コード例 #1
ファイル: index.php プロジェクト: DSNS-LAB/Dmail
 * Does an FTP upload to save the configuration.
function _uploadFTP($params)
    global $registry, $notification;
    $params['hostspec'] = 'localhost';
    try {
        $vfs = Horde_Vfs::factory('ftp', $params);
    } catch (Horde_Vfs_Exception $e) {
        $notification->push(sprintf(_("Could not connect to server \"%s\" using FTP: %s"), $params['hostspec'], $e->getMessage()), 'horde.error');
        return false;
    /* Loop through the config and write to FTP. */
    $no_errors = true;
    foreach ($GLOBALS['session']->get('horde', 'config/') as $app => $config) {
        $path = $registry->get('fileroot', $app) . '/config';
        /* Try to back up the current conf.php. */
        if ($vfs->exists($path, 'conf.php')) {
            try {
                $vfs->rename($path, 'conf.php', $path, '/conf.bak.php');
                $notification->push(_("Successfully saved backup configuration."), 'horde.success');
            } catch (Horde_Vfs_Exception $e) {
                $notification->push(sprintf(_("Could not save a backup configuation: %s"), $e->getMessage()), 'horde.error');
        try {
            $vfs->writeData($path, 'conf.php', $config);
            $notification->push(sprintf(_("Successfully wrote %s"), Horde_Util::realPath($path . '/conf.php')), 'horde.success');
            $GLOBALS['session']->remove('horde', 'config/' . $app);
        } catch (Horde_Vfs_Exception $e) {
            $no_errors = false;
            $notification->push(sprintf(_("Could not write configuration for \"%s\": %s"), $app, $e->getMessage()), 'horde.error');
    return $no_errors;
コード例 #2
ファイル: config.php プロジェクト: horde/horde
if (is_link($configFile)) {
    $configFile = readlink($configFile);
if ($vars->submitbutton == _("Revert Configuration")) {
    if (@copy($path . '/conf.bak.php', $configFile)) {
        $notification->push(_("Successfully reverted configuration. Reload to see changes."), 'horde.success');
        @unlink($path . '/conf.bak.php');
    } else {
        $notification->push(_("Could not revert configuration."), 'horde.error');
} elseif ($form->validate($vars)) {
    $config = new Horde_Config($app);
    if ($config->writePHPConfig($vars, $php)) {
        Horde::url('admin/config/index.php', true)->redirect();
    } else {
        $notification->push(sprintf(_("Could not save the configuration file %s. You can either use one of the options to save the code back on %s or copy manually the code below to %s."), Horde_Util::realPath($configFile), Horde::link(Horde::url('admin/config/index.php') . '#update', _("Configuration")) . _("Configuration") . '</a>', Horde_Util::realPath($configFile)), 'horde.warning', array('content.raw', 'sticky'));
} elseif ($form->isSubmitted()) {
    $notification->push(_("There was an error in the configuration form. Perhaps you left out a required field."), 'horde.error');
$view = new Horde_View(array('templatePath' => HORDE_TEMPLATES . '/admin/config'));
$view->php = $php;
/* Create the link for the diff popup only if stored in session. */
if ($session->exists('horde', 'config/' . $app)) {
    $url = Horde::url('admin/config/diff.php', true)->add('app', $app);
    $view->diff_popup = Horde::link('#', '', '', '', Horde::popupJs($url, array('height' => 480, 'width' => 640, 'urlencode' => true)) . 'return false;') . _("show differences") . '</a>';
require HORDE_TEMPLATES . '/admin/menu.inc';
$menu_output = Horde::endBuffer();
コード例 #3
ファイル: scripts.php プロジェクト: horde/horde
        $data .= '\')) {' . "\n";
        $data .= '    echo \'' . sprintf('Saved %s configuration.', $app) . '\' . "\\n";' . "\n";
        $data .= '} else {' . "\n";
        $data .= '    echo \'' . sprintf('Could NOT save %s configuration.', $app) . '\' . "\\n";' . "\n";
        $data .= '    exit;' . "\n";
        $data .= '}' . "\n\n";
if ($vars->save != 'tmp') {
    /* Output script to browser for download. */
    $browser->downloadHeaders($filename, 'text/plain', false, strlen($data));
    echo $data;
$tmp_dir = Horde::getTempDir();
/* Add self-destruct code. */
$data .= 'echo \'Self-destructing...\' . "\\n";' . "\n";
$data .= 'if (@unlink(__FILE__)) {' . "\n";
$data .= '    echo \'Upgrade script deleted.\' . "\\n";' . "\n";
$data .= '} else {' . "\n";
