return array('created_at'); } public function save(Validation $validation = NULL) { parent::save($validation); if ($this->status == 4) { $order = $this; $PDO = ORM::factory('Orders')->PDO(); $orders_flag = $PDO->query("SELECT success_flag FROM orders WHERE id = '{$order->id}'")->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); if ($orders_flag[0]['success_flag'] != 1) { $time = time(); $time_end = $time + 86400 * 180; $time_end = date("Y-m-d", $time_end); $time_end_coupon = $time + 86400 * 60; $time_end_coupon = date("Y-m-d", $time_end_coupon); $full_price = 0; $success_flag_query = "UPDATE orders SET success_flag = 1 WHERE id = '{$order->id}'"; $PDO->exec($success_flag_query); $PDO = ORM::factory('OrderProduct')->PDO(); $query = "SELECT order_product.quantity, order_product.price\r FROM order_product\r WHERE order_id = '{$order->id}'"; $order_data = $PDO->query($query)->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $discount = $PDO->query("SELECT coupons.code,, coupons.time_end\r FROM coupons\r WHERE coupons.order_id = '{$order->id}'")->fetch(); if ($discount['discount']) { $PDO_coupon = ORM::factory('Coupons')->PDO(); $PDO_coupon->query("UPDATE coupons SET time_end = '{$time_end_coupon}', active = 1 WHERE order_id = '{$order->id}'"); if ($order->email != '') { $user_message = View::factory('admin/order/usermessage_delivery', array('name' => $order->name, 'email' => $order->email, 'phone' => $order->phone, 'adress' => $order->adress, 'city' => $order->city, 'index' => $order->index, 'time' => $time_end, 'discount' => $discount['discount'], 'code' => $discount['code']))->render(); Helpers_Email::send($order->email, 'Новый заказ ' . $order->name . ' ' . $order->phone, $user_message, true); } } $PDO_order_certificate = ORM::factory('OrderCertificate')->PDO(); $query_validity_certificate = "SELECT id, time_end\r FROM order_certificate\r WHERE order_id = '{$order->id}'"; $validity_data = $PDO_order_certificate->query($query_validity_certificate)->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); foreach ($validity_data as $v_data) { $time = time(); $time_end_certificate = $time + 86400 * $v_data['time_end']; $time_end_certificate = date("Y-m-d", $time_end_certificate); $update_validity_query = "UPDATE order_certificate SET time_end = '{$time_end_certificate}', active = 1 WHERE id = '{$v_data['id']}'"; $PDO_order_certificate->query($update_validity_query); } }
public function action_order() { $this->set_metatags_and_content('', 'page'); $this->template->set_layout('site/global'); if ($this->request->is_ajax()) { $name = $this->request->post('name'); $email = $this->request->post('email'); $phone = $this->request->post('phone'); $adress = $this->request->post('adress'); $city = $this->request->post('city'); $index = $this->request->post('index'); $delivery = $this->request->post('delivery'); $admin_order = $this->request->post('admin_order'); $comment = $this->request->post('comment'); $PDO_coupons = ORM::factory('Coupons')->PDO(); $date = date('Y-m-d'); $stmt = $PDO_coupons->prepare("SELECT coupons.code,\r FROM coupons\r WHERE code = :code AND active = 1 AND time_end > '{$date}'"); $stmt->bindParam(':code', $this->request->post('coupon')); $stmt->execute(); foreach ($stmt as $row) { $code = $row['code']; $coupon_discount = $row['discount']; } $PDO_order_certificate = ORM::factory('OrderCertificate')->PDO(); $date = date('Y-m-d'); $stmt = $PDO_order_certificate->prepare("SELECT order_certificate.code, to_amount\r FROM order_certificate\r WHERE code = :code_certificate AND active = 1 AND time_end > '{$date}'"); $stmt->bindParam(':code_certificate', $this->request->post('certificate')); $stmt->execute(); foreach ($stmt as $row) { $code_certificate = $row['code']; $to_amount = $row['to_amount']; } $cart = Session::instance()->get('cart'); $certificate = Session::instance()->get('cart_certificate'); $cartitems = json_decode($cart['cart']); $certificateitems = json_decode($certificate['cart_certificate']); $order = ORM::factory('Orders'); $order->name = $name; $order->email = $email; $order->phone = $phone; $order->adress = $adress; $order->code_coupon = $code; $order->delivery = $delivery; $order->code_certificate = $code_certificate; $order->city = $city; $order->index = $index; $order->comment = $comment; $order->save(); $PDO_order_product = ORM::factory('OrderProduct')->PDO(); $stmt = $PDO_order_product->prepare("INSERT INTO order_product (order_id, price, product_id, quantity, color)\r VALUES(:order_id, :price, :product_id, :quantity, :color)"); $fullprice_product = 0; $fullprice_certificate = 0; if ($cartitems) { foreach ($cartitems as $items) { $price = ORM::factory('Product')->getPriceValue($items->id); if ($items->color) { $color = $items->color; } else { $color = ""; } $stmt->bindParam(':price', $price, PDO::PARAM_INT); $stmt->bindParam(':product_id', $items->id, PDO::PARAM_INT); $stmt->bindParam(':quantity', $items->quantity, PDO::PARAM_INT); $stmt->bindParam(':order_id', $order->id, PDO::PARAM_INT); $stmt->bindParam(':color', $color); $stmt->execute(); $price_product = $price * $items->quantity; $fullprice_product += $price_product; } } if ($certificateitems) { foreach ($certificateitems as $crcitems) { $validity = ORM::factory('Certificate')->PDO()->query("SELECT certificate.validity, certificate.sum, certificate.price\r FROM certificate\r WHERE id = '{$crcitems->id}'")->fetch(); $i = 0; while ($i < $crcitems->quantity) { $certificate = $PDO_order_certificate->prepare("INSERT INTO order_certificate (certificate_id, order_id, code, price, time_end, to_amount)\r VALUES(:certificate_id, :order_id, :certificate_code, :price, :time_end, :to_amount)"); $certificate_code = substr(md5(microtime()), rand(0, 5), rand(11, 16)); $certificate->bindParam(':certificate_id', $crcitems->id, PDO::PARAM_INT); $certificate->bindParam(':order_id', $order->id, PDO::PARAM_INT); $certificate->bindParam(':price', $validity['price'], PDO::PARAM_INT); $certificate->bindParam(':certificate_code', $certificate_code, PDO::PARAM_STR); $certificate->bindParam(':time_end', $validity['validity']); $certificate->bindParam(':to_amount', $validity['sum']); $certificate->execute(); $i++; $fullprice_certificate += $validity['price']; } } } $fullprice = $fullprice_product + $fullprice_certificate; switch ($fullprice) { case $fullprice >= 2000000: $discount = 20; break; case $fullprice >= 1800000: $discount = 15; break; case $fullprice >= 1500000: $discount = 13; break; case $fullprice >= 1200000: $discount = 10; break; case $fullprice >= 900000: $discount = 7; break; case $fullprice >= 600000: $discount = 5; break; case $fullprice >= 300000: $discount = 3; break; } $time_end = 60; $active = 0; $stmt = $PDO_coupons->prepare("UPDATE coupons SET active = :active WHERE code = :code"); $stmt->bindParam(':code', $code); $stmt->bindParam(':active', $active); $stmt->execute(); if ($discount) { $create_code = substr(md5(microtime()), rand(0, 5), rand(11, 16)); $stmt = $PDO_coupons->prepare("INSERT INTO coupons (code, time_end, active, discount, order_id) VALUES(:code, :time_end, :active, :discount, :order_id)"); $stmt->bindParam(':code', $create_code); $stmt->bindParam(':time_end', $time_end); $stmt->bindParam(':active', $active, PDO::PARAM_INT); $stmt->bindParam(':discount', $discount, PDO::PARAM_INT); $stmt->bindParam(':order_id', $order->id, PDO::PARAM_INT); $stmt->execute(); } $PDO_order_certificate->query("UPDATE order_certificate SET active = {$active} WHERE code = '{$code_certificate}'"); $cart_mail = $cart['cart']; if ($email) { $user_message = View::factory('site/order/usermessage', array('name' => $name, 'email' => $email, 'phone' => $phone, 'adress' => $adress, 'city' => $city, 'index' => $index, 'delivery' => $delivery, 'cart' => json_decode($cart_mail), 'certificate_mail' => $certificateitems, 'code_certificate' => $code_certificate, 'code' => $code, 'coupon_discount' => $coupon_discount, 'to_amount' => $to_amount, 'comment' => $comment))->render(); } $admin_message = View::factory('site/order/adminmessage', array('name' => $name, 'email' => $email, 'phone' => $phone, 'adress' => $adress, 'city' => $city, 'index' => $index, 'delivery' => $delivery, 'cart' => json_decode($cart_mail), 'certificate_mail' => $certificateitems, 'code_certificate' => $code_certificate, 'code' => $code, 'coupon_discount' => $coupon_discount, 'to_amount' => $to_amount, 'comment' => $comment))->render(); Helpers_Email::send(Kohana::$config->load('mailer.admin'), 'Новый заказ ' . $name . ' ' . $phone, $admin_message, true); Helpers_Email::send($email, 'Новый заказ ' . $name . ' ' . $phone, $user_message, true); if ($admin_order != true) { Session::instance()->destroy('cart'); Session::instance()->destroy('cart_certificate'); } exit(json_encode(array('order_id' => $order->id))); } $this->forward_404(); }
$this->template->to_amount = $to_amount; } public function action_change_order() { if ($this->request->is_ajax()) { $order_id = $this->request->post('order_id'); $name = $this->request->post('name'); $email = $this->request->post('email'); $phone = $this->request->post('phone'); $adress = $this->request->post('adress'); $code = $this->request->post('coupon'); $city = $this->request->post('city'); $index = $this->request->post('index'); $delivery = $this->request->post('delivery'); $comment = $this->request->post('comment'); $code_certificate = $this->request->post('certificate'); $active = 0; $cart = Session::instance()->get('cart'); $certificate = Session::instance()->get('cart_certificate'); $cartitems = json_decode($cart['cart']); $certificateitems = json_decode($certificate['cart_certificate']); $PDO = ORM::factory('Orders')->PDO(); $date = date('Y-m-d'); $dataCertificate = $PDO->query("SELECT order_certificate.code, to_amount\r FROM order_certificate\r WHERE code = '{$code_certificate}' AND time_end > '{$date}'")->fetch(); $dataCoupon = $PDO->query("SELECT coupons.code,\r FROM coupons\r WHERE code = '{$code}' AND time_end > '{$date}'")->fetch(); $query = "UPDATE orders SET = '{$name}',\r = '{$email}',\r = '{$phone}',\r orders.adress = '{$adress}',\r orders.code_coupon = '{$code}',\r orders.code_certificate = '{$code_certificate}',\r = '{$delivery}',\r = '{$city}',\r orders.index = '{$index}',\r orders.comment = '{$comment}'\r WHERE = '{$order_id}'"; $PDO->exec($query); $delete_query = "DELETE FROM order_product WHERE order_id = '{$order_id}'"; $PDO->query($delete_query); $stmt = $PDO->prepare("INSERT INTO order_product (order_id, price, product_id, quantity, color)\r VALUES(:order_id, :price, :product_id, :quantity, :color)"); foreach ($cartitems as $items) { if ($items->color) { $color = $items->color; } else { $color = ""; } $stmt->bindParam(':price', $items->price, PDO::PARAM_INT); $stmt->bindParam(':product_id', $items->id, PDO::PARAM_INT); $stmt->bindParam(':quantity', $items->quantity, PDO::PARAM_INT); $stmt->bindParam(':order_id', $order_id, PDO::PARAM_INT); $stmt->bindParam(':color', $color); $stmt->execute(); } $delete_query_certificate = "DELETE FROM order_certificate WHERE order_id = '{$order_id}'"; $PDO->query($delete_query_certificate); foreach ($certificateitems as $crcitems) { $validity = $PDO->query("SELECT certificate.validity, certificate.sum\r FROM certificate\r WHERE