function getTabNavigation($course_id) { $object_type = get_object_type($course_id, array('sem', 'inst')); if ($object_type === 'sem') { $course = Course::find($course_id); $sem_class = $GLOBALS['SEM_CLASS'][$GLOBALS['SEM_TYPE'][$course->status]['class']] ?: SemClass::getDefaultSemClass(); } else { $institute = Institute::find($course_id); $sem_class = SemClass::getDefaultInstituteClass($institute->type); } $navigation = new Navigation(_('Übersicht')); $navigation->setImage(Icon::create('seminar', 'info_alt')); $navigation->setActiveImage(Icon::create('seminar', 'info')); if ($object_type !== 'sem') { $navigation->addSubNavigation('info', new Navigation(_('Kurzinfo'), 'dispatch.php/institute/overview')); $navigation->addSubNavigation('courses', new Navigation(_('Veranstaltungen'), 'show_bereich.php?level=s&id=' . $course_id)); $navigation->addSubNavigation('schedule', new Navigation(_('Veranstaltungs-Stundenplan'), 'dispatch.php/calendar/instschedule?cid=' . $course_id)); if ($GLOBALS['perm']->have_studip_perm('admin', $course_id)) { $navigation->addSubNavigation('admin', new Navigation(_('Administration der Einrichtung'), 'dispatch.php/institute/basicdata/index?new_inst=TRUE')); } } else { $navigation->addSubNavigation('info', new Navigation(_('Kurzinfo'), 'dispatch.php/course/overview')); if (!$sem_class['studygroup_mode']) { $navigation->addSubNavigation('details', new Navigation(_('Details'), 'dispatch.php/course/details/')); } if (!$course->admission_binding && in_array($GLOBALS['perm']->get_studip_perm($course_id), array('user', 'autor'))) { $navigation->addSubNavigation('leave', new Navigation(_('Austragen aus der Veranstaltung'), 'dispatch.php/my_courses/decline/' . $course_id . '?cmd=suppose_to_kill')); } } return array('main' => $navigation); }
function before_filter(&$action, &$args) { if (Request::option('auswahl')) { Request::set('cid', Request::option('auswahl')); } parent::before_filter($action, $args); checkObject(); $this->institute = Institute::findCurrent(); if (!$this->institute) { throw new CheckObjectException(_('Sie haben kein Objekt gewählt.')); } $this->institute_id = $this->institute->id; //set visitdate for institute, when coming from meine_seminare if (Request::option('auswahl')) { object_set_visit($this->institute_id, "inst"); } //gibt es eine Anweisung zur Umleitung? if (Request::get('redirect_to')) { $query_parts = explode('&', stristr(urldecode($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']), 'redirect_to')); list(, $where_to) = explode('=', array_shift($query_parts)); $new_query = $where_to . '?' . join('&', $query_parts); page_close(); $new_query = preg_replace('/[^:0-9a-z+_\\-.#?&=\\/]/i', '', $new_query); header('Location: ' . URLHelper::getURL($new_query, array('cid' => $this->institute_id))); die; } PageLayout::setHelpKeyword("Basis.Einrichtungen"); PageLayout::setTitle($this->institute->getFullName() . " - " . _("Kurzinfo")); Navigation::activateItem('/course/main/info'); }
public function manageUsers() { $adminId = Session::get('admin_id'); if (!isset($adminId)) { return Redirect::to('/'); } $institutes = Institute::where('status', 'active')->orderBy('name')->get(); if (isset($institutes) && count($institutes) > 0) { return View::make('admin.users')->with('institutesFound', true)->with('institutes', $institutes); } else { return View::make('admin.users')->with('institutesFound', false); } }
/** * Returns the currently active course or false if none is active. * * @return mixed Course object of currently active course, false otherwise * @since 3.0 */ public static function findCurrent() { if (empty($GLOBALS['SessionSeminar'])) { return null; } if (isset(self::$current_institute) && $GLOBALS['SessionSeminar'] === self::$current_institute->id) { return self::$current_institute; } $found = Institute::find($GLOBALS['SessionSeminar']); if ($found) { return self::$current_institute = $found; } }
public function check($data, $virtualobject, $relevantfields) { $errors = ""; if (!$data['fleximport_dozenten'] || !count($data['fleximport_dozenten'])) { $errors .= "Dozent kann nicht gemapped werden. "; } else { $exist = false; foreach ((array) $data['fleximport_dozenten'] as $dozent_id) { if (User::find($dozent_id)) { $exist = true; break; } } if (!$exist) { $errors .= "Angegebene Dozenten sind nicht im System vorhanden. "; } else { if ($GLOBALS['SEM_CLASS'][$GLOBALS['SEM_TYPE'][$virtualobject['status']]['class']]['only_inst_user']) { $statement = DBManager::get()->prepare("\n SELECT 1\n FROM user_inst\n WHERE user_id IN (:dozent_ids)\n AND Institut_id IN (:institut_ids)\n AND inst_perms IN ('autor','tutor','dozent')\n "); $statement->execute(array('dozent_ids' => (array) $data['fleximport_dozenten'], 'institut_ids' => $data['fleximport_related_institutes'] ?: array($virtualobject['institut_id']))); if (!$statement->fetch(PDO::FETCH_COLUMN, 0)) { $errors .= "Keiner der Dozenten ist in einer beteiligten Einrichtung angestellt. "; } } } } if (!$data['institut_id'] || !Institute::find($data['institut_id'])) { $errors .= "Keine gültige Heimateinrichtung. "; } if (!Semester::findByTimestamp($data['start_time'])) { $errors .= "Semester wurde nicht gefunden. "; } if ($data['status']) { if ($GLOBALS['SEM_CLASS'][$GLOBALS['SEM_TYPE'][$data['status']]['class']]['bereiche']) { $found = false; foreach ((array) $data['fleximport_studyarea'] as $sem_tree_id) { if (StudipStudyArea::find($sem_tree_id)) { $found = true; break; } } if (!$found) { $errors .= "Keine (korrekten) Studienbereiche definiert. "; } } } else { $errors .= "Kein Veranstaltungstyp definiert. "; } return $errors; }
public function viewInstitute($id) { $adminId = Session::get('admin_id'); if (!isset($adminId)) { return Redirect::to('/'); } if (isset($id)) { $institute = Institute::find($id); if (isset($institute)) { Session::put('institute_id', $id); return View::make('admin.view-institute')->with('institute', $institute); } else { return Redirect::to('/'); } } else { return Redirect::to('/'); } }
public function courses($id) { if (isset($id)) { $institute = Institute::find($id); if (isset($institute)) { $courses = Course::where('status', '=', 'active')->where('institute_id', '=', $id)->get(); Session::put('course_id', $id); if (isset($courses) && count($courses) > 0) { return View::make('course.list')->with('found', true)->with('courses', $courses)->with('institute', $institute); } else { return View::make('course.list')->with('found', false)->with('institute', $institute); } } else { return Redirect::to('/'); } } else { return Redirect::to('/'); } }
public function map($format, $value) { switch ($format) { case "name": $inst = Institute::findOneBySQL("Name = ?", array($value)); if ($inst) { return $inst->getId(); } break; default: //Datenfeld: $datafield = DataField::find($format); if ($datafield && $datafield['object_type'] === "inst") { $entry = DatafieldEntryModel::findOneBySQL("datafield_id = ? AND content = ?", array($datafield->getId(), $value)); if ($entry) { return $entry['range_id']; } } } }
