public function onAdminInit() { if ($this->_pm->isPremium() && IfwPsn_Wp_Proxy_Blog::isPluginActive('post-status-notifier-lite/post-status-notifier-lite.php')) { // Lite version still activated $this->getAdminNotices()->addError(sprintf(__('The Lite version of this plugin is still activated. Please deactivate it! Refer to the <a href="%s">Upgrade Howto</a>.', 'psn'), '')); } }
/** * @param $tablename * @param bool $networkwide */ public function createTable($tablename, $networkwide = false) { global $wpdb; $query = ' CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `%s` ( `id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `priority` int(11) NOT NULL, `message` varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8 NOT NULL, `type` smallint(4) NOT NULL, `timestamp` datetime NOT NULL, `extra` longtext COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ); '; if (!$networkwide) { // single blog installation $wpdb->query(sprintf($query, $wpdb->prefix . $tablename)); } else { // multisite installation $currentBlogId = IfwPsn_Wp_Proxy_Blog::getBlogId(); foreach (IfwPsn_Wp_Proxy_Blog::getMultisiteBlogIds() as $blogId) { IfwPsn_Wp_Proxy_Blog::switchToBlog($blogId); $wpdb->query(sprintf($query, $wpdb->prefix . $tablename)); } IfwPsn_Wp_Proxy_Blog::switchToBlog($currentBlogId); } }
/** * Alias for get_current_screen() * @return WP_Screen */ public static function getCurrent() { if (IfwPsn_Wp_Proxy_Blog::isMinimumVersion('3.1') && function_exists('get_current_screen')) { return get_current_screen(); } return null; }
/** * @param $action * @param null $submitText */ public function displayForm($action, $submitText = null) { $bytes = wp_max_upload_size(); $size = size_format($bytes); $upload_dir = IfwPsn_Wp_Proxy_Blog::getUploadDir(); if ($submitText == null) { $submitText = __('Upload', 'ifw'); } if (!empty($upload_dir['error'])) { ?> <div class="error"><p><?php _e('Before you can upload your import file, you will need to fix the following error:'); ?> </p> <p><strong><?php echo $upload_dir['error']; ?> </strong></p></div><?php } else { $allowedExtensions = $this->getMimeTypes() != null ? implode(',', array_unique(array_keys($this->getMimeTypes()))) : null; $label = sprintf('Choose a file from your computer (Maximum size: %s%s)', $size, $allowedExtensions !== null ? ', ' . __('allowed extensions: ') . $allowedExtensions : ''); ?> <form enctype="multipart/form-data" id="<?php echo $this->_id; ?> -upload-form" method="post" class="wp-upload-form" action="<?php echo esc_url($action); ?> "> <?php echo wp_nonce_field($this->_getNonceName()); ?> <p> <label for="upload-<?php echo $this->_id; ?> "><?php echo $label; ?> </label> <input type="file" id="upload-<?php echo $this->_id; ?> " name="<?php echo $this->_id; ?> " size="25" /> <input type="hidden" name="action" value="upload" /> <input type="hidden" name="max_file_size" value="<?php echo $bytes; ?> " /> </p> <?php submit_button($submitText, 'button'); ?> </form> <?php } }
/** * @param IfwPsn_Wp_Plugin_Manager $pm */ public function __construct(IfwPsn_Wp_Plugin_Manager $pm) { $this->_pm = $pm; if (IfwPsn_Wp_Proxy_Blog::isMinimumVersion('3.1')) { // screen functionality supported since WP 3.1 $this->_init(); } }
