コード例 #1
  * returns API response array()
 public static function restApi($action = null, $data = null)
     try {
         $hipay = new HiPay_Tpp();
         HipayLogger::addLog($hipay->l('API call initiated', 'hipay'), HipayLogger::APICALL, 'Action : ' . $action . ' - Data : ' . Tools::jsonEncode($data));
         if ($action == null) {
         if ($data == null) {
         define('API_ENDPOINT', HipayClass::getAPIURL());
         define('API_USERNAME', HipayClass::getAPIUsername());
         define('API_PASSWORD', HipayClass::getAPIPassword());
         $credentials = API_USERNAME . ':' . API_PASSWORD;
         $resource = API_ENDPOINT . $action;
         // create a new cURL resource
         $curl = curl_init();
         // set appropriate options
         $options = array(CURLOPT_URL => $resource, CURLOPT_USERPWD => $credentials, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER => array('Accept: application/json'), CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => true, CURLOPT_FAILONERROR => false, CURLOPT_HEADER => false, CURLOPT_POST => true, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS => $data, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER => false, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST => false);
         foreach ($options as $option => $value) {
             curl_setopt($curl, $option, $value);
         $result = curl_exec($curl);
         $status = (int) curl_getinfo($curl, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);
         $response = Tools::jsonDecode($result);
         // execute the given cURL session
         if (false === $result) {
             $errorCurl = curl_error($curl);
             throw new Exception('Curl error: ' . $errorCurl);
         if (floor($status / 100) != 2) {
             throw new Exception('Hipay message: ' . $response->message, $response->code);
         HipayLogger::addLog($hipay->l('API call success', 'hipay'), HipayLogger::APICALL, 'Appel vers API avec success : ' . Tools::jsonEncode($response));
         return $response;
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         HipayLogger::addLog($hipay->l('API call error', 'hipay'), HipayLogger::ERROR, $e->getMessage());
         return $e;
コード例 #2
  * returns API response array()
 public static function restMaintenanceApi($transaction_reference = null, $data = null)
     try {
         $hipay = new HiPay_Tpp();
         HipayLogger::addLog($hipay->l('API Refund call initiated', 'hipay'), HipayLogger::APICALL, 'Transaction_reference : ' . $transaction_reference . ' - Data : ' . Tools::jsonEncode($data));
         if ($transaction_reference == null) {
             return 'Error - No transaction reference';
         if ($data == null) {
             return 'Error - No data';
         define('API_ENDPOINT', HipayClass::getAPIURL());
         define('API_USERNAME', HipayClass::getAPIUsername());
         define('API_PASSWORD', HipayClass::getAPIPassword());
         $credentials = API_USERNAME . ':' . API_PASSWORD;
         $resource = API_ENDPOINT . 'maintenance/transaction/' . $transaction_reference;
         // create a new cURL resource
         $curl = curl_init();
         // set appropriate options
         $options = array(CURLOPT_URL => $resource, CURLOPT_USERPWD => $credentials, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER => array('Accept: application/json'), CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => true, CURLOPT_FAILONERROR => false, CURLOPT_HEADER => false, CURLOPT_POST => true, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS => $data, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER => false, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST => false);
         foreach ($options as $option => $value) {
             curl_setopt($curl, $option, $value);
         $result = curl_exec($curl);
         $status = (int) curl_getinfo($curl, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);
         $response = Tools::jsonDecode($result);