public function getConnections($status = 'active', $page = 1) { $adminId = Session::get('admin_id'); if (!isset($adminId)) { return json_encode(array('message' => 'not logged')); } $connections = InstituteConnection::where('status', $status)->get(); if (isset($connections) && count($connections) > 0) { $connectionArray = array(); foreach ($connections as $connection) { $connectionFrom = Institute::where('id', $connection->connection_id)->first(); $connectionTo = Institute::where('id', $connection->institute_id)->first(); if (isset($connectionFrom) && isset($connectionTo)) { $connectionArray[] = array('id' => $connection->id, 'connection_from' => $connectionFrom->name, 'connection_from_location' => $connectionFrom->city . ', ' . $connectionFrom->country, 'connection_to' => $connectionTo->name, 'connection_to_location' => $connectionTo->city . ', ' . $connectionTo->country); } } return json_encode(array('message' => 'found', 'connections' => $connectionArray)); } else { return json_encode(array('message' => 'empty')); } }
static function findUser($id) { if (get_visibility_by_id($id)) { $user_data = User::find($id)->getData(); if ($user_data["visible"] == "no" || $user_data["visible"] == "never") { return null; } $inst_fields = "Institut_id, user_id, sprechzeiten, raum, Telefon, Fax, visible"; $query = "SELECT {$inst_fields} FROM `user_inst` WHERE user_inst.user_id = '{$id}' AND user_inst.externdefault='1'"; $stmt = \DBManager::get()->query($query); $user_inst = $stmt->fetchAll(); if (!empty($user_inst[0]["Institut_id"])) { $inst = \Institute::find($user_inst[0]["Institut_id"]); $institute = array("inst_name" => $inst->name, "inst_strasse" => $inst->strasse, "inst_url" => $inst->url, "inst_plz" => $inst->plz, "inst_telefon" => $inst->telefon, "inst_email" => $inst->email, "inst_fax" => $inst->fax); } else { $user_inst = null; } return array("user_data" => $user_data, "user_inst" => $user_inst[0], "inst_info" => $institute); } return null; }
public function decline_inst_action($inst_id) { $institut = Institute::find($inst_id); $ticket_check = Seminar_Session::check_ticket(Request::option('studipticket')); if (Request::option('cmd') != 'kill' && Request::get('cmd') != 'back') { $this->flash['decline_inst'] = true; $this->flash['inst_id'] = $inst_id; $this->flash['name'] = $institut->name; $this->flash['studipticket'] = Seminar_Session::get_ticket(); } else { if (Request::get('cmd') == 'kill' && $ticket_check && Request::get('cmd') != 'back') { $query = "DELETE FROM user_inst WHERE user_id = ? AND Institut_id = ? AND inst_perms = 'user'"; $statement = DBManager::get()->prepare($query); $statement->execute(array($GLOBALS['user']->id, $inst_id)); if ($statement->rowCount() > 0) { PageLayout::postMessage(MessageBox::success(sprintf(_("Die Zuordnung zur Einrichtung %s wurde aufgehoben."), "<b>" . htmlReady($institut->name) . "</b>"))); } else { PageLayout::postMessage(MessageBox::error(_('Datenbankfehler'))); } } } $this->redirect('my_institutes/index'); }
public function accessories($id) { $adminId = Session::get('admin_id'); if (!isset($adminId)) { return Redirect::to('/'); } if (isset($id)) { $course = Course::find($id); if (isset($course)) { Session::put('course_id', $id); $instituteId = Session::get('institute_id'); if (isset($instituteId)) { $institute = Institute::find($instituteId); if (isset($institute)) { return View::make('admin.accessories')->with('course', $course)->with('institute', $institute); } else { return Redirect::to('/'); } } else { return Redirect::to('/'); } } else { return Redirect::to('/'); } } else { return Redirect::to('/'); } }
/** * Checks a role assignment for an user * optionally check for institute * * @param string $userid * @param string $assignedrole * @param string $institut_id * @return boolean */ public static function isAssignedRole($userid, $assignedrole, $institut_id = '') { if ($institut_id) { $faculty_id = Institute::find($institut_id)->fakultaets_id; } $assigned = DBManager::get()->fetchColumn("SELECT r.roleid FROM roles_user AS u LEFT JOIN roles AS r ON r.roleid=u.roleid WHERE u.userid=? AND r.rolename=? AND u.institut_id IN (?)", array($userid,$assignedrole,array((string)$institut_id,(string)$faculty_id))); return $assigned != ''; }
function print_result ($args) { global $_fullname_sql,$SEM_TYPE,$SEM_CLASS; if (is_array($this->sem_browse_data['search_result']) && count($this->sem_browse_data['search_result'])) { // show only selected subject areas $selected_ranges = $this->config->getValue('SelectSubjectAreas', 'subjectareasselected'); if ($stid = Request::option('sem_tree_id')) { if (!is_object($this->sem_tree)){ $the_tree = TreeAbstract::GetInstance("StudipSemTree"); } else { $the_tree =& $this->sem_tree->tree; } $the_tree->buildIndex(); $selected_ranges = array_merge(array($stid), $the_tree->getKidsKids($stid)); } if (!$this->config->getValue('SelectSubjectAreas', 'selectallsubjectareas') && count($selected_ranges)) { if ($this->config->getValue('SelectSubjectAreas', 'reverseselection')) { $sem_range_query = "AND seminar_sem_tree.sem_tree_id NOT IN ('".implode("','", $selected_ranges)."')"; } else { $sem_range_query = "AND seminar_sem_tree.sem_tree_id IN ('".implode("','", $selected_ranges)."')"; } } else { $sem_range_query = ''; } // show only selected SemTypes $selected_semtypes = $this->config->getValue('ReplaceTextSemType', 'visibility'); if (Request::get('semstatus')) { $selected_semtypes = array(Request::get('semstatus')); } $sem_types_array = array(); if (count($selected_semtypes)) { for ($i = 0; $i < count($selected_semtypes); $i++) { if ($selected_semtypes[$i] == '1') { $sem_types_array[] = $i + 1; } } $sem_types_query = "AND seminare.status IN ('" . implode("','", $sem_types_array) . "')"; } else { $sem_types_query = ''; } if ($this->sem_browse_data['group_by'] == 1){ if (!is_object($this->sem_tree)){ $the_tree = TreeAbstract::GetInstance("StudipSemTree"); } else { $the_tree =& $this->sem_tree->tree; } $the_tree->buildIndex(); } if (!$this->config->getValue("Main", "allseminars") && !Request::get('allseminars')) { $sem_inst_query = " AND seminare.Institut_id='{$this->config->range_id}' "; } if (Request::option('aggregation')) { $i = Institute::find($this->config->range_id); $children = $i->sub_institutes->pluck('institut_id'); $sem_inst_query = " AND seminare.Institut_id IN ('".(implode("', '", $children))."')"; } $dbv = DbView::getView('sem_tree'); if (!