コード例 #1
  * Return data on a resource sub view (this will be some form of HTML)
  * @param      object  $resource Current resource
  * @param      string  $option    Name of the component
  * @param      integer $miniview  View style
  * @return     array
 public function onResourcesSub($resource, $option, $miniview = 0)
     $arr = array('area' => $this->_name, 'html' => '', 'metadata' => '');
     // Get some needed libraries
     include_once __DIR__ . DS . 'resources.recommendation.php';
     // Set some filters for returning results
     $filters = array('id' => $resource->id, 'threshold' => $this->params->get('threshold', '0.21'), 'limit' => $this->params->get('display_limit', 10));
     $view = new \Hubzero\Plugin\View(array('folder' => $this->_type, 'element' => $this->_name, 'name' => 'browse'));
     // Instantiate a view
     if ($miniview) {
     // Pass the view some info
     $view->option = $option;
     $view->resource = $resource;
     // Get recommendations
     $database = App::get('db');
     $r = new ResourcesRecommendation($database);
     $view->results = $r->getResults($filters);
     if ($this->getError()) {
     // Return the output
     $arr['html'] = $view->loadTemplate();
     return $arr;
コード例 #2
ファイル: related.php プロジェクト: mined-gatech/hubzero-cms
  * Return data on a resource sub view (this will be some form of HTML)
  * @param      object  $resource Current resource
  * @param      string  $option    Name of the component
  * @param      integer $miniview  View style
  * @return     array
 public function onResourcesSub($resource, $option, $miniview = 0)
     $arr = array('area' => $this->_name, 'html' => '', 'metadata' => '');
     $database = App::get('db');
     // Build the query that checks topic pages
     $sql1 = "SELECT v.id, v.pageid, MAX(v.version) AS version, w.title, w.pagename AS alias, v.pagetext AS introtext,\n\t\t\t\t\tNULL AS type, NULL AS published, NULL AS publish_up, w.scope, w.rating, w.times_rated, w.ranking, 'Topic' AS section, w.`group_cn`\n\t\t\t\tFROM `#__wiki_page` AS w\n\t\t\t\tJOIN `#__wiki_version` AS v ON w.id=v.pageid\n\t\t\t\tJOIN `#__wiki_page_links` AS wl ON wl.page_id=w.id\n\t\t\t\tWHERE v.approved=1 AND wl.scope='resource' AND wl.scope_id=" . $database->Quote($resource->id);
     if (!User::isGuest()) {
         if (User::authorize('com_resources', 'manage') || User::authorize('com_groups', 'manage')) {
             $sql1 .= '';
         } else {
             $ugs = \Hubzero\User\Helper::getGroups(User::get('id'), 'members');
             $groups = array();
             if ($ugs && count($ugs) > 0) {
                 foreach ($ugs as $ug) {
                     $groups[] = $ug->cn;
             $g = "'" . implode("','", $groups) . "'";
             $sql1 .= "AND (w.access!=1 OR (w.access=1 AND (w.group_cn IN ({$g}) OR w.created_by='" . User::get('id') . "'))) ";
     } else {
         $sql1 .= "AND w.access!=1 ";
     $sql1 .= "GROUP BY pageid ORDER BY ranking DESC, title LIMIT 10";
     // Build the query that checks resource parents
     $sql2 = "SELECT DISTINCT r.id, NULL AS pageid, NULL AS version, r.title, r.alias, r.introtext, r.type, r.published, r.publish_up, " . " NULL AS scope, r.rating, r.times_rated, r.ranking, rt.type AS section, NULL AS `group` " . " FROM #__resource_types AS rt, #__resources AS r" . " JOIN #__resource_assoc AS a ON r.id=a.parent_id" . " LEFT JOIN #__resource_types AS t ON r.logical_type=t.id" . " WHERE r.published=1 AND a.child_id=" . $resource->id . " AND r.type=rt.id AND r.type!=8 ";
     if (!User::isGuest()) {
         if (User::authorize('com_resources', 'manage') || User::authorize('com_groups', 'manage')) {
             $sql2 .= '';
         } else {
             $sql2 .= "AND (r.access!=1 OR (r.access=1 AND (r.group_owner IN ({$g}) OR r.created_by='" . User::get('id') . "'))) ";
     } else {
         $sql2 .= "AND r.access=0 ";
     $sql2 .= "ORDER BY r.ranking LIMIT 10";
     // Build the final query
     $query = "SELECT k.* FROM (({$sql1}) UNION ({$sql2})) AS k ORDER BY ranking DESC LIMIT 10";
     // Execute the query
     $view = new \Hubzero\Plugin\View(array('folder' => $this->_type, 'element' => $this->_name, 'name' => 'browse'));
     // Instantiate a view
     if ($miniview) {
     // Pass the view some info
     $view->option = $option;
     $view->resource = $resource;
     $view->related = $database->loadObjectList();
     foreach ($this->getErrors() as $error) {
     // Return the output
     $arr['html'] = $view->loadTemplate();
     // Return the an array of content
     return $arr;
コード例 #3
ファイル: files.php プロジェクト: kevinwojo/hubzero-cms
  * Manage connections to outside services
  * @param   string  $service   Service name (google/dropbox)
  * @param   string  $callback  URL to return to after authorization
  * @return  string
 protected function _connect($service = '', $callback = '')
     // Incoming
     $service = $service ? $service : Request::getVar('service', '');
     $reauth = Request::getInt('reauth', 0);
     $removeData = Request::getInt('removedata', 1);
     // Build pub url
     $url = Route::url($this->model->link('files'));
     // Build return URL
     $return = $callback ? $callback : $url . '?action=connect';
     // Handle authentication request for service
     if ($service) {
         $configs = $this->_connect->getConfigs($service, false);
         if ($this->_task == 'disconnect') {
             if ($this->_connect->disconnect($service, $removeData)) {
                 $this->_msg = Lang::txt('PLG_PROJECTS_FILES_DISCONNECT_SUCCESS') . ' ' . $configs['servicename'];
             } else {
             // Redirect to connect screen
             App::redirect(Route::url($this->model->link('files') . '&action=connect'));
         } elseif (!$this->_connect->makeConnection($service, $reauth, $return)) {
         } else {
             // Successful authentication
             if (!$this->_connect->afterConnect($service, $this->_uid)) {
             } else {
                 $this->_msg = Lang::txt('PLG_PROJECTS_FILES_CONNECT_SUCCESS');
         // Refresh info
     // Output HTML
     $view = new \Hubzero\Plugin\View(array('folder' => 'projects', 'element' => 'files', 'name' => 'connect'));
     $view->option = $this->_option;
     $view->database = $this->_database;
     $view->model = $this->model;
     $view->uid = $this->_uid;
     $view->url = $url;
     $view->title = $this->_area['title'];
     $view->services = $this->_connect->getServices();
     $view->connect = $this->_connect;
     // Get refreshed params
     $view->params = new \Hubzero\Config\Registry($this->model->table()->params);
     // Get connection details for user
     $member = $this->model->member(true);
     $view->oparams = new \Hubzero\Config\Registry($member->params);
     // Get messages	and errors
     $view->msg = $this->_msg;
     if ($this->getError()) {
     return $view->loadTemplate();
コード例 #4
  * Compiles PDF/image preview for any kind of file
  * @return  string
 public function compile()
     // Combine file and folder data
     $items = $this->getCollection();
     // Incoming
     $download = Request::getInt('download', 0);
     // Check that we have compile enabled
     // @FIXME: why are latex and compiled preview tied together?
     //         presumedly we are also 'compiling' pdfs?
     if (!$this->params->get('latex')) {
     // Output HTML
     $view = new \Hubzero\Plugin\View(['folder' => 'projects', 'element' => 'files', 'name' => 'connected', 'layout' => 'compiled']);
     // Make sure we have an item
     if (count($items) == 0) {
     // We can only handle one file at a time
     $file = $items->first();
     // Build path for storing temp previews
     $imagePath = trim($this->model->config()->get('imagepath', '/site/projects'), DS);
     $outputDir = DS . $imagePath . DS . strtolower($this->model->get('alias')) . DS . 'compiled';
     // Make sure output dir exists
     if (!is_dir(PATH_APP . $outputDir)) {
         if (!Filesystem::makeDirectory(PATH_APP . $outputDir)) {
     // Get LaTeX helper
     $compiler = new \Components\Projects\Helpers\Compiler();
     // Tex compiler path
     $texPath = DS . trim($this->params->get('texpath'), DS);
     // Set view args and defaults
     $view->file = $file;
     $view->oWidth = '780';
     $view->oHeight = '460';
     $view->url = $this->model->link('files');
     $cExt = 'pdf';
     // Tex file?
