コード例 #1
 public function show()
     $tpl = array();
     if (empty($this->housingApps)) {
         $tpl['APPLICATIONS_EMPTY'] = 'No applications found.';
         return PHPWS_Template::process($tpl, 'hms', 'admin/profileHousingAppList.tpl');
     // Include javascript for cancel application jquery dialog
     $jsParams = array('LINK_SELECT' => '.cancelAppLink');
     javascript('profileCancelApplication', $jsParams, 'mod/hms/');
     $app_rows = "";
     // Get the list of cancellation reasons
     $reasons = HousingApplication::getCancellationReasons();
     // Show a row for each application
     foreach ($this->housingApps as $app) {
         $term = Term::toString($app->getTerm());
         $mealPlan = HMS_Util::formatMealOption($app->getMealPlan());
         $phone = HMS_Util::formatCellPhone($app->getCellPhone());
         $type = $app->getPrintableAppType();
         // Clean/dirty and early/late preferences are only fields on the FallApplication
         if ($app instanceof FallApplication && isset($app->room_condition)) {
             $clean = $app->room_condition == 1 ? 'Neat' : 'Cluttered';
         } else {
             $clean = '';
         if ($app instanceof FallApplication && isset($app->preferred_bedtime)) {
             $bedtime = $app->preferred_bedtime == 1 ? 'Early' : 'Late';
         } else {
             $bedtime = '';
         $viewCmd = CommandFactory::getCommand('ShowApplicationView');
         $view = $viewCmd->getURI();
         $row = array('term' => $term, 'type' => $type, 'meal_plan' => $mealPlan, 'cell_phone' => $phone, 'clean' => $clean, 'bedtime' => $bedtime, 'view' => $view);
         if ($app->isCancelled()) {
             $reInstateCmd = CommandFactory::getCommand('ReinstateApplication');
             $row['reinstate'] = $reInstateCmd->getURI();
             $cancelledReason = "({$reasons[$app->getCancelledReason()]})";
             $row['cancelledReason'] = $cancelledReason;
             $row['row_style'] = 'warning';
         } else {
             // Show Cancel Command, if user has permission to cancel apps
             if (Current_User::allow('hms', 'cancel_housing_application')) {
                 $cancelCmd = CommandFactory::getCommand('ShowCancelHousingApplication');
                 $cancel = $cancelCmd->getURI();
                 $row['cancel'] = $cancel;
         $app_rows[] = $row;
     $tpl['APPLICATIONS'] = $app_rows;
     return PHPWS_Template::process($tpl, 'hms', 'admin/profileHousingAppList.tpl');
コード例 #2
 public function show()
     PHPWS_Core::initModClass('hms', 'HMS_Lottery.php');
     PHPWS_Core::initModClass('hms', 'HMS_Bed.php');
     PHPWS_Core::initModClass('hms', 'StudentFactory.php');
     PHPWS_Core::initModClass('hms', 'HMS_Util.php');
     # Get the roommate request record from the database
     $bed = new HMS_Bed($this->request['bed_id']);
     $room = $bed->get_parent();
     $tpl = array();
     $requestor = StudentFactory::getStudentByUsername($this->request['requestor'], $this->term);
     $tpl['REQUESTOR'] = $requestor->getName();
     $tpl['HALL_ROOM'] = $bed->where_am_i();
     # List all the students which will be assigned and their beds
     $beds = $room->get_beds();
     foreach ($beds as $bed) {
         $bed_row = array();
         # Check for an assignment
         # Check for a reservation
         $reservation = $bed->get_lottery_reservation_info();
         $bed_row['BEDROOM_LETTER'] = $bed->bedroom_label;
         if ($bed->_curr_assignment != NULL) {
             # Bed is assigned
             $roommate = StudentFactory::getStudentByUsername($bed->_curr_assignment->asu_username, $this->term);
             $bed_row['TEXT'] = $roommate->getName();
         } else {
             if ($reservation != NULL) {
                 # Bed is reserved
                 $roommate = StudentFactory::getStudentByUsername($reservation['asu_username'], $this->term);
                 $bed_row['TEXT'] = $roommate->getName() . ' (reserved)';
             } else {
                 $bed_row['TEXT'] = 'Empty';
         $tpl['beds'][] = $bed_row;
     $tpl['MEAL_PLAN'] = HMS_Util::formatMealOption($this->mealPlan);
     $tpl['CAPTCHA'] = Captcha::get();
     $submitCmd = CommandFactory::getCommand('LotteryConfirmRoommateRequest');
     $form = new PHPWS_Form();
     $form->addSubmit('confirm', 'Confirm Roommate');
     $tpl = $form->getTemplate();
     Layout::addPageTitle("Lottery Confirm Roommate");
     return PHPWS_Template::process($tpl, 'hms', 'student/lottery_confirm_roommate_request.tpl');
コード例 #3
 public function execute()
     PHPWS_Core::initModClass('hms', 'HMS_Util.php');
     PHPWS_Core::initModClass('hms', 'HousingApplication.php');
     PHPWS_Core::initModClass('hms', 'SpringApplication.php');
     PHPWS_Core::initModClass('hms', 'SummerApplication.php');
     PHPWS_Core::initModClass('hms', 'FallApplication.php');
     PHPWS_Core::initModClass('hms', 'HMS_Roommate.php');
     $term = $this->term;
     $sem = Term::getTermSem($term);
     // List of student 'application terms' which we'll consider as 'Freshmen' for term we're looking at
     // E.g. Students with an applicationt erm in Summer 1, Summer 2, and Fall all count as Freshmen for Fall.
