_LAPSED_DAYS', $days) . ' ';
             case $days > 1 && $days > 7 && $days < 30:
                 // @rule: Something that happened within the month but after a week
                 $weeks = round($days / 7);
                 $html .= JText::sprintf(CStringHelper::isPlural($weeks) ? 'COM_COMMUNITY_LAPSED_WEEK_MANY' : 'COM_COMMUNITY_LAPSED_WEEK', $weeks) . ' ';
             case $days >= 30 && $days < 365:
                 // @rule: Something that happened months ago
                 $months = round($days / 30);
                 $html .= JText::sprintf(CStringHelper::isPlural($months) ? 'COM_COMMUNITY_LAPSED_MONTH_MANY' : 'COM_COMMUNITY_LAPSED_MONTH', $months) . ' ';
             case $days > 365:
                 // @rule: Something that happened years ago
                 $years = round($days / 365);
                 $html .= JText::sprintf(CStringHelper::isPlural($years) ? 'COM_COMMUNITY_LAPSED_YEAR_MANY' : 'COM_COMMUNITY_LAPSED_YEAR', $years) . ' ';
     } else {
         // We only show he hours if it is less than 1 day
         if (!empty($diff['hours'])) {
             if (!empty($diff['minutes'])) {
                 if ($diff['hours'] == 1) {
                     $html .= JText::sprintf('COM_COMMUNITY_LAPSED_HOUR', $diff['hours']) . ' ';
                 } else {
                     $html .= JText::sprintf('COM_COMMUNITY_LAPSED_HOURS', $diff['hours']) . ' ';
             } else {
                 $html .= JText::sprintf('COM_COMMUNITY_LAPSED_HOURS_AGO', $diff['hours']) . ' ';
         if ($showFull && !empty($diff['hours']) || empty($diff['hours'])) {
             if (!empty($diff['minutes'])) {
                 if ($diff['minutes'] == 1) {
                     $html .= JText::sprintf('COM_COMMUNITY_LAPSED_MINUTE', $diff['minutes']) . ' ';
                 } else {
                     $html .= JText::sprintf('COM_COMMUNITY_LAPSED_MINUTES', $diff['minutes']) . ' ';
     if (empty($html)) {
         $html .= JText::_('COM_COMMUNITY_LAPSED_LESS_THAN_A_MINUTE');
     return $html;
コード例 #24
ファイル: view.html.php プロジェクト: 01J/topm
 private function _getFilters()
     $filters = array();
     if ($this->lists->fltDescription) {
         $filters[] = array('field' => 'description', 'operand' => 'LIKE', 'value' => $this->lists->fltDescription);
     if ($this->lists->fltFrom && $this->lists->fltTo) {
         $filters[] = array('field' => 'backupstart', 'operand' => 'BETWEEN', 'value' => $this->lists->fltFrom, 'value2' => $this->lists->fltTo);
     } elseif ($this->lists->fltFrom) {
         $filters[] = array('field' => 'backupstart', 'operand' => '>=', 'value' => $this->lists->fltFrom);
     } elseif ($this->lists->fltTo) {
         $to = new JDate($this->lists->fltTo);
         $toUnix = $to->toUnix();
         $to = date('Y-m-d') . ' 23:59:59';
         $filters[] = array('field' => 'backupstart', 'operand' => '<=', 'value' => $to);
     if ($this->lists->fltOrigin) {
         $filters[] = array('field' => 'origin', 'operand' => '=', 'value' => $this->lists->fltOrigin);
     if ($this->lists->fltProfile) {
         $filters[] = array('field' => 'profile_id', 'operand' => '=', 'value' => (int) $this->lists->fltProfile);
     $session = JFactory::getSession();
     $task = $session->get('buadmin.task', 'browse', 'akeeba');
     if ($task == 'restorepoint') {
         $filters[] = array('field' => 'tag', 'operand' => '=', 'value' => 'restorepoint');
     } else {
         $filters[] = array('field' => 'tag', 'operand' => '<>', 'value' => 'restorepoint');
     if (empty($filters)) {
         $filters = null;
     return $filters;
コード例 #25
  * Prints an XML node for the sitemap
  * @param stdclass $node
 function printNode($node)
     $node->isExcluded = false;
     if ($this->isExcluded($node->id, $node->uid)) {
         if (!$this->showExcluded || !$this->canEdit) {
             return false;
         $node->isExcluded = true;
     if ($this->isNews && (!isset($node->newsItem) || !$node->newsItem)) {
