コード例 #1
 public function storage()
     $token = \Input::get('_token');
     if (\Session::token() === $token) {
         $files = Input::file('files');
         foreach ($files as $file) {
             $data = array('ten_vi' => Input::get('name'), 'mota_vi' => Input::get('name'), 'hienthi' => true, 'noibat' => false, 'slug_vi' => \Str::slug(Input::get('name'), '-'));
             try {
                 $result = $this->assetMedia->create($data);
                 $cates = Input::get('category');
                 $t = $this->assetMedia->find($result->id);
                 // LAY TEN FILE
                 $filename = \Str::random(20) . '_' . $file->getClientOriginalName();
                 // THU MUC UPLOAD TIN TUC
                 $directory = \Config::get('detr.assetmedia_upload');
                 $upload_status = $file->move(public_path() . $directory, $filename);
                 chmod(public_path() . $directory . $filename, 0755);
                 if ($upload_status) {
                     $t->photo = $directory . $filename;
                     $thumb = \Illuminage::image($directory . $filename)->thumbnail(200, 200)->getRelativePath();
                     $t->thumb = $thumb;
                     chmod(public_path() . '/' . $thumb, 0755);
                 //ADD VAO TABLE MEDIA
                 $this->media->create(["src" => $directory . $filename, 'thumb' => $thumb, 'title_vi' => Input::get('name'), 'alt_vi' => Input::get('name'), 'caption_vi' => Input::get('name')]);
             } catch (\Exception $e) {
                 return \Redirect::back()->with('success', 'Thêm mới thất bại!');
         return \Redirect::to('serect/asset-media');
     } else {
         return \Redirect::back();
コード例 #2
 public function storage()
     $idProduct = Input::get('id_product');
     $product = $this->product->find($idProduct);
     $photo = '';
     $thumb = '';
     if (Input::hasFile('photo')) {
         // LAY TEN FILE
         $filename = \Str::random(20) . '_' . Input::file('photo')->getClientOriginalName();
         $directory = \Config::get('detr.sanpham_upload');
         $upload_status = Input::file('photo')->move(public_path() . $directory, $filename);
         chmod(public_path() . $directory . $filename, 0755);
         if ($upload_status) {
             $photo = $directory . $filename;
             $thumb = \Illuminage::image($directory . $filename)->thumbnail(200, 200)->getRelativePath();
             chmod(public_path() . $thumb, 0755);
             //ADD VAO TABLE MEDIA
             $this->media->create(["src" => $directory . $filename, 'thumb' => $thumb, 'title_vi' => Input::get('ten_vi'), 'alt_vi' => Input::get('alt_vi'), 'caption_vi' => Input::get('caption_vi')]);
     $productimg = $this->pimgs->create(['ten_vi' => Input::get('ten_vi'), 'alt_vi' => Input::get('alt_vi'), 'caption_vi' => Input::get('caption_vi'), 'alt_vi' => Input::get('alt_vi'), 'photo' => $photo, 'thumb' => $thumb, 'id_product' => $idProduct]);
     return \Redirect::to('quanly/sanpham/');
コード例 #3
 public function save()
     $id = Input::get('id');
     $tt = $this->tintuc->find($id);
     $token = \Input::get('_token');
     if (\Session::token() === $token) {
         $data = array('stt' => Input::get('stt'), 'luotxem' => Input::get('luotxem'), 'ten_vi' => Input::get('ten_vi'), 'mota_vi' => Input::get('mota_vi'), 'noidung_vi' => Input::get('noidung_vi'), 'hienthi' => Input::has('hienthi'), 'noibat' => Input::has('noibat'), 'slug_vi' => \Str::slug(Input::get('ten_vi'), '-'), 'title_seo_vi' => Input::get('title_seo_vi'), 'desc_seo_vi' => Input::get('desc_seo_vi'), 'keyword_seo_vi' => Input::get('keyword_seo_vi'));
         $tt->stt = $data['stt'];
         $tt->luotxem = $data['luotxem'];
         $tt->hienthi = $data['hienthi'];
         $tt->noibat = $data['noibat'];
         $tt->ten_vi = $data['ten_vi'];
         $tt->slug_vi = $data['slug_vi'];
         $tt->mota_vi = $data['mota_vi'];
         $tt->noidung_vi = $data['noidung_vi'];
         $tt->title_seo_vi = $data['title_seo_vi'];
         $tt->desc_seo_vi = $data['desc_seo_vi'];
