コード例 #1
  * This is the tie-into the GetPostsForm object: it returns (not prints) a form
  * OR it handles form submissions and returns results.
  * @param array $args        (optional) defines which controls should be displayed
  * @param string $content_tpl (optional) passed to the get_posts() function, this defines how each result will be formatted.
  * @return string HTML form, or HTML results if the form was property submitted.
 public static function search($args = array(), $content_tpl = null)
     $Form = new GetPostsForm($args);
     $nonce = self::get_from_array($_POST, $Form->nonce_name);
     // Draw the search form
     if (empty($_POST)) {
         return $Form->generate();
     } elseif (wp_verify_nonce($nonce, $Form->nonce_action)) {
         $search_args = array();
         foreach ($_POST as $k => $v) {
             // Strip the prefix
             $new_key = preg_replace('/^' . $Form->name_prefix . '/', '', $k);
             $search_args[$new_key] = $v;
         $results = self::get_posts($search_args);
         if (empty($results)) {
             print $Form->get_no_results_msg();
         } else {
             print $results;
     } else {
         return "Invalid Submission.";