public static function onNewUserRedirect(&$redirectURL) { if (Hydra::isEnabled(self::EXPERIMENT_NAME)) { $redirectURL = '/wikiHow:tour'; } return true; }
static function beforeHeaderDisplay($isMobile) { global $whEditRedirectSave, $wgOut, $wgRequest, $wgUser, $wgTitle; /* * We only want to display the edit redirect page on desktop after the first edit on a main namespace page. We check a bunch of criteria to ensure this is he case. * criteria to ensure this is indeed the first edit */ if (!$isMobile && isset($_SESSION[self::OUR_SESSION_NAME]) && $_SESSION[self::OUR_SESSION_NAME] && Hydra::isEnabled(self::EXPERIMENT_NAME) || $wgRequest->getVal("abtest_test2") == "1") { // Turn off cache because this is a onetime thing $wgOut->enableClientCache(false); unset($_SESSION[self::OUR_SESSION_NAME]); $cats = $wgTitle->getParentCategories(); if (sizeof($cats) == 0) { return true; } $catkeys = array_keys($cats); $cat = false; foreach ($catkeys as $k) { if (preg_match('@Category:(.+)@i', $k, $matches) && $matches[1] != 'Featured-Articles') { $cat = $matches[1]; break; } } // We only display the edit redirect dialog for main namespace edits if ($wgTitle->getNamespace() == NS_MAIN && $wgRequest->getText('action', 'view') == 'view' && $cat) { EasyTemplate::set_path(dirname(__FILE__)); $catText = str_replace('-', ' ', $cat); $vars = array('cat' => $cat, 'catText' => $catText); $tmpl = EasyTemplate::html("CatRedirect.tmpl.php", $vars); $wgOut->addScript($tmpl); } } return true; }
public static function onArticleFromTitle(&$title, &$article) { global $wgOut; if ($title && strtolower($title->getText()) == 'tour' && $title->getNamespace() == NS_PROJECT && Hydra::isEnabled(self::EXPERIMENT_NAME)) { $title = Title::newFromText('tour2', NS_PROJECT); $wgOut->redirect($title->getFullURL()); } return true; }
public static function onNewUserRedirect(&$redirectURL) { if (Hydra::isEnabled(self::EXPERIMENT_NAME)) { $t = Title::makeTitle(NS_SPECIAL, self::PAGE_NAME); // Remove leading slash because redirect functionality is messed up to add slash $redirectURL = preg_replace("@^/@", "", $t->getLocalURL()); } return true; }
static function beforeHeaderDisplay($isMobile) { global $whEditRedirectSave, $wgOut, $wgRequest, $wgUser, $wgTitle; /* * We only want to display the edit redirect page on desktop after the first edit on a main namespace page. We check a bunch of criteria to ensure this is he case. * criteria to ensure this is indeed the first edit */ if (!$isMobile && isset($_SESSION[self::OUR_SESSION_NAME]) && $_SESSION[self::OUR_SESSION_NAME] && Hydra::isEnabled(self::EXPERIMENT_NAME) || $wgRequest->getVal("abtest_test") == "1") { // Turn off cache because this is a onetime thing $wgOut->enableClientCache(false); unset($_SESSION[self::OUR_SESSION_NAME]); // We only display the edit redirect dialog for main namespace edits if ($wgTitle->getNamespace() == NS_MAIN && $wgRequest->getText('action', 'view') == 'view') { $wgOut->addScript(<<<EOD \t<style type="text/css"> \ .ui-dialog-titlebar-close { \t\tdisplay:none;\t \t} \t</style> \t\t<script type="text/javascript"> (function(\$) { \t\$(document).ready(function() { \t\tvar txt = "<span>There are tons of other ways to contribute around here! What do you want to try next?</span><br/><br/>"; \t\ttxt += '<ul style="list-style:none;"><li style="padding-bottom:10px;"><a href="/Special:TipsPatrol?utm_source=post+edit+link&utm_medium=link&utm_campaign=abtest_choice_tips" style="font-size:12pt;" id="edit_redirect_tips_link" style="display:inline;border:none;" ><span style="font-weight:bold;"> Take me to Tips Patrol</span>: Review, edit, and add tips </a></li>'; \t\ttxt += '<li><a tabindex="3" href="/Special:RCPatrol?utm_source=post+edit+link&utm_medium=link&utm_campaign=abtest_choice_rc_patrol" style="font-size:12pt;" id="edit_redirect_rc_patrol_link" style="display:inline;border:none;font-weight:bold;"><span style="font-weight:bold;">Take me to RC Patrol</span>: Check and approve recent edits</a></li></ul>'; \t\ttxt += '<div style="float:right;"><a href="#" style="text-decoration:underline;" class="cancel_button" tabindex="1">No, Thanks</a>'; \t\t\$("#dialog-box").html(txt); \t\t\$("#dialog-box").dialog({ \t\t\twidth: 600, \t\t\tmodal: true, \t\t\ttitle: 'Thanks for your help!', \t\t\tcloseText: 'Close', \t\t\topen: function() { \t\t\t\t\$(".cancel_button").click(function() { \t\t\t\t\t\$("#dialog-box").dialog("close"); \t\t\t\t\treturn false; \t\t\t\t}); \t\t\t\t\$(".cancel_button").focus(); \t\t\t} \t\t}); \t}); })(jQuery); </script> EOD ); } } return true; }
public static function beforeHeaderDisplay() { global $wgUser; if (Hydra::isEnabled(self::EXPERIMENT_NAME)) { if ($wgUser->getId() > 0) { $sk = $wgUser->getSkin(); $r = mt_rand(1, 4); if ($r == 1) { $sk->addWidget("<a href=\"/Special:CreatePage?utm_source=hydra_creative&utm_campaign=hydra_creative_1\"><img src=\"" . self::getImgUrl('render1.jpg') . "\"></a>", 'hydra_ad'); } elseif ($r == 2) { $sk->addWidget("<a href=\"/Special:RCPatrol?utm_source=hydra_creative&utm_campaign=hydra_creative_2\"><img src=\"" . self::getImgUrl('render2.jpg') . "\"></a>", 'hydra_ad'); } elseif ($r == 3) { $sk->addWidget("<a href=\"/Special:ListRequestedTopics?utm_source=hydra_creative&utm_campaign=hydra_creative_3\"><img src=\"" . self::getImgUrl('render3.jpg') . "\"></a>", 'hydra_ad'); } elseif ($r == 4) { $sk->addWidget("<a href=\"/Special:EditFinder/Copyedit?utm_source=hydra_creative&utm_campaign=hydra_creative_4\"><img src=\"" . self::getImgUrl('render4.jpg') . "\"></a>", 'hydra_ad'); } } } return true; }