コード例 #1
// If this was not a post back show the delete user form
if (!isset($_POST['submit'])) {
    $user = GraphServiceAccessHelper::getEntry('users', $_GET['id']);
    echo '<H1>Do you really want to delete this user?<H1>';
    echo '<form method="post" action="' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?id=' . $_GET['id'] . '">';
    echo '<table>';
    echo '<tr><td><b>Display Name:</b></td><td><input type="text" disabled size="20" maxlength="100" name="dname" value="' . $user->{'displayName'} . '"></td></tr>';
    echo '<tr><td><b>Mail Alias:</b></td><td><input type="text" disabled size="20" maxlength="15" name="alias" value="' . $user->{'mailNickname'} . '"></td></tr>';
    echo '<input name="id" type="hidden" value=' . $_GET['id'] . '>';
    echo '<tr><td><input type="submit" value="Delete" name="submit"></td></tr>';
    echo '</table>';
    echo '</form>';
} else {
    // Delete the user and display a message
    $user = GraphServiceAccessHelper::deleteEntry('users', $_POST['id']);
    //Check to see if we got back an error.
    if (!empty($user->{'odata.error'})) {
        $message = $user->{'odata.error'}->{'message'};
        echo '<p>User deletion failed. Service returned error:<b>' . $message->{'value'} . '</b> Please go back to <a href="DeleteUser.php' . '?id=' . $_POST['id'] . '">Delete User</a></p>';
    } else {
        echo '<p>';
        echo '<b>Deleted the User with the following Key:</b>' . $_POST['id'];
        echo '<br/><br/><br/>';
        echo 'You can go back to <a href="DisplayUsers.php">Manage Users</a> to continue managing User information.';
        echo '</p>';
コード例 #2
// If this was not a post back show the delete group form
if (!isset($_POST['submit'])) {
    $group = GraphServiceAccessHelper::getEntry('groups', $_GET['id']);
    echo '<H1>Do you really want to delete this group?<H1>';
    echo '<form method="post" action="' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?id=' . $_GET['id'] . '">';
    echo '<table>';
    echo '<tr><td><b>Display Name:</b></td><td><input type="text" disabled size="20" maxlength="100" name="dname" value="' . $group->{'displayName'} . '"></td></tr>';
    echo '<tr><td><b>Group:</b></td><td><input type="text" disabled size="20" maxlength="15" name="alias" value="' . $group->{'description'} . '"></td></tr>';
    echo '<input name="id" type="hidden" value=' . $_GET['id'] . '>';
    echo '<tr><td><input type="submit" value="Delete" name="submit"></td></tr>';
    echo '</table>';
    echo '</form>';
} else {
    // Delete the group and display a message
    $group = GraphServiceAccessHelper::deleteEntry('groups', $_POST['id']);
    //Check to see if we got back an error.
    if (!empty($group->{'odata.error'})) {
        $message = $group->{'odata.error'}->{'message'};
        echo '<p>Group deletion failed. Service returned error:<b>' . $message->{'value'} . '</b> Please go back to <a href="DeleteGroup.php' . '?id=' . $_POST['id'] . '">Delete Group</a></p>';
    } else {
        echo '<p>';
        echo '<b>Deleted the Group with the following Key:</b>' . $_POST['id'];
        echo '<br/><br/><br/>';
        echo 'You can go back to <a href="DisplayGroups.php">Manage Groups</a> to continue managing Group information.';
        echo '</p>';