コード例 #1
ファイル: BlueScreen.php プロジェクト: VasekPurchart/tracy
  * Renders blue screen.
  * @param  \Exception|\Throwable
  * @return void
 public function render($exception)
     $panels = $this->panels;
     $info = array_filter($this->info);
     $source = Helpers::getSource();
     $sourceIsUrl = preg_match('#^https?://#', $source);
     $title = $exception instanceof \ErrorException ? Helpers::errorTypeToString($exception->getSeverity()) : get_class($exception);
     $skipError = $sourceIsUrl && $exception instanceof \ErrorException && !empty($exception->skippable) ? $source . (strpos($source, '?') ? '&' : '?') . '_tracy_skip_error' : NULL;
     require __DIR__ . '/assets/BlueScreen/bluescreen.phtml';
コード例 #2
ファイル: Logger.php プロジェクト: wouterds/tracy
  * @param  string|\Exception|\Throwable
  * @return string
 protected function formatMessage($message)
     if ($message instanceof \Exception || $message instanceof \Throwable) {
         while ($message) {
             $tmp[] = ($message instanceof \ErrorException ? Helpers::errorTypeToString($message->getSeverity()) . ': ' . $message->getMessage() : Helpers::getClass($message) . ': ' . $message->getMessage()) . ' in ' . $message->getFile() . ':' . $message->getLine();
             $message = $message->getPrevious();
         $message = implode($tmp, "\ncaused by ");
     } elseif (!is_string($message)) {
         $message = Dumper::toText($message);
     return trim($message);
コード例 #3
ファイル: BlueScreen.php プロジェクト: manGoweb/mnamGo
 private function renderTemplate($exception, $template)
     $info = array_filter($this->info);
     $source = Helpers::getSource();
     $sourceIsUrl = preg_match('#^https?://#', $source);
     $title = $exception instanceof \ErrorException ? Helpers::errorTypeToString($exception->getSeverity()) : Helpers::getClass($exception);
     $skipError = $sourceIsUrl && $exception instanceof \ErrorException && !empty($exception->skippable) ? $source . (strpos($source, '?') ? '&' : '?') . '_tracy_skip_error' : NULL;
     $lastError = $exception instanceof \ErrorException || $exception instanceof \Error ? NULL : error_get_last();
     $dump = function ($v) {
         return Dumper::toHtml($v, [Dumper::DEPTH => $this->maxDepth, Dumper::TRUNCATE => $this->maxLength, Dumper::LIVE => TRUE, Dumper::LOCATION => Dumper::LOCATION_CLASS]);
     require $template;
コード例 #4
ファイル: Assert.php プロジェクト: jakuborava/walletapp
  * Checks if the function generates PHP error or throws exception.
  * @param  callable
  * @param  int|string|array
  * @param  string message
  * @return null|Exception
 public static function error($function, $expectedType, $expectedMessage = NULL)
     if (is_string($expectedType) && !preg_match('#^E_[A-Z_]+\\z#', $expectedType)) {
         return static::exception($function, $expectedType, $expectedMessage);
     $expected = is_array($expectedType) ? $expectedType : array(array($expectedType, $expectedMessage));
     foreach ($expected as &$item) {
         list($expectedType, $expectedMessage) = $item;
         if (is_int($expectedType)) {
             $item[2] = Helpers::errorTypeToString($expectedType);
         } elseif (is_string($expectedType)) {
             $item[0] = constant($item[2] = $expectedType);
         } else {
             throw new \Exception('Error type must be E_* constant.');
     set_error_handler(function ($severity, $message, $file, $line) use(&$expected) {
         if (($severity & error_reporting()) !== $severity) {
         $errorStr = Helpers::errorTypeToString($severity) . ($message ? " ({$message})" : '');
         list($expectedType, $expectedMessage, $expectedTypeStr) = array_shift($expected);
         if ($expectedType === NULL) {
             Assert::fail("Generated more errors than expected: {$errorStr} was generated in file {$file} on line {$line}");
         } elseif ($severity !== $expectedType) {
             Assert::fail("{$expectedTypeStr} was expected, but {$errorStr} was generated in file {$file} on line {$line}");
         } elseif ($expectedMessage && !Assert::isMatching($expectedMessage, $message)) {
