コード例 #1
ファイル: block_groups.php プロジェクト: nbourguig/concrete5
	    	  oRow.id = null;
	    	  oRow.style.display = "none";

	$(function() {
<? global $c;?>
<div class="ccm-ui">
<form method="post" name="ccmBlockPermissionForm" id="ccmBlockPermissionForm" action="<?php 
echo $gl->getGroupUpdateAction($b);
	<div class="block-message alert-message notice">
	<? if (!$b->overrideAreaPermissions()) { ?>
echo t('Permissions for this block are currently dependent on the area containing this block. If you override those permissions here, they will not match those of the area.');
	<? } else { ?>
echo t("Permissions for this block currently override those of the parent area. To revert to the area's permissions, click the button below.");
	<? } ?>	
コード例 #2
ファイル: block_groups.php プロジェクト: rii-J/concrete5-de
    	       		oRowInputs[i].checked = false;
	    	  oRow.id = null;
	    	  oRow.style.display = "none";

	$(function() {
<?php  global $c;?>
<h1><?php echo t('Block Permissions')?></h1>
<form method="post" name="ccmBlockPermissionForm" id="ccmBlockPermissionForm" action="<?php echo $gl->getGroupUpdateAction($b)?>&rcID=<?php echo intval($rcID)?>">
	<span class="ccm-important">
	<?php  if (!$b->overrideAreaPermissions()) { ?>
		<?php echo t('Permissions for this block are currently dependent on the area containing this block. If you override those permissions here, they will not match those of the area.')?><br/><br/>
	<?php  } else { ?>
		<?php echo t("Permissions for this block currently override those of the parent area. To revert to the area's permissions, click the button below.")?><br/><br/>
	<?php  } ?>	
		<div class="ccm-buttons" style="margin-bottom: 10px"> 
		<?php   if ($b->overrideAreaPermissions()) { ?>
			<a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="revertToPagePermissions()" class="ccm-button-left cancel"><span><?php  echo t('Revert to Area Permissions')?></span></a>
		<?php   } ?>
		<a href="<?php echo REL_DIR_FILES_TOOLS_REQUIRED?>/user_group_selector.php?cID=<?php echo $_REQUEST['cID']?>" dialog-width="90%" dialog-title="<?php echo t('Add User/Group')?>"  dialog-height="70%" dialog-modal="false" class="dialog-launch ccm-button-right"><span><em class="ccm-button-add"><?php echo t('Add User/Group')?></em></span></a>

		<div class="ccm-spacer">&nbsp;</div>