public function __construct() { parent::__construct('all_categories'); if ($this->loginError) { return; } $cat_list = pdCatList::create($this->db); echo '<h1>Publication Categories</h1>'; foreach (array_keys($cat_list) as $cat_id) { unset($fields); unset($cells); $category = new pdCategory(); $result = $category->dbLoad($this->db, $cat_id); assert('$result'); $table = new HTML_Table(array('class' => 'publist')); $table->setAutoGrow(true); $cells[] = '<b>' . $category->category . '</b><br/>'; if (count($category->info) > 0) { foreach ($category->info as $info_id => $name) { $fields[] = $name; } $cells[] = 'Fields: ' . implode(', ', $fields); } else { $cells[] = ''; } if ($this->access_level > 0) { $cells[] = $this->getCategoryIcons($category); } $table->addRow($cells); $table->updateColAttributes(0, array('class' => 'category'), NULL); $table->updateColAttributes(2, array('class' => 'icons'), NULL); echo $table->toHtml(); unset($table); } }
public function __construct() { parent::__construct('delete_author', 'Delete Author', 'Admin/delete_author.php'); if ($this->loginError) { return; } $this->loadHttpVars(); if (!isset($this->author_id) || !is_numeric($this->author_id)) { $this->pageError = true; return; } $author = new pdAuthor(); $result = $author->dbLoad($this->db, $this->author_id); if (!$result) { $this->pageError = true; return; } $pub_list = pdPubList::create($this->db, array('author_id' => $this->author_id)); if (isset($pub_list) && count($pub_list) > 0) { echo 'Cannot delete Author <b>', $author->name, '</b>.<p/>', 'The author has the following publications in the database:', displayPubList($this->db, $pub_list, true, -1, null, null, '../'); return; } $form =& $this->confirmForm('deleter'); $form->addElement('hidden', 'author_id', $this->author_id); if ($form->validate()) { $values = $form->exportValues(); // This is where the actual deletion happens. $name = $author->name; $author->dbDelete($this->db); echo 'You have successfully removed the following author from the database:', '<p/><b>', $name, '</b>'; } else { if (!isset($this->author_id) || !is_numeric($this->author_id)) { $this->pageError = true; return; } $renderer = new HTML_QuickForm_Renderer_QuickHtml(); $form->accept($renderer); $table = new HTML_Table(array('width' => '100%', 'border' => '0', 'cellpadding' => '6', 'cellspacing' => '0')); $table->addRow(array('Name:', $author->name)); if (isset($author->title) && trim($author->title != '')) { $table->addRow(array('Title:', $author->title)); } $table->addRow(array('Email:', $author->email)); $table->addRow(array('Organization:', $author->organization)); $cell = ''; if (isset($author->webpage) && trim($author->webpage != '')) { $cell = '<a href="' . $author->webpage . '">' . $author->webpage . '</a>'; } else { $cell = "none"; } $table->addRow(array('Web page:', $cell)); $table->updateColAttributes(0, array('class' => 'emph', 'width' => '25%')); echo '<h3>Delete Author</h3><p/>Delete the following author?'; $this->form =& $form; $this->renderer =& $renderer; $this->table =& $table; } }
public function __construct() { parent::__construct('bibtex', null, false); if ($this->loginError) { return; } $this->loadHttpVars(); if (!isset($this->pub_ids)) { $this->pageError = true; return; } $pubs = explode(',', $this->pub_ids); if (!is_array($pubs) || count($pubs) == 0) { $this->pageError = true; return; } $pub_list = pdPubList::create($this->db, array('pub_ids' => $pubs)); if (!is_array($pub_list) || count($pub_list) == 0) { $this->pageError = true; return; } $table = new HTML_Table(array('width' => '100%', 'border' => '0', 'cellpadding' => '0', 'cellspacing' => '0')); $table->setAutoGrow(true); $pub_count = 0; foreach ($pub_list as $pub) { $pub_count++; $result = $pub->dbLoad($this->db, $pub->pub_id); if ($result === false) { $this->pageError = true; return; } $table->addRow(array('<pre>' . $pub->getBibtex() . '</pre>')); } // now assign table attributes including highlighting for even and odd // rows for ($i = 0; $i < $table->getRowCount(); $i++) { if ($i & 1) { $table->updateRowAttributes($i, array('class' => 'even'), true); } else { $table->updateRowAttributes($i, array('class' => 'odd'), true); } } $table->updateColAttributes(0, array('class' => 'publist'), true); echo $table->toHtml(); }
public function __construct() { parent::__construct('all_authors'); if ($this->loginError) { return; } $this->loadHttpVars(true, false); if (!isset($this->tab)) { $this->tab = 'A'; } else { $tab = strtoupper($this->tab); if (strlen($tab) != 1 || ord($tab) < ord('A') || ord($tab) > ord('Z')) { $this->pageError = true; return; } } $auth_list = pdAuthorList::create($this->db, null, $this->tab); echo $this->alphaSelMenu($this->tab, get_class($this) . '.php'); echo "<h2>Authors</h2>"; if (empty($auth_list) || count($auth_list) == 0) { echo 'No authors with last name starting with ', $this->tab, '<br/>'; return; } foreach ($auth_list as $author_id => $name) { $author = new pdAuthor(); $author->dbLoad($this->db, $author_id, pdAuthor::DB_LOAD_BASIC | pdAuthor::DB_LOAD_PUBS_MIN); $name = '<span class="emph"><a href="view_author.php?author_id=' . $author_id . '">' . $name . '</a> '; $icons = $this->getAuthorIcons($author) . '</span>'; $info = array(); if ($author->title != '') { $info[] = '<span class="small">' . $author->title . '</span>'; } if ($author->organization != '') { $info[] = '<span class="small">' . $author->organization . '</span>'; } $info[] .= '<a href="list_publication.php?author_id=' . $author_id . '&menu=0"><span class="small" style="color:#000;font-weight:normal;">' . 'Publication entries in database: ' . $author->totalPublications . '</span>'; $table = new HTML_Table(array('class' => 'publist')); $table->addRow(array($name . '<br/>' . implode('<br/>', $info), $icons)); $table->updateColAttributes(1, array('class' => 'icons'), NULL); echo $table->toHtml(); unset($table); } }