/** * @param IfwPsn_Wp_Plugin_Manager $pm */ protected static function _dropTable($pm) { global $wpdb; if ($pm->isPremium() || !$pm->isPremium() && !IfwPsn_Wp_Proxy_Blog::isPluginActive('post-status-notifier/post-status-notifier.php')) { // only delete rules table if it's the Premium version // or it's the Lite version and the Premium version is not activated $wpdb->query('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `' . $wpdb->prefix . 'psn_rules`'); } }
/** * Checks whether a given date string is older than the given seconds * * @param $time expects date format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS * @param $seconds * @return bool */ public static function isOlderThanSeconds($time, $seconds) { $dt = new DateTime($time, new DateTimeZone('UTC')); $offset = IfwPsn_Wp_Proxy_Blog::getGmtOffset(); if (empty($offset)) { $offset = 0; } $timeTs = (int) $dt->format('U'); return $timeTs + $seconds < time(); }
/** * Loads the appropriate action for adding contextual help */ public function load() { if (IfwPsn_Wp_Proxy_Blog::isMinimumVersion('3.3')) { // since 3.3 use the add_help_method on the screen object IfwPsn_Wp_Proxy_Action::addAdminHead(array($this, 'addHelpTab')); } else { // before 3.3 use the contextual_help action IfwPsn_Wp_Proxy_Action::add('contextual_help', array($this, 'getContextualHelp'), 10, 3); } }
/** * @param IfwPsn_Wp_Plugin_Manager $pm * @param $networkwide * @return mixed */ public function execute(IfwPsn_Wp_Plugin_Manager $pm, $networkwide = false) { if (IfwPsn_Wp_Proxy_Blog::isMultisite() && $networkwide == true) { // multisite installation $currentBlogId = IfwPsn_Wp_Proxy_Blog::getBlogId(); foreach (IfwPsn_Wp_Proxy_Blog::getMultisiteBlogIds() as $blogId) { IfwPsn_Wp_Proxy_Blog::switchToBlog($blogId); $this->_refreshPresentVersion($pm); } IfwPsn_Wp_Proxy_Blog::switchToBlog($currentBlogId); } else { // single blog installation $this->_refreshPresentVersion($pm); } }
public function execute() { require_once IFW_PSN_LIB_ROOT . 'IfwPsn/Vendor/Zend/Translate/Adapter/Array.php'; require_once IFW_PSN_LIB_ROOT . 'IfwPsn/Vendor/Zend/Locale.php'; try { // check if the WP locale is valid otherwise set it to default $locale = IfwPsn_Wp_Proxy_Blog::getLanguage(); if (!in_array($locale, $this->_supportedLanguages)) { $locale = 'en_US'; } $translator = new IfwPsn_Vendor_Zend_Translate('IfwPsn_Vendor_Zend_Translate_Adapter_Array', $this->_adapter->getPluginManager()->getPathinfo()->getRootLib() . 'IfwPsn/Zend/Form/resources/languages', $locale, array('scan' => IfwPsn_Vendor_Zend_Translate::LOCALE_DIRECTORY)); // set the validation translator IfwPsn_Vendor_Zend_Validate_Abstract::setDefaultTranslator($translator); } catch (Exception $e) { // do nothing. if something failed, we just have no translation for Zend_Validate } }
/** * @param IfwPsn_Wp_Plugin_Manager|null $pm * @return mixed|void */ public static function execute($pm) { if (!$pm instanceof IfwPsn_Wp_Plugin_Manager) { return; } if (IfwPsn_Wp_Proxy_Blog::isMultisite()) { // multisite installation $currentBlogId = IfwPsn_Wp_Proxy_Blog::getBlogId(); foreach (IfwPsn_Wp_Proxy_Blog::getMultisiteBlogIds() as $blogId) { IfwPsn_Wp_Proxy_Blog::switchToBlog($blogId); $pm->getOptions()->reset(); } IfwPsn_Wp_Proxy_Blog::switchToBlog($currentBlogId); } else { // single blog installation $pm->getOptions()->reset(); } }