     $applicationTerms = array();
     $db = new PHPWS_DB('hms_new_application');
     // Join for additional application data based on semester
     switch ($sem) {
         case TERM_SUMMER1:
         case TERM_SUMMER2:
             $db->addJoin('', 'hms_new_application', 'hms_summer_application', 'id', 'id');
             $applicationTerms[] = $term;
             $db->addWhere('application_type', 'summer');
         case TERM_FALL:
             $db->addJoin('', 'hms_new_application', 'hms_fall_application', 'id', 'id');
             // Add the summer 1 and summe 2 application terms
             $summer2 = Term::getPrevTerm($term);
             $summer1 = Term::getPrevTerm($summer2);
             $applicationTerms[] = $summer1;
             $applicationTerms[] = $summer2;
             $applicationTerms[] = $term;
             $db->addWhere('application_type', 'fall');
         case TERM_SPRING:
             $db->addJoin('', 'hms_new_application', 'hms_spring_application', 'id', 'id');
             $applicationTerms[] = $term;
             $db->addWhere('application_type', 'spring');
             // error
             throw new InvalidArgumentException('Invalid term specified.');
     // Join for un-assigned students
     $db->addJoin('LEFT OUTER', 'hms_new_application', 'hms_assignment', 'banner_id', 'banner_id AND hms_new_application.term = hms_assignment.term');
     $db->addWhere('hms_assignment.banner_id', 'NULL');
     $db->addWhere('hms_new_application.term', $term);
     $db->addWhere('hms_new_application.student_type', 'F');
     // Don't show students who have cancelled applications
     $db->addWhere('hms_new_application.cancelled', 0);
     // Limit by application term
     foreach ($applicationTerms as $t) {
         $db->addWhere('application_term', $t, '=', 'OR', 'app_term_group');
     // Sort by gender, then application date (earliest to latest)
     $db->addOrder(array('gender ASC', 'created_on ASC'));
     $results = $db->select();
     if (PHPWS_Error::isError($results)) {
         throw new DatabaseException($results->toString());
     // Post-processing, cleanup, making it pretty
     foreach ($results as $row) {
         // Updates counts
         if ($row['gender'] == MALE) {
         } else {
             if ($row['gender'] == FEMALE) {
         $row['application_term'] = Term::toString($row['application_term']);
         $row['gender'] = HMS_Util::formatGender($row['gender']);
         $row['created_on'] = HMS_Util::get_short_date_time($row['created_on']);
         $row['meal_plan'] = HMS_Util::formatMealOption($row['meal_plan']);
         $row['lifestyle_option'] = HMS_Util::formatLifestyle($row['lifestyle_option']);
         $row['room_condition'] = HMS_Util::formatRoomCondition($row['room_condition']);
         $row['preferred_bedtime'] = HMS_Util::formatBedtime($row['preferred_bedtime']);
         // Roommates
         $roommie = HMS_Roommate::get_confirmed_roommate($row['username'], $this->term);
         if (!is_null($roommie)) {
             $row['roommate'] = $roommie->getUsername();
             $row['roommate_banner_id'] = $roommie->getBannerId();
         // Copy the cleaned up row to the member var for data
         $this->data[] = $row;
コード例 #4
 public function show()
     // TODO: Load application in controller and pass it to HousingApplicationView constructor.