         $tt->keyword_seo_vi = $data['keyword_seo_vi'];
         if (Input::hasFile('photo')) {
             // LAY TEN FILE
             $filename = \Str::random(20) . '_' . Input::file('photo')->getClientOriginalName();
             // THU MUC UPLOAD TIN TUC
             $directory = \Config::get('detr.tintuc_upload');
             $upload_status = Input::file('photo')->move(public_path() . $directory, $filename);
             chmod(public_path() . $directory . $filename, 0755);
             if ($upload_status) {
                 //UPload thanh cong, kiem tra xem file photo co ton tai hay khong, neu cos thi xoa di
                 // if (\File::exists(public_path().$tt->photo)) {
                 // 	\File::delete(public_path().$tt->photo);
                 // }
                 $tt->photo = $directory . $filename;
                 // if (\File::exists(public_path().'/'.$tt->thumb)) {
                 // 	\File::delete(public_path().'/'.$tt->thumb);
                 // }
                 $thumb = \Illuminage::image($directory . $filename)->thumbnail(200, 200)->getRelativePath();
                 $tt->thumb = $thumb;
                 chmod(public_path() . $thumb, 0755);
         /* avoiding resubmission of same content */
         if (count($tt->getDirty()) > 0) {
             //UPDATE CATEGORY
             try {
                 $cates = Input::get('category');
             } catch (\Exception $e) {
                 return \Redirect::back()->with('success', 'Tin tức cập nhật thất bại!');
             //UPDATE CATEGORY
             return \Redirect::back()->with('success', 'Tin tức đã được cập nhật!');
         } else {
             return \Redirect::back()->with('success', 'Nothing to update!');
     } else {
         return \Redirect::back()->withInput()->with('success', 'Cập nhật thất bại, Token hết hiệu lực');
コード例 #4
 public function create()
     if (Request::ajax()) {
         $param = Input::all();
         foreach ($param as $key => $value) {
             # code...
             if ($key != 'user_json') {
                 $value = htmlspecialchars($value, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
                 $param[$key] = $value;
         // dd($param);
         $userJson = '';
         if ($param["is_sharing"]) {
             $userJson = $param['user_json'];
         try {
             $id = $this->orders->create(["tenkhachhang" => $param["tenkhachhang"], "email" => $param["email"], "phone" => $param["phone"], "orderNote" => $param["orderNote"], "hinhminhhoa" => '', "hinhminhhoa_back" => '', "hinhdein" => '', "hinhdein_back" => '', "soluong" => $param["soluong"], "phuongthucthanhtoan" => $param["phuongthucthanhtoan"], "tennguoinhan" => $param["tennguoinhan"], "phone_nguoinhan" => $param["phone_nguoinhan"], "diachinguoinhan" => $param["diachinguoinhan"], "is_sharing" => $param["is_sharing"], "bank_account" => $param["bank_account"], "bank_name" => $param["bank_name"], "noidung_bank" => $param["noidung_bank"], "list_asset_imgs" => '', "list_facebook_imgs" => '', "id_product" => $param['id_product'], "hasBack" => $param['hasBack'], "thumb" => '', "user_json" => '', 'hasLayerCircle' => $param['hasBack'], 'hinhdein_layerBack' => '', 'hinhminhhoa_layerBack' => '']);
             // // THU MUC UPLOAD TIN TUC
             $directory = public_path() . \Config::get('detr.order_thumbs');
             $directoryHinhorder = \Config::get('detr.order_assets');
             // dd($userJson);
             $o = $this->orders->find($id->id);
             if ($param['is_layerCircle']) {
                 if ($param['hasLayerCircle']) {
                     $base64_strbackMLC = substr($param['hinhminhhoa_layerBack'], strpos($param['hinhminhhoa_layerBack'], ",") + 1);
                     $imageBackMLC = base64_decode($base64_strbackMLC);
                     $filenameBackMLC = "order-" . time() . "backCircle.png";
                     $successBack = file_put_contents($directory . $filenameBackMLC, $imageBackMLC);
                     chmod($directory . $filenameBackMLC, 0755);