/** * @return mixed */ protected function _init() { if ($this->_module->isCustomModule()) { $uploadDir = IfwPsn_Wp_Proxy_Blog::getUploadDir(); $this->_url = $uploadDir['baseurl'] . '/' . $this->_customLocationName . '/' . $this->_pathinfo->getDirname() . '/'; } else { // built-in module $dirnamePathParts = array_reverse(explode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $this->_pathinfo->getDirnamePath())); $this->_url = plugins_url($dirnamePathParts[3]) . '/modules/' . $this->_pathinfo->getDirname() . '/'; } $this->_urlFiles = $this->_url . 'files/'; $this->_urlCss = $this->_urlFiles . 'css/'; $this->_urlJs = $this->_urlFiles . 'js/'; $this->_urlImg = $this->_urlFiles . 'img/'; $this->_version = $this->_module->getVersion(); $this->_name = $this->_module->getName(); $this->_description = $this->_module->getDescription(); $this->_textDomain = $this->_module->getTextDomain(); $this->_homepage = $this->_module->getHomepage(); }
/** * @param bool $networkwide */ public function execute($networkwide = false) { if (IfwPsn_Wp_Proxy_Blog::isMultisite() && $networkwide == true) { // multisite installation // get the current blog id $currentBlogId = IfwPsn_Wp_Proxy_Blog::getBlogId(); // loop through all blogs foreach (IfwPsn_Wp_Proxy_Blog::getMultisiteBlogIds() as $blogId) { IfwPsn_Wp_Proxy_Blog::switchToBlog($blogId); // execute networkwide task $this->_execute(); } // switch back to current blog IfwPsn_Wp_Proxy_Blog::switchToBlog($currentBlogId); } else { // no network found or no networkwide execution requested // execute single blog task $this->_execute(); } }
/** * Initializes the controller * Will be called on bootstrap before admin-menu/admin-init/load-[page] * Use onAdminMenu/onAdminInit etc otherwise */ public function init() { // set config $this->_config = $this->getInvokeArg('bootstrap')->getOptions(); $this->_pm = $this->_config['pluginmanager']; $this->view->pm = $this->_pm; $this->_pm->getLogger()->logPrefixed('Init default controller.'); $this->_adminNotices = new IfwPsn_Wp_Admin_Notices($this->_pm->getAbbrLower()); // $this->_adminNotices->setAutoShow(true); $this->view->adminNotices = $this->_adminNotices; $this->_redirector = $this->_helper->getHelper('Redirector'); $this->_request = $this->getRequest(); $this->_helper->layout()->setLayout('layout'); $this->_pageHook = 'page-' . $this->_pm->getPathinfo()->getDirname() . '-' . $this->getRequest()->getControllerName() . '-' . $this->getRequest()->getActionName(); $this->view->pageHook = $this->_pageHook; $this->initNavigation(); $this->view->isSupportedWpVersion = IfwPsn_Wp_Proxy_Blog::isMinimumVersion($this->_pm->getConfig()->plugin->wpMinVersion); $this->view->notSupportedWpVersionMessage = sprintf(__('This plugin requires WordPress version %s for full functionality. Your version is %s. <a href="%s">Please upgrade</a>.', 'ifw'), $this->_pm->getConfig()->plugin->wpMinVersion, IfwPsn_Wp_Proxy_Blog::getVersion(), ''); // Do action on controller init IfwPsn_Wp_Proxy_Action::doAction(get_class($this) . '_init', $this); }
/** * */ public function sendTestMailAction() { if (!$this->_verifyNonce('psn-form-test-mail')) { $this->getAdminNotices()->persistError(__('Invalid access.', 'psn')); $this->_gotoIndex(); } $this->_email = new IfwPsn_Wp_Email(); $subject = sprintf(__('Test Email from %s', 'psn'), $this->_pm->getEnv()->getName()); $body = IfwPsn_Wp_Proxy_Filter::apply('psn_send_test_mail_body', sprintf(__('This is a test email generated by %s on %s (%s)', 'psn'), $this->_pm->getEnv()->getName(), IfwPsn_Wp_Proxy_Blog::getName(), IfwPsn_Wp_Proxy_Blog::getUrl()), $this->_email); switch (trim($this->_request->get('recipient'))) { case 'custom': $recipient = esc_attr($_POST['custom_recipient']); break; case 'admin': default: $recipient = IfwPsn_Wp_Proxy_Blog::getAdminEmail(); break; } $recipient = IfwPsn_Wp_Proxy_Filter::apply('psn_send_test_mail_recipient', $recipient); if (empty($recipient)) { $resultMsg = __('Invalid recipient.', 'psn') . ' ' . __('Test email could not be sent.', 'psn'); $this->getAdminNotices()->persistError($resultMsg); } else { $this->_email->setTo($recipient)->setSubject($subject)->setMessage($body); IfwPsn_Wp_Proxy_Action::doAction('psn_send_test_mail', $this->_email); if ($this->_email->send()) { // mail sent successfully $resultMsg = __('Test email has been sent successfully.', 'psn'); $this->getAdminNotices()->persistUpdated($resultMsg); IfwPsn_Wp_Proxy_Action::doAction('psn_send_test_mail_success', $this); } else { // email could not be sent $resultMsg = __('Test email could not be sent.', 'psn'); $this->getAdminNotices()->persistError($resultMsg); IfwPsn_Wp_Proxy_Action::doAction('psn_send_test_mail_failure', $this); } IfwPsn_Wp_Proxy_Action::doAction('psn_after_test_email_send', $this->_email); } $this->_gotoIndex(); }
/** * (non-PHPdoc) * @see IfwPsn_Wp_Plugin_Installer_ActivationInterface::execute() */ public function execute(IfwPsn_Wp_Plugin_Manager $pm, $networkwide = false) { if ($pm->isPremium() && IfwPsn_Wp_Proxy_Blog::isPluginActive('post-status-notifier-lite/post-status-notifier-lite.php')) { trigger_error(sprintf(__('The Lite version of this plugin is still activated. Please deactivate it! Refer to the <a href=\\"%s\\">Upgrade Howto</a>.', 'psn'), '')); } $this->_dbPatcher = new Psn_Patch_Database(); if (IfwPsn_Wp_Proxy_Blog::isMultisite() && $networkwide == true) { // multisite installation $currentBlogId = IfwPsn_Wp_Proxy_Blog::getBlogId(); foreach (IfwPsn_Wp_Proxy_Blog::getMultisiteBlogIds() as $blogId) { // give every site in the network the default time limit of 30 seconds set_time_limit(30); IfwPsn_Wp_Proxy_Blog::switchToBlog($blogId); $this->_createTable(); $this->_presetOptions($pm); } IfwPsn_Wp_Proxy_Blog::switchToBlog($currentBlogId); } else { // single blog installation $this->_createTable(); $this->_presetOptions($pm); } }
/** * @param IfwPsn_Wp_Plugin_Manager $pm * @return string */ public static function getServerEnvironment(IfwPsn_Wp_Plugin_Manager $pm) { $tpl = IfwPsn_Wp_Tpl::getFilesytemInstance($pm); $count_users = count_users(); $mysql_server_info = @mysql_get_server_info(); $mysql_client_info = @mysql_get_client_info(); $phpAutoloadFunctions = array(); foreach (IfwPsn_Wp_Autoloader::getAllRegisteredAutoloadFunctions() as $function) { try { if (is_string($function)) { array_push($phpAutoloadFunctions, $function); } elseif (is_array($function) && count($function) == 2) { $autoloadObject = $function[0]; if (is_object($autoloadObject)) { $autoloadObject = get_class($autoloadObject); } $autoloadMethod = $function[1]; if (!is_scalar($autoloadMethod)) { $autoloadMethod = var_export($autoloadMethod, true); } array_push($phpAutoloadFunctions, $autoloadObject . '::' . $autoloadMethod); } elseif (is_object($function)) { array_push($phpAutoloadFunctions, get_class($function)); } } catch (Exception $e) { // no action } } $context = array('plugin_name' => $pm->getEnv()->getName(), 'plugin_version' => $pm->getEnv()->getVersion(), 'plugin_build_number' => $pm->getEnv()->getBuildNumber(), 'plugin_modules' => $pm->getBootstrap()->getModuleManager()->getModules(), 'plugin_modules_initialized' => $pm->getBootstrap()->getModuleManager()->getInitializedModules(), 'plugin_modules_custom_dir' => $pm->getBootstrap()->getModuleManager()->getCustomModulesLocation(), 'OS' => PHP_OS, 'uname' => php_uname(), 'wp_version' => IfwPsn_Wp_Proxy_Blog::getVersion(), 'wp_charset' => IfwPsn_Wp_Proxy_Blog::getCharset(), 'wp_count_users' => $count_users['total_users'], 'wp_debug' => WP_DEBUG == true ? 