  * @param Thumbnail $thumbnail
  * @return void
  * @throws Exception\NoThumbnailAvailableException
 public function refresh(Thumbnail $thumbnail)
     try {
         $filenameWithoutExtension = pathinfo($thumbnail->getOriginalAsset()->getResource()->getFilename(), PATHINFO_FILENAME);
         $temporaryLocalCopyFilename = $thumbnail->getOriginalAsset()->getResource()->createTemporaryLocalCopy();
         $documentFile = sprintf(in_array($thumbnail->getOriginalAsset()->getResource()->getFileExtension(), $this->getOption('paginableDocuments')) ? '%s[0]' : '%s', $temporaryLocalCopyFilename);
         $width = $thumbnail->getConfigurationValue('width') ?: $thumbnail->getConfigurationValue('maximumWidth');
         $height = $thumbnail->getConfigurationValue('height') ?: $thumbnail->getConfigurationValue('maximumHeight');
         $im = new \Imagick();
         $im->setResolution($this->getOption('resolution'), $this->getOption('resolution'));
         $im->thumbnailImage($width, $height, true);
         // Replace flattenImages in imagick 3.3.0
         // @see https://pecl.php.net/package/imagick/3.3.0RC2
         // $im->mergeImageLayers(\Imagick::LAYERMETHOD_MERGE);
         $resource = $this->resourceManager->importResourceFromContent($im->getImageBlob(), $filenameWithoutExtension . '.png');
     } catch (\Exception $exception) {
         $filename = $thumbnail->getOriginalAsset()->getResource()->getFilename();
         $sha1 = $thumbnail->getOriginalAsset()->getResource()->getSha1();
         $message = sprintf('Unable to generate thumbnail for the given document (filename: %s, SHA1: %s)', $filename, $sha1);
         throw new Exception\NoThumbnailAvailableException($message, 1433109652, $exception);
コード例 #2
  * @param  null|string $backgroundColor
  * @throws ProcessorException
  * @returns $this
 public function removeAlpha($backgroundColor = null)
     $backgroundColor = $backgroundColor === null ? 'white' : $backgroundColor;
     try {
         $this->im->setImageAlphaChannel($this->getLibraryConstant('ALPHACHANNEL_REMOVE', null, 11));
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         throw new ProcessorException('Could not remove alpha channel: %s', null, $e, (string) $e->getMessage());
     return $this;
コード例 #3
ファイル: Imagick.php プロジェクト: manaphp/manaphp
  * @param string $file
  * @throws \ManaPHP\Image\Adapter\Exception
 public function __construct($file)
     if (!extension_loaded('imagick')) {
         throw new ImagickException('Imagick is not installed, or the extension is not loaded');
     $this->_file = realpath($this->alias->resolve($file));
     if (!$this->_file) {
         throw new ImagickException('`:file` file is not exists', ['file' => $file]);
     $this->_image = new \Imagick();
     if (!$this->_image->readImage($this->_file)) {
         throw new ImagickException('Imagick::readImage `:file` failed', ['file' => $file]);
     if ($this->_image->getNumberImages() !== 1) {
         throw new ImagickException('not support multiple iterations: `:file`', ['file' => $file]);
     if (!$this->_image->getImageAlphaChannel()) {
     $this->_width = $this->_image->getImageWidth();
     $this->_height = $this->_image->getImageHeight();
コード例 #4
ファイル: rcube_image.php プロジェクト: jimjag/roundcubemail
  * Resize image to a given size. Use only to shrink an image.
  * If an image is smaller than specified size it will be not resized.
  * @param int     $size           Max width/height size
  * @param string  $filename       Output filename
  * @param boolean $browser_compat Convert to image type displayable by any browser
  * @return mixed Output type on success, False on failure
 public function resize($size, $filename = null, $browser_compat = false)
     $result = false;
     $rcube = rcube::get_instance();
     $convert = $rcube->config->get('im_convert_path', false);
     $props = $this->props();
     if (empty($props)) {
         return false;
     if (!$filename) {
         $filename = $this->image_file;
     // use Imagemagick
     if ($convert || class_exists('Imagick', false)) {
         $p['out'] = $filename;
         $p['in'] = $this->image_file;
         $type = $props['type'];
         if (!$type && ($data = $this->identify())) {
             $type = $data[0];
         $type = strtr($type, array("jpeg" => "jpg", "tiff" => "tif", "ps" => "eps", "ept" => "eps"));
         $p['intype'] = $type;
         // convert to an image format every browser can display
         if ($browser_compat && !in_array($type, array('jpg', 'gif', 'png'))) {
             $type = 'jpg';
         // If only one dimension is greater than the limit convert doesn't
         // work as expected, we need to calculate new dimensions
         $scale = $size / max($props['width'], $props['height']);
         // if file is smaller than the limit, we do nothing
         // but copy original file to destination file
         if ($scale >= 1 && $p['intype'] == $type) {
             $result = $this->image_file == $filename || copy($this->image_file, $filename) ? '' : false;
         } else {
             $valid_types = "bmp,eps,gif,jp2,jpg,png,svg,tif";
             if (in_array($type, explode(',', $valid_types))) {
                 // Valid type?
                 if ($scale >= 1) {
                     $width = $props['width'];
                     $height = $props['height'];
                 } else {
                     $width = intval($props['width'] * $scale);
                     $height = intval($props['height'] * $scale);
                 // use ImageMagick in command line
                 if ($convert) {
                     $p += array('type' => $type, 'quality' => 75, 'size' => $width . 'x' . $height);
                     $result = rcube::exec($convert . ' 2>&1 -flatten -auto-orient -colorspace sRGB -strip' . ' -quality {quality} -resize {size} {intype}:{in} {type}:{out}', $p);
                 } else {
                     try {
                         $image = new Imagick($this->image_file);
                         try {
                             // it throws exception on formats not supporting these features
                         } catch (Exception $e) {
                             // ignore errors
                         $image->scaleImage($width, $height);
                         if ($image->writeImage($filename)) {
                             $result = '';
                     } catch (Exception $e) {
                         rcube::raise_error($e, true, false);
         if ($result === '') {
             @chmod($filename, 0600);
             return $type;
     // do we have enough memory? (#1489937)
     if (strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) == 'WIN' && !$this->mem_check($props)) {
         return false;
     // use GD extension
     if ($props['gd_type']) {
         if ($props['gd_type'] == IMAGETYPE_JPEG && function_exists('imagecreatefromjpeg')) {
             $image = imagecreatefromjpeg($this->image_file);
             $type = 'jpg';
         } else {
             if ($props['gd_type'] == IMAGETYPE_GIF && function_exists('imagecreatefromgif')) {
                 $image = imagecreatefromgif($this->image_file);
                 $type = 'gif';
             } else {
                 if ($props['gd_type'] == IMAGETYPE_PNG && function_exists('imagecreatefrompng')) {
                     $image = imagecreatefrompng($this->image_file);
                     $type = 'png';
                 } else {
                     // @TODO: print error to the log?
                     return false;
         if ($image === false) {
             return false;
         $scale = $size / max($props['width'], $props['height']);
         // Imagemagick resize is implemented in shrinking mode (see -resize argument above)
         // we do the same here, if an image is smaller than specified size
         // we do nothing but copy original file to destination file
         if ($scale >= 1) {
             $result = $this->image_file == $filename || copy($this->image_file, $filename);
         } else {
             $width = intval($props['width'] * $scale);
             $height = intval($props['height'] * $scale);
             $new_image = imagecreatetruecolor($width, $height);
             if ($new_image === false) {
                 return false;
             // Fix transparency of gif/png image
             if ($props['gd_type'] != IMAGETYPE_JPEG) {
                 imagealphablending($new_image, false);
                 imagesavealpha($new_image, true);
                 $transparent = imagecolorallocatealpha($new_image, 255, 255, 255, 127);
                 imagefilledrectangle($new_image, 0, 0, $width, $height, $transparent);
             imagecopyresampled($new_image, $image, 0, 0, 0, 0, $width, $height, $props['width'], $props['height']);
             $image = $new_image;
             // fix rotation of image if EXIF data exists and specifies rotation (GD strips the EXIF data)
             if ($this->image_file && $type == 'jpg' && function_exists('exif_read_data')) {
                 $exif = exif_read_data($this->image_file);
                 if ($exif && $exif['Orientation']) {
                     switch ($exif['Orientation']) {
                         case 3:
                             $image = imagerotate($image, 180, 0);
                         case 6:
                             $image = imagerotate($image, -90, 0);
                         case 8:
                             $image = imagerotate($image, 90, 0);
             if ($props['gd_type'] == IMAGETYPE_JPEG) {
                 $result = imagejpeg($image, $filename, 75);
             } elseif ($props['gd_type'] == IMAGETYPE_GIF) {
                 $result = imagegif($image, $filename);
             } elseif ($props['gd_type'] == IMAGETYPE_PNG) {
                 $result = imagepng($image, $filename, 6, PNG_ALL_FILTERS);
         if ($result) {
             @chmod($filename, 0600);
             return $type;
     // @TODO: print error to the log?
     return false;
コード例 #5
 * Process an image.
 * Returns an array of the $file, $results, $converted to tell us if an image changes formats, and the $original file if it did.