if ($_GET['sortby'] == "date") { $sql = "SELECT `flmevent_date`,`flmevent_user`,MAX(`flmevent_feature`),count(*) FROM `flexlm_events` WHERE `flmevent_type`='OUT' GROUP BY `flmevent_date`,`flmevent_user` ORDER BY `flmevent_date`,`flmevent_user`,`flmevent_feature` DESC;"; } else { if ($_GET['sortby'] == "user") { $sql = "SELECT `flmevent_date`,`flmevent_user`,MAX(`flmevent_feature`),count(*) FROM `flexlm_events` WHERE `flmevent_type`='OUT' GROUP BY `flmevent_user`,`flmevent_date` ORDER BY `flmevent_user`,`flmevent_date`,`flmevent_feature` DESC;"; } else { $sql = "SELECT `flmevent_date`,MAX(flmevent_user),`flmevent_feature`,count(*) FROM `flexlm_events` WHERE `flmevent_type`='OUT' GROUP BY `flmevent_feature`,`flmevent_date` ORDER BY `flmevent_feature`,`flmevent_date`,`flmevent_user` DESC;"; } } if (isset($debug) && $debug == 1) { print_sql($sql); } $recordset = $db->query($sql); if (DB::isError($recordset)) { die($recordset->getMessage()); } while ($row = $recordset->fetchRow()) { $table->AddRow($row, "style=\"background: " . $features_color[$row[2]] . ";\""); } $table->updateColAttributes(3, "align=\"center\""); $recordset->free(); $db->disconnect(); ################################################################ # Right align the 3 column ################################################################ $table->updateColAttributes(2, "align=\"right\""); $table->display(); include './version.php'; ?> </body></html>
function getDetails($id, $tplname = 'details.tpl.html') { $this->tpl = new HTML_Template_IT($basedir); $this->tpl->loadTemplateFile($this->basedir . $tplname); $query = "select * from " . $this->cfg['table']['compound'] . " where id = {$id}"; $row = $this->db_con->getRow($query); $this->tpl->setVariable("HEADING", $row->{"name_" . LC_LANG}); $this->tpl->setVariable('LC_SPECIFICATIONS', $this->lang->translate('specifications')); $query = "select *, as mixid, comp.name_de as mischname_de,comp.name_en as mischname_en,cat_comp.name_de as mischkatname_de,cat_comp.name_en as mischkatname_en\n from " . $this->cfg['table']['cat_compound'] . ' as cat_comp, ' . $this->cfg['table']['compound'] . " as comp\n where AND{$id}"; $row = $this->db_con->getRow($query); include_once 'HTML/Table.php'; $tbl = new HTML_Table('class="overview"'); $tbl->addRow(array($this->lang->translate('name'), $row->{"mischname_" . LC_LANG})); $tbl->addRow(array($this->lang->translate('category'), $row->{"mischkatname_" . LC_LANG})); $tbl->addRow(array('M100', $row->m100)); $tbl->addRow(array('M300', $row->m300)); $tbl->addRow(array('TS', $row->ts)); $tbl->addRow(array('EAB', $row->eab)); $tbl->addRow(array('Rebound', $row->rebound)); $tbl->addRow(array('Shore A', $row->shore_a)); $tbl->addRow(array('SG', $row->sg)); $tbl->setColAttributes(0, 'width="100"'); $tbl->setColAttributes(1, 'width="300"'); $row1Style = array('class' => 'overview'); $row2Style = array('class' => 'overviewalternate'); $tbl->altRowAttributes(0, $row1Style, $row2Style); $this->tpl->setVariable("COMPOUND_DATA", $tbl->toHTML()); $tbl = new HTML_Table('class="overview"'); $tbl->addRow(array('Name', 'phr'), 'class="overview"', 'TH'); $query = "select * from " . $this->cfg['table']['details_compound'] . " where id_mischung={$id}"; $this->db_res = $this->db_con->Query($query); while ($row = $this->db_res->fetchrow(DB_FETCHMODE_OBJECT)) { if ($row->id_produkt) { $_url = '<a class="maroon" href="' . url(array('module' => 'product', 'action' => 'details', 'id' => $row->id_produkt)) . '">' . $row->name . '</a>'; } else { $_url = $row->name; } $tbl->addRow(array($_url, $row->phr)); } $query = "select sum(phr) as phrsum from " . $this->cfg['table']['details_compound'] . " where id_mischung={$id}"; $row = $this->db_con->getRow($query); $tbl->addRow(array('', $row->phrsum)); $tbl->updateColAttributes(1, 'align="right" "bgcolor=#eeeeee"'); $tbl->updateRowAttributes($tbl->getrowCount() - 1, "bgcolor=#CCCCCC"); $this->tpl->setVariable('TBL_DETAILS', $tbl->toHTML()); $this->tpl->setVariable("CATEGORY_COLOR", $this->color); return $this->tpl->get(); }
public function showSearchParams() { $sp =& $_SESSION['search_params']; $table = new HTML_Table(array('class' => 'nomargins', 'width' => '90%')); if ($sp->search != '') { $table->addRow(array($sp->search)); } else { // check each field of the search parameter except the dates and // authors foreach (array_diff(array_keys(get_class_vars(get_class($sp))), array('startdate', 'enddate', 'author_myself', 'authors', 'paper_rank', 'paper_rank_other', 'paper_col')) as $param) { if ($sp->{$param} != '') { $name = ''; if ($param == 'cat_id') { $cl = pdCatList::create($this->db); $name = 'Category'; $value =& $cl[$sp->cat_id]; } else { $name = preg_replace('/_/', ' ', ucwords($param)); $value = $sp->{$param}; } if ($param == 'show_internal_info' && $sp->{$param} == 'no') { continue; } if ($name != '') { $table->addRow(array($name . ':', $value)); } } } $al = null; $values = array(); if (!empty($_SESSION['user']) && $sp->author_myself != '' && $_SESSION['user']->author_id != '') { $authors = pdAuthorList::create($this->db, null, null, true); $values[] = $authors[$_SESSION['user']->author_id]; } if (!empty($sp->authors)) { $values[] = $sp->authors; } if (count($values) > 0) { $table->addRow(array('<b>Author(s)</b>:', implode(' AND ', $values))); } if (isset($_SESSION['user']) && $_SESSION['user']->showInternalInfo()) { if (!empty($sp->paper_rank)) { // ranking $label = 'Ranking:'; $rankings = pdPublication::rankingsGlobalGet($this->db); foreach ($sp->paper_rank as $rank_id => $value) { if ($value != 'yes') { continue; } $table->addRow(array($label, $rankings[$rank_id])); $label = ''; } if ($sp->paper_rank_other != '') { $table->addRow(array($label, $sp->paper_rank_other)); } } if (!empty($sp->paper_col)) { // collaboration $label = 'Collaboration:'; $collaborations = pdPublication::collaborationsGet($this->db); foreach ($sp->paper_col as $col_id => $value) { if ($value != 'yes') { continue; } $table->addRow(array($label, $collaborations[$col_id])); $label = ''; } } } if ($sp->startdate != '' && $sp->enddate != '') { $stime = strtotime(implode('-', $sp->startdate) . '-1'); $etime = strtotime(implode('-', $sp->enddate) . '-1'); // now check the dates if ($etime > $stime) { $table->addRow(array('<b>Start date</b>:', $sp->startdate['Y'] . '-' . sprintf("%02d", $sp->startdate['M']))); $table->addRow(array('<b>End date</b>:', $sp->enddate['Y'] . '-' . sprintf("%02d", $sp->enddate['M']))); } } } $table->updateColAttributes(0, array('class' => 'emph'), true); echo '<h3>SEARCH RESULTS FOR</h3>'; echo $table->toHtml(); }
public function showUser() { $user =& $_SESSION['user']; $user->collaboratorsDbLoad($this->db); echo '<h2>Login Information <a href="edit_user.php?status=edit">', '<img src="../images/pencil.gif" title="edit" ', 'alt="edit" height="16" width="16" border="0" ', 'align="top" /></a></h2>'; $table = new HTML_Table(array('width' => '100%', 'border' => '0', 'cellpadding' => '6', 'cellspacing' => '0')); $table->setAutoGrow(true); $table->addRow(array('Login:'******'Name:', $user->name)); $table->addRow(array('E-mail:', $user->email)); $option_value = $user->showInternalInfo() ? 'Yes' : 'No'; $table->addRow(array('Show Internal Info:', $option_value)); $option_value = $user->showUserInfo() ? 'Yes' : 'No'; $table->addRow(array('Show User Info:', $option_value)); if (is_array($user->collaborators) && count($user->collaborators) > 0) { $rowcount = 0; foreach ($user->collaborators as $collaborator) { if ($rowcount == 0) { $cell1 = 'Favorite Collaborators:'; } else { $cell1 = ''; } $table->addRow(array($cell1, $collaborator)); $rowcount++; } } else { $table->addRow(array('Favorite Collaborators:', 'None assigned')); } $table->updateColAttributes(0, array('class' => 'emph', 'width' => '30%')); $this->table =& $table; }
####################################################################### if ($feature_array[$p]["days_to_expiration"] <= $lead_time) { if ($feature_array[$p]["days_to_expiration"] >= 0) { $feature_table->updateRowAttributes($feature_table->getRowCount() - 1, "class=\"expires_soon\""); } elseif ($feature_array[$p]["days_to_expiration"] < 0) { $feature_table->updateRowAttributes($feature_table->getRowCount() - 1, "class=\"already_expired\""); } } } $table->addRow(array($key, $feature_array[0]["vendor_daemon"], $total_licenses, $feature_table->toHTML())); unset($feature_table); } ######################################################## # Center columns 2. Columns start with 0 index ######################################################## $table->updateColAttributes(1, "align=\"center\""); $table->display(); } else { ######################################################## # Licenses currently being used ######################################################## echo "<p>Following is the list of licenses currently being used. Licenses that are currently not in use are not shown.</p>\n"; # stop the annoying errors in error_log saying undefined var # happens when no user lics been checked out if (isset($host['cacti'])) { $cactiurl = $cactiurl . $host['cacti']; $cactigraph = $cactigraph . $host['cacti']; printf("<div align=\"center\"><a href=\"%s\" border=0><img src=\"%s\"></a></div>\n", $cactiurl, $cactigraph); } $master_array = getDetails($host); $users = $master_array['users'];
$data[0][] = 'i am'; $data[0][] = 'i think'; $data[0][] = 'therefore'; $data[0][] = 'therefore'; $data[1][] = 'i think'; $data[1][] = 'i am'; $data[1][] = 'therefore'; $data[1][] = 'therefore'; $data[2][] = 'i am'; $data[2][] = 'therefore'; $data[2][] = 'i think'; $data[2][] = 'i think'; foreach ($data as $key => $value) { $table->addRow($data[$key], array(array('bgcolor' => 'blue', 'align' => 'center'), array('bgcolor' => 'green'), array('bgcolor' => 'red'))); } foreach ($data as $key => $value) { $table->addRow($data[$key], array('bgcolor=blue', 'bgcolor=green', 'bgcolor=red')); } foreach ($data as $key => $value) { $table->addRow($data[$key], 'bgcolor=yellow align=right', 'TD', true); } foreach ($data as $key => $value) { $table->addRow($data[$key], array('bgcolor' => 'pink', 'align' => 'center')); } $table->setColAttributes(1, 'bgcolor=purple'); $table->updateColAttributes(2, array('bgcolor=blue', 'bgcolor=green', 'bgcolor=red')); echo '<pre>'; var_dump($table->getCellAttributes(2, 2)); var_dump($table->getRowAttributes(8)); echo '</pre>'; echo $table->toHTML();
