/** * Update or append the requested file with the supplied contents. * * @since 1.15.0 * * @param string $file Full path to config file to update. * @param string $contents Contents to write to the file. * @param bool $append Optional. Set to true to append contents to the file. Defaults to false. * @return bool|WP_Error Boolean true on success, WP_Error object otherwise. */ public static function write($file, $contents, $append = false) { $callable = array(); if (ITSEC_Lib_Utility::is_callable_function('fopen') && ITSEC_Lib_Utility::is_callable_function('fwrite') && ITSEC_Lib_Utility::is_callable_function('flock')) { $callable[] = 'fopen'; } if (ITSEC_Lib_Utility::is_callable_function('file_put_contents')) { $callable[] = 'file_put_contents'; } if (empty($callable)) { return new WP_Error('itsec-lib-file-write-no-callable-functions', sprintf(__('%s could not be written. Both the fopen/fwrite/flock and file_put_contents functions are disabled on the server. This is a server configuration issue that must be resolved before iThemes Security can write files.', 'it-l10n-better-wp-security'), $file)); } if (ITSEC_Lib_Directory::is_dir($file)) { return new WP_Error('itsec-lib-file-write-path-exists-as-directory', sprintf(__('%s could not be written as a file. The requested path already exists as a directory. The directory must be removed or a new file name must be chosen before the file can be written.', 'it-l10n-better-wp-security'), $file)); } if (!ITSEC_Lib_Directory::is_dir(dirname($file))) { $result = ITSEC_Lib_Directory::create(dirname($file)); if (is_wp_error($result)) { return $result; } } $file_existed = self::is_file($file); $success = false; // Different permissions to try in case the starting set of permissions are prohibiting write. $trial_perms = array(false, 0644, 0664, 0666); foreach ($trial_perms as $perms) { if (false !== $perms) { if (!isset($original_file_perms)) { $original_file_perms = self::get_permissions($file); } self::chmod($file, $perms); } if (in_array('fopen', $callable)) { if ($append) { $mode = 'ab'; } else { $mode = 'wb'; } if (false !== ($fh = @fopen($file, $mode))) { flock($fh, LOCK_EX); mbstring_binary_safe_encoding(); $data_length = strlen($contents); $bytes_written = @fwrite($fh, $contents); reset_mbstring_encoding(); @flock($fh, LOCK_UN); @fclose($fh); if ($data_length === $bytes_written) { $success = true; } } } if (!$success && in_array('file_put_contents', $callable)) { if ($append) { $flags = FILE_APPEND; } else { $flags = 0; } mbstring_binary_safe_encoding(); $data_length = strlen($contents); $bytes_written = @file_put_contents($file, $contents, $flags); reset_mbstring_encoding(); if ($data_length === $bytes_written) { $success = true; } } if ($success) { if (!$file_existed) { // Set default file permissions for the new file. self::chmod($file, self::get_default_permissions()); } else { if (isset($original_file_perms) && !is_wp_error($original_file_perms)) { // Reset the original file permissions if they were modified. self::chmod($file, $original_file_perms); } } return true; } if (!$file_existed) { // If the file is new, there is no point attempting different permissions. break; } } return new WP_Error('itsec-lib-file-write-file-put-contents-failed', sprintf(__('%s could not be written. This could be due to a permissions issue. Ensure that PHP runs as a user that has permission to write to this location.', 'it-l10n-better-wp-security'), $file)); }
protected final function sanitize_setting($type, $var, $name, $prevent_save_on_error = true, $trim_value = true) { $id = $this->get_id(); if (!isset($this->settings[$var])) { $this->add_error(new WP_Error("itsec-validator-missing-var-{$id}-{$var}", sprintf(__('A validation check for %1$s failed. The %2$s value is missing. This could be due to a problem with the iThemes Security installation or an invalid modification. Please reinstall iThemes Security and try again.', 'better-wp-security'), $id, $name))); return false; } if ($trim_value && is_string($this->settings[$var])) { $this->settings[$var] = trim($this->settings[$var]); } $error = false; if ('string' === $type) { $this->settings[$var] = (string) $this->settings[$var]; } else { if ('non-empty-string' === $type) { $this->settings[$var] = (string) $this->settings[$var]; if (empty($this->settings[$var])) { $error = sprintf(__('The %1$s value cannot be empty.', 'better-wp-security'), $name); } } else { if ('title' === $type) { $this->settings[$var] = sanitize_title($this->settings[$var]); } else { if ('non-empty-title' === $type) { $this->settings[$var] = sanitize_title($this->settings[$var]); if (empty($this->settings[$var])) { $error = sprintf(__('The %1$s value cannot be empty.', 'better-wp-security'), $name); } } else { if ('array' === $type) { if (!is_array($this->settings[$var])) { if (empty($this->settings[$var])) { $this->settings[$var] = array(); } else { $this->settings[$var] = array($this->settings[$var]); } } } else { if ('bool' === $type) { if ('false' === $this->settings[$var]) { $this->settings[$var] = false; } else { if ('true' === $this->settings[$var]) { $this->settings[$var] = true; } else { $this->settings[$var] = (bool) $this->settings[$var]; } } } else { if ('int' === $type) { $test_val = intval($this->settings[$var]); if ((string) $test_val === (string) $this->settings[$var]) { $this->settings[$var] = $test_val; } else { $error = sprintf(__('The %1$s value must be an integer.', 'better-wp-security'), $name); } } else { if ('positive-int' === $type) { $test_val = intval($this->settings[$var]); if ((string) $test_val === (string) $this->settings[$var] && $test_val >= 0) { $this->settings[$var] = $test_val; } else { $error = sprintf(__('The %1$s value must be a positive integer.', 'better-wp-security'), $name); } } else { if ('email' === $type) { $this->settings[$var] = sanitize_text_field($this->settings[$var]); if (empty($this->settings[$var]) || !is_email($this->settings[$var])) { $error = sprintf(__('The %1$s value must be a valid email address.', 'better-wp-security'), $name); } } else { if ('valid-username' === $type) { $this->settings[$var] = sanitize_text_field($this->settings[$var]); if (!empty($this->settings[$var]) && !validate_username($this->settings[$var])) { $error = sprintf(__('The %1$s value is not a valid username.', 'better-wp-security'), $name); } } else { if ('date' === $type) { $val = $this->settings[$var]; $separator = '[\\-/\\. ]'; if (preg_match("|^(\\d\\d\\d\\d){$separator}(\\d\\d?){$separator}(\\d\\d?)\$|", $val, $match)) { $year = intval($match[1]); $month = intval($match[2]); $day = intval($match[3]); if (!checkdate($month, $day, $year)) { $error = sprintf(__('The %1$s value must be a valid date.', 'better-wp-security'), $name); } } else { $error = sprintf(__('The %1$s value must be a valid date in the format of YYYY-MM-DD.', 'better-wp-security'), $name); } } else { if ('writable-directory' === $type) { if (!is_string($this->settings[$var])) { $error = sprintf(__('The %1$s value must be a string.', 'better-wp-security'), $name); } else { require_once ITSEC_Core::get_core_dir() . 'lib/class-itsec-lib-directory.php'; $this->settings[$var] = rtrim($this->settings[$var], DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR); if (!ITSEC_Lib_Directory::is_dir($this->settings[$var])) { $result = ITSEC_Lib_Directory::create($this->settings[$var]); if (is_wp_error($result)) { $error = sprintf(_x('The directory supplied in %1$s cannot be used as a valid directory. %2$s', '%1$s is the input name. %2$s is the error message.', 'better-wp-security'), $name, $result->get_error_message()); } } if (empty($error) && !ITSEC_Lib_Directory::is_writable($this->settings[$var])) { $error = sprintf(__('The directory supplied in %1$s is not writable. Please select a directory that can be written to.', 'better-wp-security'), $name); } if (empty($error)) { ITSEC_Lib_Directory::add_file_listing_protection($this->settings[$var]); } } } else { if ('writable-file' === $type) { if (!is_string($this->settings[$var])) { $error = sprintf(__('The %1$s value must be a string.', 'better-wp-security'), $name); } else { require_once ITSEC_Core::get_core_dir() . 'lib/class-itsec-lib-directory.php'; if (!ITSEC_Lib_File::is_file($this->settings[$var]) && ITSEC_Lib_File::exists($this->settings[$var])) { $error = sprintf(__('The file path supplied in %1$s cannot be used as it already exists but is not a file. Please supply a valid file path.', 'better-wp-security'), $name); } else { $result = ITSEC_Lib_Directory::create(dirname($this->settings[$var])); if (is_wp_error($result)) { $error = sprintf(_x('The file path supplied in %1$s cannot be used as the parent directory cannot be created. %2$s', '%1$s is the input name. %2$s is the error message.', 'better-wp-security'), $name, $result->get_error_message()); } else { if (!ITSEC_Lib_File::exists($this->settings[$var])) { $result = ITSEC_Lib_File::write($this->settings[$var], ''); if (is_wp_error($result)) { $error = sprintf(__('The file path supplied in %1$s could not be created. Please supply a file path that can be written to.', 'better-wp-security'), $name); } else { if (!is_writable($this->settings[$var])) { $error = sprintf(__('The file path supplied in %1$s was successfully created, but it cannot be updated. Please supply a file path that can be written to.', 'better-wp-security'), $name); } } } else { if (!is_writable($this->settings[$var])) { $error = sprintf(__('The file path supplied in %1$s is not writable. Please supply a file path that can be written to.', 'better-wp-security'), $name); } } } } } } else { if (is_array($type) && 2 === count($type) && $this === $type[0]) { $this->settings[$var] = $this->convert_string_to_array($this->settings[$var]); if (!is_array($this->settings[$var])) { $error = sprintf(__('The %1$s value must be a string with each entry separated by a new line.', 'better-wp-security'), $name); } else { $invalid_entries = array(); foreach ($this->settings[$var] as $index => $entry) { $entry = sanitize_text_field(trim($entry)); $this->settings[$var][$index] = $entry; if (empty($entry)) { unset($this->settings[$var][$index]); } else { $result = call_user_func($type, $entry); if (false === $result) { $invalid_entries[] = $entry; } else { $this->settings[$var][$index] = $result; } } } $this->settings[$var] = array_unique($this->settings[$var]); if (!empty($invalid_entries)) { $error = wp_sprintf(_n('The following entry in %1$s is invalid: %2$l', 'The following entries in %1$s are invalid: %2$l', count($invalid_entries), 'better-wp-security'), $name, $invalid_entries); } } } else { if (is_array($type)) { if (is_array($this->settings[$var])) { $invalid_entries = array(); foreach ($this->settings[$var] as $index => $entry) { $entry = sanitize_text_field(trim($entry)); $this->settings[$var][$index] = $entry; if (empty($entry)) { unset($this->settings[$var][$index]); } else { if (!in_array($entry, $type, true)) { $invalid_entries[] = $entry; } } } $this->settings[$var] = array_unique($this->settings[$var]); if (!empty($invalid_entries)) { $error = wp_sprintf(_n('The following entry in %1$s is invalid: %2$l', 'The following entries in %1$s are invalid: %2$l', count($invalid_entries), 'better-wp-security'), $name, $invalid_entries); } } else { if (!in_array($this->settings[$var], $type, true)) { $error = wp_sprintf(_n('The valid value for %1$s is: %2$l.', 'The valid values for %1$s are: %2$l.', count($type), 'better-wp-security'), $name, $type); $type = 'array'; } } } else { if ('newline-separated-array' === $type) { $this->settings[$var] = $this->convert_string_to_array($this->settings[$var]); if (!is_array($this->settings[$var])) { $error = sprintf(__('The %1$s value must be a string with each entry separated by a new line.', 'better-wp-security'), $name); } } else { if ('newline-separated-emails' === $type) { $this->settings[$var] = $this->convert_string_to_array($this->settings[$var]); if (!is_array($this->settings[$var])) { $error = sprintf(__('The %1$s value must be a string with each entry separated by a new line.', 'better-wp-security'), $name); } else { $invalid_emails = array(); foreach ($this->settings[$var] as $index => $email) { $email = sanitize_text_field(trim($email)); $this->settings[$var][$index] = $email; if (empty($email)) { unset($this->settings[$var][$index]); } else { if (!is_email($email)) { $invalid_emails[] = $email; } } } $this->settings[$var] = array_unique($this->settings[$var]); if (!empty($invalid_emails)) { $error = wp_sprintf(_n('The following email in %1$s is invalid: %2$l', 'The following emails in %1$s are invalid: %2$l', count($invalid_emails), 'better-wp-security'), $name, $invalid_emails); } } } else { if ('newline-separated-ips' === $type) { $this->settings[$var] = $this->convert_string_to_array($this->settings[$var]); if (!is_array($this->settings[$var])) { $error = sprintf(__('The %1$s value must be a string with each entry separated by a new line.', 'better-wp-security'), $name); } else { require_once ITSEC_Core::get_core_dir() . 'lib/class-itsec-lib-ip-tools.php'; $invalid_ips = array(); foreach ($this->settings[$var] as $index => $ip) { $ip = trim($ip); if ('' === $ip) { unset($this->settings[$var][$index]); } else { $validated_ip = ITSEC_Lib_IP_Tools::ip_wild_to_ip_cidr($ip); if (false === $validated_ip) { $invalid_ips[] = $ip; } else { $this->settings[$var][$index] = $validated_ip; } } } $this->settings[$var] = array_unique($this->settings[$var]); if (!empty($invalid_ips)) { $error = wp_sprintf(_n('The following IP in %1$s is invalid: %2$l', 'The following IPs in %1$s are invalid: %2$l', count($invalid_ips), 'better-wp-security'), $name, $invalid_ips); } } } else { if ('newline-separated-extensions' === $type) { $this->settings[$var] = $this->convert_string_to_array($this->settings[$var]); if (!is_array($this->settings[$var])) { $error = sprintf(__('The %1$s value must be a string with each entry separated by a new line.', 'better-wp-security'), $name); } else { $invalid_extensions = array(); foreach ($this->settings[$var] as $index => $extension) { if (!preg_match('/^(\\.[^.]+)+$/', $extension)) { $invalid_extensions[] = $extension; } } $this->settings[$var] = array_unique($this->settings[$var]); if (!empty($invalid_extensions)) { $error = wp_sprintf(_n('The following extension in %1$s is invalid: %2$l', 'The following extensions in %1$s are invalid: %2$l', count($invalid_extensions), 'better-wp-security'), $name, $invalid_extensions); } } } else { /* translators: 1: sanitize type, 2: input name */ $error = sprintf(__('An invalid sanitize type of "%1$s" was received for the %2$s input.', 'better-wp-security'), $type, $name); } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } if (false !== $error) { $this->add_error(new WP_Error("itsec-validator-{$id}-invalid-type-{$var}-{$type}", $error)); $this->vars_to_skip_validate_matching_types[] = $var; if ($prevent_save_on_error) { $this->set_can_save(false); } return false; } return true; }