'true' : 'false', 'wp_debug_log' => WP_DEBUG_LOG == true ? 'true' : 'false', 'wp_debug_display' => WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY == true ? 'true' : 'false', 'plugins' => IfwPsn_Wp_Proxy_Blog::getPlugins(), 'theme_name' => IfwPsn_Wp_Proxy_Blog::getThemeName(), 'theme_version' => IfwPsn_Wp_Proxy_Blog::getThemeVersion(), 'theme_author' => IfwPsn_Wp_Proxy_Blog::getThemeAuthor(), 'theme_uri' => IfwPsn_Wp_Proxy_Blog::getThemeURI(), 'php_version' => phpversion(), 'php_memory_limit' => ini_get('memory_limit'), 'php_extensions' => IfwPsn_Wp_Server_Php::getExtensions(), 'php_include_path' => get_include_path(), 'php_open_basedir' => ini_get('open_basedir'), 'php_autoload_functions' => $phpAutoloadFunctions, 'mysql_version' => !empty($mysql_server_info) ? $mysql_server_info : '', 'mysql_client' => !empty($mysql_client_info) ? $mysql_client_info : '', 'server_software' => $_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE']); if (function_exists('apache_get_version')) { $context['apache_version'] = apache_get_version(); } if (function_exists('apache_get_modules')) { $context['apache_modules'] = apache_get_modules(); } return $tpl->render('server_env.html.twig', $context); }
/** * Retrieves dir to search for custom modules * @return null|string */ public function getCustomModulesLocation() { $uploadDir = IfwPsn_Wp_Proxy_Blog::getUploadDir(); $dirName = $this->getCustomModulesLocationName(); if (is_array($uploadDir) && (isset($uploadDir['error']) && empty($uploadDir['error'])) && (isset($uploadDir['basedir']) && !empty($uploadDir['basedir']))) { return $uploadDir['basedir'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $dirName . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; } return null; }
/** * @see IfwPsn_Wp_Plugin_Admin_Menu_Metabox_Abstract::render() */ public function render() { printf('<textarea id="ifw_server_env">%s</textarea>', IfwPsn_Wp_Proxy_Blog::getServerEnvironment($this->_pm)); }
public static function getAdminPageBaseUrl() { return IfwPsn_Wp_Proxy_Blog::getSiteUrl() . '/wp-admin/admin.php'; }
/** * Fires at the end of the update message container in each row of the plugins list table. * * @param array $plugin_data An array of plugin data. * @param $meta_data */ public function onPluginUpdateMessage($plugin_data, $meta_data) { $plugin_slug = $this->_pm->getPathinfo()->getDirname(); $request = new IfwPsn_Wp_Plugin_Update_Request($this->_pm); $request->setAction('plugin_update_message')->addData('slug', $plugin_slug)->addData('version', $plugin_data['Version'])->addData('lang', IfwPsn_Wp_Proxy_Blog::getLanguage()); if ($this->_pm->isPremium()) { $license = $this->_pm->getOptionsManager()->getOption('license_code'); $request->addData('license', $license); } $response = $request->send(); if ($response->isSuccess()) { if ($this->_pm->isPremium() && empty($license)) { printf('<div style="padding: 5px 10px; border: 1px dashed red; margin-top: 10px;">%s</div>', sprintf(__('You have to enter your plugin <b>license code</b> in the <a href="%s">plugin options</a> to be able to download this update!', 'ifw'), $this->_pm->getConfig()->plugin->optionsPage)); } echo $response->getBody(); } }
