public function getHTML($small = false) { global $install, $sql; include_once "HTML/Template/Flexy.php"; $config = new Configuracion($sql); $this->data->TITLE = $config->get("Nombre del Sitio"); $map = $config->get("Coordenadas del Mapa"); $marker = $config->get("Coordenadas del Marcador"); if ($map) { $map = split(",", $map); $this->data->MAP = "<script>\nvar lat = " . $map[0] . ";\nvar lon = " . $map[1] . ";\n</script>"; } if ($marker) { $marker = split(",", $marker); $this->data->MARKER = "<script>\nvar latMarker = " . $marker[0] . ";\nvar lonMarker = " . $marker[1] . ";\n</script>"; } $options = array('compileDir' => $install . '/tmp', 'templateDir' => $install . '/template'); if ($small) { $template = "content.small.html"; } else { $template = $this->data->data["TEMPLATECON"]; $cursor = $sql->readDB("TEMPLATE", "ID______TEM={$template}"); $res = $cursor->fetch_assoc(); $template = $res["FILE____TEM"]; } $output = new HTML_Template_Flexy($options); $output->compile($template); return $output->bufferedOutputObject($this->data); }
/** * テンプレートの設定 * @param $templateName * @access private */ protected function setVariables($templateName, $obj) { // Hidden値の設定 // Flexyを生成する前に $this->_hidden に値を代入しておく // Flexyから $this->_hidden が利用される $hidden = Container::getInstance()->getComponent('Laiz_Action_Component_Hidden'); if ($hidden instanceof Laiz_Action_Component_Hidden) { foreach ($hidden->getHiddens() as $key => $value) { if (is_array($value)) { foreach ($value as $hiddenName => $hiddenValue) { $this->setHidden($key, $hiddenName, $hiddenValue); } } } } $options = array('templateDir' => $this->TEMPLATE_DIR, 'multiSource' => true, 'compileDir' => $this->FLEXY_COMPILE_DIR, 'numberFormat' => ', 0', 'forceCompile' => $this->FLEXY_FORCE_COMPILE); // ユーザ独自の設定 if ($this->_flexyOptions) { $options = array_merge($options, $this->_flexyOptions); } $rep = error_reporting(); error_reporting($rep & E_ALL); // PEARの関係上Strictエラーを除外する $this->flexy = new Fly_Flexy($options); // Hidden値の設定 //$this->flexy->setHiddens($this->_hiddens); $this->flexy->compile($templateName); $this->_elements = $this->flexy->getElements(); error_reporting($rep); $this->_setVariables($obj); $this->_obj = $obj; }
function compileAll($options, $files = array()) { // loop through $dh = opendir(dirname(__FILE__) . '/templates/'); while (false !== ($file = readdir($dh))) { if ($file[0] == '.') { continue; } if (is_dir(dirname(__FILE__) . '/templates/' . $file)) { continue; } // skip if not listed in files (and it's an array) if ($files && !in_array($file, $files)) { continue; } $x = new HTML_Template_Flexy($options); echo "compile {$file} \n"; $res = $x->compile($file); if ($res !== true) { echo "Compile failure: " . $res->toString() . "\n"; } } }
function compilefile($file, $data = array(), $options = array(), $elements = array()) { $options = $options + array('templateDir' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/templates', 'forceCompile' => true, 'fatalError' => HTML_TEMPLATE_FLEXY_ERROR_RETURN, 'url_rewrite' => 'images/:/myproject/images/', 'compileDir' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/results1'); // basic options.. echo "\n\n===Compiling {$file}===\n\n"; $options['compileDir'] = dirname(__FILE__) . '/results1'; $x = new HTML_Template_Flexy($options); $res = $x->compile($file); if ($res !== true) { echo "===Compile failure==\n" . $res->toString() . "\n"; return; } echo "\n\n===Compiled file: {$file}===\n"; echo file_get_contents($x->compiledTemplate); if (!empty($options['show_elements'])) { print_r($x->getElements()); } if (!empty($options['show_words'])) { print_r(unserialize(file_get_contents($x->gettextStringsFile))); } echo "\n\n===With data file: {$file}===\n"; $data = (object) $data; $x->outputObject($data, $elements); }
function outputBody() { if ($this->timer) { $this->timer->setMarker(__CLASS__ . '::outputBody - start'); } $ff = HTML_FlexyFramework::get(); $proj = $ff->project; // DB_DataObject::debugLevel(1); $m = DB_DAtaObject::factory('Builder_modules'); $m->get('name', $proj); //var_dump($m->path);exit; // needs to modify the template directory?? // use the builder_module == app name // look for part with same name. if (empty($ff->Pman_Builder['from_filesystem'])) { $template_engine = new HTML_Template_Flexy(array('templateDir' => $m->path)); } else { $template_engine = new HTML_Template_Flexy(); } $template_engine->debug = 1; //print_R($template_engine); $template_engine->compile($this->template); if ($this->elements) { /* BC crap! */ $this->elements = HTML_Template_Flexy_Factory::setErrors($this->elements, $this->errors); } $template_engine->elements = $this->elements; if ($this->timer) { $this->timer->setMarker(__CLASS__ . '::outputBody - render template'); } //DB_DataObject::debugLevel(1); $template_engine->outputObject($this, $this->elements); if ($this->timer) { $this->timer->setMarker(__CLASS__ . '::outputBody - end'); } }