$data .= '    echo \'WARNING!!! REMOVE SCRIPT MANUALLY FROM ' . $tmp_dir . '\' . "\\n";' . "\n";
$data .= '}' . "\n";
/* The script should be saved to server's temporary directory. */
$path = Horde_Util::realPath($tmp_dir . '/' . $filename);
if (file_put_contents($tmp_dir . '/' . $filename, $data)) {
    chmod($tmp_dir . '/' . $filename, 0777);
    $notification->push(sprintf(_("Saved configuration upgrade script to: \"%s\"."), $path), 'horde.success', array('sticky'));
} else {
    $notification->push(sprintf(_("Could not save configuration upgrade script to: \"%s\"."), $path), 'horde.error');
Horde::url('admin/config/index.php', true)->redirect();
コード例 #4
ファイル: Config.php プロジェクト: jubinpatel/horde
  * Generates and writes the content of the application's configuration
  * file.
  * @param Horde_Variables $formvars  The processed configuration form
  *                                   data.
  * @param string $php                The content of the generated
  *                                   configuration file.
  * @return boolean  True if the configuration file could be written
  *                  immediately to the file system.
 public function writePHPConfig($formvars, &$php = null)
     $php = $this->generatePHPConfig($formvars);
     $path = $GLOBALS['registry']->get('fileroot', $this->_app) . '/config';
     $configFile = $this->configFile();
     if (file_exists($configFile)) {
         if (@copy($configFile, $path . '/conf.bak.php')) {
             $GLOBALS['notification']->push(sprintf(Horde_Core_Translation::t("Successfully saved the backup configuration file %s."), Horde_Util::realPath($path . '/conf.bak.php')), 'horde.success');
         } else {
             $GLOBALS['notification']->push(sprintf(Horde_Core_Translation::t("Could not save the backup configuration file %s."), Horde_Util::realPath($path . '/conf.bak.php')), 'horde.warning');
     if ($fp = @fopen($configFile, 'w')) {
         /* Can write, so output to file. */
         fwrite($fp, $php);
         $GLOBALS['notification']->push(sprintf(Horde_Core_Translation::t("Successfully wrote %s"), Horde_Util::realPath($configFile)), 'horde.success');
         return true;
     /* Cannot write. Save to session. */
     $GLOBALS['session']->set('horde', 'config/' . $this->_app, $php);
     return false;
コード例 #5
ファイル: Xhtml.php プロジェクト: raz0rsdge/horde
 function _renderVarInput_selectFiles($form, $var, $vars)
     /* Needed for gollem js calls */
     $html = sprintf('<input type="hidden" id="%1$s" name="%1$s" value="%2$s" />', 'selectlist_selectid', $var->type->selectid) . sprintf('<input type="hidden" id="%1$s" name="%1$s" />', 'actionID');
     /* Form field. */
     $html .= sprintf('<input type="hidden" id="%1$s" name="%1$s" value="%2$s" />', $var->getVarName(), $var->type->selectid);
     /* Open window link. */
     $param = array($var->type->link_text, $var->type->link_style, $form->getName(), $var->type->icon, $var->type->selectid);
     $html .= "<p>\n" . $GLOBALS['registry']->call('files/selectlistLink', $param) . "</p>\n";
     if ($var->type->selectid) {
         $param = array($var->type->selectid);
         $files = $GLOBALS['registry']->call('files/selectlistResults', $param);
         if ($files) {
             $html .= '<ol>';
             foreach ($files as $id => $file) {
                 $dir = key($file);
                 $filename = current($file);
                 if ($GLOBALS['registry']->hasMethod('files/getViewLink')) {
                     $filename = basename($filename);
                     $url = $GLOBALS['registry']->call('files/getViewLink', array($dir, $filename));
                     $filename = Horde::link($url, Horde_Model_Translation::t("Preview"), null, 'form_file_view') . htmlspecialchars(Horde_Util::realPath($dir . '/' . $filename), ENT_QUOTES, $this->_charset) . '</a>';
                 } else {
                     if (!empty($dir) && $dir != '.') {
                         $filename = $dir . '/' . $filename;
                     $filename = htmlspecialchars($filename, ENT_QUOTES, $this->_charset);
                 $html .= '<li>' . $filename . "</li>\n";
             $html .= '</ol>';
     return $html;
コード例 #6
ファイル: Gollem.php プロジェクト: horde/horde
  * Generate the display path (the path with any root information stripped
  * out).
