コード例 #1
// GoogleAPI object
// Load stats for script not included in $CONFIG['FM_SCHED_SCRIPTS_2_SUM']
$qval = array(0, FM_SCHED_TYPE);
$stmt = "SELECT SessionId, DATE_FORMAT(StartDate,'%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%S') as stDate,DATE_FORMAT(EndDate,'%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%S') as enDate, " . "TIMESTAMPDIFF(SECOND,StartDate,EndDate) as ExecTime, FmClient as SchedName " . "FROM FmClientSession " . "WHERE  Processed=? and SessionType=? ";
if (array_key_exists('FM_SCHED_SCRIPTS_2_SUM', $CONFIG) && count($CONFIG['FM_SCHED_SCRIPTS_2_SUM'])) {
    $stmt .= " AND FmClient NOT IN (?" . str_repeat(",?", count($CONFIG['FM_SCHED_SCRIPTS_2_SUM']) - 1) . ") ";
    $qval = array_merge($qval, $CONFIG['FM_SCHED_SCRIPTS_2_SUM']);
$stmt .= "ORDER BY SessionId";
$sth = $DB->dbh->prepare($stmt);
if ($sth->errorInfo()[1]) {
    printLogAndDie("DB error: " . $sth->errorInfo()[2]);
while ($rec = $sth->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
    $res = $googleAPI->add_event(array('start' => $rec['stDate'], 'end' => $rec['enDate'], 'msg' => $rec['SchedName'] . ". Exec time: " . formatSec($rec["ExecTime"])));
    if ($res) {
        $LOG->message("Event for session " . $rec['SessionId'] . " created. EventId: " . $res);
        // Mark session as processed
    } else {
        printLogAndDie("Error creating event for session " . $rec['SessionId']);
if (array_key_exists('FM_SCHED_SCRIPTS_2_SUM', $CONFIG) && count($CONFIG['FM_SCHED_SCRIPTS_2_SUM'])) {
    // Load stat for scripts in $CONFIG['FM_SCHED_SCRIPTS_2_SUM']
    $curStartDate = $curEndDate = $curDescr = '';
    $curExecTime = $curExecCount = 0;
    $qval = array_merge(array(0, FM_SCHED_TYPE), $CONFIG['FM_SCHED_SCRIPTS_2_SUM']);
    $stmt = "SELECT FmClient as SchedName, SUM(TIMESTAMPDIFF(SECOND,StartDate,EndDate)) as ExecTime, COUNT(SessionId) as ExecCount, " . "CONCAT(DATE_FORMAT(StartDate,'%Y-%m-%d %H:'), DATE_FORMAT(StartDate,'%i') - DATE_FORMAT(StartDate,'%i') MOD 30,':00') as stDate, " . "CONCAT(DATE_FORMAT(date_add(StartDate, INTERVAL 30 minute),'%Y-%m-%d %H:'), DATE_FORMAT(date_add(StartDate, INTERVAL 30 minute),'%i') - DATE_FORMAT(date_add(StartDate, INTERVAL 30 minute),'%i') MOD 30,':00') as enDate " . "FROM FmClientSession " . "WHERE Processed=? AND SessionType=? AND FmClient IN (?" . str_repeat(",?", count($CONFIG['FM_SCHED_SCRIPTS_2_SUM']) - 1) . ") " . "GROUP BY FmClient, stDate order by stDate";
    $sth = $DB->dbh->prepare($stmt);
コード例 #2
 if (!$startDate) {
     // First run
     $st = date_parse("{$rdate} {$rtime}");
     $startDate = $st['year'] . '-' . $st['month'] . '-' . $st['day'] . ' ' . $st['hour'] . ':' . ($st['minute'] > $PERIOD_MIN ? '30:00' : '00:00');
     $endDate = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime($startDate . ' + ' . $PERIOD_MIN . ' minute'));
 if ($endDate <= "{$rdate} {$rtime}") {
     // New date - save data and collect new max value
     if ($max_clients_connected) {
         // Save max value in DB and calendar
         $sth = $DB->dbh->prepare("INSERT INTO FmClientStats SET StartDate=?, EndDate=?, MaxClients=?");
         $sth->execute(array($startDate, $endDate, $max_clients_connected));
         if ($sth->errorInfo()[1]) {
             printLogAndDie("DB error: " . $sth->errorInfo()[2]);
         $res = $googleAPI->add_event(array('start' => $startDate, 'end' => $endDate, 'msg' => "Clients: {$max_clients_connected}", 'colorId' => $CONFIG['FM_SUM_CLIENTS_COLOR']));
         $LOG->message("Max number of clients {$startDate} - {$endDate} is {$max_clients_connected}. Saved in event Id {$res}");
     $max_clients_connected = 0;
     $startDate = $endDate;
     $endDate = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime($startDate . ' + ' . $PERIOD_MIN . ' minute'));
 if ($reportEndDate < "{$rdate} {$rtime}") {
     // Exit here, do not process further records
 if ($startDate > "{$rdate} {$rtime}") {
     // Check date/time of the record
     // we already have these values in DB - go to next line(record)