public function __construct(TESTReader &$reader, OPTIONS &$opts, &$items, INTERVAL &$ivl, $resample) { $period = $opts->Get('period'); $this->multiplier = $reader->GetFractionalMultiplier($period); $this->period = $this->multiplier * $period; $this->resample = $this->multiplier * $resample; $from = $this->multiplier * $ivl->GetWindowStart(); $ifrom = ceil($from); $rem = $ifrom % $this->period; if ($rem) { $this->from = $ifrom + ($this->period - $rem); } else { $this->from = $ifrom; } $this->to = $this->multiplier * $ivl->GetWindowEnd(); $limit = $ivl->GetItemLimit(); if ($limit) { if ($limit > 0) { $to = $this->from + $this->period * $limit; if ($to < $this->to) { $this->to = $to; } } else { $from = $this->to + $this->period * $limit; if ($from > $this->from) { $this->from = $from; } } } $this->items =& $items; $limit = $opts->GetDateLimit(TESTData::DEFAULT_START, time()); $this->start = $limit[0]; }
function LegendSlow(array &$spec, INTERVAL $iv, MASK $mask = NULL, INTERVAL $ivl = NULL) { $x = $spec['x']; $y = $spec['y']; $xmin = $spec['xmin']; $xmax = $spec['xmax']; list($axes, $data, $data_spec) = $this->PrepareData($this->reader, $mask, $ivl, true); $axes->Enumerate(); $from = $iv->GetWindowStart(); $to = $iv->GetWindowEnd(); $result = array(); $itempositions = array_fill(0, $axes->GetAxesNumber(), 0); // counters by axis $itempos = array(); // itemid in group => itemid in axis foreach ($data as $gid => &$info) { foreach ($info['time'] as $first => $tm) { if ($tm > $from) { break; } } if ($tm > $from) { for ($last = $first; isset($info['time'][$last]) && $info['time'][$last] < $to; $last++) { } $size = $last - $first; } else { $first = false; } if ($first !== false && $size > 0) { $point_mode = true; } else { $point_mode = false; $approximation_mode = false; if ($first > 0) { $x1 = $info['time'][$first - 1]; $x2 = $info['time'][$first]; $check1 = true; if (!$this->interpolate_gaps) { $distance = max(dsMathPreciseSubstract($x, $x1), dsMathPreciseSubstract($x2, $x)); if ($this->allowed_gap && $distance > $this->allowed_gap) { $check1 = false; } if ($info['resolution'] && $distance > 2 * $info['resolution']) { $check1 = false; } } if ($check1 && dsMathPreciseCompare($x1, $xmin) >= 0 && dsMathPreciseCompare($x2, $xmax) <= 0) { $coef = dsMathPreciseSubstract($x, $x1) / dsMathPreciseSubstract($x2, $x1); $approximation_mode = true; } } } if ($info['aggregation'] == CACHE::TYPE_MINMAX) { $value_type = "value"; } else { $value_type = "mean"; } $group_result = array(); foreach ($info['values'] as $cid => &$channel) { $axis = $axes->GetAxis($info['axis'][$cid]); $axispos = $axis->GetPosition(); $itempos[$i] = $itempositions[$axispos]++; list($min, $max) = $this->GetLegendSpecYInterval($spec, $axispos); # echo max($channel) . "\n"; if ($point_mode) { $slice = array_slice($channel, $first, $size); $slice = array_filter($slice, create_function('$val', ' if (is_numeric($val)) return true; return false; ')); if ($slice) { $have_data = true; $vmin = min($slice); $vmax = max($slice); } else { $have_data = false; } if ($have_data && ($vmax < $min || $vmin > $max) == false) { array_push($group_result, array("id" => $info['items'][$cid]['id'], "name" => $info['items'][$cid]['name'], "mode" => "interval", "interval" => array("from" => $iv->GetWindowStart(), "to" => $iv->GetWindowEnd(), "resolution" => $info['resolution']), $value_type => array("min" => $this->ValueFormat($vmin, abs($vmax)), "max" => $this->ValueFormat($vmax, abs($vmin))), "color" => $axis->GetChannelColor($itempos[$i]))); } } else { if ($approximation_mode) { // approximation list($min, $max) = $this->GetLegendSpecYInterval($spec, $axispos); $y1 = $channel[$first - 1]; $y2 = $channel[$first]; $y = $y1 + $coef * ($y2 - $y1); //DS.Precision if ($y > $min && $y < $max) { array_push($group_result, array("id" => $info['items'][$cid]['id'], "name" => $info['items'][$cid]['name'], "mode" => "approximation", "approximation" => array("x1" => $x1, "y1" => $this->ValueFormat($y1, $y2), "x2" => $x2, "y2" => $this->ValueFormat($y2, $y1)), "color" => $axis->GetChannelColor($itempos[$i]))); } } } } if ($group_result) { array_push($result, array("title" => $info['name'], "results" => $group_result)); } } return $result; }
