/** * @param array $new_data * @param array $old_data * @return array */ function validate($new_data, $old_data) { $options = wp_parse_args($new_data, $old_data); foreach (array('style', 'num_pages', 'num_larger_page_numbers', 'larger_page_numbers_multiple') as $key) { $options[$key] = absint(@$options[$key]); } foreach (array('use_pagenavi_css', 'always_show') as $key) { $options[$key] = intval(@$options[$key]); } HW_SKIN::save_enqueue_skin(array('type' => 'resume_skin', 'skin' => $options['hw_skin'], 'object' => 'pagenavi', 'status' => 1)); return $options; }
/** * The pre-defined validation callback method. * * The following hooks are available: * - validation_{instantiated class name}_{field id} – [3.0.0+] receives the form submission value of the field that does not have a section. The first parameter: ( string|array ) submitted input value. The second parameter: ( string|array ) the old value stored in the database. * - validation_{instantiated class name}_{section_id}_{field id} – [3.0.0+] receives the form submission value of the field that has a section. The first parameter: ( string|array ) submitted input value. The second parameter: ( string|array ) the old value stored in the database. * - validation_{instantiated class name}_{section id} – [3.0.0+] receives the form submission values that belongs to the section.. The first parameter: ( array ) the array of submitted input values that belong to the section. The second parameter: ( array ) the array of the old values stored in the database. * - validation_{page slug}_{tab slug} – receives the form submission values as array. The first parameter: submitted input array. The second parameter: the original array stored in the database. * - validation_{page slug} – receives the form submission values as array. The first parameter: submitted input array. The second parameter: the original array stored in the database. * - validation_{instantiated class name} – receives the form submission values as array. The first parameter: submitted input array. The second parameter: the original array stored in the database. */ public function validation_HW_Livechat_settings($aInput, $aOldInput) { if (isset($aInput['chat_skin']['skin_options'])) { //make sure exists current skin $options = $aInput['chat_skin']['skin_options']; //user skin options //resume hw_skin if (isset($aInput['chat_skin']['hash_skin']) && isset($aInput['chat_skin']['hwskin_config'])) { $skin = APF_hw_skin_Selector_hwskin::resume_hwskin_instance($aInput['chat_skin']); // if ($skin && isset($aInput['chat_skin']['hash_skin'])) { $hash_skin = $aInput['chat_skin']['hash_skin']; //current active skin $skin_setting_file = $skin->instance->get_file_skin_setting($hash_skin); //current skin setting $skin_options = $skin->instance->get_file_skin_options(); //current skin options if (file_exists($skin_setting_file)) { include $skin_setting_file; } if (file_exists($skin_options)) { include $skin_options; } if (isset($theme) && isset($theme['options'])) { $default_options = $theme['options']; } else { $default_options = array(); } if (isset($theme_options)) { $options = HW_SKIN::merge_skin_options_values($options, $default_options, $theme_options); //__save_session('y2',$options); /*$_SESSION['y3']=$skin_setting; $_SESSION['y4']=$default_options;*/ } } } //get demo live chat embed code if (isset($options['enable_demo_chat']) && strtolower($options['enable_demo_chat']) == 'on' && isset($options['demo_embedcode'])) { $aInput['chat_embed_code'] = $options['demo_embedcode']; //clear enable_demo_chat option to able to update 'enable_demo_chat' skin option in next time unset($aInput['chat_skin']['skin_options']['enable_demo_chat']); } } //save current skin for enqueue if (!empty($aInput['chat_skin'])) { HW_SKIN::save_enqueue_skin(array('type' => 'resume_skin', 'skin' => $aInput['chat_skin'], 'object' => 'livechat', 'status' => $aInput['enable_livechat'])); } return $aInput; }