/** fiches_a_valider () - Renvoie les annonces restant a valider par un administrateur * * @return string HTML */ function fiches_a_valider() { // Pour les administrateurs d'une rubrique, on affiche les fiches a valider de cette rubrique // On effectue une requete sur le bazar pour voir les fiches a administrer $GLOBALS['_BAZAR_']['url']->addQueryString(BAZ_VARIABLE_VOIR, BAZ_VOIR_ADMIN); $res = '<h2>' . BAZ_ANNONCES_A_ADMINISTRER . '</h2><br />' . "\n"; $requete = 'SELECT * FROM ' . BAZ_PREFIXE . 'fiche, ' . BAZ_PREFIXE . 'nature WHERE bf_statut_fiche=0 AND ' . 'bn_id_nature=bf_ce_nature AND bn_ce_id_menu IN (' . $GLOBALS['_BAZAR_']['categorie_nature'] . ') '; if (isset($GLOBALS['_BAZAR_']['langue'])) { $requete .= ' and bn_ce_i18n like "' . $GLOBALS['_BAZAR_']['langue'] . '%" '; } $requete .= 'ORDER BY bf_date_maj_fiche DESC'; $resultat = $GLOBALS['_BAZAR_']['db']->query($requete); if (DB::isError($resultat)) { echo 'Echec de la requete<br />' . $resultat->getMessage() . '<br />' . $resultat->getDebugInfo(); } if ($resultat->numRows() != 0) { $tableAttr = array('id' => 'table_bazar'); $table = new HTML_Table($tableAttr); $entete = array(BAZ_TITREANNONCE, BAZ_ANNONCEUR, BAZ_TYPE_FICHE, BAZ_PUBLIER, BAZ_SUPPRIMER); $table->addRow($entete); $table->setRowType(0, 'th'); // On affiche une ligne par proposition while ($ligne = $resultat->fetchRow(DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC)) { //Requete pour trouver le nom et prenom de l'annonceur $requetenomprenom = 'SELECT ' . BAZ_CHAMPS_PRENOM . ', ' . BAZ_CHAMPS_NOM . ' FROM ' . BAZ_ANNUAIRE . ' WHERE ' . BAZ_CHAMPS_ID . '=' . $ligne['bf_ce_utilisateur']; $resultatnomprenom = $GLOBALS['_BAZAR_']['db']->query($requetenomprenom); if (DB::isError($resultatnomprenom)) { echo "Echec de la requete<br />" . $resultatnomprenom->getMessage() . "<br />" . $resultatnomprenom->getDebugInfo(); } while ($lignenomprenom = $resultatnomprenom->fetchRow(DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC)) { $annonceur = $lignenomprenom[BAZ_CHAMPS_PRENOM] . " " . $lignenomprenom[BAZ_CHAMPS_NOM]; } $lien_voir = $GLOBALS['_BAZAR_']['url']; $lien_voir->addQueryString(BAZ_VARIABLE_ACTION, BAZ_VOIR_FICHE); $lien_voir->addQueryString('id_fiche', $ligne['bf_id_fiche']); //$lien_voir->addQueryString('typeannonce', $ligne['bn_id_nature']); // Nettoyage de l'url // NOTE (jpm - 23 mai 2007): pour �tre compatible avec PHP5 il faut utiliser tjrs $GLOBALS['_BAZAR_']['url'] car en php4 on // copie bien une variable mais pas en php5, cela reste une r�f�rence... $GLOBALS['_BAZAR_']['url']->removeQueryString(BAZ_VARIABLE_ACTION); $GLOBALS['_BAZAR_']['url']->removeQueryString('id_fiche'); //$GLOBALS['_BAZAR_']['url']->removeQueryString('typeannonce'); $GLOBALS['_BAZAR_']['url']->addQueryString('id_fiche', $ligne['bf_id_fiche']); $GLOBALS['_BAZAR_']['url']->addQueryString('typeannonce', $ligne['bn_id_nature']); $GLOBALS['_BAZAR_']['url']->addQueryString(BAZ_VARIABLE_ACTION, BAZ_VOIR_FICHE); $lien_voir = $GLOBALS['_BAZAR_']['url']->getURL(); $GLOBALS['_BAZAR_']['url']->removeQueryString(BAZ_VARIABLE_ACTION); $GLOBALS['_BAZAR_']['url']->addQueryString(BAZ_VARIABLE_ACTION, BAZ_ACTION_PUBLIER); $lien_publie_oui = $GLOBALS['_BAZAR_']['url']->getURL(); $GLOBALS['_BAZAR_']['url']->removeQueryString(BAZ_VARIABLE_ACTION); $GLOBALS['_BAZAR_']['url']->addQueryString(BAZ_VARIABLE_ACTION, BAZ_ACTION_PAS_PUBLIER); $lien_publie_non = $GLOBALS['_BAZAR_']['url']->getURL(); $GLOBALS['_BAZAR_']['url']->removeQueryString(BAZ_VARIABLE_ACTION); $GLOBALS['_BAZAR_']['url']->addQueryString(BAZ_VARIABLE_ACTION, BAZ_ACTION_SUPPRESSION); $lien_supprimer = $GLOBALS['_BAZAR_']['url']->getURL(); $GLOBALS['_BAZAR_']['url']->removeQueryString(BAZ_VARIABLE_ACTION); $GLOBALS['_BAZAR_']['url']->removeQueryString('id_fiche'); $GLOBALS['_BAZAR_']['url']->removeQueryString('typeannonce'); $table->addRow(array('<a href="' . $lien_voir . '">' . $ligne['bf_titre'] . '</a>' . "\n", $annonceur . "\n", $ligne['bn_label_nature'] . "\n", "<a href=\"" . $lien_publie_oui . "\">" . BAZ_OUI . "</a> / \n" . "<a href=\"" . $lien_publie_non . "\">" . BAZ_NON . "</a>", "<a href=\"" . $lien_supprimer . "\"" . " onclick=\"javascript:return confirm('" . BAZ_CONFIRMATION_SUPPRESSION . "');\">" . BAZ_SUPPRIMER . "</a>\n")); // col 5 : supprimer } $table->altRowAttributes(1, array("class" => "ligne_impaire"), array("class" => "ligne_paire")); $table->updateColAttributes(1, array("align" => "center")); $table->updateColAttributes(2, array("align" => "center")); $table->updateColAttributes(3, array("align" => "center")); $table->updateColAttributes(4, array("align" => "center")); $res .= $table->toHTML(); } else { $res .= '<p class="zone_info">' . BAZ_PAS_DE_FICHE_A_VALIDER . '</p>' . "\n"; } $GLOBALS['_BAZAR_']['url']->addQueryString(BAZ_VARIABLE_ACTION, BAZ_VOIR_TOUTES_ANNONCES); // Nettoyage de l'url $GLOBALS['_BAZAR_']['url']->removeQueryString(BAZ_VARIABLE_ACTION); $GLOBALS['_BAZAR_']['url']->removeQueryString('id_fiche'); $GLOBALS['_BAZAR_']['url']->removeQueryString('typeannonce'); // Les autres fiches, deja validees $res .= '<h2>' . BAZ_TOUTES_LES_FICHES . '</h2>' . "\n"; $requete = 'SELECT * FROM ' . BAZ_PREFIXE . 'fiche, ' . BAZ_PREFIXE . 