function removeTest($aTestData, $aFields) { $oGroupUser = new GroupUser(); try { return $oGroupUser->remove($aFields['GRP_UID'], $aFields['USR_UID']); } catch (Exception $oError) { return $oError; } }
function editoccupant_POST(Web $w) { list($householdid, $occupantid) = $w->pathMatch("a", "b"); if (empty($householdid)) { $w->out("no household id provide"); return; } $household = $w->Bend->getHouseholdForId($householdid); $oc = new BendHouseholdOccupant($w); $user = new User($w); $contact = new Contact($w); if (!empty($occupantid)) { $oc = $w->Bend->getHouseholdOccupantForId($occupantid); } $oc->fill($_POST); $oc->bend_household_id = $householdid; $oc->insertOrUpdate(); if (!empty($oc->user_id)) { $user = $oc->getUser(); $contact = $user->getContact(); } $contact->fill($_POST); $contact->insertOrUpdate(); // create a new user if necessary if (empty($user->id)) { $user->contact_id = $contact->id; $user->login = $contact->email; $user->is_active = 1; $user->redirect_url = "bend"; $user->insert(); // assign to bend users group $group = $w->Auth->getUserForLogin("Bend Users"); if (empty($group)) { // create the group! $group = new User($w); $group->is_group = 1; $group->login = "******"; $group->insert(); } $gu = new GroupUser($w); $gu->group_id = $group->id; $gu->user_id = $user->id; $gu->role = "member"; $gu->insert(); $oc->user_id = $user->id; $oc->update(); } $w->msg("Occupant updated", "/bend-household/show/{$household->bend_lot_id}/{$householdid}"); }
function editlotowner_POST(Web $w) { list($lotId, $lotOwnerId) = $w->pathMatch("lotId", "lotOwnerId"); if (empty($lotId)) { $w->out("no lot id provide"); return; } $lot = $w->Bend->getLotForId($lotId); $lotOwner = new BendLotOwner($w); $user = new User($w); $contact = new Contact($w); if (!empty($lotOwnerId)) { $lotOwner = $w->Bend->getBendLotOwnerForId($lotOwnerId); } $lotOwner->fill($_POST); $lotOwner->bend_lot_id = $lotId; $lotOwner->insertOrUpdate(); if ($lotOwner->user_id) { $user = $lotOwner->getUser(); $contact = $user->getContact(); } $contact->fill($_POST); $contact->insertOrUpdate(); // create a new user if necessary if (empty($user->id)) { $user->contact_id = $contact->id; $user->login = $contact->email; $user->is_active = 1; $user->redirect_url = "bend"; $user->insert(); // assign to bend users group $group = $w->Auth->getUserForLogin("Bend Users"); if (empty($group)) { // create the group! $group = new User($w); $group->is_group = 1; $group->login = "******"; $group->insert(); } $gu = new GroupUser($w); $gu->group_id = $group->id; $gu->user_id = $user->id; $gu->role = "member"; $gu->insert(); $lotOwner->user_id = $user->id; $lotOwner->update(); } $w->msg("Lot Owner updated", "/bend-lot/showlot/{$lotId}"); }
public static function isUserInGroup($userId, $groupId) { if (GroupUser::find(array("groupId", $groupId, "userId", $userId))->first() != null) { return true; } return false; }
public function actionView($userId, $part = 'joins') { $user = User::get($userId); RAssert::not_null($user); $data = array('user' => $user, 'part' => $part); if (Rays::isLogin()) { $loginUser = Rays::user(); $friend = new Friend(); $friend->uid = Rays::user()->id; $friend->fid = $user->id; $data['canAdd'] = $loginUser->id != $user->id && !Friend::isFriend($loginUser->id, $userId); $data['canCancel'] = $loginUser->id != $user->id && !$data['canAdd']; } $page = $this->getPage("page"); $pageSize = $this->getPageSize("pageSize", 10); $count = 0; switch ($part) { case 'joins': $pageSize = $this->getPageSize("pageSize", 5); $data['userGroup'] = GroupUser::getGroups(GroupUser::find("userId", $userId)->join("group")->order_desc("groupId")->range(($page - 1) * $pageSize, $pageSize)); $count = User::countGroups($userId); break; case 'posts': $data['postTopics'] = Topic::find("userId", $userId)->join("group")->order_desc("id")->range(($page - 1) * $pageSize, $pageSize); $count = User::countPosts($userId); break; case 'likes': $data['likeTopics'] = RatingPlus::getUserPlusTopics($userId, ($page - 1) * $pageSize, $pageSize); $count = RatingPlus::countUserPostsPlus($userId); break; case 'profile': break; default: return; } if (Rays::isAjax()) { echo empty($data['userGroup']) ? 