     $application = HousingApplicationFactory::getApplicationById($this->id);
     $student = StudentFactory::getStudentByUsername($application->username, $application->term);
     $tpl = array();
     //If the application has been submitted plug in the date it was created
     if (isset($application->created_on)) {
         $tpl['RECEIVED_DATE'] = "Received on: " . date('d-F-Y h:i:s a', $application->created_on);
     if ($application instanceof LotteryApplication && $application->getWaitingListDate() != null) {
         $tpl['WAITING_LIST_DATE'] = date("d-F-y h:i:sa", $application->getWaitingListDate());
     // Check if the application has been cancelled
     // isWithdrawn() has been depricated, but I'm leaving it here just for historical sake
     // on the off-chance that it catches an older application that's withdrawn but not cancelled.
     if ($application->isCancelled() || $application->isWithdrawn()) {
         NQ::simple('hms', hms\NotificationView::WARNING, 'This application has been cancelled.');
     $tpl['STUDENT_NAME'] = $student->getFullName();
     $tpl['GENDER'] = $student->getPrintableGender();
     $tpl['ENTRY_TERM'] = Term::toString($application->term);
     $tpl['CLASSIFICATION_FOR_TERM_LBL'] = $student->getPrintableClass();
     $tpl['STUDENT_STATUS_LBL'] = $student->getPrintableType();
     $tpl['MEAL_OPTION'] = HMS_Util::formatMealOption($application->meal_plan);
     if (isset($application->lifestyle_option)) {
         $tpl['LIFESTYLE_OPTION'] = $application->lifestyle_option == 1 ? 'Single gender' : 'Co-ed';
     } else {
         $tpl['LIFESTYLE_OPTION'] = 'n/a';
     if (isset($application->preferred_bedtime)) {
         $tpl['PREFERRED_BEDTIME'] = $application->preferred_bedtime == 1 ? 'Early' : 'Late';
     } else {
         $tpl['PREFERRED_BEDTIME'] = 'n/a';
     if (isset($application->room_condition)) {
         $tpl['ROOM_CONDITION'] = $application->room_condition == 1 ? 'Neat' : 'Cluttered';
     } else {
         $tpl['ROOM_CONDITION'] = 'n/a';
     if (isset($application->smoking_preference)) {
         $tpl['SMOKING_PREFERENCE'] = $application->smoking_preference == 1 ? 'No' : 'Yes';
     } else {
         $tpl['SMOKING_PREFERENCE'] = 'n/a';
     if (isset($application->room_type)) {
         $tpl['ROOM_TYPE'] = $application->room_type == ROOM_TYPE_DOUBLE ? 'Double' : 'Private (if available)';
     $tpl['CELLPHONE'] = '';
     if (strlen($application->cell_phone) == 10) {
         $tpl['CELLPHONE'] .= '(' . substr($application->cell_phone, 0, 3) . ')';
         $tpl['CELLPHONE'] .= '-' . substr($application->cell_phone, 3, 3);
         $tpl['CELLPHONE'] .= '-' . substr($application->cell_phone, 6, 4);
     /* Emergency Contact */
     $tpl['EMERGENCY_CONTACT_NAME'] = $application->getEmergencyContactName();
     $tpl['EMERGENCY_CONTACT_RELATIONSHIP'] = $application->getEmergencyContactRelationship();
     $tpl['EMERGENCY_CONTACT_PHONE'] = $application->getEmergencyContactPhone();
     $tpl['EMERGENCY_CONTACT_EMAIL'] = $application->getEmergencyContactEmail();
     $tpl['EMERGENCY_MEDICAL_CONDITION'] = $application->getEmergencyMedicalCondition();
     /* Missing Person */
     if (Current_User::allow('hms', 'view_missing_person_info')) {
         $tpl['MISSING_PERSON_NAME'] = $application->getMissingPersonName();
         $tpl['MISSING_PERSON_RELATIONSHIP'] = $application->getMissingPersonRelationship();
         $tpl['MISSING_PERSON_PHONE'] = $application->getMissingPersonPhone();
         $tpl['MISSING_PERSON_EMAIL'] = $application->getMissingPersonEmail();
     /* Special Needs */
     $special_needs = "";
     if ($application->physical_disability == 1) {
         $special_needs = 'Physical disability<br />';
     if ($application->psych_disability) {
         $special_needs .= 'Psychological disability<br />';
     if ($application->medical_need) {
         $special_needs .= 'Medical need<br />';
     if ($application->gender_need) {
         $special_needs .= 'Gender need<br />';
