  * get and return the array with the sessionData - needed ONLY for insertion of the order by notification
 public function getSavedSessionData($transactionId, $paymentSecret)
     // Notice: Sessiondata will be inserted into DB in callback/sofort/helperfunctions.php -> insertSofortOrder();
     $query = xtc_db_query('SELECT serialized_session FROM sofort_orders WHERE payment_secret = "' . HelperFunctions::escapeSql($paymentSecret) . '" AND transaction_id = "' . HelperFunctions::escapeSql($transactionId) . '" AND data_acquired = "0"');
     $result = xtc_db_fetch_array($query);
     if (isset($result['serialized_session']) && !empty($result['serialized_session'])) {
         xtc_db_query('UPDATE sofort_orders SET data_acquired = "1" WHERE payment_secret = "' . HelperFunctions::escapeSql($paymentSecret) . '" AND transaction_id = "' . HelperFunctions::escapeSql($transactionId) . '"');
         return unserialize($result['serialized_session']);
     } else {
         return false;