         return true;
     // For images sitemaps only display pages with images
     if ($this->isImages && (!isset($node->images) || !count($node->images))) {
         return true;
     // Get the item's URL
     $link = JRoute::_($node->link, true, @$node->secure == 0 ? JFactory::getURI()->isSSL() ? 1 : -1 : $node->secure);
     if (!isset($node->browserNav)) {
         $node->browserNav = 0;
     if ($node->browserNav != 3 && empty($this->_links[$link])) {
         // ignore links that have been added already
         $this->_links[$link] = 1;
         if (!isset($node->priority)) {
             $node->priority = "0.5";
         if (!isset($node->changefreq)) {
             $node->changefreq = 'daily';
         // Get the chancefrequency and priority for this item
         $changefreq = $this->getProperty('changefreq', $node->changefreq, $node->id, 'xml', $node->uid);
         $priority = $this->getProperty('priority', $node->priority, $node->id, 'xml', $node->uid);
         echo '<url>' . "\n";
         echo '<loc>', $link, '</loc>' . "\n";
         if ($this->canEdit) {
             if ($this->showTitle) {
                 echo '<title><![CDATA[' . $node->name . ']]></title>' . "\n";
             if ($this->showExcluded) {
                 echo '<rowclass>', $node->isExcluded ? 'excluded' : '', '</rowclass>';
             echo '<uid>', $node->uid, '</uid>' . "\n";
             echo '<itemid>', $node->id, '</itemid>' . "\n";
         $modified = isset($node->modified) && $node->modified != FALSE && $node->modified != $this->nullDate && $node->modified != -1 ? $node->modified : NULL;
         if (!$modified && $this->isNews) {
             $modified = time();
         if ($modified && !is_numeric($modified)) {
             $date = new JDate($modified);
             $modified = $date->toUnix();
         if ($modified) {
             $modified = gmdate('Y-m-d\\TH:i:s\\Z', $modified);
         // If this is not a news sitemap
         if (!$this->isNews) {
             if ($this->isImages) {
                 foreach ($node->images as $image) {
                     echo '<image:image>', "\n";
                     echo '<image:loc>', $image->src, '</image:loc>', "\n";
                     if ($image->title) {
                         $image->title = str_replace('&', '&amp;', html_entity_decode($image->title, ENT_NOQUOTES, 'UTF-8'));
                         echo '<image:title>', $image->title, '</image:title>', "\n";
                     } else {
                         echo '<image:title />';
                     if (isset($image->license) && $image->license) {
                         echo '<image:license>', str_replace('&', '&amp;', html_entity_decode($image->license, ENT_NOQUOTES, 'UTF-8')), '</image:license>', "\n";
                     echo '</image:image>', "\n";
             } else {
                 if ($modified) {
                     echo '<lastmod>', $modified, '</lastmod>' . "\n";
                 echo '<changefreq>', $changefreq, '</changefreq>' . "\n";
                 echo '<priority>', $priority, '</priority>' . "\n";
         } else {
             if (isset($node->keywords)) {
                 $keywords = htmlspecialchars($node->keywords);
             } else {
                 $keywords = '';
             if (!isset($node->language) || $node->language == '*') {
                 $node->language = $this->defaultLanguage;
             echo "<news:news>\n";
             echo '<news:publication>' . "\n";
             echo '  <news:name>' . htmlspecialchars($this->sitemap->params->get('news_publication_name')) . '</news:name>' . "\n";
             echo '  <news:language>' . $node->language . '</news:language>' . "\n";
             echo '</news:publication>' . "\n";
             echo '<news:publication_date>', $modified, '</news:publication_date>' . "\n";
             echo '<news:title><![CDATA[' . $node->name . ']]></news:title>' . "\n";
