コード例 #1
 public function index()
     # Log out a user
     # Redirect back to home page
     header('Location: ' . SITE_URL);
コード例 #2
 public function __construct($objId = null, $action = null, $NotificationId = null, $autoSave = true)
     # We call super, because there are some essential steps that need to be performed
     # before we start (also this is used when retrieving an existing Object from DB)
     # If we want to create a new Notification
     if ($objId) {
         $this->Controller = "notes";
         $this->CreatorUserId = HTTPSession::getInstance()->GetUserID();
         $this->ObjectId = $objId;
         $this->ObjectType = "Note";
         $this->ProjectId = HTTPSession::getInstance()->PROJECT_ID;
         $this->Action = $action;
         # We have just set the values above, however unless we use set methods, DataBoundObject
         # won't recognize these as modified, therefore we have to add them to modified relations table
         $this->arModifiedRelations['Controller'] = "1";
         $this->arModifiedRelations['CreatorUserId'] = "1";
         $this->arModifiedRelations['ObjectId'] = "1";
         $this->arModifiedRelations['ObjectType'] = "1";
         $this->arModifiedRelations['ProjectId'] = "1";
         $this->arModifiedRelations['Action'] = "1";
         # Save the notification
         if ($autoSave) {
コード例 #3
  * A method to check whether a user is allowed to remove a notification
  * In particular, if it's the student who created the notification, only a supervisor can
  * remove it from the list (it is necessary for the supervisor to see every student action)
  * @param Notification $notif the notification object
 private function checkAuthCreatedByStudent(Notification $notif)
     # If it's the student who created the notification, only a supervisor can
     # remove it from the list (it is necessary for the supervisor to see every student action)
     $creatorUserType = $this->model('User', $notif->getCreatorUserId())->getType();
     if ($creatorUserType == User::USER_TYPE_STUDENT && HTTPSession::getInstance()->USER_TYPE != User::USER_TYPE_SUPERVISOR) {
         header('Location: ' . SITE_URL . 'notifications');
コード例 #4
 public function index($id = null)
     # If we have ID provided, we have to switch to a different project
     if (is_numeric($id)) {
         # Switch by changing PROJECT_ID session
         HTTPSession::getInstance()->PROJECT_ID = $id;
     # Redirect back to homepage
     header('Location: ' . SITE_URL);
コード例 #5
  * Checks whether an object (this can be ActionPoint, Note, ...) a user is trying to display/edit/remove
  * has the same projectId associated with it as the one stored in the current logged in session
  * @param $objectProjectId int the ID of the associated project
  * @return true if user has access
 protected function checkAuthProjectScope($objectProjectId)
     if ($objectProjectId != HTTPSession::getInstance()->PROJECT_ID) {
         # Redirect to the warning page
         header('Location: ' . SITE_URL . 'accessDenied');
         # Do not continue to execute code
     } else {
         return true;
コード例 #6
ファイル: User.php プロジェクト: jilgue/ownWebAppServices
 static function stLogin($userName, $password)
     $password = sha1($password);
     $filters = array("userName" => array($userName));
     $user = UserSearch::stVirtualConstructor(array("filters" => $filters, "limit" => 1))->getResult();
     if (!$user) {
         LogsErrors::stCreate(array("errorCode" => User::ERROR_CODE_USER_NOT_EXISTS, "param" => "userName", "value" => $userName));
         return false;
     if ($user["password"] != $password) {
         LogsErrors::stCreate(array("errorCode" => User::ERROR_CODE_PASSWORD_NOT_MATCH, "param" => "password"));
         return false;
     $token = sha1($password . time());
     if (!HTTPSession::stCreate(array("userName" => $userName, "password" => $password, "token" => $token))) {
         return false;
     return array("token" => $token);
コード例 #7
  * A method to return note objects from database
  * @param null $meeting filter by a specific meeting
  * @param bool $agenda if it should be agenda notes returned
  * @return array the note objects
 public static function getNotes($meeting = null, $agenda = false)
     # Get database connection
     $objPDO = PDOFactory::get();
     # Get project ID from session
     $projectId = HTTPSession::getInstance()->PROJECT_ID;
     # Get user ID from session
     $userID = HTTPSession::getInstance()->getUserId();
     # If notes for specific meeting are requested
     if ($meeting) {
         $meeting = " AND meeting_id = " . $meeting;
     } else {
         $meeting = "";
     # If notes for agenda are requested
     if ($agenda) {
         $agenda = " AND is_agenda = 1";
     } else {
         $agenda = " AND is_agenda = 0";
     # Get all notes associated with a given project with the following condition:
     # – Apart from notes that are private AND associated with a different user than logged in
     $strQuery = "SELECT id FROM Note WHERE project_id = :project_id AND NOT (user_id != :user_id AND is_private = 1) AND is_deleted = 0 " . $meeting . $agenda . " ORDER BY datetime_created DESC";
     $objStatement = $objPDO->prepare($strQuery);
     $objStatement->bindValue(':project_id', $projectId, PDO::PARAM_INT);
     $objStatement->bindValue(':user_id', $userID, PDO::PARAM_INT);
     # Define empty array
     $myArr = array();
     # Add all notes to an array
     if ($result = $objStatement->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
         foreach ($result as $row) {
             $myArr[$row["id"]] = new Note($row["id"]);
     # Return the note objects
     return $myArr;
コード例 #8
  * A method to process POST request for logging in
  * @param null $post the $_POST array
 public function loginPost($post)
     # Get the values
     $user = $post['user'];
     $pass = $post['pass'];
     # Try to log in the user with provided values
     $loggedIn = HTTPSession::getInstance()->Login($user, $pass);
     # If successfully logged in, set following variables and redirect to the index
     if ($loggedIn) {
         # Get user
         $user = HTTPSession::getInstance()->GetUserObject();
         # Set project id session
         HTTPSession::getInstance()->PROJECT_ID = $user->getProjectId();
         # Set user type session (authorization purposes)
         HTTPSession::getInstance()->USER_TYPE = $user->getType();
         # Set username session
         HTTPSession::getInstance()->USERNAME = $user->getUsername();
         # Redirect to index
         header('Location: ' . SITE_URL);
     } else {
         header('Location: ' . SITE_URL . 'login/error');
コード例 #9
  * Check ID against the logged in user if the user is authorized to view/edit the Note
  * - only user that created the note can edit it
  * - private notes are visible only to user who creates them
  * - notes are visible only within a scope of a project
  * @param $noteUserId
  * @param $noteProjectId
 private function checkAuth($noteUserId, $noteProjectId)
     if ($noteUserId != HTTPSession::getInstance()->GetUserID() || $noteProjectId != HTTPSession::getInstance()->PROJECT_ID) {
         # Redirect back to notes if user is not authorized
         header('Location: ' . SITE_URL . 'notes');
         # Do not continue to execute code
コード例 #10
  * A method to return the email associated with the google account
  * @return String the user email
 public function getUserEmail()
     # Get ID token from session
     $idToken = json_decode(HTTPSession::getInstance()->ACCESS_TOKEN)->{'id_token'};
     # Get user payload
     $payload = $this->client->verifyIdToken($idToken)->getAttributes()['payload'];
     # And email from it
     $email = $payload['email'];
     return $email;
コード例 #11
 protected function checkAuthStudentAfterApproval($actionPointSentForApproval)
     # If it has been sent for approval and a user is a student, then the student
     # is not able to access it
     if ($actionPointSentForApproval && HTTPSession::getInstance()->USER_TYPE == User::USER_TYPE_STUDENT) {
         header('Location: ' . SITE_URL . 'actionpoints');
         # Do not execute code any longer
     } else {
         return true;
コード例 #12

