コード例 #1
ファイル: Controller.php プロジェクト: joshdavey/madeam
  * @return string
 public function process($request)
     // reflection
     $reflection = new \ReflectionObject($this);
     $parameters = $reflection->getProperties(\ReflectionProperty::IS_PROTECTED);
     foreach ($parameters as $param) {
         $matches = array();
         if (preg_match('/^(beforeAction|beforeRender|afterRender)(?:_([a-zA-Z0-9]*))?/', $param->getName(), $matches)) {
             $this->_callbacks[$matches[1]][$matches[2]] = (array) $this->{$matches[0]};
     // we should be done with the reflection at this point so let's kill it to save memory
     // check for expected params
     $diff = array_diff(array('_controller', '_action'), array_keys($request));
     if (!empty($diff)) {
         throw new controller\exception\MissingExpectedRequestParameter('Missing expected Request Parameter(s): ' . implode(', ', $diff));
     // set format if not set
     isset($request['_format']) ?: ($request['_format'] = $this->_returns[0]);
     // set method if no set
     isset($request['_method']) ?: ($request['_method'] = 'get');
     // set view
     $this->view($request['_controller'] . '/' . $request['_action']);
     // set layout
     // check to see if the layout param is set to true or false. If it's false then don't render the layout
     if (isset($request['_layout']) && $request['_layout'] == '0') {
     } else {
     // beforeFilter callbacks
     $this->callback('beforeAction', $request);
     // action
     $action = Inflector::camelize($request['_action']) . 'Action';
     $params = array();
     // check to see if method/action exists
     if (method_exists($this, $action)) {
         $method = new \ReflectionMethod($this, $action);
         $parameters = $method->getParameters();
         // no need to map $request here. Its done manually
         // manually map $request as first parameter
         $params = array($request);
         foreach ($parameters as $param) {
             if (isset($request[$param->getName()])) {
                 $params[] = $request[$param->getName()];
             } else {
                 if ($param->isOptional()) {
                     $params[] = $param->getDefaultValue();
                 } else {
                     throw new controller\exception\MissingExpectedActionParameter('Missing expected action parameter <strong>$' . $param->getName() . '</strong> for <strong>' . $action . '</strong> method');
         // execute action and check for a return value
         // an _output value of anything other than NULL will skip rendering the view and return the _output as is
         $this->_output = call_user_func_array(array($this, $action), $params);
     } else {
         if (!file_exists(View::$path . str_replace('/', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, strtolower($this->_view)) . '.' . $request['_format'])) {
             throw new controller\exception\MissingAction('Missing Action <strong>' . substr($action, 0, -6) . '</strong> in <strong>' . get_class($this) . '</strong> controller.' . "\n Create the view <strong>application/views/" . $request['_controller'] . '/' . Inflector::dashize(substr($action, 0, -6)) . '.' . $request['_format'] . "</strong> OR Create a method called <strong>" . $action . "</strong> in <strong>" . get_class($this) . "</strong> class." . " \n <code>public function " . $action . "() {\n\n}</code>");
         } else {
             // set data as $request data...? This way we can access partials
             $this->_data += $request;
     if (is_array($this->_output) || is_object($this->_output)) {
         $this->_data = $this->_output;
         $this->_output = null;
     // render
     if ($this->_output === null) {
         // beforeRender callbacks
         $this->callback('beforeRender', $request);
         if (!in_array($request['_format'], $this->_returns)) {
             throw new controller\exception\MissingView('Unaccepted Format "<strong>' . $request['_format'] . '</strong>" in the controller <strong>' . get_class($this) . '</strong>.' . "\n\n        Add the following to <strong>" . get_class($this) . "</strong><code>public \$_returns = array('" . implode("', '", array_merge($this->_returns, array($request['_format']))) . "');</code>");
         try {
             // render view
             $this->_output = View::render(array('template' => $this->_view . '.' . $request['_format'], 'layout' => $this->_layout, 'data' => $this->_data + (array) $this));
         } catch (controller\exception\MissingView $e) {
             // serialize output
             if (isset(self::$formats[$request['_format']]) && method_exists(self::$formats[$request['_format']][0], self::$formats[$request['_format']][1])) {
                 $this->_output = call_user_func(self::$formats[$request['_format']], $this->_data);
             } else {
                 throw $e;
     // afterRender callbacks
     $this->callback('afterRender', $request);
     // return response
     return $this->_output;
コード例 #2
ファイル: InflectorTest.php プロジェクト: joshdavey/madeam
 public function testDashize()
     $this->assertEquals('foo-bar', Inflector::dashize('fooBar'), 'fooBar');
     $this->assertEquals('foo-bar', Inflector::dashize('foo\\bar'), 'foo\\bar');
     $this->assertEquals('foo-bar', Inflector::dashize('foo Bar'), 'foo Bar');
     $this->assertEquals('foo-bar', Inflector::dashize('foo\\Bar'), 'foo\\Bar');
     $this->assertEquals('foo-bar-bar', Inflector::dashize('fooBarBar'), 'fooBarBar');
     $this->assertEquals('foo-barbar', Inflector::dashize('fooBARBAR'), 'fooBARBAR');
     $this->assertEquals('foo-bar', Inflector::dashize('fooBAR'), 'fooBAR');