 * @param   string $file		Full absolute path to the image file
 * @param   int $gallery_type		1=wordpress, 2=nextgen, 3=flagallery, 4=aux_images, 5=image editor, 6=imagestore
 * @param   boolean $converted		tells us if this is a resize and the full image was converted to a new format
 * @param   boolean $new		tells the optimizer that this is a new image, so it should attempt conversion regardless of previous results
 * @param   boolean $fullsize		tells the optimizer this is a full size image
 * @returns array
function ewww_image_optimizer($file, $gallery_type = 4, $converted = false, $new = false, $fullsize = false)
    ewwwio_debug_message('<b>' . __FUNCTION__ . '()</b>');
    // if the plugin gets here without initializing, we need to run through some things first
    if (!defined('EWWW_IMAGE_OPTIMIZER_CLOUD')) {
    $bypass_optimization = apply_filters('ewww_image_optimizer_bypass', false, $file);
    if (true === $bypass_optimization) {
        // tell the user optimization was skipped
        $msg = __("Optimization skipped", EWWW_IMAGE_OPTIMIZER_DOMAIN);
        ewwwio_debug_message("optimization bypassed: {$file}");
        // send back the above message
        return array(false, $msg, $converted, $file);
    // initialize the original filename
    $original = $file;
    $result = '';
    // check that the file exists
    if (FALSE === file_exists($file)) {
        // tell the user we couldn't find the file
        $msg = sprintf(__('Could not find %s', EWWW_IMAGE_OPTIMIZER_DOMAIN), $file);
        ewwwio_debug_message("file doesn't appear to exist: {$file}");
        // send back the above message
        return array(false, $msg, $converted, $original);
    // check that the file is writable
    if (FALSE === is_writable($file)) {
        // tell the user we can't write to the file
        $msg = sprintf(__('%s is not writable', EWWW_IMAGE_OPTIMIZER_DOMAIN), $file);
        ewwwio_debug_message("couldn't write to the file {$file}");
        // send back the above message
        return array(false, $msg, $converted, $original);
    if (function_exists('fileperms')) {
        $file_perms = substr(sprintf('%o', fileperms($file)), -4);
    $file_owner = 'unknown';
    $file_group = 'unknown';
    if (function_exists('posix_getpwuid')) {
        $file_owner = posix_getpwuid(fileowner($file));
        $file_owner = $file_owner['name'];
    if (function_exists('posix_getgrgid')) {
        $file_group = posix_getgrgid(filegroup($file));
        $file_group = $file_group['name'];
    ewwwio_debug_message("permissions: {$file_perms}, owner: {$file_owner}, group: {$file_group}");
    $type = ewww_image_optimizer_mimetype($file, 'i');
    if (strpos($type, 'image') === FALSE && strpos($type, 'pdf') === FALSE) {
        ewwwio_debug_message('could not find any functions for mimetype detection');
        //otherwise we store an error message since we couldn't get the mime-type
        return array(false, __('Unknown type: ' . $type, EWWW_IMAGE_OPTIMIZER_DOMAIN), $converted, $original);
        $msg = __('Missing finfo_file(), getimagesize() and mime_content_type() PHP functions', EWWW_IMAGE_OPTIMIZER_DOMAIN);
        return array(false, $msg, $converted, $original);
        // check to see if 'nice' exists
        $nice = ewww_image_optimizer_find_nix_binary('nice', 'n');
        if (!defined('EWWW_IMAGE_OPTIMIZER_NOEXEC')) {
            // Check if exec is disabled
            if (ewww_image_optimizer_exec_check()) {
                define('EWWW_IMAGE_OPTIMIZER_NOEXEC', true);
                ewwwio_debug_message('exec seems to be disabled');
                // otherwise, query the php settings for safe mode
            } elseif (ewww_image_optimizer_safemode_check()) {
                define('EWWW_IMAGE_OPTIMIZER_NOEXEC', true);
                ewwwio_debug_message('safe mode appears to be enabled');
            } else {
                define('EWWW_IMAGE_OPTIMIZER_NOEXEC', false);
    $skip = ewww_image_optimizer_skip_tools();
    // if the user has disabled the utility checks
        $skip['jpegtran'] = true;
        $skip['optipng'] = true;
        $skip['gifsicle'] = true;
        $skip['pngout'] = true;
        $skip['pngquant'] = true;
        $skip['webp'] = true;
    if (ewww_image_optimizer_get_option('ewww_image_optimizer_metadata_skip_full') && $fullsize) {
        $keep_metadata = true;
    } else {
        $keep_metadata = false;
    if (ewww_image_optimizer_get_option('ewww_image_optimizer_lossy_skip_full') && $fullsize) {
        $skip_lossy = true;
    } else {
        $skip_lossy = false;
    if (ini_get('max_execution_time') < 90 && ewww_image_optimizer_stl_check()) {
    // if the full-size image was converted
    if ($converted) {
        ewwwio_debug_message('full-size image was converted, need to rebuild filename for meta');
        $filenum = $converted;
        // grab the file extension
        preg_match('/\\.\\w+$/', $file, $fileext);
        // strip the file extension
        $filename = str_replace($fileext[0], '', $file);
        // grab the dimensions
        preg_match('/-\\d+x\\d+(-\\d+)*$/', $filename, $fileresize);
        // strip the dimensions
        $filename = str_replace($fileresize[0], '', $filename);
        // reconstruct the filename with the same increment (stored in $converted) as the full version
        $refile = $filename . '-' . $filenum . $fileresize[0] . $fileext[0];
        // rename the file
        rename($file, $refile);
        ewwwio_debug_message("moved {$file} to {$refile}");
        // and set $file to the new filename
        $file = $refile;
        $original = $file;
    // get the original image size
    $orig_size = filesize($file);
    ewwwio_debug_message("original filesize: {$orig_size}");
    if ($orig_size < ewww_image_optimizer_get_option('ewww_image_optimizer_skip_size')) {
        // tell the user optimization was skipped
        $msg = __("Optimization skipped", EWWW_IMAGE_OPTIMIZER_DOMAIN);
        ewwwio_debug_message("optimization bypassed due to filesize: {$file}");
        // send back the above message
        return array(false, $msg, $converted, $file);
    if ($type == 'image/png' && ewww_image_optimizer_get_option('ewww_image_optimizer_skip_png_size') && $orig_size > ewww_image_optimizer_get_option('ewww_image_optimizer_skip_png_size')) {
        // tell the user optimization was skipped
        $msg = __("Optimization skipped", EWWW_IMAGE_OPTIMIZER_DOMAIN);
        ewwwio_debug_message("optimization bypassed due to filesize: {$file}");
        // send back the above message
        return array($file, $msg, $converted, $file);
    // initialize $new_size with the original size, HOW ABOUT A ZERO...
    //$new_size = $orig_size;
    $new_size = 0;
    // set the optimization process to OFF
    $optimize = false;
    // toggle the convert process to ON
    $convert = true;
    // allow other plugins to mangle the image however they like prior to optimization
    do_action('ewww_image_optimizer_pre_optimization', $file, $type);
    // run the appropriate optimization/conversion for the mime-type
    switch ($type) {
        case 'image/jpeg':
            $png_size = 0;
            // if jpg2png conversion is enabled, and this image is in the wordpress media library
            if (ewww_image_optimizer_get_option('ewww_image_optimizer_jpg_to_png') && $gallery_type == 1 || !empty($_GET['ewww_convert'])) {
                // generate the filename for a PNG
                // if this is a resize version
                if ($converted) {
                    // just change the file extension
                    $pngfile = preg_replace('/\\.\\w+$/', '.png', $file);
                    // if this is a full size image
                } else {
                    // get a unique filename for the png image
                    list($pngfile, $filenum) = ewww_image_optimizer_unique_filename($file, '.png');
            } else {
                // otherwise, set it to OFF
                $convert = false;
                $pngfile = '';
            // check for previous optimization, so long as the force flag is on and this isn't a new image that needs converting
            if (empty($_REQUEST['ewww_force']) && !($new && $convert)) {
                if ($results_msg = ewww_image_optimizer_check_table($file, $orig_size)) {
                    return array($file, $results_msg, $converted, $original);
            if (ewww_image_optimizer_get_option('ewww_image_optimizer_jpg_level') > 10) {
                list($file, $converted, $result, $new_size) = ewww_image_optimizer_cloud_optimizer($file, $type, $convert, $pngfile, 'image/png', $skip_lossy);
                if ($converted) {
                    // check to see if the user wants the originals deleted
                    if (ewww_image_optimizer_get_option('ewww_image_optimizer_delete_originals') == TRUE) {
                        // delete the original JPG
                    $converted = $filenum;
                    ewww_image_optimizer_webp_create($file, $new_size, 'image/png', null, $orig_size != $new_size);
                } else {
                    ewww_image_optimizer_webp_create($file, $new_size, $type, null, $orig_size != $new_size);
            if ($convert) {
                $tools = ewww_image_optimizer_path_check(!$skip['jpegtran'], !$skip['optipng'], false, !$skip['pngout'], !$skip['pngquant'], !$skip['webp']);
            } else {
                $tools = ewww_image_optimizer_path_check(!$skip['jpegtran'], false, false, false, false, !$skip['webp']);
            // if jpegtran optimization is disabled
            if (ewww_image_optimizer_get_option('ewww_image_optimizer_jpg_level') == 0) {
                // store an appropriate message in $result
                $result = __('JPG optimization is disabled', EWWW_IMAGE_OPTIMIZER_DOMAIN);
                // otherwise, if we aren't skipping the utility verification and jpegtran doesn't exist
            } elseif (!$skip['jpegtran'] && !$tools['JPEGTRAN']) {
                // store an appropriate message in $result
                $result = sprintf(__('%s is missing', EWWW_IMAGE_OPTIMIZER_DOMAIN), '<em>jpegtran</em>');
                // otherwise, things should be good, so...
