コード例 #1
  * Get the total filesize for a given file or directory
  * If $file is a file then just return the result of `filesize()`.
  * If $file is a directory then schedule a recursive filesize scan.
  * @param SplFileInfo $file			The file or directory you want to know the size of
  * @param bool $skip_excluded_files	Skip excluded files when calculating a directories total size
  * @return int 						The total of the file or directory
 public function filesize(SplFileInfo $file, $skip_excluded_files = false)
     // Skip missing or unreadable files
     if (!file_exists($file->getPathname()) || !@realpath($file->getPathname()) || !$file->isReadable()) {
         return false;
     // If it's a file then just pass back the filesize
     if ($file->isFile() && $file->isReadable()) {
         return $file->getSize();
     // If it's a directory then pull it from the cached filesize array
     if ($file->isDir()) {
         // If we haven't calculated the site size yet then kick it off in a thread
         $directory_sizes = get_transient('hmbkp_directory_filesizes');
         if (!is_array($directory_sizes)) {
             if (!$this->is_site_size_being_calculated()) {
                 // Mark the filesize as being calculated
                 set_transient('hmbkp_directory_filesizes_running', true, HOUR_IN_SECONDS);
                 // Schedule a Backdrop task to trigger a recalculation
                 $task = new HM_Backdrop_Task(array($this, 'recursive_filesize_scanner'));
         $current_pathname = trailingslashit($file->getPathname());
         $root = trailingslashit($this->get_root());
         foreach ($directory_sizes as $path => $size) {
             // Remove any files that aren't part of the current tree
             if (false === strpos($path, $current_pathname)) {
         if ($skip_excluded_files) {
             $excludes = $this->exclude_string('regex');
             foreach ($directory_sizes as $path => $size) {
                 // Skip excluded files if we have excludes
                 if ($excludes && preg_match('(' . $excludes . ')', str_ireplace($root, '', HM_Backup::conform_dir($path)))) {
         // Directory size is now just a sum of all files across all sub directories
         return array_sum($directory_sizes);
コード例 #2
  * Get the total filesize for a given file or directory
  * If $file is a file then just return the result of `filesize()`.
  * If $file is a directory then schedule a recursive filesize scan.
  * @param string $file	The file you want to know the size of
  * @return int 			The total of the file or directory
 public function total_filesize(SplFileInfo $file, $ignore_excludes = true)
     if (!file_exists($file->getPathname()) || !@realpath($file->getPathname()) || !$file->isReadable()) {
         return false;
     if ($file->isFile()) {
         return $file->getSize();
     if ($file->isDir()) {
         $transient_filesize_key = $this->get_transient_key($file->getPathname());
         $transient_running_key = $this->get_transient_key('running_' . $file->getPathname());
         if (!$ignore_excludes) {
             $transient_filesize_key = $this->get_transient_key($excludes . $file->getPathname());
             $transient_running_key = $this->get_transient_key('running_' . $excludes . $file->getPathname());
         // If we already have a cached filesize for this directory then let's return it
         $size = get_transient($transient_filesize_key);
         if ($size !== false) {
             return (int) $size;
             // If we don't have a cached filesize then we probably need to calculate it
         } else {
             // Don't bother re-calculating if we are already doing that in a different thread through
             $parent_directory = $file->getPathname();
             while ($parent_directory !== '/') {
                 $parent_task = new HM_Backdrop_Task(array($this, 'recursive_directory_filesize_scanner'), $parent_directory, $ignore_excludes);
                 // If we are already calulating the parent directory in another thread then let's just wait for that to finish
                 if ($parent_task->is_scheduled()) {
                     return false;
                 $parent_directory = dirname($parent_directory);
             update_option($transient_running_key, true);
             // Schedule a Backdrop task to trigger a recalculation
             $task = new HM_Backdrop_Task(array($this, 'recursive_directory_filesize_scanner'), $file->getPathname(), $ignore_excludes);
             return false;