$nameformat = $this->config->getValue("Main", "nameformat")) $nameformat = "no_title_short"; $query = "SELECT seminare.Seminar_id, seminare.status, seminare.Name , seminare.Institut_id, Institute.Name AS Institut,Institute.Institut_id, seminar_sem_tree.sem_tree_id AS bereich, " . $_fullname_sql[$nameformat] . " AS fullname, auth_user_md5.username, " . $dbv->sem_number_sql . " AS sem_number, " . $dbv->sem_number_end_sql . " AS sem_number_end, " . " seminar_user.position AS position " . " FROM seminare LEFT JOIN seminar_user ON (seminare.Seminar_id=seminar_user.Seminar_id AND seminar_user.status='dozent') LEFT JOIN auth_user_md5 USING (user_id) LEFT JOIN user_info USING (user_id) LEFT JOIN seminar_sem_tree ON (seminare.Seminar_id = seminar_sem_tree.seminar_id) LEFT JOIN seminar_inst ON (seminare.Seminar_id = seminar_inst.Seminar_id) LEFT JOIN Institute ON (seminar_inst.institut_id = Institute.Institut_id) WHERE seminare.Seminar_id IN('" . join("','", array_keys($this->sem_browse_data['search_result'])) . "')$sem_inst_query $sem_range_query $sem_types_query"; $db = new DB_Seminar($query); $snap = new DbSnapshot($db); if (isset($args['group']) && $args['group'] >= 0 && $args['group'] < 5) { $this->sem_browse_data['group_by'] = $args['group']; } $group_field = $this->group_by_fields[$this->sem_browse_data['group_by']]['group_field']; $data_fields[0] = "Seminar_id"; if ($this->group_by_fields[$this->sem_browse_data['group_by']]['unique_field']){ $data_fields[1] = $this->group_by_fields[$this->sem_browse_data['group_by']]['unique_field']; } $group_by_data = $snap->getGroupedResult($group_field, $data_fields); $sem_data = $snap->getGroupedResult("Seminar_id"); if ($this->sem_browse_data['group_by'] == 0){ $group_by_duration = $snap->getGroupedResult("sem_number_end", array("sem_number","Seminar_id")); foreach ($group_by_duration as $sem_number_end => $detail){ if ($sem_number_end != -1 && ($detail['sem_number'][$sem_number_end - 1] && count($detail['sem_number']) == 1)){ continue; } else { foreach ($detail['Seminar_id'] as $seminar_id => $foo){ $start_sem = key($sem_data[$seminar_id]["sem_number"]); if ($sem_number_end == -1){ if (is_array($this->sem_number)){ $sem_number_end = $this->sem_number[0]; } else { $sem_number_end = count($this->sem_dates) - 1; } } for ($i = $start_sem; $i <= $sem_number_end; ++$i){ if ($this->sem_number === false || (is_array($this->sem_number) && in_array($i,$this->sem_number))){ if ($group_by_data[$i] && !$tmp_group_by_data[$i]){ foreach($group_by_data[$i]['Seminar_id'] as $id => $bar){ $tmp_group_by_data[$i]['Seminar_id'][$id] = true; } } $tmp_group_by_data[$i]['Seminar_id'][$seminar_id] = true; } } } } } if (is_array($tmp_group_by_data)){ if ($this->sem_number !== false){ unset($group_by_data); } foreach ($tmp_group_by_data as $start_sem => $detail){ $group_by_data[$start_sem] = $detail; } } } foreach ($group_by_data as $group_field => $sem_ids){ foreach ($sem_ids['Seminar_id'] as $seminar_id => $foo){ $name = strtolower(key($sem_data[$seminar_id]["Name"])); $name = str_replace("ä","ae",$name); $name = str_replace("ö","oe",$name); $name = str_replace("ü","ue",$name); $group_by_data[$group_field]['Seminar_id'][$seminar_id] = $name; } uasort($group_by_data[$group_field]['Seminar_id'], 'strnatcmp'); } switch ($this->sem_browse_data["group_by"]){ case 0: krsort($group_by_data, SORT_NUMERIC); break; case 1: uksort($group_by_data, create_function('$a,$b', '$the_tree = TreeAbstract::GetInstance("StudipSemTree"); return (int)($the_tree->tree_data[$a]["index"] - $the_tree->tree_data[$b]["index"]); ')); break; case 3: if ($order = $this->module->config->getValue("ReplaceTextSemType", "order")) { foreach ($order as $position) { if (isset($group_by_data[$position])) $group_by_data_tmp[$position] = $group_by_data[$position]; } $group_by_data = $group_by_data_tmp; unset($group_by_data_tmp); } else { uksort($group_by_data, create_function('$a,$b', 'global $SEM_CLASS,$SEM_TYPE; return strnatcasecmp($SEM_TYPE[$a]["name"]." (". $SEM_CLASS[$SEM_TYPE[$a]["class"]]["name"].")", $SEM_TYPE[$b]["name"]." (". $SEM_CLASS[$SEM_TYPE[$b]["class"]]["name"].")");')); } break; default: uksort($group_by_data, 'strnatcasecmp'); break; } $show_time = $this->config->getValue("Main", "time"); $show_lecturer = $this->config->getValue("Main", "lecturer"); if ($show_time && $show_lecturer) { if (!$td2width = $this->config->getValue("LecturesInnerTable", "td2width")) $td2width = 50; $colspan = " colspan=\"2\""; $td_time = $this->config->getAttributes("LecturesInnerTable", "td2"); $td_time .= " width=\"$td2width%\""; $td_lecturer = " align=\"" . $this->config->getValue("LecturesInnerTable", "td3_align"); $td_lecturer .= "\" valign=\"" . $this->config->getValue("LecturesInnerTable", "td2_valign"); $td_lecturer .= "\" width=\"" . (100 - $td2width) . "%\""; } else { $colspan = ""; $td_time = $this->config->getAttributes("LecturesInnerTable", "td2") . " width=\"100%\""; $td_lecturer = " align=\"" . $this->config->getValue("LecturesInnerTable", "td3_align"); $td_lecturer .= "\" valign=\"" . $this->config->getValue("LecturesInnerTable", "td2_valign"); $td_lecturer .= " width=\"100%\""; } // erase output buffer with warnings and start unbuffered output ob_end_clean(); echo "\n<table" . $this->config->getAttributes("TableHeader", "table") . ">\n"; if ($this->config->getValue("Main", "addinfo")) { echo "\n<tr" . $this->config->getAttributes("InfoCountSem", "tr") . ">"; echo "<td" . $this->config->getAttributes("InfoCountSem", "td") . ">"; echo "<font" . $this->config->getAttributes("InfoCountSem", "font") . "> "; echo count($sem_data); echo $this->config->getValue("Main", "textlectures"); echo ", " . $this->config->getValue("Main", "textgrouping"); $group_by_name = $this->config->getValue("Main", "aliasesgrouping"); echo $group_by_name[$this->sem_browse_data['group_by']]; echo "</font></td></tr>"; } if (count($group_by_data)) { foreach ($group_by_data as $group_field => $sem_ids) { echo "\n<tr" . $this->config->getAttributes("Grouping", "tr") . ">"; echo "<td" . $this->config->getAttributes("Grouping", "td") . ">"; echo "<font" . $this->config->getAttributes("Grouping", "font") . ">"; switch ($this->sem_browse_data["group_by"]){ case 0: echo $this->sem_dates[$group_field]['name']; break; case 1: if ($the_tree->tree_data[$group_field]) { $range_path_level = $this->config->getValue("Main", "rangepathlevel"); echo htmlReady($the_tree->getShortPath($group_field, NULL, '>', $range_path_level ? $range_path_level - 1 : 0)); } else { echo $this->config->getValue("Main", "textnogroups"); } /* $range_path_new = NULL; if ($the_tree->tree_data[$group_field]) { $range_path = explode(" ^ ", $the_tree->getShortPath($group_field, "^")); $range_path_level = $this->config->getValue("Main", "rangepathlevel"); if ($range_path_level > sizeof($range_path)) $range_path_level = sizeof($range_path); for ($i = $range_path_level - 1; $i < sizeof($range_path); $i++) $range_path_new[] = $range_path[$i]; echo htmlReady(implode(" > ", $range_path_new)); } else echo $this->config->getValue("Main", "textnogroups"); */ break; case 2: echo htmlReady($group_field); break; case 3: $aliases_sem_type = $this->config->getValue("ReplaceTextSemType", "class_{$SEM_TYPE[$group_field]['class']}"); if ($aliases_sem_type[$this->sem_types_position[$group_field] - 1]) echo $aliases_sem_type[$this->sem_types_position[$group_field] - 1]; else { echo htmlReady($SEM_TYPE[$group_field]["name"] ." (". $SEM_CLASS[$SEM_TYPE[$group_field]["class"]]["name"].")"); } break; case 4: echo htmlReady($group_field); break; } echo "</font></td></tr>"; if (is_array($sem_ids['Seminar_id'])) { $zebra = 0; while (list($seminar_id,) = each($sem_ids['Seminar_id'])) { $sem_name = key($sem_data[$seminar_id]["Name"]); $sem_number_start = key($sem_data[$seminar_id]["sem_number"]); $sem_number_end = key($sem_data[$seminar_id]["sem_number_end"]); if ($sem_number_start != $sem_number_end){ $sem_name .