                     $thumbHinhminhhoa_backMLC = '/' . \Illuminage::image(\Config::get('detr.order_thumbs') . $filenameBackMLC)->thumbnail(200, 300)->getRelativePath();
                     chmod(public_path() . '/' . $thumbHinhminhhoa_backMLC, 0755);
                     $o->hinhminhhoa_layerBack = $thumbHinhminhhoa_backMLC;
                     $o->thumb = $thumbHinhminhhoa_backMLC;
                     $o->hinhminhhoa = $thumbHinhminhhoa_backMLC;
                     $base64_str_hinhdein_backLC = substr($param['hinhdein_layerBack'], strpos($param['hinhdein_layerBack'], ",") + 1);
                     $imageHinhdein_backLC = base64_decode($base64_str_hinhdein_backLC);
                     $filenameHinhdein_backLC = "orderLayerCircle-" . time() . ".png";
                     $successHinhdein_backLC = file_put_contents(public_path() . $directoryHinhorder . $filenameHinhdein_backLC, $imageHinhdein_backLC);
                     chmod(public_path() . $directoryHinhorder . $filenameHinhdein_backLC, 0755);
                     $o->hinhdein_layerBack = $directoryHinhorder . $filenameHinhdein_backLC;
             } else {
                  * HINH MINH HOA VÀ THUMB
                 $base64_str = substr($param['hinhminhhoa'], strpos($param['hinhminhhoa'], ",") + 1);
                 $image = base64_decode($base64_str);
                 $filename = "order-" . time() . ".png";
                 $success = file_put_contents($directory . $filename, $image);
                 chmod($directory . $filename, 0755);
                 $thumb = '/' . \Illuminage::image(\Config::get('detr.order_thumbs') . $filename)->thumbnail(200, 300)->getRelativePath();
                 chmod(public_path() . '/' . $thumb, 0755);
                 $o->thumb = $thumb;
                 $o->hinhminhhoa = $thumb;
                 if ($param['hasBack']) {
                      * HINH MINH HOA BACK
                     $base64_strback = substr($param['hinhminhhoa_back'], strpos($param['hinhminhhoa_back'], ",") + 1);
                     $imageBack = base64_decode($base64_strback);
                     $filenameBack = "order-" . time() . "back.png";
                     $successBack = file_put_contents($directory . $filenameBack, $imageBack);
                     chmod($directory . $filenameBack, 0755);
                     $thumbHinhminhhoa_back = '/' . \Illuminage::image(\Config::get('detr.order_thumbs') . $filenameBack)->thumbnail(200, 300)->getRelativePath();
                     chmod(public_path() . '/' . $thumbHinhminhhoa_back, 0755);
                     $o->hinhminhhoa_back = $thumbHinhminhhoa_back;
                     //Xử lý hình để in back
                     $base64_str_hinhdein_back = substr($param['hinhdein_back'], strpos($param['hinhdein_back'], ",") + 1);
                     $imageHinhdein_back = base64_decode($base64_str_hinhdein_back);
                     $filenameHinhdein_back = "order-" . time() . ".png";
                     $successHinhdein_back = file_put_contents(public_path() . $directoryHinhorder . $filenameHinhdein_back, $imageHinhdein_back);
                     chmod(public_path() . $directoryHinhorder . $filenameHinhdein_back, 0755);
                     $o->hinhdein_back = $directoryHinhorder . $filenameHinhdein_back;
                 ////Xử lý hình để in
                 $base64_str_hinhdein = substr($param['hinhdein'], strpos($param['hinhdein'], ",") + 1);
                 $imageHinhdein = base64_decode($base64_str_hinhdein);
                 $filenameHinhdein = "order-" . time() . "back.png";
                 $successHinhdein = file_put_contents(public_path() . $directoryHinhorder . $filenameHinhdein, $imageHinhdein);
                 chmod(public_path() . $directoryHinhorder . $filenameHinhdein, 0755);
                 $o->hinhdein = $directoryHinhorder . $filenameHinhdein;
             if ($param["is_sharing"]) {
                 // $o->user_json = $userJson;
                 // order_tmp_json
                 $filename = "OrderID-" . $o->id . "-" . time() . ".json";
                 \File::put(public_path() . \Config::get('detr.order_tmp_json') . $filename, $userJson);