/** * Retrieves the prepared notification body text * * @return string */ public function getNotificationBody() { if ($this->_notificationBody === null) { // see: if (IfwPsn_Wp_Proxy_Blog::getCharset() == 'UTF-8') { $body = str_replace("Â ", ' ', html_entity_decode($this->get('notification_body'), ENT_COMPAT, IfwPsn_Wp_Proxy_Blog::getCharset())); } else { $body = str_replace(" ", ' ', html_entity_decode($this->get('notification_body'), ENT_COMPAT, IfwPsn_Wp_Proxy_Blog::getCharset())); } $body = IfwPsn_Wp_Proxy_Filter::apply('psn_rule_notification_body', $this->_replacer->replace($body), $this); $this->_notificationBody = $body; } return $this->_notificationBody; }
/** * @return WP_Post|object */ protected function _getPostMockup() { $this->_isMockUpPost = true; if (IfwPsn_Wp_Proxy_Blog::isMinimumVersion('3.5')) { // WP_Post since 3.5 return new WP_Post(new stdClass()); } else { // before 3.5 global $wpdb; return $wpdb->get_row($wpdb->prepare("SELECT * FROM {$wpdb->posts} LIMIT 1")); } }
/** * @return bool */ protected function _isValidBlogVersion() { return IfwPsn_Wp_Proxy_Blog::getVersion() >= '3.3'; }
/** * */ protected function _init() { parent::_init(); $this->setUrl($this->_pm->getConfig()->plugin->updateServer); $this->addData('api-key', md5(IfwPsn_Wp_Proxy_Blog::getUrl())); }
/** * Runs the test * @param IfwPsn_Wp_Plugin_Manager $pm * @return mixed */ public function execute(IfwPsn_Wp_Plugin_Manager $pm) { $this->_pm = $pm; $this->_result = IfwPsn_Wp_Proxy_Blog::isMinimumVersion($pm->getConfig()->plugin->wpMinVersion); }
public function render($content) { $element = $this->getElement(); $name = htmlentities($element->getFullyQualifiedName()); $label = $element->getLabel(); $id = htmlentities($element->getId()); $value = $element->getValue(); if (is_string($value)) { $value = htmlentities($element->getValue(), ENT_COMPAT, IfwPsn_Wp_Proxy_Blog::getCharset()); } switch ($element->getType()) { case 'IfwPsn_Vendor_Zend_Form_Element_Textarea': $html_entity_decode = $element->getAttrib('html_entity_decode'); if (!isset($html_entity_decode) || empty($html_entity_decode) || $html_entity_decode === true) { $value = html_entity_decode($element->getValue(), ENT_COMPAT, IfwPsn_Wp_Proxy_Blog::getCharset()); } if ($element->getAttrib('ace_editor') == true) { $value = $element->getValue(); $format = $this->_formatAceEditor; $markup = sprintf($format, $name, $label, $name, $value, $id); } else { $format = $this->_formatTextarea; $cols = $element->getAttrib('cols'); $rows = $element->getAttrib('rows'); $markup = sprintf($format, $name, $label, $id, $name, $cols, $rows, $value); } break; case 'IfwPsn_Vendor_Zend_Form_Element_Select': $options = ''; foreach ($element->getAttrib('options') as $k => $v) { $options .= sprintf('<option value="%s"%s>%s</option>', $k, $k == $value ? ' selected="selected"' : '', $v); } $markup = sprintf($this->_formatSelect, $id, $label, $id, $name, $options); break; case 'IfwPsn_Vendor_Zend_Form_Element_Multiselect': $defaults = $element->getValue(); if (!is_array($defaults)) { if (empty($defaults)) { $defaults = array(); } else { $defaults = array($defaults); } } $options = ''; foreach ($element->getAttrib('options') as $k => $v) { $options .