    <div class="large-4 columns right">
        <!-- Display options based on action that has been done on the object -->
switch ($notification->getAction()) {
    case NotificationMeeting::ADDED:
    case NotificationMeeting::CANCELLED:
                <!-- Display Edit and Approve only if the meeting is not cancelled and removed -->
        if (!$notification->getObject()->getIsCancelled() && !$notification->getObject()->getIsDeleted()) {
                    <!-- Display the options only for a supervisor -->
            if (!HTTPSession::getInstance()->USER_TYPE == User::USER_TYPE_STUDENT) {
                        <!-- Display edit and approve only if it hasn't been approved -->
                if (!$notification->getObject()->getIsApproved()) {
                            <a href="<?php 
                    echo SITE_URL . $notification->getController() . "/edit/" . $notification->getObjectId();
" class="button small top-10 right">Edit</a>
                            <a href="<?php 
                    echo SITE_URL . $notification->getController() . "/approve/" . $notification->getObjectId();
" class="button success small top-10 right">Approve</a>
                        <!-- Otherwise display only edit if it was approved -->
コード例 #13
# Define site URL constant, which is further used in controllers
define('SITE_URL', $config->{'site_url'});
# Set time zone
# Include essential classes
require_once 'core/DatetimeConverter.php';
require_once 'core/App.php';
require_once 'core/Controller.php';
require_once 'core/GoogleAuth.php';
require_once 'models/DataBoundObject.php';
require_once 'models/ProjectFactory.php';
require_once 'models/HTTPSession.php';
require_once 'models/Notification.php';
require_once 'models/NotificationAP.php';
require_once 'models/NotificationMeeting.php';
require_once 'models/NotificationNote.php';
# Start a more secure session
$objSession = HTTPSession::getInstance();
# Update the inactivity time on every reload of the page
# Start up a GoogleAuth
# TODO: This must be commented out for ssms.emilc.cz, because there's wrong redirect_uri
# Check if user is NOT logged in
if (!$objSession->IsLoggedIn()) {
    # Redirect to login page only if we're not already on login page
    # otherwise we would get a redirect loop
    if (isset($_GET['url']) && !(strpos($_GET['url'], 'login') !== false)) {
        header("Location: " . SITE_URL . "login");
コード例 #14
    if (HTTPSession::getInstance()->USER_TYPE == User::USER_TYPE_SUPERVISOR && !$data['id']->getIsApproved() && $data['id']->getIsDone()) {
                <div class="large-12 columns">
                    <input name="isDone" id="checkbox1" type="checkbox" <?php 
        if ($data['id']->getIsDone()) {
            echo "checked";
><label for="checkbox1">Is this action point done?</label>

