コード例 #1
ファイル: ITDynamic_example.php プロジェクト: bobah/acbdb
// fancygroup candidates
// will be rendered in qf_fancygroup_radio
$radio[] =& HTML_QuickForm::createElement('radio', null, null, 'Yes', 'Y');
$radio[] =& HTML_QuickForm::createElement('radio', null, null, 'No', 'N');
$form->addGroup($radio, 'iradYesNo', 'Yes/No:');
// will be rendered in qf_fancygroup_element
$name['first'] =& HTML_QuickForm::createElement('text', 'first', 'First:');
$name['last'] =& HTML_QuickForm::createElement('text', 'last', 'Last:');
$form->addGroup($name, 'name', 'Name');
// add some 'required' rules to show "stars" and (possible) errors...
$form->addRule('itxtTest', 'Test Text is a required field', 'required');
$form->addRule('itxaTest', 'Test TextArea is a required field', 'required');
$form->addRule('iradYesNo', 'Check Yes or No', 'required');
$form->addGroupRule('name', array('last' => array(array('Last name is required', 'required'))));
// try to validate the form
if ($form->validate()) {
// create a template object and load the template file
// can use either HTML_Template_Sigma or HTML_Template_ITX
$tpl =& new HTML_Template_ITX('./templates');
// $tpl =& new HTML_Template_Sigma('./templates');
$tpl->loadTemplateFile('it-dynamic.html', true, true);
// create a renderer
$renderer =& new HTML_QuickForm_Renderer_ITDynamic($tpl);
// assign elements to blocks
$renderer->setElementBlock(array('ipwdTest' => 'qf_green', 'iradYesNo' => 'qf_fancygroup', 'name' => 'qf_fancygroup'));
// Black Magic :]
コード例 #2
$addr['city'] =& HTML_QuickForm::createElement('text', 'city', 'City', 'size=15');
$form->addGroup($addr, 'address', 'Zip, city:');
$select = array('' => 'Please select...', 'AU' => 'Australia', 'FR' => 'France', 'DE' => 'Germany', 'IT' => 'Italy');
$form->addElement('select', 'country', 'Country:', $select);
$checkbox[] =& HTML_QuickForm::createElement('checkbox', 'A', null, 'A');
$checkbox[] =& HTML_QuickForm::createElement('checkbox', 'B', null, 'B');
$checkbox[] =& HTML_QuickForm::createElement('checkbox', 'C', null, 'C');
$checkbox[] =& HTML_QuickForm::createElement('checkbox', 'D', null, 'D');
$form->addGroup($checkbox, 'destination', 'Destination:', array('&nbsp;', '<br />'));
// Other elements
$form->addElement('checkbox', 'news', '', " Check this box if you don't want to receive our newsletter.");
$form->addElement('reset', 'reset', 'Reset');
$form->addElement('submit', 'submit', 'Register');
// Adds some validation rules
$form->addRule('email', 'Email address is required', 'required');
$form->addGroupRule('name', 'Name is required', 'required');
$form->addRule('pass', 'Password must be between 8 to 10 characters', 'rangelength', array(8, 10));
$form->addRule('country', 'Country is a required field', 'required');
$form->addGroupRule('destination', 'Please check at least two boxes', 'required', null, 2);
$form->addGroupRule('phone', 'Please fill all phone fields', 'required');
$form->addGroupRule('phone', 'Values must be numeric', 'numeric');
$AddrRules['zip'][0] = array('Zip code is required', 'required');
$AddrRules['zip'][1] = array('Zip code is numeric only', 'numeric');
$AddrRules['city'][0] = array('City is required', 'required');
$AddrRules['city'][1] = array('City is letters only', 'lettersonly');
$form->addGroupRule('address', $AddrRules);
// Tries to validate the form
if ($form->validate()) {
    // Form is validated, then freezes the data
コード例 #3
 function addGroupRule($group, $arg1, $type = '', $format = null, $howmany = 0, $validation = 'server', $reset = false)
     if (empty($validation) && $this->forceClientValidation) {
         $validation = 'client';
     if (is_array($arg1)) {
         foreach ($arg1 as $elementIndex => $rules) {
             foreach ($rules as $rule) {
                 if ($rule[1] == 'required') {
                     $this->hasRequiredFields = true;
     if ($type == 'required') {
         $this->hasRequiredFields = true;
     return parent::addGroupRule($group, $arg1, $type, $format, $howmany, $validation, $reset);
コード例 #4
$checkbox[] =& HTML_QuickForm::createElement('checkbox', 'D', null, 'D');
$form->addGroup($checkbox, 'ichkABCD', 'ABCD', '<br />');
// will be later assigned to style fancygroup
$radio[] =& HTML_QuickForm::createElement('radio', null, null, 'Yes', 'Y');
$radio[] =& HTML_QuickForm::createElement('radio', null, null, 'No', 'N');
$form->addGroup($radio, 'iradYesNo', 'Yes/No');
// will be later assigned to style fancygroup
$name['first'] =& HTML_QuickForm::createElement('text', 'first', 'First:');
$name['last'] =& HTML_QuickForm::createElement('text', 'last', 'Last:');
$form->addGroup($name, 'name', 'Name');
// add some 'required' rules to show "stars" and (possible) errors...
