コード例 #1
ファイル: iframe-grid.php プロジェクト: danaiser/hollandLawns
    public static function display_grid_blocks($blocks, $wrapper)
        echo '<div class="grid-container">';
        if (is_array($blocks)) {
            foreach ($blocks as $block_id => $block) {
                HeadwayBlocks::display_block($block, 'grid');
        /* Mirrored wrapper notice */
        $mirror_wrapper_id = HeadwayWrappers::format_wrapper_id(headway_get('mirror-wrapper', $wrapper));
        $mirror_wrapper = $mirror_wrapper_id ? HeadwayWrappers::get_wrapper($mirror_wrapper_id) : null;
        $mirror_wrapper_layout = $mirror_wrapper ? HeadwayLayout::get_name(headway_get('layout', $mirror_wrapper)) : null;
        $mirror_wrapper_alias = headway_get('alias', $mirror_wrapper) ? '(' . headway_get('alias', $mirror_wrapper) . ')' : null;
        echo '<div class="wrapper-mirror-notice">
						<h2>Wrapper Mirrored</h2>
						<p>This wrapper is mirroring the blocks from Wrapper #<span class="wrapper-mirror-notice-id">' . $mirror_wrapper_id . '</span> <span class="wrapper-mirror-notice-alias">' . $mirror_wrapper_alias . '</span> <span class="wrapper-mirror-notice-layout">from "' . $mirror_wrapper_layout . '" layout</span></p>
						<small>Mirroring can be disabled via Wrapper Options in the right-click menu</small>
					</div><!-- .wrapper-mirror-notice -->';
        /* End mirrored wrapper notice */
        echo '</div><!-- .grid-container -->';
コード例 #2
ファイル: api-block.php プロジェクト: danaiser/hollandLawns
 public function get_blocks_select_options_for_mirroring()
     $block_type = $this->block['type'];
     $blocks = HeadwayBlocksData::get_blocks_by_type($block_type);
     $options = array('' => '&ndash; Do Not Mirror &ndash;');
     //If there are no blocks, then just return the Do Not Mirror option.
     if (!isset($blocks) || !is_array($blocks)) {
         return $options;
     foreach ($blocks as $block_id => $layout_id) {
         //Get the block instance
         $block = HeadwayBlocksData::get_block($block_id);
         //If the block is mirrored, skip it
         if (HeadwayBlocksData::is_block_mirrored($block)) {
         /* Do not show block that's in a mirrored wrapper */
         if (HeadwayWrappers::get_wrapper_mirror(HeadwayWrappers::get_wrapper(headway_get('wrapper', $block)))) {
         //Create the default name by using the block type and ID
         $default_name = HeadwayBlocks::block_type_nice($block['type']) . ' #' . $block['id'];
         //If we can't get a name for the layout, then things probably aren't looking good.  Just skip this block.
         if (!($layout_name = HeadwayLayout::get_name($layout_id))) {
         //Make sure the block exists
         if (!HeadwayBlocksData::block_exists($block['id'])) {
         $current_layout_suffix = $this->block['layout'] == $layout_id ? ' (Warning: Same Layout)' : null;
         //Get alias if it exists, otherwise use the default name
         $options[$block['id']] = headway_get('alias', $block['settings'], $default_name) . ' &ndash; ' . $layout_name . $current_layout_suffix;
     //Remove the current block from the list
     return $options;
コード例 #3
ファイル: grid-wizard.php プロジェクト: danaiser/hollandLawns
 static function get_blocks_select_options_for_mirroring($block_type)
     $return = '';
     $blocks = HeadwayBlocksData::get_blocks_by_type($block_type);
     //If there are no blocks, then just return the Do Not Mirror option.
     if (!isset($blocks) || !is_array($blocks)) {
         return $return;
     foreach ($blocks as $block_id => $layout_id) {
         //Get the block instance
         $block = HeadwayBlocksData::get_block($block_id);
         //If the block is mirrored, skip it
         if (headway_get('mirror-block', $block['settings'], false)) {
         //If the block is in the same layout as the current block, then do not allow it to be used as a block to mirror.
         if ($layout_id == headway_post('layout')) {
         //Create the default name by using the block type and ID
         $default_name = HeadwayBlocks::block_type_nice($block['type']) . ' #' . $block['id'];
         //If we can't get a name for the layout, then things probably aren't looking good.  Just skip this block.
         if (!($layout_name = HeadwayLayout::get_name($layout_id))) {
         //Get alias if it exists, otherwise use the default name
         $return .= '<option value="' . $block['id'] . '">' . headway_get('alias', $block['settings'], $default_name) . ' &ndash; ' . $layout_name . '</option>';
     return $return;
コード例 #4
ファイル: style.php プロジェクト: danaiser/hollandLawns
 static function block_heights()
     if (!($blocks = HeadwayBlocksData::get_all_blocks())) {
         return false;
     $return = '';
     //Retrieve the blocks so we can check if the block type is fixed or fluid height
     $block_types = HeadwayBlocks::get_block_types();
     foreach ($blocks as $block) {
         $selector = '#block-' . $block['id'];
         /* If the block is mirrored then change the selector */
         if ($mirrored_block_id = HeadwayBlocksData::is_block_mirrored($block, true)) {
             $selector = '#block-' . $mirrored_block_id . '.block-original-' . $block['id'];
         //If it's a fluid block (which blocks ARE by default), then we need to use min-height.  Otherwise, if it's fixed, we use height.