             Assert::fail("{$expectedTypeStr} with a message matching %2 was expected but got %1", $message, $expectedMessage);
     if ($expected) {
         self::fail('Error was expected, but was not generated');
コード例 #5
ファイル: Dumper.php プロジェクト: richard-ejem/tester
  * @param  \Exception|\Throwable
  * @internal
 public static function dumpException($e)
     $trace = $e->getTrace();
     array_splice($trace, 0, $e instanceof \ErrorException ? 1 : 0, array(array('file' => $e->getFile(), 'line' => $e->getLine())));
     $testFile = NULL;
     foreach (array_reverse($trace) as $item) {
         if (isset($item['file'])) {
             // in case of shutdown handler, we want to skip inner-code blocks and debugging calls
             $testFile = $item['file'];
     if ($e instanceof AssertException) {
         $expected = $e->expected;
         $actual = $e->actual;
         if (is_object($expected) || is_array($expected) || is_string($expected) && strlen($expected) > self::$maxLength || is_object($actual) || is_array($actual) || is_string($actual) && strlen($actual) > self::$maxLength) {
             $args = isset($_SERVER['argv'][1]) ? '.[' . implode(' ', preg_replace(array('#^-*(.{1,20}).*#i', '#[^=a-z0-9. -]+#i'), array('$1', '-'), array_slice($_SERVER['argv'], 1))) . ']' : '';
             $stored[] = self::saveOutput($testFile, $expected, $args . '.expected');
             $stored[] = self::saveOutput($testFile, $actual, $args . '.actual');
         if (is_string($actual) && is_string($expected)) {
             for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($actual) && isset($expected[$i]) && $actual[$i] === $expected[$i]; $i++) {
             $i = max(0, min($i, max(strlen($actual), strlen($expected)) - self::$maxLength + 3));
             for (; $i && $i < count($actual) && $actual[$i - 1] >= "€" && $actual[$i] >= "€" && $actual[$i] < "À"; $i--) {
             if ($i) {
                 $expected = substr_replace($expected, '...', 0, $i);
                 $actual = substr_replace($actual, '...', 0, $i);
         $message = 'Failed: ' . $e->origMessage;
         if ((is_string($actual) && is_string($expected) || is_array($actual) && is_array($expected)) && preg_match('#^(.*)(%\\d)(.*)(%\\d.*)\\z#s', $message, $m)) {
             if (($delta = strlen($m[1]) - strlen($m[3])) >= 3) {
                 $message = "{$m['1']}{$m['2']}\n" . str_repeat(' ', $delta - 3) . "...{$m['3']}{$m['4']}";
             } else {
                 $message = "{$m['1']}{$m['2']}{$m['3']}\n" . str_repeat(' ', strlen($m[1]) - 4) . "... {$m['4']}";
         $message = strtr($message, array('%1' => self::color('yellow') . self::toLine($actual) . self::color('white'), '%2' => self::color('yellow') . self::toLine($expected) . self::color('white')));
     } else {
         $message = ($e instanceof \ErrorException ? Helpers::errorTypeToString($e->getSeverity()) : get_class($e)) . ': ' . preg_replace('#[\\x00-\\x09\\x0B-\\x1F]+#', ' ', $e->getMessage());
     $s = self::color('white', $message) . "\n\n" . (isset($stored) ? 'diff ' . Helpers::escapeArg($stored[0]) . ' ' . Helpers::escapeArg($stored[1]) . "\n\n" : '');
     foreach ($trace as $item) {
         $item += array('file' => NULL, 'class' => NULL, 'type' => NULL, 'function' => NULL);
         if ($e instanceof AssertException && $item['file'] === __DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'Assert.php') {
         $s .= 'in ' . ($item['file'] ? ($item['file'] === $testFile ? self::color('white') : '') . implode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, array_slice(explode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $item['file']), -self::$maxPathSegments)) . "({$item['line']})" . self::color('gray') . ' ' : '[internal function]') . $item['class'] . $item['type'] . (isset($item['function']) ? $item['function'] . '()' : '') . self::color() . "\n";
     if ($e->getPrevious()) {
         $s .= "\n(previous) " . static::dumpException($e->getPrevious());
     return $s;
コード例 #6
ファイル: Assert.php プロジェクト: richard-ejem/tester
  * Checks if the function does neither generate PHP error nor throw Exception
  * @param  callable
  * @param  string
