Useful properties:
- newLink: (string, optional) Link of the "New" button
- newText: (string) Text of the "New" button
- newExtra: (string, optional) HTML content of the extra link
- containers: (array, optional) HTML content of any sidebar sections. A list
of hashes with the following properties:
- id: (string, optional) The container's DOM ID.
- header: (array, optional) Container header, also used to
toggle the section:
- id: (string) The header's DOM ID.
- label: (string) Header label.
- collapsed: (boolean, optional) Start section collapsed?
Overriden by cookies.
- add: (string|array, optional) Link to add something:
- url: (string) Link URL.
- label: (string) Link text.
- content: (string, optional) The container's HTML content.
- rows: (array, optional) A list of row hashes, if 'content'
is not specified. @see addRow().
- resources: (boolean, optional) Does the container contain
switchable resource lists? Automatically set
through addRow().
- type: (string, optional) @see addRow().
- content: (string, optional) HTML content of the sidebar, if 'containers'
is not specified.
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See the enclosed file COPYING for license information (LGPL-2). If you
did not receive this file, see