  * @param string $path  The path to display.
  * @return string  The display path.
 public static function getDisplayPath($path)
     $path = Horde_Util::realPath($path);
     if (self::$backend['root'] != '/' && strpos($path, self::$backend['root']) === 0) {
         $path = substr($path, Horde_String::length(self::$backend['root']));
     return $path;
コード例 #7
ファイル: Bundle.php プロジェクト: raz0rsdge/horde
  * Creates default configuration files for all installed applications.
  * @throws Horde_Exception
 public function writeAllConfigs()
     foreach ($GLOBALS['registry']->listAllApps() as $app) {
         if ($app == 'horde' || !file_exists($GLOBALS['registry']->get('fileroot', $app) . '/config/conf.xml')) {
         $config = new Horde_Config($app);
         $configFile = $config->configFile();
         if (!$config->writePHPConfig(new Horde_Variables())) {
             throw new Horde_Exception('Cannot write configuration file ' . Horde_Util::realPath($configFile));
コード例 #8
ファイル: Auth.php プロジェクト: DSNS-LAB/Dmail
  * Authenticate to the backend.
  * @param array $credentials  An array of login credentials. If empty,
  *                            attempts to login to the cached session.
  * <pre>
  * 'password' - (string) The user password.
  * 'backend' - (string) The backend key to use (from backends.php).
  * 'userId' - (string) The username.
  * </pre>
  * @return mixed  If authentication was successful, and no session
  *                exists, an array of data to add to the session.
  *                Otherwise returns false.
  * @throws Horde_Auth_Exception
 public static function authenticate($credentials = array())
     $result = false;
     // Do 'horde' authentication.
     $gollem_app = $GLOBALS['registry']->getApiInstance('gollem', 'application');
     if (!empty($gollem_app->initParams['authentication']) && $gollem_app->initParams['authentication'] == 'horde') {
         if ($registry->getAuth()) {
             return $result;
         throw new Horde_Auth_Exception('', Horde_Auth::REASON_FAILED);
     // Load backend.
     if (!isset($credentials['backend_key'])) {
         $credentials['backend_key'] = self::getPreferredBackend();
     $backend = self::getBackend($credentials['backend_key']);
     // Check for hordeauth.
     if ((!isset($credentials['userId']) || !isset($credentials['password'])) && !$GLOBALS['session']->exists('gollem', 'backend_key') && self::canAutoLogin($credentials['backend_key'])) {
         if (!empty($backend['hordeauth'])) {
             $credentials['userId'] = self::getAutologinID($credentials['backend_key']);
             $credentials['password'] = $GLOBALS['registry']->getAuthCredential('password');
     // Check for hardcoded backend credentials.
     if (!isset($credentials['userId']) && !empty($backend['params']['username'])) {
         $credentials['userId'] = $backend['params']['username'];
     if (!isset($credentials['password']) && !empty($backend['params']['password'])) {
         $credentials['password'] = $backend['params']['password'];
     if (!isset($credentials['userId']) || !isset($credentials['password'])) {
         throw new Horde_Auth_Exception('', Horde_Auth::REASON_BADLOGIN);
     try {
         $vfs = $GLOBALS['injector']->getInstance('Gollem_Factory_Vfs')->create($credentials['backend_key']);
         $params = array('username' => $credentials['userId'], 'password' => $credentials['password']);
         foreach (array_keys($backend['loginparams']) as $param) {
             if (isset($credentials[$param])) {
                 $backend['params'][$param] = $params[$param] = $credentials[$param];
     } catch (Horde_Exception $e) {
         throw new Horde_Auth_Exception($e->getMessage(), Horde_Auth::REASON_MESSAGE);
     // Set current backend.
