コード例 #1
  * @param string $filepath_
  * @param \Components\Io_Mimetype $mimeType_
  * @throws \Components\Runtime_Exception
  * @return \Components\Mail_Part_Image
 public static function forFile(Io_File $file_)
     if (false === $file_->exists()) {
         throw new Io_Exception('mail/part/file', sprintf('File does not exist [file: %1$s].', $file_));
     $mimeType = $file_->getMimetype();
     if (null === $mimeType) {
         throw new Io_Exception('mail/part/file', sprintf('Unable to resolve mimetype for given file [file: %1$s].', $file_));
     return new static($file_->getName(), $file_->getContent(), $mimeType);
コード例 #2
 private function importScript($script_)
     $target = Environment::pathComponentsResource('i18n', 'resource', 'i18n', 'script', "{$script_}.json");
     $ranges = array_chunk(self::$m_unicodeRanges[$script_], 2);
     $range = [];
     foreach ($ranges as $r) {
         $range = array_merge($range, range(reset($r), end($r)));
     $range = array_flip($range);
     $mapScript = [];
     $mapScriptUnicode =& $mapScript['unicode'];
     $mapScriptTransformations =& $mapScript['transform'];
     foreach (self::$m_scripts[$script_] as $transformation) {
         $mapScriptTransformations[$transformation] = [];
         $mapScriptTransformationsCurrent =& $mapScriptTransformations[$transformation];
         $source = self::$m_sources[$script_][$transformation];
         $source = Environment::pathComponentsResource('i18n', 'resource', 'cldr', $source);
         // TODO Implement Io_File_Xml
         $xml = new \SimpleXMLElement(Io_File::valueOf($source)->getContent());
         /* @var $node \SimpleXMLElement */
         foreach ($xml->xpath('//supplementalData/transforms/transform/tRule') as $node) {
             $string = (string) $node;
             $chars = '';
             $trans = '';
             if (91 === ord($string[0])) {
                 $chars = mb_substr($string, 1, mb_strpos($string, chr(93)) - 1);
                 $ldim = mb_strrpos($string, chr(226));
                 $trans = mb_substr($string, $ldim + 1, mb_strrpos($string, chr(59)) - $ldim - 1);
             $len = mb_strlen($chars);
             for ($i = 0; $i < $len; $i++) {
                 $char = mb_substr($chars, $i, 1);
                 $dec = Character::unicodeDecimal($char);
                 if (isset($range[$dec])) {
                     $mapScriptUnicode[$dec] = "    \"{$dec}\": \"{$char}\"";
                     $mapScriptTransformationsCurrent[$dec] = "      \"{$dec}\": \"{$trans}\"";
         $string = implode(",\n", $mapScriptUnicode);
     $transform = [];
     foreach ($mapScript['transform'] as $script => $transformations) {
         $transform[] = sprintf('    "%1$s":%3$s    {%3$s%2$s%3$s    }%3$s', $script, implode(",\n", $transformations), Io::LINE_SEPARATOR_DEFAULT);
     $file = new Io_File($target, Io_File::CREATE | Io_File::WRITE | Io_File::TRUNCATE);
     if (false === $file->exists()) {
     // XXX json_encode converts to unicode - which we dont want here - yet maybe implement an alternative Object_Marshaller_Json or Io_File_Json...
     $file->writeLine('  "unicode":');
     $file->writeLine('  {');
     $file->writeLine(implode(",\n", $mapScript['unicode']));
     $file->writeLine('  },');
     $file->writeLine('  "transform":');
     $file->writeLine('  {');
     $file->write(implode(",\n", $transform));
     $file->writeLine('  }');