     $tex = $compiler->isTexFile($file->getName());
     // Build temp name
     $tempBase = $tex ? 'temp__' . \Components\Projects\Helpers\Html::takeOutExt($file->getName()) : $file->getName();
     $tempBase = str_replace(' ', '_', $tempBase);
     $view->data = $file->isImage() ? NULL : $file->read();
     // LaTeX file?
     if ($tex && !empty($view->data)) {
         // Clean up data from Windows characters - important!
         $view->data = preg_replace('/[^(\\x20-\\x7F)\\x0A]*/', '', $view->data);
         // Store file locally
         $tmpfile = PATH_APP . $outputDir . DS . $tempBase;
         file_put_contents($tmpfile, $view->data);
         // Compile and get path to PDF
         $contentFile = $compiler->compileTex($tmpfile, $view->data, $texPath, PATH_APP . $outputDir, 1, $tempBase);
         // Read log (to show in case of error)
         $logFile = $tempBase . '.log';
         if (file_exists(PATH_APP . $outputDir . DS . $logFile)) {
             $view->log = Filesystem::read(PATH_APP . $outputDir . DS . $logFile);
         if (!$contentFile) {
         $cType = Filesystem::mimetype(PATH_APP . $outputDir . DS . $contentFile);
     } else {
         // Make sure we can handle preview of this type of file
         if ($file->hasExtension('pdf') || $file->isImage() || !$file->isBinary()) {
             $origin = $this->connection->provider->alias . '://' . $file->getPath();
             $dest = 'compiled://' . $tempBase;
             // Do the copy
             Manager::adapter('local', ['path' => PATH_APP . $outputDir . DS], 'compiled');
             Manager::copy($origin, $dest);
             $contentFile = $tempBase;
     // Parse output
     if (!empty($contentFile) && file_exists(PATH_APP . $outputDir . DS . $contentFile)) {
         // Get compiled content mimetype
         $cType = Filesystem::mimetype(PATH_APP . $outputDir . DS . $contentFile);
         // Is image?
         if (strpos($cType, 'image/') !== false) {
             // Fix up object width & height
             list($width, $height, $type, $attr) = getimagesize(PATH_APP . $outputDir . DS . $contentFile);
             $xRatio = $view->oWidth / $width;
             $yRatio = $view->oHeight / $height;
             if ($xRatio * $height < $view->oHeight) {
                 // Resize the image based on width
                 $view->oHeight = ceil($xRatio * $height);
             } else {
                 // Resize the image based on height
                 $view->oWidth = ceil($yRatio * $width);
         // Download compiled file?
         if ($download) {
             $pdfName = $tex ? str_replace('temp__', '', basename($contentFile)) : basename($contentFile);
             // Serve up file
             $server = new \Hubzero\Content\Server();
             $server->filename(PATH_APP . $outputDir . DS . $contentFile);
             $result = $server->serve();
             if (!$result) {
                 // Should only get here on error
                 throw new Exception(Lang::txt('PLG_PROJECTS_FILES_SERVER_ERROR'), 404);
             } else {
         // Generate preview image for browsers that cannot embed pdf
         if ($cType == 'application/pdf') {
             // GS path
             $gspath = trim($this->params->get('gspath'), DS);
             if ($gspath && file_exists(DS . $gspath . DS . 'gs')) {
                 $gspath = DS . $gspath . DS;
                 $pdfName = $tex ? str_replace('temp__', '', basename($contentFile)) : basename($contentFile);
                 $pdfPath = PATH_APP . $outputDir . DS . $contentFile;
                 $exportPath = PATH_APP . $outputDir . DS . $tempBase . '%d.jpg';
                 exec($gspath . "gs -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=jpeg -r300 -dFirstPage=1 -dLastPage=1 -sOutputFile={$exportPath} {$pdfPath} 2>&1", $out);
                 if (is_file(PATH_APP . $outputDir . DS . $tempBase . '1.jpg')) {
                     $hi = new \Hubzero\Image\Processor(PATH_APP . $outputDir . DS . $tempBase . '1.jpg');
                     if (count($hi->getErrors()) == 0) {
                         $hi->resize($view->oWidth, false, false, true);
                         $hi->save(PATH_APP . $outputDir . DS . $tempBase . '1.jpg');
                     } else {
                         return false;
                 if (is_file(PATH_APP . $outputDir . DS . $tempBase . '1.jpg')) {
                     $image = $tempBase . '1.jpg';
     } elseif (!$this->getError()) {
     $view->file = $file;
     $view->outputDir = $outputDir;
     $view->embed = $contentFile;
     $view->cType = $cType;
     $view->subdir = $this->subdir;
     $view->option = $this->_option;
     $view->image = !empty($image) ? $image : NULL;
     $view->model = $this->model;
     $view->repo = $this->repo;
     $view->connection = $this->connection;
     if ($this->getError()) {
     return $view->loadTemplate();
コード例 #5
ファイル: data.php プロジェクト: sumudinie/hubzero-cms
  * Draw attachment
  * @return  HTML string
 public function drawAttachment($data, $params)
     // Output HTML
     $view = new \Hubzero\Plugin\View(array('folder' => 'projects', 'element' => 'publications', 'name' => 'attachments', 'layout' => $this->_name));
     $view->data = $data;
     $view->params = $params;
     if ($this->getError()) {
     return $view->loadTemplate();
コード例 #6
ファイル: latex.php プロジェクト: kevinwojo/hubzero-cms
  * Handles view events for latex files
  * @param   \Hubzero\Filesystem\Collection  $collection  The file collection to view
  * @return  void
 public function onHandleView(\Hubzero\Filesystem\Collection $collection)
     if (!$this->canHandle($collection)) {
         return false;
     $file = $collection->findFirstWithExtension('tex');
     // Create view
     $view = new \Hubzero\Plugin\View(['folder' => 'handlers', 'element' => 'latex', 'name' => 'latex', 'layout' => 'view']);
     // Build path for storing temp previews
     $outputDir = PATH_APP . DS . trim($this->params->get('compile_dir', 'site/latex/compiled'), DS);
     $adapter = Manager::adapter('local', ['path' => $outputDir]);
     $uniqid = md5(uniqid());
     $temp = File::fromPath($uniqid . '.tex', $adapter);
     // Clean up data from Windows characters - important!
     $data = preg_replace('/[^(\\x20-\\x7F)\\x0A]*/', '', $file->read());
     // Store file locally
     // Build the command
     $command = DS . trim($this->params->get('texpath', '/usr/bin/pdflatex'), DS);
     $command .= ' -output-directory=' . $outputDir . ' -interaction=batchmode ' . escapeshellarg($temp->getAbsolutePath());
     // Exec and capture output
     exec($command, $out);
     $compiled = File::fromPath($uniqid . '.pdf', $adapter);
     $log = File::fromPath($uniqid . '.log', $adapter);
     if (!$compiled->size()) {
     // Read log (to show in case of error)
     if ($log->size()) {
         $view->log = $log->read();
     $view->compiled = $compiled;
     return $view;
コード例 #7
ファイル: license.php プロジェクト: mined-gatech/hubzero-cms
  * Build panel content
  * @return  string  HTML
 public function buildContent($pub = NULL, $viewname = 'edit')
     $name = $viewname == 'freeze' || $viewname == 'curator' ? 'freeze' : 'draft';
     // Get selector styles
     \Hubzero\Document\Assets::addPluginStylesheet('projects', 'publications', 'selector');
     // Output HTML
     $view = new \Hubzero\Plugin\View(array('folder' => 'projects', 'element' => 'publications', 'name' => $name, 'layout' => 'license'));
     $view->pub = $pub;
     $view->manifest = $this->_manifest;
     $view->step = $this->_blockId;
     $objL = new \Components\Publications\Tables\License($this->_parent->_db);
     // Get selected license
     $view->license = $objL->getPubLicense($pub->version_id);
     $view->selections = $objL->getBlockLicenses($this->_manifest, $view->license);
     // Pre-select single available license
     if (!$view->license && count($view->selections) == 1) {
         $view->license = new \Components\Publications\Tables\License($this->_parent->_db);
     if ($this->getError()) {
     return $view->loadTemplate();
コード例 #8
  * Build panel content
  * @return  string  HTML
 public function buildContent($pub = NULL, $viewname = 'edit')
     $name = $viewname == 'freeze' || $viewname == 'curator' ? 'freeze' : 'draft';
     // Output HTML
     $view = new \Hubzero\Plugin\View(array('folder' => 'projects', 'element' => 'publications', 'name' => $name, 'layout' => 'citations'));
     // Get selector styles
     \Hubzero\Document\Assets::addPluginStylesheet('projects', 'links');
     \Hubzero\Document\Assets::addPluginStylesheet('projects', 'files', 'selector');
     \Hubzero\Document\Assets::addPluginStylesheet('projects', 'publications', 'selector');
     if (!isset($pub->_citations)) {
         // Get citations for this publication
         $c = new \Components\Citations\Tables\Citation($this->_parent->_db);
         $pub->_citations = $c->getCitations('publication', $pub->id);
     $view->pub = $pub;
     $view->manifest = $this->_manifest;
     $view->step = $this->_blockId;
     if ($this->getError()) {
     return $view->loadTemplate();
コード例 #9
  * Return data on a resource view (this will be some form of HTML)
  * @param      object  	$publication 	Current publication
  * @param      string  	$option    		Name of the component
  * @param      array   	$areas     		Active area(s)
  * @param      string  	$rtrn      		Data to be returned
  * @param      string 	$version 		Version name
  * @param      boolean 	$extended 		Whether or not to show panel
  * @return     array
 public function onPublication($publication, $option, $areas, $rtrn = 'all', $version = 'default', $extended = true, $authorized = true)
     $arr = array('html' => '', 'metadata' => '');
     // Check if our area is in the array of areas we want to return results for
     if (is_array($areas)) {
         if (!array_intersect($areas, $this->onPublicationAreas($publication)) && !array_intersect($areas, array_keys($this->onPublicationAreas($publication)))) {
             // do nothing
             return $arr;
     if (!$publication->_category->_params->get('plg_supportingdocs')) {
         return $arr;
     // Are we returning HTML?
     if ($rtrn == 'all' || $rtrn == 'html') {
         $database = App::get('db');
         $config = Component::params($option);
         // Instantiate a view
         $view = new \Hubzero\Plugin\View(array('folder' => 'publications', 'element' => 'supportingdocs', 'name' => 'browse'));
         // Get docs
         $pContent = new \Components\Publications\Tables\Attachment($database);
         $view->docs = $pContent->getAttachments($publication->version_id, $filters = array('role' => array(1, 0, 2), 'order' => 'a.role DESC, a.ordering ASC'));
         // Get projects html helper
         require_once PATH_CORE . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_projects' . DS . 'helpers' . DS . 'html.php';
         // Build publication path
         $base_path = $config->get('webpath');
         $view->path = \Components\Publications\Helpers\Html::buildPubPath($publication->id, $publication->version_id, $base_path, $publication->secret, $root = 1);
         // Pass the view some info
         $view->option = $option;
         $view->publication = $publication;
         $view->config = $config;
         $view->version = $version;
         $view->live_site = Request::base();
         $view->authorized = $authorized;
         if ($this->getError()) {
         // Return the output
         $arr['html'] = $view->loadTemplate();
     return $arr;
コード例 #10
ファイル: links.php プロジェクト: mined-gatech/hubzero-cms
  * Browser for within publications
  * @return     string
 public function browser()
     // Incoming
     $ajax = Request::getInt('ajax', 0);
     $primary = Request::getInt('primary', 1);
     $versionid = Request::getInt('versionid', 0);
     if (!$ajax) {
         return false;
     // Output HTML
     $view = new \Hubzero\Plugin\View(array('folder' => 'projects', 'element' => 'links', 'name' => 'browser'));
     // Get current attachments
     $pContent = new \Components\Publications\Tables\Attachment($this->_database);
     $role = $primary ? '1' : '0';
     $other = $primary ? '0' : '1';
     $view->attachments = $pContent->getAttachments($versionid, $filters = array('role' => $role, 'type' => 'link'));
     // Output HTML
     $view->option = $this->_option;
     $view->database = $this->_database;
     $view->model = $this->model;
     $view->uid = $this->_uid;
     $view->config = $this->_config;
     $view->primary = $primary;
     $view->versionid = $versionid;
     // Get messages	and errors
     if ($this->getError()) {
     return $view->loadTemplate();
コード例 #11
  * Return data on a resource view (this will be some form of HTML)
  * @param      object  	$publication 	Current publication
  * @param      string  	$option    		Name of the component
  * @param      array   	$areas     		Active area(s)
  * @param      string  	$rtrn      		Data to be returned
  * @param      string 	$version 		Version name
  * @param      boolean 	$extended 		Whether or not to show panel
  * @return     array
 public function onPublication($publication, $option, $areas, $rtrn = 'all', $version = 'default', $extended = true)
     $arr = array('html' => '', 'metadata' => '');
     // Check if our area is in the array of areas we want to return results for
     if (is_array($areas)) {
         if (!array_intersect($areas, $this->onPublicationAreas($publication)) && !array_intersect($areas, array_keys($this->onPublicationAreas($publication)))) {
             $rtrn = 'metadata';
     if (!$publication->_category->_params->get('plg_citations')) {
         return $arr;
     $database = App::get('db');
     // Get a needed library
     include_once PATH_CORE . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_citations' . DS . 'tables' . DS . 'citation.php';
     include_once PATH_CORE . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_citations' . DS . 'tables' . DS . 'association.php';
     include_once PATH_CORE . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_citations' . DS . 'tables' . DS . 'author.php';
     include_once PATH_CORE . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_citations' . DS . 'tables' . DS . 'secondary.php';
     // Get citations for this publication
     $c = new \Components\Citations\Tables\Citation($database);
     $citations = $c->getCitations('publication', $publication->id);
     $arr['count'] = $citations ? count($citations) : 0;
     $arr['name'] = 'citations';
     // Are we returning HTML?
     if ($rtrn == 'all' || $rtrn == 'html') {
         $config = Component::params($option);
         // Instantiate a view
         $view = new \Hubzero\Plugin\View(array('folder' => 'publications', 'element' => 'citations', 'name' => 'browse'));
         // Pass the view some info
         $view->option = $option;
         $view->publication = $publication;
         $view->citations = $citations;
         $view->format = $config->get('citation_format', 'apa');
         if ($this->getError()) {
         // Return the output
         $arr['html'] = $view->loadTemplate();
     // Are we returning metadata?
     if ($rtrn == 'all' || $rtrn == 'metadata') {
         $view = new \Hubzero\Plugin\View(array('folder' => $this->_type, 'element' => $this->_name, 'name' => 'metadata'));
         $view->url = Route::url('index.php?option=' . $option . '&' . ($publication->alias ? 'alias=' . $publication->alias : 'id=' . $publication->id) . '&active=citations&v=' . $publication->version_number);
         $view->citations = $citations;
         $arr['metadata'] = $view->loadTemplate();
     // Return results
     return $arr;
コード例 #12
ファイル: questions.php プロジェクト: sumudinie/hubzero-cms
  * Display a form for adding a question
  * @param      object $row
  * @return     string
 private function _new($row = null)
     // Login required
     if (User::isGuest()) {
         App::redirect(Route::url('index.php?option=com_users&view=login&return=' . base64_encode($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])), Lang::txt('PLG_PUBLICATIONS_QUESTIONS_LOGIN_TO_ASK_QUESTION'), 'warning');
     $view = new \Hubzero\Plugin\View(array('folder' => 'publications', 'element' => $this->_name, 'name' => 'question', 'layout' => 'new'));
     $view->option = $this->option;
     $view->publication = $this->publication;
     if (is_object($row)) {
         $view->row = $row;
     } else {
         $view->row = new \Components\Answers\Models\Question(0);
     $view->tag = $this->filters['tag'];
     // Are we banking?
