コード例 #1
  * Registers the built-in view functions
  * @param ITranspiler $transpiler The transpiler to register to
 public function registerViewFunctions(ITranspiler &$transpiler)
     // Register the charset function
     $transpiler->registerViewFunction("charset", function ($charset) {
         return '<meta charset="' . $charset . '">';
     // Register the CSS function
     $transpiler->registerViewFunction("css", function ($paths) {
         $callback = function ($path) {
             return '<link href="' . $path . '" rel="stylesheet">';
         return implode("\n", array_map($callback, (array) $paths));
     // Register the favicon function
     $transpiler->registerViewFunction("favicon", function ($path) {
         return '<link href="' . $path . '" rel="shortcut icon">';
     // Register the HTTP-equiv function
     $transpiler->registerViewFunction("httpEquiv", function ($name, $value) {
         return '<meta http-equiv="' . htmlentities($name) . '" content="' . htmlentities($value) . '">';
     // Registers the HTTP method hidden input
     $transpiler->registerViewFunction("httpMethodInput", function ($httpMethod) {
         return sprintf('<input type="hidden" name="_method" value="%s">', $httpMethod);
     // Register the meta description function
     $transpiler->registerViewFunction("metaDescription", function ($metaDescription) {
         return '<meta name="description" content="' . htmlentities($metaDescription) . '">';
     // Register the meta keywords function
     $transpiler->registerViewFunction("metaKeywords", function (array $metaKeywords) {
         return '<meta name="keywords" content="' . implode(",", array_map("htmlentities", $metaKeywords)) . '">';
     // Register the page title function
     $transpiler->registerViewFunction("pageTitle", function ($title) {
         return '<title>' . htmlentities($title) . '</title>';
     // Register the script function
     $transpiler->registerViewFunction("script", function ($paths, $type = "text/javascript") {
         $callback = function ($path) use($type) {
             return '<script type="' . $type . '" src="' . $path . '"></script>';
         return implode("\n", array_map($callback, (array) $paths));
コード例 #2
  * Registers the Fortune directive transpilers
  * @param ITranspiler $transpiler The transpiler to register to
 public function registerDirectiveTranspilers(ITranspiler &$transpiler)
     $transpiler->registerDirectiveTranspiler("else", function () {
         return '<?php else: ?>';
     $transpiler->registerDirectiveTranspiler("elseif", function ($expression) {
         return '<?php elseif' . $expression . ': ?>';
     $transpiler->registerDirectiveTranspiler("forelse", function () {
         return '<?php endforeach; if(array_pop($__opulenceForElseEmpty)): ?>';
     $transpiler->registerDirectiveTranspiler("endforeach", function () {
         return '<?php endforeach; ?>';
     $transpiler->registerDirectiveTranspiler("endif", function () {
         return '<?php endif; ?>';
     $transpiler->registerDirectiveTranspiler("endfor", function () {
         return '<?php endfor; ?>';
     $transpiler->registerDirectiveTranspiler("endpart", function () {
         return '<?php $__opulenceFortuneTranspiler->endPart(); ?>';
     $transpiler->registerDirectiveTranspiler("endwhile", function () {
         return '<?php endwhile; ?>';
     $transpiler->registerDirectiveTranspiler("extends", function ($expression) use($transpiler) {
         // Create the parent
         $code = '$__opulenceViewParent = $__opulenceViewFactory->create' . $expression . ';';
         $code .= '$__opulenceFortuneTranspiler->addParent($__opulenceViewParent, $__opulenceView);';
         $code .= 'extract($__opulenceView->getVars());';
         $transpiler->prepend('<?php ' . $code . ' ?>');
         // Compile the parent, keep track of the contents, and echo them in the appended text
         $code = '$__opulenceParentContents = isset($__opulenceParentContents) ? $__opulenceParentContents : [];';
         $code .= '$__opulenceParentContents[] = $__opulenceFortuneTranspiler->transpile($__opulenceViewParent);';
         $transpiler->prepend('<?php ' . $code . ' ?>');
         // Echo the contents at the end of the content
         $code = 'echo eval("?>" . array_shift($__opulenceParentContents));';
         $transpiler->append('<?php ' . $code . ' ?>');
         return "";
     $transpiler->registerDirectiveTranspiler("for", function ($expression) {
         return '<?php for' . $expression . ': ?>';
     $transpiler->registerDirectiveTranspiler("foreach", function ($expression) {
         return '<?php foreach' . $expression . ': ?>';
     $transpiler->registerDirectiveTranspiler("forif", function ($expression) {
         $code = '<?php if(!isset($__opulenceForElseEmpty)): $__opulenceForElseEmpty = []; endif;';
         $code .= '$__opulenceForElseEmpty[] = true;';
         $code .= 'foreach' . $expression . ':';
         $code .= '$__opulenceForElseEmpty[count($__opulenceForElseEmpty) - 1] = false; ?>';
         return $code;
     $transpiler->registerDirectiveTranspiler("if", function ($expression) {
         return '<?php if' . $expression . ': ?>';
     $transpiler->registerDirectiveTranspiler("include", function ($expression) {
         // Check if a list of variables were passed in as a second parameter
         if (preg_match("/^\\(((('|\")(.*)\\3)|\\\$[a-zA-Z_\\x7f-\\xff][a-zA-Z0-9_\\x7f-\\xff]*),\\s*(.+)\\)\$/U", $expression, $matches) === 1) {
             $sharedVars = trim($matches[5]);
             $factoryCreateCall = 'create(' . $matches[1] . ')';
         } else {
             $sharedVars = '[]';
             $factoryCreateCall = 'create' . $expression;
         // Create an isolate scope for the included view
         $code = 'call_user_func(function() use ($__opulenceViewFactory, $__opulenceFortuneTranspiler){';
         $code .= '$__opulenceIncludedView = $__opulenceViewFactory->' . $factoryCreateCall . ';';
         $code .= 'extract($__opulenceIncludedView->getVars());';
         // Extract any shared vars, which will override any identically-named view vars
         $code .= 'if(count(func_get_arg(0)) > 0){extract(func_get_arg(0));}';
         $code .= 'eval("?>" . $__opulenceFortuneTranspiler->transpile($__opulenceIncludedView));';
         $code .= '}, ' . $sharedVars . ');';
         return "<?php {$code} ?>";
     $transpiler->registerDirectiveTranspiler("parent", function () {
         // This placeholder will be overwritten later
         return "__opulenceParentPlaceholder";
     $transpiler->registerDirectiveTranspiler("part", function ($expression) {
         return '<?php $__opulenceFortuneTranspiler->startPart' . $expression . '; ?>';
     $transpiler->registerDirectiveTranspiler("show", function ($expression) {
         $expression = empty($expression) ? "()" : $expression;
         return '<?php echo $__opulenceFortuneTranspiler->showPart' . $expression . '; ?>';
     $transpiler->registerDirectiveTranspiler("while", function ($expression) {
         return '<?php while' . $expression . ': ?>';