/** * @see SugarView::display() */ public function display() { global $mod_strings, $app_strings, $current_user, $sugar_config, $app_list_strings, $locale; $this->ss->assign("IMPORT_MODULE", $_REQUEST['import_module']); $has_header = isset($_REQUEST['has_header']) ? 1 : 0; $sugar_config['import_max_records_per_file'] = empty($sugar_config['import_max_records_per_file']) ? 1000 : $sugar_config['import_max_records_per_file']; $this->ss->assign("CURRENT_STEP", $this->currentStep); // attempt to lookup a preexisting field map // use the custom one if specfied to do so in step 1 $mapping_file = new ImportMap(); $field_map = $mapping_file->set_get_import_wizard_fields(); $default_values = array(); $ignored_fields = array(); if (!empty($_REQUEST['source_id'])) { $GLOBALS['log']->fatal("Loading import map properties."); $mapping_file = new ImportMap(); $mapping_file->retrieve($_REQUEST['source_id'], false); $_REQUEST['source'] = $mapping_file->source; $has_header = $mapping_file->has_header; if (isset($mapping_file->delimiter)) { $_REQUEST['custom_delimiter'] = $mapping_file->delimiter; } if (isset($mapping_file->enclosure)) { $_REQUEST['custom_enclosure'] = htmlentities($mapping_file->enclosure); } $field_map = $mapping_file->getMapping(); //print_r($field_map);die(); $default_values = $mapping_file->getDefaultValues(); $this->ss->assign("MAPNAME", $mapping_file->name); $this->ss->assign("CHECKMAP", 'checked="checked" value="on"'); } else { $classname = $this->getMappingClassName(ucfirst($_REQUEST['source'])); //Set the $_REQUEST['source'] to be 'other' for ImportMapOther special case if ($classname == 'ImportMapOther') { $_REQUEST['source'] = 'other'; } if (class_exists($classname)) { $mapping_file = new $classname(); $ignored_fields = $mapping_file->getIgnoredFields($_REQUEST['import_module']); $field_map2 = $mapping_file->getMapping($_REQUEST['import_module']); $field_map = array_merge($field_map, $field_map2); } } $delimiter = $this->getRequestDelimiter(); $this->ss->assign("CUSTOM_DELIMITER", $delimiter); $this->ss->assign("CUSTOM_ENCLOSURE", !empty($_REQUEST['custom_enclosure']) ? $_REQUEST['custom_enclosure'] : ""); //populate import locale values from import mapping if available, these values will be used througout the rest of the code path $uploadFileName = $_REQUEST['file_name']; // Now parse the file and look for errors $importFile = new ImportFile($uploadFileName, $delimiter, html_entity_decode($_REQUEST['custom_enclosure'], ENT_QUOTES), FALSE); if (!$importFile->fileExists()) { $this->_showImportError($mod_strings['LBL_CANNOT_OPEN'], $_REQUEST['import_module'], 'Step2'); return; } $charset = $importFile->autoDetectCharacterSet(); // retrieve first 3 rows $rows = array(); //Keep track of the largest row count found. $maxFieldCount = 0; for ($i = 0; $i < 3; $i++) { $rows[] = $importFile->getNextRow(); $maxFieldCount = $importFile->getFieldCount() > $maxFieldCount ? $importFile->getFieldCount() : $maxFieldCount; } $ret_field_count = $maxFieldCount; // Bug 14689 - Parse the first data row to make sure it has non-empty data in it $isempty = true; if ($rows[(int) $has_header] != false) { foreach ($rows[(int) $has_header] as $value) { if (strlen(trim($value)) > 0) { $isempty = false; break; } } } if ($isempty || $rows[(int) $has_header] == false) { $this->_showImportError($mod_strings['LBL_NO_LINES'], $_REQUEST['import_module'], 'Step2'); return; } // save first row to send to step 4 $this->ss->assign("FIRSTROW", base64_encode(serialize($rows[0]))); // Now build template $this->ss->assign("TMP_FILE", $uploadFileName); $this->ss->assign("SOURCE", $_REQUEST['source']); $this->ss->assign("TYPE", $_REQUEST['type']); $this->ss->assign("DELETE_INLINE_PNG", SugarThemeRegistry::current()->getImage('basic_search', 