// Logout? if ($_VISSTATE['POST_OUT'] = isset($_GET['logout'])) { $_GET['section'] = 'main'; # Redirect logged out users to the main page. Coach::logout(); } Mobile::setIsMobile($isMobile); if ($isMobile && !Coach::isLoggedIn()) { // Redirect logged out mobile users to login $_GET['section'] = 'login'; } if ($_VISSTATE['COOCKIE'] || $_VISSTATE['POST_IN'] || $_VISSTATE['POST_OUT']) { setupGlobalVars(T_SETUP_GLOBAL_VARS__POST_COACH_LOGINOUT); } if (Mobile::isMobile()) { HTMLOUT::mobile_frame_begin(isset($_SESSION['logged_in']) ? $coach->settings['theme'] : $settings['stylesheet']); # Make page frame, banner and menu. MTS('Header loaded, login auth, html frame generated'); // Check if a menu-link was picked, and execute section code from sections.php accordingly. switch ($_GET['section']) { case 'login': sec_login(); break; case 'matches': Match_HTMLOUT::userSched(); break; case 'management': $teamId = Mobile_HTMLOUT::getSelectedTeamId(); Team_HTMLOUT::teamManagementBox($teamId); break; default:
$databaseVersion = SQLUpgrade::getCurrentDatabaseVersion(); $fromVersion = $databaseVersion ? $databaseVersion : '075-080'; // set to earliest auto-upgrade version by default if (!$databaseVersion || $fromVersion < $db_version) { echo '<div class="messagecontainer lightgreen">'; if (!$databaseVersion) { echo '<div>Your database version cannot be determined. Your system will run <strong>all</strong> automatic upgrades.</div>'; } echo '<div>Your database will now be upgraded to version ' . $db_version . '.</div>'; upgrade_database_to_version($db_version, $fromVersion); echo '</div>'; } } } if (Mobile::isMobile()) { HTMLOUT::mobile_frame_begin(); # Make page frame, banner and menu. MTS('Header loaded, login auth, html frame generated'); // Check if a menu-link was picked, and execute section code from sections.php accordingly. switch ($_GET['section']) { case 'login': sec_login(); break; case 'matches': Match_HTMLOUT::userSched(); break; case 'management': $teamId = Mobile_HTMLOUT::getSelectedTeamId(); Team_HTMLOUT::teamManagementBox($teamId); break; default: