コード例 #1

class House
    const TAX_COLLECTOR = "Dick Scrooge";
    const COUNTY = "Butte";
    private $owner;
    public $address;
    function __construct($owner, $address)
        $this->owner = $owner;
        $this->address = $address;
        echo 'Constructor initializing a new house ';
        echo 'in the ', get_class($this), ' class.<br>';
    function Tax_info()
        echo 'The tax collector for ', self::COUNTY, ' is ', self::TAX_COLLECTOR, '.<br>';
        // could use House::County or House::TAX_COLLECTOR
// Using the class to create objects
$myHouse = new House("Joe", "13 River Road");
$yourHouse = new House("Brad", "1 Roundabout Drive");
$theirHouse = new House("Mary", "5 Outthere Street");