= " (" . $this->sem_dates[$sem_number_start]['name'] . " - "; $sem_name .= (($sem_number_end == -1) ? _("unbegrenzt") : $this->sem_dates[$sem_number_end]['name']) . ")"; } echo "\n<tr" . $this->config->getAttributes("LecturesInnerTable", "tr").">"; if ($zebra % 2 && $this->config->getValue("LecturesInnerTable", "td_bgcolor2_")) echo "<td width=\"100%\"".$this->config->getAttributes("LecturesInnerTable", "td", TRUE)."\">\n"; else echo "<td width=\"100%\"".$this->config->getAttributes("LecturesInnerTable", "td")."\">\n"; $zebra++; echo "<table width=\"100%\" border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\">\n"; echo "<tr" . $this->config->getAttributes("LecturesInnerTable", "tr1") . ">"; echo "<td$colspan" . $this->config->getAttributes("LecturesInnerTable", "td1") . ">"; echo "<font" . $this->config->getAttributes("LecturesInnerTable", "font1") . ">"; $sem_link["module"] = "Lecturedetails"; $sem_link["link_args"] = "seminar_id=$seminar_id"; $sem_link["content"] = htmlReady($sem_name); $this->module->elements["SemLink"]->printout($sem_link); echo "</font></td></tr>\n"; //create Turnus field $temp_turnus_string = Seminar::GetInstance($seminar_id)->getDatesExport(array('show_room' => true)); //Shorten, if string too long (add link for details.php) if (strlen($temp_turnus_string) >70) { $temp_turnus_string = substr($temp_turnus_string, 0, strpos(substr($temp_turnus_string, 70, strlen($temp_turnus_string)), ',') +71); $temp_turnus_string .= '...'; } if ($show_time || $show_lecturer) { echo "\n<tr" . $this->config->getAttributes('LecturesInnerTable', 'tr2') . '>'; if ($show_time) { echo "<td$td_time>"; echo '<font' . $this->config->getAttributes('LecturesInnerTable', 'font2') . '>'; echo $temp_turnus_string . "</font></td>\n"; } if ($show_lecturer) { echo "<td$td_lecturer>"; echo '<font' . $this->config->getAttributes('LecturesInnerTable', 'font2') . '>('; $doz_position = array_keys($sem_data[$seminar_id]['position']); $doz_name = array_keys($sem_data[$seminar_id]['fullname']); $doz_uname = array_keys($sem_data[$seminar_id]['username']); if (is_array($doz_name)){ $lecturer_link['module'] = 'Persondetails'; if(count($doz_position) != count($doz_uname)) $doz_position = range(1, count($doz_uname)); array_multisort($doz_position, $doz_name, $doz_uname); $i = 0; foreach ($doz_name as $index => $value) { if ($i == 4) { echo '...'; break; } $lecturer_link['link_args'] = "username={$doz_uname[$index]}&seminar_id=$seminar_id"; $lecturer_link['content'] = htmlReady($value); $this->module->elements['LecturerLink']->printout($lecturer_link); if ($i != count($doz_name) - 1) { echo ', '; } ++$i; } echo ') '; } echo '</font></td>'; } echo '</tr>'; } echo "</table></td></tr>\n"; } } } } echo "</table>"; } }
private function loadGroups() { $this->groups = Institute::find($_SESSION['SessionSeminar'])->status_groups; }
<br/> <input type="radio" name="activated" value="inst" onclick="STUDIP.Admission.checkRuleActivation('rule_activation_form')"<?php echo $atInst ? ' checked="checked"' : ''; ?> /><?php echo _('an ausgewählten Einrichtungen'); ?> </div> <br/> <div id="institutes_activation"<?php echo $globally ? ' style="display:none"' : ''; ?> > <ul> <?php foreach (Institute::findBySQL("`fakultaets_id`=`Institut_id`") as $fak) { ?> <li id="<?php echo $fak->Institut_id; ?> "> <input type="checkbox" name="institutes[]" value="<?php echo $fak->Institut_id; ?> "<?php echo $activated[$fak->Institut_id] ? ' checked="checked"' : ''; ?> /> <a href=""><?php echo htmlReady($fak->name); ?>
<? if ($GLOBALS['perm']->have_perm("admin")) : ?> <h3><?php echo _("Einrichtungen"); ?> </h3> <ul class="clean instituteselector"> <? foreach ($this->questionnaire->assignments as $assignment) : ?> <? if ($assignment['range_type'] === "institute") : ?> <li> <label> <input type="checkbox" name="remove_inst[]" value="<?php echo htmlReady($assignment['range_id']); ?> " style="display: none;"> <span><?php echo htmlReady(Institute::find($assignment['range_id'])->name); ?> </span> <?php echo Assets::img("icons/16/blue/trash", array('class' => "text-bottom", 'title' => _("Zuweisung zur Einrichtung aufheben."))); ?> </label> </li> <? endif ?> <? endforeach ?> </ul> <?php echo QuickSearch::get("add_institut_id", new SeminarSearch())->render(); ?> <? endif ?>
/** * @return \yii\db\ActiveQuery */ public function getInstitutes() { return $this->hasMany(Institute::className(), ['manager_id' => 'id']); }
/** * Finds all institutes by given search string. Searches for the name of * existing or already deleted institutes. * * @param type $needle The needle to search for. * @return array */ public static function searchInstitute($needle) { $result = array(); $institutes = Institute::findBySQL("name LIKE CONCAT('%', ?, '%')", array($needle)); foreach ($institutes as $institute) { $result[] = array($institute->getId(), my_substr($institute->name, 0, 28)); } // search for deleted institutes // Name of deleted institute is part of info field, // old id (still in DB) is in affected column $log_action_delete_institute = SimpleORMapCollection::createFromArray(LogAction::findByName('INST_DEL'))->first(); $log_events_delete_institute = LogEvent::findBySQL("action_id = ? AND info LIKE CONCAT('%', ?, '%')", array($log_action_delete_institute->getId(), $needle)); foreach ($log_events_delete_institute as $log_event) { $title = sprintf('%s (%s)', $log_event->info, _('gelöscht')); $result[] = array($log_event->affected_range_id, $title); } return $result; }
