コード例 #1
  * Display the report
  * @param DOMNode $contentNode The DOM node we wish to display into
  * @param boolean $processResults Defaults to true meaning we run through the results
  * @param mixed $controls.  If null (default), we display all the report controsl.  If string or an array of string, we only display the indicated controls
  * @returns boolean. true on sucess
 public function display($contentNode, $processResults = true, $controls = null)
     if ($this->page->request_exists('flash_data')) {
         return parent::display(false, true, $controls);
     } else {
         $parent_return = parent::display($contentNode, false, $controls);
         //we want to do the reference to the flash content (this will call processResults below)
         // -- This doesn't seem to call processResults anymore so adding in the chart stuff here (?)
         $i2ce_config = I2CE::getConfig();
         $license = '';
         $i2ce_config->setIfIsSet($license, 'modules/maani-charts/license');
         $flashDataURL = 'index.php/file/charts.swf?library_path=index.php/file/charts_library';
         if ($license) {
             $flashDataURL .= '&license=' . $license;
         $save_req = "flash_data&" . file_get_contents("php://input") . "&" . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'];
         $req_key = md5($save_req);
         $_SESSION['req_query'][$req_key] = $save_req;
         $flashDataURL .= '&php_source=' . urlencode("index.php/CustomReports/show/{$this->view}/{$this->display}?req_query=" . $req_key);
         $js = "\tif(window.addEvent) { window.addEvent('domready', function() { swfobject.embedSWF('{$flashDataURL}', \n\t\t'report_results', '{$this->defaultOptions['flash_width']}', " . " '{$this->defaultOptions['flash_height']}', '9.0.0' ,'expressInstall.swf',  \n\t\t" . " {}, \n\t\t{quality: 'high', bgcolor:'{$this->defaultOptions['flash_bgcolor']}',wmode:'opaque'}\n\t); } ); } ";
         $this->template->addHeaderText($js, 'script', true);
         //add this to a new script node.
         return $parent_return;
  * Display the report
  * @param DOMNode $contentNode The DOM node we wish to display into
  * @param boolean $processResults Defaults to true meaning we run through the results
  * @param mixed $controls.  If null (default), we display all the report controsl.  If string or an array of string, we only display the indicated controls
  * @returns boolean. true on sucess
 public function display($contentNode, $processResults = true, $controls = null)
     $parent_return = parent::display($contentNode, false, $controls);
     $i2ce_config = I2CE::getConfig();
     $this->template->addHeaderLink('https://www.google.com/jsapi', array('type' => "text/javascript", 'ext' => 'js'), false);
     $this->template->addHeaderText("        google.load('visualization', '1.0', {'packages':['corechart']});\n", 'script', 'visualization_wrapper');
     $save_req = "flash_data&" . file_get_contents("php://input") . "&" . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'];
     $req_key = md5($save_req);
     $_SESSION['req_query'][$req_key] = $save_req;
     $vis_class = $this->defaultOptions['styles'][$this->defaultOptions['style']]['visualization_class'];
     $options = array('height' => 350, 'width' => 590);
     if (array_key_exists('global_options', $this->defaultOptions) && is_array($this->defaultOptions['global_options'])) {
         foreach ($this->defaultOptions['global_options'] as $key => $val) {
             if (is_numeric($val)) {
                 $options[$key] = $val + 0;
             } elseif (is_array($val)) {
                 // Make sure arrays stay as JSON arrays
                 $options[$key] = $val;
             } else {
                 $options[$key] = $val;
     if (array_key_exists('visualization_options', $this->defaultOptions['styles'][$this->defaultOptions['style']]) && is_array($this->defaultOptions['styles'][$this->defaultOptions['style']]['visualization_options'])) {
         foreach ($this->defaultOptions['styles'][$this->defaultOptions['style']]['visualization_options'] as $opt => $val) {
             if (is_numeric($val)) {
                 $options[$opt] = $val + 0;
             } else {
                 $options[$opt] = $val;
     if (array_key_exists('height', $this->defaultOptions)) {
         $options['height'] = $this->defaultOptions['height'] + 0;
     if (array_key_exists('width', $this->defaultOptions)) {
         $options['width'] = $this->defaultOptions['width'] + 0;
     $report_results = 'report_results';
     if (array_key_exists('results_id', $this->defaultOptions)) {
         $report_results = 'report_results_' . $this->defaultOptions['results_id'];
         $this->template->setAttribute('id', $report_results, 'report_results', null, $contentNode);
     $this->template->setAttribute('onclick', "queryWrapper_{$report_results}.resize( 0, 0, true );", 'vis_button_smaller', null, $contentNode);
     $this->template->setAttribute('onclick', "queryWrapper_{$report_results}.resize();", 'vis_button_bigger', null, $contentNode);
     $dataSourceURL = "index.php/CustomReports/show/{$this->view}/Datasource?req_query={$req_key}";
     //$js = "        google.load('visualization', '1.0', {'packages':['corechart']});\n"
     $js = "        google.setOnLoadCallback(drawChart_{$report_results});\n" . "        var dataSourceURL_{$report_results} = '{$dataSourceURL}';\n" . "        var query_{$report_results};\n" . "        var queryWrapper_{$report_results};\n" . "        function drawChart_{$report_results}() {\n" . "          var container = document.getElementById('{$report_results}');\n" . "          var chart = new google.visualization.{$vis_class}(container);\n" . "          query_{$report_results} && query_{$report_results}.abort();\n" . "          query_{$report_results} = new google.visualization.Query(dataSourceURL_{$report_results});\n" . "          queryWrapper_{$report_results} = new QueryWrapper( query_{$report_results}, chart, " . json_encode($options) . ", container );\n" . "          queryWrapper_{$report_results}.sendAndDraw();\n" . "        }\n";
     $this->template->addHeaderText($js, 'script', 'visualization_wrapper');
     //add this to a new script node.
     return $parent_return;
コード例 #3
     * Display the report
     * @param DOMNode $contentNode The DOM node we wish to display into
     * @param boolean $processResults Defaults to true meaning we run through the results
     * @param mixed $controls.  If null (default), we display all the report controsl.  If string or an array of string, we only display the indicated controls
     * @returns boolean. true on sucess
    public function display($contentNode, $processResults = true, $controls = null)
        $parent_return = parent::display($contentNode, false, $controls);
        //we want to do the reference to the flash content (this will call processResults below)
        // -- This doesn't seem to call processResults anymore so adding in the chart stuff here (?)