     $upconfig = Component::params('com_members');
     $view->banking = $upconfig->get('bankAccounts');
     $view->funds = 0;
     if ($view->banking) {
         $BTL = new \Hubzero\Bank\Teller($this->database, User::get('id'));
         $funds = $BTL->summary() - $BTL->credit_summary();
         $view->funds = $funds > 0 ? $funds : 0;
     if ($this->getError()) {
         foreach ($this->getErrors() as $error) {
     return $view->loadTemplate();
コード例 #13
ファイル: versions.php プロジェクト: mined-gatech/hubzero-cms
  * Return data on a publication view (this will be some form of HTML)
  * @param      object  	$publication 	Current publication
  * @param      string  	$option    		Name of the component
  * @param      array   	$areas     		Active area(s)
  * @param      string  	$rtrn      		Data to be returned
  * @param      string 	$version 		Version name
  * @param      boolean 	$extended 		Whether or not to show panel
  * @param      string 	$authorized
  * @return     array
 public function onPublication($publication, $option, $areas, $rtrn = 'all', $version = 'default', $extended = true, $authorized = false)
     $arr = array('html' => '', 'metadata' => '');
     // Check if our area is in the array of areas we want to return results for
     if (is_array($areas)) {
         if (!array_intersect($areas, $this->onPublicationAreas($publication)) && !array_intersect($areas, array_keys($this->onPublicationAreas($publication)))) {
             $rtrn = 'metadata';
     $database = App::get('db');
     // Get pub configs
     $config = Component::params($option);
     if ($rtrn == 'all' || $rtrn == 'html') {
         $objV = new \Components\Publications\Tables\Version($database);
         $versions = $objV->getVersions($publication->id, $filters = array('public' => 1));
         // Instantiate a view
         $view = new \Hubzero\Plugin\View(array('folder' => 'publications', 'element' => 'versions', 'name' => 'browse'));
         // Are we allowing contributions
         $view->contributable = Plugin::isEnabled('projects', 'publications') ? 1 : 0;
         // Pass the view some info
         $view->option = $option;
         $view->publication = $publication;
         $view->versions = $versions;
         $view->config = $config;
         $view->authorized = $authorized;
         if ($this->getError()) {
         // Return the output
         $arr['html'] = $view->loadTemplate();
     return $arr;
コード例 #14
ファイル: reviews.php プロジェクト: mined-gatech/hubzero-cms
  * Return data on a resource view (this will be some form of HTML)
  * @param      object  $resource Current resource
  * @param      string  $option    Name of the component
  * @param      array   $areas     Active area(s)
  * @param      string  $rtrn      Data to be returned
  * @return     array
 public function onResources($model, $option, $areas, $rtrn = 'all')
     $arr = array('area' => $this->_name, 'html' => '', 'metadata' => '');
     // Check if our area is in the array of areas we want to return results for
     if (is_array($areas)) {
         if (!array_intersect($areas, $this->onResourcesAreas($model)) && !array_intersect($areas, array_keys($this->onResourcesAreas($model)))) {
             $rtrn = 'metadata';
     if (!$model->type->params->get('plg_reviews')) {
         return $arr;
     $ar = $this->onResourcesAreas($model);
     if (empty($ar)) {
         $rtrn = '';
     include_once __DIR__ . DS . 'models' . DS . 'review.php';
     // Instantiate a helper object and perform any needed actions
     $h = new PlgResourcesReviewsHelper();
     $h->resource = $model->resource;
     $h->option = $option;
     $h->_option = $option;
     // Get reviews for this resource
     $database = App::get('db');
     $r = new \Components\Resources\Tables\Review($database);
     $reviews = $r->getRatings($model->resource->id);
     if (!$reviews) {
         $reviews = array();
     // Are we returning any HTML?
     if ($rtrn == 'all' || $rtrn == 'html') {
         // Did they perform an action?
         // If so, they need to be logged in first.
         if (!$h->loggedin) {
             // Instantiate a view
             $rtrn = Request::getVar('REQUEST_URI', Route::url('index.php?option=' . $option . '&id=' . $model->resource->id . '&active=' . $this->_name, false, true), 'server');
             App::redirect(Route::url('index.php?option=com_users&view=login&return=' . base64_encode($rtrn)));
         // Instantiate a view
         $view = new \Hubzero\Plugin\View(array('folder' => $this->_type, 'element' => $this->_name, 'name' => 'browse'));
         // Thumbs voting CSS & JS
         $view->voting = $this->params->get('voting', 1);
         // Pass the view some info
         $view->option = $option;
         $view->resource = $model->resource;
         $view->reviews = $reviews;
         //$view->voting = $voting;
         $view->h = $h;
         $view->banking = $this->banking;
         $view->infolink = $this->infolink;
         $view->config = $this->params;
         if ($h->getError()) {
             foreach ($h->getErrors() as $error) {
         // Return the output
         $arr['html'] = $view->loadTemplate();
     // Build the HTML meant for the "about" tab's metadata overview
     if ($rtrn == 'all' || $rtrn == 'metadata') {
         $view = $this->view('default', 'metadata');
         $url = 'index.php?option=' . $option . '&' . ($model->resource->alias ? 'alias=' . $model->resource->alias : 'id=' . $model->resource->id) . '&active=' . $this->_name;
         $view->reviews = $reviews;
         $view->url = Route::url($url);
         $view->url2 = Route::url($url . '&action=addreview#reviewform');
         $arr['metadata'] = $view->loadTemplate();
     return $arr;
コード例 #15
ファイル: review.php プロジェクト: mined-gatech/hubzero-cms
  * Build panel content
  * @return  string  HTML
 public function buildContent($pub = NULL, $viewname = 'edit')
     $name = $viewname == 'freeze' || $viewname == 'curator' ? 'freeze' : 'draft';
     // Output HTML
     $view = new \Hubzero\Plugin\View(array('folder' => 'projects', 'element' => 'publications', 'name' => $name, 'layout' => 'review'));
     \Hubzero\Document\Assets::addComponentStylesheet('com_projects', 'css/calendar');
     $view->pub = $pub;
     $view->manifest = $this->_manifest;
     $view->step = $this->_blockId;
     if ($this->getError()) {
     return $view->loadTemplate();
コード例 #16
  * Create database
  * @return     array
 public function act_create()
     // Check permission
     if (!$this->model->access('content')) {
         throw new Exception(Lang::txt('ALERTNOTAUTH'), 403);
     // Incoming
     $db_id = Request::getInt('db_id', false);
     // Get project path
     $path = \Components\Projects\Helpers\Html::getProjectRepoPath($this->model->get('alias'));
     $list = array();
     $error = false;
     if (file_exists($path) && is_dir($path)) {
         exec($this->gitpath . ' ls-files --exclude-standard |grep ".csv"', $list);
     } else {
         $error = Lang::txt('PLG_PROJECTS_DATABASES_MISSING_REPO');
     // Get project database object
     $objPD = new \Components\Projects\Tables\Database($this->_database);
     // Get database list
     $used_files = $objPD->getUsedItems($this->model->get('id'));
     $files = array();
     foreach ($list as $l) {
         $info = array();
         exec($this->gitpath . ' log --date=local --pretty=format:%f"|#|"%H"|#|"%ad%n "' . $l . '"|head -1', $info);
         $info = explode('|#|', $info[0]);
         $file = pathinfo($l);
         if (!in_array($l, $used_files)) {
             $files[$file['dirname']][] = array('name' => $file['basename'], 'hash' => $info[1], 'date' => $info[2]);
     // Output HTML
     $view = new \Hubzero\Plugin\View(array('folder' => 'projects', 'element' => 'databases', 'name' => 'create'));
     $view->model = $this->model;
     $view->option = $this->_option;
     $view->files = $files;
     $view->msg = NULL;
     if ($error) {
     // Get project database object
     $objPD = new \Components\Projects\Tables\Database($this->_database);
     if ($objPD->loadRecord($db_id)) {
         $view->db_id = $db_id;
         $view->dir = trim($objPD->source_dir, '/');
         $view->file = trim($objPD->source_file, '/');
         $view->title = $objPD->title;
         $view->desc = $objPD->description;
     return array('html' => $view->loadTemplate());
コード例 #17
ファイル: wishlist.php プロジェクト: mined-gatech/hubzero-cms
  * Return data on a resource view (this will be some form of HTML)
  * @param      object  	$publication 	Current publication
  * @param      string  	$option    		Name of the component
  * @param      array   	$areas     		Active area(s)
  * @param      string  	$rtrn      		Data to be returned
  * @param      string 	$version 		Version name
  * @param      boolean 	$extended 		Whether or not to show panel
  * @return     array
 public function onPublication($publication, $option, $areas, $rtrn = 'all', $version = 'default', $extended = true)
     $arr = array('html' => '', 'metadata' => '');
     // Check if our area is in the array of areas we want to return results for
     if (is_array($areas)) {
         if (!array_intersect($areas, $this->onPublicationAreas($publication)) && !array_intersect($areas, array_keys($this->onPublicationAreas($publication)))) {