$appendName = ""; if (isset($_REQUEST['estado'])) { if ($_REQUEST['estado'] != 0) { $appendName .= "[" . $tpl->ESTADOS[$_REQUEST['estado']]['label'] . "]"; } } if (isset($_REQUEST['local'])) { if ($_REQUEST['local'] != 0) { $appendName .= "[" . $tpl->LOCALES[$_REQUEST['local']]['label'] . "]"; } } $doc->getActiveSheet()->fromArray($xls, null, 'A1'); $doc->getActiveSheet()->getStyle('I1:I100')->getNumberFormat()->setFormatCode('[green]$#,##0;[red]$#,##0'); $doc->getActiveSheet()->getStyle('D1:D100')->getNumberFormat()->setFormatCode('$#,##0'); foreach (range('A', 'I') as $columnID) { $doc->getActiveSheet()->getColumnDimension($columnID)->setAutoSize(true); } $doc->getActiveSheet()->freezePane("B2"); header('Content-Type: application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment;filename="ventas-' . date("d/m/Y") . $appendName . '.xls"'); header('Cache-Control: max-age=0'); // Do your stuff here $writer = PHPExcel_IOFactory::createWriter($doc, 'Excel5'); $writer->save('php://output'); exit; } $options = array('compileDir' => './tmp', 'templateDir' => './templates'); $output = new HTML_Template_Flexy($options); $output->compile("ventas.html"); $tpl->CONTENT = $output->bufferedOutputObject($tpl); include_once "container.php";
/** * output the default template with the editing facilities. * * @return none * @access public */ function outputDefaultTemplate() { $o = array('compileDir' => ini_get('session.save_path') . '/HTML_Template_Flexy_Translate', 'templateDir' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/templates'); $x = new HTML_Template_Flexy($o); $x->compile('translator.html'); $x->outputObject($this); }
if ($cursor && $cursor->num_rows > 0) { while ($row = $cursor->fetch_assoc()) { $result[$row['LOCAL']][$row['FECHA']] = (int) $row['TOTAL']; } } $tmp = array(); foreach ($result as $k => $v) { foreach ($v as $kk => $vv) { $tmp[$kk][$k] = $vv; } } foreach ($tmp as $k => $v) { $row = array($k); foreach ($v as $kk => $vv) { for ($i = 1; $i < count($val[0]); $i++) { $row[$i] = 0; if ($kk == $val[0][$i]) { $row[$i] = (int) $vv; } } } $val[] = $row; } //print_r($val);exit; $tpl->variablesJavascript .= "var ventas = eval('(" . json_encode($val) . ")');\n"; $tpl->variablesJavascript .= "</script>"; $options = array('compileDir' => './tmp', 'templateDir' => './templates'); $output = new HTML_Template_Flexy($options); $output->compile("local.html"); $tpl->CONTENT = $output->bufferedOutputObject($tpl); include_once "container.php";
$cursor = $sql->readDB("CONTENIDO", "ESTADO__CON='A'"); while ($row = $cursor->fetch_assoc()) { if (url_slug($row['TITULO__CON']) == substr($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 1)) { $error = false; } if ("contenido=" . $row["ID______CON"] == substr($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 1)) { $error = false; } } $cursor = $sql->readDB("CATEGORIA"); while ($row = $cursor->fetch_assoc()) { if (url_slug($row['NOMBRE__CAT']) == substr($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 1)) { $error = false; } } if (!$error) { Header("HTTP/1.0 200 OK"); $_REQUEST['bufferedHTML'] = true; $_REQUEST['what'] = substr($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 1); include_once "getContent.php"; $content = $retval['html']; $content .= "<script>var error = true; var passedURL = '" . substr($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 1) . "';</script>"; include_once "container.php"; exit; } $options = array('templateDir' => $install . "/template", 'compileDir' => $install . "/tmp"); $object = new HTML_Template_Flexy($options); $object->compile("error.html"); $content = $object->bufferedOutputObject($tpl); $content .= "<script>var error = true; var passedURL = 'home';</script>"; include_once "container.php";
<?php $tpl = new stdClass(); include_once "common.php"; require_once "HTML/Template/Flexy.php"; include_once "sesion.php"; $table = "RESERVA"; $tpl->variablesJavascript = "<script type='text/javascript'>"; $local = $_SESSION['local']; $tpl->variablesJavascript .= "var local = '" . $local . "';\n"; $tpl->MAPA = ""; $cursor = $sql->readDB("LOCAL", "CODIGO__LOC='{$local}'"); if ($cursor && $cursor->num_rows > 0) { if ($data = $cursor->fetch_assoc()) { $tpl->MAPA = $data['PLANO___LOC']; } } $tpl->variablesJavascript .= "</script>"; $options = array('compileDir' => './tmp', 'templateDir' => './templates'); $output = new HTML_Template_Flexy($options); $output->compile("selecciona-mesa.html"); $tpl->CONTENT = $output->bufferedOutputObject($tpl); include "container.php";
function getInputWidget($key, $value = "", $type = "text") { global $sql; $retval = ''; preg_match('/[a-zA-Z]+/', $type, $matches); preg_match('/\\[[_\\|\\=a-zA-Z0-9]+\\]/', $type, $options); if ($options) { $options = str_replace(array('[', ']'), '', $options[0]); $tmp = explode("|", $options); unset($options); foreach ($tmp as $v) { $tmp = explode("=", $v); $options[$tmp[1]] = $tmp[0]; } } switch ($matches[0]) { case 'radio': foreach ($options as $k => $v) { if ($k != '_bootstrap') { $retval .= "<label class='radio inline'>"; if ($k == $value) { $retval .= "<input type='radio' name='{$key}' value='{$k}' checked='checked'>{$v}"; } else { $retval .= "<input type='radio' name='{$key}' value='{$k}'>{$v}"; } $retval .= "</label>"; } } break; case 'dbcombobox': foreach ($options as $k => $v) { $ref[$v] = $k; } $retval .= "<select name='{$key}' value='{$value}'>"; $query = "SELECT * FROM " . $ref['TABLE'] . ";"; $result = $sql->con->query($query); while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) { if ($value == $row[$ref['INDEX']]) { $retval .= "\t<option value='" . $row[$ref['INDEX']] . "' selected>" . $row[$ref['LABEL']] . "</option>"; } else { $retval .= "\t<option value='" . $row[$ref['INDEX']] . "'>" . $row[$ref['LABEL']] . "</option>"; } } $retval .