コード例 #1
 function OnLoadPageData()
     # get item to be deleted
     if (!is_object($this->data_object)) {
         $id = $this->manager->GetItemId($this->data_object);
         $this->data_object = $this->manager->GetFirst();
     # tidy up
コード例 #2
 function OnLoadPageData()
     # check parameter
     if (!isset($_GET['item']) or !is_numeric($_GET['item'])) {
     # new data managers
     $ground_manager = new GroundManager($this->GetSettings(), $this->GetDataConnection());
     # get ground
     $this->ground = $ground_manager->GetFirst();
     # must have found a ground
     if (!$this->ground instanceof Ground) {
     # Get teams based at the ground
     require_once "stoolball/team-manager.class.php";
     $team_manager = new TeamManager($this->GetSettings(), $this->GetDataConnection());
     $team_manager->FilterByTeamType(array(Team::CLOSED_GROUP, Team::OCCASIONAL, Team::REGULAR, Team::REPRESENTATIVE, Team::SCHOOL_YEARS, Team::SCHOOL_CLUB, Team::SCHOOL_OTHER));
     # Update search engine
     if ($this->ground->GetSearchUpdateRequired()) {
         require_once "search/ground-search-adapter.class.php";
         $this->SearchIndexer()->DeleteFromIndexById("ground" . $this->ground->GetId());
         $adapter = new GroundSearchAdapter($this->ground);
     # Read statistics highlights for the ground
     require_once 'stoolball/statistics/statistics-manager.class.php';
     $statistics_manager = new StatisticsManager($this->GetSettings(), $this->GetDataConnection());
     $this->best_batting = $statistics_manager->ReadBestBattingPerformance();
     $this->best_bowling = $statistics_manager->ReadBestBowlingPerformance();
     $this->most_runs = $statistics_manager->ReadBestPlayerAggregate("runs_scored");
     $this->most_wickets = $statistics_manager->ReadBestPlayerAggregate("wickets");
     $this->most_catches = $statistics_manager->ReadBestPlayerAggregate("catches");
     # See what stats we've got available
     $best_batting_count = count($this->best_batting);
     $best_bowling_count = count($this->best_bowling);
     $best_batters = count($this->most_runs);
     $best_bowlers = count($this->most_wickets);
     $best_catchers = count($this->most_catches);
     $this->has_player_stats = ($best_batting_count or $best_batters or $best_bowling_count or $best_bowlers or $best_catchers);
     if (!$this->has_player_stats) {
         $player_of_match = $statistics_manager->ReadBestPlayerAggregate("player_of_match");
         $this->has_player_stats = (bool) count($player_of_match);
コード例 #3
 function OnLoadPageData()
     /* @var Ground $ground */
     # check parameter
     if (!isset($_GET['item']) or !is_numeric($_GET['item'])) {
     # get ground
     $ground_manager = new GroundManager($this->GetSettings(), $this->GetDataConnection());
     $this->ground = $ground_manager->GetFirst();
     # must have found a ground
     if (!$this->ground instanceof Ground) {
     # Get some stats on the best players
     require_once 'stoolball/statistics/statistics-manager.class.php';
     $statistics_manager = new StatisticsManager($this->GetSettings(), $this->GetDataConnection());
     $this->seasons_with_statistics = $statistics_manager->ReadSeasonsWithPlayerStatistics();
     $this->statistics["querystring"] = "?ground=" . $this->ground->GetId();
     if ($this->season) {
         # use midpoint of season to get season dates for filter
         $start_year = substr($this->season, 0, 4);
         $end_year = strlen($this->season) == 7 ? $start_year + 1 : $start_year;
         if ($start_year == $end_year) {
             $season_dates = Season::SeasonDates(mktime(0, 0, 0, 7, 1, $start_year));
         } else {
             $season_dates = Season::SeasonDates(mktime(0, 0, 0, 12, 31, $start_year));
         $this->statistics["querystring"] .= "&from=" . $season_dates[0] . "&to=" . $season_dates[1];
     require_once "_summary-data-query.php";
コード例 #4
 public function OnPostback()
     # If there's no id, ensure no match object is created. Page will then display a "match not found" message.
     # There's a separate page for adding matches, even for admins.
     if (!$this->editor->GetDataObjectId()) {
     # Get the submitted match
     $this->match = $this->editor->GetDataObject();
     $check_match = $this->match;
     # Because this is a new request, if the user isn't admin we need to reverify whether this is the match owner
     # before letting anything happen. Can't trust that info from a postback so MUST go to the database to check it.
     if (!$this->b_user_is_match_admin) {
         $check_match = $this->match_manager->GetFirst();
         $this->b_user_is_match_owner = ($check_match instanceof Match and AuthenticationManager::GetUser()->GetId() == $check_match->GetAddedBy()->GetId());
         if ($this->b_user_is_match_owner) {
             # Set the owner of the match. This means the edit control knows who the owner is and therefore
             # whether to display the fixture editor on an invalid postback
         } else {
             # If user is neither admin nor owner, they won't have the team info. Get it from the $check_match so
             # that the match title can be updated correctly with a changed result.
     # Don't wan't to edit tournaments on this page, so even as admin make sure we're not trying to save one.
     # If user's not admin, can't change the match type, so find out what that is from the db too. For admin,
     # $check_match is the submitted one as the match type might've been changed.
     $this->b_is_tournament = $check_match->GetMatchType() == MatchType::TOURNAMENT;
     # Check whether cancel was clicked
     if ($this->editor->CancelClicked()) {
         # If so, get the match's short URL and redirect
     # save data if valid
     if ($this->IsValid() and !$this->b_is_tournament) {
         # Check whether the user has permission to update the fixture as well as the result
         if ($this->b_user_is_match_admin or $this->b_user_is_match_owner) {
             # Get the ground name from the database. This is used when compiling an email about the updated match result.
             if ($this->match->GetGround() instanceof Ground and $this->match->GetGround()->GetId() and !$this->match->GetGround()->GetName()) {
                 require_once 'stoolball/ground-manager.class.php';
                 $ground_manager = new GroundManager($this->GetSettings(), $this->GetDataConnection());
                 if ($ground_manager->GetCount()) {
             if ($this->b_user_is_match_admin) {
                 $this->match_manager->SaveSeasons($this->match, false);
             # because edit URL may have changed
         # Save the result
         # If match didn't happen or the teams aren't known yet, save and finish, otherwise go to next page
         $result = $this->match->Result()->GetResultType();
         if ($result == MatchResult::HOME_WIN_BY_FORFEIT or $result == MatchResult::AWAY_WIN_BY_FORFEIT or $result == MatchResult::CANCELLED or $result == MatchResult::POSTPONED or $check_match->GetStartTime() > gmdate('U') or $this->b_user_is_match_admin and (!$this->match->GetHomeTeamId() or !$this->match->GetAwayTeamId())) {
             # Match may have been updated so, first, send an email
         } else {