'nature WHERE bf_statut_fiche=1 AND ' . 'bn_id_nature=bf_ce_nature AND bn_ce_id_menu IN (' . $GLOBALS['_BAZAR_']['categorie_nature'] . ') '; if (isset($GLOBALS['_BAZAR_']['langue'])) { $requete .= ' and bn_ce_i18n like "' . $GLOBALS['_BAZAR_']['langue'] . '%" '; } $requete .= 'ORDER BY bf_date_maj_fiche DESC'; $resultat = $GLOBALS['_BAZAR_']['db']->query($requete); if (DB::isError($resultat)) { echo 'Echec de la requete<br />' . $resultat->getMessage() . '<br />' . $resultat->getDebugInfo(); } if ($resultat->numRows() != 0) { $tableAttr = array('class' => 'table_bazar'); $table = new HTML_Table($tableAttr); $entete = array(BAZ_TITREANNONCE, BAZ_ANNONCEUR, BAZ_TYPE_FICHE, BAZ_PUBLIER, BAZ_SUPPRIMER); $table->addRow($entete); $table->setRowType(0, 'th'); // On affiche une ligne par proposition while ($ligne = $resultat->fetchRow(DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC)) { //Requete pour trouver le nom et prenom de l'annonceur $requetenomprenom = 'SELECT ' . BAZ_CHAMPS_PRENOM . ', ' . BAZ_CHAMPS_NOM . ' FROM ' . BAZ_ANNUAIRE . ' WHERE ' . BAZ_CHAMPS_ID . '=' . $ligne['bf_ce_utilisateur']; $resultatnomprenom = $GLOBALS['_BAZAR_']['db']->query($requetenomprenom); if (DB::isError($resultatnomprenom)) { echo "Echec de la requete<br />" . $resultatnomprenom->getMessage() . "<br />" . $resultatnomprenom->getDebugInfo(); } while ($lignenomprenom = $resultatnomprenom->fetchRow(DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC)) { $annonceur = $lignenomprenom[BAZ_CHAMPS_PRENOM] . " " . $lignenomprenom[BAZ_CHAMPS_NOM]; } $lien_voir = $GLOBALS['_BAZAR_']['url']; $lien_voir->addQueryString(BAZ_VARIABLE_ACTION, BAZ_VOIR_FICHE); $lien_voir->addQueryString('id_fiche', $ligne['bf_id_fiche']); $lien_voir->addQueryString('typeannonce', $ligne['bn_id_nature']); // Nettoyage de l'url // NOTE (jpm - 23 mai 2007): pour être compatible avec PHP5 il faut utiliser tjrs $GLOBALS['_BAZAR_']['url'] car en php4 on // copie bien une variable mais pas en php5, cela reste une référence... $GLOBALS['_BAZAR_']['url']->removeQueryString(BAZ_VARIABLE_ACTION); $GLOBALS['_BAZAR_']['url']->removeQueryString('id_fiche'); $GLOBALS['_BAZAR_']['url']->removeQueryString('typeannonce'); $GLOBALS['_BAZAR_']['url']->addQueryString('id_fiche', $ligne['bf_id_fiche']); $GLOBALS['_BAZAR_']['url']->addQueryString('typeannonce', $ligne['bn_id_nature']); $GLOBALS['_BAZAR_']['url']->addQueryString(BAZ_VARIABLE_ACTION, BAZ_VOIR_FICHE); $lien_voir = $GLOBALS['_BAZAR_']['url']->getURL(); $GLOBALS['_BAZAR_']['url']->removeQueryString(BAZ_VARIABLE_ACTION); $GLOBALS['_BAZAR_']['url']->addQueryString(BAZ_VARIABLE_ACTION, BAZ_ACTION_PUBLIER); $lien_publie_oui = $GLOBALS['_BAZAR_']['url']->getURL(); $GLOBALS['_BAZAR_']['url']->removeQueryString(BAZ_VARIABLE_ACTION); $GLOBALS['_BAZAR_']['url']->addQueryString(BAZ_VARIABLE_ACTION, BAZ_ACTION_PAS_PUBLIER); $lien_publie_non = $GLOBALS['_BAZAR_']['url']->getURL(); $GLOBALS['_BAZAR_']['url']->removeQueryString(BAZ_VARIABLE_ACTION); $GLOBALS['_BAZAR_']['url']->addQueryString(BAZ_VARIABLE_ACTION, BAZ_ACTION_SUPPRESSION); $lien_supprimer = $GLOBALS['_BAZAR_']['url']->getURL(); $GLOBALS['_BAZAR_']['url']->removeQueryString(BAZ_VARIABLE_ACTION); $GLOBALS['_BAZAR_']['url']->removeQueryString('id_fiche'); $GLOBALS['_BAZAR_']['url']->removeQueryString('typeannonce'); $table->addRow(array('<a href="' . $lien_voir . '">' . $ligne['bf_titre'] . '</a>' . "\n", $annonceur . "\n", $ligne['bn_label_nature'] . "\n", "<a href=\"" . $lien_publie_oui . "\">" . BAZ_OUI . "</a> / \n" . "<a href=\"" . $lien_publie_non . "\">" . BAZ_NON . "</a>", "<a href=\"" . $lien_supprimer . "\"" . " onclick=\"javascript:return confirm('" . BAZ_CONFIRMATION_SUPPRESSION . "');\">" . BAZ_SUPPRIMER . "</a>\n")); // col 5 : supprimer } $table->altRowAttributes(1, array("class" => "ligne_impaire"), array("class" => "ligne_paire")); $table->updateColAttributes(1, array("align" => "center")); $table->updateColAttributes(2, array("align" => "center")); $table->updateColAttributes(3, array("align" => "center")); $table->updateColAttributes(4, array("align" => "center")); $res .= $table->toHTML(); } $GLOBALS['_BAZAR_']['url']->removeQueryString(BAZ_VARIABLE_VOIR); return $res; }
$data[0][] = 'i am'; $data[0][] = 'i think'; $data[0][] = 'therefore'; $data[0][] = 'therefore'; $data[1][] = 'i think'; $data[1][] = 'i am'; $data[1][] = 'therefore'; $data[1][] = 'therefore'; $data[2][] = 'i am'; $data[2][] = 'therefore'; $data[2][] = 'i think'; $data[2][] = 'i think'; foreach ($data as $key => $value) { $table->addRow($data[$key], array(array('bgcolor' => 'blue', 'align' => 'center'), array('bgcolor' => 'green'), array('bgcolor' => 'red'))); } foreach ($data as $key => $value) { $table->addRow($data[$key], array('bgcolor = "blue"', 'bgcolor = "green"', 'bgcolor = "red"')); } foreach ($data as $key => $value) { $table->addRow($data[$key], 'bgcolor = "yellow" align = "right"', 'TD', true); } foreach ($data as $key => $value) { $table->addRow($data[$key], array('bgcolor' => 'pink', 'align' => 'center')); } $table->setColAttributes(1, 'bgcolor = "purple"'); $table->updateColAttributes(2, array('bgcolor = "blue"', 'bgcolor = "green"', 'bgcolor = "red"')); echo '<pre>'; var_dump($table->getCellAttributes(2, 2)); var_dump($table->getRowAttributes(8)); echo '</pre>'; echo $table->toHTML();