         if (headway_get('fixed-height', headway_get($block['type'], $block_types), false) !== true) {
             $return .= $selector . ' { min-height: ' . $block['dimensions']['height'] . 'px; }';
         } else {
             $return .= $selector . ' { height: ' . $block['dimensions']['height'] . 'px; }';
     return $return;
コード例 #5
ファイル: blocks.php プロジェクト: danaiser/hollandLawns
 public static function display_block($block, $where = null)
     //We'll allow this function to take either an integer argument to look up the block or to use the existing
     if (!is_array($block)) {
         $block = HeadwayBlocksData::get_block($block);
     //Check that the block exists
     if (!is_array($block) || !$block) {
         return false;
     $block_types = HeadwayBlocks::get_block_types();
     //Set the original block for future use
     $original_block = $block;
     $original_block_id = $block['id'];
     //Set the block style to null so we don't get an ugly notice down the road if it's not used.
     $block_style_attr = null;
     //Check if the block type exists
     if (!($block_type_settings = headway_get($block['type'], $block_types, array()))) {
         $block['requested-type'] = $block['type'];
         $block['type'] = 'unknown';
     //Get the custom CSS classes and change commas to spaces and remove double spaces and remove HTML
     $custom_css_classes = str_replace('  ', ' ', str_replace(',', ' ', htmlspecialchars(strip_tags(headway_get('css-classes', $block['settings'], '')))));
     $block_classes = array_unique(array_filter(explode(' ', $custom_css_classes)));
     $block_classes[] = 'block';
     $block_classes[] = 'block-type-' . $block['type'];
     $block_classes[] = headway_get('fixed-height', $block_type_settings, false) !== true ? 'block-fluid-height' : 'block-fixed-height';
     //Block Styles
     if (HEADWAY_CHILD_THEME_ACTIVE && ($block_style = headway_get(HEADWAY_CHILD_THEME_ID . '-block-style', $block['settings']))) {
         $block_style_classes = explode(' ', headway_get('class', headway_get($block_style, HeadwayChildThemeAPI::$block_styles)));
         foreach ($block_style_classes as $block_style_class) {
             $block_classes[] = $block_style_class;
     //If the block is being displayed in the Grid, then we need to make it work with absolute positioning.
     if ($where == 'grid') {
         $block_classes[] = 'grid-width-' . $original_block['dimensions']['width'];
         $block_classes[] = 'grid-left-' . $original_block['position']['left'];
         $block_style_attr = ' style="height: ' . $original_block['dimensions']['height'] . 'px; top: ' . $original_block['position']['top'] . 'px;"';
     //If the responsive grid is active, then add the responsive block hiding classes
     if (HeadwayResponsiveGrid::is_enabled()) {
         $responsive_block_hiding = headway_get('responsive-block-hiding', $block['settings'], array());
         if (is_array($responsive_block_hiding) && count($responsive_block_hiding) > 0) {
             foreach ($responsive_block_hiding as $device) {
                 $block_classes[] = 'responsive-block-hiding-device-' . $device;
     //If it's a mirrored block, change $block to the mirrored block
     if ($mirrored_block = HeadwayBlocksData::is_block_mirrored($block)) {
         $block = $mirrored_block;
         $block['original'] = $original_block;
         //Add Classes for the mirroring
         $block_classes[] = 'block-mirrored';
         if ($where != 'grid') {
             $block_classes[] = 'block-mirroring-' . $mirrored_block['id'];
             $block_classes[] = 'block-original-' . $original_block_id;
     //Fetch the HTML tag for the block
     $block_tag = ($html_tag = headway_get('html-tag', $block_type_settings)) ? $html_tag : 'div';
     //The ID attribute for the block.  This will change if mirrored.
     $block_id_for_id_attr = $block['id'];
     //Original block ID to be used in the Visual Editor
     if (HeadwayRoute::is_visual_editor_iframe()) {
         $block_data_attrs = implode(' ', array('data-id="' . str_replace('block-', '', $original_block_id) . '"', 'data-block-mirror="' . (isset($mirrored_block) ? $mirrored_block['id'] : '') . '"', 'data-block-mirror-layout-name="' . (isset($mirrored_block) ? HeadwayLayout::get_name($mirrored_block['layout']) : '') . '"', 'data-grid-left="' . $original_block['position']['left'] . '"', 'data-grid-top="' . $original_block['position']['top'] . '"', 'data-width="' . $original_block['dimensions']['width'] . '"', 'data-height="' . $original_block['dimensions']['height'] . '"', 'data-alias="' . headway_get('alias', headway_get('settings', $original_block, array())) . '"'));
     } else {
         $block_data_attrs = null;
     //The grid will display blocks entirely differently and not use hooks.