     if ($special_needs == '') {
         $special_needs = 'None';
     $tpl['SPECIAL_NEEDS_RESULT'] = $special_needs;
     if ($application instanceof FallApplication) {
         PHPWS_Core::initModClass('hms', 'HMS_RLC_Application.php');
         $rlcApp = HMS_RLC_Application::getApplicationByUsername($student->getUsername(), $application->getTerm());
         if (!is_null($rlcApp)) {
             $tpl['RLC_INTEREST_1'] = 'Yes (Completed - Use the main menu to view/modify.)';
         } else {
             $tpl['RLC_INTEREST_1'] = $application->rlc_interest == 0 ? 'No' : 'Yes';
     if (Current_User::getUsername() == "hms_student") {
         $tpl['MENU_LINK'] = PHPWS_Text::secureLink('Back to main menu', 'hms', array('type' => 'student', 'op' => 'show_main_menu'));
     Layout::addPageTitle("Housing Application");
     return PHPWS_Template::process($tpl, 'hms', 'admin/student_application.tpl');
コード例 #5
 public function show()
     PHPWS_Core::initModClass('hms', 'HMS_Util.php');
     PHPWS_Core::initModClass('hms', 'StudentFactory.php');
     $tpl = array();
     $submitCmd = CommandFactory::getCommand('LotteryConfirm');
     $form = new PHPWS_Form();
     # Add the beds and user names back to the form so they end up in the request in a pretty way
     foreach ($this->roommates as $key => $value) {
         if (isset($value) && $value != '') {
             $form->addHidden("roommates[{$key}]", $value);
     # List the student's room
     PHPWS_Core::initModClass('hms', 'HMS_Room.php');
     $room = new HMS_Room($this->roomId);
     $tpl['ROOM'] = $room->where_am_i();
     # List all the students which will be assigned and their beds
     $beds = $room->get_beds();
     foreach ($beds as $bed) {
         $bed_row = array();
         # Check for an assignment
         # Check for a reservation
         $reservation = $bed->get_lottery_reservation_info();
         $bedLabel = $room->getRoomNumber();
         if ($room->get_number_of_beds() == 4) {
             $bedLabel = $bedLabel . $bed->getBedroomLabel();
         $bedLabel = $bedLabel . $bed->getLetter();
         $bed_row['BED_LABEL'] = $bedLabel;
         $roommate = null;
         if ($bed->_curr_assignment != NULL) {
             # Bed is assigned
             $roommate = StudentFactory::getStudentByUsername($bed->_curr_assignment->asu_username, $this->term);
             $bed_row['TEXT'] = $roommate->getName();
         } else {
             if ($reservation != NULL) {
                 # Bed is reserved
                 $roommate = StudentFactory::getStudentByUsername($reservation['asu_username'], $this->term);
                 $bed_row['TEXT'] = $roommate->getName() . ' (reserved)';
             } else {
                 # Get the new roommate name out of the request
                 if (!isset($this->roommates[$bed->id]) || $this->roommates[$bed->id] == '') {
                     $bed_row['TEXT'] = 'Empty';
                 } else {
                     $roommate = StudentFactory::getStudentByUsername($this->roommates[$bed->id], $this->term);
                     $bed_row['TEXT'] = $roommate->getName() . ' ' . $this->roommates[$bed->id];
         $tpl['beds'][] = $bed_row;
     # Show the meal plan
     $tpl['MEAL_PLAN'] = HMS_Util::formatMealOption($this->mealPlan);
     $form->addHidden('meal_plan', $this->mealPlan);
     $form->addTplTag('CAPTCHA_IMAGE', Captcha::get());
     $form->addSubmit('submit_form', 'Confirm room & roommates');
     Layout::addPageTitle("Confirm Re-Application");
     return PHPWS_Template::process($form->getTemplate(), 'hms', 'student/lottery_confirm.tpl');
コード例 #6
 public function show()
     $tpl = array();
     $tpl['REVIEW_MSG'] = '';
     // set this to show the review message
     $tpl['STUDENT_NAME'] = $this->student->getFullName();
     $tpl['GENDER'] = $this->student->getPrintableGender();
     $tpl['ENTRY_TERM'] = Term::toString($this->term);
     $tpl['CLASSIFICATION_FOR_TERM_LBL'] = $this->student->getPrintableClass();