            } else {
                // set the optimization process to ON
                $optimize = true;
            // if optimization is turned ON
            if ($optimize) {
                ewwwio_debug_message('attempting to optimize JPG...');
                // generate temporary file-names:
                $tempfile = $file . ".tmp";
                //non-progressive jpeg
                $progfile = $file . ".prog";
                // progressive jpeg
                // check to see if we are supposed to strip metadata (badly named)
                if (ewww_image_optimizer_get_option('ewww_image_optimizer_jpegtran_copy') && !$keep_metadata) {
                    // don't copy metadata
                    $copy_opt = 'none';
                } else {
                    // copy all the metadata
                    $copy_opt = 'all';
                // run jpegtran - non-progressive
                exec("{$nice} " . $tools['JPEGTRAN'] . " -copy {$copy_opt} -optimize -outfile " . ewww_image_optimizer_escapeshellarg($tempfile) . " " . ewww_image_optimizer_escapeshellarg($file));
                // run jpegtran - progressive
                exec("{$nice} " . $tools['JPEGTRAN'] . " -copy {$copy_opt} -optimize -progressive -outfile " . ewww_image_optimizer_escapeshellarg($progfile) . " " . ewww_image_optimizer_escapeshellarg($file));
                // check the filesize of the non-progressive JPG
                $non_size = ewww_image_optimizer_filesize($tempfile);
                // check the filesize of the progressive JPG
                $prog_size = ewww_image_optimizer_filesize($progfile);
                ewwwio_debug_message("optimized JPG (non-progresive) size: {$non_size}");
                ewwwio_debug_message("optimized JPG (progresive) size: {$prog_size}");
                if ($non_size === false || $prog_size === false) {
                    $result = __('Unable to write file', EWWW_IMAGE_OPTIMIZER_DOMAIN);
                    $new_size = 0;
                } elseif (!$non_size || !$prog_size) {
                    $result = __('Optimization failed', EWWW_IMAGE_OPTIMIZER_DOMAIN);
                    $new_size = 0;
                } else {
                    // if the progressive file is bigger
                    if ($prog_size > $non_size) {
                        // store the size of the non-progessive JPG
                        $new_size = $non_size;
                        if (is_file($progfile)) {
                            // delete the progressive file
                        // if the progressive file is smaller or the same
                    } else {
                        // store the size of the progressive JPG
                        $new_size = $prog_size;
                        // replace the non-progressive with the progressive file
                        rename($progfile, $tempfile);
                ewwwio_debug_message("optimized JPG size: {$new_size}");
                // if the best-optimized is smaller than the original JPG, and we didn't create an empty JPG
                if ($orig_size > $new_size && $new_size != 0 && ewww_image_optimizer_mimetype($tempfile, 'i') == $type) {
                    // replace the original with the optimized file
                    rename($tempfile, $file);
                    // store the results of the optimization
                    $result = "{$orig_size} vs. {$new_size}";
                    // if the optimization didn't produce a smaller JPG
                } else {
                    if (is_file($tempfile)) {
                        // delete the optimized file
                    // store the results
                    $result = 'unchanged';
                    $new_size = $orig_size;
                // if conversion and optimization are both turned OFF, finish the JPG processing
            } elseif (!$convert) {
                ewww_image_optimizer_webp_create($file, $orig_size, $type, $tools['WEBP']);
            // if the conversion process is turned ON, or if this is a resize and the full-size was converted
            if ($convert) {
                ewwwio_debug_message("attempting to convert JPG to PNG: {$pngfile}");
                if (empty($new_size)) {
                    $new_size = $orig_size;
                // convert the JPG to PNG
                if (ewww_image_optimizer_gmagick_support()) {
                    try {
                        $gmagick = new Gmagick($file);
                    } catch (Exception $gmagick_error) {
                    $png_size = ewww_image_optimizer_filesize($pngfile);
                if (!$png_size && ewww_image_optimizer_imagick_support()) {
                    try {
                        $imagick = new Imagick($file);
                    } catch (Exception $imagick_error) {
                    $png_size = ewww_image_optimizer_filesize($pngfile);
                if (!$png_size) {
                    $convert_path = '';
                    // retrieve version info for ImageMagick
                    if (PHP_OS != 'WINNT') {
                        $convert_path = ewww_image_optimizer_find_nix_binary('convert', 'i');
                    } elseif (PHP_OS == 'WINNT') {
                        $convert_path = ewww_image_optimizer_find_win_binary('convert', 'i');
                    if (!empty($convert_path)) {
                        ewwwio_debug_message('converting with ImageMagick');
                        exec($convert_path . " " . ewww_image_optimizer_escapeshellarg($file) . " -strip " . ewww_image_optimizer_escapeshellarg($pngfile));
                        $png_size = ewww_image_optimizer_filesize($pngfile);
                if (!$png_size && ewww_image_optimizer_gd_support()) {
                    ewwwio_debug_message('converting with GD');
                    imagepng(imagecreatefromjpeg($file), $pngfile);
                    $png_size = ewww_image_optimizer_filesize($pngfile);
                // if lossy optimization is ON and full-size exclusion is not active
                if (ewww_image_optimizer_get_option('ewww_image_optimizer_png_level') == 40 && $tools['PNGQUANT'] && !$skip_lossy) {
                    ewwwio_debug_message('attempting lossy reduction');
                    exec("{$nice} " . $tools['PNGQUANT'] . " " . ewww_image_optimizer_escapeshellarg($pngfile));
                    $quantfile = preg_replace('/\\.\\w+$/', '-fs8.png', $pngfile);
                    if (is_file($quantfile) && filesize($pngfile) > filesize($quantfile)) {
                        ewwwio_debug_message("lossy reduction is better: original - " . filesize($pngfile) . " vs. lossy - " . filesize($quantfile));
                        rename($quantfile, $pngfile);
                    } elseif (is_file($quantfile)) {
                        ewwwio_debug_message("lossy reduction is worse: original - " . filesize($pngfile) . " vs. lossy - " . filesize($quantfile));
                    } else {
                        ewwwio_debug_message('pngquant did not produce any output');
                // if optipng isn't disabled
                if (!ewww_image_optimizer_get_option('ewww_image_optimizer_disable_optipng')) {
                    // retrieve the optipng optimization level
                    $optipng_level = (int) ewww_image_optimizer_get_option('ewww_image_optimizer_optipng_level');
                    if (ewww_image_optimizer_get_option('ewww_image_optimizer_jpegtran_copy') && preg_match('/0.7/', ewww_image_optimizer_tool_found($tools['OPTIPNG'], 'o')) && !$keep_metadata) {
                        $strip = '-strip all ';
                    } else {
                        $strip = '';
                    // if the PNG file was created
                    if (file_exists($pngfile)) {
                        ewwwio_debug_message('optimizing converted PNG with optipng');
                        // run optipng on the new PNG
                        exec("{$nice} " . $tools['OPTIPNG'] . " -o{$optipng_level} -quiet {$strip} " . ewww_image_optimizer_escapeshellarg($pngfile));
                // if pngout isn't disabled
                if (!ewww_image_optimizer_get_option('ewww_image_optimizer_disable_pngout')) {
                    // retrieve the pngout optimization level
                    $pngout_level = (int) ewww_image_optimizer_get_option('ewww_image_optimizer_pngout_level');
                    // if the PNG file was created
                    if (file_exists($pngfile)) {
                        ewwwio_debug_message('optimizing converted PNG with pngout');
                        // run pngout on the new PNG
                        exec("{$nice} " . $tools['PNGOUT'] . " -s{$pngout_level} -q " . ewww_image_optimizer_escapeshellarg($pngfile));
                $png_size = ewww_image_optimizer_filesize($pngfile);
                ewwwio_debug_message("converted PNG size: {$png_size}");
                // if the PNG is smaller than the original JPG, and we didn't end up with an empty file
                if ($new_size > $png_size && $png_size != 0 && ewww_image_optimizer_mimetype($pngfile, 'i') == 'image/png') {
                    ewwwio_debug_message("converted PNG is better: {$png_size} vs. {$new_size}");
                    // store the size of the converted PNG
                    $new_size = $png_size;
                    // check to see if the user wants the originals deleted
                    if (ewww_image_optimizer_get_option('ewww_image_optimizer_delete_originals') == TRUE) {
                        // delete the original JPG
                    // store the location of the PNG file
                    $file = $pngfile;
                    // let webp know what we're dealing with now
                    $type = 'image/png';
                    // successful conversion and we store the increment