= "</select>"; break; case 'textarea': if ($options) { foreach ($options as $k => $v) { $configs[$v] = $k; } $cols = $configs['cols']; $rows = $configs['rows']; $retval .= "<textarea name='{$key}' cols='{$cols}' rows='{$rows}'>"; } else { $retval .= "<textarea name='{$key}'>"; } $retval .= "{$value}</textarea>"; break; case 'tinyMCE': $retval = "<textarea id='{$key}' name='{$key}'>{$value}</textarea>"; $retval .= "<script src=\"//\"></script>"; $retval .= "<script>tinymce.init({selector:'#{$key}'});</script>"; break; case 'file': if (empty($value)) { $retval = "<img class=\"thumbnail\" src=\"/thumbnailer/200/200/crop/NoDisponible.jpg\" alt=\"Preview\">"; } else { $retval = "<img class=\"thumbnail\" src=\"/thumbnailer/200/200/crop/{$value}\" alt=\"Preview\">"; } $retval .= "<input type='{$type}' name='" . $key . "_file' value='{$value}' onchange='previewImage(this)' width='200'>"; $retval .= "<input type='hidden' name='{$key}' value='{$value}'>"; break; case 'multifile': include_once "HTML/Template/Flexy.php"; $options = array('templateDir' => "inputWidgets/templates", 'compileDir' => "inputWidgets/templates"); $obj = new stdClass(); $obj->KEY = $key; $obj->JAVASCRIPT = "<script>var key = '" . $key . "'</script>"; $tmp = unserialize($value); if (is_array($tmp)) { foreach ($tmp as $tk => $tv) { $obj->FILAS[]['nombre'] = $tv; } } $output = new HTML_Template_Flexy($options); $output->compile('multifile.html'); $retval = $output->bufferedOutputObject($obj); break; default: $retval = "<input type='{$type}' name='{$key}' value='{$value}'>"; break; } return $retval; }
continue; } $file = ic2_check_uploaded_file($path, $name, $type, $filesize, $tmpname, $errcode); if (is_array($file)) { $upfiles[] = $file; } else { P2Util::pushInfoHtml($file); } } } } // }}} // {{{ output $_flexy_options = array('locale' => 'ja', 'charset' => 'Shift_JIS', 'compileDir' => $_conf['compile_dir'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'ic2', 'templateDir' => P2EX_LIB_DIR . '/ic2/templates', 'numberFormat' => ''); $flexy = new HTML_Template_Flexy($_flexy_options); $flexy->compile('ic2s.tpl.html'); if (!$isPopUp && (!empty($upfiles) || P2Util::hasInfoHtml())) { $showForm = false; } else { $showForm = true; } // フォームを修正 $elements = $flexy->getElements(); if ($showForm) { $form_attr = array('action' => $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] . '?upload=1', 'accept-charset' => $_conf['accept_charset']); $elements['fileupload']->setAttributes($form_attr); $elements['MAX_FILE_SIZE']->setValue($maxsize); $elements['popup']->setValue($isPopUp); if ($isPopUp) { $elements['fileupload']->setAttributes('target="_self"'); } else {
include_once "sesion.php"; $table = "PEDIDO"; $local = $_SESSION['local']; if (isset($_REQUEST['pedido'])) { $pedido = $sql->con->real_escape_string($_REQUEST['pedido']); $cursor = $sql->con->query("SELECT * FROM PEDIDO LEFT JOIN RESERVA ON RESERVA_PED=CODIGO__RES WHERE NUMERO__PED='{$pedido}'"); if ($cursor && $cursor->num_rows > 0) { if ($reserva = $cursor->fetch_assoc()) { $cant = 1; if (empty($reserva['CODIGO__RES'])) { $tpl->NEW = true; } else { $subcursor = $sql->con->query("SELECT * FROM DETALLE_PEDIDO LEFT JOIN PLATO ON PLATO___DEP=CODIGO__PLA WHERE PEDIDO__DEP='" . $reserva['NUMERO__PED'] . "'"); if ($subcursor && $subcursor->num_rows > 0) { while ($row = $subcursor->fetch_assoc()) { $row['VALOR___PLA'] = "\$" . number_format($row['VALOR___PLA'] * $row['CANTIDADDEP'], 0, ',', '.'); $tpl->PLATOS[] = $row; } } } $reserva['FECHA___RES'] = date("d/m/Y H:i", strtotime($reserva['FECHA___RES'])); $tpl->pagada = true; $tpl->RESERVA = $reserva; } } } $options = array('compileDir' => './tmp', 'templateDir' => './templates'); $output = new HTML_Template_Flexy($options); $output->compile("pedido.html"); $tpl->CONTENT = $output->bufferedOutputObject($tpl); include_once "container.php";
if (!$sql->addDB("INSUMO", $insert)) { print_r($sql->con); exit('Error'); } $exitos[] = "Se agregó el insumo " . $insert['NOMBRE__INS'] . "."; $sc = $sql->readDB("LOCAL"); if ($sc && $sc->num_rows > 0) { while ($r = $sc->fetch_assoc()) { if ($r['CODIGO__LOC'] == $local) { $insloc = array("INSUMO__ILC" => $value['codigo'], "LOCAL___ILC" => $r['CODIGO__LOC'], "CANTIDADILC" => $value['cantidad']); } else { $insloc = array("INSUMO__ILC" => $value['codigo'], "LOCAL___ILC" => $r['CODIGO__LOC'], "CANTIDADILC" => 0); } $sql->addDB("INSUMO_LOCAL", $insloc); } } } } } } $tpl->EXITOS = $exitos; $tpl->ERRORES = $errores; } break; } } $options = array('templateDir' => 'templates', 'compileDir' => 'tmp'); $output = new HTML_Template_Flexy($options); $output->compile("excel.html"); $tpl->CONTENT = $output->bufferedOutputObject($tpl); require_once "container.php";
<?php /* Mini test suite */ require_once 'HTML/Template/Flexy.php'; //print_r($_SERVER['argv']); if (!isset($_SERVER['argv'][1])) { $files = array(dirname(__FILE__) . '/index.tpl'); } else { $files = $_SERVER['argv']; array_shift($files); } //print_r($files); foreach ($files as $file) { $dir = dirname($file); $x = new HTML_Template_Flexy(array('compileDir' => dirname(__FILE__), 'templateDir' => $dir, 'locale' => 'en', 'forceCompile' => true, 'debug' => false, 'nonHTML' => false, 'allowPHP' => false, 'compiler' => 'SmartyConvertor', 'compileToString' => true, 'filters' => array(), 'numberFormat' => ",2,'.',','", 'flexyIgnore' => 0)); echo $x->compile(basename($file)); }