             if ($keywords) {
                 echo '<news:keywords>', $keywords, '</news:keywords>' . "\n";
             echo "</news:news>\n";
         echo '</url>', "\n";
     } else {
         return empty($this->_links[$link]);
     return true;
コード例 #26
 $origin = JText::_($origin_lbl);
 	if($origin == $origin_lbl)
 		$origin = '&ndash;';
 if (array_key_exists($record['type'], $backup_types)) {
     $type = $backup_types[$record['type']];
 } else {
     $type = '&ndash;';
 $startTime = new JDate($record['backupstart']);
 $endTime = new JDate($record['backupend']);
 $duration = $endTime->toUnix() - $startTime->toUnix();
 if ($duration > 0) {
     $seconds = $duration % 60;
     $duration = $duration - $seconds;
     $minutes = $duration % 3600 / 60;
     $duration = $duration - $minutes * 60;
     $hours = $duration / 3600;
     $duration = sprintf('%02d', $hours) . ':' . sprintf('%02d', $minutes) . ':' . sprintf('%02d', $seconds);
 } else {
     $duration = '-';
 $user = JFactory::getUser();
 $userTZ = $user->getParam('timezone',0);
コード例 #27
ファイル: user.php プロジェクト: madcsaba/li-de
  * @return bool
 public function isBanned()
     if (!$this->banned) {
         return false;
     if ($this->blocked || $this->banned == $this->_db->getNullDate()) {
         return true;
     $ban = new JDate($this->banned);
     $now = new JDate();
     return $ban->toUnix() > $now->toUnix();
コード例 #28
ファイル: inbox.php プロジェクト: Jougito/DynWeb
  * A new message submitted via ajax
 public function ajaxSend($postVars)
     //$postVars pending filtering
     $objResponse = new JAXResponse();
     $config = CFactory::getConfig();
     $my = CFactory::getUser();
     if ($my->id == 0) {
         return $this->ajaxBlockUnregister();
     //CFactory::load( 'helpers', 'time' );
     $inboxModel = $this->getModel('inbox');
     $lastSent = $inboxModel->getLastSentTime($my->id);
     $dateNow = new JDate();
     // We need to make sure that this guy are not spamming other people inbox
     // by checking against his last message time. Make sure it doesn't exceed
     // pmFloodLimit config (in seconds).
     if ($dateNow->toUnix() - $lastSent->toUnix() < $config->get('floodLimit') && !COwnerHelper::isCommunityAdmin()) {
         $json = array();
         $json['title'] = JText::_('COM_COMMUNITY_NOTICE');
         $json['error'] = JText::sprintf('COM_COMMUNITY_PLEASE_WAIT_BEFORE_SENDING_MESSAGE', $config->get('floodLimit'));
     // Prevent users to send message to themselves.
     if ($postVars['to'] == $my->id) {
         $json = array();
         $json['title'] = JText::_('COM_COMMUNITY_NOTICE');
         $json['error'] = JText::_('COM_COMMUNITY_INBOX_MESSAGE_CANNOT_SEND_TO_SELF');
     $postVars = CAjaxHelper::toArray($postVars);
     $doCont = true;
     $errMsg = "";
     $resizeH = 0;
     if ($this->_isSpam($my, $postVars['subject'] . ' ' . $postVars['body'])) {
         $json = array();
         $json['title'] = JText::_('COM_COMMUNITY_NOTICE');
         $json['error'] = JText::_('COM_COMMUNITY_INBOX_MESSAGE_MARKED_SPAM');
     if (empty($postVars['subject']) || JString::trim($postVars['subject']) == '') {
         $json = array();
         $json['title'] = JText::_('COM_COMMUNITY_INBOX_TITLE_WRITE');
         $json['error'] = JText::_('COM_COMMUNITY_INBOX_SUBJECT_MISSING');
         $json['samestep'] = true;
     if (empty($postVars['body']) || JString::trim($postVars['body']) == '') {
         $json = array();
         $json['title'] = JText::_('COM_COMMUNITY_INBOX_TITLE_WRITE');
         $json['error'] = JText::_('COM_COMMUNITY_INBOX_MESSAGE_MISSING');
         $json['samestep'] = true;
     $data = $postVars;
     $model = $this->getModel('inbox');
     $pattern = "/<br \\/>/i";
     $replacement = "\r\n";
     $data['body'] = preg_replace($pattern, $replacement, $data['body']);
     $data['photo'] = isset($data['photo']) ? $data['photo'] : '';
     $msgid = $model->send($data);
     // Add user points.