$form->addRule('itxtTest', 'Test Text is a required field', 'required');
$form->addRule('itxaTest', 'Test TextArea is a required field', 'required');
$form->addGroupRule('iradYesNo', 'Check Yes or No', 'required');
$form->addGroupRule('name', array('last' => array(array('Last name is required', 'required'))));
// try to validate the form
if ($form->validate()) {
$renderer =& new HTML_QuickForm_Renderer_Object(true);
// give some elements aditional style informations
$renderer->setElementStyle(array('ipwdTest' => 'green', 'iradYesNo' => 'fancygroup', 'name' => 'fancygroup'));
$options =& PEAR::getStaticProperty('HTML_Template_Flexy', 'options');
$options = array('templateDir' => './templates', 'compileDir' => './templates/build', 'debug' => 0);
$tpl =& new HTML_Template_Flexy($options);
// assign array with form data
コード例 #5
ファイル: OnlineBetaling.php プロジェクト: vih/vih.dk
 function getForm()
     if ($this->form) {
         return $this->form;
     $tilmelding = VIH_Model_KortKursus_Tilmelding::factory($this->context->name());
     $forsikringstekst = '';
     if ($tilmelding->get('pris_forsikring') > 0) {
         $forsikringstekst = ' og afbestillingsforsikring';
     $form = new HTML_QuickForm('onlinebetaling', 'POST', $this->url());
     if ($tilmelding->get('skyldig_depositum') > 0 and $tilmelding->get('dato_forfalden') > date('Y-m-d')) {
         $form->addElement('header', null, 'Hvilket beløb vil du betale?');
         $options[] =& HTML_QuickForm::createElement('radio', null, null, $tilmelding->get('pris_total') . ' kroner (DKK) - dækker hele kursusprisen', $tilmelding->get('pris_total') * 100);
         $options[] =& HTML_QuickForm::createElement('radio', null, null, $tilmelding->get('pris_forudbetaling') . ' kroner (DKK) - dækker depositum' . $forsikringstekst, $tilmelding->get('pris_forudbetaling') * 100);
         $form->addGroup($options, 'amount', 'Beløb', '<br />');
         $form->addGroupRule('amount', 'Du skal vælge et beløb', 'required', null);
     } else {
         $form->addElement('header', null, 'Du skal betale nedenstående beløb');
         $form->addElement('radio', 'amount', 'Beløb', $tilmelding->get('skyldig') . ' kroner (DKK) - dækker resten af beløbet', $tilmelding->get('skyldig') * 100);
         $form->addRule('amount', 'Du skal vælge et beløb', 'required');
         $form->addRule('amount', 'Du skal vælge et beløb', 'numeric');
         $form->setDefaults(array('amount' => $tilmelding->get('skyldig') * 100));
     $form->addElement('header', null, 'Betaling');
     $form->addElement('text', 'cardnumber', 'Kortnummer');
     $form->addElement('text', 'cvd', 'Sikkerhedsnummer');
     $form->addElement('text', 'mm', 'Mdr.');
     $form->addElement('text', 'yy', 'år');
     $form->addElement('html', null, 'Vær opmærksom på, at det kan tage helt op til et minut at gennemføre transaktionen hos PBS.');
     $form->addElement('submit', null, 'Betal');