             $rtrn = 'metadata';
     if (!$publication->_category->_params->get('plg_wishlist') || !$extended) {
         return $arr;
     $database = App::get('db');
     // Load component language file
     Lang::load('com_wishlist') || Lang::load('com_wishlist', PATH_CORE . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_wishlist' . DS . 'site');
     $option = 'com_wishlist';
     $cat = 'publication';
     $refid = $publication->id;
     $items = 0;
     $admin = 0;
     $html = '';
     // Include some classes & scripts
     require_once PATH_CORE . DS . 'components' . DS . $option . DS . 'models' . DS . 'wishlist.php';
     require_once PATH_CORE . DS . 'components' . DS . $option . DS . 'site' . DS . 'controllers' . DS . 'wishlists.php';
     // Configure controller
     $controller = new \Components\Wishlist\Site\Controllers\Wishlists();
     // Get filters
     $filters = $controller->getFilters(0);
     $filters['limit'] = $this->params->get('limit');
     // Load some objects
     $obj = new \Components\Wishlist\Tables\Wishlist($database);
     $objWish = new \Components\Wishlist\Tables\Wish($database);
     $objOwner = new \Components\Wishlist\Tables\Owner($database);
     // Get wishlist id
     $id = $obj->get_wishlistID($refid, $cat);
     // Create a new list if necessary
     if (!$id) {
         if ($publication->title && $publication->state == 1) {
             $rtitle = isset($publication->alias) && $publication->alias ? Lang::txt('COM_WISHLIST_NAME_RESOURCE') . ' ' . $publication->alias : Lang::txt('COM_WISHLIST_NAME_PUB_ID') . ' ' . $publication->id;
             $id = $obj->createlist($cat, $refid, 1, $rtitle, $publication->title);
     // get wishlist data
     $wishlist = $obj->get_wishlist($id, $refid, $cat);
     if (!$wishlist) {
         $html = '<p class="error">' . Lang::txt('COM_WISHLIST_ERROR_LIST_NOT_FOUND') . '</p>';
     } else {
         // Get the component parameters
         $this->config = Component::params('com_wishlist');
         // Get list owners
         $owners = $objOwner->get_owners($id, $this->config->get('group'), $wishlist);
         // Authorize admins & list owners
         if (!User::isGuest()) {
             if (User::authorize($option, 'manage')) {
                 $admin = 1;
             if (in_array(User::get('id'), $owners['individuals'])) {
                 $admin = 2;
             } elseif (in_array(User::get('id'), $owners['advisory'])) {
                 $admin = 3;
         } elseif (!$wishlist->public && $rtrn != 'metadata') {
             // not authorized
             throw new Exception(Lang::txt('COM_WISHLIST_ERROR_ALERTNOTAUTH'), 403);
         $items = $objWish->get_count($id, $filters, $admin);
         if ($rtrn != 'metadata') {
             // Get wishes
             $wishlist->items = $objWish->get_wishes($wishlist->id, $filters, $admin, User::getRoot());
             $title = $admin ? Lang::txt('COM_WISHLIST_TITLE_PRIORITIZED') : Lang::txt('COM_WISHLIST_TITLE_RECENT_WISHES');
             if (count($wishlist->items) > 0 && $items > $filters['limit']) {
                 $title .= ' (<a href="' . Route::url('index.php?option=' . $option . '&task=wishlist&category=' . $wishlist->category . '&rid=' . $wishlist->referenceid) . '">' . Lang::txt('view all') . ' ' . $items . '</a>)';
             } else {
                 $title .= ' (' . $items . ')';
             // HTML output
             // Instantiate a view
             $view = new \Hubzero\Plugin\View(array('folder' => 'publications', 'element' => 'wishlist', 'name' => 'browse'));
             // Pass the view some info
             $view->option = $option;
             $view->publication = $publication;
             $view->title = $title;
             $view->wishlist = $wishlist;
             $view->filters = $filters;
             $view->admin = $admin;
             $view->config = $this->config;
             if ($this->getError()) {
             // Return the output
             $html = $view->loadTemplate();
     // Build the HTML meant for the "about" tab's metadata overview
     $metadata = '';
     if ($rtrn == 'all' || $rtrn == 'metadata') {
         $view = new \Hubzero\Plugin\View(array('folder' => 'publications', 'element' => 'wishlist', 'name' => 'metadata'));
         $view->publication = $publication;
         $view->items = $items;
         $view->wishlistid = $id;
         $metadata = $view->loadTemplate();
     $arr = array('html' => $html, 'metadata' => $metadata);
     if ($publication->state == 1) {
         $arr['count'] = $items;
         $arr['name'] = 'wishlist';
     return $arr;
コード例 #18
ファイル: team.php プロジェクト: mined-gatech/hubzero-cms
  * Change member role
  * @return     void, redirect
 protected function _changeRole()
     // Incoming
     $checked = Request::getVar('owner', array());
     $groups = Request::getVar('group', array());
     $owner = Request::getVar('owner', '');
     $role = Request::getInt('role', 0);
     if ($owner) {
         $checked = array($owner);
     // Are we setting up project?
     $s = $this->model->inSetup() ? 1 : 0;
     // Instantiate project owner
     $objO = $this->model->table('Owner');
     if (!empty($checked)) {
         // Get owners info from owner id(s)
         $selected = $objO->getInfo($this->model->get('id'), $checked, $groups);
     } else {
         $selected = array();
     if ($this->_task == 'changerole') {
         // Output HTML
         $view = new \Hubzero\Plugin\View(array('folder' => 'projects', 'element' => 'team', 'name' => 'role'));
         $view->selected = $selected;
         $view->checked = $checked;
         $view->option = $this->_option;
         $view->model = $this->model;
         $view->uid = $this->_uid;
         $view->aid = $objO->getOwnerID($this->model->get('id'), $this->_uid);
         $view->msg = isset($this->_msg) ? $this->_msg : '';
         if ($this->getError()) {
         return $view->loadTemplate();
     } else {
         // Changing role(s) to collaborator
         $left = $checked;
         if ($role == 0) {
             // Get all managers
             $all = $objO->getIds($this->model->get('id'), 1);
             $remaining = array_diff($all, $checked);
             if (!$remaining && count($all) > 0) {
                 $left = array_diff($checked, array($all[0]));
                 // leave one manager
         if ($objO->reassignRole($this->model->get('id'), $left, 1, $role)) {
             $this->_msg = Lang::txt('PLG_PROJECTS_TEAM_OWNERS_ROLE_CHANGED');
             // Sync with system group
             $objO->sysGroup($this->model->get('alias'), $this->_config->get('group_prefix', 'pr-'));
         $this->_task = $s ? 'setup' : 'edit';
         return $this->display($edit = 1);
コード例 #19
ファイル: usage.php プロジェクト: mined-gatech/hubzero-cms
  * Return data on a resource view (this will be some form of HTML)
  * @param      object  	$publication 	Current publication
  * @param      string  	$option    		Name of the component
  * @param      array   	$areas     		Active area(s)
  * @param      string  	$rtrn      		Data to be returned
  * @param      string 	$version 		Version name
  * @param      boolean 	$extended 		Whether or not to show panel
  * @return     array
 public function onPublication($publication, $option, $areas, $rtrn = 'all', $version = 'default', $extended = true)
     $arr = array('html' => '', 'metadata' => '');
     // Check if our area is in the array of areas we want to return results for
     if (is_array($areas)) {
         if (!array_intersect($areas, $this->onPublicationAreas($publication)) && !array_intersect($areas, array_keys($this->onPublicationAreas($publication)))) {
             $rtrn = 'metadata';
     if (!$publication->_category->_params->get('plg_usage') || !$extended) {
         return $arr;
     // Temporarily display only metadata
     $rtrn = 'metadata';
     // Check if we have a needed database table
     $database = App::get('db');
     $tables = $database->getTableList();
     $table = $database->getPrefix() . 'publication_stats';
     if ($publication->alias) {
         $url = Route::url('index.php?option=' . $option . '&alias=' . $publication->alias . '&active=usage');
     } else {
         $url = Route::url('index.php?option=' . $option . '&id=' . $publication->id . '&active=usage');
     if (!in_array($table, $tables)) {
         $arr['html'] = '<p class="error">' . Lang::txt('PLG_PUBLICATION_USAGE_MISSING_TABLE') . '</p>';
         $arr['metadata'] = '<p class="usage"><a href="' . $url . '">' . Lang::txt('PLG_PUBLICATION_USAGE_DETAILED') . '</a></p>';
         return $arr;
     // Get/set some variables
     $dthis = Request::getVar('dthis', date('Y') . '-' . date('m'));
     $period = Request::getInt('period', $this->params->get('period', 14));
     include_once PATH_CORE . DS . 'components' . DS . $option . DS . 'tables' . DS . 'stats.php';
     require_once PATH_CORE . DS . 'components' . DS . $option . DS . 'helpers' . DS . 'usage.php';
     $stats = new \Components\Publications\Tables\Stats($database);
     $stats->loadStats($publication->id, $period, $dthis);
     // Are we returning HTML?
     if ($rtrn == 'all' || $rtrn == 'html') {
         // Instantiate a view
         $view = new \Hubzero\Plugin\View(array('folder' => 'publications', 'element' => 'usage', 'name' => 'browse'));
         // Get usage helper
         $view->helper = new \Components\Publications\Helpers\Usage($database, $publication->id, $publication->base);
         // Pass the view some info
         $view->option = $option;
         $view->publication = $publication;
         $view->stats = $stats;
         $view->chart_path = $this->params->get('chart_path', '');
         $view->map_path = $this->params->get('map_path', '');
         $view->dthis = $dthis;
         $view->period = $period;
         if ($this->getError()) {
         // Return the output
         $arr['html'] = $view->loadTemplate();
     if ($rtrn == 'metadata') {
         $stats->loadStats($publication->id, $period);
         if ($stats->users) {
             $action = $publication->base == 'files' ? '%s download(s)' : '%s view(s)';
             $arr['metadata'] = '<p class="usage">' . Lang::txt('%s user(s)', $stats->users);
             $arr['metadata'] .= $stats->downloads ? ' | ' . Lang::txt($action, $stats->downloads) : '';
             $arr['metadata'] .= '</p>';
     if ($stats->users) {
         $arr['name'] = 'usage';
         $arr['count'] = $stats->users;
     return $arr;
コード例 #20
ファイル: connections.php プロジェクト: kevinwojo/hubzero-cms
  * Compiles PDF/image preview for any kind of file
  * @return  string
 public function compile()
     $view = new \Hubzero\Plugin\View(['folder' => 'projects', 'element' => 'files', 'name' => 'connected', 'layout' => 'compiled']);
     // Combine file and folder data
     $items = $this->getCollection();
     $output = Event::trigger('handlers.onHandleView', [$items]);
     // Check return type and for multiple responses
     if ($output && count($output) > 0) {
         foreach ($output as $o) {
             if ($o instanceof \Hubzero\Plugin\View) {
                 $handler = $o;
     } else {
         $view->setError(Lang::txt('No handlers are currently available to view file(s).'));
     if (!isset($handler)) {
         $view->setError(Lang::txt('Failed to compile a view for this combination of file(s).'));
     } else {
         $view->handler = $handler;
     $view->items = $items;
     $view->subdir = $this->subdir;
     $view->option = $this->_option;
     $view->connection = $this->connection;
     return $view->loadTemplate();
コード例 #21
  * Return data on a publication sub view (this will be some form of HTML)
  * @param      object  $publication 	Current publication
  * @param      string  $option    		Name of the component
  * @param      integer $miniview  		View style
  * @return     array
 public function onPublicationSub($publication, $option, $miniview = 0)
     $arr = array('html' => '', 'metadata' => '', 'name' => 'recommendations');
     // Check if our area is in the array of areas we want to return results for
     $areas = array('recommendations');
     if (!array_intersect($areas, $this->onPublicationSubAreas($publication)) && !array_intersect($areas, array_keys($this->onPublicationSubAreas($publication)))) {
         return false;
     // Get some needed libraries
     include_once PATH_CORE . DS . 'plugins' . DS . 'publications' . DS . 'recommendations' . DS . 'publication.recommendation.php';
     // Set some filters for returning results
     $filters = array('id' => $publication->get('id'), 'threshold' => $this->params->get('threshold', '0.21'), 'limit' => $this->params->get('display_limit', 10));
     // Get recommendations
     $database = App::get('db');
     $r = new PublicationRecommendation($database);
     $results = $r->getResults($filters);
     $view = new \Hubzero\Plugin\View(array('folder' => $this->_type, 'element' => $this->_name, 'name' => 'browse'));
     // Instantiate a view
     if ($miniview) {
     // Pass the view some info
     $view->option = $option;
     $view->publication = $publication;
     $view->results = $results;
     if ($this->getError()) {
     // Return the output
     $arr['html'] = $view->loadTemplate();
     return $arr;
コード例 #22
ファイル: file.php プロジェクト: kevinwojo/hubzero-cms
  * Draw attachment
  * @return  HTML string
 public function drawAttachment($data, $params, $handler = NULL)
     // Check if we have an alternative view of attachments for the handler
     $html = is_object($handler) ? $handler->drawAttachment($data, $params) : NULL;
     if ($html) {
         return $html;
     // Output HTML
     $view = new \Hubzero\Plugin\View(array('folder' => 'projects', 'element' => 'publications', 'name' => 'attachments', 'layout' => $this->_name));
     $view->data = $data;
     $view->params = $params;
     if ($this->getError()) {
     return $view->loadTemplate();
コード例 #23
ファイル: reviews.php プロジェクト: mined-gatech/hubzero-cms
  * Return data on a resource view (this will be some form of HTML)
  * @param      object  	$publication 	Current publication
  * @param      string  	$option    		Name of the component
  * @param      array   	$areas     		Active area(s)
  * @param      string  	$rtrn      		Data to be returned
  * @param      string 	$version 		Version name
  * @param      boolean 	$extended 		Whether or not to show panel
  * @return     array
 public function onPublication($model, $option, $areas, $rtrn = 'all', $version = 'default', $extended = true)
     $arr = array('area' => $this->_name, 'html' => '', 'metadata' => '');
     // Check if our area is in the array of areas we want to return results for
     if (is_array($areas)) {
         if (!array_intersect($areas, $this->onPublicationAreas($model)) && !array_intersect($areas, array_keys($this->onPublicationAreas($model)))) {
             $rtrn = 'metadata';
     if (!$model->category()->_params->get('plg_reviews') || !$extended) {
         return $arr;
     include_once __DIR__ . DS . 'models' . DS . 'review.php';
     // Instantiate a helper object and perform any needed actions
     $h = new PlgPublicationsReviewsHelper();
     $h->publication = $model;
     $h->option = $option;
     $h->_option = $option;
     // Get reviews for this publication
     $database = App::get('db');
     $r = new \Components\Publications\Tables\Review($database);
     $reviews = $r->getRatings($model->get('id'));
     if (!$reviews) {
         $reviews = array();
     $arr['count'] = count($reviews);
     $arr['name'] = 'reviews';
     // Are we returning any HTML?
     if ($rtrn == 'all' || $rtrn == 'html') {
         // Did they perform an action?
         // If so, they need to be logged in first.
         if (!$h->loggedin) {
             $rtrn = Request::getVar('REQUEST_URI', Route::url($model->link($this->_name)), 'server');
             App::redirect(Route::url('index.php?option=com_users&view=login&return=' . base64_encode($rtrn)), Lang::txt('PLG_PUBLICATIONS_REVIEWS_LOGIN_NOTICE'), 'warning');
         } else {
             // Instantiate a view
             $view = new \Hubzero\Plugin\View(array('folder' => 'publications', 'element' => 'reviews', 'name' => 'browse'));
         // Pass the view some info
         $view->option = $option;
         $view->publication = $model;
         $view->reviews = $reviews;
         $view->voting = $this->params->get('voting', 1);
         $view->h = $h;
         $view->banking = $this->banking;
         $view->infolink = $this->infolink;
         $view->config = $this->params;
         if ($h->getError()) {
         // Return the output
         $arr['html'] = $view->loadTemplate();
     // Build the HTML meant for the "about" tab's metadata overview
     if ($rtrn == 'all' || $rtrn == 'metadata') {
         $view = new \Hubzero\Plugin\View(array('folder' => 'publications', 'element' => 'reviews', 'name' => 'metadata'));
         $view->url = Route::url($model->link($this->_name));
         $view->url2 = Route::url($model->link($this->_name) . '&action=addreview#reviewform');
         $view->reviews = $reviews;
         $arr['metadata'] = $view->loadTemplate();
     return $arr;
コード例 #24
  * Show publication versions
  * @return     string (html)
 public function versions()
     // Incoming
     $pid = $this->_pid ? $this->_pid : Request::getInt('pid', 0);
     // Output HTML
     $view = new \Hubzero\Plugin\View(array('folder' => 'projects', 'element' => 'publications', 'name' => 'versions'));
     // Load publication model
     $view->pub = new \Components\Publications\Models\Publication($pid, 'default');
     if (!$view->pub->exists() || !$view->pub->belongsToProject($this->model->get('id'))) {
         throw new Exception(Lang::txt('PLG_PROJECTS_PUBLICATIONS_PUBLICATION_VERSION_NOT_FOUND'), 404);
     // Append breadcrumbs
     Pathway::append(stripslashes($view->pub->title), $view->pub->link('edit'));
     // Get versions
     $view->versions = $view->pub->version->getVersions($pid, $filters = array('withdev' => 1));
     // Output HTML
     $view->option = $this->_option;
     $view->database = $this->_database;
     $view->project = $this->model;
     $view->uid = $this->_uid;
     $view->pid = $pid;
     $view->task = $this->_task;
     $view->config = $this->model->config();
     $view->pubconfig = $this->_pubconfig;
     $view->title = $this->_area['title'];
     // Get messages	and errors
     $view->msg = $this->_msg;
     if ($this->getError()) {
     return $view->loadTemplate();
コード例 #25
ファイル: notes.php プロジェクト: mined-gatech/hubzero-cms
  * Serve wiki page (usually via public link)
  * @param   int  	$projectid
  * @return  void
 public function serve($type = '', $projectid = 0, $query = '')
     $this->_area = $this->onProjectAreas();
     if ($type != $this->_area['name']) {
         return false;
     $data = json_decode($query);
     if (!isset($data->pageid) || !$projectid) {
         return false;
     $database = App::get('db');
     $this->_option = 'com_projects';
     // Instantiate a project
     $this->model = new \Components\Projects\Models\Project($projectid);
     if (!$this->model->exists()) {
         return false;
     $groupname = $this->model->config()->get('group_prefix', 'pr-') . $this->model->get('alias');
     $scope = 'projects' . DS . $this->model->get('alias') . DS . 'notes';
     // Include note model
     include_once PATH_CORE . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_projects' . DS . 'models' . DS . 'note.php';
     // Get our model
     $this->note = new \Components\Projects\Models\Note($scope, $groupname, $projectid);
     // Fix pathway (com_wiki screws it up)
     // Load requested page
     $page = $this->note->page($data->pageid);
     if (!$page->get('id')) {
         return false;
     // Write title & build pathway
     Document::setTitle(Lang::txt(strtoupper($this->_option)) . ': ' . stripslashes($this->model->get('title')) . ' - ' . stripslashes($page->get('title')));
     // Instantiate a new view
     $view = new \Hubzero\Plugin\View(array('folder' => 'projects', 'element' => 'notes', 'name' => 'pubview'));
     $view->option = $this->_option;
     $view->model = $this->model;
     $view->page = $page;
     $view->revision = $page->revision('current');
     $view->masterscope = 'projects' . DS . $this->model->get('alias') . DS . 'notes';
     // Output HTML
     if ($this->getError()) {
     return true;
コード例 #26
  * Return data on a resource view (this will be some form of HTML)
  * @param      object  $resource Current resource
  * @param      string  $option    Name of the component
  * @param      array   $areas     Active area(s)
  * @param      string  $rtrn      Data to be returned
  * @return     array
 public function onResources($model, $option, $areas, $rtrn = 'all')
     $arr = array('area' => $this->_name, 'html' => '', 'metadata' => '');
     // Check if our area is in the array of areas we want to return results for
     if (is_array($areas)) {
         if (!array_intersect($areas, $this->onResourcesAreas($model)) && !array_intersect($areas, array_keys($this->onResourcesAreas($model)))) {
             $rtrn = 'metadata';
     if (!$model->type->params->get('plg_citations')) {
         return $arr;
     $database = App::get('db');
     // Get a needed library
     include_once PATH_CORE . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_citations' . DS . 'tables' . DS . 'citation.php';
     include_once PATH_CORE . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_citations' . DS . 'tables' . DS . 'association.php';
     include_once PATH_CORE . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_citations' . DS . 'tables' . DS . 'author.php';
     include_once PATH_CORE . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_citations' . DS . 'tables' . DS . 'secondary.php';
     // Get reviews for this resource
     $c = new \Components\Citations\Tables\Citation($database);
     $citations = $c->getCitations('resource', $model->resource->id);
     // Are we returning HTML?
     if ($rtrn == 'all' || $rtrn == 'html') {
         // Instantiate a view
         $view = new \Hubzero\Plugin\View(array('folder' => $this->_type, 'element' => $this->_name, 'name' => 'browse'));
         // Pass the view some info
         $view->option = $option;
         $view->resource = $model->resource;
         $view->citations = $citations;
         $view->citationFormat = $this->params->get('format', 'APA');
         if ($this->getError()) {
         // Return the output
         $arr['html'] = $view->loadTemplate();
     // Are we returning metadata?
     if ($rtrn == 'all' || $rtrn == 'metadata') {
         $view = new \Hubzero\Plugin\View(array('folder' => $this->_type, 'element' => $this->_name, 'name' => 'metadata'));
         $view->url = Route::url('index.php?option=' . $option . '&' . ($model->resource->alias ? 'alias=' . $model->resource->alias : 'id=' . $model->resource->id) . '&active=citations');
         $view->citations = $citations;
         $arr['metadata'] = $view->loadTemplate();
     // Return results
     return $arr;
コード例 #27
ファイル: authors.php プロジェクト: kevinwojo/hubzero-cms
  * Build panel content
  * @return  string  HTML
 public function buildContent($pub = NULL, $viewname = 'edit')
     $name = $viewname == 'freeze' || $viewname == 'curator' ? 'freeze' : 'draft';
     // Get selector styles
     \Hubzero\Document\Assets::addPluginStylesheet('projects', 'team', 'selector');
     // Output HTML
     $view = new \Hubzero\Plugin\View(array('folder' => 'projects', 'element' => 'publications', 'name' => $name, 'layout' => 'authors'));
     // Get authors
     if (!isset($pub->_authors)) {
         $pAuthors = new \Components\Publications\Tables\Author($this->_parent->_db);
         $pub->_authors = $pAuthors->getAuthors($pub->version_id);
         $pub->_submitter = $pAuthors->getSubmitter($pub->version_id, $pub->created_by);
     // Get creator groups
     $view->groups = \Hubzero\User\Helper::getGroups($pub->_project->get('owned_by_user'), 'members', 1);
     $view->pub = $pub;
     $view->manifest = $this->_manifest;
     $view->step = $this->_blockId;
     // Get team members
     $objO = new \Components\Projects\Tables\Owner($this->_parent->_db);
     $view->teamids = $objO->getIds($pub->_project->get('id'), 'all', 0, 0);
     if ($this->getError()) {
     return $view->loadTemplate();
コード例 #28
ファイル: account.php プロジェクト: mined-gatech/hubzero-cms
  * Set local password
  * @return void - redirect to members account page
 private function setlocalpass()
     // Logged in?
     if ($this->user->get('guest')) {
         App::redirect(Route::url('index.php?option=com_users&view=login&return=' . base64_encode(Route::url('index.php?option=' . $this->option . '&task=myaccount&active=account&action=setlocalpass'))), Lang::txt('You must be a logged in to access this area.'), 'warning');
     // Get the token from the user state variable
     $token = User::getState($this->option . 'token');
     // First check to make sure they're not trying to jump to this page without first verifying their token
     if (is_null($token)) {
         // Tsk tsk, no sneaky business
         App::redirect(Route::url('index.php?option=' . $this->option . '&id=' . $this->user->get('id') . '&active=account&task=sendtoken'), Lang::txt('You must first verify your email address by inputting the token.'), 'error');
     // Get the password input
     $password1 = Request::getVar('password1', null, 'post', 'string', JREQUEST_ALLOWRAW);
     $password2 = Request::getVar('password2', null, 'post', 'string', JREQUEST_ALLOWRAW);
     $change = Request::getVar('change', '', 'post');
     // Create the view
     $view = new \Hubzero\Plugin\View(array('folder' => 'members', 'element' => 'account', 'name' => 'setlocalpassword', 'layout' => 'setlocalpass'));
     // Add a few more variables to the view
     $view->option = $this->option;
     $view->id = $this->user->get('id');
     // Get the password rules
     $password_rules = \Hubzero\Password\Rule::getRules();
     // Get the password rule descriptions
     $view->password_rules = array();
     foreach ($password_rules as $rule) {
         if (!empty($rule['description'])) {
             $view->password_rules[] = $rule['description'];
     // Blank form request (no data submitted)
     if (empty($change)) {
         $view->notifications = $this->getPluginMessage() ? $this->getPluginMessage() : array();
         return $view->loadTemplate();
     // Check for request forgeries
     // Load some needed libraries
     // Initiate profile classs
     $profile = new \Hubzero\User\Profile();
     // Fire the onBeforeStoreUser trigger
     Event::trigger('user.onBeforeStoreUser', array($this->user->getProperties(), false));
     // Validate the password against password rules
     if (!empty($password1)) {
         $msg = \Hubzero\Password\Rule::validate($password1, $password_rules, $profile->get('username'));
     } else {
         $msg = array();
     // Verify password
     $passrules = false;
     if (!$password1 || !$password2) {
     } elseif ($password1 != $password2) {
     } elseif (!empty($msg)) {
         $this->setError(Lang::txt('Password does not meet site password requirements. Please choose a password meeting all the requirements listed.'));
         $passrules = true;
     // Were there any errors?