         // execute the given cURL session
         if (false === $result) {
             throw new Exception(curl_error($curl));
         if (floor($status / 100) != 2) {
             throw new Exception('Err Msg : ' . $response->message . ', Err Desc : ' . $response->description . ', Err Code : ' . $response->code);
         HipayLogger::addLog($hipay->l('API call success', 'hipay'), HipayLogger::APICALL, 'Appel vers API avec success : ' . mysql_real_escape_string(Tools::jsonEncode($response)));
         return $response;
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         HipayLogger::addLog($hipay->l('API call error', 'hipay'), HipayLogger::ERROR, mysql_real_escape_string($e->getMessage()));
         return false;
コード例 #3
*  International Registered Trademark & Property of Profileo
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../../config/config.inc.php';
$str_ps_version = (int) str_replace('.', '', _PS_VERSION_);
if ($str_ps_version < 1600) {
    // version 1.5 or 1.4
    include_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../../init.php';
} else {
    // Version 1.6 or above
    include_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../../init.php';
include_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/hipay_tpp.php';
try {
    $hipay = new HiPay_Tpp();
    $content = Tools::jsonEncode($_POST);
    // Insert into order_history
    $log_state = $_POST['state'] ? $_POST['state'] : 'error';
    // Sets to error if nothing is found
    $log_status = $_POST['status'] ? $_POST['status'] : 'error';
    // Sets to error if nothing is found
    HipayLogger::addLog($hipay->l('Callback recieved', 'hipay'), HipayLogger::NOTICE, 'Callback recieved - cid : ' . (int) $_POST['order']['id'] . ' - state : ' . $log_state . ' - status : ' . $log_status . ' - content : ' . mysql_real_escape_string($content));
    $sql_insert = "INSERT INTO `" . _DB_PREFIX_ . "hipay_callbacks` (`callback`) VALUES ('" . mysql_real_escape_string(pSQL($content)) . "');";
    $insert = Db::getInstance()->execute($sql_insert);
    if ($insert) {
        echo 'Callback captured';
    } else {
        echo 'Callback failed to be captured';
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Callback failed : ' . $e->getMessage();
コード例 #4
function hipayResetOrderStatus($cart = null)
    echo '-fnROS';
    if ($_POST['status'] == '117' || $_POST['status'] == '118') {
        $cart = new Cart((int) $_POST['order']->id);
        if ($cart->orderExists()) {
            $orderState = _PS_OS_PAYMENT_;
            if ($_POST['captured_amount'] < $_POST['authorized_amount']) {
                $orderState = Configuration::get('HIPAY_PARTIALLY_CAPTURED') ? Configuration::get('HIPAY_PARTIALLY_CAPTURED') : HipayClass::getConfiguration('HIPAY_PARTIALLY_CAPTURED');
            if ($orderState == _PS_OS_PAYMENT_) {
                $order_id = retrieveOrderId($cart->id);
                // Retrieve order id
                $order = new Order((int) $order_id);
                // Recreate order
                $newOS = new OrderState((int) $orderState, $order->id_lang);
                // Emulate the order state _PS_OS_PAYMENT_
                // Uf the order state allows invoice and there is no invoice number, then generate the invoice
                if ($newOS->invoice and !$order->invoice_number) {
    // New modification for status challenged
    // Second check for status 112 -> 117 -> 118
    if ($_POST['status'] == '117') {
        if ((bool) $order->getHistory($context->language->id, Configuration::get('HIPAY_CHALLENGED'))) {
            $cart = new Cart((int) $_POST['order']->id);
            if ($cart->orderExists()) {
                $orderState = _PS_OS_PAYMENT_;
            if ($_POST['captured_amount'] < $_POST['authorized_amount']) {
                $orderState = Configuration::get('HIPAY_PARTIALLY_CAPTURED') ? Configuration::get('HIPAY_PARTIALLY_CAPTURED') : HipayClass::getConfiguration('HIPAY_PARTIALLY_CAPTURED');
            if ($orderState == _PS_OS_PAYMENT_) {
