コード例 #1
ファイル: init.php プロジェクト: nikosv/openeclass
     $status = USER_TEACHER;
 } else {
     $stat = Database::get()->querySingle("SELECT status FROM course_user\n                                                           WHERE user_id = ?d AND\n                                                           course_id = ?d", $uid, $course_id);
     if ($stat) {
         $status = $stat->status;
     } else {
         // the department manager has rights to the courses of his department(s)
         if ($is_departmentmanage_user && $is_usermanage_user && !$is_power_user && !$is_admin && isset($course_code)) {
             require_once 'include/lib/hierarchy.class.php';
             require_once 'include/lib/course.class.php';
             require_once 'include/lib/user.class.php';
             $treeObj = new Hierarchy();
             $courseObj = new Course();
             $userObj = new User();
             $atleastone = false;
             $subtrees = $treeObj->buildSubtrees($userObj->getDepartmentIds($uid));
             $depIds = $courseObj->getDepartmentIds($course_id);
             foreach ($depIds as $depId) {
                 if (in_array($depId, $subtrees)) {
                     $atleastone = true;
             if ($atleastone) {
                 $status = 1;
                 $is_course_admin = true;
                 $_SESSION['courses'][$course_code] = USER_DEPARTMENTMANAGER;
コード例 #2
ファイル: multideluser.php プロジェクト: kostastzo/openeclass
 if (!empty($email)) {
     $criteria[] = 'email LIKE ?s';
     $terms[] = '%' . $email . '%';
     if ($search == 'inactive') {
         $criteria[] = 'expires_at < ' . DBHelper::timeAfter();
     // Department search
     $depqryadd = '';
     $dep = isset($_POST['department']) ? intval($_POST['department']) : 0;
     if ($dep || isDepartmentAdmin()) {
         $depqryadd = ', user_department';
         $subs = array();
         if ($dep) {
             $subs = $tree->buildSubtrees(array($dep));
         } else {
             if (isDepartmentAdmin()) {
                 $subs = $user->getDepartmentIds($uid);
         $count = 0;
         foreach ($subs as $key => $id) {
             $terms[] = $id;
             validateNode($id, isDepartmentAdmin());
         $pref = $c ? 'a' : 'user';
         $criteria[] = $pref . '.user.id = user_department.user';
         $criteria[] = 'department IN (' . array_fill(0, $count, '?s') . ')';
コード例 #3
ファイル: listcours.php プロジェクト: kostastzo/openeclass
 $terms = array();
 if (!empty($searchtitle)) {
     $query .= ' AND title LIKE ?s';
     $terms[] = '%' . $searchtitle . '%';
 if (!empty($searchcode)) {
     $query .= ' AND (course.code LIKE ?s OR public_code LIKE ?s)';
     $terms[] = '%' . $searchcode . '%';
     $terms[] = '%' . $searchcode . '%';
 if ($searchtype != "-1") {
     $query .= ' AND visible = ?d';
     $terms[] = $searchtype;
 if ($searchfaculte) {
     $subs = $tree->buildSubtrees(array($searchfaculte));
     $ids = 0;
     foreach ($subs as $key => $id) {
         $terms[] = $id;
     $query .= ' AND hierarchy.id IN (' . implode(', ', array_fill(0, $ids, '?d')) . ')';
 if (isset($_GET['reg_flag']) and !empty($_GET['date'])) {
     $query .= ' AND created ' . ($_GET['reg_flag'] == 1 ? '>=' : '<=') . ' ?s';
     $date_created_at = DateTime::createFromFormat("d-m-Y H:i", $_GET['date']);
     $terms[] = $date_created_at->format("Y-m-d H:i:s");
 // Datatables internal search
 $filter_terms = array();
 if (!empty($_GET['sSearch'])) {
コード例 #4
ファイル: courses.php プロジェクト: kostastzo/openeclass
    } else {
        // department exists
        $numofcourses = getdepnumcourses($fc);
        if (count($tree->buildRootsArray()) > 1) {
            $tool_content .= $tree->buildRootsSelectForm($fc);
        $tool_content .= "<form action='{$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']}' method='post'>";
        $tool_content .= "<table class='table-default'>\n                                  <tr><th><a name='top'></a>{$langFaculty}: " . $tree->getFullPath($fc, false, $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] . '?fc=') . "\n                                  </th></tr></table><br />";
        if ($numofcourses > 0) {
            $tool_content .= expanded_faculte($fc, $uid);
            $tool_content .= "<br /><div align='right'><input class='btn btn-primary' type='submit' name='submit' value='{$langRegistration}' />&nbsp;&nbsp;</div>";
        } else {
            $tool_content .= $tree->buildDepartmentChildrenNavigationHtml($fc, 'courses');
            $subTrees = $tree->buildSubtrees(array($fc));
            if (count($subTrees) <= 1) {
                // is leaf
                $tool_content .= "<br /><div class=alert1>{$langNoCoursesAvailable}</div>\n";
        $tool_content .= "</form>";
    // end of else (department exists)
$tool_content .= "<script type='text/javascript'>\$(course_list_init);\nvar themeimg = '" . js_escape($themeimg) . "';\nvar lang = {\n        unCourse: '" . js_escape($langUnCourse) . "',\n        cancel: '" . js_escape($langCancel) . "',\n        close: '" . js_escape($langClose) . "',\n        unregCourse: '" . js_escape($langUnregCourse) . "',\n        reregisterImpossible: '" . js_escape("{$langConfirmUnregCours} {$m['unsub']}") . "',\n        invalidCode: '" . js_escape($langInvalidCode) . "',\n};</script>";
draw($tool_content, 1, null, $head_content);
function getfacfromfc($dep_id)
    $fac = Database::get()->querySingle("SELECT name FROM hierarchy WHERE id = ?d", intval($dep_id));
コード例 #5
ファイル: nodes.php プロジェクト: nikosv/openeclass
// preload all nodes
$allnodes = array();
Database::get()->queryFunc("select * from hierarchy order by lft", function($row) use (&$allnodes) {
    $allnodes[] = $row;

// preload all user's nodes
$usernodes = array();
if ($uid) {
    $usernodes = $user->getDepartmentNodes($uid);

// initialize vars
$defs = (is_array($defaults)) ? $defaults : array(intval($defaults));
$subdefs = ($allow_only_defaults) ? $tree->buildSubtrees($defs, $allnodes) : array();
$suballowed = ($allowables != null) ? $tree->buildSubtrees($allowables, $allnodes) : null;
$excludeLft = 0;
$excludeRgt = 0;
$fetchNodeById = "select * from hierarchy where id = ?d";

if ($requestId <= 0) {
    $nodes = $tree->buildRootsArray();
    foreach ($tree_array as $key => $value) {
        $data[] = array(
            "id" => $key,
            "text" => $value
} else {