if (isset($_REQUEST['reserva']) && !empty($_REQUEST['reserva'])) { $reserva = $sql->con->real_escape_string($_REQUEST['reserva']); $cursor = $sql->readDB("RESERVA LEFT JOIN PEDIDO ON RESERVA_PED=CODIGO__RES LEFT JOIN MESA ON ID______MES=MESA____RES", "CODIGO__RES='{$reserva}'"); if ($cursor && $cursor->num_rows > 0) { if ($orden = $cursor->fetch_assoc()) { $data = array("ESTADO__PED" => 6); if ($sql->updateDB("PEDIDO", $data, "NUMERO__PED='" . $orden['NUMERO__PED'] . "'")) { $orden['fecha'] = date('d/m/Y H:i:s'); $subcursor = $sql->readDB("DETALLE_PEDIDO LEFT JOIN PLATO ON PLATO___DEP=CODIGO__PLA", "PEDIDO__DEP='" . $orden['NUMERO__PED'] . "' AND ESTADO__DEP='S'"); if ($subcursor && $subcursor->num_rows > 0) { $total = 0; while ($row = $subcursor->fetch_assoc()) { $total += $row['CANTIDADDEP'] * $row['VALOR___PLA']; $tpl->DETAILS[] = array("plato" => strtoupper($row['DESCRIPCPLA']), "cantidad" => $row['CANTIDADDEP'], "valor" => "\$" . number_format($row['CANTIDADDEP'] * $row['VALOR___PLA'], 0, ',', '.')); } $tpl->TOTAL = "\$" . number_format($total, 0, ',', '.'); $tpl->PROPINA = "\$" . number_format(ceil($total / 10), 0, ',', '.'); $tpl->TOTAL_FINAL = "\$" . number_format($total * 1.1, 0, ',', '.'); } foreach ($orden as $k => $v) { $orden[$k] = strtoupper($v); } $tpl->ORDER = $orden; } } } } $options = array('compileDir' => './tmp', 'templateDir' => './templates'); $output = new HTML_Template_Flexy($options); $output->compile("cuenta.html"); $output->outputObject($tpl);
foreach ($options as $k => $v) { $ref[$v] = $k; } $query = "SELECT * FROM " . $ref['TABLE'] . " WHERE " . $ref['INDEX'] . "='" . $value . "';"; $cursor = $sql->query($query); while ($row = $cursor->fetch_assoc()) { $retval = $row[$ref['LABEL']]; } break; case 'thumb': if (empty($value)) { $retval = "<img class=\"thumbnail\" src=\"/thumbnailer/100/100/crop/NoDisponible.jpg\" alt=\"Preview\">"; } else { $retval = "<img class=\"thumbnail\" src=\"/thumbnailer/100/100/crop/{$value}\" alt=\"Preview\">"; } break; default: $retval = $value; break; } //*/ return $retval; } $bread[count($bread) - 1]['active'] = true; $bread[count($bread) - 1]['link'] = false; $tpl->BREAD = $bread; $options = array('templateDir' => 'templates', 'compileDir' => 'tmp'); $output = new HTML_Template_Flexy($options); $output->compile("insumos.html"); $tpl->CONTENT = $output->bufferedOutputObject($tpl); include "container.php";
/* if( preg_match_all('/(Firefox|Chrome|Opera|Safari)/',$row['BROWSER_AUD'],$matches) ){ $browser = $matches[0][0]; } else { if(preg_match_all('/MSIE/',$row['BROWSER_AUD'])){ $browser = "Internet Explorer"; } } //*/ if (isset($browser)) { $set = true; foreach ($val as $k => $v) { if ($v[0] == $browser) { $v[1] += $row['CANT']; $val[$k] = $v; $set = false; } } if ($set) { $val[] = array($browser, (int) $row['CANT']); } } //*/ } } $tpl->NAVEGADOR = "<script>var navegador = eval('(" . json_encode($val) . ")');</script>"; $options = array('compileDir' => './tmp', 'templateDir' => './templates'); $output = new HTML_Template_Flexy($options); $output->compile("home.html"); $tpl->CONTENT = $output->bufferedOutputObject($tpl); include_once "container.php";
$cursor = $sql->con->query($q = "SELECT * FROM INSUMOS_PLATO LEFT JOIN INSUMO_LOCAL ON INSUMO__ILC=INSUMO__IPL WHERE PLATO___IPL='{$plato}' AND LOCAL___ILC='{$local}'"); if ($cursor && $cursor->num_rows > 0) { while ($row = $cursor->fetch_assoc()) { $upData = array("INSUMO__ILC" => $row['INSUMO__ILC'], "CANTIDADILC" => (int) $row['CANTIDADILC'] - (int) $row['CANTIDADIPL']); $sql->updateDB("INSUMO_LOCAL", $upData, "ID______ILC='" . $row['ID______ILC'] . "'"); } } header('Location: cola-pedidos'); } } if (isset($_REQUEST['cancelar'])) { $detalle_pedido = $sql->con->real_escape_string($_REQUEST['cancelar']); $data = array("ESTADO__DEP" => 'P'); if (!$sql->updateDB("DETALLE_PEDIDO", $data, "ID______DEP='" . $detalle_pedido . "'")) { } else { header('Location: cola-pedidos'); } } $cursor = $sql->con->query("SELECT * FROM DETALLE_PEDIDO LEFT JOIN PLATO ON PLATO___DEP=CODIGO__PLA LEFT JOIN PEDIDO ON PEDIDO__DEP=NUMERO__PED WHERE PEDIDO__DEP IN (SELECT NUMERO__PED FROM PEDIDO WHERE RESERVA_PED IN (SELECT CODIGO__RES FROM RESERVA WHERE MESA____RES IN (SELECT ID______MES FROM MESA WHERE LOCAL___MES='" . $local . "'))) AND (ESTADO__DEP='P' OR ESTADO__DEP='L' OR ESTADO__DEP='D')"); if ($cursor && $cursor->num_rows > 0) { while ($row = $cursor->fetch_assoc()) { if ($row['ESTADO__PED'] < 6 && $row['ESTADO__DEP'] != 'L') { $tpl->pendiente[] = $row; } } } $options = array('compileDir' => './tmp', 'templateDir' => './templates'); $output = new HTML_Template_Flexy($options); $output->compile("cola-pedidos.html"); $tpl->CONTENT = $output->bufferedOutputObject($tpl); include_once "container.php";
/** * static version which does new, compile and output all in one go. * * See outputObject($t) for more details. * * @version 01/12/14 * @access public * @author Alan Knowles * @param object object to output as $t * @param filename of template * @return string - result */ function &staticQuickTemplate($file, &$t) { $template = new HTML_Template_Flexy(); $template->compile($file); $template->outputObject($t); }