                $order_id = retrieveOrderId($cart->id);
                // Retrieve order id
                $order = new Order((int) $order_id);
                // Recreate order
                $newOS = new OrderState((int) $orderState, $order->id_lang);
                // Emulate the order state _PS_OS_PAYMENT_
                // Uf the order state allows invoice and there is no invoice number, then generate the invoice
                if ($newOS->invoice and !$order->invoice_number) {
    // Update to minimize risk of simultaneous calls for status 116 and 117
    if ($_POST['status'] == '116') {
        // 0.5sec
        echo '/116';
        // If order exists for cart
        $cart = new Cart((int) $_POST['order']->id);
        if ($cart->orderExists()) {
            echo '/C_OK' . $GLOBALS['_HIPAY_CALLBACK_ORDER_ID_'];
            $context = Context::getContext();
            // Retrieve Order ID
            $order_id = retrieveOrderId($cart->id);
            $order = new Order((int) $order_id);
            echo '/' . (int) $order_id;
            // If current state is paiement accepted or capture partielle
            // then skip the process
            if ((bool) $order->getHistory($context->language->id, _PS_OS_PAYMENT_)) {
                echo '/' . (int) _PS_OS_PAYMENT_ . '_U';
                // Update orders
                $sql_update = "UPDATE `" . _DB_PREFIX_ . "orders`\r\n                    SET `current_state` = '" . _PS_OS_PAYMENT_ . "'\r\n                    WHERE `id_order`='" . (int) $order_id . "'";
                // Insert into order_history
                $sql_insert = "INSERT INTO `" . _DB_PREFIX_ . "order_history` (`id_employee`, `id_order`, `id_order_state`, `date_add`)\r\n                    VALUES ('0', '" . (int) $order_id . "', '" . _PS_OS_PAYMENT_ . "', now());";
            if ((bool) $order->getHistory($context->language->id, Configuration::get('HIPAY_PARTIALLY_CAPTURED'))) {
                echo '/' . (int) Configuration::get('HIPAY_PARTIALLY_CAPTURED') . '_U';
                // Update orders
                $sql_update = "UPDATE `" . _DB_PREFIX_ . "orders`\r\n                    SET `current_state` = '" . Configuration::get('HIPAY_PARTIALLY_CAPTURED') . "'\r\n                    WHERE `id_order`='" . (int) $order_id . "'";
                // Insert into order_history
                $sql_insert = "INSERT INTO `" . _DB_PREFIX_ . "order_history` (`id_employee`, `id_order`, `id_order_state`, `date_add`)\r\n                    VALUES ('0', '" . (int) $order_id . "', '" . Configuration::get('HIPAY_PARTIALLY_CAPTURED') . "', now());";
            HipayLogger::addLog($hipay->l('Callback process', 'hipay'), HipayLogger::NOTICE, 'hipayResetOrderStatus status 116 cart already ok - cid : ' . (int) $_POST['order']->id);
        } else {
            echo '/C_KO' . $GLOBALS['_HIPAY_CALLBACK_ORDER_ID_'];
    HipayLogger::addLog($hipay->l('Callback process', 'hipay'), HipayLogger::NOTICE, 'hipayResetOrderStatus ended - cid : ' . (int) $_POST['order']->id);
コード例 #5
 private function _postProcess()
     if (Tools::getValue('btnLocalCardsubmit')) {
         $localPayments = array();
         foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) {
             if ($this->startsWith($key, 'local_card_selection_')) {
                 $localPayments[] = $value;
         Configuration::updateValue('HIPAY_LOCAL_PAYMENTS', Tools::jsonEncode($localPayments));
         $currencyCards = array();
         foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) {
             if ($this->startsWith($key, 'currency_card_selection_')) {
                 $currencyCards[] = $value;
         Configuration::updateValue('HIPAY_CURRENCY_CARDS', Tools::jsonEncode($currencyCards));
     if (Tools::isSubmit('btnSubmit')) {
         Configuration::updateValue('HIPAY_API_USERNAME', Tools::getValue('HIPAY_API_USERNAME'));
         Configuration::updateValue('HIPAY_API_PASSWORD', Tools::getValue('HIPAY_API_PASSWORD'));