  * @return null|\Exception
 public static function noError($function, $message = NULL)
     set_error_handler(function ($severity, $msg, $file, $line) use(&$expected, $message) {
         if (($severity & error_reporting()) !== $severity) {
         $errorStr = Helpers::errorTypeToString($severity) . ($msg ? " ({$msg})" : '');
         Assert::fail(($message ? "{$message}: " : '') . "occurred error {$errorStr}");
     try {
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         if ($e instanceof AssertException) {
             // assertion exception already thrown by error handler, re-throw
             throw $e;
         Assert::fail(($message ? "{$message}: " : '') . sprintf('%s was thrown. Code: %d Message: %s', get_class($e), $e->getCode(), $e->getMessage()));
コード例 #7
ファイル: Dumper.php プロジェクト: jakuborava/walletapp
 /** @internal */
 public static function dumpException(\Exception $e)
     $trace = $e->getTrace();
     array_splice($trace, 0, $e instanceof \ErrorException ? 1 : 0, array(array('file' => $e->getFile(), 'line' => $e->getLine())));
     $testFile = NULL;
     foreach (array_reverse($trace) as $item) {
         if (isset($item['file'])) {
             // in case of shutdown handler, we want to skip inner-code blocks and debugging calls
             $testFile = $item['file'];
     if ($e instanceof AssertException) {
         if (is_object($e->expected) || is_array($e->expected) || is_string($e->expected) && strlen($e->expected) > self::$maxLength || is_object($e->actual) || is_array($e->actual) || is_string($e->actual) && strlen($e->actual) > self::$maxLength) {
             $args = isset($_SERVER['argv'][1]) ? '.[' . preg_replace('#[^a-z0-9-. ]+#i', '_', $_SERVER['argv'][1]) . ']' : '';
             $stored[] = self::saveOutput($testFile, $e->expected, $args . '.expected');
             $stored[] = self::saveOutput($testFile, $e->actual, $args . '.actual');
         if (is_string($e->actual) && is_string($e->expected)) {
             for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($e->actual) && isset($e->expected[$i]) && $e->actual[$i] === $e->expected[$i]; $i++) {
             $i = max(0, min($i, max(strlen($e->actual), strlen($e->expected)) - self::$maxLength + 3));
             for (; $i && $i < count($e->actual) && $e->actual[$i - 1] >= "€" && $e->actual[$i] >= "€" && $e->actual[$i] < "À"; $i--) {
             if ($i) {
                 $e->expected = substr_replace($e->expected, '...', 0, $i);
                 $e->actual = substr_replace($e->actual, '...', 0, $i);
         $message = 'Failed: ' . $e->getMessage();
         if (is_string($e->actual) && is_string($e->expected) || is_array($e->actual) && is_array($e->expected)) {
             preg_match('#^(.*)(%\\d)(.*)(%\\d.*)\\z#', $message, $m);
             if (($delta = strlen($m[1]) - strlen($m[3])) >= 3) {
                 $message = "{$m['1']}{$m['2']}\n" . str_repeat(' ', $delta - 3) . "...{$m['3']}{$m['4']}";
             } else {
                 $message = "{$m['1']}{$m['2']}{$m['3']}\n" . str_repeat(' ', strlen($m[1]) - 4) . "... {$m['4']}";
         $message = strtr($message, array('%1' => "" . Dumper::toLine($e->actual) . "", '%2' => "" . Dumper::toLine($e->expected) . ""));
     } else {
         $message = ($e instanceof \ErrorException ? Helpers::errorTypeToString($e->getSeverity()) : get_class($e)) . ": {$e->getMessage()}";
     $s = "{$message}\n\n" . (isset($stored) ? "diff " . escapeshellarg($stored[0]) . " " . escapeshellarg($stored[1]) . "\n\n" : '');
     foreach ($trace as $item) {
         $item += array('file' => NULL);
         $s .= 'in ' . ($item['file'] === $testFile ? "" : '') . ($item['file'] ? implode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, array_slice(explode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $item['file']), -3)) . "({$item['line']})" : '[internal function]') . " " . (isset($item['class']) ? $item['class'] . $item['type'] : '') . (isset($item['function']) ? $item['function'] . '()' : '') . "\n";
     if ($e->getPrevious()) {
         $s .= "\n(previous) " . static::dumpException($e->getPrevious());
     return $s;