public function __construct() { parent::__construct('list_venues'); if ($this->loginError) { return; } $this->loadHttpVars(true, false); if (!isset($this->tab)) { $this->tab = 'A'; } else { if (strlen($this->tab) != 1 || ord($this->tab) < ord('A') || ord($this->tab) > ord('Z')) { $this->pageError = true; return; } } $venue_list = pdVenueList::create($this->db, array('starting_with' => $this->tab, 'cat_id' => $this->cat_id)); $this->category = new pdCategory(); $this->category->dbLoad($this->db, $this->cat_id); $form = new HTML_QuickForm('cat_selection', 'get', 'list_venues.php'); $form->addElement('hidden', 'tab', $this->tab); $form->addElement('select', 'cat_id', 'Category:', array('' => '-- All Categories --') + pdCatList::create($this->db), array('onchange' => 'update();')); $renderer =& $form->defaultRenderer(); $form->accept($renderer); $form->setDefaults(array('cat_id' => '')); $alpha_menu = $this->alphaSelMenu($this->tab, get_class($this) . '.php'); // put category id in the alpha menu if (!empty($this->cat_id)) { $alpha_menu = preg_replace('/tab=(\\w)/', "tab=\\1&cat_id={$this->cat_id}", $alpha_menu); } $this->javascript(); echo $alpha_menu; echo '<h2>Publication Venues</h2>'; echo $renderer->toHtml(); if (empty($venue_list) || count($venue_list) == 0) { echo 'No venues with name starting with ', $this->tab, '<br/>'; return; } foreach ($venue_list as $venue) { // only show global venues if ($venue->v_usage == 'single') { continue; } $venue->dbLoad($this->db, $venue->venue_id); $table = new HTML_Table(array('class' => 'publist')); $cells = array(); $text = ''; if ($venue->title != '') { $text .= '<b>' . $venue->title . '</b><br/>'; } $v_cat = $venue->categoryGet(); if (!empty($v_cat)) { $text .= '<b>' . ucfirst($v_cat) . '</b>: '; } $url = $venue->urlGet(); if ($url != null) { $text .= '<a href="' . $url . '" target="_blank">'; } $text .= $venue->nameGet(); if ($url != null) { $text .= '</a>'; } if (!empty($venue->options)) { $vopt_names = $venue->voptsGet(); foreach ($venue->options as $vopt_id => $value) { if (!empty($value)) { $text .= '<br/><b>' . $vopt_names[$vopt_id] . '</b>: ' . $value; } } } if ($venue->editor != '') { $text .= "<br/><b>Editor: </b>" . $venue->editor; } if (isset($venue->ranking)) { $text .= '<br/><b>Ranking</b>: ' . $venue->ranking; } // display occurrences if (count($venue->occurrences) > 0) { foreach ($venue->occurrences as $occ) { $text .= '<br/>'; $date = explode('-', $occ->date); if ($occ->url != '') { $text .= '<a href="' . $occ->url . '" target="_blank">'; } $text .= $date[0]; if ($occ->url != '') { $text .= '</a>'; } if ($occ->location != '') { $text .= ', ' . $occ->location; } } } else { if ($venue->date != '' && $venue->date != '0000-00-00') { $date = explode('-', $venue->date); $text .= "<br/><b>Date: </b>" . $date[0] . '-' . $date[1]; } } $pub_count = pdPubList::create($this->db, array('venue_id_count' => $venue->venue_id)); $text .= '<a href="list_publication.php?venue_id=' . $venue->venue_id . '&menu=0"><span class="small" style="color:#000;font-weight:normal;">' . '<br/>Publication entries: ' . $pub_count . '</span></a>'; $cells[] = $text; if ($this->access_level > 0) { $cells[] = $this->getVenueIcons($venue); } $table->addRow($cells); $table->updateColAttributes(1, array('class' => 'icons'), NULL); echo $table->toHtml(); unset($table); } }
private function showPublication(&$pub) { $content = "<h2>" . $pub->title; if ($this->access_level > 0) { $content .= getPubIcons($this->db, $pub, 0xc); } $content .= "</h2>\n" . $pub->authorsToHtml(); if (isset($pub->paper) && strtolower($pub->paper) != 'no paper' && basename($pub->paper) != 'paper_') { if ($pub->paperExists()) { $content .= 'Full Text: <a href="' . $pub->paperAttGetUrl() . '">'; $name = split('paper_', $pub->paper); if ($name[1] != '') { $content .= $name[1]; } $content .= '</a> '; $content .= getPubIcons($this->db, $pub, 0x1) . "<br/>\n"; } } // Show Additional Materials $att_types = pdAttachmentTypesList::create($this->db); if (count($pub->additional_info) > 0) { $table = new HTML_Table(array('width' => '350', 'border' => '0', 'cellpadding' => '6', 'cellspacing' => '0')); $heading = 'Other Attachments:'; $add_count = 1; foreach ($pub->additional_info as $att) { $cell = ''; if ($pub->attExists($att)) { $name = split('additional_', $att->location); $cell .= '<a href="' . $pub->attachmentGetUrl($add_count - 1) . '">'; if ($name[1] != '') { $cell .= $name[1]; } $cell .= '</a>'; if (in_array($att->type, $att_types)) { $cell .= ' [' . $att->type . ']'; } $cell .= ' <a href="' . $pub->attachmentGetUrl($add_count - 1) . '">' . $this->getPubAddAttIcons($att) . '</a>'; $add_count++; } $table->addRow(array($heading, $cell)); $heading = ''; } $content .= $table->toHtml(); } $content .= '<p/>' . stripslashes($pub->abstract) . '<p/>' . '<h3>Citation</h3>' . $pub->getCitationHtml() . '<p/>'; $table = new HTML_Table(array('width' => '600', 'border' => '0', 'cellpadding' => '6', 'cellspacing' => '0')); $category = ''; if (isset($pub->category) && isset($pub->category->category)) { $category = $pub->category->category; } $table->addRow(array('Keywords:', $pub->keywordsGet())); $table->addRow(array('Category:', $category)); if (isset($_SESSION['user']) && $_SESSION['user']->showInternalInfo()) { $table->addRow(array('Ranking:', $pub->ranking)); if (is_array($pub->collaborations) && count($pub->collaborations) > 0) { $col_desciptions = $pub->collaborationsGet($this->db); foreach ($pub->collaborations as $col_id) { $values[] = $col_desciptions[$col_id]; } $table->addRow(array('Collaboration:', implode(', ', $values))); } $table->addRow(array('Extra Info:', $pub->extraInfoGet())); } if (isset($_SESSION['user']) && $_SESSION['user']->showUserInfo()) { $table->addRow(array('User Info:', $pub->user)); } $web_links = $pub->getWebLinks(); if (count($web_links) > 0) { $c = 0; foreach ($web_links as $name => $url) { if ($c == 0) { $label = 'Web Links:'; } else { $label = ''; } $table->addRow(array($label, '<a href="' . $url . '" ' . 