} // }}} // {{{ 出力 $flexy->setData('skin', $skin_en); $flexy->setData('php_self', $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']); $flexy->setData('p2vid', P2_VERSION_ID); $flexy->setData('info_msg', P2Util::getInfoHtml()); $flexy->setData('pc', !$_conf['ktai']); $flexy->setData('iphone', $_conf['iphone']); $flexy->setData('doctype', $_conf['doctype']); $flexy->setData('extra_headers', $_conf['extra_headers_ht']); $flexy->setData('extra_headers_x', $_conf['extra_headers_xht']); if ($db->dsn['phptype'] == 'sqlite' || $viewer_cache_exists) { $flexy->setData('enable_optimize_db', true); } else { $flexy->setData('enable_optimize_db', false); } P2Util::header_nocache(); $flexy->compile('ic2mng.tpl.html'); $flexy->output(); // }}} /* * Local Variables: * mode: php * coding: cp932 * tab-width: 4 * c-basic-offset: 4 * indent-tabs-mode: nil * End: */ // vim: set syn=php fenc=cp932 ai et ts=4 sw=4 sts=4 fdm=marker:
function display() { $output = new HTML_Template_Flexy(array('templateDir' => MAX_PATH . '/lib/max/Admin/Inventory/themes', 'compileDir' => MAX_PATH . '/var/templates_compiled', 'flexyIgnore' => true)); $codes = $this->codes; $this->codes = array(); if (is_array($codes)) { foreach ($codes as $v) { $k = count($this->codes); $v['id'] = "tag_{$k}"; $v['name'] = "tag[{$k}]"; $v['autotrackname'] = "autotrack[{$k}]"; $v['autotrack'] = isset($v['autotrack']) ? $v['autotrack'] : false; $v['rank'] = $k + 1; $v['move_up'] = $k > 0; $v['move_down'] = $k < count($codes) - 1; $this->codes[] = $v; } } // Display page content $output->compile('TrackerAppend.html'); $output->outputObject($this); }
function ic2_display($path, $params) { global $_conf, $ini, $thumb, $dpr, $redirect, $id, $uri, $file, $thumbnailer; if (P2_OS_WINDOWS) { $path = str_replace('\\', '/', $path); } if (strncmp($path, '/', 1) == 0) { $s = empty($_SERVER['HTTPS']) ? '' : 's'; $to = 'http' . $s . '://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $path; } else { $dir = dirname(P2Util::getMyUrl()); if (strncasecmp($path, './', 2) == 0) { $to = $dir . substr($path, 1); } elseif (strncasecmp($path, '../', 3) == 0) { $to = dirname($dir) . substr($path, 2); } else { $to = $dir . '/' . $path; } } $name = basename($path); $ext = strrchr($name, '.'); switch ($redirect) { case 1: header("Location: {$to}"); exit; case 2: switch ($ext) { case '.jpg': header("Content-Type: image/jpeg; name=\"{$name}\""); break; case '.png': header("Content-Type: image/png; name=\"{$name}\""); break; case '.gif': header("Content-Type: image/gif; name=\"{$name}\""); break; default: if (strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'MSIE') !== false || strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'Opera') !== false) { header("Content-Type: application/octetstream; name=\"{$name}\""); } else { header("Content-Type: application/octet-stream; name=\"{$name}\""); } } header("Content-Disposition: inline; filename=\"{$name}\""); header('Content-Length: ' . filesize($path)); readfile($path); exit; default: if (!class_exists('HTML_Template_Flexy', false)) { require 'HTML/Template/Flexy.php'; } if (!class_exists('HTML_QuickForm', false)) { require 'HTML/QuickForm.php'; } if (!class_exists('HTML_QuickForm_Renderer_ObjectFlexy', false)) { require 'HTML/QuickForm/Renderer/ObjectFlexy.php'; } if (isset($uri)) { $img_o = 'uri'; $img_p = $uri; } elseif (isset($id)) { $img_o = 'id'; $img_p = $id; } else { $img_o = 'file'; $img_p = $file; } $img_q = $img_o . '=' . rawurlencode($img_p); // QuickFormの初期化 $_size = explode('x', $thumbnailer->calc($params['width'], $params['height'])); $_constants = array('o' => sprintf('原寸 (%dx%d)', $params['width'], $params['height']), 's' => '作成', 't' => $thumb, 'd' => $dpr, 'u' => $img_p, 'v' => $img_o, 'x' => $_size[0], 'y' => $_size[1]); $_defaults = array('q' => $ini["Thumb{$thumb}"]['quality'], 'r' => '0'); $mobile = Net_UserAgent_Mobile::singleton(); $qa = 'size=3 maxlength=3'; if ($mobile->isDoCoMo()) { $qa .= ' istyle=4'; } elseif ($mobile->isEZweb()) { $qa .= ' format=*N'; } elseif ($mobile->isSoftBank()) { $qa .= ' mode=numeric'; } $_presets = array('' => 'サイズ・品質'); foreach ($ini['Dynamic']['presets'] as $_preset_name => $_preset_params) { $_presets[$_preset_name] = $_preset_name; } $qf = new HTML_QuickForm('imgmaker', 'get', 'ic2_mkthumb.php'); $qf->setConstants($_constants); $qf->setDefaults($_defaults); $qf->addElement('hidden', 't'); $qf->addElement('hidden', 'u'); $qf->addElement('hidden', 'v'); $qf->addElement('text', 'x', '高さ', $qa); $qf->addElement('text', 'y', '横幅', $qa); $qf->addElement('text', 'q', '品質', $qa); $qf->addElement('select', 'p', 'プリセット', $_presets); $qf->addElement('select', 'r', '回転', array('0' => 'なし', '90' => '右に90°', '270' => '左に90°', '180' => '180°')); $qf->addElement('checkbox', 'w', 'トリム'); $qf->addElement('checkbox', 'z', 'DL'); $qf->addElement('submit', 's'); $qf->addElement('submit', 'o'); // FlexyとQurickForm_Rendererの初期化 $_flexy_options = array('locale' => 'ja', 'charset' => 'cp932', 'compileDir' => $_conf['compile_dir'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'ic2', 'templateDir' => P2EX_LIB_DIR . '/ic2/templates', 'numberFormat' => ''); $flexy = new HTML_Template_Flexy($_flexy_options); $rdr = new HTML_QuickForm_Renderer_ObjectFlexy($flexy); $qf->accept($rdr); // 表示 $flexy->setData('p2vid', P2_VERSION_ID); $flexy->setData('title', 'IC2::Cached'); $flexy->setData('pc', !$_conf['ktai']); $flexy->setData('iphone', $_conf['iphone']); if (!$_conf['ktai']) { $flexy->setData('skin', $GLOBALS['skin_name']); //$flexy->setData('stylesheets', array('css')); //$flexy->setData('javascripts', array('js')); } else { $flexy->setData('k_color', array('c_bgcolor' => !empty($_conf['mobile.background_color']) ? $_conf['mobile.background_color'] : '#ffffff', 'c_text' => !empty($_conf['mobile.text_color']) ? $_conf['mobile.text_color'] : '#000000', 'c_link' => !empty($_conf['mobile.link_color']) ? $_conf['mobile.link_color'] : '#0000ff', 'c_vlink' => !empty($_conf['mobile.vlink_color']) ? $_conf['mobile.vlink_color'] : '#9900ff')); } $rank = isset($params['rank']) ? $params['rank'] : 0; if ($_conf['iphone']) { $img_dir = 'img/iphone/'; $img_ext = '.png'; } else { $img_dir = 'img/'; $img_ext = $_conf['ktai'] ? '.gif' : '.png'; } $stars = array(); $stars[-1] = $img_dir . ($rank == -1 ? 'sn1' : 'sn0') . $img_ext; //$stars[0] = $img_dir . (($rank == 0) ? 'sz1' : 'sz0') . $img_ext; $stars[0] = $img_dir . ($_conf['iphone'] ? 'sz0' : 'sz1') . $img_ext; for ($i = 1; $i <= 5; $i++) { $stars[$i] = $img_dir . ($rank >= $i ? 's1' : 's0') . $img_ext; } $k_at_a = str_replace('&', '&', $_conf['k_at_a']); $setrank_url = "ic2.php?{$img_q}&t={$thumb}&r=0{$k_at_a}"; $flexy->setData('stars', $stars); $flexy->setData('params', $params); if ($thumb == 2 && $rank >= 0) { if ($ini['General']['inline'] == 1) { $t = 2; $link = null; } else { $t = 1; $link = $path; } $r = $ini['General']['redirect'] == 1 ? 1 : 2; $preview = "{$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']}?o=1&r={$r}&t={$t}&{$img_q}{$k_at_a}"; $flexy->setData('preview', $preview); $flexy->setData('link', $link); $flexy->setData('info', null); } else { $flexy->setData('preview', null); $flexy->setData('link', $path); $flexy->setData('info', null); } if (!$_conf['ktai'] || $_conf['iphone']) { $flexy->setData('backto', null); } elseif (isset($_REQUEST['from'])) { $flexy->setData('backto', $_REQUEST['from']); $setrank_url .= '&from=' . rawurlencode($_REQUEST['from']); } elseif (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])) { $flexy->setData('backto', $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']); } else { $flexy->setData('backto', null); } $flexy->setData('stars', $stars); $flexy->setData('sertank', $setrank_url . '&rank='); if ($_conf['iphone']) { $_conf['extra_headers_ht'] .= <<<EOP <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/ic2_iphone.css?{$_conf['p2_version_id']}"> EOP; $_conf['extra_headers_xht'] .= <<<EOP <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/ic2_iphone.css?{$_conf['p2_version_id']}" /> EOP; } $flexy->setData('edit', extension_loaded('gd') && $rank >= 0); $flexy->setData('form', $rdr->toObject()); $flexy->setData('doctype', $_conf['doctype']); $flexy->setData('extra_headers', $_conf['extra_headers_ht']); $flexy->setData('extra_headers_x', $_conf['extra_headers_xht']); $flexy->compile('preview.tpl.html'); P2Util::header_nocache(); $flexy->output(); } exit; }
/** * A private method to do part of the work of the * {@link OA_Admin_Statistics_Common::output()} method. * * @access private * @param array $aElements An optional array of output elements to display. */ function _output($aElements = array()) { global $graphFilter; // Prepare the Flexy output object $oOutput = new HTML_Template_Flexy(array('templateDir' => $this->templateDir, 'compileDir' => MAX_PATH . '/var/templates_compiled')); // Add global variables for backwards compatibility if (OA_Permission::isAccount(OA_ACCOUNT_ADVERTISER)) { $GLOBALS['clientid'] = OA_Permission::getEntityId(); } elseif (OA_Permission::isAccount(OA_ACCOUNT_TRAFFICKER)) { $GLOBALS['affiliateid'] = OA_Permission::getEntityId(); } // Add the current page's entity/breakdown values to the page // parameters before generating this page's URI $this->aPageParams['entity'] = $this->entity; $this->aPageParams['breakdown'] = $this->breakdown; // Generate URI used to add other parameters $this->_generatePageURI(); $this->assetPath = OX::assetPath(); phpAds_PageHeader($this->pageId, $this->getHeaderModel()); // Welcome text if (!empty($this->welcomeText)) { echo "<br/>"; echo $this->welcomeText; echo "<br/><br/><br/>"; } // Show the page sections phpAds_ShowSections($this->aPageSections, $this->aPageParams, $openNewTable = false); $graphVals = $graphFilter; // Set columns shown by default if (!is_array($graphVals)) { if (isset($this->aColumns['sum_views'])) { $graphVals[] = 'sum_views'; } if (isset($this->aColumns['sum_clicks'])) { $graphVals[] = 'sum_clicks'; } } // Prepare the data required for displaying graphs $graphFilterArray = $graphVals; $imageFormat = null; if (!extension_loaded('gd')) { $this->aGraphData['noGraph'] = true; } else { $imgPath = rtrim(MAX::constructURL(MAX_URL_IMAGE), '/'); if (!function_exists('imagecreate')) { $this->aGraphData['noGraph'] = $GLOBALS['strGDnotEnabled']; } else { $tmpUrl = MAX::constructURL(MAX_URL_ADMIN) . 'stats-showgraph.php?' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']; if (is_array($graphFilterArray)) { foreach ($graphFilterArray as $k => $v) { $tmpUrl .= '&graphFields[]=' . $v; } } } $formSubmitLink = explode("/", $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); $formSubmitLink = $formSubmitLink[count($formSubmitLink) - 1]; $this->aGraphData['imgPath'] = $imgPath; $this->aGraphData['tmpUrl'] = $tmpUrl; $this->aGraphData['queryString'] = $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']; $this->aGraphData['formSubmitLink'] = $formSubmitLink; } // Set the Flexy tags to open/close Javascript $this->scriptOpen = "\n<script type=\"text/javascript\"> <!