    if (HTTPSession::getInstance()->USER_TYPE == User::USER_TYPE_SUPERVISOR && !$data['id']->getIsApproved()) {
                    <!-- If we're logged in as a supervisor and the changes hasn't been approved yet
                         TODO: Do I need this? It will be approved automatically since it's the supervisor who's approving it -->
                    <!--<div class="large-12 columns">
                        <input name="isApproved" id="checkboxApproved" type="checkbox" <?php 
        if ($data['id']->getIsApproved()) {
            echo "checked";
><label for="checkboxApproved">Approve changes</label>
                <div class="large-12 columns top-10">
コード例 #15
            <span class="label alert round">deleted</span>

    <div class="large-4 columns right">
        <!-- Display options based on action that has been done on the object -->
switch ($notification->getAction()) {
    case NotificationAP::SENT_FOR_APPROVAL:
    case NotificationAP::DONE:

        if ((!$notification->getObject()->getIsApproved() || $notification->getObject()->getIsApproved() && !$notification->getObject()->getIsDone()) && HTTPSession::getInstance()->USER_TYPE == User::USER_TYPE_SUPERVISOR) {
            if (!$notification->getObject()->getIsApproved()) {
                        <a href="<?php 
                echo SITE_URL . $notification->getController() . "/approve/" . $notification->getObjectId();
" class="button success small top-10 right">Approve</a>
                    <a href="<?php 
            echo SITE_URL . $notification->getController() . "/edit/" . $notification->getObjectId();
" class="button small top-10 right">Edit</a>
コード例 #16
  * A method to check if user is allowed to perform certain actions on meeting
  * No access if:
  * 1. User is a student and a meeting has been approved
  * 2. Meeting has taken place
  * @param Meeting $meeting the meeting object
  * @return bool true if allowed
 protected function checkAuthIsApproved($meeting)
     # No access if:
     # 1. User is a student and a meeting has been approved
     # 2. Meeting has taken place
     if ($meeting->getIsApproved() && HTTPSession::getInstance()->USER_TYPE == User::USER_TYPE_STUDENT || $meeting->getTakenPlace()) {
         header('Location: ' . SITE_URL . 'meetings');
         # Do not execute code any longer
     } else {
         return true;
コード例 #17
  * A method to return action points' counts for RAG algorithm purposes
  * @param int $factor what kind of count should be returned
  * @return int the count
 public static function getActionPointsCount($factor)
     # Get database connection
     $objPDO = PDOFactory::get();
     # Get project ID from session
     $projectId = HTTPSession::getInstance()->PROJECT_ID;
     # Beginning of the select statement
     $select = "COUNT(id) AS ap_count";
     # Decide what count to get from DB
     switch ($factor) {
         case RedAmberGreen::TO_BE_DONE:
             $factor = " AND is_done = 0";
         case RedAmberGreen::RUNNING_OVER_DEADLINE:
             $factor = " AND is_done = 0 AND deadline < NOW()";
         case RedAmberGreen::FINISHED:
             $factor = " AND is_done = 1";
         case RedAmberGreen::FINISHED_AFTER_DEADLINE:
             $factor = " AND is_done = 1 AND deadline < datetime_done";
         case RedAmberGreen::AVG_GRADE:
             $factor = " AND is_done = 1 AND grade <> 0";
             $select = "TRUNCATE(AVG(grade),1) AS ap_count";
             $factor = "";
     # Get a certain number of action points
     $strQuery = "SELECT " . $select . " FROM ActionPoint WHERE project_id = :project_id AND is_approved = 1" . $factor . " AND is_deleted = 0";
     $objStatement = $objPDO->prepare($strQuery);
     $objStatement->bindValue(':project_id', $projectId, PDO::PARAM_INT);
     # Return the value
     $result = $objStatement->fetch()['ap_count'];
     # Return the count
     if ($result) {
         return $result;
     } else {
         return 0;
コード例 #18
<div class="note-wrapper large-12 columns">