function up() { DBManager::get()->exec("\n CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `questionnaires` (\n `questionnaire_id` varchar(32) NOT NULL,\n `title` varchar(128) NOT NULL,\n `description` text NULL,\n `user_id` varchar(32) NOT NULL,\n `startdate` BIGINT(20) NULL,\n `stopdate` BIGINT(20) NULL,\n `visible` TINYINT(1) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,\n `anonymous` TINYINT(1) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,\n `resultvisibility` ENUM('always', 'never', 'afterending') DEFAULT 'always' NOT NULL,\n `editanswers` TINYINT(1) DEFAULT '1' NOT NULL,\n `chdate` bigint(20) NOT NULL,\n `mkdate` bigint(20) NOT NULL,\n PRIMARY KEY (`questionnaire_id`),\n KEY `user_id` (`user_id`)\n )\n "); DBManager::get()->exec("\n CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `questionnaire_questions` (\n `question_id` varchar(32) NOT NULL,\n `questionnaire_id` varchar(32) NOT NULL,\n `questiontype` varchar(64) NOT NULL,\n `questiondata` text NOT NULL,\n `position` INT NOT NULL,\n `chdate` bigint(20) NOT NULL,\n `mkdate` bigint(20) NOT NULL,\n PRIMARY KEY (`question_id`),\n KEY `questionnaire_id` (`questionnaire_id`)\n )\n "); DBManager::get()->exec("\n CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `questionnaire_assignments` (\n `assignment_id` varchar(32) NOT NULL,\n `questionnaire_id` varchar(32) NOT NULL,\n `range_id` varchar(32) NOT NULL,\n `range_type` varchar(64) NOT NULL,\n `user_id` varchar(32) NOT NULL,\n `chdate` bigint(20) NOT NULL,\n `mkdate` int(11) NOT NULL,\n PRIMARY KEY (`assignment_id`),\n KEY `questionnaire_id` (`questionnaire_id`),\n KEY `range_id_range_type` (`range_id`,`range_type`),\n KEY `user_id` (`user_id`)\n )\n "); DBManager::get()->exec("\n CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `questionnaire_answers` (\n `answer_id` varchar(32) NOT NULL,\n `question_id` varchar(32) NOT NULL,\n `user_id` varchar(32) NULL,\n `answerdata` text NOT NULL,\n `chdate` bigint(20) NOT NULL,\n `mkdate` bigint(20) NOT NULL,\n PRIMARY KEY (`answer_id`),\n KEY `question_id` (`question_id`),\n KEY `user_id` (`user_id`)\n )\n "); DBManager::get()->exec("\n CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `questionnaire_anonymous_answers` (\n `anonymous_answer_id` varchar(32) NOT NULL,\n `questionnaire_id` varchar(32) NOT NULL,\n `user_id` varchar(32) NOT NULL,\n `chdate` bigint(20) NOT NULL,\n `mkdate` int(11) NOT NULL,\n PRIMARY KEY (`anonymous_answer_id`),\n KEY `questionnaire_id` (`questionnaire_id`),\n UNIQUE KEY `questionnaire_id_user_id` (`questionnaire_id`,`user_id`),\n KEY `user_id` (`user_id`)\n )\n "); //now import old data into new tables: $resultvisibility_mapping = array('ever' => 'always', 'delivery' => 'always', 'end' => 'afterending', 'never' => 'never'); $all_votes = DBManager::get()->prepare("\n SELECT * FROM vote\n "); $all_votes->execute(); while ($vote = $all_votes->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { //Fragebogen erstellen $questionnaire = new Questionnaire($vote['vote_id']); $questionnaire['title'] = $vote['title']; $questionnaire->setId($vote['vote_id']); $questionnaire['user_id'] = $vote['author_id']; $questionnaire['startdate'] = $vote['startdate']; $questionnaire['stopdate'] = $vote['stopdate'] ?: (in_array($vote['state'], array("stopvis", "stopinvis")) ? time() : null); $questionnaire['visible'] = in_array($vote['state'], array("active", "stopvis")) ? 1 : 0; // stopvis new active stopinvis $questionnaire['anonymous'] = $vote['anonymous']; $questionnaire['resultvisibility'] = $resultvisibility_mapping[$vote['resultvisibility']]; $questionnaire['editanswers'] = $vote['changeable']; $questionnaire['chdate'] = $vote['chdate']; $questionnaire['mkdate'] = $vote['mkdate']; $questionnaire->store(); //Tests und Umfragen anlegen if ($vote['type'] === "vote") { $question = new Vote(); $question['questiontype'] = "Vote"; } else { $question = new Test(); $question['questiontype'] = "Test"; } $questiondata = array(); $question['questionnaire_id'] = $questionnaire->getId(); $question['chdate'] = $vote['chdate']; $question['mkdate'] = $vote['mkdate']; $questiondata['multiplechoice'] = $vote['multiplechoice']; $questiondata['question'] = $vote['question']; $question['position'] = 1; //Antwortmöglichkeiten vorsehen: $options_statement = DBManager::get()->prepare("\n SELECT *\n FROM voteanswers\n WHERE vote_id = ?\n ORDER BY position ASC\n "); $options_statement->execute(array($vote['vote_id'])); $options = $options_statement->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $mapping = array(); $counter = array(); foreach ($options as $key => $option) { $questiondata['options'][] = $option['answer']; $mapping[$option['answer_id']] = $key + 1; $counter[$option['answer_id']] = $option['counter']; if ($vote['type'] === "test" && $option['correct']) { $questiondata['correctanswer'][] = $key + 1; } } $question['questiondata'] = $questiondata; $question->store(); //Bestehende Antworten migrieren if ($questionnaire['anonymous']) { foreach ($counter as $answer_id => $count) { for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { $answer = new QuestionnaireAnswer(); $answer['user_id'] = null; $answer['chdate'] = 1; //damit man nicht aus dem chdate auf die user_id schließen kann $answer['mkdate'] = 1; //mkdate genauso $answer['question_id'] = $question->getId(); $answerdata = array(); $answers = array($answer_id); foreach ($answers as $key => $answer_data) { $answers[$key] = $mapping[$answer_data]; } sort($answers); $answerdata['answers'] = $answers; if (!$questiondata['multiplechoice']) { $answerdata['answers'] = $answerdata['answers'][0]; } $answer['answerdata'] = $answerdata; $answer->store(); } } $statement = DBManager::get()->prepare("\n SELECT *\n FROM vote_user\n WHERE vote_id = :vote_id\n "); $statement->execute(array('vote_id' => $vote['vote_id'])); foreach ($statement->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC) as $anonymous_vote) { $anonymous_answer = new QuestionnaireAnonymousAnswer(); $anonymous_answer['questionnaire_id'] = $questionnaire->getId(); $anonymous_answer['user_id'] = $anonymous_vote['user_id']; $anonymous_answer['chdate'] = $anonymous_vote['votedate']; $anonymous_answer['mkdate'] = $anonymous_vote['votedate']; $anonymous_answer->store(); } } else { $statement = DBManager::get()->prepare("\n SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(answer_id SEPARATOR ' ') AS answers, user_id, MAX(votedate) AS votedate\n FROM voteanswers_user\n WHERE answer_id IN (?)\n GROUP BY user_id\n "); $statement->execute(array(array_keys($mapping))); foreach ($statement->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC) as $answer_data) { $answer = new QuestionnaireAnswer(); $answer['user_id'] = $answer_data['user_id']; $answer['chdate'] = $answer_data['votedate']; $answer['mkdate'] = $answer_data['votedate']; $answer['question_id'] = $question->getId(); $answerdata = array(); $answers = explode(" ", $answer_data['answers']); foreach ($answers as $key => $answer_data) { $answers[$key] = $mapping[$answer_data]; } sort($answers); $answerdata['answers'] = $answers; if (!$questiondata['multiplechoice']) { $answerdata['answers'] = $answerdata['answers'][0]; } $answer['answerdata'] = $answerdata; $answer->store(); } } //Und noch einhängen das ganze: $binding = new QuestionnaireAssignment(); $binding['questionnaire_id'] = $questionnaire->getId(); $binding['range_id'] = $vote['range_id'] !== "studip" ? $vote['range_id'] : "start"; $binding['range_type'] = $vote['range_id'] === "studip" ? "static" : ($vote['range_id'] === $vote['author_id'] ? "user" : (Institute::find($vote['range_id']) ? "institute" : "course")); $binding['user_id'] = $vote['author_id']; $binding['chdate'] = $questionnaire['chdate']; $binding['mkdate'] = $questionnaire['mkdate']; $binding->store(); } //and finally clean up: //DBManager::get()->exec("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `vote`"); //DBManager::get()->exec("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `voteanswers`"); //DBManager::get()->exec("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `voteanswers_user`"); //DBManager::get()->exec("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `vote_user`"); }