id = '{$crcitems->id}'")->fetch(); $i = 0; while ($i < $crcitems->quantity) { $certificate = $PDO->prepare("INSERT INTO order_certificate (certificate_id,\r order_id,\r code,\r price,\r time_end,\r to_amount,\r active)\r VALUES(:certificate_id,\r :order_id,\r :certificate_code,\r :price,\r :time_end,\r :to_amount,\r :active)"); $certificate_code = substr(md5(microtime()), rand(0, 5), rand(11, 16)); $certificate->bindParam(':certificate_id', $crcitems->id, PDO::PARAM_INT); $certificate->bindParam(':order_id', $order_id, PDO::PARAM_INT); $certificate->bindParam(':price', $crcitems->price, PDO::PARAM_INT); $certificate->bindParam(':certificate_code', $certificate_code, PDO::PARAM_STR); $certificate->bindParam(':time_end', $validity['validity']); $certificate->bindParam(':to_amount', $validity['sum']); $certificate->bindParam(':active', $active); $certificate->execute(); $i++; } } $stmt = $PDO->prepare("UPDATE coupons SET active = :active WHERE code = :code"); $stmt->bindParam(':code', $code); $stmt->bindParam(':active', $active); $stmt->execute(); $cart_mail = $cart['cart']; if ($email) { $user_message = View::factory('admin/order/usermessage', array('name' => $name, 'email' => $email, 'phone' => $phone, 'adress' => $adress, 'city' => $city, 'index' => $index, 'code_certificate' => $code_certificate, 'code' => $code, 'delivery' => $delivery, 'to_amount' => $dataCertificate['to_amount'], 'coupon_discount' => $dataCoupon['discount'], 'cart' => json_decode($cart_mail), 'cert' => $certificateitems))->render(); } $admin_message = View::factory('admin/order/adminmessage', array('name' => $name, 'email' => $email, 'phone' => $phone, 'adress' => $adress, 'city' => $city, 'index' => $index, 'code_certificate' => $code_certificate, 'code' => $code, 'delivery' => $delivery, 'to_amount' => $dataCertificate['to_amount'], 'coupon_discount' => $dataCoupon['discount'], 'cart' => json_decode($cart_mail), 'cert' => $certificateitems))->render(); Helpers_Email::send(Kohana::$config->load('mailer.admin'), 'Новый заказ ' . $name . ' ' . $phone, $admin_message, true); Helpers_Email::send($email, 'Новый заказ ' . $name . ' ' . $phone, $user_message, true); exit(json_encode(array('order_id' => $order_id))); }
public function action_ajax_light_register() { if ($this->request->is_ajax()) { $email = trim($this->request->post('email')); $role = 2; $invalidEmail = !filter_var($email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL); $emailExists = ORM::factory('User')->where('email', '=', $email)->find(); $errors = array('invalid_email' => $invalidEmail, 'email_exists' => $emailExists->loaded()); $textErrors = array(); $errors_exists = false; foreach ($errors as $key => $error) { if ($error) { $errors_exists = true; } } if ($errors['invalid_email']) { $textErrors[] = 'Неверный формат email адреса!'; } if ($errors['email_exists']) { $textErrors[] = 'Данный email адрес занят!'; } if (!$errors_exists) { $token = md5(time() . $email); $emailParts = explode('@', $email); $password = Text::limit_chars(md5(time() . 'hello world' . $email), 8, ''); $user = ORM::factory('User'); $user->name = Arr::get($emailParts, 0); $user->username = Arr::get($emailParts, 0); $user->email = $email; $user->roles = $role; $user->password = $password; $user->register_token = $token; $user->save(); $message = sprintf("Спасибо за регистрацию <br/>" . "Ваш логин: %s <br/>" . "Ваш пароль: %s <br/>" . "Ваш email: %s <br/>" . "Ссылка для активации: %s", Arr::get($emailParts, 0), $password, $email, HTML::anchor(URL::base('http') . 'module_auth/token?email=' . $email . '&token=' . $token)); Helpers_Email::send($email, 'Регистрация', $message, true); } echo json_encode(array('errors' => $textErrors, 'errors_exists' => $errors_exists)); } exit; }