public function build() { $oHeader = new HTTPHeader(); $oHeader->setResponse('Content-Type', 'application/xml'); echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>'; echo '<response><error><![CDATA[' . $this->sMessage . ']]></error></response>'; }
private function displayImage(File $oImageFile) { $oHeader = new HTTPHeader(); if (!$oHeader->isModifiedSince($oImageFile->lastModified())) { $oHeader->setResponseCode(304); } else { $oHeader->setResponse('Content-Type', 'image/png'); $oImageFile->readStdOut(); } }
public function run() { try { // load config $oProxyConfig = FileConfig::getInstance('xmlproxy.cfg'); $oCommonConfig = FileConfig::getInstance('common.cfg'); // load config vars $iCacheLifetime = $oCommonConfig->getInteger('cache.lifetime', 600); $sCacheDir = $oCommonConfig->getString('cache.dir', 'cache'); $iDownloaderTimeout = $oCommonConfig->getInteger('downloader.timeout', 10); $bXMLHttpRequestOnly = $oProxyConfig->getBoolean('proxy.check_header', true); $oHeader = new HTTPHeader(); // response to XMLHttpRequest only if ($bXMLHttpRequestOnly && !$oHeader->isXMLHttpRequest()) { $oHeader->setResponseCode(204); return; } // get profile URL $sXmlUrl = $this->getProfileUrl(); // init cache $oXmlCache = new Cache($sCacheDir, $iCacheLifetime, 'xml'); $oXmlFile = $oXmlCache->getFile($sXmlUrl); // do we have a cached version of the xml document? if (!$oXmlFile->isCached()) { try { // initialize the downloader $oProfileLoader = new SteamProfileLoader($sXmlUrl, SteamProfileApp::getUserAgent(), 'Ajax'); $oProfileLoader->setTimeout($iDownloaderTimeout); $oProfileLoader->setTrimExtra(true); $oProfileLoader->setFilterCtlChars(true); $sXml = ''; try { // try to download the XML file $sXml = $oProfileLoader->start(); } catch (Exception $e) { // didn't work, close cURL handle $oProfileLoader->close(); throw $e; } // close cURL handle $oProfileLoader->close(); // kill invalid characters $sXml = mb_convert_encoding($sXml, "UTF-8", "UTF-8"); // save document to cache $oXmlFile->writeString($sXml); // clear stat cache to ensure that the rest of the // script will notice the file modification clearstatcache(); } catch (Exception $e) { // downloading failed, but maybe we can redirect to the old file if (!$oXmlFile->exists()) { // no, we can't throw $e; } } } // use client cache, if possible if (!$oHeader->isModifiedSince($oXmlFile->lastModified())) { $oHeader->setResponseCode(304); return; } else { $oHeader->setResponse('Content-Type', 'application/xml'); $oXmlFile->readStdOut(); } } catch (Exception $e) { // print XML-formatted error $oError = new XMLError($e); $oError->build(); } }