<?php # Lifter002: TEST # Lifter007: TEST /** * - Suche fuer die Verwaltungsseiten von Stud.IP. * * @author Stefan Suchi <*****@*****.**> * @author Ralf Stockmann <*****@*****.**> * @author Cornelis Kater <*****@*****.**> * @copyright 2001 * @license GPL2 or any later version */ if (!Institute::findCurrent()) { $template = $GLOBALS['template_factory']->open('admin/institute_search.php'); $template->set_layout('layouts/base.php'); $template->institutes = Institute::getMyInstitutes($GLOBALS['user']->id); echo $template->render(); page_close(); die; }
?> </option> <? } } } ?> </select> <br> <select name="tools_requests_faculty_choose" onChange="document.tools_requests_form.submit()"> <option value=""><?php echo _("alle Veranstaltungen"); ?> </option> <? foreach (Institute::findBySQL("fakultaets_id=Institut_id ORDER BY Name ASC") as $faculty) { ?> <option <?php echo $display_faculty == $faculty->id ? 'selected' : ''; ?> value="<?php echo $faculty->id; ?> "><?php echo htmlReady($faculty->name); ?> </option> <? } ?> </select>
function viewInstitute($id) { $expertId = Session::get('expert_id'); if (!isset($expertId)) { return json_encode(array('message' => 'not logged')); } $patientRequest = PatientRequest::find($id); if (isset($patientRequest)) { $institute = Institute::find($patientRequest->connection_id); if (isset($institute)) { return View::make('expert.view-institute')->with('found', true)->with('institute', $institute); } else { return View::make('expert.view-institute')->with('found', false); } } else { return View::make('expert.view-institute')->with('found', false); } }
/** * Fetch institutes for course sets. * * @param Array $filter filter settings, e.g. a special subset of allowed * admission rules * * @return Array Found institutes. */ static function getInstitutes($filter = array()) { global $perm, $user; $parameters = array(1); $query = "SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT ci.set_id) FROM courseset_institute ci\n LEFT JOIN coursesets c ON c.set_id = ci.set_id\n LEFT JOIN courseset_rule cr ON c.set_id = cr.set_id\n LEFT JOIN seminar_courseset sc ON c.set_id = sc.set_id\n LEFT JOIN seminare s ON s.seminar_id = sc.seminar_id\n WHERE ci.institute_id = ?"; if ($filter['course_set_name']) { $query .= " AND LIKE ?"; $parameters[] = $filter['course_set_name'] . '%'; } if (is_array($filter['rule_types']) && count($filter['rule_types'])) { $query .= " AND cr.type IN (?)"; $parameters[] = $filter['rule_types']; } if ($filter['semester_id']) { $query .= " AND s.start_time = ?"; $parameters[] = Semester::find($filter['semester_id'])->beginn; } $cs_count_statement = DBManager::get()->prepare($query); $query = str_replace('ci.institute_id', '1', $query); $cs_count_all_statement = DBManager::get()->prepare($query); if ($perm->have_perm('root')) { $cs_count_all_statement->execute($parameters); $num_sets = $cs_count_all_statement->fetchColumn(); $my_inst['all'] = array('name' => _('alle'), 'num_sets' => $num_sets); $top_insts = Institute::findBySQL('Institut_id = fakultaets_id ORDER BY Name'); } else { $top_insts = Institute::findMany(User::find($user->id)->institute_memberships->findBy('inst_perms', words('admin dozent'))->pluck('institut_id'), 'ORDER BY institut_id=fakultaets_id,name'); } foreach ($top_insts as $inst) { $my_inst[$inst->id] = $inst->toArray('name is_fak'); $parameters[0] = $inst->id; $cs_count_statement->execute($parameters); $my_inst[$inst->id]['num_sets'] = $cs_count_statement->fetchColumn(); if ($inst->is_fak && ($perm->have_perm('root') || $inst->members->findBy('user_id', $user->id)->val('inst_perms') == 'admin')) { $alle = $inst->sub_institutes; if (count($alle)) { $my_inst[$inst->id . '_all'] = array('name' => sprintf(_('[Alle unter %s]'), $inst->name), 'is_fak' => 'all'); $num_inst = 0; $num_sets_alle = $my_inst[$inst->id]['num_sets']; foreach ($alle as $institute) { $num_inst += 1; $my_inst[$institute->id] = $institute->toArray('name is_fak'); $parameters[0] = $institute->id; $cs_count_statement->execute($parameters); $my_inst[$institute->id]['num_sets'] = $cs_count_statement->fetchColumn(); $num_sets_alle += $my_inst[$institute->id]['num_sets']; } $my_inst[$inst->id . '_all']['num_inst'] = $num_inst; $my_inst[$inst->id . '_all']['num_sets'] = $num_sets_alle; } } } return $my_inst; }
/** * Returns the name of the institute for the id found in the given * field or the id if the institute is unknown. * * @param string $field The name of the table field. * @return string The name of institute or the id. */ protected function formatInstitute($field) { $institute = Institute::find($this->{$field}); if (!$institute) { return $this->{$field}; } return sprintf('<a href="%s">%s</a>', URLHelper::getLink('dispatch.php/institute/overview', array('auswahl' => $institute->getId())), htmlReady(my_substr($institute->name, 0, 100))); }
public function institutes() { $key = Input::get('keyword'); $city = Input::get('city'); $cityId = Input::get('c'); // city id if (isset($key)) { if (isset($cityId) && strlen($cityId) > 0) { $institutes = Institute::where('name', 'like', '%' . $key . '%')->where('location_id', '=', $cityId)->with('location')->get(); } else { $institutes = Institute::where('name', 'like', '%' . $key . '%')->with('location')->get(); } $city = str_replace("-", " / ", $city); if (isset($institutes) && count($institutes) > 0) { return View::make('institute.institutes')->with('institutes', $institutes)->with('city', $city)->with('status', 'search'); } else { return View::make('institute.institutes')->with('city', $city)->with('status', 'search'); } } else { return View::make('institute.institutes')->with('city', '')->with('status', 'direct'); } }
/** * A textual description of the current rule. * * @param bool short Show only short info without overview of assigned * courses and institutes. * @return String */ public function toString($short = false) { $tpl = $GLOBALS['template_factory']->open('admission/courseset/info'); $tpl->set_attribute('courseset', $this); $institutes = array(); if (!$short) { $institutes = Institute::findAndMapMany(function ($i) { return $i->name; }, array_keys($this->institutes), 'ORDER BY Name'); $tpl->set_attribute('institutes', $institutes); } if (!$short || $this->hasAdmissionRule('LimitedAdmission')) { $courses = Course::findAndMapMany(function ($c) { return array('id' => $c->id, 'name' => $c->getFullname('number-name-semester')); }, array_keys($this->courses), 'ORDER BY start_time,VeranstaltungsNummer,Name'); $tpl->set_attribute('is_limited', $this->hasAdmissionRule('LimitedAdmission')); $tpl->set_attribute('courses', $courses); } $tpl->set_attribute('short', $short); return $tpl->render(); }