     $form->addRule('cardnumber', 'Du skal skrive et kortnummer', 'required');
     $form->addRule('cardnumber', 'Du skal skrive et kortnummer', 'numeric');
     $form->addRule('cvd', 'Du skal skrive et sikkerhedsnummer', 'required');
     $form->addRule('cvd', 'Du skal skrive et sikkerhedsnummer', 'numeric');
     $form->addRule('mm', 'Du skal udfylde Mdr.', 'required');
     $form->addRule('mm', 'Du skal udfylde Mdr.', 'numeric');
     $form->addRule('yy', 'Du skal udfylde år ', 'required');
     $form->addRule('yy', 'Du skal udfylde år', 'numeric');
     $form->applyFilter('__ALL__', 'trim');
     $form->applyFilter('__ALL__', 'addslashes');
     $form->applyFilter('__ALL__', 'strip_tags');
     return $this->form = $form;
コード例 #6
<!-- BEGIN label_2 --><tr><th>{label_2}</th><!-- END label_2 -->
<!-- BEGIN label_3 --><th>&nbsp;</th><th>{label_3}</th></tr><!-- END label_3 -->
  <td valign="top">{unselected}</td>
  <td align="center">{add}{remove}</td>
  <td valign="top">{selected}</td>
if (isset($_POST['fruit'])) {
    $form->setDefaults(array('fruit' => $_POST['fruit']));
$form->addElement('submit', 'send', 'Send', array('class' => 'inputCommand'));
$form->addRule('name', 'Your name is required', 'required');
$form->addGroupRule('fruit', 'At least one fruit is required', 'required', null, 1);
$form->applyFilter('__ALL__', 'trim');
$form->applyFilter('__ALL__', 'strip_tags');
$valid = $form->validate();
$tpl = new HTML_Template_Sigma('.');
$tpl->setVariable('ams_javascript', $ams->getElementJs(false));
$renderer = new HTML_QuickForm_Renderer_ITDynamic($tpl);
if ($valid) {
    $clean = $form->getSubmitValues();
    $msg = sprintf("<p>Welcome <b>%s</b> you've selected these fruits:<br />%s</p>", $clean['name'], implode(', ', $clean['fruit']));
    $tpl->setVariable('message_form_validate', $msg);
コード例 #7
ファイル: edit_cost.php プロジェクト: Rem122/Uthando-CMS
 // Remove name attribute for xhtml strict compliance.
 $form->addElement('html', '<fieldset>');
 $form->addElement('header', 'edit_cost', 'Edit Post Cost');
 $form->addElement('text', 'cost', 'Cost:', array('size' => 5, 'maxlength' => 5, 'class' => 'inputbox'));
 $radio[] = $form->createElement('radio', null, null, 'Yes', '1');
 $radio[] = $form->createElement('radio', null, null, 'No', '0');
 $form->addGroup($radio, 'vat_inc', 'Include Tax:');
 $form->addElement('html', '</fieldset>');
 $form->addRule('cost', 'Please enter a post cost', 'required');
 $form->addRule('cost', 'post costs have to be a number', 'numeric');
 $form->addGroupRule('vat_inc', 'Please choose whether to include tax or not.', 'required', null, 1);
 $form->addRule('post_zone_id', 'Please select a post zone', 'nonzero');
 $form->addRule('post_level_id', 'Please select a post level', 'nonzero');
 if ($form->validate()) {
     $values = $form->process(array(&$this, 'formValues'), false);
     $menuBar['back'] = '/ushop/postage/overview';
     //check then enter the record.