'align="absmiddle" alt="' . $app_strings['LNK_DELETE'] . '" border="0"')); $this->ss->assign("PUBLISH_INLINE_PNG", SugarThemeRegistry::current()->getImage('advanced_search', 'align="absmiddle" alt="' . $mod_strings['LBL_PUBLISH'] . '" border="0"')); $this->instruction = 'LBL_SELECT_MAPPING_INSTRUCTION'; $this->ss->assign('INSTRUCTION', $this->getInstruction()); $this->ss->assign("MODULE_TITLE", $this->getModuleTitle(false)); $this->ss->assign("STEP4_TITLE", strip_tags(str_replace("\n", "", getClassicModuleTitle($mod_strings['LBL_MODULE_NAME'], array($mod_strings['LBL_MODULE_NAME'], $mod_strings['LBL_STEP_4_TITLE']), false)))); $this->ss->assign("HEADER", $app_strings['LBL_IMPORT'] . " " . $mod_strings['LBL_MODULE_NAME']); // we export it as email_address, but import as email1 $field_map['email_address'] = 'email1'; // build each row; row count is determined by the the number of fields in the import file $columns = array(); $mappedFields = array(); // this should be populated if the request comes from a 'Back' button click $importColumns = $this->getImportColumns(); $column_sel_from_req = false; if (!empty($importColumns)) { $column_sel_from_req = true; } for ($field_count = 0; $field_count < $ret_field_count; $field_count++) { // See if we have any field map matches $defaultValue = ""; // Bug 31260 - If the data rows have more columns than the header row, then just add a new header column if (!isset($rows[0][$field_count])) { $rows[0][$field_count] = ''; } // See if we can match the import row to a field in the list of fields to import $firstrow_name = trim(str_replace(":", "", $rows[0][$field_count])); if ($has_header && isset($field_map[$firstrow_name])) { $defaultValue = $field_map[$firstrow_name]; } elseif (isset($field_map[$field_count])) { $defaultValue = $field_map[$field_count]; } elseif (empty($_REQUEST['source_id'])) { $defaultValue = trim($rows[0][$field_count]); } // build string of options $fields = $this->bean->get_importable_fields(); $options = array(); $defaultField = ''; global $current_language; $moduleStrings = return_module_language($current_language, $this->bean->module_dir); foreach ($fields as $fieldname => $properties) { // get field name if (!empty($moduleStrings['LBL_EXPORT_' . strtoupper($fieldname)])) { $displayname = str_replace(":", "", $moduleStrings['LBL_EXPORT_' . strtoupper($fieldname)]); } else { if (!empty($properties['vname'])) { $displayname = str_replace(":", "", translate($properties['vname'], $this->bean->module_dir)); } else { $displayname = str_replace(":", "", translate($properties['name'], $this->bean->module_dir)); } } // see if this is required $req_mark = ""; $req_class = ""; if (array_key_exists($fieldname, $this->bean->get_import_required_fields())) { $req_mark = ' ' . $app_strings['LBL_REQUIRED_SYMBOL']; $req_class = ' class="required" '; } // see if we have a match $selected = ''; if ($column_sel_from_req && isset($importColumns[$field_count])) { if ($fieldname == $importColumns[$field_count]) { $selected = ' selected="selected" '; $defaultField = $fieldname; $mappedFields[] = $fieldname; } } else { if (!empty($defaultValue) && !in_array($fieldname, $mappedFields) && !in_array($fieldname, $ignored_fields)) { if (strtolower($fieldname) == strtolower($defaultValue) || strtolower($fieldname) == str_replace(" ", "_", strtolower($defaultValue)) || strtolower($displayname) == strtolower($defaultValue) || strtolower($displayname) == str_replace(" ", "_", strtolower($defaultValue))) { $selected = ' selected="selected" '; $defaultField = $fieldname; $mappedFields[] = $fieldname; } } } // get field type information $fieldtype = ''; if (isset($properties['type']) && isset($mod_strings['LBL_IMPORT_FIELDDEF_' . strtoupper($properties['type'])])) { $fieldtype = ' [' . $mod_strings['LBL_IMPORT_FIELDDEF_' . strtoupper($properties['type'])] . '] '; } if (isset($properties['comment'])) { $fieldtype .