/** * Renders the sidebar. * The sidebar will only be rendered if it actually contains any widgets. * It will use the template "sidebar.php" located at "templates/sidebar". * A notification is dispatched before and after the actual rendering * process. * * @return String The HTML code of the rendered sidebar. */ public function render() { $content = ''; if ($this->context_avatar === null) { $breadcrumbs = $this->getBreadCrumbs(); $keys = array_keys($breadcrumbs); if (reset($keys) === 'course') { $course = Course::findCurrent(); if ($course) { if ($course->getSemClass()->offsetGet('studygroup_mode')) { $avatar = StudygroupAvatar::getAvatar($course->id); } else { $avatar = CourseAvatar::getAvatar($course->id); } } else { $institute = Institute::findCurrent(); $avatar = InstituteAvatar::getAvatar($institute->id); } $this->setContextAvatar($avatar); } } NotificationCenter::postNotification('SidebarWillRender', $this); if ($this->hasWidgets()) { $template = $GLOBALS['template_factory']->open('sidebar/sidebar'); $template->widgets = $this->widgets; $template->image = $this->getImage(); $template->title = $this->getTitle(); $template->avatar = $this->context_avatar; $content = $template->render(); } NotificationCenter::postNotification('SidebarDidRender', $this); return $content; }
case "sbb": $sem_browse_obj->sem_browse_data['start_item_id'] = $id; $sem_browse_obj->get_sem_range($id, false); $sem_browse_obj->show_result = true; $sem_browse_obj->sem_browse_data['sset'] = false; $the_tree = $sem_browse_obj->sem_tree->tree; $bereich_typ = _("Studienbereich"); $head_text = _("Übersicht aller Veranstaltungen eines Studienbereichs"); $intro_text = sprintf(_("Alle Veranstaltungen, die dem Studienbereich: <br><b>%s</b><br> zugeordnet wurden."), htmlReady($the_tree->getShortPath($id))); $excel_text = strip_tags(DecodeHtml($intro_text)); break; case "s": $db = DbManager::get(); $bereich_typ = _("Einrichtung"); $head_text = _("Übersicht aller Veranstaltungen einer Einrichtung"); $intro_text = sprintf(_("Alle Veranstaltungen der Einrichtung: <b>%s</b>"), htmlReady(Institute::find($id)->name)); $excel_text = strip_tags(DecodeHtml($intro_text)); $parameters = array($id); if ($show_semester) { $query = "SELECT seminar_inst.seminar_id\n FROM seminar_inst\n LEFT JOIN seminare AS s ON (seminar_inst.seminar_id = s.Seminar_id)\n INNER JOIN semester_data sd\n ON ((s.start_time <= sd.beginn AND sd.beginn <= (s.start_time + s.duration_time )\n OR (s.start_time <= sd.beginn AND s.duration_time = -1))\n AND semester_id = ?)\n WHERE seminar_inst.Institut_id = ?"; array_unshift($parameters, $show_semester); } else { $query = "SELECT seminar_inst.seminar_id\n FROM seminar_inst\n LEFT JOIN seminare AS s ON (seminar_inst.seminar_id = s.Seminar_id)\n WHERE seminar_inst.Institut_id = ?"; } if (!$GLOBALS['perm']->have_perm(get_config('SEM_VISIBILITY_PERM'))) { $query .= " AND s.visible = 1"; } $statement = DBManager::get()->prepare($query); $statement->execute($parameters); $seminar_ids = $statement->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_COLUMN); $sem_browse_obj->sem_browse_data['search_result'] = array_flip($seminar_ids);
/** * Zeigt die Grunddaten an. Man beachte, dass eventuell zuvor eine andere * Action wie Set ausgeführt wurde, von der hierher weitergeleitet worden ist. * Wichtige Daten dazu wurden dann über $this->flash übertragen. * * @param md5 $course_id */ public function view_action($course_id = null) { global $user, $perm, $_fullname_sql; $deputies_enabled = get_config('DEPUTIES_ENABLE'); //damit QuickSearch funktioniert: Request::set('new_doz_parameter', $this->flash['new_doz_parameter']); if ($deputies_enabled) { Request::set('new_dep_parameter', $this->flash['new_dep_parameter']); } Request::set('new_tut_parameter', $this->flash['new_tut_parameter']); $this->course_id = Request::option('cid', $course_id); Navigation::activateItem('/course/admin/details'); //Berechtigungscheck: if (!$perm->have_studip_perm("tutor", $this->course_id)) { throw new AccessDeniedException(_("Sie haben keine Berechtigung diese " . "Veranstaltung zu verändern.")); } //Kopf initialisieren: PageLayout::setHelpKeyword("Basis.VeranstaltungenVerwaltenGrunddaten"); PageLayout::setTitle(_("Verwaltung der Grunddaten")); if ($this->course_id) { PageLayout::setTitle(Course::find($this->course_id)->getFullname() . " - " . PageLayout::getTitle()); } //Daten sammeln: $sem = Seminar::getInstance($this->course_id); $data = $sem->getData(); //Erster Reiter des Akkordions: Grundeinstellungen $this->attributes = array(); $this->attributes[] = array('title' => _("Name der Veranstaltung"), 'name' => "course_name", 'must' => true, 'type' => 'text', 'value' => $data['name'], 'locked' => LockRules::Check($this->course_id, 'Name')); $this->attributes[] = array('title' => _("Untertitel der Veranstaltung"), 'name' => "course_subtitle", 'type' => 'text', 'value' => $data['subtitle'], 'locked' => LockRules::Check($this->course_id, 'Untertitel')); $sem_types = array(); if ($perm->have_perm("admin")) { foreach (SemClass::getClasses() as $sc) { foreach ($sc->getSemTypes() as $st) { if (!$sc['course_creation_forbidden']) { $sem_types[$st['id']] = $st['name'] . ' (' . $sc['name'] . ')'; } } } } else { $sc = $sem->getSemClass(); foreach ($sc->getSemTypes() as $st) { $sem_types[$st['id']] = $st['name'] . ' (' . $sc['name'] . ')'; } } if (!isset($sem_types[$data['status']])) { $sem_types[$data['status']] = $sem->getSemType()->offsetGet('name'); } $this->attributes[] = array('title' => _("Typ der Veranstaltung"), 'name' => "course_status", 'must' => true, 'type' => 'select', 'value' => $data['status'], 'locked' => LockRules::Check($this->course_id, 'status'), 'choices' => array_map('htmlReady', $sem_types)); $this->attributes[] = array('title' => _("Art der Veranstaltung"), 'name' => "course_form", 'type' => 'text', 'value' => $data['form'], 'locked' => LockRules::Check($this->course_id, 'art')); $this->attributes[] = array('title' => _("Veranstaltungs-Nummer"), 'name' => "course_seminar_number", 'type' => 'text', 'value' => $data['seminar_number'], 'locked' => LockRules::Check($this->course_id, 'VeranstaltungsNummer')); $this->attributes[] = array('title' => _("ECTS-Punkte"), 'name' => "course_ects", 'type' => 'text', 'value' => $data['ects'], 'locked' => LockRules::Check($this->course_id, 'ects')); $this->attributes[] = array('title' => _("max. Teilnehmerzahl"), 'name' => "course_admission_turnout", 'must' => false, 'type' => 'number', 'value' => $data['admission_turnout'], 'locked' => LockRules::Check($this->course_id, 'admission_turnout'), 'min' => '0'); $this->attributes[] = array('title' => _("Beschreibung"), 'name' => "course_description", 'type' => 'textarea', 'value' => $data['description'], 'locked' => LockRules::Check($this->course_id, 'Beschreibung')); //Zweiter Reiter: Institute $this->institutional = array(); $institute = Institute::getMyInstitutes(); $choices = array(); foreach ($institute as $inst) { //$choices[$inst['Institut_id']] = $inst['Name']; $choices[$inst['Institut_id']] = ($inst['is_fak'] ? "<span