     $res = $this->update($values, $ushop->db_name . 'post_costs', array('where' => 'post_cost_id=' . $this->registry->params['id']));
     if ($res) {
         $params['TYPE'] = 'pass';
         $params['MESSAGE'] = '<h2>Post cost was successfully edited.</h2>';
     } else {
         $params['TYPE'] = 'error';
         $params['MESSAGE'] = '<h2>Post cost could not be edited due to an error.</h2>';
コード例 #8
ファイル: days_old.php プロジェクト: raynaldmo/php-education
      select { margin-right: 0.5em; }
      span.required { display: none; }
    <h1>How many days old are you?</h1>
require_once "HTML/QuickForm.php";
require_once "HTML/QuickForm/Renderer/Tableless.php";
$form = new HTML_QuickForm("form", "get", "days_old.php", "", array("style" => "width: 30em;"), true);
$options = array('format' => "MdY", "minYear" => 1902, "maxYear" => date("Y"));
$form->addElement("date", "dateOfBirth", "Your date of birth", $options);
$form->addElement("submit", "calculateButton", "Calculate");
$form->addGroupRule("dateOfBirth", "Please enter your date of birth", "required");
$form->addRule("dateOfBirth", "Please enter a valid date", "callback", "checkDateOfBirth");
if ($form->isSubmitted() and $form->validate()) {
$renderer = new HTML_QuickForm_Renderer_Tableless();
echo $renderer->toHtml();
function checkDateOfBirth($value)
    return checkdate($value["M"], $value["d"], $value["Y"]);
function calculateDays($values)
    $currentDate = mktime();
    $dateOfBirth = mktime(0, 0, 0, $values["dateOfBirth"]["M"], $values["dateOfBirth"]["d"], $values["dateOfBirth"]["Y"]);
コード例 #9
ファイル: register.php プロジェクト: shaunfreeman/Uthando-CMS
	$form->addElement('password', 'password1', 'Set your password:'******'size' => 15, 'maxlength' => 12, 'class' => 'inputbox'));
	$form->addElement('password', 'password2', 'Comfirm your password:'******'size' => 15, 'maxlength' => 12, 'class' => 'inputbox'));
	// set up rules.
	// name rules
	// Define the rules for each element in the group
	$first_name_rule_1 = array('First Name is required','required');
	$first_name_rule_2 = array('Invalid First Name','minlength',3);
	$last_name_rule_1 = array('Last Name is required','required');
	$last_name_rule_2 = array('Invalid Last Name','maxlength',20);
	// Collect together the rules for each element
	$first_rules = array($first_name_rule_1, $first_name_rule_2);
	$last_rules = array($last_name_rule_1, $last_name_rule_2);
	// Add the rules to the group
	$form->addGroupRule('name',array($first_rules, $last_rules));
	// email rules
	$form->addRule('email1', 'Please enter your email address', 'required');
	$form->addRule('email1', 'Enter a valid email address.', 'email', null, 'server');
	$form->addRule('email2', 'Please confirm your email address', 'required');
	$form->addRule('email2', 'Enter a valid email address.', 'email', null, 'server');
	// password rules
	$form->addRule('password1', 'Please enter your password', 'required');
	$form->addRule('password1', 'Enter a valid password (bewteen 8 & 12 characters long)', 'rangelength', array(8,12), 'server');
	$form->addRule('password1', 'Enter a valid password (numbers, letters and ! £ $ % & / \ ( ) = ? + # - . , ; : _ only)', 'regex', '/^[a-zA-Z0-9!£$\%&\/\\\()=?+#-.,;:_]+$/', 'server');
	$form->addRule('password2', 'Please comfirm your password', 'required');
	$form->addRule('password2', 'Enter a valid password (bewteen 8 & 12 characters long)', 'rangelength', array(8,12), 'server');
	$form->addRule('password2', 'Enter a valid password (numbers, letters and ! £ $ % & / \ ( ) = ? + # - . , ; : _ only)', 'regex', '/^[a-zA-Z0-9!£$\%&\/\\\()=?+#-.,;:_]+$/', 'server');
	// compare rules
コード例 #10
ファイル: Show.php プロジェクト: vih/intranet.vih.dk
 function getForm()