= ' - ' . $properties['comment']; } $options[$displayname . $fieldname] = '<option value="' . $fieldname . '" title="' . $displayname . htmlentities($fieldtype) . '"' . $selected . $req_class . '>' . $displayname . $req_mark . '</option>\\n'; } // get default field value $defaultFieldHTML = ''; if (!empty($defaultField)) { $defaultFieldHTML = getControl($_REQUEST['import_module'], $defaultField, $fields[$defaultField], isset($default_values[$defaultField]) ? $default_values[$defaultField] : ''); } if (isset($default_values[$defaultField])) { unset($default_values[$defaultField]); } // Bug 27046 - Sort the column name picker alphabetically ksort($options); // to be displayed in UTF-8 format if (!empty($charset) && $charset != 'UTF-8') { if (isset($rows[1][$field_count])) { $rows[1][$field_count] = $locale->translateCharset($rows[1][$field_count], $charset); } } $cellOneData = isset($rows[0][$field_count]) ? $rows[0][$field_count] : ''; $cellTwoData = isset($rows[1][$field_count]) ? $rows[1][$field_count] : ''; $cellThreeData = isset($rows[2][$field_count]) ? $rows[2][$field_count] : ''; $columns[] = array('field_choices' => implode('', $options), 'default_field' => $defaultFieldHTML, 'cell1' => strip_tags($cellOneData), 'cell2' => strip_tags($cellTwoData), 'cell3' => strip_tags($cellThreeData), 'show_remove' => false); } // add in extra defaulted fields if they are in the mapping record if (count($default_values) > 0) { foreach ($default_values as $field_name => $default_value) { // build string of options $fields = $this->bean->get_importable_fields(); $options = array(); $defaultField = ''; foreach ($fields as $fieldname => $properties) { // get field name if (!empty($properties['vname'])) { $displayname = str_replace(":", "", translate($properties['vname'], $this->bean->module_dir)); } else { $displayname = str_replace(":", "", translate($properties['name'], $this->bean->module_dir)); } // see if this is required $req_mark = ""; $req_class = ""; if (array_key_exists($fieldname, $this->bean->get_import_required_fields())) { $req_mark = ' ' . $app_strings['LBL_REQUIRED_SYMBOL']; $req_class = ' class="required" '; } // see if we have a match $selected = ''; if (strtolower($fieldname) == strtolower($field_name) && !in_array($fieldname, $mappedFields) && !in_array($fieldname, $ignored_fields)) { $selected = ' selected="selected" '; $defaultField = $fieldname; $mappedFields[] = $fieldname; } // get field type information $fieldtype = ''; if (isset($properties['type']) && isset($mod_strings['LBL_IMPORT_FIELDDEF_' . strtoupper($properties['type'])])) { $fieldtype = ' [' . $mod_strings['LBL_IMPORT_FIELDDEF_' . strtoupper($properties['type'])] . '] '; } if (isset($properties['comment'])) { $fieldtype .= ' - ' . $properties['comment']; } $options[$displayname . $fieldname] = '<option value="' . $fieldname . '" title="' . $displayname . $fieldtype . '"' . $selected . $req_class . '>' . $displayname . $req_mark . '</option>\\n'; } // get default field value $defaultFieldHTML = ''; if (!empty($defaultField)) { $defaultFieldHTML = getControl($_REQUEST['import_module'], $defaultField, $fields[$defaultField], $default_value); } // Bug 27046 - Sort the column name picker alphabetically ksort($options); $columns[] = array('field_choices' => implode('', $options), 'default_field' => $defaultFieldHTML, 'show_remove' => true); $ret_field_count++; } } $this->ss->assign("COLUMNCOUNT", $ret_field_count); $this->ss->assign("rows", $columns); $this->ss->assign('datetimeformat', $GLOBALS['timedate']->get_cal_date_time_format()); // handle building index selector global $dictionary, $current_language; // show notes if ($this->bean instanceof Person) { $module_key = "LBL_CONTACTS_NOTE_"; } elseif ($this->bean instanceof Company) { $module_key = "LBL_ACCOUNTS_NOTE_"; } else { $module_key = "LBL_" . strtoupper($_REQUEST['import_module']) . "_NOTE_"; } $notetext = ''; for ($i = 1; isset($mod_strings[$module_key . $i]); $i++) { $notetext .