         Configuration::updateValue('HIPAY_TEST_API_USERNAME', Tools::getValue('HIPAY_TEST_API_USERNAME'));
         Configuration::updateValue('HIPAY_TEST_API_PASSWORD', Tools::getValue('HIPAY_TEST_API_PASSWORD'));
         Configuration::updateValue('HIPAY_TEST_MODE', Tools::getValue('HIPAY_TEST_MODE'));
         Configuration::updateValue('HIPAY_THREEDSECURE', Tools::getValue('HIPAY_THREEDSECURE'));
         // Modification to save the amount of 3D Secure
         $str = Tools::getValue('HIPAY_THREEDSECURE_AMOUNT');
         $str = str_replace(",", ".", $str);
         Configuration::updateValue('HIPAY_THREEDSECURE_AMOUNT', $str);
         Configuration::updateValue('HIPAY_MANUALCAPTURE', Tools::getValue('HIPAY_MANUALCAPTURE'));
         Configuration::updateValue('HIPAY_MEMORIZE', Tools::getValue('HIPAY_MEMORIZE'));
         Configuration::updateValue('HIPAY_PAYMENT_MODE', Tools::getValue('HIPAY_PAYMENT_MODE'));
         Configuration::updateValue('HIPAY_CHALLENGE_URL', Tools::getValue('HIPAY_CHALLENGE_URL'));
         Configuration::updateValue('HIPAY_CSS_URL', Tools::getValue('HIPAY_CSS_URL'));
         Configuration::updateValue('HIPAY_TEMPLATE_MODE', Tools::getValue('HIPAY_TEMPLATE_MODE'));
         Configuration::updateValue('HIPAY_SELECTOR_MODE', Tools::getValue('HIPAY_SELECTOR_MODE'));
         Configuration::updateValue('HIPAY_IFRAME_WIDTH', Tools::getValue('HIPAY_IFRAME_WIDTH'));
         Configuration::updateValue('HIPAY_IFRAME_HEIGHT', Tools::getValue('HIPAY_IFRAME_HEIGHT'));
         // Processing cards
         $card_arr = array();
         if (Tools::getValue('card_selection_visa')) {
             $card_arr[0] = Tools::getValue('card_selection_visa');
         if (Tools::getValue('card_selection_mastercard')) {
             $card_arr[1] = Tools::getValue('card_selection_mastercard');
         if (Tools::getValue('card_selection_maestro')) {
             $card_arr[2] = Tools::getValue('card_selection_maestro');
         if (Tools::getValue('card_selection_cb')) {
             $card_arr[3] = Tools::getValue('card_selection_cb');
         if (Tools::getValue('card_selection_american-express')) {
             $card_arr[5] = Tools::getValue('card_selection_american-express');
         if (Tools::getValue('card_selection_bcmc')) {
             $card_arr[4] = Tools::getValue('card_selection_bcmc');
         $card_str = implode(',', $card_arr);
         Configuration::updateValue('HIPAY_ALLOWED_CARDS', $card_str);
     HipayLogger::addLog($this->l('Hipay BO updated'), HipayLogger::NOTICE, 'The HiPay backoffice params have been updated');
     $this->_html .= $this->displayConfirmation($this->l('Settings updated'));
コード例 #6
 public static function saveToken($cardtoken = null, $cart = null)
     $customer_id = $cart->id_customer;
     $token = $cardtoken->token;
     $brand = $cardtoken->brand;
     $pan = $cardtoken->pan;
     $card_holder = $cardtoken->card_holder;
     $card_expiry_month = $cardtoken->card_expiry_month;
     $card_expiry_year = $cardtoken->card_expiry_year;
     $issuer = $cardtoken->issuer;
     $country = $cardtoken->country;
     $sql = "SELECT * FROM `" . _DB_PREFIX_ . "hipay_tokens`\r\n                        WHERE `customer_id`='" . $customer_id . "'\r\n                        AND `token`='" . $token . "'";
     HipayLogger::addLog('SQL', HipayLogger::APICALL, $sql);
     $result = Db::getInstance()->getRow($sql);
     if ($result['id']) {
         return true;
         // 'Already exists record for order_id';
     } else {
         // 'insert in DB';
         $sql_insert = "INSERT INTO `" . _DB_PREFIX_ . "hipay_tokens` (`customer_id`, `token`, `brand`, `pan`, `card_holder`, `card_expiry_month`, `card_expiry_year`, `issuer`, `country`)\r\n                VALUES('" . $customer_id . "', '" . $token . "', '" . $brand . "', '" . $pan . "', '" . $card_holder . "', '" . $card_expiry_month . "', '" . $card_expiry_year . "', '" . $issuer . "', '" . $country . "')";
         return Db::getInstance()->execute($sql_insert);
コード例 #7