     $date_options = array('minYear' => date('Y') - 10, 'maxYear' => date('Y') + 5);
     if ($this->form) {
         return $this->form;
     $tilmelding = $this->getTilmelding();
     foreach (VIH_Model_LangtKursus::getList('alle') as $kursus) {
         $kurser[$kursus->get('id')] = $kursus->getKursusNavn();
     $form = new HTML_QuickForm('tilmelding', 'POST', $this->url());
     $form->addElement('hidden', 'id');
     $form->addElement('header', null, 'Kursus');
     $form->addElement('select', 'kursus_id', 'Kursus', $kurser);
     $form->addElement('header', null, 'Navn og adresse');
     $form->addElement('text', 'vaerelse', 'Værelse');
     $form->addElement('text', 'navn', 'Navn');
     $form->addElement('text', 'adresse', 'Adresse');
     $form->addElement('text', 'postnr', 'Postnummer');
     $form->addElement('text', 'postby', 'Postby');
     $form->addElement('text', 'cpr', 'Cpr-nummer');
     $form->addElement('text', 'telefonnummer', 'Telefonnummer');
     $form->addElement('text', 'kommune', 'Bopælskommune');
     $form->addElement('text', 'nationalitet', 'Nationalitet');
     $form->addElement('text', 'email', 'E-mail');
     foreach ($tilmelding->sex as $key => $value) {
         $radio[] =& HTML_QuickForm::createElement('radio', null, null, $value, $key);
     $form->addGroup($radio, 'sex', 'Køn');
     $form->addElement('header', null, 'Nærmeste pårørende - hvem skal vi rette henvendelse til ved sygdom');
     $form->addElement('text', 'kontakt_navn', 'Navn');
     $form->addElement('text', 'kontakt_adresse', 'Adresse');
     $form->addElement('text', 'kontakt_postnr', 'Postnummer');
     $form->addElement('text', 'kontakt_postby', 'Postby');
     $form->addElement('text', 'kontakt_telefon', 'Telefon');
     $form->addElement('text', 'kontakt_arbejdstelefon', 'Arbejdstelefon');
     $form->addElement('text', 'kontakt_email', 'E-mail');
     $form->addElement('header', null, 'Hvordan er din uddannelsesmæssige baggrund?');
     foreach ($tilmelding->uddannelse as $key => $value) {
         $udd[] =& HTML_QuickForm::createElement('radio', null, null, $value, $key);
     $form->addGroup($udd, 'uddannelse', 'Uddannelse');
     $form->addElement('header', null, 'Hvordan betaler du?');
     foreach ($tilmelding->betaling as $key => $value) {
         $bet[] =& HTML_QuickForm::createElement('radio', null, null, $value, $key);
     $form->addGroup($bet, 'betaling', 'Betaling');
     $form->addElement('header', null, 'Besked til Vejle Idrætshøjskole');
     $form->addElement('textarea', 'besked', 'Er der andet vi bør vide?');
     $form->addElement('textarea', 'tekst_diplom', 'Tekst til diplomet');
     $form->addElement('header', null, 'Termin');
     $form->addElement('text', 'ugeantal', 'Ugeantal');
     $form->addElement('date', 'dato_start', 'Startdato', $date_options);
     $form->addElement('date', 'dato_slut', 'Slutdato', $date_options);
     $form->addElement('header', null, 'Priser');
     $form->addElement('text', 'pris_tilmeldingsgebyr', 'Tilmeldingsgebyr');
     $form->addElement('text', 'pris_uge', 'Ugepris');
     $form->addElement('text', 'pris_materiale', 'Materialer');
     $form->addElement('text', 'pris_rejsedepositum', 'Rejsedepositum');
     $form->addElement('header', null, 'Støtte');
     $form->addElement('text', 'elevstotte', 'Elevstøtte');
     $form->addElement('text', 'ugeantal_elevstotte', 'Elevstøtte antal uger');
     $form->addElement('text', 'kompetencestotte', 'Kompetencestøtte');
     $form->addElement('text', 'statsstotte', 'Indvandrerstøtte');
     $form->addElement('text', 'kommunestotte', 'Kommunestøtte');
     $form->addElement('text', 'aktiveret_tillaeg', 'Aktiveret tillæg');