'nomore' : $this->renderPartial("_common._groups_list", ["groups" => $data['userGroup']], true); exit; } if ($part == "posts" || $part == "likes") { if ($count > $pageSize) { $pager = new RPager("page", $count, $pageSize, RHtml::siteUrl("user/view/" . $userId . "/" . $part), $page); $data['pager'] = $pager->showPager(); } } if ($part == "joins") { $this->addCss('/public/css/group.css'); $this->addJs('/public/js/masonry.pkgd.min.js'); } //$this->addJs("/public/js/jquery.dotdotdot.min.js"); $this->setHeaderTitle($user->name); $this->render('view', $data, false); // Need to be complete because the codes below will increase the counter every time this page is viewed $counter = new Counter(); $counter->increaseCounter($user->id, User::ENTITY_TYPE); }
function groupmember_POST(Web $w) { $p = $w->pathMatch("group_id"); $member_id = $w->request('member_id'); $group_id = $p['group_id']; $is_owner = $w->request('is_owner'); $exceptions = array(); // store all parent groups in session $groupUsers = $w->Auth->getUser($group_id)->isInGroups(); if ($groupUsers) { foreach ($groupUsers as $groupUser) { $groupUser->getParents(); } } // add member to the group only if it isn't already in there // this logic should move to the model! $existUser = $w->Auth->getUser($member_id)->isInGroups($group_id); if (!$existUser) { if (!$w->session('parents') || !in_array($member_id, $w->session('parents'))) { $groupMember = new GroupUser($w); $groupMember->group_id = $group_id; $groupMember->user_id = $member_id; $groupMember->role = $is_owner && $is_owner == 1 ? "owner" : "member"; $groupMember->insert(); } if ($w->session('parents') && in_array($member_id, $w->session('parents'))) { $exceptions[] = $w->Auth->getUser($member_id)->login; } } else { $user = $existUser[0]->getUser(); $exceptions[] = $user->is_group == 1 ? $user->login : $user->getContact()->getFullName(); } $w->sessionUnset('parents'); if (!empty($exceptions)) { $w->error(implode(", ", $exceptions) . " can not be added!", "/admin/moreInfo/" . $group_id); } else { $w->msg("New members are added!", "/admin/moreInfo/" . $group_id); } }
/** * Create the application document registry * * @param array $aData * @return string */ public function create($aData) { $oConnection = Propel::getConnection(GroupUserPeer::DATABASE_NAME); try { $oGroupUser = new GroupUser(); $oGroupUser->fromArray($aData, BasePeer::TYPE_FIELDNAME); if ($oGroupUser->validate()) { $oConnection->begin(); $iResult = $oGroupUser->save(); $oConnection->commit(); return $iResult; } else { $sMessage = ''; $aValidationFailures = $oGroupUser->getValidationFailures(); foreach ($aValidationFailures as $oValidationFailure) { $sMessage .= $oValidationFailure->getMessage() . '<br />'; } throw new Exception('The registry cannot be created!<br />' . $sMessage); } } catch (Exception $oError) { $oConnection->rollback(); throw $oError; } }
public function getFriendsToInvite($uid, $groupId, $start = 0, $limit = 0) { $groupUsers = GroupUser::find("groupId", $groupId)->all(); $result = Friend::find("uid", $uid)->join("user"); if ($groupUsers != null && !empty($groupUsers)) { $where = "[fid] not in("; $args = []; for ($count = count($groupUsers), $i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { $where .= "?" . ($i < $count - 1 ? "," : ""); $args[] = $groupUsers[$i]->userId; } unset($groupUsers); $where .= ")"; $result = $result->where($where, $args); } return $limit != 0 || $start != 0 ? $result->range($start, $limit) : $result->all(); }