     // Add notification.
     $params = new CParameter('');
     $params->set('url', 'index.php?option=com_community&view=inbox&task=read&msgid=' . $msgid);
     $params->set('message', $data['body']);
     $params->set('title', $data['subject']);
     $params->set('msg_url', 'index.php?option=com_community&view=inbox&task=read&msgid=' . $msgid);
     $params->set('msg', JText::_('COM_COMMUNITY_PRIVATE_MESSAGE'));
     CNotificationLibrary::add('inbox_create_message', $my->id, $data['to'], JText::sprintf('COM_COMMUNITY_SENT_YOU_MESSAGE'), '', 'inbox.sent', $params);
     // Send response.
     $json = array();
     $json['message'] = JText::_('COM_COMMUNITY_INBOX_MESSAGE_SENT');
コード例 #29
ファイル: view.html.php プロジェクト: rkern21/videoeditor
	private function _getFilters()
		$filters = array();
		if($this->lists->fltDescription) {
			$filters[] = array(
				'field'			=> 'description',
				'operand'		=> 'LIKE',
				'value'			=> $this->lists->fltDescription

		if($this->lists->fltFrom && $this->lists->fltTo) {
			$filters[] = array(
				'field'			=> 'backupstart',
				'operand'		=> 'BETWEEN',
				'value'			=> $this->lists->fltFrom,
				'value2'			=> $this->lists->fltTo
		} elseif ($this->lists->fltFrom) {
			$filters[] = array(
				'field'			=> 'backupstart',
				'operand'		=> '>=',
				'value'			=> $this->lists->fltFrom,
		} elseif($this->lists->fltTo) {
			$to = new JDate($this->lists->fltTo);
			$toUnix = $to->toUnix();
			$to = date('Y-m-d').' 23:59:59';
			$filters[] = array(
				'field'			=> 'backupstart',
				'operand'		=> '<=',
				'value'			=> $to,
		if($this->lists->fltOrigin) {
			$filters[] = array(
				'field'			=> 'origin',
				'operand'		=> '=',
				'value'			=> $this->lists->fltOrigin
		if($this->lists->fltProfile) {
			$filters[] = array(
				'field'			=> 'profile_id',
				'operand'		=> '=',
				'value'			=> (int)$this->lists->fltProfile
		$task = JRequest::getCmd('task','default');
		if($task == 'restorepoint') {
			$filters[] = array(
				'field'			=> 'tag',
				'operand'		=> '=',
				'value'			=> 'restorepoint'
		} else {
			$filters[] = array(
				'field'			=> 'tag',
				'operand'		=> '<>',
				'value'			=> 'restorepoint'
		if(empty($filters)) $filters = null;
		return $filters;
コード例 #30
ファイル: updates.php プロジェクト: WineWorld/joomlatrialcmbg
 private function getLastSend()
     $db = JFactory::getDbo();
     $query = $db->getQuery(true)->select($db->qn('lastupdate'))->from($db->qn('#__ak_storage'))->where($db->qn('tag') . ' = ' . $db->q('akeeba_autoupdate_lastsend'));
     $result = $db->setQuery($query)->loadResult();
     if (!$result) {
         return 0;
     } else {
         $date = new JDate($result);
         return $date->toUnix();