     $form->addElement('header', null, 'Afbrudt ophold');
     $form->addElement('text', 'pris_afbrudt_ophold', 'Ekstra pris');
     $form->addElement('submit', null, 'Gem');
     $form->applyFilter('__ALL__', 'trim');
     $form->applyFilter('__ALL__', 'strip_tags');
     $form->addRule('id', 'Tilmeldingen skal have et id', 'numeric');
     $form->addRule('kursus_id', 'Du skal vælge et kursus', 'required');
     $form->addRule('kursus_id', 'Du skal vælge et kursus', 'numeric');
     $form->addRule('navn', 'Du skal skrive et navn', 'required');
     $form->addRule('adresse', 'Du skal skrive en adresse', 'required');
     $form->addRule('postnr', 'Postnummer', 'required');
     $form->addRule('postby', 'Postby', 'required');
     $form->addRule('telefonnummer', 'Telefonnummer', 'required');
     $form->addRule('email', 'Du har ikke skrevet en gyldig e-mail', 'email');
     $form->addRule('kommune', 'Du har ikke skrevet en kommune', 'required');
     $form->addRule('nationalitet', 'Du har ikke skrevet en nationalitet', 'required');
     $form->addRule('cpr', 'Du skal skrive et cpr-nummer', 'required');
     $form->addRule('kontakt_navn', 'Du har ikke skrevet et gyldigt kontaktnavn', 'required');
     $form->addRule('kontakt_adresse', 'Du har ikke skrevet et gyldig kontaktadresse', 'required');
     $form->addRule('kontakt_postnr', 'Du har ikke skrevet en kontaktpostnummer', 'required');
     $form->addRule('kontakt_postby', 'Du har ikke skrevet en kontaktpostby', 'required');
     $form->addRule('kontakt_telefon', 'Du har ikke skrevet et nummer under telefon', 'required');
     $form->addRule('kontakt_arbejdstelefon', 'Du har ikke skrevet et nummer under arbejdstelefon', 'required');
     $form->addRule('kontakt_email', 'Du har ikke skrevet en gyldig kontakte-mail', 'email');
     $form->addGroupRule('uddannelse', 'Du skal vælge din uddannelsesmæssige baggrund', 'required', null);
     $form->addGroupRule('betaling', 'Du skal vælge, hvordan du betaler', 'required', null);
     return $this->form = $form;
コード例 #11
ファイル: carga.php プロジェクト: sergiokessler/perio
require_once 'HTML/QuickForm.php';
$form = new HTML_QuickForm('form', 'post');
// fields
$form->addElement('header', 'MyHeader', 'Carga de votos por urna');
$form->addElement('hidden', 'action', 'carga');
//$form->addElement('hidden', 'params', $params_fa);
$form->addElement('select', 'new_urna', 'Urna:', $urna_select);
$form->addRule('new_urna', 'Debe especificar una urna', 'required');
$form->addElement('static', 'info', '', 'Centro &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Claustro');
//$form->addElement('static', 'info', '', 'Claustro');
foreach ($lista_select as $lista_id => $lista_nombre) {
    $votos[] =& HTML_QuickForm::createElement('text', 'votos_centro', '', $votos_attr);
    $votos[] =& HTML_QuickForm::createElement('text', 'votos_claustro', '', $votos_attr);
    $form->addGroup($votos, "new_lista[{$lista_id}]", $lista_nombre . ':', '&nbsp;');
    $form->addGroupRule("new_lista[{$lista_id}]", 'Debe cargar los datos correctamente', 'numeric');
$form->addElement('static', 'info', '<div style="color:red">Por Favor, verifique los datos antes de guardar</div>', '');
$form->addElement('submit', 'btnSubmit', 'Guardar');
// rules
if (isset($_REQUEST['btnSubmit']) and $_REQUEST['btnSubmit'] == 'Guardar' and $form->validate()) {
    $new_urna = $_REQUEST['new_urna'];
    $new_lista = $_REQUEST['new_lista'];
    foreach ($new_lista as $lista_id => $votos) {
        $new_row['urna_id'] = $new_urna;
        $new_row['lista_id'] = $lista_id;
        if (isset($votos['votos_centro'])) {
            $new_row['votos_centro'] = $votos['votos_centro'];
        } else {
            $new_row['votos_centro'] = 0;