public function actionEdit($topicId) { $topic = Topic::get($topicId); if (Rays::isPost()) { $validation = new RValidation(array(array("field" => "title", "label" => "Title", "rules" => "trim|required"), array("field" => "post-content", "label" => "Content", "rules" => "trim|required"))); $topic->title = $_POST['title']; $topic->content = RHtml::encode($_POST['post-content']); if ($validation->run()) { $topic->save(); $this->flash("message", "Post " . $topic->title . " was updated successfully."); $this->redirectAction('post', 'view', $topic->id); } else { $data['validation_errors'] = $validation->getErrors(); } } $group = Group::get($topic->groupId); $data = array("type" => "edit", "topic" => $topic, 'group' => $group, 'groupId' => $group->id); $data['groups'] = GroupUser::getGroups(GroupUser::find("userId", Rays::user()->id)->join("group")->order_desc("groupId")->all()); $this->layout = 'user'; $this->addCss('/public/css/post.css'); $this->setHeaderTitle("Edit post: " . $topic->title); $this->render('edit', $data, false); }
public function run() { $params = $this->getParams(); $groupId = $params[0]; if (!is_numeric($groupId)) { $this->getController()->page404(); return; } if (($group = Group::get($groupId)) !== null) { if (Rays::isPost()) { // remove members request if (isset($_POST['selected_members'])) { $ids = $_POST['selected_members']; if (is_array($ids)) { $flag = true; foreach ($ids as $id) { if (!is_numeric($id) || $id == $group->creator) { $flag = false; break; } } if ($flag) { GroupUser::removeUsers($groupId, $ids); } } } } $group->category = Category::get($group->categoryId); $members = Group::getMembers($group->id); $this->getController()->setHeaderTitle("Members in " . $group->name); $this->getController()->render('members', array('members' => $members, 'manager' => User::get($group->creator), 'group' => $group, 'memberCount' => count($members), 'topicCount' => Group::countTopics($groupId)), false); } else { $this->getController()->page404(); return; } }
/** * Validates all modified columns of given GroupUser object. * If parameter $columns is either a single column name or an array of column names * than only those columns are validated. * * NOTICE: This does not apply to primary or foreign keys for now. * * @param GroupUser $obj The object to validate. * @param mixed $cols Column name or array of column names. * * @return mixed TRUE if all columns are valid or the error message of the first invalid column. */ public static function doValidate(GroupUser $obj, $cols = null) { $columns = array(); if ($cols) { $dbMap = Propel::getDatabaseMap(GroupUserPeer::DATABASE_NAME); $tableMap = $dbMap->getTable(GroupUserPeer::TABLE_NAME); if (!is_array($cols)) { $cols = array($cols); } foreach ($cols as $colName) { if ($tableMap->containsColumn($colName)) { $get = 'get' . $tableMap->getColumn($colName)->getPhpName(); $columns[$colName] = $obj->{$get}(); } } } else { if ($obj->isNew() || $obj->isColumnModified(GroupUserPeer::GRP_UID)) { $columns[GroupUserPeer::GRP_UID] = $obj->getGrpUid(); } if ($obj->isNew() || $obj->isColumnModified(GroupUserPeer::USR_UID)) { $columns[GroupUserPeer::USR_UID] = $obj->getUsrUid(); } } return BasePeer::doValidate(GroupUserPeer::DATABASE_NAME, GroupUserPeer::TABLE_NAME, $columns); }
require_once 'classes/model/GroupUser.php'; G::LoadClass('configuration'); $co = new Configurations(); $config = $co->getConfiguration('groupList', 'pageSize', '', $_SESSION['USER_LOGGED']); $env = $co->getConfiguration('ENVIRONMENT_SETTINGS', ''); $limit_size = isset($config['pageSize']) ? $config['pageSize'] : 20; $start = isset($_REQUEST['start']) ? $_REQUEST['start'] : 0; $limit = isset($_REQUEST['limit']) ? $_REQUEST['limit'] : $limit_size; $filter = isset($_REQUEST['textFilter']) ? $_REQUEST['textFilter'] : ''; global $RBAC; if ($limit == $start) { $limit = $limit + $limit; } $tasks = new TaskUser(); $aTask = $tasks->getCountAllTaksByGroups(); $members = new GroupUser(); $aMembers = $members->getCountAllUsersByGroup(); require_once PATH_CONTROLLERS . 'adminProxy.php'; $uxList = adminProxy::getUxTypesList(); $groups = new Groupwf(); $data = $groups->getAllGroup($start, $limit, $filter); $result = $data['rows']; $totalRows = 0; $arrData = array(); foreach ($result as $results) { $totalRows++; $results['CON_VALUE'] = str_replace(array("<", ">"), array("<", ">"), $results['GRP_TITLE']); $results['GRP_TASKS'] = isset($aTask[$results['GRP_UID']]) ? $aTask[$results['GRP_UID']] : 0; $results['GRP_USERS'] = isset($aMembers[$results['GRP_UID']]) ? $aMembers[$results['GRP_UID']] : 0; $arrData[] = $results; }