function createOrderByHipay($order_exist, $callback_arr, $hipay, $cart, $statut, $order = false)
    $bool = false;
    HipayLog('--------------- Début createOrderByHipay');
    if (!$order_exist) {
        HipayLog('--------------- pas de commande existante');
        // init message pour création de commande
        $message = $hipay->l('HiPay - Callback initiated') . "<br>";
        $message .= ' - ' . $hipay->l('Transaction_reference : ') . $callback_arr['transaction_reference'] . "<br>";
        $message .= ' - ' . $hipay->l('State : ') . $callback_arr['state'] . "<br>";
        $message .= ' - ' . $hipay->l('Status : ') . $callback_arr['status'] . "<br>";
        $message .= ' - ' . $hipay->l('Message : ') . $callback_arr['message'] . "<br>";
        $message .= ' - ' . $hipay->l('Amount : ') . $callback_arr['authorized_amount'] . "<br>";
        $message = strip_tags($message, '<br>');
        //LOG 2
        HipayLog('--------------- MESSAGE = ' . $message);
        // init order_payement
        $orderPayment = array('transaction_id' => $callback_arr['transaction_reference'], 'card_number' => $callback_arr['payment_method']['pan'], 'card_brand' => $callback_arr['payment_method']['brand'], 'card_expiration' => $callback_arr['payment_method']['card_expiry_month'] . '/' . $callback_arr['payment_method']['card_expiry_year'], 'card_holder' => $callback_arr['payment_method']['card_holder']);
        // création de la commande sur le statut authorized
        // car pas de commande
        $tmpshop = new Shop((int) $cart->id_shop);
        HipayLog('--------------- SHOP Id = ' . $cart->id_shop);
        HipayLog('--------------- Début validateOrder ');
        try {
            $hipay->validateOrder($cart->id, $statut, (double) $callback_arr['authorized_amount'], $hipay->displayName . ' via ' . ucfirst($callback_arr['payment_product']), $message, $orderPayment, NULL, false, $cart->secure_key, $tmpshop);
        } catch (Exception $e) {
            // on catch mais on continue le traitement
            HipayLog($e->getCode() . ' : ' . $e->getMessage());
        HipayLog('--------------- Fin validateOrder ');
        // init order for message HIPAY_CAPTURE
        $id_order = $hipay->currentOrder;
        // LOG
        HipayLog('--------------- ID Current Order = ' . $id_order);
        // Init / MAJ de la ligne message HIPAY_CAPTURE
        addHipayCaptureMessage($callback_arr, $id_order);
        $new_order = new order($id_order);
        // MAJ ligne transaction pour le status 116
        if ($callback_arr['status'] == HIPAY_STATUS_AUTHORIZED) {
            // LOG
            HipayLog('--------------- STATUS 116 début update order payment');
            $sql = "UPDATE `" . _DB_PREFIX_ . "order_payment` SET \n\t\t\t\t\t\t`amount` = '" . $callback_arr['captured_amount'] . "'\n                        WHERE `order_reference`='" . $new_order->reference . "'";
            // LOG
            HipayLog('--------------- STATUS 116 fin update order payment');
        // transaction table Hipay
        $sql = "\n        \t\tINSERT INTO `" . _DB_PREFIX_ . "hipay_transactions`\n                    (`cart_id`,`order_id`,`customer_id`,`transaction_reference`,`device_id`,`ip_address`,`ip_country`,`token`) VALUES \n                    ('" . (int) $cart->id . "',\n                    \t'" . (int) $id_order . "',\n                    \t'" . (int) $new_order->id_customer . "',\n                    \t'" . pSQL($callback_arr['transaction_reference']) . "',\n                    \t'',\n                    \t'" . pSQL($callback_arr['ip_address']) . "',\n                    \t'" . pSQL($callback_arr['ip_country']) . "',\n                    \t'" . pSQL($callback_arr['payment_method']['token']) . "');";
        // LOG
        HipayLog('--------------- TABLE HIPAY = ' . $sql);
        if (!Db::getInstance()->execute($sql)) {
            HipayLog('Insert table HiPay en erreur');
            return false;
        // Check if card is either an Americain-express, CB, Mastercard et Visa card.