     if ($this->getError()) {
         $change = array();
         $change['_missing']['password'] = $this->getError();
         if (!empty($msg) && $passrules) {
             //$change = $msg;
         if (Request::getInt('no_html', 0)) {
             echo json_encode($change);
         } else {
             return $view->loadTemplate();
     // No errors, so let's move on - encrypt the password and update the profile
     $result = \Hubzero\User\Password::changePassword($profile->get('uidNumber'), $password1);
     // Save the changes
     if (!$result) {
         return $view->loadTemplate();
     // Fire the onAfterStoreUser trigger
     Event::trigger('user.onAfterStoreUser', array($this->user->getProperties(), false, null, $this->getError()));
     // Flush the variables from the session
     User::setState($this->option . 'token', null);
     // Redirect
     if (Request::getInt('no_html', 0)) {
         echo json_encode(array("success" => true, "redirect" => Route::url($this->member->getLink() . '&active=account')));
     } else {
         // Redirect user to confirm view page
         App::redirect(Route::url($this->member->getLink() . '&active=account'), Lang::txt('Password reset successful'), 'passed');
コード例 #29
ファイル: related.php プロジェクト: kevinwojo/hubzero-cms
  * Return data on a publication sub view (this will be some form of HTML)
  * @param      object  $publication 	Current publication
  * @param      string  $option    		Name of the component
  * @param      integer $miniview  		View style
  * @return     array
 public function onPublicationSub($publication, $option, $miniview = 0)
     $arr = array('html' => '', 'metadata' => '');
     // Check if our area is in the array of areas we want to return results for
     $areas = array('related');
     if (!array_intersect($areas, $this->onPublicationSubAreas($publication)) && !array_intersect($areas, array_keys($this->onPublicationSubAreas($publication)))) {
         return false;
     $database = App::get('db');
     // Build the query that checks topic pages
     $sql1 = "SELECT v.id, v.page_id AS pageid, MAX(v.version) AS version, w.title, w.pagename AS alias, v.pagetext AS abstract,\n\t\t\t\t\tNULL AS category, NULL AS published, NULL AS publish_up, w.scope, w.rating, w.times_rated, w.ranking, 'wiki' AS class, 'Topic' AS section\n\t\t\t\tFROM `#__wiki_pages` AS w\n\t\t\t\tJOIN `#__wiki_versions` AS v ON w.id=v.page_id\n\t\t\t\tJOIN `#__wiki_links` AS wl ON wl.page_id=w.id\n\t\t\t\tWHERE v.approved=1 AND wl.scope='publication' AND wl.scope_id=" . $database->quote($publication->id);
     if (!User::isGuest()) {
         if (User::authorise('com_resources', 'manage') || User::authorise('com_groups', 'manage')) {
             $sql1 .= '';
         } else {
             $ugs = \Hubzero\User\Helper::getGroups(User::get('id'), 'members');
             $groups = array();
             $cns = array();
             if ($ugs && count($ugs) > 0) {
                 foreach ($ugs as $ug) {
                     $cns[] = $database->quote($ug->cn);
                     $groups[] = $database->quote($ug->gidNumber);
             $g = implode(",", $groups);
             $c = implode(",", $cns);
             $sql1 .= "AND (w.access!=1 OR (w.access=1 AND ((w.scope=" . $database->quote('group') . " AND w.scope_id IN ({$g})) OR w.created_by=" . $database->quote(User::get('id')) . "))) ";
     } else {
         $sql1 .= "AND w.access!=1 ";
     $sql1 .= "GROUP BY pageid ORDER BY ranking DESC, title LIMIT 10";
     // Initiate a helper class
     $model = new \Components\Publications\Models\Publication($publication);
     $tags = $model->getTags();
     // Get version authors
     $authors = isset($publication->_authors) ? $publication->_authors : array();
     // Build the query that get publications related by tag
     $sql2 = "SELECT DISTINCT r.publication_id as id, NULL AS pageid, r.id AS version,\n\t\t\t\tr.title, C.alias, r.abstract, C.category, r.state as published,\n\t\t\t\tr.published_up, NULL AS scope, C.rating, C.times_rated, C.ranking,\n\t\t\t\trt.alias AS class, rt.name AS section" . "\n FROM #__publications as C, #__publication_categories AS rt, #__publication_versions AS r " . "\n JOIN #__tags_object AS a ON r.publication_id=a.objectid AND a.tbl='publications'" . "\n JOIN #__publication_authors AS PA ON PA.publication_version_id=r.id " . "\n WHERE C.id=r.publication_id ";
     if ($tags) {
         $tquery = array(0);
         foreach ($tags as $tagg) {
             $tquery[] = $database->quote($tagg->get('id'));
         $sql2 .= " AND ( a.tagid IN (" . implode(',', $tquery) . ")";
         $sql2 .= count($authors) > 0 ? " OR " : "";
     if (count($authors) > 0) {
         $aquery = '';
         foreach ($authors as $author) {
             $aquery .= "'" . $author->user_id . "',";
         $aquery = substr($aquery, 0, strlen($aquery) - 1);
         $sql2 .= $tags ? "" : " AND ( ";
         $sql2 .= " PA.user_id IN (" . $aquery . ")";
     $sql2 .= $tags || count($authors) > 0 ? ")" : "";
     $sql2 .= " AND r.publication_id !=" . $publication->id;
     $sql2 .= " AND C.category = rt.id AND C.category!=8 ";
     $sql2 .= "AND r.access=0 ";
     $sql2 .= "AND r.state=1 ";
     $sql2 .= "GROUP BY r.publication_id ORDER BY r.ranking LIMIT 10";
     // Build the final query
     $query = "SELECT k.* FROM (({$sql1}) UNION ({$sql2})) AS k ORDER BY ranking DESC LIMIT 10";
     // Execute the query
     $related = $database->loadObjectList();
     // Instantiate a view
     if ($miniview) {
         $view = new \Hubzero\Plugin\View(array('folder' => 'publications', 'element' => 'related', 'name' => 'browse', 'layout' => 'mini'));
     } else {
         $view = new \Hubzero\Plugin\View(array('folder' => 'publications', 'element' => 'related', 'name' => 'browse'));
     // Pass the view some info
     $view->option = $option;
     $view->publication = $publication;
     $view->related = $related;
     if ($this->getError()) {
     // Return the output
     $arr['html'] = $view->loadTemplate();
     // Return the an array of content
     return $arr;
コード例 #30
ファイル: share.php プロジェクト: mined-gatech/hubzero-cms
  * Return data on a resource view (this will be some form of HTML)
  * @param      object  $resource Current resource
  * @param      string  $option    Name of the component
  * @param      array   $areas     Active area(s)
  * @param      string  $rtrn      Data to be returned
  * @return     array
 public function onResources($model, $option, $areas, $rtrn = 'all')
     if (!$model->type->params->get('plg_share')) {
     $arr = array('area' => $this->_name, 'html' => '', 'metadata' => '');
     $sef = Route::url('index.php?option=' . $option . '&id=' . $model->resource->id);
     $url = Request::base() . ltrim($sef, '/');
     // Incoming action
     $sharewith = Request::getVar('sharewith', '');
     if ($sharewith && $sharewith != 'email') {
         $this->share($sharewith, $url, $model->resource);
     // Email form
     if ($sharewith == 'email') {
         // Instantiate a view
         $view = new \Hubzero\Plugin\View(array('folder' => $this->_type, 'element' => $this->_name, 'name' => 'options', 'layout' => 'email'));
         // Pass the view some info
         $view->option = $option;
         $view->resource = $model->resource;
         $view->_params = $this->params;
         $view->url = $url;
         foreach ($this->getErrors() as $error) {
         // Return the output
     // Build the HTML meant for the "about" tab's metadata overview
     if ($rtrn == 'all' || $rtrn == 'metadata') {
         // Instantiate a view
         $view = new \Hubzero\Plugin\View(array('folder' => $this->_type, 'element' => $this->_name, 'name' => 'options'));
         // Pass the view some info
         $view->option = $option;
         $view->resource = $model->resource;
         $view->_params = $this->params;
         $view->url = $url;
         foreach ($this->getErrors() as $error) {
         // Return the output
         $arr['metadata'] = $view->loadTemplate();
     return $arr;