= '<li>' . $mod_strings[$module_key . $i] . '</li>'; } $this->ss->assign("NOTETEXT", $notetext); $this->ss->assign("HAS_HEADER", $has_header ? 'on' : 'off'); // get list of required fields $required = array(); foreach (array_keys($this->bean->get_import_required_fields()) as $name) { $properties = $this->bean->getFieldDefinition($name); if (!empty($properties['vname'])) { $required[$name] = str_replace(":", "", translate($properties['vname'], $this->bean->module_dir)); } else { $required[$name] = str_replace(":", "", translate($properties['name'], $this->bean->module_dir)); } } // include anything needed for quicksearch to work require_once "include/TemplateHandler/TemplateHandler.php"; // Bug #46879 : createQuickSearchCode() function in IBM RTC call function getQuickSearchDefaults() to get instance and then getQSDLookup() function // if we call this function as static it replaces context and use ImportViewStep3 as $this in getQSDLookup() $template_handler = new TemplateHandler(); $quicksearch_js = $template_handler->createQuickSearchCode($fields, $fields, 'importstep3'); $this->ss->assign("QS_JS", $quicksearch_js); $this->ss->assign("JAVASCRIPT", $this->_getJS($required)); $this->ss->assign('required_fields', implode(', ', $required)); $this->ss->assign('CSS', $this->_getCSS()); $content = $this->ss->fetch($this->getCustomFilePathIfExists('modules/Import/tpls/step3.tpl')); $this->ss->assign("CONTENT", $content); $this->ss->display($this->getCustomFilePathIfExists('modules/Import/tpls/wizardWrapper.tpl')); }
/** * @see SugarView::display() */ public function display() { global $mod_strings, $app_strings, $current_user, $sugar_config, $app_list_strings, $locale; $this->ss->assign("IMPORT_MODULE", $_REQUEST['import_module']); $has_header = isset($_REQUEST['has_header']) ? 1 : 0; $sugar_config['import_max_records_per_file'] = empty($sugar_config['import_max_records_per_file']) ? 1000 : $sugar_config['import_max_records_per_file']; // Clear out this user's last import $seedUsersLastImport = new UsersLastImport(); $seedUsersLastImport->mark_deleted_by_user_id($current_user->id); ImportCacheFiles::clearCacheFiles(); // attempt to lookup a preexisting field map // use the custom one if specfied to do so in step 1 $field_map = array(); $default_values = array(); $ignored_fields = array(); if (!empty($_REQUEST['source_id'])) { $mapping_file = new ImportMap(); $mapping_file->retrieve($_REQUEST['source_id'], false); $_REQUEST['source'] = $mapping_file->source; $has_header = $mapping_file->has_header; if (isset($mapping_file->delimiter)) { $_REQUEST['custom_delimiter'] = $mapping_file->delimiter; } if (isset($mapping_file->enclosure)) { $_REQUEST['custom_enclosure'] = htmlentities($mapping_file->enclosure); } $field_map = $mapping_file->getMapping(); $default_values = $mapping_file->getDefaultValues(); $this->ss->assign("MAPNAME", $mapping_file->name); $this->ss->assign("CHECKMAP", 'checked="checked" value="on"'); } else { // Try to see if we have a custom mapping we can use // based upon the where the records are coming from // and what module we are importing into $classname = 'ImportMap' . ucfirst($_REQUEST['source']); if (file_exists("modules/Import/{$classname}.php")) { require_once "modules/Import/{$classname}.php"; } elseif (file_exists("custom/modules/Import/{$classname}.php")) { require_once "custom/modules/Import/{$classname}.php"; } else { require_once "custom/modules/Import/ImportMapOther.php"; $classname = 'ImportMapOther'; $_REQUEST['source'] = 'other'; } if (class_exists($classname)) { $mapping_file = new $classname(); if (isset($mapping_file->delimiter)) { $_REQUEST['custom_delimiter'] = $mapping_file->delimiter; } if (isset($mapping_file->enclosure)) { $_REQUEST['custom_enclosure'] = htmlentities($mapping_file->enclosure); } $ignored_fields = $mapping_file->getIgnoredFields($_REQUEST['import_module']); $field_map = $mapping_file->getMapping($_REQUEST['import_module']); } } $this->ss->assign("CUSTOM_DELIMITER", !empty($_REQUEST['custom_delimiter']) ? $_REQUEST['custom_delimiter'] : ","); $this->ss->assign("CUSTOM_ENCLOSURE", !empty($_REQUEST['custom_enclosure']) ? $_REQUEST['custom_enclosure'] : ""); // handle uploaded file $uploadFile = new UploadFile('userfile'); if (isset($_FILES['userfile']) && $uploadFile->confirm_upload()) { $uploadFile->final_move('IMPORT_' . $this->bean->object_name . '_' . $current_user->id); $uploadFileName = $uploadFile->get_upload_path('IMPORT_' . $this->bean->object_name . '_' . $current_user->id); } else { $this->_showImportError($mod_strings['LBL_IMPORT_MODULE_ERROR_NO_UPLOAD'], $_REQUEST['import_module'], 'Step2'); return; } // split file into parts $splitter = new ImportFileSplitter($uploadFileName, $sugar_config['import_max_records_per_file']); $splitter->splitSourceFile($_REQUEST['custom_delimiter'], html_entity_decode($_REQUEST['custom_enclosure'], ENT_QUOTES), $has_header); // Now parse the file and look for errors $importFile = new ImportFile($uploadFileName, $_REQUEST['custom_delimiter'], html_entity_decode($_REQUEST['custom_enclosure'], ENT_QUOTES)); if (!$importFile->fileExists()) { $this->_showImportError($mod_strings['LBL_CANNOT_OPEN'], $_REQUEST['import_module'], 'Step2'); return; } // retrieve first 3 rows $rows = array(); $system_charset = $locale->default_export_charset; $user_charset = $locale->getExportCharset(); $other_charsets = 'UTF-8, UTF-7, ASCII, CP1252, EUC-JP, SJIS, eucJP-win, SJIS-win, JIS, ISO-2022-JP'; $detectable_charsets = "UTF-8, {$user_charset}, {$system_charset}, {$other_charsets}"; // Bug 26824 - mb_detect_encoding() thinks CP1252 is IS0-8859-1, so use that instead in the encoding list passed to the function $detectable_charsets = str_replace('CP1252', 'ISO-8859-1', $detectable_charsets); $charset_for_import = $user_charset; //We will set the default import charset option by user's preference. $able_to_detect = function_exists('mb_detect_encoding'); for ($i = 0; $i < 3; $i++) { $rows[$i] = $importFile->getNextRow(); if (!empty($rows[$i]) && $able_to_detect) { foreach ($rows[$i] as &$temp_value) { $current_charset = mb_detect_encoding($temp_value, $detectable_charsets); if (!empty($current_charset) && $current_charset != "UTF-8") { $temp_value = $locale->translateCharset($temp_value, $current_charset); // we will use utf-8 for displaying the data on the page. $charset_for_import = $current_charset; //set the default import charset option according to the current_charset. //If it is not utf-8, tt may be overwritten by the later one. So the uploaded file should not contain two types of charset($user_charset, $system_charset), and I think this situation will not occur. } } } } $ret_field_count = $importFile->getFieldCount(); // Bug 14689 - Parse the first data row to make sure it has non-empty data in it $isempty = true; if ($rows[(int) $has_header] != false) { foreach ($rows[(int) $has_header] as $value) { if (strlen(trim($value)) > 0) { $isempty = false; break; } } } if ($isempty || $rows[(int) $has_header] == false) { $this->_showImportError($mod_strings['LBL_NO_LINES'], $_REQUEST['import_module'], 'Step2'); return; } // save first row to send to step 4 $this->ss->assign("FIRSTROW", base64_encode(serialize($rows[0]))); // Now build template $this->ss->assign("TMP_FILE", $uploadFileName); $this->ss->assign("FILECOUNT", $splitter->getFileCount()); $this->ss->assign("RECORDCOUNT", $splitter->getRecordCount()); $this->ss->assign("RECORDTHRESHOLD", $sugar_config['import_max_records_per_file']); $this->ss->assign("SOURCE", $_REQUEST['source']); $this->ss->assign("TYPE", $_REQUEST['type']); $this->ss->assign("DELETE_INLINE_PNG", SugarThemeRegistry::current()->getImage('basic_search', 