style=\"font-weight: bold\">" : " ") . htmlReady($inst['Name']) . ($inst['is_fak'] ? "</span>" : ""); } $this->institutional[] = array('title' => _("Heimat-Einrichtung"), 'name' => "course_institut_id", 'must' => true, 'type' => 'select', 'value' => $data['institut_id'], 'choices' => $choices, 'locked' => LockRules::Check($this->course_id, 'Institut_id')); $institute = Institute::getInstitutes(); $choices = array(); foreach ($institute as $inst) { $choices[$inst['Institut_id']] = ($inst['is_fak'] ? "<span style=\"font-weight: bold\">" : " ") . htmlReady($inst['Name']) . ($inst['is_fak'] ? "</span>" : ""); } $sem_institutes = $sem->getInstitutes(); $inst = array_flip($sem_institutes); unset($inst[$sem->institut_id]); $inst = array_flip($inst); $this->institutional[] = array('title' => _("beteiligte Einrichtungen"), 'name' => "related_institutes[]", 'type' => 'multiselect', 'value' => $inst, 'choices' => $choices, 'locked' => LockRules::Check($this->course_id, 'seminar_inst')); $this->dozent_is_locked = LockRules::Check($this->course_id, 'dozent'); $this->tutor_is_locked = LockRules::Check($this->course_id, 'tutor'); //Dritter Reiter: Personal $this->dozenten = $sem->getMembers('dozent'); $instUsers = new SimpleCollection(InstituteMember::findByInstituteAndStatus($sem->getInstitutId(), 'dozent')); $this->lecturersOfInstitute = $instUsers->pluck('user_id'); if (SeminarCategories::getByTypeId($sem->status)->only_inst_user) { $search_template = "user_inst_not_already_in_sem"; } else { $search_template = "user_not_already_in_sem"; } $this->dozentUserSearch = new PermissionSearch($search_template, sprintf(_("%s suchen"), get_title_for_status('dozent', 1, $sem->status)), "user_id", array('permission' => 'dozent', 'seminar_id' => $this->course_id, 'sem_perm' => 'dozent', 'institute' => $sem_institutes)); $this->dozenten_title = get_title_for_status('dozent', 1, $sem->status); $this->deputies_enabled = $deputies_enabled; if ($this->deputies_enabled) { $this->deputies = getDeputies($this->course_id); $this->deputySearch = new PermissionSearch("user_not_already_in_sem_or_deputy", sprintf(_("%s suchen"), get_title_for_status('deputy', 1, $sem->status)), "user_id", array('permission' => getValidDeputyPerms(), 'seminar_id' => $this->course_id)); $this->deputy_title = get_title_for_status('deputy', 1, $sem->status); } $this->tutoren = $sem->getMembers('tutor'); $this->tutorUserSearch = new PermissionSearch($search_template, sprintf(_("%s suchen"), get_title_for_status('tutor', 1, $sem->status)), "user_id", array('permission' => array('dozent', 'tutor'), 'seminar_id' => $this->course_id, 'sem_perm' => array('dozent', 'tutor'), 'institute' => $sem_institutes)); $this->tutor_title = get_title_for_status('tutor', 1, $sem->status); $instUsers = new SimpleCollection(InstituteMember::findByInstituteAndStatus($sem->getInstitutId(), 'tutor')); $this->tutorsOfInstitute = $instUsers->pluck('user_id'); unset($instUsers); //Vierter Reiter: Beschreibungen (darunter Datenfelder) $this->descriptions[] = array('title' => _("Teilnehmde"), 'name' => "course_participants", 'type' => 'textarea', 'value' => $data['participants'], 'locked' => LockRules::Check($this->course_id, 'teilnehmer')); $this->descriptions[] = array('title' => _("Voraussetzungen"), 'name' => "course_requirements", 'type' => 'textarea', 'value' => $data['requirements'], 'locked' => LockRules::Check($this->course_id, 'voraussetzungen')); $this->descriptions[] = array('title' => _("Lernorganisation"), 'name' => "course_orga", 'type' => 'textarea', 'value' => $data['orga'], 'locked' => LockRules::Check($this->course_id, 'lernorga')); $this->descriptions[] = array('title' => _("Leistungsnachweis"), 'name' => "course_leistungsnachweis", 'type' => 'textarea', 'value' => $data['leistungsnachweis'], 'locked' => LockRules::Check($this->course_id, 'leistungsnachweis')); $this->descriptions[] = array('title' => _("Ort") . "<br><span style=\"font-size: 0.8em\"><b>" . _("Achtung:") . " </b>" . _("Diese Ortsangabe wird nur angezeigt, wenn keine " . "Angaben aus Zeiten oder Sitzungsterminen gemacht werden können.") . "</span>", 'name' => "course_location", 'type' => 'textarea', 'value' => $data['location'], 'locked' => LockRules::Check($this->course_id, 'Ort')); $datenfelder = DataFieldEntry::getDataFieldEntries($this->course_id, 'sem', $data["status"]); if ($datenfelder) { foreach ($datenfelder as $datenfeld) { if ($datenfeld->isVisible()) { $locked = !$datenfeld->isEditable() || LockRules::Check($this->course_id, $datenfeld->getID()); $this->descriptions[] = array('title' => $datenfeld->getName(), 'must' => $datenfeld->isRequired(), 'name' => "datafield_" . $datenfeld->getID(), 'type' => "datafield", 'html_value' => $datenfeld->getHTML("datafields"), 'display_value' => $datenfeld->getDisplayValue(), 'locked' => $locked, 'description' => !$datenfeld->isEditable() ? "Diese Felder werden zentral durch die zuständigen Administratoren erfasst." : $datenfeld->getDescription()); } } } $this->descriptions[] = array('title' => _("Sonstiges"), 'name' => "course_misc", 'type' => 'textarea', 'value' => $data['misc'], 'locked' => LockRules::Check($this->course_id, 'Sonstiges')); $this->perm_dozent = $perm->have_studip_perm("dozent", $this->course_id); $this->mkstring = $data['mkdate'] ? date("d.m.Y, G:i", $data['mkdate']) : _("unbekannt"); $this->chstring = $data['chdate'] ? date("d.m.Y, G:i", $data['chdate']) : _("unbekannt"); $lockdata = LockRules::getObjectRule($this->course_id); if ($lockdata['description'] && LockRules::CheckLockRulePermission($this->course_id, $lockdata['permission'])) { $this->flash['msg'] = array_merge((array) $this->flash['msg'], array(array("info", formatLinks($lockdata['description'])))); } $this->flash->discard(); //schmeißt ab jetzt unnötige Variablen aus der Session. $sidebar = Sidebar::get(); $sidebar->setImage("sidebar/admin-sidebar.png"); $widget = new ActionsWidget(); $widget->addLink(_('Bild ändern'), $this->url_for('course/avatar/update', $course_id), Icon::create('edit', 'clickable')); if ($this->deputies_enabled) { if (isDeputy($user->id, $this->course_id)) { $newstatus = 'dozent'; $text = _('Lehrende werden'); } else { if (in_array($user->id, array_keys($this->dozenten)) && sizeof($this->dozenten) > 1) { $newstatus = 'deputy'; $text = _('Vertretung werden'); } } $widget->addLink($text, $this->url_for('course/basicdata/switchdeputy', $this->course_id, $newstatus), Icon::create('persons', 'clickable')); } $sidebar->addWidget($widget); // Entry list for admin upwards. if ($perm->have_studip_perm("admin", $this->course_id)) { $list = new SelectorWidget(); $list->setUrl("?#admin_top_links"); $list->setSelectParameterName("cid"); foreach (AdminCourseFilter::get()->getCoursesForAdminWidget() as $seminar) { $list->addElement(new SelectElement($seminar['Seminar_id'], $seminar['Name']), 'select-' . $seminar['Seminar_id']); } $list->setSelection($this->course_id); $sidebar->addWidget($list); } }