/** * Edit group * * @param void * @return null */ function edit_group() { $this->setTemplate('add_group'); if (!can_manage_security(logged_user())) { flash_error(lang('no access permissions')); ajx_current("empty"); return; } // if $group = Groups::findById(get_id()); if (!$group instanceof Group) { flash_error(lang('group dnx')); $this->redirectTo('administration', 'groups'); } // if if (logged_user()->isAdministrator()) { $projects = Projects::getAll(); } else { $projects = null; } $permissions = ProjectUsers::getNameTextArray(); $group_data = array_var($_POST, 'group'); if (!is_array($group_data)) { $group_data = array('name' => $group->getName(), 'can_edit_company_data' => $group->getCanEditCompanyData(), 'can_manage_security' => $group->getCanManageSecurity(), 'can_manage_workspaces' => $group->getCanManageWorkspaces(), 'can_manage_configuration' => $group->getCanManageConfiguration(), 'can_manage_contacts' => $group->getCanManageContacts(), 'can_manage_templates' => $group->getCanManageTemplates(), 'can_manage_reports' => $group->getCanManageReports(), 'can_manage_time' => $group->getCanManageTime(), 'can_add_mail_accounts' => $group->getCanAddMailAccounts()); // array } // if $users = GroupUsers::getUsersByGroup($group->getId()); if ($users) { foreach ($users as $usr) { $group_data['user[' . $usr->getId() . ']'] = true; } } tpl_assign('group', $group); tpl_assign('group_data', $group_data); tpl_assign('permissions', $permissions); tpl_assign('projects', $projects); if (is_array(array_var($_POST, 'group'))) { $group->setFromAttributes($group_data); if (array_var($group_data, "can_edit_company_data") != 'checked') { $group->setCanEditCompanyData(false); } if (array_var($group_data, "can_manage_security") != 'checked') { $group->setCanManageSecurity(false); } if (array_var($group_data, "can_manage_configuration") != 'checked') { $group->setCanManageConfiguration(false); } if (array_var($group_data, "can_manage_workspaces") != 'checked') { $group->setCanManageWorkspaces(false); } if (array_var($group_data, "can_manage_contacts") != 'checked') { $group->setCanManageContacts(false); } if (array_var($group_data, "can_manage_templates") != 'checked') { $group->setCanManageTemplates(false); } if (array_var($group_data, "can_manage_reports") != 'checked') { $group->setCanManageReports(false); } if (array_var($group_data, "can_manage_time") != 'checked') { $group->setCanManageTime(false); } if (array_var($group_data, "can_add_mail_accounts") != 'checked') { $group->setCanAddMailAccounts(false); } try { DB::beginWork(); //set permissions $permissionsString = array_var($_POST, 'permissions'); if ($permissionsString && $permissionsString != '') { $permissions = json_decode($permissionsString); } if (is_array($permissions) && count($permissions) > 0) { //Clear old modified permissions $ids = array(); foreach ($permissions as $perm) { $ids[] = $perm->wsid; } ProjectUsers::clearByUser($group, implode(',', $ids)); //Add new permissions //TODO - Make batch update of these permissions foreach ($permissions as $perm) { if (ProjectUser::hasAnyPermissions($perm->pr, $perm->pc)) { $relation = new ProjectUser(); $relation->setProjectId($perm->wsid); $relation->setUserId($group->getId()); $relation->setCheckboxPermissions($perm->pc); $relation->setRadioPermissions($perm->pr); $relation->save(); } //endif //else if the user has no permissions at all, he is not a project_user. ProjectUser is not created } //end foreach } // if $group->save(); GroupUsers::clearByGroup($group); if (array_var($_POST, 'user')) { foreach (array_var($_POST, 'user') as $user_id => $val) { if ($val == 'checked' && is_numeric($user_id) && Users::findById($user_id) instanceof User) { $gu = new GroupUser(); $gu->setGroupId($group->getId()); $gu->setUserId($user_id); $gu->save(); } } } ApplicationLogs::createLog($group, null, ApplicationLogs::ACTION_EDIT); DB::commit(); flash_success(lang('success edit group', $group->getName())); ajx_current("back"); } catch (Exception $e) { DB::rollback(); tpl_assign('error', $e); } // try } // if }