'align="absmiddle" alt="' . $app_strings['LNK_DELETE'] . '" border="0"')); $this->ss->assign("PUBLISH_INLINE_PNG", SugarThemeRegistry::current()->getImage('advanced_search', 'align="absmiddle" alt="' . $mod_strings['LBL_PUBLISH'] . '" border="0"')); $this->ss->assign("MODULE_TITLE", $this->getModuleTitle()); $this->ss->assign("STEP4_TITLE", strip_tags(str_replace("\n", "", getClassicModuleTitle($mod_strings['LBL_MODULE_NAME'], array($mod_strings['LBL_MODULE_NAME'], $mod_strings['LBL_STEP_4_TITLE']), false)))); $this->ss->assign("HEADER", $app_strings['LBL_IMPORT'] . " " . $mod_strings['LBL_MODULE_NAME']); // we export it as email_address, but import as email1 $field_map['email_address'] = 'email1'; // build each row; row count is determined by the the number of fields in the import file $columns = array(); $mappedFields = array(); for ($field_count = 0; $field_count < $ret_field_count; $field_count++) { // See if we have any field map matches $defaultValue = ""; // Bug 31260 - If the data rows have more columns than the header row, then just add a new header column if (!isset($rows[0][$field_count])) { $rows[0][$field_count] = ''; } // See if we can match the import row to a field in the list of fields to import $firstrow_name = trim(str_replace(":", "", $rows[0][$field_count])); if ($has_header && isset($field_map[$firstrow_name])) { $defaultValue = $field_map[$firstrow_name]; } elseif (isset($field_map[$field_count])) { $defaultValue = $field_map[$field_count]; } elseif (empty($_REQUEST['source_id'])) { $defaultValue = trim($rows[0][$field_count]); } // build string of options $fields = $this->bean->get_importable_fields(); $options = array(); $defaultField = ''; foreach ($fields as $fieldname => $properties) { // get field name if (!empty($properties['vname'])) { $displayname = str_replace(":", "", translate($properties['vname'], $this->bean->module_dir)); } else { $displayname = str_replace(":", "", translate($properties['name'], $this->bean->module_dir)); } // see if this is required $req_mark = ""; $req_class = ""; if (array_key_exists($fieldname, $this->bean->get_import_required_fields())) { $req_mark = ' ' . $app_strings['LBL_REQUIRED_SYMBOL']; $req_class = ' class="required" '; } // see if we have a match $selected = ''; if (!empty($defaultValue) && !in_array($fieldname, $mappedFields) && !in_array($fieldname, $ignored_fields)) { if (strtolower($fieldname) == strtolower($defaultValue) || strtolower($fieldname) == str_replace(" ", "_", strtolower($defaultValue)) || strtolower($displayname) == strtolower($defaultValue) || strtolower($displayname) == str_replace(" ", "_", strtolower($defaultValue))) { $selected = ' selected="selected" '; $defaultField = $fieldname; $mappedFields[] = $fieldname; } } // get field type information $fieldtype = ''; if (isset($properties['type']) && isset($mod_strings['LBL_IMPORT_FIELDDEF_' . strtoupper($properties['type'])])) { $fieldtype = ' [' . $mod_strings['LBL_IMPORT_FIELDDEF_' . strtoupper($properties['type'])] . '] '; } if (isset($properties['comment'])) { $fieldtype .= ' - ' . $properties['comment']; } $options[$displayname . $fieldname] = '<option value="' . $fieldname . '" title="' . $displayname . htmlentities($fieldtype) . '"' . $selected . $req_class . '>' . $displayname . $req_mark . '</option>\\n'; } // get default field value $defaultFieldHTML = ''; if (!empty($defaultField)) { $defaultFieldHTML = getControl($_REQUEST['import_module'], $defaultField, $fields[$defaultField], isset($default_values[$defaultField]) ? $default_values[$defaultField] : ''); } if (isset($default_values[$defaultField])) { unset($default_values[$defaultField]); } // Bug 27046 - Sort the