     Gollem::$backend =& $backend;
     // Mark backend as authenticated.
     $backend['auth'] = true;
     // Save username in backend configuration.
     if (!isset($backend['params']['username'])) {
         $backend['params']['username'] = $credentials['userId'];
     if (!isset($backend['params']['password'])) {
         $backend['params']['password'] = $credentials['password'];
     // Make sure we have a 'root' parameter.
     if (empty($backend['root'])) {
         $backend['root'] = '/';
     $backend['root'] = Horde_Util::realPath($backend['root']);
     // Make sure we have a 'home' parameter.
     if (empty($backend['home'])) {
         $backend['home'] = empty($backend['params']['home']) ? $vfs->getCurrentDirectory() : $backend['params']['home'];
         if (empty($backend['home'])) {
             $backend['home'] = $backend['root'];
     // Make sure the home parameter lives under root if it is a relative
     // directory.
     if (strpos($backend['home'], '/') !== 0) {
         $backend['home'] = $backend['root'] . '/' . $backend['home'];
     $backend['home'] = Horde_Util::realPath($backend['home']);
     $backend['dir'] = $backend['home'];
     // Verify that home is below root.
     if (!Gollem::verifyDir($backend['home'])) {
         throw new Horde_Auth_Exception('Backend Configuration Error: Home directory not below root.', Horde_Auth::REASON_MESSAGE);
     // Create the home directory if it doesn't already exist.
     if ($backend['home'] != '/' && !empty($backend['createhome'])) {
         $pos = strrpos($backend['home'], '/');
         $cr_dir = substr($backend['home'], 0, $pos);
         $cr_file = substr($backend['home'], $pos + 1);
         if (!$vfs->exists($cr_dir, $cr_file)) {
             try {
                 $res = Gollem::createFolder($cr_dir, $cr_file, $vfs);
             } catch (Gollem_Exception $e) {
                 throw new Horde_Auth_Exception('Backend Configuration Error: Could not create home directory ' . $backend['home'] . ': ' . $e->getMessage(), Horde_Auth::REASON_MESSAGE);
     // Write the backend to the session.
     $backends = self::_getBackends();
     $backends[$credentials['backend_key']] = $backend;
     return array('backend_key' => $credentials['backend_key']);
コード例 #9
 protected function _renderVarInput_selectFiles($form, &$var, &$vars)
     /* Needed for gollem js calls */
     $html = sprintf('<input type="hidden" name="%s" id="%s" value="%s" />', 'selectlist_selectid', 'selectlist_selectid', $var->type->getProperty('selectid')) . sprintf('<input type="hidden" name="%s" id="%s" />', 'actionID', 'actionID') . sprintf('<input type="hidden" name="%s" id="%s" value="%s" />', htmlspecialchars($var->getVarName()), $this->_genID($var->getVarName(), false), $var->type->getProperty('selectid'));
     /* Open window link. */
     $param = array($var->type->getProperty('link_text'), $var->type->getProperty('link_style'), $form->getName(), $var->type->getProperty('icon'), $var->type->getProperty('selectid'));
     $html .= $GLOBALS['registry']->call('files/selectlistLink', $param) . "<br />\n";
     if ($var->type->getProperty('selectid')) {
         $param = array($var->type->getProperty('selectid'));
         $files = $GLOBALS['registry']->call('files/selectlistResults', $param);
         if ($files) {
             $html .= '<ol>';
             foreach ($files as $id => $file) {
                 $dir = key($file);
                 $filename = current($file);
                 if ($GLOBALS['registry']->hasMethod('files/getViewLink')) {
                     $filename = basename($filename);
                     $url = $GLOBALS['registry']->call('files/getViewLink', array($dir, $filename));
                     $filename = Horde::link($url, Horde_Core_Translation::t("Preview"), null, 'form_file_view') . htmlspecialchars(Horde_Util::realPath($dir . '/' . $filename)) . '</a>';
                 } else {
                     if (!empty($dir) && $dir != '.') {
                         $filename = $dir . '/' . $filename;
                     $filename = htmlspecialchars($filename);
                 $html .= '<li>' . $filename . "</li>\n";
             $html .= '</ol>';
     return $html;