} else { if ($filterby == "clubmates") { $orgbyuser = ClubUser::getClubsImIn($thestudent->id); $ids = array(); foreach ($orgbyuser as $item) { array_push($ids, $item->clubid); } $mates = ClubUser::getUsersInMultipleClubsSearch($ids, $_GET['input']); } else { if ($filterby == "groupmates") { $orgbyuser = GroupUser::getGroupsImIn($thestudent->id); $ids = array(); foreach ($orgbyuser as $item) { array_push($ids, $item->groupid); } $mates = GroupUser::getUsersInMultipleGroupsSearch($ids, $_GET['input']); } } } } } if (count($mates) > 0) { foreach ($mates as $mate) { $usermate = User::get_by_id($mate->userid); if (!$usermate) { continue; } if ($session->is_logged_in()) { if ($thestudent->id == $usermate->id || $session->user_id == $usermate->id) { continue; }
/** * Get the user groups * @param string $usrUID the user identifier * @return array of user groups */ public function getUserGroups($usrUID) { $gu = new GroupUser(); $rows = $gu->getAllUserGroups($usrUID); return $rows; }
$object = new Group(); $object->schoolid = $school->id; $object->name = $_POST['name']; $object->about = $_POST['about']; $object->fbcomments = $_POST['fbcomments']; $object->comments = $_POST['comments']; $file = new File($_FILES['logo']); if ($file->valid) { $object->logo = $file->data; } $file = new File($_FILES['cover']); if ($file->valid) { $object->cover = $file->data; } $object->create(); $groupuser = new GroupUser(); $groupuser->groupid = $object->id; $groupuser->userid = $session->user_id; $groupuser->level = 1; $groupuser->role = "admin"; $groupuser->enabled = 1; $groupuser->pending = 0; $groupuser->create(); $log = new Log($session->user_id, $clientip, "WEB", "CREATED GROUP: " . $object->id); $log->create(); $message = "success"; } else { $log = new Log($session->user_id, $clientip, "WEB", "CREATE GROUP NOT FILLED"); $log->create(); $message = "All fields are required."; }
public function fetchPostByID() { $user = Auth::user(); $input = Input::all(); // search for post by ID //$searchForPost = DB::table('posts')->where('id', $input['postid'])->get(); $post = Post::where('id', $input['postid'])->take(1)->get(); //$jsonOut = json_decode($searchForPost[0]->status); $post->status = $post[0]->filterStatus(); $post->image = ($post[0]->statustype = 'image') ? $post[0]->displayMediaApi() : ''; ////////// if ($post->image != '') { $doc = new DOMDocument(); $doc->loadHTML($post->image); $xpath = new DOMXPath($doc); $src = $xpath->evaluate("string(//img/@src)"); $post->image = $src; } ///////// //$post->mission_completed = true; //print_r(); // set display mission if ($post[0]->display_mission == 1) { $post->display_mission = true; } // get the groupid $groupid = GroupUser::where('user_id', '=', $user['id'])->pluck('group_id'); // get the taskid $taskid = $post[0]->task_id; // get the outcome id $group = Group::find($groupid); $outcomeid = Outcome::find($group->outcome)->id; // execute query $userTaskArray = DB::table('user_tasks')->where('outcome_id', $outcomeid)->where('user_id', $user['id'])->where('group_id', $groupid)->where('task_id', $taskid)->where('complete', 1)->get(); //print_r(count($userTaskArray)); if (count($userTaskArray) > 0) { $post->mission_completed = true; $post->general = false; } else { $post->mission_completed = false; $post->general = true; } return json_encode($post); }