        if (array_key_exists('results_id', $this->defaultOptions) && $this->defaultOptions['results_id']) {
            $results_id = $this->defaultOptions['results_id'];
            $report_results = 'report_results_' . $results_id;
            $report_map = "report_results_{$results_id}_map";
            $report_style = "report_results_{$results_id}_style_edit";
            $report_display = "report_results_{$results_id}_display";
            $this->template->setAttribute('id', $report_results, 'report_results', null, $contentNode);
            $this->template->setAttribute('id', $report_map, 'report_results_map', null, $contentNode);
            $this->template->setAttribute('id', $report_style, 'report_results_style_edit', null, $contentNode);
            $this->template->setAttribute('id', $report_display, 'report_results_display', null, $contentNode);
        } else {
            $report_results = 'report_results';
            $report_map = 'report_results_map';
            $report_style = 'report_results_style_edit';
            $report_display = 'report_results_display';
        $this->template->setAttribute('style', 'width: ' . $this->defaultOptions['width'] . 'px; height: ' . $this->defaultOptions['height'] . 'px;', $report_map, null, $contentNode);
        $this->template->setAttribute('style', 'width: ' . $this->defaultOptions['width'] . 'px;', $report_display, null, $contentNode);
        $this->template->setDisplayData('openlayers_style_details_vector_button', false, $contentNode);
        $save_req = "export_style=RAWJSON&" . file_get_contents("php://input") . "&" . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'];
        $save_defs = array('width', 'height');
        foreach ($save_defs as $def) {
            if (array_key_exists($def, $this->defaultOptions)) {
                $save_req .= "&{$def}=" . urlencode($this->defaultOptions[$def]);
        $save_req = str_replace('&save_options_as_default_view=1', '', $save_req);
        $req_key = md5($save_req);
        $_SESSION['req_query'][$req_key] = $save_req;
        $dataURL = "index.php/CustomReports/show/{$this->view}/Export?req_query=" . $req_key;
        $display_layers = array();
        $layers = array();
        if (array_key_exists('layers', $this->defaultOptions) && is_array($this->defaultOptions['layers'])) {
            $ol_config = I2CE::getConfig()->modules->OpenLayers;
            $layers = $this->defaultOptions['layers'];
            foreach ($layers as $layer => $layer_data) {
                $defaults = array();
                if (array_key_exists('openlayers', $this->defaultOptions) && is_array($this->defaultOptions['openlayers']) && array_key_exists('styles', $this->defaultOptions['openlayers']) && is_array($this->defaultOptions['openlayers']['styles']) && array_key_exists($layer, $this->defaultOptions['openlayers']['styles']) && is_array($this->defaultOptions['openlayers']['styles'][$layer])) {
                    $defaults = $this->defaultOptions['openlayers']['styles'][$layer];
                if (array_key_exists('enable', $layer_data) && $layer_data['enable'] == 'on') {
                    $order = 1;
                    $ol_config->setIfIsSet($order, "default/layers/{$layer}/_order");
                    $display_layers[$layer] = $order;
                    //$style_node = $this->template->appendFileById( "customReports_display_OpenLayers_layer_style.html", "div", $report_style, false, $contentNode );
                    $style_node = $this->template->appendFileById("customReports_display_OpenLayers_layer_style.html", "div", 'report_results_style_layer', false, $contentNode);
                    $style_node->setAttribute("id", "openlayers_layer_style_{$layer}");
                    $display_name = $layer;
                    $ol_config->setIfIsSet($display_name, "default/layers/{$layer}/_display");
                    $this->template->setDisplayDataImmediate("openlayers_layer_style_layer", $display_name, $style_node);
                    if (array_key_exists('style', $layer_data) && $layer_data['style'] == 'on') {
                        $this->template->setDisplayDataImmediate('openlayers_style_details', true, $style_node);
                        $form_names = array('layer_id' => false, 'report_id' => false, 'threshold' => false, 'red' => true, 'green' => true);
                        foreach ($form_names as $name => $set_default) {
                            $this->template->setAttribute('id', "{$name}_{$layer}", $name, null, $style_node);
                            $this->template->setAttribute('name', "openlayers:styles:{$layer}:{$name}", "{$name}_{$layer}", null, $style_node);
                            if ($set_default && array_key_exists($name, $defaults)) {
                                $this->template->setAttribute('value', $defaults[$name], "{$name}_{$layer}", null, $style_node);
                        $layer_class = 'Vector';
                        $ol_config->setIfIsSet($layer_class, "default/layers/{$layer}/_class");
                        if ($layer_class == 'Vector') {
                            $this->template->setDisplayDataImmediate('openlayers_style_details_vector', true, $style_node);
                            $this->template->setDisplayDataImmediate('openlayers_style_details_vector_button', true, $contentNode);
                        } else {
                            $this->template->setDisplayDataImmediate('openlayers_style_details_vector', false, $style_node);
                    } else {
                        $this->template->setDisplayDataImmediate('openlayers_style_details', false, $style_node);
                    $this->template->setAttribute('id', "layer_display_{$layer}", 'layer_display', null, $style_node);
                    $this->template->setAttribute('name', "openlayers:styles:{$layer}:layer_display[]", "layer_display_{$layer}", null, $style_node);
            //$button = $this->template->appendFileById( "customReports_display_OpenLayers_layer_style_submit.html", "div", $report_style, false, $contentNode );
        } else {
            $this->template->userMessage("Unable to view report.", true);
            I2CE::raiseError("Invalid map data for report.");
            return true;
        $maps = array('_height' => $this->defaultOptions['height'], '_width' => $this->defaultOptions['width'], 'map' => array('target' => $report_map, 'layers' => array('_order' => $display_layers)));
        $ol_mod = I2CE_ModuleFactory::instance()->getClass('OpenLayers');
        $map_data = $ol_mod->processOptions('maps', $maps);
        if (count($map_data) != 2 || !is_array($map_data[1])) {
            $this->template->userMessage("Unable to view report.", true);
            I2CE::raiseError("Invalid map data for report.");
            return true;
        $js = <<<EOF
var report_data = {};
var style_lookup = {};
var feature_display = {};
var setMapStyle = function() {};

