コード例 #1
         $dateTime = $date2 . ' ' . $invitedLocation->getLocationTime2();
         echo "send new email v2 set date <br>\n";
     } elseif ($invited->getTotalEmailSent_() == 2) {
         $dateTime = $date3 . ' ' . $invitedLocation->getLocationTime3();
         echo "send new email v3 set date <br>\n";
     } else {
         echo "\n else no send new email total sent is greater than 2 and value i" . $invited->getTotalEmailSent_();
     $alert->alert("Date Time Send", $dateTime, " set = " . $dateTime . "  <br>\n");
     echo "set time zone = " . Time::getTimeZoneDateTime24();
     //send email
     //email version of sending
     if (Time::getTimeZoneDateTime24() >= $dateTime) {
         $alert->alert("\nAdd activity log", $invitedActivity->addActivityLog($qId, $action, $database), "set qId = {$qId} , action = {$action}");
         echo "\n send email to invited <br>\n";
         if (Email::sendInviteEmail3($admin->getAdminEmail_(), $invited->getEmail(), $email->inviteSubject1($invited->getTotalEmailSent_()), $qId, $invited->getTotalEmailSent_(), $invited->getFirstName())) {
             echo " email " . $invited->getEmail();
             echo "\n send email to admin";
             $newTotalSent = $invited->getTotalEmailSent_() + 1;
             $alert->alert("\nUpdate total send email ", $invited->updateTotalEmailSent($iId, $invited->getTotalEmailSent_() + 1, $database), "set iId = {$iId} and last total email sent  " . $invited->getTotalEmailSent_() . " new total email sent " . $newTotalSent);
         } else {
             echo "failed to send email<br>\n";
     } else {
         echo "<br> \n " . __LINE__ . ". ) time zone = " . Time::getTimeZoneDateTime24() . "  < " . $dateTime;
         echo "<br>\n Email = " . $invited->getEmail();
 } else {
     echo "\n email will not received an invite because the totasent email is greater than 2 but " . $invited->getTotalEmailSent_();
     echo "\n update queue status to 1";
     if ($invitedQueue->updateQueueStatus($qId, 1, $database) == TRUE) {
コード例 #2
//    if($invited->isEmailExist($email))
//        $invitedQueue->setInvitedQueueById($qId,$database);
//        $invited->updateInvitedStatus($invitedQueue->getInvitedId(), 6);
//    }
$signUp = false;
$qId = 107;
$email = '*****@*****.**';
// 6 = is sign up pending
echo "\n test remove the email ";
//validate and conditions
//validate and conditions
// condition
if (!empty($qId) and !empty($email)) {
    $invited->_setInvitedInformationByQid($qId, $database);
    if ($invited->getEmail() == $email) {
        if ($invited->getStatus() == 4) {
            Log::addExecutionLog("Information already deleted");
        } else {
            if ($invitedQueue->updateQueueStatus($qId, 1, $database)) {
                if ($invited->updateInvitedStatus($invited->getInvitedId(), 4, $database)) {
                    Log::addExecutionLog("Information successfully deleted");
                } else {
                    Log::addExecutionLog("Information Failed update invited status");
            } else {
                Log::addExecutionLog("Information Failed update queue status");
    } else {
        Log::addExecutionLog("Email url is not match in the database using qId");
コード例 #3
         $dateTime = $date2 . ' ' . $invitedLocation->getLocationTime2();
         echo "send new email v2 set date\n";
     } elseif ($invited->getTotalEmailSent_() == 2) {
         $dateTime = $date3 . ' ' . $invitedLocation->getLocationTime3();
         echo "send new email v3 set date\n";
     } else {
         echo "\n else no send new email total sent is greater than 2 and value i" . $invited->getTotalEmailSent_();
     $alert->alert("Date Time Send", $dateTime, " set = " . $dateTime . "  \n");
     echo "set time zone = " . Time::getTimeZoneDateTime24();
     //send email
     if (Time::getTimeZoneDateTime24() >= $dateTime) {
         $alert->alert("\nAdd activity log", $invitedActivity->addActivityLog($qId, $action, $database), "set qId = {$qId} , action = {$action}");
         echo "\n send email to invited ";
         if (Email::sendInviteEmail($admin->getAdminEmail_(), '*****@*****.**', "Invited", $qId, $invited->getFirstName())) {
             echo " email " . $invited->getEmail();
             echo "\n send email to admin";
             $newTotalSent = $invited->getTotalEmailSent_() + 1;
             $alert->alert("\nUpdate total send email ", $invited->updateTotalEmailSent($iId, $invited->getTotalEmailSent_() + 1, $database), "set iId = {$iId} and last total email sent  " . $invited->getTotalEmailSent_() . " new total email sent " . $newTotalSent);
         } else {
             echo "failed to send email " . __LINE__;
     } else {
         echo "<br> \n " . __LINE__ . ". ) time zone = " . Time::getTimeZoneDateTime24() . "  is less than with date time db " . $dateTime;
 } else {
     echo "\n email will not received an invite because the totasent email is greater than 2 but " . $invited->getTotalEmailSent_();
     echo "\n update queue status to 1";
 // $database->update()
 echo "\n---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n<br>";