     $tpl['STUDENT_STATUS_LBL'] = $this->student->getPrintableType();
     // TODO: This, right
     $sem = Term::getTermSem($this->term);
     if ($sem == TERM_SPRING || $sem == TERM_FALL) {
         $tpl['LIFESTYLE_OPTION'] = $this->app->getLifestyleOption() == 1 ? 'Single gender' : 'Co-ed';
         $tpl['PREFERRED_BEDTIME'] = $this->app->getPreferredBedtime() == 1 ? 'Early' : 'Late';
         $tpl['ROOM_CONDITION'] = $this->app->getRoomCondition() == 1 ? 'Neat' : 'Cluttered';
     } else {
         if ($sem == 20 || $sem == 30) {
             $tpl['ROOM_TYPE'] = $this->app->getRoomType() == 0 ? 'Two person' : 'Private (if available)';
     $tpl['SMOKING_PREFERENCE'] = $this->app->getSmokingPreference() == 1 ? 'No' : 'Yes';
     $tpl['MEAL_OPTION'] = HMS_Util::formatMealOption($this->app->getMealPlan());
     /* Cell Phone */
     $tpl['CELLPHONE'] = is_null($this->app->getCellPhone()) ? "(not provided)" : $this->app->getCellPhone();
     /* Emergency Contact */
     $tpl['EMERGENCY_CONTACT_NAME'] = $this->app->getEmergencyContactName();
     $tpl['EMERGENCY_CONTACT_RELATIONSHIP'] = $this->app->getEmergencyContactRelationship();
     $tpl['EMERGENCY_CONTACT_PHONE'] = $this->app->getEmergencyContactPhone();
     $tpl['EMERGENCY_CONTACT_EMAIL'] = $this->app->getEmergencyContactEmail();
     $tpl['EMERGENCY_MEDICAL_CONDITION'] = $this->app->getEmergencyMedicalCondition();
     /* Missing Person */
     $tpl['MISSING_PERSON_NAME'] = $this->app->getMissingPersonName();
     $tpl['MISSING_PERSON_RELATIONSHIP'] = $this->app->getMissingPersonRelationship();
     $tpl['MISSING_PERSON_PHONE'] = $this->app->getMissingPersonPhone();
     $tpl['MISSING_PERSON_EMAIL'] = $this->app->getMissingPersonEmail();
     /* Special Needs */
     $special_needs = "";
     if (isset($this->app->physical_disability)) {
         $special_needs = 'Physical disability<br />';
     if (isset($this->app->psych_disability)) {
         $special_needs .= 'Psychological disability<br />';
     if (isset($this->app->medical_need)) {
         $special_needs .= 'Medical need<br />';
     if (isset($this->app->gender_need)) {
         $special_needs .= 'Gender need<br />';
     if ($special_needs == '') {
         $special_needs = 'None';
     $tpl['SPECIAL_NEEDS_RESULT'] = $special_needs;
     /* RLC Interest */
     if (Term::getTermSem($this->term) == TERM_FALL) {
         $tpl['RLC_REVIEW'] = $this->app->rlc_interest == 0 ? 'No' : 'Yes';
     $form = new PHPWS_Form('hidden_form');
     $submitCmd = CommandFactory::getCommand('HousingApplicationConfirm');
     $tpl['CONFIRM_BTN'] = '';
     // Dummy template var to turn on confirm button
     $redoCmd = CommandFactory::getCommand('ShowHousingApplicationForm');
     $tpl['REDO_BUTTON'] = $redoCmd->getURI();
     $tpl = $form->getTemplate();
     return PHPWS_Template::process($tpl, 'hms', 'student/student_application.tpl');
コード例 #7
  * Returns the fields for this HousingApplication parent class. Usually called by overriding methods in subclasses (e.g. SummerApplication).
  * @return Array Array of fields for this HousingApplication.
 protected function unassignedStudentsFields()
     $fields = array();
     $fields['banner_id'] = $this->getBannerId();
     $fields['username'] = $this->getUsername();
     $fields['gender'] = HMS_Util::formatGender($this->getGender());
     $fields['application_term'] = Term::toString($this->getApplicationTerm(), true);
     $fields['student_type'] = HMS_Util::formatType($this->getStudentType());
     $fields['meal_plan'] = HMS_Util::formatMealOption($this->getMealPlan());
     $fields['created_on'] = HMS_Util::get_long_date($this->getCreatedOn());
     $roommate = HMS_Roommate::get_confirmed_roommate($this->getUsername(), $this->getTerm());
     if (!is_null($roommate)) {
         $fields['roommate'] = $roommate->getFullName();
         $fields['roommate_id'] = $roommate->getBannerId();
     } else {
         $fields['roommate'] = '';
         $fields['roommate_id'] = '';
     return $fields;