                    $converted = $filenum;
                } else {
                    ewwwio_debug_message('converted PNG is no good');
                    // otherwise delete the PNG
                    $converted = FALSE;
                    if (is_file($pngfile)) {
            ewww_image_optimizer_webp_create($file, $new_size, $type, $tools['WEBP'], $orig_size != $new_size);
        case 'image/png':
            $jpg_size = 0;
            // png2jpg conversion is turned on, and the image is in the wordpress media library
            if ((ewww_image_optimizer_get_option('ewww_image_optimizer_png_to_jpg') || !empty($_GET['ewww_convert'])) && $gallery_type == 1 && !$skip_lossy && (!ewww_image_optimizer_png_alpha($file) || ewww_image_optimizer_jpg_background())) {
                ewwwio_debug_message('PNG to JPG conversion turned on');
                // if the user set a fill background for transparency
                $background = '';
                if ($background = ewww_image_optimizer_jpg_background()) {
                    // set background color for GD
                    $r = hexdec('0x' . strtoupper(substr($background, 0, 2)));
                    $g = hexdec('0x' . strtoupper(substr($background, 2, 2)));
                    $b = hexdec('0x' . strtoupper(substr($background, 4, 2)));
                    // set the background flag for 'convert'
                    $background = "-background " . '"' . "#{$background}" . '"';
                } else {
                    $r = '';
                    $g = '';
                    $b = '';
                // if the user manually set the JPG quality
                if ($quality = ewww_image_optimizer_jpg_quality()) {
                    // set the quality for GD
                    $gquality = $quality;
                    // set the quality flag for 'convert'
                    $cquality = "-quality {$quality}";
                } else {
                    $cquality = '';
                    $gquality = '92';
                // if this is a resize version
                if ($converted) {
                    // just replace the file extension with a .jpg
                    $jpgfile = preg_replace('/\\.\\w+$/', '.jpg', $file);
                    // if this is a full version
                } else {
                    // construct the filename for the new JPG
                    list($jpgfile, $filenum) = ewww_image_optimizer_unique_filename($file, '.jpg');
            } else {
                ewwwio_debug_message('PNG to JPG conversion turned off');
                // turn the conversion process OFF
                $convert = false;
                $jpgfile = '';
                $r = null;
                $g = null;
                $b = null;
                $gquality = null;
            // check for previous optimization, so long as the force flag is on and this isn't a new image that needs converting
            if (empty($_REQUEST['ewww_force']) && !($new && $convert)) {
                if ($results_msg = ewww_image_optimizer_check_table($file, $orig_size)) {
                    return array($file, $results_msg, $converted, $original);
            if (ewww_image_optimizer_get_option('ewww_image_optimizer_png_level') >= 20 && ewww_image_optimizer_get_option('ewww_image_optimizer_cloud_key')) {
                list($file, $converted, $result, $new_size) = ewww_image_optimizer_cloud_optimizer($file, $type, $convert, $jpgfile, 'image/jpeg', $skip_lossy, array('r' => $r, 'g' => $g, 'b' => $b, 'quality' => $gquality));
                if ($converted) {
                    // check to see if the user wants the originals deleted
                    if (ewww_image_optimizer_get_option('ewww_image_optimizer_delete_originals') == TRUE) {
                        // delete the original JPG
                    $converted = $filenum;
                    ewww_image_optimizer_webp_create($file, $new_size, 'image/jpeg', null, $orig_size != $new_size);
                } else {
                    ewww_image_optimizer_webp_create($file, $new_size, $type, null, $orig_size != $new_size);
            if ($convert) {
                $tools = ewww_image_optimizer_path_check(!$skip['jpegtran'], !$skip['optipng'], false, !$skip['pngout'], !$skip['pngquant'], !$skip['webp']);
            } else {
                $tools = ewww_image_optimizer_path_check(false, !$skip['optipng'], false, !$skip['pngout'], !$skip['pngquant'], !$skip['webp']);
            // if pngout and optipng are disabled
            if (ewww_image_optimizer_get_option('ewww_image_optimizer_disable_optipng') && ewww_image_optimizer_get_option('ewww_image_optimizer_disable_pngout') || ewww_image_optimizer_get_option('ewww_image_optimizer_png_level') == 0) {
                // tell the user all PNG tools are disabled
                $result = __('PNG optimization is disabled', EWWW_IMAGE_OPTIMIZER_DOMAIN);
                // if the utility checking is on, optipng is enabled, but optipng cannot be found
            } elseif (!$skip['optipng'] && !$tools['OPTIPNG']) {
                // tell the user optipng is missing
                $result = sprintf(__('%s is missing', EWWW_IMAGE_OPTIMIZER_DOMAIN), '<em>optipng</em>');
                // if the utility checking is on, pngout is enabled, but pngout cannot be found
            } elseif (!$skip['pngout'] && !$tools['PNGOUT']) {
                // tell the user pngout is missing
                $result = sprintf(__('%s is missing', EWWW_IMAGE_OPTIMIZER_DOMAIN), '<em>pngout</em>');
            } else {
                // turn optimization on if we made it through all the checks
                $optimize = true;
            // if optimization is turned on
            if ($optimize) {
                // if lossy optimization is ON and full-size exclusion is not active
                if (ewww_image_optimizer_get_option('ewww_image_optimizer_png_level') == 40 && $tools['PNGQUANT'] && !$skip_lossy) {
                    ewwwio_debug_message('attempting lossy reduction');
                    exec("{$nice} " . $tools['PNGQUANT'] . " " . ewww_image_optimizer_escapeshellarg($file));
                    $quantfile = preg_replace('/\\.\\w+$/', '-fs8.png', $file);
                    if (is_file($quantfile) && filesize($file) > filesize($quantfile) && ewww_image_optimizer_mimetype($quantfile, 'i') == $type) {
                        ewwwio_debug_message("lossy reduction is better: original - " . filesize($file) . " vs. lossy - " . filesize($quantfile));
                        rename($quantfile, $file);
                    } elseif (is_file($quantfile)) {
                        ewwwio_debug_message("lossy reduction is worse: original - " . filesize($file) . " vs. lossy - " . filesize($quantfile));
                    } else {
                        ewwwio_debug_message('pngquant did not produce any output');
                $tempfile = $file . '.tmp.png';
                copy($file, $tempfile);
                // if optipng is enabled
                if (!ewww_image_optimizer_get_option('ewww_image_optimizer_disable_optipng')) {
                    // retrieve the optimization level for optipng
                    $optipng_level = (int) ewww_image_optimizer_get_option('ewww_image_optimizer_optipng_level');
                    if (ewww_image_optimizer_get_option('ewww_image_optimizer_jpegtran_copy') && preg_match('/0.7/', ewww_image_optimizer_tool_found($tools['OPTIPNG'], 'o')) && !$keep_metadata) {
                        $strip = '-strip all ';
                    } else {
                        $strip = '';
                    // run optipng on the PNG file
                    exec("{$nice} " . $tools['OPTIPNG'] . " -o{$optipng_level} -quiet {$strip} " . ewww_image_optimizer_escapeshellarg($tempfile));
                // if pngout is enabled
                if (!ewww_image_optimizer_get_option('ewww_image_optimizer_disable_pngout')) {
                    // retrieve the optimization level for pngout
                    $pngout_level = (int) ewww_image_optimizer_get_option('ewww_image_optimizer_pngout_level');
                    // run pngout on the PNG file
                    exec("{$nice} " . $tools['PNGOUT'] . " -s{$pngout_level} -q " . ewww_image_optimizer_escapeshellarg($tempfile));
                // retrieve the filesize of the temporary PNG
                $new_size = ewww_image_optimizer_filesize($tempfile);
                // if the new PNG is smaller
                if ($orig_size > $new_size && $new_size != 0 && ewww_image_optimizer_mimetype($tempfile, 'i') == $type) {
                    // replace the original with the optimized file
                    rename($tempfile, $file);
                    // store the results of the optimization
                    $result = "{$orig_size} vs. {$new_size}";
                    // if the optimization didn't produce a smaller PNG
                } else {
                    if (is_file($tempfile)) {
                        // delete the optimized file
                    // store the results
                    $result = 'unchanged';
                    $new_size = $orig_size;
                // if conversion and optimization are both disabled we are done here
            } elseif (!$convert) {
                ewwwio_debug_message('calling webp, but neither convert or optimize');
                ewww_image_optimizer_webp_create($file, $orig_size, $type, $tools['WEBP']);
            // retrieve the new filesize of the PNG
            $new_size = ewww_image_optimizer_filesize($file);
            // if conversion is on and the PNG doesn't have transparency or the user set a background color to replace transparency
            //if ( $convert && ( ! ewww_image_optimizer_png_alpha( $file ) || ewww_image_optimizer_jpg_background() ) ) {
            if ($convert) {