echo ' </div>'; echo ' <div class="span12 thebox">'; echo ' <p class="ybname2">Adviser Message</p>'; echo ' <p class="advisermessage">'; echo ' ' . $section->advisermessage . ''; echo ' </p>'; echo ' </div>'; $sectionusers = SectionUser::getUsersInSection($section->id); foreach ($sectionusers as $sectionuser) { $counter++; $filename = $counter; if ($sectionuser->pending == 0 && $sectionuser->enabled == 1) { $user = User::get_by_id($sectionuser->userid); $achievements = Achievement::get($user->id, "user", $batch->id); $clubusers = ClubUser::getClubsImIn($user->id); $groupusers = GroupUser::getGroupsImIn($user->id); $comments = Comment::get_all_comments($user->id, "user"); if ($user->pending == 0 && $user->enabled == 1) { echo '<div class="span12"></div>'; echo ' <div class="span12 mygridbox">'; echo ' <div class="span4">'; file_put_contents($path . "images/" . $filename . "xx.jpg", base64_decode($user->picture)); echo ' <img class="img-polaroid img-circle yearbookimage ybimage" src="' . $path . 'images/' . $filename . 'xx.jpg" />'; //echo ' <img class="img-polaroid img-circle yearbookimage ybimage" src="data:image/jpeg;base64, '.$user->picture.'"/>'; echo ' </div>'; echo ' <div class="span8">'; echo ' <p class="ybname">' . $user->get_full_name() . '</p>'; echo ' <p class="ybmotto">'; echo ' ' . $user->moto . ''; echo ' </p>'; echo ' <p class="ybmotto">';
public function actionExit($groupId = null) { $groupUser = GroupUser::find(array("groupId", $groupId, "userId", Rays::user()->id))->first(); $group = Group::get($groupId); if ($group == null) { $this->flash("error", "You are not the member of the group!"); } else { if ($group->creator == $groupUser->userId) { // group creator cannot exit the group $this->flash("error", "You cannot exit group " . RHtml::linkAction('group', $group->name, 'detail', $group->id) . " , because you're the group creator!"); } else { $groupUser->delete(); $group->memberCount--; $group->save(); $this->flash("message", "You have exited the group successfully."); } } $this->redirectAction('group', 'mygroups', Rays::user()->id); }
function setAsAdministrator($setAsAdmin = true) { if (!logged_user() instanceof User || can_manage_security(logged_user())) { if ($setAsAdmin && !$this->isAdministrator()) { $group_user = new GroupUser(); $group_user->setUserId($this->getId()); $group_user->setGroupId(Group::CONST_ADMIN_GROUP_ID); $group_user->save(); } if (!$setAsAdmin && $this->getId() != 1 && $this->isAdministrator()) { GroupUsers::delete('user_id = ' . $this->getId() . ' and group_id = ' . Group::CONST_ADMIN_GROUP_ID); } } }
/** * New feature - User Experience Redirector * * @author Erik Amaru Ortiz <*****@*****.**> */ public function _getUXLocation() { require_once 'classes/model/Users.php'; $u = UsersPeer::retrieveByPK($this->usrID); $url = ''; $uxType = $u->getUsrUx(); $_SESSION['user_experience'] = 'NORMAL'; // find a group setting if ($uxType == '' || $uxType == 'NORMAL') { require_once 'classes/model/GroupUser.php'; $gu = new GroupUser(); $ugList = $gu->getAllUserGroups($this->usrID); foreach ($ugList as $row) { if ($row['GRP_UX'] != 'NORMAL' && $row['GRP_UX'] != '') { $uxType = $row['GRP_UX']; break; } } } switch ($uxType) { case 'SIMPLIFIED': case 'SWITCHABLE': case 'SINGLE': $_SESSION['user_experience'] = $uxType; $_SESSION['user_last_skin'] = SYS_SKIN; $url = '/sys' . SYS_SYS . '/' . $this->lang . '/uxs/' . 'home'; break; } return $url; }
if (isset($_GET['clubid'])) { $club = Club::get_by_id($_GET['clubid']); $theuser = ClubUser::getUser($object->id, $club->id); if ($theuser) { if ($theuser->pending == 1) { $html .= ' <td><button class="btn-small button-flat-primary disabled">Already Pending</button></td>'; } else { $html .= '<td><button class="btn-small button-flat-action disabled">Member</button></td>'; } } else { $html .= '<td><button class="btn-small button-flat-primary btninvite">Invite<span hidden>' . $object->id . '</span></button></td>'; } } else { if (isset($_GET['groupid'])) { $group = Group::get_by_id($_GET['groupid']); $theuser = GroupUser::getUser($object->id, $group->id); if ($theuser) { if ($theuser->pending == 1) { $html .= ' <td><button class="btn-small button-flat-primary disabled">Already Pending</button></td>'; } else { $html .= '<td><button class="btn-small button-flat-action disabled">Member</button></td>'; } } else { $html .= '<td><button class="btn-small button-flat-primary btninvite">Invite<span hidden>' . $object->id . '</span></button></td>'; } } } } } } $html .= '</tr>';
