function doUploadImage($passed_mime = null) { /*** * Works with the default $_FILES object and handles image * uploads. * * It then creates a thumbnail for easy display. * * It takes one optional function argument * * @param passed_mime The mime type of the file (to be passed to client) * * It has the following optional parameters, that should be * provided in the POST / GET request: * * * @param uploadpath the path, relative to this file, to save the * uploaded images. Should end in a trailing slash. * * @param thumb_width the maximum width of a thumbnail. (Aspect * ratio will be maintained) * * @param thumb_height the maximum height of a thumbnail (Aspect * ratio will be maintained) ***/ if (empty($_FILES)) { return array('status' => false,'error' => 'No files provided','human_error' => 'Please provide a file to upload'); } $temp = $_FILES['file']['tmp_name']; $uploadPath = $_REQUEST['uploadpath']; $savePath = dirname(__FILE__).'/'.$uploadPath; if (!file_exists($savePath)) { if(!mkdir($savePath)) { return array( 'status' => false, 'error' => "Bad path '$savePath'", 'human_error' => 'There is a server misconfiguration preventing your file from being uploaded', ); } } $file = $_FILES['file']['name']; $exploded = explode('.', $file); $extension = array_pop($exploded); $fileName = md5($file.microtime_float()); $newFilePath = $fileName.'.'.$extension; $fileWritePath = $savePath.$newFilePath; # We want to suppress the warning on move_uploaded_file, or else # it'll return an invalid JSON response #error_reporting(0); # Disable this for debugging // ini_set("error_log","/usr/local/web/amphibian_disease/error-admin.log"); // ini_set("display_errors",1); // ini_set("log_errors",1); // error_reporting(E_ALL); $status = move_uploaded_file($temp, $fileWritePath); $uploadStatus = array('status' => $status,'original_file' => $file,'wrote_file' => $newFilePath,'full_path' => getRelativePath($fileWritePath)); if (!$status) { # We bugged out on completing the upload. Return this status. # Formal mime type: # $finfo = finfo_open(FILEINFO_MIME); $mime = finfo_file($finfo, $temp); finfo_close($finfo); # Return the "real" path for debugging $uploadStatus["error"] = "Could not move uploaded file to destination ( Destination directory: ".realpath($savePath).")"; $uploadStatus["mime"] = "Formal mime: '".$mime."'"; $uploadStatus["human_error"] = "There was a problem saving your file to the server"; return $uploadStatus; } # $uploadStatus["s3"] = copyToS3($fileWritePath, $newFilePath); # OK, create the thumbs. if (intval($_REQUEST['thumb_width']) > 0) { $thumb_max_width = intval($_REQUEST['thumb_width']); } else { $thumb_max_width = 640; } if (intval($_REQUEST['thumb_height']) > 0) { $thumb_max_height = intval($_REQUEST['thumb_height']); } else { $thumb_max_height = 480; } $fileThumb = $savePath.$fileName.'-thumb.'.$extension; $resizeStatus = ImageFunctions::staticResizeImage($fileWritePath, $fileThumb, $thumb_max_width, $thumb_max_height); # $resizeStatus["s3"] = copyToS3($resizeStatus['output'], $fileName.'-thumb.'.$extension); $resizeStatus['output'] = getRelativePath($resizeStatus['output']); $uploadStatus['resize_status'] = $resizeStatus; $uploadStatus['thumb_path'] = $resizeStatus['output']; $uploadStatus["wrote_thumb"] = str_replace("uploaded/","",$resizeStatus["output"]); $uploadStatus['mime_provided'] = $passed_mime; return $uploadStatus; }
function saveEntry($get) { /*** * Save a new taxon entry ***/ $data64 = $get["data"]; $enc = strtr($data64, '-_', '+/'); $enc = chunk_split(preg_replace('!\\015\\012|\\015|\\012!', '', $enc)); $enc = str_replace(' ', '+', $enc); $data_string = base64_decode($enc); $data = json_decode($data_string, true); if (!isset($data["id"])) { # The required attribute is missing $details = array("original_data" => $data64, "decoded_data" => $data_string, "data_array" => $data); return array("status" => false, "error" => "POST data attribute \"id\" is missing", "human_error" => "The request to the server was malformed. Please try again.", "details" => $details); } # Add the perform key global $db; $ref = array(); $ref["id"] = $data["id"]; unset($data["id"]); try { $result = $db->updateEntry($data, $ref); # Now, we want to do image processing if an image was alerted $imgDetails = false; if (!empty($data["image"])) { $img = $data["image"]; $imgDetails = array("has_provided_img" => true); # Process away! $file = dirname(__FILE__) . "/" . $img; $imgDetails["file_path"] = $file; $imgDetails["relative_path"] = $img; if (file_exists($file)) { $imgDetails["img_present"] = true; # Resize away try { $i = new ImageFunctions($file); $thumbArr = explode(".", $img); $extension = array_pop($thumbArr); $outputFile = dirname(__FILE__) . "/" . implode(".", $thumbArr) . "-thumb." . $extension; $imgDetails["resize_status"] = $i->resizeImage($outputFile, 256, 256); } catch (Exception $e) { $imgDetails["resize_status"] = false; $imgDetails["resize_error"] = $e->getMessage(); } } else { $imgDetails["img_present"] = false; } } } catch (Exception $e) { return array("status" => false, "error" => $e->getMessage(), "humman_error" => "Database error saving", "data" => $data, "ref" => $ref, "perform" => "save"); } if ($result !== true) { return array("status" => false, "error" => $result, "human_error" => "Database error saving", "data" => $data, "ref" => $ref, "perform" => "save"); } return array("status" => true, "perform" => "save", "data" => $data, "img_details" => $imgDetails); }