                ewwwio_debug_message("attempting to convert PNG to JPG: {$jpgfile}");
                if (empty($new_size)) {
                    $new_size = $orig_size;
                $magick_background = ewww_image_optimizer_jpg_background();
                if (empty($magick_background)) {
                    $magick_background = '000000';
                // convert the PNG to a JPG with all the proper options
                if (ewww_image_optimizer_gmagick_support()) {
                    try {
                        if (ewww_image_optimizer_png_alpha($file)) {
                            $gmagick_overlay = new Gmagick($file);
                            $gmagick = new Gmagick();
                            $gmagick->newimage($gmagick_overlay->getimagewidth(), $gmagick_overlay->getimageheight(), '#' . $magick_background);
                            $gmagick->compositeimage($gmagick_overlay, 1, 0, 0);
                        } else {
                            $gmagick = new Gmagick($file);
                    } catch (Exception $gmagick_error) {
                    $jpg_size = ewww_image_optimizer_filesize($jpgfile);
                if (!$jpg_size && ewww_image_optimizer_imagick_support()) {
                    try {
                        $imagick = new Imagick($file);
                        if (ewww_image_optimizer_png_alpha($file)) {
                            $imagick->setImageBackgroundColor(new ImagickPixel('#' . $magick_background));
                    } catch (Exception $imagick_error) {
                    $jpg_size = ewww_image_optimizer_filesize($jpgfile);
                if (!$jpg_size) {
                    // retrieve version info for ImageMagick
                    $convert_path = ewww_image_optimizer_find_nix_binary('convert', 'i');
                    if (!empty($convert_path)) {
                        ewwwio_debug_message('converting with ImageMagick');
                        ewwwio_debug_message("using command: {$convert_path} {$background} -alpha remove {$cquality} {$file} {$jpgfile}");
                        exec("{$convert_path} {$background} -alpha remove {$cquality} " . ewww_image_optimizer_escapeshellarg($file) . " " . ewww_image_optimizer_escapeshellarg($jpgfile));
                        $jpg_size = ewww_image_optimizer_filesize($jpgfile);
                if (!$jpg_size && ewww_image_optimizer_gd_support()) {
                    ewwwio_debug_message('converting with GD');
                    // retrieve the data from the PNG
                    $input = imagecreatefrompng($file);
                    // retrieve the dimensions of the PNG
                    list($width, $height) = getimagesize($file);
                    // create a new image with those dimensions
                    $output = imagecreatetruecolor($width, $height);
                    if ($r === '') {
                        $r = 255;
                        $g = 255;
                        $b = 255;
                    // allocate the background color
                    $rgb = imagecolorallocate($output, $r, $g, $b);
                    // fill the new image with the background color
                    imagefilledrectangle($output, 0, 0, $width, $height, $rgb);
                    // copy the original image to the new image
                    imagecopy($output, $input, 0, 0, 0, 0, $width, $height);
                    // output the JPG with the quality setting
                    imagejpeg($output, $jpgfile, $gquality);
                $jpg_size = ewww_image_optimizer_filesize($jpgfile);
                if ($jpg_size) {
                    ewwwio_debug_message("converted JPG filesize: {$jpg_size}");
                } else {
                    ewwwio_debug_message('unable to convert to JPG');
                // next we need to optimize that JPG if jpegtran is enabled
                if (ewww_image_optimizer_get_option('ewww_image_optimizer_jpg_level') == 10 && file_exists($jpgfile)) {
                    // generate temporary file-names:
                    $tempfile = $jpgfile . ".tmp";
                    //non-progressive jpeg
                    $progfile = $jpgfile . ".prog";
                    // progressive jpeg
                    // check to see if we are supposed to strip metadata (badly named)
                    if (ewww_image_optimizer_get_option('ewww_image_optimizer_jpegtran_copy') && !$keep_metadata) {
                        // don't copy metadata
                        $copy_opt = 'none';
                    } else {
                        // copy all the metadata
                        $copy_opt = 'all';
                    // run jpegtran - non-progressive
                    exec("{$nice} " . $tools['JPEGTRAN'] . " -copy {$copy_opt} -optimize -outfile " . ewww_image_optimizer_escapeshellarg($tempfile) . " " . ewww_image_optimizer_escapeshellarg($jpgfile));
                    // run jpegtran - progressive
                    exec("{$nice} " . $tools['JPEGTRAN'] . " -copy {$copy_opt} -optimize -progressive -outfile " . ewww_image_optimizer_escapeshellarg($progfile) . " " . ewww_image_optimizer_escapeshellarg($jpgfile));
                    // check the filesize of the non-progressive JPG
                    $non_size = ewww_image_optimizer_filesize($tempfile);
                    ewwwio_debug_message("non-progressive JPG filesize: {$non_size}");
                    // check the filesize of the progressive JPG
                    $prog_size = ewww_image_optimizer_filesize($progfile);
                    ewwwio_debug_message("progressive JPG filesize: {$prog_size}");
                    // if the progressive file is bigger
                    if ($prog_size > $non_size) {
                        // store the size of the non-progessive JPG
                        $opt_jpg_size = $non_size;
                        if (is_file($progfile)) {
                            // delete the progressive file
                        ewwwio_debug_message('keeping non-progressive JPG');
                        // if the progressive file is smaller or the same
                    } else {
                        // store the size of the progressive JPG
                        $opt_jpg_size = $prog_size;
                        // replace the non-progressive with the progressive file
                        rename($progfile, $tempfile);
                        ewwwio_debug_message('keeping progressive JPG');
                    // if the best-optimized is smaller than the original JPG, and we didn't create an empty JPG
                    if ($jpg_size > $opt_jpg_size && $opt_jpg_size != 0) {
                        // replace the original with the optimized file
                        rename($tempfile, $jpgfile);
                        // store the size of the optimized JPG
                        $jpg_size = $opt_jpg_size;
                        ewwwio_debug_message('optimized JPG was smaller than un-optimized version');
                        // if the optimization didn't produce a smaller JPG
                    } elseif (is_file($tempfile)) {
                        // delete the optimized file
                ewwwio_debug_message("converted JPG size: {$jpg_size}");
                // if the new JPG is smaller than the original PNG
                if ($new_size > $jpg_size && $jpg_size != 0 && ewww_image_optimizer_mimetype($jpgfile, 'i') == 'image/jpeg') {
                    // store the size of the JPG as the new filesize
                    $new_size = $jpg_size;
                    // if the user wants originals delted after a conversion
                    if (ewww_image_optimizer_get_option('ewww_image_optimizer_delete_originals') == TRUE) {
                        // delete the original PNG
                    // update the $file location to the new JPG
                    $file = $jpgfile;
                    // let webp know what we're dealing with now
                    $type = 'image/jpeg';
                    // successful conversion, so we store the increment
                    $converted = $filenum;
                } else {
                    $converted = FALSE;
                    if (is_file($jpgfile)) {
                        // otherwise delete the new JPG
            ewww_image_optimizer_webp_create($file, $new_size, $type, $tools['WEBP'], $orig_size != $new_size);
        case 'image/gif':
            // if gif2png is turned on, and the image is in the wordpress media library
            if ((ewww_image_optimizer_get_option('ewww_image_optimizer_gif_to_png') || !empty($_GET['ewww_convert'])) && $gallery_type == 1 && !ewww_image_optimizer_is_animated($file)) {
                // generate the filename for a PNG
                // if this is a resize version
                if ($converted) {
                    // just change the file extension
                    $pngfile = preg_replace('/\\.\\w+$/', '.png', $file);
                    // if this is the full version
                } else {
                    // construct the filename for the new PNG
                    list($pngfile, $filenum) = ewww_image_optimizer_unique_filename($file, '.png');
            } else {
                // turn conversion OFF
                $convert = false;
                $pngfile = '';
            // check for previous optimization, so long as the force flag is on and this isn't a new image that needs converting
            if (empty($_REQUEST['ewww_force']) && !($new && $convert)) {
                if ($results_msg = ewww_image_optimizer_check_table($file, $orig_size)) {
                    return array($file, $results_msg, $converted, $original);
            if (ewww_image_optimizer_get_option('ewww_image_optimizer_cloud_key') && ewww_image_optimizer_get_option('ewww_image_optimizer_gif_level') == 10) {