require_once "../../includes/initialize.php"; $what = $_POST['what']; $ids = $_POST['ids']; $response = "error"; global $session; if (!$session->is_logged_in()) { die("not logged in"); } if ($what == "user") { foreach ($ids as $id) { SchoolUser::delete_all_by_userid($id); BatchUser::delete_all_by_userid($id); SectionUser::delete_all_by_userid($id); ClubUser::delete_all_by_userid($id); GroupUser::delete_all_by_userid($id); User::get_by_id($id)->delete(); } $log = new Log($session->user_id, $clientip, "WEB", "DELETED MULTIPLE USERS"); $log->create(); $response = "success"; } else { if ($what == "school") { foreach ($ids as $id) { $school = School::get_by_id($id); $folder_path = "../../public/schools/" . $school->id; if (file_exists($folder_path) && $folder_path != "../../public/schools/") { rrmdir($folder_path); } //===================SECTION=============================// SectionUser::delete_all_by_schoolid($school->id);
<a href="javascript:void(0);" title="Members of this group"> <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-user"></span> <?php echo $group->memberCount; ?> </a> </div> <div class="action action-like"> <?php $self->module('rating_plus', array('id' => 'rating_plus', 'entityType' => Group::ENTITY_TYPE, 'entityId' => $group->id)); ?> </div> <?php if (Rays::isLogin()) { if (!GroupUser::isUserInGroup(Rays::user()->id, $group->id)) { ?> <div class="action action-right"> <?php $url = RHtml::siteUrl('group/join'); ?> <a href="javascript: joinGroup('<?php echo $url; ?> ','<?php echo $group->id; ?> ')" title="Join the group"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-plus"></span></a> </div> <?php }
$object->pending = 0; $object->update(); $notification->title = "message"; $notification->itemid = $itemid; $notification->itemtype = "sectionuser"; } else { if ($itemtype == "clubuser") { $object = ClubUser::get_by_id($itemid); $object->pending = 0; $object->update(); $notification->title = "message"; $notification->itemid = $itemid; $notification->itemtype = "clubuser"; } else { if ($itemtype == "groupuser") { $object = GroupUser::get_by_id($itemid); $object->pending = 0; $object->update(); $notification->title = "message"; $notification->itemid = $itemid; $notification->itemtype = "groupuser"; } } } } } } $notification->fromuserid = $session->user_id; $notification->touserid = $touserid; $notification->create(); $lastnotification = Notification::get_by_id($notificationid);
function removeUserOfGroup($GrpUid, $UsrUid) { $gu = new GroupUser(); $gu->remove($GrpUid, $UsrUid); }
} else { if ($notification->itemtype == "sectionuser") { $object = SectionUser::get_by_id($notification->itemid); $section = Section::get_by_id($object->sectionid); $batch = Batch::get_by_id($object->batchid); $school = School::get_by_id($object->schoolid); $html .= "Now a member in Section <a href='section.php?id=" . $section->id . "'>" . $section->name . "</a> of Batch <a href='batch.php?id=" . $batch->id . "'>" . $batch->get_batchyear() . "</a> of School <a href='school.php?id=" . $school->id . "'>" . $school->name . "</a>"; } else { if ($notification->itemtype == "clubuser") { $object = ClubUser::get_by_id($notification->itemid); $club = Club::get_by_id($object->clubid); $school = School::get_by_id($object->schoolid); $html .= "Now a member in Club <a href='club.php?id=" . $club->id . "'>" . $club->name . "</a> of School <a href='school.php?id=" . $school->id . "'>" . $school->name . "</a>"; } else { if ($notification->itemtype == "groupuser") { $object = GroupUser::get_by_id($notification->itemid); $group = Group::get_by_id($object->groupid); $school = School::get_by_id($object->schoolid); $html .= "Now a member in Group <a href='group.php?id=" . $group->id . "'>" . $group->name . "</a> of School <a href='school.php?id=" . $school->id . "'>" . $school->name . "</a>"; } } } } } } $html .= "\t\t<button class='btn btn-mini btndelete pull-right'>x<span hidden class='notificationid'>" . $notification->id . "</span></button>"; } $html .= "\t\t<p>" . $notification->date . "</p>"; $html .= "\t\t</div>"; $html .= " </td>"; $html .= "</tr>";