    <!-- If it's agenda, we want to go back to agenda, not to notes -->
$agenda = $data['note']->getIsAgenda() ? "agenda" : "notes";

    <a href="<?php 
echo SITE_URL;
echo $agenda;
" class="button small info">&larr;</a>

if (HTTPSession::getInstance()->GetUserID() == $data['note']->getUserId()) {
    <!-- Display option for editing and removing only for the creator of the note -->
        <!-- If it's agenda, we have to add /agenda to the url -->
    $agenda = $data['note']->getIsAgenda() ? "/agenda" : "";
        <a href="<?php 
    echo SITE_URL;
    echo $data['note']->getID();
    echo $agenda;
" class="fa fa-edit button small"></a>
        <a href="<?php 
    echo SITE_URL;
コード例 #19
  * A method to logout a user
  * @return bool
 public function LogOut()
     # If user is logged in
     if ($this->logged_in == true) {
         # Update the session accordingly
         $strQuery = "UPDATE http_session SET logged_in = 0, user_id = 0 WHERE id = " . $this->native_session_id;
         $objStatement = $this->objPDO->prepare($strQuery);
         # In case it was a google sign in
         if (!empty(GoogleAuth::$auth)) {
             # Unset access token
             HTTPSession::getInstance()->ACCESS_TOKEN = null;
         # Update instance variables
         $this->logged_in = false;
         $this->user_id = 0;
         return true;
     } else {
         return false;
コード例 #20
><label for="checkbox0">Should this meeting repeat?</label>

                <div class="large-12 columns">
                    <label>Choose repeat until date:
                        <input name="repeatUntil" placeholder="Choose date" type="text" id="dp2" value="<?php 
    echo $data['id']->getIsRepeating() ? $data['datetime']['dateRepeatUntil'] : "";


    if (HTTPSession::getInstance()->USER_TYPE == User::USER_TYPE_SUPERVISOR) {
                    <!-- If we're logged in as a supervisor -->
                    <!--<div class="large-12 columns">
                        <input name="isApproved" id="checkbox1" type="checkbox" <?php 
        echo $data['id']->getIsApproved() ? "checked" : "";
><label for="checkbox1">Is this meeting approved?</label>

                    <!-- Display only if the meeting was in the past -->
        $thisMeetingDatetime = DateTime::createFromFormat('Y-m-d H:i:s', $data['id']->getDatetime());
        $timeNow = new DateTime();
コード例 #21
                <li><a data-dropdown="drop-project" data-options="align:right" aria-controls="drop-project" aria-expanded="false"><i class="fa fa-info-circle"></i></a></li>

if (HTTPSession::getInstance()->IsLoggedIn()) {
            <div id="drop-project" data-dropdown-content class="f-dropdown content small" aria-hidden="true" tabindex="-1">
                <h5>Project information</h5>
    echo $data['project']->getName();
    echo $data['project']->getDescription();
    foreach ($data['projectUsers'] as $user) {
コード例 #22
  * A method to return meetings' counts for RAG algorithm purposes
  * @param int $factor what kind of count should be returned
  * @return int the count
 public static function getMeetingsCount($factor)
     # Get database connection
     $objPDO = PDOFactory::get();
     # Get project ID from session
     $projectId = HTTPSession::getInstance()->PROJECT_ID;
     $select = "COUNT(id) AS m_count";
     # Decide what count to get from DB
     switch ($factor) {
         case RedAmberGreen::TAKEN_PLACE:
             $factor = " AND taken_place = 1";
         case RedAmberGreen::STUDENT_ARRIVED_ON_TIME:
             $factor = " AND taken_place = 1 AND arrived_on_time = 1";
         case RedAmberGreen::CANCELLED:
             $factor = " AND is_cancelled = 1";
         case RedAmberGreen::NO_SHOW:
             $factor = " AND datetime < NOW() AND taken_place = 0 AND is_cancelled = 0";
             # Cancelled can be in the future and we want to include it in the total
         # Cancelled can be in the future and we want to include it in the total
         case RedAmberGreen::M_TOTAL:
             $factor = " AND (datetime < NOW() OR is_cancelled = 1)";
             $factor = "";
     # Get a certain number of meetings
     $strQuery = "SELECT " . $select . " FROM Meeting WHERE project_id = :project_id AND is_approved = 1" . $factor . " AND is_deleted = 0";
     $objStatement = $objPDO->prepare($strQuery);
     $objStatement->bindValue(':project_id', $projectId, PDO::PARAM_INT);
     # Return the value
     return $objStatement->fetch()['m_count'];