                 chmod(public_path() . \Config::get('detr.order_tmp_json') . $filename, 0755);
                 $o->user_json = \Config::get('detr.order_tmp_json') . $filename;
              * FIRE EVENT SENT EMAIL
             $this->events->fire(\Config::get('detr.event_detr.event_sentmail_order'), array($o));
             $this->events->fire(\Config::get('detr.event_detr.event_sentmail_notify_order'), array($o));
         } catch (\Exception $e) {
             return Response::json($arrayName = array('status' => 'fail'), 200);
         $newO = $this->orders->find($id->id);
         return Response::json($arrayName = array('status' => 'success', 'id' => $id->id, 'thumb' => $newO->thumb), 200);
コード例 #5
 public function storage()
     $token = \Input::get('_token');
     if (\Session::token() === $token) {
         $data = array('ten_vi' => Input::get('ten_vi'), 'mota_vi' => Input::get('mota_vi'), 'noidung_vi' => Input::get('noidung_vi'), 'hienthi' => Input::has('hienthi'), 'noibat' => Input::has('noibat'), 'slug_vi' => \Str::slug(Input::get('ten_vi'), '-'), 'title_seo_vi' => Input::get('title_seo_vi'), 'desc_seo_vi' => Input::get('desc_seo_vi'), 'keyword_seo_vi' => Input::get('keyword_seo_vi'));
         // \DB::beginTransaction();
         try {
             $result = $this->gioithieu->create($data);
             $t = $this->gioithieu->find($result->id);
             if (Input::hasFile('photo')) {
                 // LAY TEN FILE
                 $filename = \Str::random(20) . '_' . Input::file('photo')->getClientOriginalName();
                 // THU MUC UPLOAD TIN TUC
                 $directory = \Config::get('detr.gioithieu_upload');
                 $upload_status = Input::file('photo')->move(public_path() . $directory, $filename);
                 chmod(public_path() . $directory . $filename, 0755);
                 if ($upload_status) {
                     $t->photo = $directory . $filename;
                     $thumb = \Illuminage::image($directory . $filename)->thumbnail(200, 200)->getRelativePath();
                     $t->thumb = $thumb;
                     chmod(public_path() . $thumb, 0755);
         } catch (\Exception $e) {
             // \DB::rollback();
             return \Redirect::back()->with('success', 'Tin tức cập nhật thất bại!');
         return \Redirect::to('/quanly/gioithieu/edit/' . $result->id);
     } else {
         return \Redirect::back()->withInput()->with('success', 'Xóa thất bại, Token hết hiệu lực');
コード例 #6
ファイル: Cache.php プロジェクト: anahkiasen/illuminage
  * Get the path where an image will be cached
  * @param Image $image
  * @return string
 public function getCachePathOf(Image $image)
     return $this->illuminage->getCacheFolder() . $this->getHashOf($image);
コード例 #7
 public function save()
     $id = Input::get('id');
     $tt = $this->nsx->find($id);
     $token = \Input::get('_token');
     if (\Session::token() === $token) {
         $data = array('stt' => Input::get('stt'), 'ten_vi' => Input::get('ten_vi'), 'mota_vi' => Input::get('mota_vi'), 'hienthi' => Input::has('hienthi'), 'slug_vi' => \Str::slug(Input::get('ten_vi'), '-'));
         $tt->stt = $data['stt'];
         $tt->hienthi = $data['hienthi'];
         $tt->ten_vi = $data['ten_vi'];
         $tt->slug_vi = $data['slug_vi'];
         $tt->mota_vi = $data['mota_vi'];
         if (Input::hasFile('photo')) {
             // LAY TEN FILE
             $filename = \Str::random(20) . '_' . Input::file('photo')->getClientOriginalName();
             // THU MUC UPLOAD TIN TUC
             $directory = \Config::get('detr.nsx_upload');
             $upload_status = Input::file('photo')->move(public_path() . $directory, $filename);
             chmod(public_path() . $directory . $filename, 0755);
             if ($upload_status) {
                 $tt->photo = $directory . $filename;
                 $thumb = \Illuminage::image($directory . $filename)->thumbnail(200, 200)->getRelativePath();
                 $tt->thumb = $thumb;
                 chmod(public_path() . $thumb, 0755);
         /* avoiding resubmission of same content */