$notification->title = "Invites you"; $notification->create(); $response = "success"; } else { $theuser = ClubUser::getUser($user->id, $_GET['clubid']); if ($theuser->pending == 0) { $response = "This user is already a member."; } else { $response = "This user is already pending."; } } } else { if (isset($_GET['groupid'])) { if (!GroupUser::userExists($user->id, $_GET['groupid'])) { $group = Group::get_by_id($_GET['groupid']); $object = new GroupUser(); $object->userid = $user->id; $object->groupid = $group->id; $object->level = 0; $object->role = "student"; $object->enabled = 1; $object->pending = 1; $object->create(); $notification = new Notification(); $notification->fromuserid = $session->user_id; $notification->touserid = $user->id; $notification->itemid = $object->id; $notification->itemtype = "groupuser"; $notification->title = "Invites you"; $notification->create(); $response = "success";
<?php require_once "../initialize.php"; $id = $_GET['id']; $object = Group::get_by_id($id); GroupUser::delete_all_by_sectionid($object->id); $object->delete(); $log = new Log($session->user_id, $clientip, "WEB", "DELETED CLUB: " . $object->id); $log->create(); echo "success";
/** * Generate Data * * @return object criteria */ public function generateData($appUid, $delPreviusUsrUid) { try { G::LoadClass("case"); //Generate data $case = new Cases(); $criteria = new Criteria("workflow"); $criteria->addSelectColumn(AppDelegationPeer::APP_UID); $criteria->addSelectColumn(AppDelegationPeer::DEL_INDEX); $criteria->addSelectColumn(ApplicationPeer::APP_DATA); $criteria->addSelectColumn(AppDelegationPeer::PRO_UID); $criteria->addSelectColumn(AppDelegationPeer::DEL_TASK_DUE_DATE); $criteria->addSelectColumn(TaskPeer::TAS_UID); $criteria->addSelectColumn(TaskPeer::TAS_GROUP_VARIABLE); $criteria->addJoin(AppDelegationPeer::APP_UID, ApplicationPeer::APP_UID, Criteria::LEFT_JOIN); $criteria->addJoin(AppDelegationPeer::TAS_UID, TaskPeer::TAS_UID, Criteria::LEFT_JOIN); $criteria->add(TaskPeer::TAS_ASSIGN_TYPE, "SELF_SERVICE", Criteria::EQUAL); //$criteria->add(TaskPeer::TAS_GROUP_VARIABLE, "", Criteria::NOT_EQUAL); $criteria->add(AppDelegationPeer::USR_UID, "", Criteria::EQUAL); $criteria->add(AppDelegationPeer::DEL_THREAD_STATUS, "OPEN", Criteria::EQUAL); $criteria->add(AppDelegationPeer::APP_UID, $appUid, Criteria::EQUAL); $rsCriteria = AppDelegationPeer::doSelectRS($criteria); $rsCriteria->setFetchmode(ResultSet::FETCHMODE_ASSOC); while ($rsCriteria->next()) { $row = $rsCriteria->getRow(); $applicationData = $case->unserializeData($row["APP_DATA"]); $taskGroupVariable = trim($row["TAS_GROUP_VARIABLE"], " @#"); $delPreviusUsrUid = ''; $unaUid = $this->newRow($row, $delPreviusUsrUid); //Selfservice by group if ($taskGroupVariable != "" && isset($applicationData[$taskGroupVariable]) && trim($applicationData[$taskGroupVariable]) != "") { $gprUid = trim($applicationData[$taskGroupVariable]); //Define Users by Group $gpr = new GroupUser(); $arrayUsers = $gpr->getAllGroupUser($gprUid); foreach ($arrayUsers as $urow) { $newRow["USR_UID"] = $urow["USR_UID"]; $listUnassignedGpr = new ListUnassignedGroup(); $listUnassignedGpr->newRow($unaUid, $urow["USR_UID"], "GROUP", $gprUid); } } else { //Define all users assigned to Task $task = new TaskUser(); $arrayUsers = $task->getAllUsersTask($row["TAS_UID"]); foreach ($arrayUsers as $urow) { $newRow["USR_UID"] = $urow["USR_UID"]; $listUnassignedGpr = new ListUnassignedGroup(); $listUnassignedGpr->newRow($unaUid, $urow["USR_UID"], "USER", ""); } } } } catch (Exception $e) { throw $e; } }