column name picker alphabetically ksort($options); $columns[] = array('field_choices' => implode('', $options), 'default_field' => $defaultFieldHTML, 'cell1' => str_replace(""", '', htmlspecialchars($rows[0][$field_count])), 'cell2' => str_replace(""", '', htmlspecialchars($rows[1][$field_count])), 'cell3' => str_replace(""", '', htmlspecialchars($rows[2][$field_count])), 'show_remove' => false); } // add in extra defaulted fields if they are in the mapping record if (count($default_values) > 0) { foreach ($default_values as $field_name => $default_value) { // build string of options $fields = $this->bean->get_importable_fields(); $options = array(); $defaultField = ''; foreach ($fields as $fieldname => $properties) { // get field name if (!empty($properties['vname'])) { $displayname = str_replace(":", "", translate($properties['vname'], $this->bean->module_dir)); } else { $displayname = str_replace(":", "", translate($properties['name'], $this->bean->module_dir)); } // see if this is required $req_mark = ""; $req_class = ""; if (array_key_exists($fieldname, $this->bean->get_import_required_fields())) { $req_mark = ' ' . $app_strings['LBL_REQUIRED_SYMBOL']; $req_class = ' class="required" '; } // see if we have a match $selected = ''; if (strtolower($fieldname) == strtolower($field_name) && !in_array($fieldname, $mappedFields) && !in_array($fieldname, $ignored_fields)) { $selected = ' selected="selected" '; $defaultField = $fieldname; $mappedFields[] = $fieldname; } // get field type information $fieldtype = ''; if (isset($properties['type']) && isset($mod_strings['LBL_IMPORT_FIELDDEF_' . strtoupper($properties['type'])])) { $fieldtype = ' [' . $mod_strings['LBL_IMPORT_FIELDDEF_' . strtoupper($properties['type'])] . '] '; } if (isset($properties['comment'])) { $fieldtype .= ' - ' . $properties['comment']; } $options[$displayname . $fieldname] = '<option value="' . $fieldname . '" title="' . $displayname . $fieldtype . '"' . $selected . $req_class . '>' . $displayname . $req_mark . '</option>\\n'; } // get default field value $defaultFieldHTML = ''; if (!empty($defaultField)) { $defaultFieldHTML = getControl($_REQUEST['import_module'], $defaultField, $fields[$defaultField], $default_value); } // Bug 27046 - Sort the column name picker alphabetically ksort($options); $columns[] = array('field_choices' => implode('', $options), 'default_field' => $defaultFieldHTML, 'show_remove' => true); $ret_field_count++; } } $this->ss->assign("COLUMNCOUNT", $ret_field_count); $this->ss->assign("rows", $columns); // get list of valid date/time formats $timeFormat = $current_user->getUserDateTimePreferences(); $timeOptions = get_select_options_with_id($sugar_config['time_formats'], $timeFormat['time']); $dateOptions = get_select_options_with_id($sugar_config['date_formats'], $timeFormat['date']); $this->ss->assign('TIMEOPTIONS', $timeOptions); $this->ss->assign('DATEOPTIONS', $dateOptions); $this->ss->assign('datetimeformat', $GLOBALS['timedate']->get_cal_date_time_format()); // get list of valid timezones $userTZ = $current_user->getPreference('timezone'); if (empty($userTZ)) { $userTZ = TimeDate::userTimezone(); } $this->ss->assign('TIMEZONE_CURRENT', $userTZ); $this->ss->assign('TIMEZONEOPTIONS', TimeDate::getTimezoneList()); // get currency preference require_once 'modules/Currencies/ListCurrency.php'; $currency = new ListCurrency(); $cur_id = $locale->getPrecedentPreference('currency', $current_user); if ($cur_id) { $selectCurrency = $currency->getSelectOptions($cur_id); $this->ss->assign("CURRENCY", $selectCurrency); } else { $selectCurrency = $currency->getSelectOptions(); $this->ss->assign("CURRENCY", $selectCurrency); } $currenciesVars = ""; $i = 0; foreach ($locale->currencies as $id => $arrVal) { $currenciesVars .