コード例 #1
 function addBillingPlanElements(HTML_QuickForm2_Container $fieldSet, $plan)
     $prefix = '_plan[' . $plan . '][';
     $suffix = ']';
     $firstPrice = $fieldSet->addElement('text', $prefix . 'first_price' . $suffix)->setLabel(___("First Price\n" . "price of first period of subscription"));
     $firstPrice->addRule('gte', ___('must be equal or greather than 0'), 0.0)->addRule('regex', ___('must be a number in format 99 or 99.99'), '/^(\\d+(\\.\\d+)?|)$/');
     $firstPeriod = $fieldSet->addElement('period', $prefix . 'first_period' . $suffix)->setLabel(___('First Period'));
     $group = $fieldSet->addGroup()->setLabel(___("Rebill Times\n" . "This is the number of payments which\n" . "will occur at the Second Price"));
     $group->setSeparator(' ');
     $sel = $group->addElement('select', $prefix . '_rebill_times' . $suffix)->setId('s_rebill_times');
     $sel->addOption(___('No more charges'), 0);
     $sel->addOption(___('Charge Second Price Once'), 1);
     $sel->addOption(___('Charge Second Price x Times'), 'x');
     $sel->addOption(___('Rebill Second Price until cancelled'), IProduct::RECURRING_REBILLS);
     $txt = $group->addElement('text', $prefix . 'rebill_times' . $suffix, array('size' => 5, 'maxlength' => 6))->setId('t_rebill_times');
     $secondPrice = $fieldSet->addElement('text', $prefix . 'second_price' . $suffix)->setLabel(___("Second Price\n" . "price that must be billed for second and\n" . "the following periods of subscription"));
     $secondPrice->addRule('gte', ___('must be equal or greather than 0.0'), 0.0)->addRule('regex', ___('must be a number in format 99 or 99.99'), '/^\\d+(\\.\\d+)?$/');
     $secondPeriod = $fieldSet->addElement('period', $prefix . 'second_period' . $suffix)->setLabel(___('Second Period'));
     $secondPeriod = $fieldSet->addElement('text', $prefix . 'terms' . $suffix, array('size' => 40, 'class' => 'translate'))->setLabel(___("Terms Text\nautomatically calculated if empty"));
     $fs = $fieldSet->addGroup()->setLabel(___("Quantity\ndefault - 1, normally you do not need to change it\nFirst and Second Price is the total for specified qty"));
     $fs->setSeparator(' ');
     $fs->addInteger($prefix . 'qty' . $suffix, array('placeholder' => 1));
     $fs->addCheckbox($prefix . 'variable_qty' . $suffix, array('class' => 'variable_qty'))->setContent(___('allow user to change quantity'));
     if (Am_Di::getInstance()->config->get('product_paysystem')) {
         $fieldSet->addMagicSelect($prefix . 'paysys_id' . $suffix)->setLabel(___("Payment System\n" . "Choose payment system to be used with this product"))->loadOptions(Am_Di::getInstance()->paysystemList->getOptions());
     foreach (Am_Di::getInstance()->billingPlanTable->customFields()->getAll() as $k => $f) {
         $el = $f->addToQf2($fieldSet);
         $el->setName($prefix . $el->getName() . $suffix);