        if ($callback_arr['payment_product'] == 'american-express' || $callback_arr['payment_product'] == 'cb' || $callback_arr['payment_product'] == 'visa' || $callback_arr['payment_product'] == 'mastercard') {
            // Memorize new card only if card used can be "recurring"
            // LOG
            $customer_id = $new_order->id_customer;
            $token = $callback_arr['payment_method']['token'];
            $brand = $callback_arr['payment_method']['brand'];
            $pan = $callback_arr['payment_method']['pan'];
            $card_holder = $callback_arr['payment_method']['card_holder'];
            $card_expiry_month = $callback_arr['payment_method']['card_expiry_month'];
            $card_expiry_year = $callback_arr['payment_method']['card_expiry_year'];
            $issuer = $callback_arr['payment_method']['issuer'];
            $country = $callback_arr['payment_method']['country'];
            $sql = "SELECT * FROM `" . _DB_PREFIX_ . "hipay_tokens`\n\t                        WHERE `customer_id`='" . (int) $customer_id . "'\n\t                        AND `token`='" . pSQL($token) . "'";
            HipayLogger::addLog('SQL', HipayLogger::APICALL, $sql);
            $result = Db::getInstance()->getRow($sql);
            if (!$result['id']) {
                // LOG
                HipayLog('--------------- Enregistrement nouveau Token');
                // 'insert in DB';
                $sql_insert = "INSERT INTO `" . _DB_PREFIX_ . "hipay_tokens` (`customer_id`, `token`, `brand`, `pan`, `card_holder`, `card_expiry_month`, `card_expiry_year`, `issuer`, `country`)\n\t                VALUES('" . (int) $customer_id . "', '" . pSQL($token) . "', '" . pSQL($brand) . "', '" . pSQL($pan) . "', '" . pSQL($card_holder) . "', '" . pSQL($card_expiry_month) . "', '" . pSQL($card_expiry_year) . "', '" . pSQL($issuer) . "', '" . pSQL($country) . "')";
        HipayLog('--------------- currentOrder = ' . $hipay->currentOrder);
        $bool = true;
    } else {
        if ($order_exist && $callback_arr['status'] == HIPAY_STATUS_AUTHORIZED) {
            // prepare message for this status HIPAY_STATUS_AUTHORIZED
            $message = $hipay->l('HiPay - Callback initiated') . "<br>";
            $message .= ' - ' . $hipay->l('Transaction_reference : ') . $callback_arr['transaction_reference'] . "<br>";
            $message .= ' - ' . $hipay->l('State : ') . $callback_arr['state'] . "<br>";
            $message .= ' - ' . $hipay->l('Status : ') . $callback_arr['status'] . "<br>";
            $message .= ' - ' . $hipay->l('Message : ') . $callback_arr['message'] . "<br>";
            $message .= ' - ' . $hipay->l('Amount : ') . $callback_arr['authorized_amount'] . "<br>";
            $message = strip_tags($message, '<br>');
            // LOG
            HipayLog('--------------- MSG : ' . $message);
            // prepare payment for this status HIPAY_STATUS_AUTHORIZED
            $amount = $callback_arr['captured_amount'];
            // Set refund to negative
            $payment_method = 'HiPay Fullservice via ' . (string) ucwords($callback_arr['payment_product']);
            $payment_transaction_id = $callback_arr['transaction_reference'];
            $currency = new Currency($order->id_currency);
            $payment_date = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
            $order_invoice = null;
            if ($order && Validate::isLoadedObject($order)) {
                // Add order payment
                if ($order->addOrderPayment($amount, $payment_method, $payment_transaction_id, $currency, $payment_date, $order_invoice)) {
                    // LOG
                    HipayLog('--------------- Order payment add with success');
                    // Add message for this status
                    $msg = new Message();
                    if (Validate::isCleanHtml($message)) {
                        $msg->message = $message;
                        $msg->id_order = (int) $order->id;