                list($file, $converted, $result, $new_size) = ewww_image_optimizer_cloud_optimizer($file, $type, $convert, $pngfile, 'image/png', $skip_lossy);
                if ($converted) {
                    // check to see if the user wants the originals deleted
                    if (ewww_image_optimizer_get_option('ewww_image_optimizer_delete_originals') == TRUE) {
                        // delete the original JPG
                    $converted = $filenum;
                    ewww_image_optimizer_webp_create($file, $new_size, 'image/png', null, $orig_size != $new_size);
            if ($convert) {
                $tools = ewww_image_optimizer_path_check(false, !$skip['optipng'], !$skip['gifsicle'], !$skip['pngout'], !$skip['pngquant'], !$skip['webp']);
            } else {
                $tools = ewww_image_optimizer_path_check(false, false, !$skip['gifsicle'], false, false, false);
            // if gifsicle is disabled
            if (ewww_image_optimizer_get_option('ewww_image_optimizer_gif_level') == 0) {
                // return an appropriate message
                $result = __('GIF optimization is disabled', EWWW_IMAGE_OPTIMIZER_DOMAIN);
                // if utility checking is on, and gifsicle is not installed
            } elseif (!$skip['gifsicle'] && !$tools['GIFSICLE']) {
                // return an appropriate message
                $result = sprintf(__('%s is missing', EWWW_IMAGE_OPTIMIZER_DOMAIN), '<em>gifsicle</em>');
            } else {
                // otherwise, turn optimization ON
                $optimize = true;
            // if optimization is turned ON
            if ($optimize) {
                $tempfile = $file . '.tmp';
                //temporary GIF output
                // run gifsicle on the GIF
                exec("{$nice} " . $tools['GIFSICLE'] . " -O3 --careful -o {$tempfile} " . ewww_image_optimizer_escapeshellarg($file));
                // retrieve the filesize of the temporary GIF
                $new_size = ewww_image_optimizer_filesize($tempfile);
                // if the new GIF is smaller
                if ($orig_size > $new_size && $new_size != 0 && ewww_image_optimizer_mimetype($tempfile, 'i') == $type) {
                    // replace the original with the optimized file
                    rename($tempfile, $file);
                    // store the results of the optimization
                    $result = "{$orig_size} vs. {$new_size}";
                    // if the optimization didn't produce a smaller GIF
                } else {
                    if (is_file($tempfile)) {
                        // delete the optimized file
                    // store the results
                    $result = 'unchanged';
                    $new_size = $orig_size;
                // if conversion and optimization are both turned OFF, we are done here
            } elseif (!$convert) {
            // get the new filesize for the GIF
            $new_size = ewww_image_optimizer_filesize($file);
            // if conversion is ON and the GIF isn't animated
            if ($convert && !ewww_image_optimizer_is_animated($file)) {
                if (empty($new_size)) {
                    $new_size = $orig_size;
                // if optipng is enabled
                if (!ewww_image_optimizer_get_option('ewww_image_optimizer_disable_optipng') && $tools['OPTIPNG']) {
                    // retrieve the optipng optimization level
                    $optipng_level = (int) ewww_image_optimizer_get_option('ewww_image_optimizer_optipng_level');
                    if (ewww_image_optimizer_get_option('ewww_image_optimizer_jpegtran_copy') && preg_match('/0.7/', ewww_image_optimizer_tool_found($tools['OPTIPNG'], 'o')) && !$keep_metadata) {
                        $strip = '-strip all ';
                    } else {
                        $strip = '';
                    // run optipng on the GIF file
                    exec("{$nice} " . $tools['OPTIPNG'] . " -out " . ewww_image_optimizer_escapeshellarg($pngfile) . " -o{$optipng_level} -quiet {$strip} " . ewww_image_optimizer_escapeshellarg($file));
                // if pngout is enabled
                if (!ewww_image_optimizer_get_option('ewww_image_optimizer_disable_pngout') && $tools['PNGOUT']) {
                    // retrieve the pngout optimization level
                    $pngout_level = (int) ewww_image_optimizer_get_option('ewww_image_optimizer_pngout_level');
                    // if $pngfile exists (which means optipng was run already)
                    if (file_exists($pngfile)) {
                        // run pngout on the PNG file
                        exec("{$nice} " . $tools['PNGOUT'] . " -s{$pngout_level} -q " . ewww_image_optimizer_escapeshellarg($pngfile));
                    } else {
                        // run pngout on the GIF file
                        exec("{$nice} " . $tools['PNGOUT'] . " -s{$pngout_level} -q " . ewww_image_optimizer_escapeshellarg($file) . " " . ewww_image_optimizer_escapeshellarg($pngfile));
                // retrieve the filesize of the PNG
                $png_size = ewww_image_optimizer_filesize($pngfile);
                // if the new PNG is smaller than the original GIF
                if ($new_size > $png_size && $png_size != 0 && ewww_image_optimizer_mimetype($pngfile, 'i') == 'image/png') {
                    // store the PNG size as the new filesize
                    $new_size = $png_size;
                    // if the user wants original GIFs deleted after successful conversion
                    if (ewww_image_optimizer_get_option('ewww_image_optimizer_delete_originals') == TRUE) {
                        // delete the original GIF
                    // update the $file location with the new PNG
                    $file = $pngfile;
                    // let webp know what we're dealing with now
                    $type = 'image/png';
                    // normally this would be at the end of the section, but we only want to do webp if the image was successfully converted to a png
                    ewww_image_optimizer_webp_create($file, $new_size, $type, $tools['WEBP'], $orig_size != $new_size);
                    // successful conversion (for now), so we store the increment
                    $converted = $filenum;
                } else {
                    $converted = FALSE;
                    if (is_file($pngfile)) {
        case 'application/pdf':
            if (empty($_REQUEST['ewww_force'])) {
                if ($results_msg = ewww_image_optimizer_check_table($file, $orig_size)) {
                    return array($file, $results_msg, false, $original);
            if (ewww_image_optimizer_get_option('ewww_image_optimizer_pdf_level') > 0) {
                list($file, $converted, $result, $new_size) = ewww_image_optimizer_cloud_optimizer($file, $type);
            // if not a JPG, PNG, or GIF, tell the user we don't work with strangers
            return array($file, __('Unknown type: ' . $type, EWWW_IMAGE_OPTIMIZER_DOMAIN), $converted, $original);
    // allow other plugins to run operations on the images after optimization.
    // NOTE: it is recommended to do any image modifications prior to optimization, otherwise you risk un-optimizing your images here.
    do_action('ewww_image_optimizer_post_optimization', $file, $type);
    // if their cloud api license limit has been exceeded
    if ($result == 'exceeded') {
        return array($file, __('License exceeded', EWWW_IMAGE_OPTIMIZER_DOMAIN), $converted, $original);
    if (!empty($new_size)) {
        // Set correct file permissions
        $stat = stat(dirname($file));
        $perms = $stat['mode'] & 0666;
        //same permissions as parent folder, strip off the executable bits
        @chmod($file, $perms);
        $results_msg = ewww_image_optimizer_update_table($file, $new_size, $orig_size, $new);
        return array($file, $results_msg, $converted, $original);
    // otherwise, send back the filename, the results (some sort of error message), the $converted flag, and the name of the original image
    return array($file, $result, $converted, $original);
コード例 #6
ファイル: Imagick.php プロジェクト: dgan89/yii2-image
  * Fill the image background.
  * @param integer $r
  * @param integer $g
  * @param integer $b
  * @param integer $opacity
 protected function _background($r, $g, $b, $opacity)
     $background = new \Imagick();
     $background->newImage($this->width, $this->height, new \ImagickPixel(sprintf('rgb(%d, %d, %d)', $r, $g, $b)));
     if (!$background->getImageAlphaChannel()) {
     $background->setImageBackgroundColor(new \ImagickPixel('transparent'));
     $background->evaluateImage(\Imagick::EVALUATE_MULTIPLY, $opacity / 100, \Imagick::CHANNEL_ALPHA);
     if ($background->compositeImage($this->im, \Imagick::COMPOSITE_DISSOLVE, 0, 0)) {
         $this->im = $background;
コード例 #7
ファイル: Gmagick.php プロジェクト: levmorozov/mii
 protected function _do_reflection($height, $opacity, $fade_in)
     // Clone the current image and flip it for reflection
     $reflection = $this->im->clone();
     // Crop the reflection to the selected height
     $reflection->cropImage($this->width, $height, 0, 0);
     $reflection->setImagePage($this->width, $height, 0, 0);
     // Select the fade direction
     $direction = array('transparent', 'black');
     if ($fade_in) {
         // Change the direction of the fade
         $direction = array_reverse($direction);
     // Create a gradient for fading
     $fade = new Imagick();
     $fade->newPseudoImage($reflection->getImageWidth(), $reflection->getImageHeight(), vsprintf('gradient:%s-%s', $direction));
     // Apply the fade alpha channel to the reflection
     $reflection->compositeImage($fade, Imagick::COMPOSITE_DSTOUT, 0, 0);
     // NOTE: Using setImageOpacity will destroy alpha channels!