         if (count($tt->getDirty()) > 0) {
             try {
             } catch (\Exception $e) {
                 return \Redirect::back()->with('success', 'Nhà sản xuất cập nhật thất bại!');
             return \Redirect::back()->with('success', 'Nhà sản xuất đã được cập nhật!');
         } else {
             return \Redirect::back()->with('success', 'Nothing to update!');
     } else {
         return \Redirect::back()->withInput()->with('success', 'Cập nhật thất bại, Token hết hiệu lực');
コード例 #8
 public function save()
     $id = Input::get('id');
     $product = $this->product->find($id);
     $token = \Input::get('_token');
     if (\Session::token() === $token) {
         $data = array('luotxem' => Input::get('luotxem'), 'ten_vi' => Input::get('ten_vi'), 'price' => Input::get('price'), 'noidung_vi' => Input::get('noidung_vi'), 'baohanh' => Input::get('baohanh'), 'xuatxu' => Input::get('xuatxu'), 'hienthi' => Input::has('hienthi'), 'noibat' => Input::has('noibat'), 'is_new' => Input::has('is_new'), 'is_stock' => Input::has('is_stock'), 'slug_vi' => \Str::slug(Input::get('ten_vi'), '-'), 'title_seo_vi' => Input::get('title_seo_vi'), 'desc_seo_vi' => Input::get('desc_seo_vi'), 'keyword_seo_vi' => Input::get('keyword_seo_vi'), 'isDisplayHome' => Input::has('isDisplayHome'), 'isDesign' => Input::has('isDesign'), 'isCase' => Input::has('isCase'), 'isSkin' => Input::has('isSkin'), 'isBack' => Input::has('isBack'), 'isCircleLayer' => Input::has('isCircleLayer'));
         $product->price = $data['price'];
         $product->luotxem = $data['luotxem'];
         $product->baohanh = $data['baohanh'];
         $product->xuatxu = $data['xuatxu'];
         $product->is_new = $data['is_new'];
         $product->is_stock = $data['is_stock'];
         $product->hienthi = $data['hienthi'];
         $product->noibat = $data['noibat'];
         $product->ten_vi = $data['ten_vi'];
         $product->slug_vi = $data['slug_vi'];
         $product->noidung_vi = $data['noidung_vi'];
         $product->title_seo_vi = $data['title_seo_vi'];
         $product->desc_seo_vi = $data['desc_seo_vi'];
         $product->keyword_seo_vi = $data['keyword_seo_vi'];
         $product->isDisplayHome = $data['isDisplayHome'];
         $product->isDesign = $data['isDesign'];
         $product->isCase = $data['isCase'];
         $product->isSkin = $data['isSkin'];
         $product->isBack = $data['isBack'];
         $product->isCircleLayer = $data['isCircleLayer'];
         $directory = \Config::get('detr.sanpham_upload');
         if (Input::hasFile('photo')) {
             // LAY TEN FILE
             $filename = \Str::random(20) . '_' . Input::file('photo')->getClientOriginalName();
             $upload_status = Input::file('photo')->move(public_path() . $directory, $filename);
             chmod(public_path() . $directory . $filename, 0755);
             if ($upload_status) {
                 $product->photo = $directory . $filename;
                 $thumb = '/' . \Illuminage::image($directory . $filename)->thumbnail(200, 200)->getRelativePath();
                 $product->thumb = $thumb;
                 chmod(public_path() . '/' . $thumb, 0755);
                 //ADD VAO TABLE MEDIA
                 $this->media->create(["src" => $directory . $filename, 'thumb' => $thumb, 'title_vi' => Input::get('ten_vi'), 'alt_vi' => Input::get('ten_vi'), 'caption_vi' => Input::get('ten_vi')]);
         if (Input::hasFile('photo_mask')) {
             // print_r('expression');die();
             // LAY TEN FILE
             $filenamePM = \Str::random(20) . '_' . Input::file('photo_mask')->getClientOriginalName();
             $upload_statusM = Input::file('photo_mask')->move(public_path() . $directory, $filenamePM);
             chmod(public_path() . $directory . $filenamePM, 0755);
             if ($upload_statusM) {
                 $product->photo_mask = $directory . $filenamePM;
                 $thumbM = \Illuminage::image($directory . $filenamePM)->thumbnail(200, 200)->getRelativePath();
                 chmod(public_path() . '/' . $thumbM, 0755);