        foreach ($map_data[1] as $prepend) {
            $js .= "{$prepend}\n";
        $js .= "window.addEvent('domready', function() {\n";
        $js .= $map_data[0] . "\n";
        $layer_load = '';
        $js .= <<<EOF

var raw_req = new Request.JSON( { url : '{$dataURL}',
        onSuccess: function( results ) {
        report_data = results;
        for( i in report_data.headers ) {
        $has_defaults = false;
        foreach ($display_layers as $layer => $order) {
            $defaults = array();
            if (array_key_exists('openlayers', $this->defaultOptions) && is_array($this->defaultOptions['openlayers']) && array_key_exists('styles', $this->defaultOptions['openlayers']) && is_array($this->defaultOptions['openlayers']['styles']) && array_key_exists($layer, $this->defaultOptions['openlayers']['styles']) && is_array($this->defaultOptions['openlayers']['styles'][$layer])) {
                $defaults = $this->defaultOptions['openlayers']['styles'][$layer];
            $layer_load .= <<<EOF
            {$layer}.once('change', function() {
                window.addEvent('domready', function() {
                        var props = {$layer}.getSource().getFeatures().pick().getKeys();
                        props.each( function( item ) {
                            if ( item != 'geometry' ) {
                                if ( \$('layer_id_{$layer}') ) {
                                    var opt = new Option( item, item );

            if (array_key_exists('layer_id', $defaults)) {
                $has_defaults = true;
                $layer_load .= "     if( item == '" . $defaults['layer_id'] . "' ) opt.selected = true;\n";
            $layer_load .= <<<EOF
                                    \$('layer_id_{$layer}').add( opt );
                                    \$('layer_id_{$layer}').disabled = false;
                                if ( \$('layer_display_{$layer}') ) {
                                    var opt = new Option( item, item );

            if (array_key_exists('layer_display', $defaults)) {
                $has_defaults = true;
                $layer_load .= "     if( " . json_encode(array_values($defaults['layer_display'])) . ".indexOf(item) != -1 ) opt.selected = true;\n";
            $layer_load .= <<<EOF
                                    \$('layer_display_{$layer}').add( opt );
                                    \$('layer_display_{$layer}').disabled = false;
                        } );
                } );
            $js .= <<<EOF
            if ( \$('report_id_{$layer}') ) {
                var opt1 = new Option( results.headers[i], i );
                var opt2 = new Option( results.headers[i], i );

            if (array_key_exists('report_id', $defaults)) {
                $has_defaults = true;
                $js .= "     if( i == '" . $defaults['report_id'] . "' ) opt1.selected = true;\n";
            if (array_key_exists('threshold', $defaults)) {
                $has_defaults = true;
                $js .= "     if( i == '" . $defaults['threshold'] . "' ) opt2.selected = true;\n";
            $js .= <<<EOF
                \$('report_id_{$layer}').add( opt1 );
                if ( \$('threshold_{$layer}') ) \$('threshold_{$layer}').add( opt2 );
                \$('report_id_{$layer}').disabled = false;
                if ( \$('threshold_{$layer}') ) \$('threshold_{$layer}').disabled = false;
        $callStyle = '';
        if ($has_defaults) {
            $callStyle = "setMapStyle();";
        $js .= <<<EOF
        onError: function( text, error ) {
            console.log("Error: "+text);
} ).get();

        //$js .= $layer_load;
        $page_js = I2CE::getFileSearch()->search('SCRIPTS', 'openlayers_post_inline_report_view_' . $this->view . '.js');
        if ($page_js) {
            $js .= file_get_contents($page_js);
        $js .= <<<EOF
setMapStyle = function() {
    var i, ii;
    for( i = 0, ii = report_data.data.length; i < ii; i++ ) {

