コード例 #1
ファイル: index.php プロジェクト: got80s/twitalytic
if (!isset($_SESSION['user'])) {
    header("Location: /session/login.php");
// set up
require_once 'config.webapp.inc.php';
ini_set("include_path", ini_get("include_path") . PATH_SEPARATOR . $INCLUDE_PATH);
require_once "init.php";
$db = new Database($TWITALYTIC_CFG);
$conn = $db->getConnection();
$id = new InstanceDAO($db);
$od = new OwnerDAO($db);
$cfg = new Config($db);
$s = new SmartyTwitalytic();
$s->caching = 0;
$owner = $od->getByEmail($_SESSION['user']);
$owner_instances = $id->getByOwner($owner);
$to = new TwitterOAuth($cfg->oauth_consumer_key, $cfg->oauth_consumer_secret);
/* Request tokens from twitter */
$tok = $to->getRequestToken();
$token = $tok['oauth_token'];
$_SESSION['oauth_request_token_secret'] = $tok['oauth_token_secret'];
/* Build the authorization URL */
$oauthorize_link = $to->getAuthorizeURL($token);
$s->assign('owner_instances', $owner_instances);
$s->assign('owner', $owner);
$s->assign('cfg', $cfg);
$s->assign('oauthorize_link', $oauthorize_link);
# clean up
コード例 #2
ファイル: index.php プロジェクト: ukd1/thinktank
 // save the session instance network username to the current instance
 $_SESSION['network_username'] = $i->network_username;
 $_SESSION['instance'] = serialize($i);
 if (!$s->is_cached('index.tpl', $i->network_username . "-" . $_SESSION['user'])) {
     $cfg = new Config($i->network_username, $i->network_user_id);
     $u = new Utils();
     // instantiate data access objects
     $ud = new UserDAO($db);
     $pd = new PostDAO($db);
     $fd = new FollowDAO($db);
     // pass data to smarty
     $owner_stats = $ud->getDetails($i->network_user_id);
     $s->assign('owner_stats', $owner_stats);
     $s->assign('instance', $i);
     $s->assign('instances', $id->getByOwner($owner));
     $s->assign('cfg', $cfg);
     $total_follows_with_errors = $fd->getTotalFollowsWithErrors($cfg->twitter_user_id);
     $s->assign('total_follows_with_errors', $total_follows_with_errors);
     $total_follows_with_full_details = $fd->getTotalFollowsWithFullDetails($cfg->twitter_user_id);
     $s->assign('total_follows_with_full_details', $total_follows_with_full_details);
     $total_follows_protected = $fd->getTotalFollowsProtected($cfg->twitter_user_id);
     $s->assign('total_follows_protected', $total_follows_protected);
     //TODO: Get friends with full details and also friends with errors, same as with followers
     $total_friends_loaded = $fd->getTotalFriends($cfg->twitter_user_id);
     $s->assign('total_friends', $total_friends_loaded);
     $total_friends_with_errors = $fd->getTotalFriendsWithErrors($cfg->twitter_user_id);
     $s->assign('total_friends_with_errors', $total_friends_with_errors);
     $total_friends_protected = $fd->getTotalFriendsProtected($cfg->twitter_user_id);
     $s->assign('total_friends_protected', $total_friends_protected);
コード例 #3
ファイル: index.php プロジェクト: harjitdotsingh/thinktank
        $successmsg = "Your password has been updated.";
$s = new SmartyThinkTank();
$s->caching = 0;
$cfg = new Config();
$id = new InstanceDAO($db);
$od = new OwnerDAO($db);
$oid = new OwnerInstanceDAO($db);
$owner = $od->getByEmail($_SESSION['user']);
$s->assign('cfg', $cfg);
$s->assign('owner', $owner);
if ($owner->is_admin) {
    $owners = $od->getAllOwners();
    foreach ($owners as $o) {
        $instances = $id->getByOwner($o, true);
    $s->assign('owners', $owners);
/* Begin plugin-specific configuration handling */
$cmi = $webapp->getConfigMenu();
$s->assign('config_menu', $cmi);
if (!isset($_GET['m']) && isset($_GET['p'])) {
    $active_plugin = $_GET['p'];
} else {
    if (isset($_GET['m']) && $_GET['m'] == 'manage') {
        $pld = new PluginDAO($db);
        $installed_plugins = $pld->getInstalledPlugins($THINKTANK_CFG["source_root_path"]);
        $s->assign('installed_plugins', $installed_plugins);
    } else {
コード例 #4
ファイル: index.php プロジェクト: BenBtg/thinktank
        $errormsg = "New passwords did not match. Your password has not been changed.";
    } elseif (strlen($_POST['pass1']) < 5) {
        $errormsg = "New password must be at least 5 characters. Your password has not been changed.";
    } else {
        $cryptpass = $session->pwdcrypt($_POST['pass1']);
        $od->updatePassword($_SESSION['user'], $cryptpass);
        $successmsg = "Your password has been updated.";
$id = new InstanceDAO($db);
$od = new OwnerDAO($db);
$cfg = new Config();
$s = new SmartyThinkTank();
$s->caching = 0;
$owner = $od->getByEmail($_SESSION['user']);
$owner_instances = $id->getByOwner($owner);
$to = new TwitterOAuth($cfg->oauth_consumer_key, $cfg->oauth_consumer_secret);
/* Request tokens from twitter */
$tok = $to->getRequestToken();
$token = $tok['oauth_token'];
$_SESSION['oauth_request_token_secret'] = $tok['oauth_token_secret'];
/* Build the authorization URL */
$oauthorize_link = $to->getAuthorizeURL($token);
if ($owner->is_admin) {
    $owners = $od->getAllOwners();
    foreach ($owners as $o) {
        $instances = $id->getByOwner($o, true);
    $s->assign('owners', $owners);
コード例 #5
ファイル: index.php プロジェクト: ukd1/thinktank
$s = new SmartyThinkTank();
$s->caching = 0;
$cfg = new Config();
$id = new InstanceDAO($db);
$od = new OwnerDAO($db);
$oid = new OwnerInstanceDAO($db);
$owner = $od->getByEmail($_SESSION['user']);
$s->assign('cfg', $cfg);
$s->assign('owner', $owner);
// grab instance from session variable
$i = unserialize($_SESSION['instance']);
$s->assign('instance', $i);
if ($owner->is_admin) {
    $owners = $od->getAllOwners();
    foreach ($owners as $o) {
        $instances = $id->getByOwner($o, true);
    $s->assign('owners', $owners);
$s->assign('instances', $id->getByOwner($owner));
/* Begin plugin-specific configuration handling */
$cmi = $webapp->getConfigMenu();
$s->assign('config_menu', $cmi);
if (!isset($_GET['m']) && isset($_GET['p'])) {
    $active_plugin = $_GET['p'];
} else {
    if (isset($_GET['m']) && $_GET['m'] == 'manage') {
        $pld = new PluginDAO($db);
        $installed_plugins = $pld->getInstalledPlugins($THINKTANK_CFG["source_root_path"]);
        $s->assign('installed_plugins', $installed_plugins);