                 //ADD VAO TABLE MEDIA
                 $this->media->create(["src" => $directory . $filenamePM, 'thumb' => $thumbM, 'title_vi' => Input::get('ten_vi'), 'alt_vi' => Input::get('ten_vi'), 'caption_vi' => Input::get('ten_vi')]);
         if (Input::hasFile('photo_back')) {
             $filenamePBM = \Str::random(20) . '_' . Input::file('photo_back')->getClientOriginalName();
             $upload_statusPBM = Input::file('photo_back')->move(public_path() . $directory, $filenamePBM);
             chmod(public_path() . $directory . $filenamePBM, 0755);
             if ($upload_statusPBM) {
                 $product->photo_back = $directory . $filenamePBM;
                 $thumbM = \Illuminage::image($directory . $filenamePBM)->thumbnail(200, 200)->getRelativePath();
                 chmod(public_path() . '/' . $thumbM, 0755);
                 //ADD VAO TABLE MEDIA
                 $this->media->create(["src" => $directory . $filenamePBM, 'thumb' => $thumbM, 'title_vi' => Input::get('ten_vi'), 'alt_vi' => Input::get('ten_vi'), 'caption_vi' => Input::get('ten_vi')]);
         if (Input::hasFile('photo_back_mask')) {
             $filenamePM = \Str::random(20) . '_' . Input::file('photo_back_mask')->getClientOriginalName();
             $upload_statusM = Input::file('photo_back_mask')->move(public_path() . $directory, $filenamePM);
             chmod(public_path() . $directory . $filenamePM, 0755);
             if ($upload_statusM) {
                 $product->photo_back_mask = $directory . $filenamePM;
                 $thumbM = \Illuminage::image($directory . $filenamePM)->thumbnail(200, 200)->getRelativePath();
                 chmod(public_path() . '/' . $thumbM, 0755);
                 //ADD VAO TABLE MEDIA
                 $this->media->create(["src" => $directory . $filenamePM, 'thumb' => $thumbM, 'title_vi' => Input::get('ten_vi'), 'alt_vi' => Input::get('ten_vi'), 'caption_vi' => Input::get('ten_vi')]);
         if (Input::hasFile('photo_circle')) {
             $filenamePC = \Str::random(20) . '_' . Input::file('photo_circle')->getClientOriginalName();
             $upload_statusPC = Input::file('photo_circle')->move(public_path() . $directory, $filenamePC);
             chmod(public_path() . $directory . $filenamePC, 0755);
             if ($upload_statusPC) {
                 $product->photo_circle = $directory . $filenamePC;
                 $thumbPC = \Illuminage::image($directory . $filenamePC)->thumbnail(200, 200)->getRelativePath();
                 chmod(public_path() . '/' . $thumbPC, 0755);
         if (Input::hasFile('photo_circle_mask')) {
             $filenamePCM = \Str::random(20) . '_' . Input::file('photo_circle_mask')->getClientOriginalName();
             $upload_statusPCM = Input::file('photo_circle_mask')->move(public_path() . $directory, $filenamePCM);
             chmod(public_path() . $directory . $filenamePCM, 0755);
             if ($upload_statusPCM) {
                 $product->photo_circle_mask = $directory . $filenamePCM;
                 $thumbPCM = \Illuminage::image($directory . $filenamePCM)->thumbnail(200, 200)->getRelativePath();
                 chmod(public_path() . '/' . $thumbPCM, 0755);
         // print_r($product->photo_mask);die();
         /* avoiding resubmission of same content */
         if (count($product->getDirty()) > 0) {
             try {
                 // print_r('try to save product');die();
                 $cates = Input::get('category');
                 $nsxs = Input::get('nsx');
                 // print_r($nsxs);die();
                 if ($nsxs != '') {
                 } else {
                     if (count($product->nhasanxuats) > 0) {
             } catch (\Exception $e) {
                 return \Redirect::back()->with('success', 'Product cập nhật thất bại, có lỗi!');
             return \Redirect::back()->with('success', 'Product đã được cập nhật!');
         } else {
             return \Redirect::back()->with('success', 'Nothing to update!');
     } else {
         return \Redirect::back()->withInput()->with('success', 'Cập nhật thất bại, Token hết hiệu lực');