        $setStyle_js = "";
        foreach ($layers as $layer => $layer_data) {
            if (!array_key_exists('style', $layer_data) || $layer_data['style'] != 'on') {
            $poly_style = "{ style: null }";
            if (array_key_exists('style', $maps['map']['layers'][$layer])) {
                $style_arr = $maps['map']['layers'][$layer]['style'];
                $style_arr['fill']['color'] = array('func' => 'opaque');
                $style_data = $ol_mod->processOptions('style', $style_arr);
                $poly_style = "{ " . $style_data[0] . " }";
            $layer_class = 'Vector';
            $ol_config->setIfIsSet($layer_class, "default/layers/{$layer}/_class");
            if ($layer_class == 'Vector') {
                $setStyle_js .= <<<EOF
    {$layer}.setStyle( function( feature, resolution ) {
        var use_color = 'black';
        var opaque = 'rgba(0,0,0,0.5)';
        var red = parseFloat(\$('red_{$layer}').value);
        var green = parseFloat(\$('green_{$layer}').value);
        var name = feature.get( \$('layer_id_{$layer}').value );
        if ( name && style_lookup['{$layer}'][name] ) {
            var val = parseFloat(style_lookup['{$layer}'][name]);
            if ( red <= green ) {
                if ( val <= red ) {
                    use_color = 'red';
                    opaque = 'rgba(255,0,0,0.5)';
                } else if ( val < green ) {
                    use_color = 'yellow';
                    opaque = 'rgba(255,255,0,0.5)';
                } else {
                    use_color = 'green'
                    opaque = 'rgba(0,255,0,0.5)';
            } else {
                if ( val <= green ) {
                    use_color = 'green';
                    opaque = 'rgba(0,255,0,0.5)';
                } else if ( val < red ) {
                    use_color = 'yellow';
                    opaque = 'rgba(255,255,0,0.5)';
                } else {
                    use_color = 'red'
                    opaque = 'rgba(255,0,0,0.5)';
        var type = feature.getGeometry().getType();
        if ( type == 'Point' ) {
            return [ new ol.style.Style({ image : new ol.style.Circle({ radius: 5, fill : new ol.style.Fill({color:use_color}) }) }) ];
        } else if ( type == 'Polygon' ) {
            var new_style = {$poly_style};
            return [ new_style.style ];
    } );

            $js .= <<<EOF
    if ( \$('layer_id_{$layer}') && !\$('layer_id_{$layer}').disabled ) {
        if ( !style_lookup['{$layer}'] ) style_lookup['{$layer}'] = {};

        if ( \$('threshold_{$layer}') ) {
            style_lookup['{$layer}'][ report_data.data[i][ \$('report_id_{$layer}').value ] ] = report_data.data[i][ \$('threshold_{$layer}').value ];
        if ( !feature_display['{$layer}'] ) feature_display['{$layer}'] = {};
        feature_display['{$layer}'][ report_data.data[i][ \$('report_id_{$layer}').value ] ] = '';
        for( j in report_data.headers ) {
            feature_display['{$layer}'][ report_data.data[i][ \$('report_id_{$layer}').value ] ] += report_data.headers[j] + ": " + report_data.data[i][j] + "<br />";

        $js .= <<<EOF


    map.on('click', function(evt) {
            var pixel = evt.pixel;
            var output = [];
            map.forEachFeatureAtPixel(pixel, function( feature, layer ) {
                var layer_var;
                switch( layer ) {

        foreach ($display_layers as $layer => $order) {
            $js .= "case {$layer} : layer_var = '{$layer}'; break;\n";
        $js .= <<<EOF
                if ( layer_var ) {
                    var layer_output = '';
                    if ( \$('layer_display_'+layer_var) ) {
                        \$('layer_display_'+layer_var).getSelected().each( function( opt ) {
                                if ( feature.get(opt.value) ) {
                                    layer_output += opt.value +": "+feature.get(opt.value)+"<br />";
                    if ( \$('layer_id_'+layer_var ) ) {
                        if ( \$('layer_id_'+layer_var) && !\$('layer_id_'+layer_var).disabled 
                            && feature_display[layer_var] && feature.get( \$('layer_id_'+layer_var).value )
                            && feature_display[layer_var][ feature.get( \$('layer_id_'+layer_var).value ) ] ) {
                            layer_output += feature_display[layer_var][feature.get( \$('layer_id_'+layer_var).value )];
                    if ( layer_output != '' ) output.push( layer_output );
                } );
            if ( !output || output.length == 0 ) output = "&nbsp;";
            else output = output.join("<hr />");
            \$('report_results_display').innerHTML = output;

        $js .= "\n});\n{$layer_load}\n";
        $this->template->addHeaderText($js, 'script', 'openlayers_report');
        //add this to a new script node.
        return $parent_return;
コード例 #4
  * Display the report
  * @param DOMNode $contentNode The DOM node we wish to display into
  * @param boolean $processResults Defaults to true meaning we run through the results
  * @param mixed $controls.  If null (default), we display all the report controsl.  If string or an array of string, we only display the indicated controls
  * @returns boolean. true on sucess
 public function display($contentNode, $processResults = true, $controls = null)
     // Since this is just data we don't use the content node.
     return parent::display(false, true, $controls);