コード例 #1
  * Returns the lookup-service details
  * @since
  * @return object Service object for geo lookup
 protected static function get_service($type = null)
     $service = false;
     if (null === $type) {
         // Default service.
         if (defined('PO_REMOTE_IP_URL') && strlen(PO_REMOTE_IP_URL) > 5) {
             $type = '';
         } else {
             $settings = IncPopupDatabase::get_settings();
             $type = @$settings['geo_lookup'];
     if ('' == $type) {
         $service = (object) array('url' => PO_REMOTE_IP_URL, 'label' => 'wp-config.php', 'type' => 'text');
     } else {
         if ('geo_db' === $type) {
             $service = (object) array('url' => 'db', 'label' => __('Local IP Lookup Table', PO_LANG), 'type' => 'text');
         } else {
             $geo_service = IncPopupDatabase::get_geo_services();
             $service = @$geo_service[$type];
     return $service;
コード例 #2

 * Display the popup settings page.
$loading_methods = IncPopupDatabase::get_loading_methods();
$settings = IncPopupDatabase::get_settings();
$cur_method = $settings['loadingmethod'];
$form_url = esc_url_raw(remove_query_arg(array('message', 'action', '_wpnonce')));
// Theme compatibility.
$theme_compat = IncPopupAddon_HeaderFooter::check();
$theme_class = $theme_compat->okay ? 'msg-ok' : 'msg-err';
// START: Geo Lookup
$geo_service = IncPopupDatabase::get_geo_services();
$no_ip_cache = false;
$custom_geo = false;
$geo_msg = '';
if (!IncPopupAddon_GeoDB::table_exists()) {
    $no_ip_cache = true;
    $settings['geo_db'] = false;
    $geo_msg .= '<p class="locked-msg">' . sprintf(__('<strong>Local IP Lookup Table</strong>: This is unavailable because ' . 'no geo-data table was found in your database. For details, ' . 'read the "Using a Local Geo-Database" in the ' . '<a href="%1$s" target="_blank">PopUp usage guide</a>.', PO_LANG), 'http://premium.wpmudev.org/project/the-pop-over-plugin/#usage') . '</p>';
if (defined('PO_REMOTE_IP_URL') && strlen(PO_REMOTE_IP_URL) > 5) {
    $custom_geo = true;
    $settings['geo_lookup'] = '';
    $geo_msg .= '<p class="locked-msg">' . __('<strong>Custom Webservice</strong>: You have configured a custom ' . 'lookup service in <tt>wp-config.php</tt> via the constant ' . '"<tt>PO_REMOTE_IP_URL</tt>". To use one of the default services ' . 'you have to remove that constant from wp-config.php.', PO_LANG) . '</p>';
// ----- END: Geo Lookup
$rules = IncPopup::get_rules();
$rule_headers = array('name' => 'Name', 'desc' => 'Description', 'rules' => 'Rules', 'limit' => 'Limit');
$ordered_rules = array();