function GetRawAlarms(LOGGROUP $grp = NULL, $from = false, $to = false, DATAFilter $filter = NULL, &$filter_data = NULL) { if ($this->server['driver'] == "mysql" || $this->sqldrv['driver'] == "mysql") { // the subrequest should be formulated differently. //throw new ADEIException(translate("Alarms are not supported in MySQL version yet")); } // If interval is not specified we are looking for the alarms in the // interval where the data of current group is present //The group is optional and not needed in this reader /* try { $grp = $this->CheckGroup($grp); } catch (ADEIException $ae) { $grp = false; } */ if (!$from || !$to) { if ($grp) { $ivl = $this->CreateInterval($grp); } else { $ivl = new INTERVAL($this->req->props); } $ivl->Limit($from, $to); $from = $ivl->GetWindowStart(false); $to = $ivl->GetWindowEnd(false); } if ($filter) { $limit = $filter->GetVectorsLimit(); $mode = $filter->GetProperty("alarm_list_mode"); $severity = $filter->GetProperty("alarm_severity"); $mask = $filter->GetItemMask(); if (isset($filter_data)) { if ($mask) { $filter_data['masked'] = true; } if ($limit) { $filter_data['limited'] = true; } } } else { $limit = 0; $mode = 0; $severity = 0; $mask = NULL; } $masktest = ""; if ($mask) { $ids = $mask->GetIDs(); if ($ids) { $lastid = array_pop($ids); foreach ($ids as $id) { $masktest .= "(messageid = {$id}) OR "; } $masktest .= "(messageid = {$lastid})"; } } switch ($mode) { case READER::ALARM_MODE_ACTIVE_LIST: $cond = "mtype >= {$severity} AND go = 0"; if ($masktest) { $cond .= " AND ({$masktest})"; } $columns = array("messageid", "mtype", "name", "cond", "come"); $selopts = array("condition" => $cond, "order" => "mtype DESC, come DESC"); $query = $this->db->SelectRequest("messagelog", $columns, $selopts); break; case READER::ALARM_MODE_FULL_LIST: if ($from !== false) { $from = $this->ImportUnixTime($from); } if ($to !== false) { $to = $this->ImportUnixTime($to); } if ($from === false && $to === false) { $test = false; } else { if ($from === false) { $test = "(come < {$to})"; } else { if ($to === false) { $test = "((go = 0) OR (go > {$from}))"; } else { $test = "(come BETWEEN {$from} and {$to}) OR ((come < {$from}) AND ((go = 0) OR (go > {$from})))"; } } } if ($test) { $cond = "(mtype >= {$severity}) AND ({$test})"; } else { $cond = "(mtype >= {$severity})"; } if ($masktest) { $cond .= " AND ({$masktest})"; } $columns = array("messageid", "mtype", "name", "cond", "come", "go"); $selopts = array("condition" => $cond, "order" => "mtype DESC, come DESC"); if ($limit) { $selopts['limit'] = abs($limit); if ($limit > 0) { $selopts['order'] = "come ASC"; } else { $selopts['order'] = "come DESC"; } } else { $selopts['order'] = "come ASC"; } $query = $this->db->SelectRequest("messagelog", $columns, $selopts); break; default: if ($from !== false) { $from = $this->ImportUnixTime($from); } if ($to !== false) { $to = $this->ImportUnixTime($to); } if ($from === false && $to === false) { $test = false; } else { if ($from === false) { $test = "(come < {$to})"; } else { if ($to === false) { $test = "((go = 0) OR (go > {$from}))"; } else { $test = "(come BETWEEN {$from} and {$to}) OR ((come < {$from}) AND ((go = 0) OR (go > {$from})))"; } } } if ($test) { $cond = "(mtype >= {$severity}) AND ({$test})"; } else { $cond = "(mtype >= {$severity})"; } if ($masktest) { $cond .