 public function save()
     $id = Input::get('id');
     $ct = $this->danhmuc->find($id);
     $token = \Input::get('_token');
     if (\Session::token() === $token) {
         $data = array('ten_vi' => Input::get('ten_vi'), 'hienthi' => Input::has('hienthi'), 'parent' => Input::get('category'), 'slug_vi' => \Str::slug(Input::get('ten_vi'), '-'), 'title_seo_vi' => Input::get('title_seo_vi'), 'desc_seo_vi' => Input::get('desc_seo_vi'), 'keyword_seo_vi' => Input::get('keyword_seo_vi'));
         // var_dump($data);die();
         $ct->hienthi = $data['hienthi'];
         $ct->ten_vi = $data['ten_vi'];
         $ct->slug_vi = $data['slug_vi'];
         $ct->parent = $data['parent'];
         $ct->title_seo_vi = $data['title_seo_vi'];
         $ct->desc_seo_vi = $data['desc_seo_vi'];
         $ct->keyword_seo_vi = $data['keyword_seo_vi'];
         /* avoiding resubmission of same content */
         if (Input::hasFile('photo')) {
             // LAY TEN FILE
             $filename = \Str::random(20) . '_' . Input::file('photo')->getClientOriginalName();
             // THU MUC UPLOAD TIN TUC
             $directory = \Config::get('detr.danhmuc_upload');
             $upload_status = Input::file('photo')->move(public_path() . $directory, $filename);
             // dd(public_path().$directory.$filename);
             chmod(public_path() . $directory . $filename, 0755);
             if ($upload_status) {
                 //UPload thanh cong, kiem tra xem file photo co ton tai hay khong, neu cos thi xoa di
                 if (\File::exists(public_path() . $ct->photo)) {
                     \File::delete(public_path() . $ct->photo);
                 $ct->photo = $directory . $filename;
                 if (\File::exists(public_path() . '/' . $ct->thumb)) {
                     \File::delete(public_path() . '/' . $ct->thumb);
                 $thumb = \Illuminage::image($directory . $filename)->thumbnail(200, 200)->getRelativePath();
                 $ct->thumb = $thumb;
                 chmod(public_path() . '/' . $thumb, 0755);
         if (count($ct->getDirty()) > 0) {
             try {
             } catch (\Exception $e) {
                 return \Redirect::back()->withInput()->with('success', 'ERROR : Update fail');
             return \Redirect::back()->withInput()->with('success', 'Cập nhật thành công');
         } else {
             return \Redirect::back()->withInput()->with('success', 'Không thay đổi gì');
     } else {
         return \Redirect::back()->withInput()->with('success', 'Cập nhật thất bại, Token hết hiệu lực');
コード例 #10
 public function storage()
     $token = \Input::get('_token');
     if (\Request::ajax()) {
         if (\Session::token() === $token) {
             $data = ['title_vi' => \Input::get('title_vi', 'Default name'), 'description_vi' => \Input::get('description_vi', 'Default name'), 'alt_vi' => \Input::get('alt_vi', 'Default name'), 'caption_vi' => \Input::get('caption_vi', 'Default name')];
             if (\Input::hasFile('src')) {
                 // LAY TEN FILE
                 $filename = \Str::random(20) . '_' . Input::file('src')->getClientOriginalName();
                 // THU MUC UPLOAD TIN TUC
                 $directory = \Config::get('detr.uploads');
                 $upload_status = Input::file('src')->move(public_path() . $directory, $filename);
                 chmod(public_path() . $directory . $filename, 0755);
                 if ($upload_status) {
                     $data['src'] = $directory . $filename;
                     $thumb = \Illuminage::image($directory . $filename)->thumbnail(200, 200)->getRelativePath();
                     $data['thumb'] = $thumb;
                     chmod(public_path() . '/' . $thumb, 0755);
             try {
             } catch (\Exception $e) {
                 $array = ['status' => '3'];
                 return \Response::json($array);
             $array = ['status' => '1'];
             return \Response::json($array);
         } else {
             $array = ['status' => '2'];
             return \Response::json($array);