= "currencies[{$i}] = '{$arrVal['symbol']}';\n"; $i++; } $currencySymbolsJs = <<<eoq var currencies = new Object; {$currenciesVars} function setSymbolValue(id) { document.getElementById('symbol').value = currencies[id]; } eoq; $this->ss->assign('currencySymbolJs', $currencySymbolsJs); // fill significant digits dropdown $significantDigits = $locale->getPrecedentPreference('default_currency_significant_digits', $current_user); $sigDigits = ''; for ($i = 0; $i <= 6; $i++) { if ($significantDigits == $i) { $sigDigits .= '<option value="' . $i . '" selected="true">' . $i . '</option>'; } else { $sigDigits .= '<option value="' . $i . '">' . $i . '</option>'; } } $this->ss->assign('sigDigits', $sigDigits); $num_grp_sep = $current_user->getPreference('num_grp_sep'); $dec_sep = $current_user->getPreference('dec_sep'); $this->ss->assign("NUM_GRP_SEP", empty($num_grp_sep) ? $sugar_config['default_number_grouping_seperator'] : $num_grp_sep); $this->ss->assign("DEC_SEP", empty($dec_sep) ? $sugar_config['default_decimal_seperator'] : $dec_sep); $this->ss->assign('getNumberJs', $locale->getNumberJs()); // Name display format $this->ss->assign('default_locale_name_format', $locale->getLocaleFormatMacro($current_user)); $this->ss->assign('getNameJs', $locale->getNameJs()); // Charset $charsetOptions = get_select_options_with_id($locale->getCharsetSelect(), $charset_for_import); //wdong, bug 25927, here we should use the charset testing results from above. $this->ss->assign('CHARSETOPTIONS', $charsetOptions); // handle building index selector global $dictionary, $current_language; require_once "include/templates/TemplateGroupChooser.php"; $chooser_array = array(); $chooser_array[0] = array(); $idc = new ImportDuplicateCheck($this->bean); $chooser_array[1] = $idc->getDuplicateCheckIndexes(); $chooser = new TemplateGroupChooser(); $chooser->args['id'] = 'selected_indices'; $chooser->args['values_array'] = $chooser_array; $chooser->args['left_name'] = 'choose_index'; $chooser->args['right_name'] = 'ignore_index'; $chooser->args['left_label'] = $mod_strings['LBL_INDEX_USED']; $chooser->args['right_label'] = $mod_strings['LBL_INDEX_NOT_USED']; $this->ss->assign("TAB_CHOOSER", $chooser->display()); // show notes if ($this->bean instanceof Person) { $module_key = "LBL_CONTACTS_NOTE_"; } elseif ($this->bean instanceof Company) { $module_key = "LBL_ACCOUNTS_NOTE_"; } else { $module_key = "LBL_" . strtoupper($_REQUEST['import_module']) . "_NOTE_"; } $notetext = ''; for ($i = 1; isset($mod_strings[$module_key . $i]); $i++) { $notetext .= '<li>' . $mod_strings[$module_key . $i] . '</li>'; } $this->ss->assign("NOTETEXT", $notetext); $this->ss->assign("HAS_HEADER", $has_header ? 'on' : 'off'); // get list of required fields $required = array(); foreach (array_keys($this->bean->get_import_required_fields()) as $name) { $properties = $this->bean->getFieldDefinition($name); if (!empty($properties['vname'])) { $required[$name] = str_replace(":", "", translate($properties['vname'], $this->bean->module_dir)); } else { $required[$name] = str_replace(":", "", translate($properties['name'], $this->bean->module_dir)); } } // include anything needed for quicksearch to work require_once "include/TemplateHandler/TemplateHandler.php"; $quicksearch_js = TemplateHandler::createQuickSearchCode($fields, $fields, 'importstep3'); $this->ss->assign("JAVASCRIPT", $quicksearch_js . "\n" . $this->_getJS($required)); $this->ss->assign('required_fields', implode(', ', $required)); $this->ss->display('modules/Import/tpls/step3.tpl'); }
public function testSetAndGetDefaultFields() { $mapping = array('field1' => 'value1', 'field2' => 'value2'); $this->_importMap->setDefaultValues($mapping); $this->_addMapping(); $id = $this->_importMap->id; $importMapRetrieve = new ImportMap(); $importMapRetrieve->retrieve($id, false); $this->assertEquals($importMapRetrieve->getDefaultValues(), $mapping); }