コード例 #1
    echo 'Generated Google Category Sitemap Successfully' . "\n\n";
} else {
    $submit = false;
    echo 'ERROR: Google Category Sitemap Generation FAILED!' . "\n\n";

if ($oGoogle->GenerateSitemapIndex()){
    echo 'Generated Google Sitemap Index Successfully' . "\n\n";
} else {
    $submit = false;
    echo 'ERROR: Google Sitemap Index Generation FAILED!' . "\n\n";

if ($submit){
    echo 'CONGRATULATIONS! All files generated successfully.' . "\n\n";
    echo 'If you have not already submitted the sitemap index to Google click the link below.' . "\n";
    echo 'Before you do I HIGHLY recommend that you view the XML files to make sure the data is correct.' . "\n\n";
    echo $oGoogle->GenerateSubmitURL() . "\n\n";

    echo 'Here is your sitemap index: ' .$oGoogle->base_url . 'sitemapindex.xml' . "\n";
    echo 'Here is your product sitemap: ' . $oGoogle->base_url . 'sitemapproducts.xml' . "\n";
    echo 'Here is your category sitemap: ' . $oGoogle->base_url . 'sitemapcategories.xml' . "\n";
} else {

echo '</pre>';

require_once MYOOS_INCLUDE_PATH . '/includes/oos_nice_exit.php';