'target="_blank">' . $name . '</a>')); $c++; } } if (count($pub->relatedPubsGet()) > 0) { $c = 0; foreach ($pub->relatedPubsGet() as $related_pub_id) { if ($c == 0) { $label = 'Related Publication(s):'; } else { $label = ''; } $rel_pub = new pdPublication(); $rel_pub->dbLoad($this->db, $related_pub_id); $table->addRow(array($label, '<a href="view_publication.php?' . 'pub_id=' . $rel_pub->pub_id . '" ' . ' target="_blank">' . $rel_pub->title . '</a>')); $c++; } } $table->updateColAttributes(0, array('class' => 'emph', 'width' => '25%')); $content .= $table->toHtml(); $bibtex = $pub->getBibtex(); if ($bibtex !== false) { $content .= '<h3>BibTeX</h3><pre class="bibtex">' . $bibtex . '</pre><p/>'; } $updateStr = $this->lastUpdateGet($pub); if ($updateStr != '') { $updateStr = 'Last Updated: ' . $updateStr . '<br/>'; } $updateStr .= 'Submitted by ' . $pub->submit; echo $content, '<span class="small">', $updateStr, '</span>'; }
foreach ($expiration_array as $key => $myarray) { for ($j = 0; $j < sizeof($myarray); $j++) { if (strcmp($myarray[$j]["days_to_expiration"], "permanent") != 0 && $myarray[$j]["days_to_expiration"] <= $lead_time) { if ($myarray[$j]["days_to_expiration"] < 0) { $myarray[$j]["days_to_expiration"] = "<b>Already expired</b>"; } $table->addRow(array($host["hostname"], $host["desc"], $key, $myarray[$j]["version"], $myarray[$j]["expiration_date"], $myarray[$j]["days_to_expiration"], $myarray[$j]["num_licenses"]), "bgcolor='" . $color[$i] . "'"); } } } //} } ######################################################## # Center columns 2,4,5and 6. Columns start with 0 index ######################################################## $table->updateColAttributes(1, "align=center"); $table->updateColAttributes(4, "align=center"); $table->updateColAttributes(5, "align=center"); $table->updateColAttributes(3, "align=center"); ######################################################## # Dump the table HTML into a variable ######################################################## $table_html = $table->toHTML(); #echo($table_html); $message = "<HTML>\n<BODY>\nThese licenses will expire within " . $lead_time . " days. Licenses \nwill expire at 23:59 on the day of expiration.<p>"; $message .= $table_html; ######################################################################## # If the table has more than one row (header row will be one) there # are expiring licenses ########################################################################( if ($table->getRowCount() > 1) {
public function authorShow($auth) { $result = ''; $table = new HTML_Table(array('width' => '600', 'border' => '0', 'cellpadding' => '6', 'cellspacing' => '0')); $table->setAutoGrow(true); $table->addRow(array('Name:', $auth->name)); if (isset($auth->title) && trim($auth->title) != "") { $table->addRow(array('Title:', $auth->title)); } $table->addRow(array('Email:', "<a href='mailto:" . $auth->email . "'>" . $auth->email . "</a>")); $table->addRow(array('Organization:', $auth->organization)); $webpage = str_replace('http://', '', $auth->webpage); if (isset($auth->webpage) && !empty($webpage)) { $webpage = "<a href=\"" . $auth->webpage . "\" target=\"_blank\">" . $auth->webpage . "</a>"; } else { $webpage = "none"; } $table->addRow(array('Webpage:', $webpage)); $interestsStr = ''; if (isset($auth->interests) && is_array($auth->interests)) { $interestsStr = implode('; ', array_values($auth->interests)); } $table->addRow(array('Interest(s):', $interestsStr)); if ($auth->totalPublications == 0) { $table->addRow(array('No publications by this author'), array('colspan' => 2)); } else { if ($auth->totalPublications <= 6) { assert('is_array($auth->pub_list)'); $headingCell = 'Publications:'; $table->addRow(array($headingCell)); } else { $table->addRow(array('Publications:', '<a id="start" href="#">Show Publications by this author</a>')); } } $table->updateColAttributes(0, array('class' => 'emph', 'width' => '25%')); $result .= $table->toHtml(); if ($auth->totalPublications > 0 && $auth->totalPublications <= 6) { $result .= displayPubList($this->db, $auth->pub_list); } else { $result .= "<div id=\"publist\"> </div>"; } $this->css(); $this->javascript(); return $result; }