= sprintf('<option value="%s"%s>%s</option>', $k, in_array($k, $defaults) ? ' selected="selected"' : '', $v); } $markup = sprintf($this->_formatMultiselect, $id, $label, $id, $name, $element->getAttrib('size'), $options); break; case 'IfwPsn_Vendor_Zend_Form_Element_MultiCheckbox': $options = ''; foreach ($element->getAttrib('options') as $k => $v) { $options .= sprintf('<label><input type="checkbox" name="%s" value="%s">%s</label>', $name, $k, $v); } $markup = sprintf($this->_formatMulticheckbox, $label, $options); break; case 'IfwPsn_Vendor_Zend_Form_Element_Checkbox': $value = $element->getCheckedValue(); $checked = $element->isChecked() ? 'checked="checked"' : ''; $markup = sprintf($this->_formatCheckbox, $id, $label, $id, $name, $value, $checked); break; case 'IfwPsn_Vendor_Zend_Form_Element_Radio': $markup = '<label>' . $label . '</label>'; foreach ($element->getAttrib('options') as $k => $v) { $optid = $id . '-' . $k; $checked = $k == $value ? 'checked="checked"' : ''; $markup .= sprintf($this->_formatRadio, $optid, $optid, $name, $k, $checked, $v['label']); } break; case 'IfwPsn_Vendor_Zend_Form_Element_Password': $additionalParams = ''; if ($element->getAttrib('maxlength') != null) { $additionalParams .= sprintf('maxlength="%s"', $element->getAttrib('maxlength')); } if ($element->getAttrib('class') != null) { $additionalParams .= sprintf('class="%s"', htmlspecialchars($element->getAttrib('class'))); } $markup = sprintf($this->_formatPassword, $id, $label, $id, $name, $value, $additionalParams); break; case 'IfwPsn_Vendor_Zend_Form_Element_Text': default: $additionalParams = ''; if ($element->getAttrib('maxlength') != null) { $additionalParams .= sprintf('maxlength="%s"', $element->getAttrib('maxlength')); } if ($element->getAttrib('placeholder') != null) { $additionalParams .= sprintf('placeholder="%s"', htmlspecialchars($element->getAttrib('placeholder'))); } if ($element->getAttrib('class') != null) { $additionalParams .= sprintf('class="%s"', htmlspecialchars($element->getAttrib('class'))); } $markup = sprintf($this->_formatText, $id, $label, $id, $name, $value, $additionalParams); break; } return $markup; }
/** * @return IfwPsn_Wp_Http_Request */ protected function _getRequest() { if ($this->_request === null) { $this->_request = new IfwPsn_Wp_Http_Request(); $this->_request->setUrl($this->_pm->getConfig()->plugin->updateServer); $this->_request->addData('api-key', md5(IfwPsn_Wp_Proxy_Blog::getUrl())); $this->_request->addData('referrer', IfwPsn_Wp_Proxy_Blog::getUrl()); if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) { $this->_request->addData('browser_user_agent', $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']); } } return $this->_request; }
/** * @return string|void */ protected function _getPlatform() { return IfwPsn_Wp_Proxy_Blog::getUrl(); }
/** * Get the blog admins display_name (if there is a user matching the blog admin email) * @return WP_User|null */ public static function getAdminDisplayName() { $adminDisplayName = null; if (function_exists('get_user_by')) { $user = self::getByEmail(IfwPsn_Wp_Proxy_Blog::getAdminEmail()); if ($user instanceof WP_User) { $adminDisplayName = $user->display_name; } } else { $u = IfwPsn_Wp_ORM_Model::factory('IfwPsn_Wp_Model_User')->where_equal('user_email', IfwPsn_Wp_Proxy_Blog::getAdminEmail())->find_one(); if ($u instanceof IfwPsn_Wp_Model_User) { $adminDisplayName = $u->get('display_name'); } } return $adminDisplayName; }