     $reflection->evaluateImage(Imagick::EVALUATE_MULTIPLY, $opacity / 100, Imagick::CHANNEL_ALPHA);
     // Create a new container to hold the image and reflection
     $image = new Imagick();
     $image->newImage($this->width, $this->height + $height, new ImagickPixel());
     // Force the image to have an alpha channel
     // Force the background color to be transparent
     // $image->setImageBackgroundColor(new ImagickPixel('transparent'));
     // Match the colorspace between the two images before compositing
     // Place the image and reflection into the container
     if ($image->compositeImage($this->im, Imagick::COMPOSITE_SRC, 0, 0) and $image->compositeImage($reflection, Imagick::COMPOSITE_OVER, 0, $this->height)) {
         // Replace the current image with the reflected image
         $this->im = $image;
         // Reset the width and height
         $this->width = $this->im->getImageWidth();
         $this->height = $this->im->getImageHeight();
         return TRUE;
     return FALSE;
コード例 #8
 private function _mergeSingleImg($margedImagePath)
     switch ($this->imageProcessLib) {
         case 'gd':
             $watermarkInfo = getimagesize($this->watermarkPath);
             if ($watermarkInfo["mime"] == "image/png") {
                 $watermark = imagecreatefrompng($this->watermarkPath);
             } else {
                 $watermark = imagecreatefromjpeg($this->watermarkPath);
             $imageInfo = getimagesize($this->imagePath);
             if ($imageInfo["mime"] == "image/png") {
                 $image = imagecreatefrompng($this->imagePath);
             } else {
                 $image = imagecreatefromjpeg($this->imagePath);
             imagesavealpha($image, true);
             imagesavealpha($watermark, true);
             imagealphablending($image, false);
             imagealphablending($watermark, false);
             if ($watermarkInfo[0] > $imageInfo[0] || $watermarkInfo[1] > $imageInfo[1]) {
                 $kWidth = $watermarkInfo[0] / $imageInfo[0];
                 $kHeight = $watermarkInfo[0] / $imageInfo[0];
                 if ($kWidth > $kHeight) {
                     // Масштабируем по ширине
                     $watermarkInfo[0] = $watermarkInfo[0] / $kWidth;
                     $watermarkInfo[1] = $watermarkInfo[1] / $kWidth;
                 } else {
                     // Масштабируем по высоте
                     $watermarkInfo[0] = $watermarkInfo[0] / $kHeight;
                     $watermarkInfo[1] = $watermarkInfo[1] / $kHeight;
                 imagecopyresampled($watermark, $watermark, 0, 0, 0, 0, $watermarkInfo[0], $watermarkInfo[1], imagesx($watermark), imagesy($watermark));
             imagecopy($image, $watermark, $this->watermarkOfsetX, $this->watermarkOfsetY, 0, 0, $watermarkInfo[0], $watermarkInfo[1]);
             if ($imageInfo["mime"] == "image/png") {
                 imagepng($image, $margedImagePath);
             } else {
                 imagejpeg($image, $margedImagePath);
         case 'imagick':
             $image = new Imagick();
             $watermark = new Imagick();
             if (!$watermark->getImageAlphaChannel()) {
             if ($watermark->getImageWidth() > $image->getImageWidth() || $watermark->getImageHeight() > $image->getImageHeight()) {
                 $kWidth = $watermark->getImageWidth() / $image->getImageWidth();
                 $kHeight = $watermark->getImageHeight() / $image->getImageHeight();
                 if ($kWidth > $kHeight) {
                     // Масштабируем по ширине
                     $watermark->scaleImage($watermark->getImageWidth() / $kWidth, $watermark->getImageHeight() / $kWidth);
                 } else {
                     // Масштабируем по высоте
                     $watermark->scaleImage($watermark->getImageWidth() / $kHeight, $watermark->getImageHeight() / $kHeight);
             $watermark->evaluateImage(Imagick::EVALUATE_MULTIPLY, $this->watermarkTransparency, Imagick::CHANNEL_ALPHA);
             $image->compositeImage($watermark, imagick::COMPOSITE_OVER, $this->watermarkOfsetX, $this->watermarkOfsetY);
             echo json_encode(array('status' => 'error', 'errorId' => '1-6', 'errorText' => 'An invalid image processing library'), JSON_FORCE_OBJECT);
     return true;
コード例 #9
ファイル: Picture.php プロジェクト: Anon215/movim
  * @desc Create a thumbnail of the picture and save it
  * @param $size The size requested
 private function createThumbnail($width, $height = false, $format = 'jpeg')
     if (!in_array($format, array_keys($this->_formats))) {
         $format = 'jpeg';
     if (!$height) {
         $height = $width;
     $path = $this->_path . md5($this->_key) . '_' . $width . $this->_formats[$format];
     $im = new Imagick();
     try {
         if ($format == 'jpeg') {
             // Put 11 as a value for now, see http://php.net/manual/en/imagick.flattenimages.php#116956
             $im = $im->mergeImageLayers(Imagick::LAYERMETHOD_FLATTEN);
         //$crop = new CropEntropy;
         $geo = $im->getImageGeometry();
         $im->cropThumbnailImage($width, $height);
         if ($width > $geo['width']) {
             $factor = floor($width / $geo['width']);
             $im->blurImage($factor, 10);
         //$im = $crop->resizeAndCrop($width, $height);
     } catch (ImagickException $e) {
コード例 #10
ファイル: Imagick.php プロジェクト: smallmirror62/framework
 protected function _background($r, $g, $b, $opacity)
     $color = sprintf("rgb(%d, %d, %d)", $r, $g, $b);
     $pixel1 = new \ImagickPixel($color);
     $opacity = $opacity / 100;
     $pixel2 = new \ImagickPixel("transparent");
     $background = new \Imagick();
     while (true) {
         $background->newImage($this->_width, $this->_height, $pixel1);
         if (!$background->getImageAlphaChannel()) {
         $background->evaluateImage(constant("Imagick::EVALUATE_MULTIPLY"), $opacity, constant("Imagick::CHANNEL_ALPHA"));
         $background->compositeImage($this->_image, constant("Imagick::COMPOSITE_DISSOLVE"), 0, 0);
         if (!$this->_image->nextImage()) {
     $this->_image = $background;
コード例 #11
     echo 'Error: Format not supported. Supported format: dds, jpeg, png, bmp.';
 /*if ($icon_width > 200 or $icon_height > 200)
 	echo 'Error: The size of your picture is too big. Should be under 200*200';
 if ($icon_width < 150 or $icon_height < 150) {
     echo 'Error: The size of your picture is too small. Should be above 150*150';
 if ($icon_format != 'PNG') {
 // Resizing
 if ($icon_width != $icon_height) {
     $min = min($icon_width, $icon_height);
     $icon->resizeImage($min, $min, Imagick::FILTER_BOX, 1, true);
     $icon_width = $icon->getImageWidth();
     $icon_height = $icon->getImageHeight();
 $wanted_size = 176;
 $icon->resizeImage($wanted_size, $wanted_size, Imagick::FILTER_BOX, 1);
 $iterator = $icon->getPixelIterator();
 foreach ($iterator as $row => $pixels) {
     foreach ($pixels as $col => $pixel) {
         $color = $pixel->getColor();
         // values are 0-255
         $alpha = $pixel->getColor(true);
コード例 #12
ファイル: index.php プロジェクト: JiesonWu/TiCons
         } else {
             $compress[] = $file;
         if (isset($size[SPLASH_ROTATE])) {
             $image->rotateImage(new ImagickPixel('none'), $size[SPLASH_ROTATE]);
         $image->cropThumbnailImage($size[SPLASH_WIDTH], $size[SPLASH_HEIGHT]);
         $image->setImageResolution($size[SPLASH_DPI], $size[SPLASH_DPI]);
 if ($_POST['compression'] && count($compress) > 0) {
     switch ($_POST['compression']) {
         case 'low':
             $o = 1;
         case 'medium':
             $o = 2;
         case 'high':
             $o = 3;
コード例 #13
ファイル: To11.php プロジェクト: bersace/strass
    function online($db)

CREATE TABLE `document` (
	titre		CHAR(128)	NOT NULL,
	description	TEXT		NULL,
	auteur		CHAR(512)	NULL,
	suffixe		CHAR(8),

INSERT INTO document
(slug, titre, suffixe, date)
SELECT id, titre, suffixe, date
FROM documents

DROP TABLE documents;

CREATE TABLE `unite_document` (
	document	INTEGER		NOT NULL REFERENCES document(id),
	UNIQUE (unite, document)

INSERT INTO `unite_document`
(document, unite)
SELECT document.id, unite.id
FROM doc_unite
JOIN document ON document.slug = doc_unite.document
JOIN unite ON unite.slug = doc_unite.unite;

DROP TABLE doc_unite;

CREATE VIEW vdocuments AS
SELECT document.id, unite.slug, document.slug, document.suffixe
FROM document
JOIN unite_document ON unite_document.document = document.id
JOIN unite ON unite.id = unite_document.unite
ORDER BY document.date;

ALTER TABLE activite_document RENAME TO tmp;

CREATE TABLE `activite_document` (
	activite	INTEGER		NOT NULL REFERENCES activite(id),
	document	INTEGER		NOT NULL REFERENCES document(id),
	UNIQUE (activite, document)

INSERT INTO activite_document
(activite, document)
SELECT tmp.activite, document.id
FROM tmp
JOIN document ON document.slug = document;


CREATE VIEW vpiecesjointes AS
SELECT document.id, activite.slug, document.slug, document.suffixe
FROM document
JOIN activite_document ON activite_document.document = document.id
JOIN activite ON activite.id = activite_document.activite
ORDER BY activite.debut;

        error_log("Génération des vignettes des documents");
        $stmt = $db->query("SELECT * FROM document");
        foreach ($stmt as $row) {
            if ($row['suffixe'] != 'pdf') {
            $document = 'data/documents/' . $row['slug'] . '.' . $row['suffixe'];
            $vignette = 'data/documents/' . $row['slug'] . '-vignette.jpeg';
            $im = new Imagick($document . '[0]');
            $im->thumbnailImage(0, 256);
  * Efficiently resize the current image
  * This is a WordPress specific implementation of Imagick::thumbnailImage(),
  * which resizes an image to given dimensions and removes any associated profiles.
  * @since 4.5.0
  * @access protected
  * @param int    $dst_w       The destination width.
  * @param int    $dst_h       The destination height.
  * @param string $filter_name Optional. The Imagick filter to use when resizing. Default 'FILTER_TRIANGLE'.
  * @param bool   $strip_meta  Optional. Strip all profiles, excluding color profiles, from the image. Default true.