                        $msg->private = 1;
                        // LOG
                        HipayLog('--------------- MSG register with success');
                        $bool = true;
            } else {
                HipayLogger::addLog($hipay->l('Bad Callback Error', 'hipay'), HipayLogger::ERROR, 'Error, order exist but the object order not loaded');
                HipayLog('--------------- Error, order exist but the object order not loaded');
    return $bool;
コード例 #8
 public static function createToken($cardNumber = null, $cardHolder = null, $cardExpiryMonth = null, $cardExpiryYear = null, $cardSecurityCode = null, $firstname = null, $lastname = null, $paymentproductswitcher = null)
     try {
         $hipay = new HiPay_Tpp();
         HipayLogger::addLog($hipay->l('Token Create call initiated', 'hipay'), HipayLogger::APICALL, 'Action : Create Token');
         define('API_ENDPOINT_TOKEN', HipayClass::getAPITokenURL());
         define('API_USERNAME_TOKEN', HipayClass::getAPIUsername());
         define('API_PASSWORD_TOKEN', HipayClass::getAPIPassword());
         $credentials_token = API_USERNAME_TOKEN . ':' . API_PASSWORD_TOKEN;
         $resource_token = API_ENDPOINT_TOKEN . 'create';
         // Multi_use : only boolean
         // 0 = Generate a single-use token
         // 1 = Generate a multi-use token (default)
         $multi_use = 1;
         if ($paymentproductswitcher == 'american-express') {
             $data_token = array('card_number' => $cardNumber, 'card_expiry_month' => $cardExpiryMonth, 'card_expiry_year' => $cardExpiryYear, 'firstname' => $firstname, 'lastname' => $lastname, 'cvc' => $cardSecurityCode, 'multi_use' => $multi_use);
         } elseif ($paymentproductswitcher == 'bcmc') {
             $data_token = array('card_number' => $cardNumber, 'card_expiry_month' => $cardExpiryMonth, 'card_expiry_year' => $cardExpiryYear, 'card_holder' => $cardHolder, 'multi_use' => $multi_use);
         } else {
             $data_token = array('card_number' => $cardNumber, 'card_expiry_month' => $cardExpiryMonth, 'card_expiry_year' => $cardExpiryYear, 'card_holder' => $cardHolder, 'cvc' => $cardSecurityCode, 'multi_use' => $multi_use);
         // create a new cURL resource
         $curl_token = curl_init();
         // set appropriate options
         $options_token = array(CURLOPT_URL => $resource_token, CURLOPT_USERPWD => $credentials_token, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER => array('Accept: application/json'), CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => true, CURLOPT_FAILONERROR => false, CURLOPT_HEADER => false, CURLOPT_POST => true, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS => http_build_query($data_token), CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER => false, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST => false);
         foreach ($options_token as $option => $value) {
             curl_setopt($curl_token, $option, $value);
         $result_token = curl_exec($curl_token);
         $status_token = (int) curl_getinfo($curl_token, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);
         $response_token = Tools::jsonDecode($result_token);
         // p($credentials_token);
         // p($resource_token);
         // p($data_token);
         // p($status_token);
         // p($response_token);
         // execute the given cURL session
         if (false === $result_token) {
             throw new Exception(curl_error($curl_token));
         if (floor($status_token / 100) != 2) {
             throw new Exception($status_token);
         HipayLogger::addLog($hipay->l('Token Create call success', 'hipay'), HipayLogger::APICALL, 'Creation token avec success');
         return $response_token;
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         HipayLogger::addLog($hipay->l('Token Create call status error', 'hipay'), HipayLogger::ERROR, mysql_real_escape_string($e->getMessage()));
         return $e->getMessage();