--\n"; $this->scriptClose = "\n//--> </script>\n"; // Set whether to automatically display the Graph div, will return true if user has just changed the 'graphFields' value $this->autoShowGraph = strpos($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], 'graphFields'); // Set the language vars for statistics display $this->strShowGraphOfStatistics = $GLOBALS['strShowGraphOfStatistics']; $this->strExportStatisticsToExcel = $GLOBALS['strExportStatisticsToExcel']; // Set-up Flexy form for displaying graph $aElements['graphFilter[]'] = new HTML_Template_Flexy_Element(); $aElements['graphFilter[]']->setValue($graphVals); if ($this->_isEmptyResultArray()) { $this->disableGraph = true; } // Display page content $oOutput->compile($this->template); $oOutput->outputObject($this, $aElements); $this->_savePrefs(); phpAds_PageFooter(); }
/** * output a template (optionally with flexy object & element.) * * @param string name of flexy template. * @param object object as per HTML_Template_Flexy:outputObject * @param array elements array as per HTML_Template_Flexy:outputObject * * @return none * @access public */ function display($templatename, $object = null, $elements = array()) { // some standard stuff available to a smarty template.. $this->vars['SCRIPT_NAME'] = $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']; $o = PEAR::getStaticProperty('HTML_Template_Flexy', 'options'); require_once 'HTML/Template/Flexy.php'; $t = new HTML_Template_Flexy(); $t->compile($templatename); $object = $object !== null ? $object : new StdClass(); foreach ($this->vars as $k => $v) { $object->{$k} = $v; } $t->outputObject($object, $elements); }
$emj = p2_get_emoji(); $flexy->setData('e', $emj); $flexy->setData('ak', $_conf['k_accesskey_at']); $flexy->setData('as', $_conf['k_accesskey_st']); // フィルタリング用フォームを表示 if (!empty($_GET['show_iv2_kfilter'])) { !defined('P2_NO_SAVE_PACKET') && define('P2_NO_SAVE_PACKET', true); $r = new HTML_QuickForm_Renderer_ObjectFlexy($flexy); $qfe['keyword']->removeAttribute('size'); $qf->updateAttributes(array('method' => 'get')); $qf->accept($r); $qfObj = $r->toObject(); $flexy->setData('page', $page); $flexy->setData('move', $qfObj); P2Util::header_nocache(); $flexy->compile('iv2if.tpl.html'); $flexy->output(); exit; } elseif (!empty($_GET['reset_filter'])) { unset($_SESSION['iv2i_filter']); session_write_close(); } elseif (!empty($_GET['session_no_close'])) { foreach ($overwritable_params as $ow_key) { if (isset(${$ow_key})) { $_SESSION['iv2i_filter'][$ow_key] = ${$ow_key}; } } session_write_close(); } elseif (!empty($_SESSION['iv2i_filter'])) { foreach ($overwritable_params as $ow_key) { if (isset($_SESSION['iv2i_filter'][$ow_key])) {
$curDate .= " 00:00:00"; $tpl->FECHA = str_replace(' 00:00:00', '', $curDate); $cursor = $sql->con->query($q = "SELECT * FROM RESERVA LEFT JOIN CLIENTE ON RUTCLIENRES=RUT_____CLI LEFT JOIN MESA ON MESA____RES=ID______MES LEFT JOIN PEDIDO ON RESERVA_PED=CODIGO__RES LEFT JOIN ESTADO_PEDIDO ON ESTADO__PED=ID______EPE WHERE FECHA___RES BETWEEN '" . $curDate . "' AND DATE_ADD('" . $curDate . "', INTERVAL 1 DAY) {$cond} ORDER BY APELLIDOCLI ASC,FECHA___RES DESC"); // /*AND NOW() BETWEEN FECHA___RES AND DATE_SUB(FECHA___RES, INTERVAL -DURACIONRES HOUR)*/ if ($cursor && $cursor->num_rows > 0) { while ($row = $cursor->fetch_assoc()) { $hora = split(" ", $row['FECHA___RES'])[1]; $estado = $row['ESTADO__PED'] < 6 ? !empty($row['ESTADO__PED']) ? 'En Curso' : 'Reservada' : 'Finalizada'; $tpl->RESERVA[$row['CODIGO__RES']] = array("link" => $row['CODIGO__RES'], "mesa" => $row['NUMERO__MES'], "cliente" => $row['RUT_____CLI'] ? $row['APELLIDOCLI'] . ", " . $row['NOMBRE__CLI'] : "Cliente sin Registro", "hora" => $hora, "estado" => $row['DESCRIPCEPE'], "class" => 'reserva-' . $row['ID______EPE']); } } } $tpl->variablesJavascript .= "</script>"; $options = array('compileDir' => './tmp', 'templateDir' => './templates'); $output = new HTML_Template_Flexy($options); $output->compile("reservas.html"); $tpl->CONTENT = $output->bufferedOutputObject($tpl); include_once "container.php"; function codigo() { global $sql; $charset = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789"; $key = ''; for ($i = 0; $i < 12; $i++) { $key .= $charset[mt_rand(0, strlen($charset) - 1)]; } $cursor = $sql->readDB("RESERVA", "CODIGO__RES='" . $key . "'"); if ($cursor && $cursor->num_rows > 0) { return codigo(); } else { return $key;
/** * ---------------- Global Tools --------------- */ function toData() { $templateFile = $this->template; $args = (array) $this->contents; $content = clone $this->page; foreach ($args as $k => $v) { $content->{$k} = $v; } $content->msgid = empty($content->msgid) ? md5(time() . rand()) : $content->msgid; $ff = HTML_FlexyFramework::get(); $http_host = isset($_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]) ? $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"] : 'pman.HTTP_HOST.not.set'; if (isset($ff->Pman['HTTP_HOST'])) { $http_host = $ff->Pman['HTTP_HOST']; } $content->HTTP_HOST = $http_host; // this should be done by having multiple template sources...!!! require_once 'HTML/Template/Flexy.php'; $tmp_opts = array('site_prefix' => false); if (!empty($this->templateDir)) { $tmp_opts['templateDir'] = $this->templateDir; } $fopts = HTML_FlexyFramework::get()->HTML_Template_Flexy; if (!empty($fopts['DB_DataObject_translator'])) { $tmp_opts['DB_DataObject_translator'] = $fopts['DB_DataObject_translator']; } if (!empty($fopts['locale'])) { $tmp_opts['locale'] = $fopts['locale']; } // local opt's overwrite if (!empty($this->locale)) { $tmp_opts['locale'] = $this->locale; } $htmlbody = false; $html_tmp_opts = $tmp_opts; $htmltemplate = new HTML_Template_Flexy($html_tmp_opts); if (is_string($htmltemplate->resolvePath('mail/' . $templateFile . '.body.html'))) { // then we have a multi-part email... if (!empty($this->html_locale)) { $html_tmp_opts['locale'] = $this->html_locale; } $htmltemplate = new HTML_Template_Flexy($html_tmp_opts); $htmltemplate->compile('mail/' . $templateFile . '.body.html'); $htmlbody = $htmltemplate->bufferedOutputObject($content); $this->htmlbody = $htmlbody; // for the html body, we may want to convert the attachments to images. // var_dump($htmlbody);exit; if ($this->replaceImages) { $htmlbody = $this->htmlbodytoCID($htmlbody); } if ($this->css_embed) { $htmlbody = $this->htmlbodyCssEmbed($htmlbody); } } $tmp_opts['nonHTML'] = true; //print_R($tmp_opts); // $tmp_opts['force'] = true; $template = new HTML_Template_Flexy($tmp_opts); $template->compile('mail/' . $templateFile . '.txt'); /* use variables from this object to ouput data. */ $mailtext = $template->bufferedOutputObject($content); //print_r($mailtext);exit; //echo "<PRE>";print_R($mailtext); /* With the output try and send an email, using a few tricks in Mail_MimeDecode. */ require_once 'Mail/mimeDecode.php'; require_once 'Mail.php'; $decoder = new Mail_mimeDecode($mailtext); $parts = $decoder->getSendArray(); if (PEAR::isError($parts)) { return $parts; //echo "PROBLEM: {$parts->message}"; //exit; } $isMime = false; require_once 'Mail/mime.php'; $mime = new Mail_mime(array('eol' => "\n", 'html_charset' => 'utf-8', 'text_charset' => 'utf-8', 'head_charset' => 'utf-8')); // clean up the headers... $parts[1]['Message-Id'] = '<' . $content->msgid . '@' . $content->HTTP_HOST . '>'; if ($htmlbody !== false) { // got a html headers... if (isset($parts[1]['Content-Type'])) { unset($parts[1]['Content-Type']); } $mime->setTXTBody($parts[2]); $mime->setHTMLBody($htmlbody); // var_dump($mime);exit; foreach ($this->images as $cid => $cdata) { $mime->addHTMLImage($cdata['file'], $cdata['mimetype'], $cid . '.' . $cdata['ext'], true, $cdata['contentid']); } $isMime = true; } if (!empty($this->attachments)) { //if got a attachments $header = $mime->headers($parts[1]); if (isset($parts[1]['Content-Type'])) { unset($parts[1]['Content-Type']); } if (!$isMime) { if (preg_match('/text\\/html/', $header['Content-Type'])) { $mime->setHTMLBody($parts[2]); $mime->setTXTBody('This message is in HTML only'); } else { $mime->setTXTBody($parts[2]); $mime->setHTMLBody('<PRE>' . htmlspecialchars($parts[2]) . '</PRE>'); } } foreach ($this->attachments as $attch) { $mime->addAttachment($attch['file'], $attch['mimetype'], !empty($attch['name']) ? $attch['name'] : '', true); } $isMime = true; } if ($isMime) { $parts[2] = $mime->get(); $parts[1] = $mime->headers($parts[1]); } $ret = array('recipents' => $parts[0], 'headers' => $parts[1], 'body' => $parts[2], 'mailer' => $this); if ($this->rcpts !== false) { $ret['recipents'] = $this->rcpts; } // if 'to' is empty, then add the recipents in there... (must be an array? if (!empty($ret['recipents']) && is_array($ret['recipents']) && (empty($ret['headers']['To']) || !strlen(trim($ret['headers']['To'])))) { $ret['headers']['To'] = implode(',', $ret['recipents']); } // add bcc if necessary.. if (!empty($this->bcc)) { $ret['bcc'] = $this->bcc; } return $ret; }
foreach ($options as $k => $v) { $ref[$v] = $k; } $query = "SELECT * FROM " . $ref['TABLE'] . " WHERE " . $ref['INDEX'] . "='" . $value . "';"; $cursor = $sql->query($query); while ($row = $cursor->fetch_assoc()) { $retval = $row[$ref['LABEL']]; } break; case 'thumb': if (empty($value)) { $retval = "<img class=\"thumbnail\" src=\"/thumbnailer/100/100/crop/NoDisponible.jpg\" alt=\"Preview\">"; } else { $retval = "<img class=\"thumbnail\" src=\"/thumbnailer/100/100/crop/{$value}\" alt=\"Preview\">"; } break; default: $retval = $value; break; } //*/ return $retval; } $bread[count($bread) - 1]['active'] = true; $bread[count($bread) - 1]['link'] = false; $tpl->BREAD = $bread; $options = array('templateDir' => 'templates', 'compileDir' => 'tmp'); $output = new HTML_Template_Flexy($options); $output->compile("platos.html"); $tpl->CONTENT = $output->bufferedOutputObject($tpl); include "container.php";
$urlsPriority = array(); $base = "http://" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; $urls = array(); $urlsPriority[] = $base; $cursor = $sql->readDB("CATEGORIA", "ESTADO__CAT='A'"); while ($row = $cursor->fetch_assoc()) { $url = url_slug($row['NOMBRE__CAT']); if ($row['PADRE___CAT'] == '-1') { $urlsPriority[] = $base . "/" . $url; } else { $urls[] = $base . "/" . $url; } } if ($cursor = $sql->readDB("CONTENIDO", "ESTADO__CON='A'")) { while ($row = $cursor->fetch_assoc()) { if (!empty($row['TITULO__CON'])) { $url = url_slug($row['TITULO__CON']); } else { $url = "contenido=" . $row["ID______CON"]; } $urls[] = $base . "/" . $url; } } $tpl->PRIORITY = $urlsPriority; $tpl->URLS = $urls; $tpl->DATE = date(DATE_ATOM); //* $output = new HTML_Template_Flexy(array('templateDir' => $install . "/template", 'compileDir' => $install . '/tmp')); $output->compile("sitemap.xml"); $output->outputObject($tpl); //*/