################################################################ if ($_GET['sortby'] == "feature") { $sql = "SELECT `flmevent_date`,`flmevent_feature`,count(*) FROM `flexlm_events` WHERE `flmevent_type`='DENIED' GROUP BY `flmevent_feature`,`flmevent_date` ORDER BY `flmevent_feature`,`flmevent_date` DESC;"; } else { if ($_GET['sortby'] == "numdenials") { $sql = "SELECT `flmevent_date`,`flmevent_feature`,count(*) AS `numdenials` FROM `flexlm_events` WHERE `flmevent_type`='DENIED' GROUP BY `flmevent_date`,`flmevent_feature` ORDER BY `numdenials` DESC;"; } else { $sql = "SELECT `flmevent_date`,`flmevent_feature`,count(*) FROM `flexlm_events` WHERE `flmevent_type`='DENIED' GROUP BY `flmevent_date`,`flmevent_feature` ORDER BY `flmevent_date` DESC,`flmevent_feature`;"; } } if (isset($debug) && $debug == 1) { print_sql($sql); } $recordset = $db->query($sql); if (DB::isError($recordset)) { die($recordset->getMessage()); } while ($row = $recordset->fetchRow()) { $table->AddRow($row, "style=\"background: " . $features_color[$row[1]] . ";\""); } $recordset->free(); $db->disconnect(); ################################################################ # Right align the 3 column ################################################################ $table->updateColAttributes(2, "align=\"right\""); $table->display(); include './version.php'; ?> </body></html>
public function pubSelect($viewCat = null) { assert('is_object($this->db)'); echo $this->pubSelMenu($viewCat), '<br/>'; $text = ''; switch ($viewCat) { case "year": $pub_years = pdPubList::create($this->db, array('year_list' => true)); echo '<h2>Publications by Year:</h2>'; if (count($pub_years) > 0) { $table = new HTML_Table(array('class' => 'nomargins', 'width' => '100%')); $table->addRow(array('Year', 'Num. Publications'), array('class' => 'emph')); foreach (array_values($pub_years) as $item) { $cells = array(); $cells[] = '<a href="list_publication.php?year=' . $item['year'] . '">' . $item['year'] . '</a>'; $cells[] = $item['count']; $table->addRow($cells); } echo $table->toHtml(); } else { echo 'No publication entries.'; } break; case 'author': echo '<h2>Publications by Author:</h2>'; $al = pdAuthorList::create($this->db); for ($c = 65; $c <= 90; ++$c) { $table = new HTML_Table(array('class' => 'publist')); $text = ''; foreach ($al as $auth_id => $name) { if (substr($name, 0, 1) == chr($c)) { $text .= '<a href="list_publication.php?author_id=' . $auth_id . '">' . $name . '</a> '; } } $table->addRow(array(chr($c), $text)); $table->updateColAttributes(0, array('class' => 'item'), NULL); echo $table->toHtml(); } break; case 'venue': // publications by keyword unset($table); $vl = pdVenueList::create($this->db); echo '<h2>Publications by Venue:</h2>'; for ($c = 65; $c <= 90; ++$c) { $table = new HTML_Table(array('class' => 'publist')); $text = ''; foreach ($vl as $vid => $v) { if (substr($v, 0, 1) == chr($c)) { $text .= '<a href="list_publication.php?venue_id=' . $vid . '">' . $v . '</a> '; } } $table->addRow(array(chr($c), $text)); $table->updateColAttributes(0, array('class' => 'item'), NULL); echo $table->toHtml(); } break; case 'category': $table = new HTML_Table(array('class' => 'nomargins', 'width' => '100%')); $cl = pdCatList::create($this->db); $table->addRow(array('Category', 'Num. Publications'), array('class' => 'emph')); foreach ($cl as $cat_id => $category) { $cells = array(); $cells[] = '<a href="list_publication.php?cat_id=' . $cat_id . '">' . $category . '</a><br/>'; $cells[] = pdCatList::catNumPubs($this->db, $cat_id); $table->addRow($cells); } echo '<h2>Publications by Category:</h2>', $table->toHtml(); break; case 'keywords': // publications by keyword unset($table); $kl = pdPubList::create($this->db, array('keywords_list' => true)); echo '<h2>Publications by Keyword:</h2>'; for ($c = 65; $c <= 90; ++$c) { $table = new HTML_Table(array('class' => 'publist')); $text = ''; foreach ($kl as $kw) { if (substr($kw, 0, 1) == chr($c)) { $text .= '<a href="list_publication.php?keyword=' . $kw . '">' . $kw . '</a> '; } } $table->addRow(array(chr($c), $text)); $table->updateColAttributes(0, array('class' => 'item'), NULL); echo $table->toHtml(); } break; default: $this->pageError = true; } }
function displayPubListByCategory(&$db, &$pub_list, $enumerate = true, $max = -1, $options = null, $url_prefix = '') { assert('is_object($db)'); assert('is_array($pub_list)'); $result = ''; $count = 0; $col_desciptions = pdPublication::collaborationsGet($db); foreach (pdPubList::catDisplayOrder() as $category) { $pubs =& $pub_list[$category]; if (empty($pubs)) { continue; } if ($category == 'Other') { $result .= "<h3>Other Categories</h3>\n"; } else { $result .= '<h3>' . $category . "</h3>\n"; } foreach ($pubs as $pub) { ++$count; $pub->dbLoad($db, $pub->pub_id); $cells = array(); $table = new HTML_Table(array('class' => 'publist', 'cellpadding' => '0', 'cellspacing' => '0')); $table->setAutoGrow(true); $citation = $pub->getCitationHtml($url_prefix) . ' ' . getPubIcons($db, $pub, 0xf, $url_prefix); if (is_array($options) && !empty($options['show_internal_info']) && $options['show_internal_info'] || isset($_SESSION['user']) && $_SESSION['user']->showInternalInfo()) { $citation .= '<br/><span style="font-size:80%">'; if (isset($pub->ranking)) { $citation .= 'Ranking: ' . $pub->ranking; } if (is_array($pub->collaborations) && count($pub->collaborations) > 0) { $values = array(); foreach ($pub->collaborations as $col_id) { $values[] = $col_desciptions[$col_id]; } $citation .= '<br/>Collaboration:' . implode(', ', $values); } if (isset($_SESSION['user']) && $_SESSION['user']->showUserInfo()) { $citation .= "<br/>User Info: {$pub->user}"; } $citation .= '</span>'; } if ($enumerate) { $cells[] = $count . '.'; } $cells[] = $citation; $table->addRow($cells); if ($enumerate) { $table->updateColAttributes(0, array('class' => 'item'), NULL); } $result .= $table->toHtml(); unset($table); if ($max > 0 && $count >= $max) { break; } } } return $result; }