     if ($where != 'grid') {
         do_action('headway_before_block', $block);
         do_action('headway_before_block_' . $block['id'], $block);
         echo '<' . $block_tag . ' id="block-' . $block_id_for_id_attr . '" class="' . implode(' ', array_filter(apply_filters('headway_block_class', $block_classes, $block))) . '"' . $block_style_attr . $block_data_attrs . '>';
         do_action('headway_block_open', $block);
         do_action('headway_block_open_' . $block['id'], $block);
         echo '<div class="block-content">';
         do_action('headway_block_content_open', $block);
         do_action('headway_block_content_open_' . $block['id'], $block);
         do_action('headway_block_content_' . $block['type'], $block);
         do_action('headway_block_content_close', $block);
         do_action('headway_block_content_close_' . $block['id'], $block);
         echo '</div><!-- .block-content -->' . "\n";
         do_action('headway_block_close', $block);
         do_action('headway_block_close_' . $block['id'], $block);
         echo '</' . $block_tag . '><!-- #block-' . $block_id_for_id_attr . ' -->' . "\n";
         do_action('headway_after_block', $block);
         do_action('headway_after_block_' . $block['id'], $block);
         //Show the block in the grid
     } else {
         $show_content_in_grid = self::block_type_exists($block['type']) ? headway_get('show-content-in-grid', $block_type_settings, false) : false;
         if (!$show_content_in_grid) {
             $block_classes[] = 'hide-content-in-grid';
         if (!self::block_type_exists($block['type'])) {
             $block_classes[] = 'block-error';
         echo '<' . $block_tag . ' id="block-' . $block_id_for_id_attr . '" class="' . implode(' ', array_filter($block_classes)) . '"' . $block_style_attr . $block_data_attrs . '>';
         echo '<div class="block-content-fade block-content">';
         if (!self::block_type_exists($block['type'])) {
         } else {
             if (!$show_content_in_grid) {
                 echo '<p class="hide-content-in-grid-notice"><strong>Notice:</strong> <em>' . self::block_type_nice($block['type']) . '</em> blocks do not display in the Grid Mode.  Please switch to the Design mode to see the content in this block.</p>';
         echo '</div><!-- .block-content-fade -->' . "\n";
         echo '</' . $block_tag . '><!-- #block-' . $block_id_for_id_attr . ' -->' . "\n";
     //Spit the ID back out
     return $block['id'];
コード例 #6
ファイル: display.php プロジェクト: danaiser/hollandLawns
    public static function block_type_selector()
        $block_types = HeadwayBlocks::get_block_types();
        echo "\n" . '<div class="block-type-selector block-type-selector-original" style="display: none;">' . "\n";
        foreach ($block_types as $block_type_id => $block_type) {
            echo '
						<div id="block-type-' . $block_type_id . '" class="block-type" title="' . $block_type['description'] . '">
							<h4 style="background-image: url(' . $block_type['url'] . '/icon.png);">' . $block_type['name'] . '</h4>

							<div class="block-type-description">
								<p>' . $block_type['description'] . '</p>
        echo '</div><!-- div.block-type-selector -->' . "\n\n";
コード例 #7
 public function render_grid()
     echo '<div class="grid-container clearfix">' . "\n";
     do_action('headway_grid_container_open', $this->wrapper);
     foreach ($this->finalized_layout as $row_index => $row) {
         echo '<section class="' . implode(' ', array_unique(array_filter($row['classes']))) . '">' . "\n";
         do_action('headway_block_row_open', $this->wrapper);
         foreach ($row['columns'] as $column_index => $column) {
             echo '<section class="' . implode(' ', array_unique(array_filter($column['classes']))) . '">' . "\n";
             do_action('headway_block_column_open', $this->wrapper);
             foreach ($column['contents'] as $index => $block_or_sub_column) {
                 if (headway_get('type', $block_or_sub_column) == 'block') {
                     HeadwayBlocks::display_block(headway_get('block', $block_or_sub_column), 'grid-renderer');
                 } elseif (headway_get('type', $block_or_sub_column) == 'sub-column') {
                     echo '<section class="' . implode(' ', array_unique(array_filter($block_or_sub_column['classes']))) . '">';
                     do_action('headway_block_sub_column_open', $this->wrapper);
                     foreach ($block_or_sub_column['blocks'] as $sub_block) {
                         HeadwayBlocks::display_block($sub_block, 'grid-renderer');
                     do_action('headway_block_sub_column_column', $this->wrapper);
                     echo '</section><!-- .sub-column -->';
             do_action('headway_block_column_close', $this->wrapper);
             echo '</section><!-- .column -->';
         do_action('headway_block_row_close', $this->wrapper);
         echo '</section><!-- .row -->' . "\n\n";
     do_action('headway_grid_container_close', $this->wrapper);
     echo '</div><!-- .grid-container -->' . "\n\n";
コード例 #8
 public static function method_clear_cache()
     if (HeadwayCompiler::flush_cache(true) && HeadwayBlocks::clear_block_actions_cache()) {
         echo 'success';
     } else {
         echo 'failure';