= " AND ({$masktest})"; } $columns = "messageid, MAX(mtype) AS mtype, MIN(come) AS come, MAX(go) AS go, COUNT(lid) AS count, MIN(go) AS notactive"; $selopts = array("condition" => $cond, "group" => "messageid"); $subquery = $this->db->SelectRequest("messagelog", $columns, $selopts); $columns = "result.*,"; $selopts = array("condition" => "messages.messageid = result.messageid", "order" => "mtype DESC, come ASC"); $query = $this->db->SelectRequest("({$subquery}) AS result, messages", $columns, $selopts); } // echo $query . "\n\n\n"; // exit; $stmt = $this->db->Prepare($query); return new ZEUSAlarms($this, $stmt); }
protected function ExportData(DATAHandler $h = NULL, LOGGROUP $grp, MASK $mask, INTERVAL $ivl = NULL, $resample = 0, array &$names, $opts = 0, $dmcb = NULL) { global $DEFAULT_MISSING_VALUE; $dm = new DOWNLOADMANAGER(); if (!$h) { $h = new CSVHandler(); } $filter = $this->CreateDataFilter($grp, $mask, $resample, $ivl->GetItemLimit()); if (!$h->nullwriter) { $filter->AddFilter(new NULLCorrector($this->GetGroupOption($grp, "null_value", $DEFAULT_MISSING_VALUE))); } $data = $this->GetFilteredData($grp, $ivl->GetWindowStart(), $ivl->GetWindowEnd(), $filter); $columns = sizeof($names); $h->Start($columns); $h->DataHeaders($names); if ($dmcb != NULL) { $action = "start"; $current_time = $ivl->GetWindowStart(); $onepercent = ($ivl->GetWindowEnd() - $ivl->GetWindowStart()) / 100; $download = call_user_func_array($dmcb, array($action, "")); } foreach ($data as $time => $row) { $h->DataVector($time, $row); if ($dmcb != NULL) { $action = "progress"; $thisupdate = time(); $updateinterval = $thisupdate - $lastupdate; if ($time >= $current_time + $onepercent && $updateinterval >= 2) { $current_time = $time; $lastupdate = time(); $prog = round(($time - $ivl->GetWindowStart()) / $onepercent, 0); if (!call_user_func_array($dmcb, array($action, $prog, $download))) { $action = "finish"; call_user_func_array($dmcb, array($action, "cancelled")); unset($dmcb); break; } } } } if ($dmcb != NULL) { $action = "finish"; call_user_func_array($dmcb, array($action, "", $download)); } $h->End(); }
public function __construct(RRDReader &$reader, OPTIONS &$opts, &$items, INTERVAL &$ivl, $resample) { parent::__construct($props); $data_start = $opts->Get('data_start'); $data_start = date("F j, Y", $data_start); $this->period = $opts->Get('step'); $this->file = $reader->rrd_folder . "/" . $reader->rrd_prefix . $opts->Get('file') . ".rrd"; $this->info = $reader::GetRRDInfo($opts->Get('file'), $reader); //get information on the rrd and its archives $this->resample = $resample; $from = $ivl->GetWindowStart(); $ifrom = ceil($from); //get start point as integer $rem = $ifrom % $this->period; //checks whether start point as integer is a multiple of period if ($rem) { $this->from = $ifrom + ($this->period - $rem); } else { $this->from = $ifrom; } //if yes, from is ifrom $this->pos = $this->from; $this->to = $ivl->GetWindowEnd(); $limit = $ivl->GetItemLimit(); //get interval's item limit, if any (defines how many datapoints to show and adjusts to or from based on that?) if ($limit) { if ($limit > 0) { $to = $this->from + $this->period * $limit; if ($to < $this->to) { $this->to = $to; } } else { $from = $this->to + $this->period * $limit; if ($from > $this->from) { $this->from = $from; } } } $this->items =& $items; //items to show (rra:s in this case) //this sets the caching starting point based on the longest rra:s datapoints $limit = $opts->GetDateLimit($data_start, time()); //$limit = $opts->GetDateLimit($this::DEFAULT_START, time());//gets the window limits (as in, the first and last possible timestamp values) $this->start = $limit[0]; }