  * @return bool|WP_Error
 protected function thumbnail_image($dst_w, $dst_h, $filter_name = 'FILTER_TRIANGLE', $strip_meta = true)
      * Set the filter value if '$filter_name' name is in our whitelist and the related
      * Imagick constant is defined or fall back to our default filter.
     if (in_array($filter_name, $allowed_filters) && defined('Imagick::' . $filter_name)) {
         $filter = constant('Imagick::' . $filter_name);
     } else {
         $filter = defined('Imagick::FILTER_TRIANGLE') ? Imagick::FILTER_TRIANGLE : false;
      * Filters whether to strip metadata from images when they're resized.
      * This filter only applies when resizing using the Imagick editor since GD
      * always strips profiles by default.
      * @since 4.5.0
      * @param bool $strip_meta Whether to strip image metadata during resizing. Default true.
     if (apply_filters('image_strip_meta', $strip_meta)) {
         // Fail silently if not supported.
     try {
          * To be more efficient, resample large images to 5x the destination size before resizing
          * whenever the output size is less that 1/3 of the original image size (1/3^2 ~= .111),
          * unless we would be resampling to a scale smaller than 128x128.
         if (is_callable(array($this->image, 'sampleImage'))) {
             $resize_ratio = $dst_w / $this->size['width'] * ($dst_h / $this->size['height']);
             $sample_factor = 5;
             if ($resize_ratio < 0.111 && ($dst_w * $sample_factor > 128 && $dst_h * $sample_factor > 128)) {
                 $this->image->sampleImage($dst_w * $sample_factor, $dst_h * $sample_factor);
          * Use resizeImage() when it's available and a valid filter value is set.
          * Otherwise, fall back to the scaleImage() method for resizing, which
          * results in better image quality over resizeImage() with default filter
          * settings and retains backward compatibility with pre 4.5 functionality.
         if (is_callable(array($this->image, 'resizeImage')) && $filter) {
             $this->image->setOption('filter:support', '2.0');
             $this->image->resizeImage($dst_w, $dst_h, $filter, 1);
         } else {
             $this->image->scaleImage($dst_w, $dst_h);
         // Set appropriate quality settings after resizing.
         if ('image/jpeg' == $this->mime_type) {
             if (is_callable(array($this->image, 'unsharpMaskImage'))) {
                 $this->image->unsharpMaskImage(0.25, 0.25, 8, 0.065);
             $this->image->setOption('jpeg:fancy-upsampling', 'off');
         if ('image/png' === $this->mime_type) {
             $this->image->setOption('png:compression-filter', '5');
             $this->image->setOption('png:compression-level', '9');
             $this->image->setOption('png:compression-strategy', '1');
             $this->image->setOption('png:exclude-chunk', 'all');
          * If alpha channel is not defined, set it opaque.
          * Note that Imagick::getImageAlphaChannel() is only available if Imagick
          * has been compiled against ImageMagick version 6.4.0 or newer.
         if (is_callable(array($this->image, 'getImageAlphaChannel')) && is_callable(array($this->image, 'setImageAlphaChannel')) && defined('Imagick::ALPHACHANNEL_UNDEFINED') && defined('Imagick::ALPHACHANNEL_OPAQUE')) {
             if ($this->image->getImageAlphaChannel() === Imagick::ALPHACHANNEL_UNDEFINED) {
         // Limit the bit depth of resized images to 8 bits per channel.
         if (is_callable(array($this->image, 'getImageDepth')) && is_callable(array($this->image, 'setImageDepth'))) {
             if (8 < $this->image->getImageDepth()) {
         if (is_callable(array($this->image, 'setInterlaceScheme')) && defined('Imagick::INTERLACE_NO')) {
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         return new WP_Error('image_resize_error', $e->getMessage());
コード例 #15
  * Convert a transparent PNG to JPG, with specified background color
  * @param string $id Attachment ID
  * @param string $file File Path Original Image
  * @param string $meta Attachment Meta
  * @param string $size Image size. set to 'full' by default
  * @return array Savings and Updated Meta
 function convert_tpng_to_jpg($id = '', $file = '', $meta = '', $size = 'full')
     global $wpsmush_settings;
     $result = array('meta' => $meta, 'savings' => '');
     //Flag: Whether the image was converted or not
     if ('full' == $size) {
         $result['converted'] = false;
     //If any of the values is not set
     if (empty($id) || empty($file) || empty($meta)) {
         return $result;
     //Get the File name without ext
     $n_file = pathinfo($file);
     if (empty($n_file['dirname']) || empty($n_file['filename'])) {
         return $result;
     $n_file['filename'] = wp_unique_filename($n_file['dirname'], $n_file['filename'] . '.jpg');
     //Updated File name
     $n_file = path_join($n_file['dirname'], $n_file['filename']);
     $transparent_png = $wpsmush_settings->get_setting(WP_SMUSH_PREFIX . 'transparent_png');
      * Filter Background Color for Transparent PNGs
     $bg = apply_filters('wp_smush_bg', $transparent_png['background'], $id, $size);
     $quality = $this->get_quality($file);
     if ($this->supports_imagick()) {
         try {
             $imagick = new Imagick($file);
             $imagick->setImageBackgroundColor(new ImagickPixel('#' . $bg));
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             error_log("WP Smush PNG to JPG Conversion error in " . __FILE__ . " at " . __LINE__ . " " . $e->getMessage());
             return $result;
     } else {
         //Use GD for conversion
         //Get data from PNG
         $input = imagecreatefrompng($file);
         //Width and Height of image
         list($width, $height) = getimagesize($file);
         //Create New image
         $output = imagecreatetruecolor($width, $height);
         // set background color for GD
         $r = hexdec('0x' . strtoupper(substr($bg, 0, 2)));
         $g = hexdec('0x' . strtoupper(substr($bg, 2, 2)));
         $b = hexdec('0x' . strtoupper(substr($bg, 4, 2)));
         //Set the Background color
         $rgb = imagecolorallocate($output, $r, $g, $b);
         //Fill Background
         imagefilledrectangle($output, 0, 0, $width, $height, $rgb);
         //Create New image
         imagecopy($output, $input, 0, 0, 0, 0, $width, $height);
         //Create JPG
         imagejpeg($output, $n_file, $quality);
     //Replace file, and get savings
     $result = $this->replace_file($file, $result, $n_file);
     if (!empty($result['savings'])) {
         if ('full' == $size) {
             $result['converted'] = true;
         //Update the File Details. and get updated meta
         $result['meta'] = $this->update_image_path($id, $file, $n_file, $meta, $size);
          *  Perform a action after the image URL is updated in post content
         do_action('wp_smush_image_url_changed', $id, $file, $n_file, $size);
     return $result;
コード例 #16
ファイル: imagick.php プロジェクト: MenZil-Team/cms
 protected function _do_background($r, $g, $b, $opacity)
     // Create a RGB color for the background
     $color = sprintf('rgb(%d, %d, %d)', $r, $g, $b);
     // Create a new image for the background
     $background = new Imagick();
     $background->newImage($this->width, $this->height, new ImagickPixel($color));
     if (!$background->getImageAlphaChannel()) {
         // Force the image to have an alpha channel
     // Clear the background image
     $background->setImageBackgroundColor(new ImagickPixel('transparent'));
     // NOTE: Using setImageOpacity will destroy current alpha channels!
     $background->evaluateImage(Imagick::EVALUATE_MULTIPLY, $opacity / 100, Imagick::CHANNEL_ALPHA);
     // Match the colorspace between the two images before compositing
     if ($background->compositeImage($this->im, Imagick::COMPOSITE_DISSOLVE, 0, 0)) {
         // Replace the current image with the new image
         $this->im = $background;
         return TRUE;
     return FALSE;
コード例 #17
$save_image_link = 'imagick-crop-1920x1281-rotate-from-original-source.gif';
$save_result = $Imagick->writeImage($processed_images_fullpath . $save_image_link);
echo '<a href="' . $processed_images_folder . $save_image_link . '">rotated image</a>' . "\n";
echo '<hr>' . "\n\n";
// resize 6 (save to .png)
$Imagick = new \Imagick(realpath($source_image_gif));
$Imagick->resizeImage($new_width1, $new_height1, \Imagick::FILTER_LANCZOS, 1);
$Imagick->setImagePage(0, 0, 0, 0);
// required to resize NON animated gif
$save_image_link = 'imagick-resize-900x600-from-gif.png';
// convert transparency gif to white before save to another extension
// convert from transparent to white. for GIF source
// convert from transparent to white. for GIF source
$Imagick = $Imagick->mergeImageLayers(\Imagick::LAYERMETHOD_FLATTEN);
// convert from transparent to white. for GIF source
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
$save_result = $Imagick->writeImage($processed_images_fullpath . $save_image_link);
echo '<a href="' . $processed_images_folder . $save_image_link . '">resized image</a>' . "\n";
$image_data = getimagesize($processed_images_folder . $save_image_link);
echo '<pre>' . print_r($image_data, true) . '</pre>';
echo '<hr>' . "\n\n";
// resize 7 (save to .jpg)
$save_image_link = 'imagick-resize-900x600-from-gif.jpg';
// convert transparency gif to white before save to another extension
// convert from transparent to white. for GIF source